if I the Omaha daily bee t amASu-t-itce-t-e AV vn i tin Ui at wa? ATKJk. j 5 VICTOR SOUKWATKa. KDtTOa BKK BCIUJLNG. yAiLXAM AMP lTTH- J Deny Bee (withes Sunder), eat rear. 3 Dally Hee sad etsadar. eat yeer...evei t ixrvsjiEi ar c naira. i eene iwtui saaeuyv sermawiit 1 Du Baa (Usdudiag Sunday). Address ail complaints er tmcuiarlU WMi? ts City Circulation Dept. 5 RKjiVrrANCEa. X Remit by draft, esprees or eoetal erees. l uaiy j-oam sumps rw" t ef omen Omaha Tin Bee Building. ' oi ik Omaha-sTll N W. Council mutt S soott St. , Unous-St Little Bullous- Ouoaso lie! alaiuueue BuUelaB. : If nss s Cuy Jteiiaeee Building. . New York-) West TlUrty-Uurd. Weaningtea IK nmi QUI - . w. CoRKtSKrNDKNCK. CommuUcauous relating te news sad sdltonal matter etwal be addressed Omaha Bee. fcdttorial Department. AMUl, CIRCULATION. 50,109 Stste of Nebraska, County at Deogles, Dwigbt Wullsms, eu-ouiatloa lasiiasir at TM i3e fubileUng eoauaar. being duly ewcra. says tUt Ua svsrsgs sally cireuistion, tor the meal ( April, ml, hft DW10HT WILLIAMS. CiMulattoa afeoaser. Bubecr.bed la mf preeeofe end swore la batons at uus ma r flow for lst-up en 1st voting till aext November. Ralph's abdications Boat b Ilk til Ira-term renaadatlona. Oaaha la (olnf ttralght ahaaj en (b pata of procraw )aat tba aaca, Docla Ban aad tka railroad ma agara differ aoaawbat aa to wheat prospects The people of erar city, Bfuallr (t the kind of gorerasaeat the sa Jorttjr tuti. "The gaax wardi did IL" the Ta isl Piaklet scretBt. There were l(bt (anf wards, then. S- i It stems seBietlmes pretty bare to ' dlstlagalsh Wtweea the "lower f, ward and the "aiper wards. ' . ' Chauheer Depew airs he eipeeta te f. Jle to be its,. He will be jost a kid beside WB Tlni-fam at 100. If we do sot hurry with the Money - trast tafsetlfstloa the old raaoal ajay alls the cols Is to the ether pocket. fublldty for all pibUe hatlBen weald be a food watchword for our new eonmissloa plaa of girrernmeot officials. It is to be hoped there Is ae a pleasant alf alfieanoe la the eltcUoa of a Judge Lynch la a certain teats era state. Woodrow Wilton's south. era bUt itr did aot get hits maeh la Georgia against Underwood, who tires down south, tea. t A Boetoa doctor says soap should be alt rears old before It la used. Some folks eteat to have Uken nim at his word. , ., .: , Aayoae can tell Anterieans are a powerfully rich people from the fact that tksr eat Itt.tso.Mt'peakdr 0f kattar a yur. : ;v- . i . , r. .Booms aad rumors ot booms for Brm at this stage ot the storm but ! be regarded as straws IndlcaUag the 'drift of tie wind. Ooreraor Wilson aw be a alee Ban, all tight, bat Champ Clark ap v. pears to be a keep smarter at playtag the gaave of polluoa. , loadoa. sirs tts lnTeatigatloa of the Titanic tragedy la to be a f "stately aad well ordered renew." . Jost so it gets the facta. Mr. Brm says Colonel Gaffey nst go. Mr. Bryan eaaaot get a siear rlrw of the . colonel are through these stained glass window. i BOll the wonderful achteremeat of the Water board in "drcamTeatiag and fiabbergaatlng fU eaemiet' prerej rather eottly to the taxpayers. Which reminds as of Bryan's story about the recti man repeatedly ejected from the dance hall aad at last exclaiming, "Well. I guess they doat want me la there!" : Dear Mr. Editor: J wrote that letter prematurely. I entertained the f mistaken Idea (hit I then had a dock. I aa now a sadder bat a - wiser maaL 8onr Grape Caadldate. I 'The Breauoai semietaas ettuketed the SaCest ot It attaetaf aalao ta eawklUaS , an asBataunek manesaeieat ettte jalan Wotla-HiaJd. . - If this Is net addiag lnsalt to U- . Jury, what is Itt ' Unionist members of th British Parliasseat charge Aahaaaador Bryce wttfc treasonable conduct because af hi attitude toward Jtasricaa-Casa-dias) reeipraeny. - By eattiag aft the "" their cfcAi-gs Wosid be reasoa- Ketsrod HftMlt pen MW at seams tiaes war. i Irtaiimn laaTtau) ta etr WamaaaawUr shea Bare Tha avaa tattled ts Ifceaa. Alsstta wrtll be ehaaced aa erase) ae rt aeee. Tie (Sty Eeetitm, Omaha's first eiectloa ander the new coanialstJrm ptea of city gofera- nsmt has teemlted ta a etodsiTe ric tory for Mayor Dshhrnsa aad an the caadldataa saaoriated with kin In the fight- , The mayor interpreta the. result ss aa endorsement of bis adminis tration. la a measure It ts this, but from another riewpoint It is more a rote of censure oa the campaign methods of the sutocrstie and aelf- eonstltuted slste-msksrs who had as sumed sole charge of the opposition to the mayor' administration. The defeated candidates iacluds some men of standing and ability, who de served a better fate, and who mutt mark themselves down as victims of political shortsightedness sad mis management. But postscripts are not particu larly satisfying. Looking ahead. Omaha la about to enter apoa a new period of its municipal career. Our new frame of city government vests the elective officials with vastly en larged powers and tremendous re sponsibilities, which it remslns for them to meet Intelligently, courtft ously and creditably. It will be found that the reorganisation of the departments la a colossal task call ing for broad vision and scrupulous ears, and is not to be done in a day or week. With proper support from oucltl- ssns the new administration can make a record of efficiency, economy snd achievement, and be a real pro pelling force for a bigger, better and up-to-date Omaha. ' Soma IaooniiiUnt British Views. London is perturbed by the fact that Americans spend annually In Europe ,00.09, and but a tmall portion of It In England. Tns British sens of nod est propristy is shocked by .our Yankee prodlgsltty, bat It might not be if the offense were committed on British soil, Is British shops and art store; hostsl rise aad resorts. The fact that the balk of this lavish outlay goes to th gar centers of Frsnc and other continental countries i th distract ing thought. Borne of th London atwspspers voice the proposal of In viting greater American patronage. Tet observe the New York Her ald: Insularly satugb. lbs very newspaper! wblea. are the leudeet la eemandlc that American vleHors shall leave the largest part of" that es,oMat hare are the moatSlolent la attacking PrasKlent Teft for attempting to make Canada s adjuaot of the United Mates and wars the Orst te seead a war note whea the seaate eaeanHttee betas It to ulr late the less et the THaate aad the cause of the east et hundreds ef A marl, eaaa, They are filled with herrer at the teetlmony that the false news at tht slant steasMhtat safety, whlcb bad beea charred - la Amerteeaa Seeking ret new aoee, originally tame from London, Ob. well, American rather regard the critical advlee ot Brltoa aa th ehldlags of an Impatient old sunt who ffrgete that the romping boy shs asU to hold by her apron strings 1 full-grows Baa. In his own right, inncb larger and stronger, la facV thin hi astdea aunty and quite as sble to make a wise decision now sad-then. Perhaps our Ameri can pleasure-seekers and art Miles tor would find more to attract them la England if th atmosphere were more congenial, and it there were mora (mile and fewer frowns for our Innste American faults and our blunderbuss wsy ot having A good time when that I what w bars tons after, somswhst indifferent to th AdraaUge in Home Owning. Omaka'a number of konv owners 1 steadily Increasing aad that I one of tka factor contributing do eenstaatly to Omaka'a slab! ad venceraeat. Th ranter need not be disparaged aa aa Individual or eltl ssa to say that owning hemes tends to solidify aad strengthen community life by deepening local Interest and broadening personal personal activ ity in th affairs ot th city. All this makes, or, under ordinary condition, tends to maks tor a bet tor civl spirit In. th larasdiat neighborhood of bom owner usually Is found ths avldencee of this in wtll kept houses and lota, a sort of friendly rivalry animating the real dents. Indeed,' ta soma of the aewer divisions aad sections of the city, outlying, there I a distinctive spirit of this character which is working remarkable results fop ths satire vicinity aad therefore tor the eatire city. Each home owner la trying to see Just bow.aeat aad at tract! t he eaa make his pise aad the natural result is a fsw block of property faultless In cleanliness and sanitation, consequently of solid and enhancing value. What cam be doa fa on part of th city caa be dene la another aad. ft la gratifying to observe, la, to a degree, being doa la moat parts of Omaha. The city is rapidly beosm ing attractive for tts homes, both large and email, and that la a repu tation sble to stand against a good deal of dieperagsmetit, which fall to ths lot of the nveraaw Bwaietpality. Never more than this spring- was this spirit af personal some tetenat mors awnifast ta Omaha. -' Tka inotMtar ta a amlaiatsrB garb ta Boatna who Bartered a young wntnaa ts new said to hare betongad ts anoties- asst thaa ta owe for 0ar3a&xIL Nebraska pradaoa i.M.t0 pooads of batter a year and sella it for $i:,000.000, or an areraga of 14 cents per pound, which is lust 1 sent below the average, price of 1,1 It.eOO.OOO poaads of butler pro duced la the United States in one year. These are government figures bssed on the wholesale market snd, assuming, ss the statistician does, that the cost of retail distribution smountg to ti per cent of wholesale prices, he finds that we pay In this country about $500,000,000 a year for onr butter, a little more thaa 30 cent a pound, which amounts to substantially IS per capita. - Each Individual, then, consumes IS worth of butter annually, so It may still be saf to say that bread is the tuff of life, but the term Implies butter, for the most of us do not eat our bread dry. Kebrasks, which now rsnks eleventh among the states In point of butter production. Including the farm and factories, will some dsy very soon be found much higher up In th scale, for we are rapidly Increasing our dairying Interests. Fsrmers bsve but a comparatively few years been nttracted to this great pursuit, - but having found It so very lucrative, they are steadily Increasing their Investment. In the cities the butter makers are equally enlarging their outputs. In Omaha, ons of the leading butter markets of the world already, we are turning out in the neighborhood of $5,000,- 000 of manufactured butter from our factories every yesr. one sesreely realises th almost limit less extant of ths butter business, nd yt It I not strsngs since w remember that butter-eating Is a natural bablt and not on that has to be cultlvatsd by artificial appeals to th appstlt or the pocketsook. Our ti'sr't democratic contem porary is a no better guesser than w are. It picked for its endorse ment for commissioner three repub licans, ail loeers, and left -off its slata ths one democrat conceded by all to) be a sure winner. Borne New Yorker pretends to hv discovered that In the course ot two years an omnivorous rat walked 5,477 miles, whlls a vegetarian rst made only 1,447 miles This Is an ar gument for eating meat. But who wants to be a' rst? -Jl ' It ts possible that at publlo aale a few thouatnds mora might have been realised for tht (water) bonds. World-Hsrald. No, not "possible," but a dead cer tainty.' And not "few thoussnda," but tens of thoussnda, and more probably' a' hundred thousand. , Th first day of Msy got by with out a seeming thought that it was ths fourteenth anniversary of Dewey's victory In Manila bay. Wall, w have Mlenratsd that event pretty well oa former occasions. New Let the Warld Wig tn. C Paul Pioneer Press. A California astronomer says sun spots "era due aim ply to planetary In- fluanea at ths time ef heliocentric eon Junetlent, eppeeltloae and eves euadra- turee." Oertatily. Did he think say ef as Is so realist) as te I matins that any thing els causae themf ., reeve aad ArbHratlea. . - Philadelphia Record. The agreement between the eastera railways and their engineers te submit their differences te srbltrstlea and te atree to the finding ef the arbitrators la aa amicable ending ef a eontrmarsr which threatened a Breve Staruptloa of business. Both parties are te be eoo- gratulated. etable Kseestlsa te tka stale. Boetoa Transcript, fa pleasing contrast te tba turbulence that has characterised a a umber of state conventions recently, ws sots the 4a- ooroue way la which the prohibition party of Maine nominated Its candidate tor gov ernor. Only one prohibitionist really wanted tha honor, and the ether pro hibition tst has already agreed te vote for him. Peaalas naww a "Was Ralee." New York World. It Is "practically assured" that the miners wtl get a substantia! advaaot ever the anthracite scale of IKO. and It bj probable that tha engineer will also gala a "substantial advance," if not all tney demand. It It likewise practically assured who will pay for ths advance la each eaee. settling a strike has become s simple process where It results la merely passing oa the Increase te the subtle. Trieste Bteal Chivalry. Baltimore American. At a Una whea there hi inclined to be nee sitter controversy between ths sexes la coaeequenee of th so-called tesslniat movement, the proposal from prominent women for the women of the country te state In a memorial to be erected Is the capital dty ot the nation te the heroic men of the Titanic who died to save ths women, comas with peculiarly appropriate and graceful eharm. It Is womanly la Its Inception snd bamsn Is Its sympathy snd v grati tude for tht real chivalry which dwells ta sweatee asanbeod. t Trwat Piooeearl. St. leeSt Globe-Democrat. Mere saeeeetfal suits have beea brought sgatest tha eon bines ta th last three years ef tha Tsft administration than la ear previous Ova years at nee the Sherman law was enaetrd rn MS Mr. Tart htmaatf is a good lawyer, hat sablaot he has a carps at ss capable ssea hi ths legal tWd aa gathered teerether m a preatdeat'e eeemott. very Bus en tha etatats book srlll ensue uei by tha pi net admtmlstraj the coasts. Mr. Terra reused as .IPrxWR raxnnijziiru Moy h0n!aJ from KiruM MAY 9. Thirty Tea The merer snd etty Bsrtl e laat get tngwthar with eeaflrvaetwB of Jobs) D. Howe for etty attorney, and these sight poHeamee: U. Jaoobeon. E. Gorman. John O'Donohoe, Owen Buckley. Frank Kee per. James Cr Boyle, Alexander Black. On Thursday, the eighteenth, John Hitchcock snd Frank Schneider, both members of the Bicycle dub. start oa aa exteoalre eastera tour en their two wheal steed. They will so to Chicago first, and after a rest of four or Ave dsys they will strike to Csnsds sad push through the Dominies and then strike for New York. Ths young men expect te ha absent about two months. Next Sunday a party of yeuna- mas lesvs hers os bicycles for Lincoln. They are: Bert Hitchcock. John Hltchoock. Emmet Solomon and Emroett Snyder. They will start at daylight and expect to reach the cacltol at I o'clock la the afternoon, returning ths next day. About SW men from the Union Pacific shops assembled St I o'clock st th cor ner ot Fifteenth snd Dodge and marched to ths residence of S. H. H. Clark to tender him s welcome from the Pacific coaat. For the visitors Mr. David Kaoa delivered a greeting, to woick Mr. Clark ree ponded. The cloelng concert ot the Phlloma- theana took place at Max Meyer'a hall, tha participants being. Miss Claire Rue tin. George F. Bauer. Julius Meyer, George Mayer and A. Zotsmaan. Newly elected officers of ths Union Catholic Library association era: Presi dent. Joha A. Crelghton; vice presidents, C. E. Oallagher, E. A. O'Brien; treas urer. John English; secretary. John Rush) librarian. Mist Steels Crowley. General Thsyer has the premiss et President Arthur to attend ths Oread Army of the Republic reunion at Oread Island In August. J. W. ptarmon as squatter governor. comes out with a proclamation eonven Ing the third bouse st ths sams time as the legislature. Mrs. a U Miller Is offering a liberal seward te ssy see returning a tost caa ary bird, dark green In color with sraen- leh yellow breast, to her at 411 North Nineteenth street. Twenty Years Ago Chaplain C. C. McCsbs lectured oa The Bright Side of Life ht Llbby Prison" at the First Methodist Episcopal ehurch In the evening. Margaret, the t-yeer-old daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. William Msngan, died after SB Illness of several months. E. R. Overall, tree! dent of ths Afro- American league, announced s special meeting at Hartman hall, let South Four teenth street, to hear ths Rev, Dr. Ham mond, ths Rev. Dr. Knox and ths Rev. Dr. Orandlson, colored delegates te the general conferenc of the Methodists in session here. i. Ths May term of district court opened with eeses on tht general docket So much wss te be disposed of during the term that a bar committee was ap pointed for the term composed ef these lawysrt: A. 8. Churchill, Georg Wasn Ingtoa Shields, W1B A. Coreon, a J. Smyth snd W. W. ajebeugh. Judss Dundy besaa she Msy term sf the federal court with a large number of attorneys present. Mayor Bern Is sppreved the order for the Omaha Thomson-Houston Eieotrie Light osmpeny to piece three srt lights oa ths Tenth street viaduct A. special nesting ef ths eltr eouuncll failed to come to an agreement oa the ordinances for the proposed Nebraska Central railroad. A protect to action signed ay tbe following, served te dewy irooeedlngt a whlls longer: A. R. Hoel, Oeerge E. Rtrstman. T. R. Blllngwood. George Hobble, Frank Murphy, Fred nokens. Jo Hatfield, Peder Pederaoa, A. Btmpooa, T. C. Brenner. Joe Redman. Joha C. Pederson, Chris Lund, F. P. Fondle, C. J. Hustle, A. Brown, U. New. man, Nats Elliot - Tea. Years Ago- '. Ne new gas light was throws oa tha valuation of ths Omaha Gas oempanv's property by ths testimony et President Frank Murphy, snd Oeorga X. Berks, stockholder; before the Board ef KquaU- satlon. Mr. Murphy said the company, franc hi se and all was worth gl.loo.Si sad Mr. Barker aaatu-med this, sarins' the tangible property wss wortk &Mi and the traachlss V.ua.000, Nelson C Pratt aad E. J. Cocntsk, republican candidates , for as a! net Dave Mereer, spoke te tha First Ward Republican dub. F. W. Koetter, la tbe absence of Frank Bsadhawsr. pre sided. Joe Kelly got back tram a fishing trip at Inmaa, neb. nr. T. Sullivan, postofflce Inspector In charge at Denver, stopped ta Omaha ea ruote te St PauL The Omasa Guards rave a May party at their armory to about seventy-five couples. The seniors presented tha high school with the status of "Winged Liberty. Watson BrrSth, class president, mac tha pretsntaUoa and Mary BedwalL vtet president, unveiled IL Mr. Johneoa ef the Board ef Education euted the eawr- People Talked About Baltimore veterinarians srs el seed as oompeteoi men. capable of giving right treatment to democratic dark huitts. BUI FUns of Pittsburgh, the new leader of Pennsylvania nimMlcaas, la said to be wortk li.ooo,0f. where eld be get ft? Ask Pittsburgh. Kentucky reports a surplus of SMMM aaOtone of whisk Deeptta the lure of Bias Oraes Sew. one noted Keatnckhvi ehallengee moHyooddle sports by arfermg te bet "a bottle ef ssnparllhv ea a so il ticau proposlOoa. Could yoa best T All eats srs off oa Mesehusotts. sod the money returned. Bach ht the oonohe ttoa ot the sports of Boetoa. Slskehsld- are concluded that the detesaoea being evenly divided bet vera Teft sad Roose velt tha preference vote for Tail tns aot a deciding factor. . . William Vlaceat Aster, whose nuher. Colonel Joha Jscoe Aster, was ksat ea the Tlttalo, will mbertt tbe balk ef as estate valued at not awe thaa grmsUMSs, and win be the rl rarest reuse- xeaa ht this uwialiy aad eats ef tbe rl raits la use wertd. For tts ssoathe a was under guswoaaewla entfl be kwessBes aa. eat Msissrtar B aWX Be at sett f i in i at Hmeard ami mm Ss Long Step for Labor - ris's'satl 'lAsubnttr law Hear ' Sees VJmMa atataa Siaata IL Wash rn glow Letter la Boetoa Transcript la sddlttoa te the prorlotoas of the sa- yleyere and worklns men's cetnpentatlen bin, ss heretofore summarised la this column, tba measure pnrrldea that ta de fault of agreement, or settlement by tbe arbitration committee, either party may Institute proceed lass before ths adjuster for ths settlement of the claim by Pe tition, setting forth In ordinary language tht facta to which petition th defendant may answer. Including la such answer all questions of law and fact. Aa soon as practice bit after tha answer he beta re ceived the adjuster Is to proceed te bear sad decide the esse. This actios mutt be Inetttuted within six months an! est the failure la chargeable to the ess plover, or te srrenrnttaacee beyond ths control ot the employe, hot no proceeding ess be Instituted sfter tha lapse ef a yesr, sx eept In certain specified tests. Tht ad juster Is te make findings In writing and re a espy upon each ef the parties. snd return the original, together with the papers. Into the office et ths clerk of the oourt The findings are te be filed by the clerk, snd within twenty dsys sfter their receipt by tht clerk either psrty may tilt and ssvs exceptions, whereupon tht eats la to be tried and determined in the court do novo. Provision Is made for a Jury upon de mand, hut la tha sbstnet ef such demand In writing five days sfter ths service of ths exceptions a Jury Is te be deemed waived and the cast tried by the court Findings of ths adjuster are made prima facia evidence of ths facts set forth therein In any trial. It la mads the duty of ths adjuster or of tht oourt. In all easts, regardless of say agreement to fix th compensation ef counsel for ths employe, which Is set m say cast to exceed a fair aad reasonable sum for tht service actually rendered. Prevision Is msde tor sppesls te tht circuit eourt of sppesls snd te the su preme court, as bow provided by lew In other For the purpose of fixing eompenaatlon ths monthly wages et the employe srs deemed te be twenty-six times bis estab lished day's pay, but la bo ease sea then wages be considered to be snore than KM or sets thaa BM a month: sxoept that where ths monthly wsges of the employe srs less than 13 a month, payment for ths first twenty-four months ot disability cannot exceed the full amount ef tba monthly wages. la esse death results from tbe injury monthly payments are to be made for a period ef eight years to ths following dependents: For a widow stone, ft per cent of the monthly wsges. - For a widow and ssy child under the tgs sf sixteen, er dependent child over ths sgs of six t sea. I per sent It bo widow, but any child under ths sgs of sixteen, or dependant child over the sgs of sixteen. If one such child, 38 per cent; It more than ens, I per tent for each additional child, not te exceed tout of M per cent for ell. If th number of children be subss- ouently reduced te lets then four ths payments are to be correspondingly di minished. In the event ef tht widow's death or remarrlags before the expiration of the eight years payments srs te be continued ts ths ehlidrsn, if any, tot th unexpired period. i . If ae widow er children, it per cent te th parents, If partly dependent! if wholly Btpendtnt, a per otnt If only oaa. and per cent It both parents srs dependent In cess there be sons ef th loraroras Dependents, provbaoa Is made for pay ments to any brother, sister, graad- partnt er grandchild, who may be wholly dependent upon tbe deceased, sod similar PT menu la case af partial dependency. la cess the deceased lesvs a widow er child aot resident of tbe TJnltsd States or Csnsds there Is to he paid a lump sum equal te one year's wages et the deceased, and ae compensation to any other non-resident dependent In oass Be dependents are left provision It mads for ths payment sf burial sx penses net te exceed tut and for a con tribution toward tbe burial expenses ef fit where the monthly paymeata te the dependents are net more thaa ti per raymeoU are to ea r remerrtaa-a of th apoa the death er, ta ht oaae of a obi Id et the a, anises a ehUd over that sgs Where ptnaemeat total cbsahillty re sults, aa, for example, the loss of bath tot ermat, etc., th Injured ess Is te be paid M per cent sf his monthly wage during the remainder of hat Ufa; ta ease ef temporary total dis ability Si per saat during th eetitUa seos st the disability. la ease ef permanent partial eUseMUty, particular Injuries ere specified by the bill that has seen offere aad at Is pro vide that pay meat shall be seeds for ths various periods of time xswswttoasta to ths Injury (or exsatpie, fas the lost ef sa arm. payeseaU are to esnrjaue tor TI month: far the toss et s tog. meertha for ths toss ef sa eye. M months; (or th loss et a thumb, a moatha, and so ea. is cats ot Injuries sot specified, where norms sent partial suability results, ths torapsnsatloa la to bear each reiatloa te the periods sport firefly stated as the dis abilities bear to these spectflcally enum erated. Pravtatea ht msde that eeytstat far Injury ef any while the employe I at week which do aot fatt below M per east ef kkt wages at tbe time of ths Injury. Ths proposes1 law It In font compulsory, that la. It trill aw tote eperettoa irre spective et th sonata et the employers aad ttaptoyta, There are drRareacas ef eeuuoa la sonars si ss te whether the kvw ought te be eossswlsery and whether ft ought te be tautest vs. Aa effort will ss made ss te sanei lattoa aa to atve th emptor the apnea right The cinailstlun took strong ground la favor of making the law ex- Appsrentty the railroads de set mtead to make a v trusses right ssafnet the tog lahutoa. They are already partes" est annually tauimsea some as a i swill ef ssstdenta geaslsttoi gathered by tba susttlsa rwmmiaaioa show that Swrtwg lh xa) aad Vw) aaeriy Taa vsraers oa the rash-tana ef tbe United haled, ea ths the total east psM ar lUlttiHta ee tar set the eantasysa tew in I wWJ he. so M at sessaaa as. that aaar was he ajiiflry esasBtsaawaa, nwTTO w n KBiiMHm . - "Art those peaase as see at taw aanrm ST tns moaataiara as may w 'en i -i - an. m tha war thcr tasxu ea as the society folks hers. thav an tana rkaabera." vara. -Too Insist oa telilne- people yen ere leokla' fur work," eald Meanaerms Mike. "lea," replied Pi eddies Pete; "la the spring I gw north and say I'm a etna. aaola seeker, and In the fall I soath snd tell 'em I'm a skats sharpener." waaningtsa Star. rn n .kn. awM.Kii mi understand In knxinM wtiv I know one who msde a fortune by simply turning her band over." -ah turned it nver to a mlfoonalra. Now she's bis wile." Chicago News. "wrandsrrid aaa af invention!" ra cial med the snaa whs got tut ot the cab. "Toe refer to the automobile 7" No: tba taxiMtar. Whea a man waata te produoa a seat Job of steo dscity, ha does it by machinery." Chi cago Post . Stronger It thlt tht fact that munched a thousand ships snd burned the topless towers er I floor Helen of Troy It lev Strancer Then I offer you s contract for thirty weeks In vaudeville st LdOt srsenmas a want. iaie necoro. 'Her mused Noah, ss be looked upon ths flood from owe ef tht windows of tht ark. "the foika wbe Jeered st me for building this vessel, leu shed at ma whea I told them It wss tht original water waeoa. but thaw would neve lares not. ter had they appreciated ta Urns the dry i . . ! ... t ' i Actual Size . A,;'i'.,'' - j V V I V Vs f ' ' - " & s ' ' ' ! , Jr " '- -"lit i, jf You can have this Gravy Ladle without tost ' and dozens of other pieces to match it all guaranteed by Wm. Rogers & Son, Meriden, TheBEEivill tell you how Uaixnairj1 HcaltK, $9 rTHE erJnr nf rnv'a hmfr S ! ii I in indication of the Vi health of the scalo. Thick I f gtossy hair vvith its natural color and sheen is the result of using Q-Baa Hair Restorer. Tbb adcdtifie raivedy to a restorer of color and natural brilliance; to tha bair, sod It doe it by the Ban natural method of keeptnf tha scalp in perfect conditicn, and bring forth thaMtarJ brilliancy aad beauty vjrhicb ooUiiray but jsaratrw prodacca. adttgaai Itw. ssf sat er Bisag Pfc sVag tV, smsaeVa, Tmm. '; SftCLtX rvOTtCl A peetal card at eeca imttaie satUee yea t a seewje ef aUwtvrwesd Ucesros aa tbe "Care aad Trsaasaaaat af Hast tad Bcalsv- Taese Itiitst are saB ef hasi -st til is, Bs sert as get tktia. HESSI&ELUS DRUG &ieHBpbm, Tmm. rhaei-M ree have a good tha at ST1 . tb asked vllilV-lr' aweasma taw e- - imTto have some more km ereem andthe stingy inn's- v - IalledctpbJa Record- SWAT AT TEX FLIES. JoaCane In New York Strn. Wbetber yoe are slack or white. Swat tbe flies; - ' Whether you srs stout er slight 8srat the fltee. - -Whether yoa are young er old. Whether yoa are hot or cold, i Evan If you're thy or bold Swat tho flies. Swat the filet where'er you go. Swat 'to high sad swat "am law. Give each one a stinging blow 'Twist the eyes. ' Don't let one escape your aim. Get right In the swatting game. Swat oh. swat la aoaven'a name. Swat the (Ilea. Whether yon are short or tall. Swat tht filet: Whether you are big or small. Swat the flies. Whether you're abroad, st home. On ths feath'ry created foam. Anywhere you chance te roam. Swat the flies. . Swst the fly with ell your might ' 6wat him left and swat him right Bwat aim day and swat him Bight Till he dies. - Km him when he's ss the run. Shoot him with your deadly gun, When you've killed him, ev'ry sue. There'll be ae files. ' .. ..: i t.i-i Conn. 1 . ! i ta As ' Ca 11- IT t!M Mi BBSi A" C It .11' J stg fleM etas it I 3