lti B&& OAiAriA, 'itlLiteiJAY, AIA1 y, 1912. If you only knew what pleasure thef Victor-Victrola brings into your home you Wouldn't be without You'll always find a complete line of Victrolas and Victrola Records in our new - Victrola Parlors in connection with Piano Department, Douglas Street En trance. Call and See Us. GUARDS ASSURED OF ARMORY fix Dint of Scraping and Stinting f ,,, Tney Will Snowed. 00IHO AHEAD WITH PLANS Nebraska national 6eer4 Meat G. . Throayh Year Twe ml Eees ' amy Until rtMMH A re , Kersael Again. Th. Omaha companies ot th Nebraska National guard art assured ot an armory in th. mar future. This, however, only by barely scraping through to th. priva tion of th rat of th itat guard during th forthcoming yeer.-They Intend to g. ahead a beat they can wlthgthe regular allotment granted by the fOVrnment tor maintenance "W ar allowed 131,001 a year, of which 55 per cent must b uaed for rifle prac tice." says Lieutenant Colonel VV E. Baehr. "It will cost IIS. M0, th. cloaest fig ur. with which w. can re-equlp an ar mory. Thll will leave about 000 tor th. maintenaac of th guard m th. state. It ts not enough, to b an, but If we disband th Mat will lose th S8.wa." Thar ar twenty-tour companies In th state, four ot which ar stationed at Omaha.. Thl ration Is established by th government allowing tour companies to every. contTesatonal district.' Tbs 133.000 appropriated to th. stat hi only forth coming when th guard Is fully main tained according to requirements. It th hi her should disorganise th appro priation will tall utterly. Therefor It will be -necesary for the Thurston Rifles or Omaha to take tUMM of this amount to A New Fac Without Surgical Skin Feeling "I do net approve of the surgical oper ation of face peeling." says Julia Orff. "It's too radical, too often dangerous. There's a better way ot removing offen sive complexions and one that Is entirely "safe and rational. Ordinary meroollmod wax causes the devitalised scarf skin to come off. but gradually and gently. Ua Itke the surgical pro coos, the akin Is not forcibly taken off In Mg pieces ail at once, but almost Invisible flaky particles are absorbed by the wax. and from tan days to two weaka are required to com plete the transformation. There's no pain, no discomfort. . "Nature renews eemptxtena th same way, shedding tiny cutaneous scales aay by day. But deficient circulation, or other abnormal condition, may Interfere with th shedding a "bad complexion' re sults. Then mercolised wax assists Na ture by Hastening the removal of the aged, faded or discolored top skin. Thus ealy the Dvely, young, heal thy -bued skin is m evidence, as In roboet girlhood. This Is. why uercollsed wax produces the In describable beauty ot ever-renewing youth. The wax ts put on at night like coM cream, and washed oft la, the morn ing. Ton can procure It at aay drug gist's; aa ounce I sufficient." Adv;- Children Poorly? Co To Your Doctor Talk with your doctor about Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. Ask him if be prescribes It for pale, delicate children. Ask him if be recommends it when the blood is thin and impure, and when the nerves are weak and unsteady. Ask him if it aids nature in building tip the general health. UZSrVtZ I mast th qualifications In maintaining as armory. The fact Is an mbarraslng on for th guard to face, but tbey realls and they feel that th other companies of th state do likewise that th consequences of th fir. must be met and met squarely. The Nebraska National guard will ha v. t work through a year or tw hand-to-mouth until their finances are gradually returned te a normal condition. Great Western Must Begin,Work on the Viaduct at Once A peremptory writ of mandamus com manding the Great Western railroad at once to proceed to construction of a via- dact over Its tracks st Thirtieth and Ban croft afreets was Issued by Judge A. C. Troup of the equity division ot the dis trict court. Th. writ was Issued at th. behest of the city snd with the consent of the railroad In accordance with terms ot settlement cf the viaduct fight, made soma months ago. It was agreed that the writ should Issue without resistance from the road If It should noV have begun work on the viaduct by May L Early Morning Fires Cause Little Loss Two small fires occurring within half aa hour of each other kept the down town companies o' the fire department busy early yesterday morning. At I o'clock an alarm was turned In from Fifteenth and Chicago streets, where It was found that a pile of rubbish la the Pioneer Olaas company's shops waa on fire. The- quick response of the tire department saved the building, which waa old and dry. but full of valuable prop erty. The robblhh waa biasing brightly when the firemen appeared, but Is was soon extinguished. The second blase waa In the Charles E. Maloney Tailoring company's work shop, where spontaneous combustion In a heap ot dirt and rubbish caused a fire. The biaae was discovered by the block watchman. H. D. Pilgrim, who turned tn an alarm soon enough to save a big fire toe. The dsmsgo caused by th Ore Is Insignificant, but Mr. Maloney says that over S300 worth at data and suitings are spoiled by smoke, 1 GLAD HAND COMMITTEE : AT COMMERCIAL CLUB New members ot the Commercial club will be met at the dub rooms every noon by a special welcoming committee during the next month and mad acquainted with the older member. A. U Gordon, at the bead of a tend of "glad hands" will stand at the elevator to receive them. They will be taken Into the dining rooms and introduced about the tables. By the sad ot the month the eonunttte expects all th. new members to nave become well enoaxa acquainted to fed at home In the dob rooms and among the dub members. Q ''cEO. E. MICKEL, ManagerN 1 5th and Hirmy Sts.f Omiha J 334 Broadway, CwMita.ll Bluffs . Omaha's Popular Portland Prepares for Big Christian ; Conference in 1913 In the Interest Of the second World's Chrtstlsn CHtlsenshlp. conference to be held In Portland. Ore., June to July ( next year. General Superintendent James S. Martin of Pittsburg, Pa., la In th city for a few dare. He I enthustlastlo over th outlook for a great meeting and I predicting an attendant of from Is.SDo to 10,000. To assurs the success ot the conference and to aid in advertising It to the world, Portland business men have sutmcrll-l 5,000 in cash and have taken steps to erect a large auditorium at a cost of KOO sou. Superintendent Martin Is the advance agent ot the movement In arousing In terest In the conference. He Is meeting with the Ministerial unions throughout the country and briefly outlining plans. Later he will be followed by other of ficials of the organisation that will take up the work of arranging the dotal la As delegate, to th Portland conference, member of the' Ministerial unions, churches. Young Men's Christian associ ations, Christian Endeavorera and those of eiinllsr societies In all Protestant chore bee will be eligible. The vlce-prest. dents selected Include the bishops ot all the churches and leading church wwfteja la the United States. Dr. D. W. C. Hun tington, chancellor of the Weelayaa uni versity at Lincoln Is th vice-president representing Nebraska. The prime object of the conference Is the revival and diffusion of a national religion, looking to universal advance ment in militant rhrlslaaity tn Indlvdiial, family and civic life, la general education snd In public morals. The speakers who have been secured for th conference are among the most prominent In the United States and Europe. William J. Bryan la among them. Help is Summoned Because of Strike The freight handlers' strike in th Chlr cag freight houses of the Milwaukee road has assumed such proportion thai men from other point ar being called there ta help relieve the conjestion. Ac cording to Assistant General Passenger Agent Haynea, who I in town, there have been no acts of violence and none are anticipated. However, th baslnes of the road la being hampered to some extent. Assistant General Agent Dttvall of this city has been celled to Chicago, and while he win not don temper snd wrostl with bales and boxes ot freight, be will help out. It Is expected that he win nee aoms particular branch of the freight handling and help to get the staff moving out and la at the bouse. WOMAN HAS OLD BILLS TO KEEP AS SOUVENIR Two andent bills were presented to th Braadets stores for payment by a woman who did not Insist on getting the money or who did not glv her name. The bills war dated December L IS! and said en their face that the City of Omaha, ter ritory of Nebraska will pay S3 to bearer one year after date with Interest at M per cent per annam. Tbey were signed by Jeans Lowe, mayor and H. C J. Andersen, recorder. . one for - a re . Any Victor dealer in ' any city in the world will gladly play any music you wish to hear. Victor-Vktrola $15 to $200 Victors, $10 to $100 Victor Talking Machine Company f Camden, N. J. Victrola Store ires. CHILDREN SEEKING HOMES Jnrenile Court Authorities Hit a Dozen Boy and Oixls. ALL WAITING TO BE ADOPTED Thee Winkle Adept the Oh II dren Ar Reaneeted te Writ ta Javeelle CeaH Officers, , Giving: References, . Juvenile court authorities are sending out cells for help. They have a do sen fine, healthy, bothersome boys and girls and think they ought to be adopted. All the young-ester are of ages ranging from I to M years. Those living on farms whs would Ilk. to adopt a child are especially requested to correspond with the juvenile court her. Reference should be rent when an application Is made for one of th court's diaries, says Mogy Bernstein. Officers of the eovr'. would Ilk to have a list of men and women who want chil dren and keep It for reference as many cases could be solved by piecing the child la a good home. Many children are adopted each year, but as no list of those willing to adopt children la kept; littls boys snd girls are sometime deelt with mors severely than wouia te necessary if they could be placed at one In homes. . A Creel Mlalake is te neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's New Discovery cures them and may pre vent consumption. Mo - and fl.00. for sale by Beaton Drug Co. 3 : ' Cultivated taste prefer Permits, sc. Wife object to plpo omoking at home? Tuxedo Tobacco, solves the problem. a single day. W . , . ill a m m ' I rac,l llA .i.f If ff . 1 Vktor.VictroIa XVI, $200 Mahofanv or quartered oak Free Concert Every Moon from 12 M. to 1:30 P. M. Hear the world's greatest artists on the Victrola. Spend you noon hour with us. All are cordially In vited. . ..M ' Tom Flynn Gives Three Reasons for His Celebration Tom Flynn. th genial street commis sioner celebrated yesterday for two rea sons. One Is h feels elated at the suc cess of the "square deal" ticket, and the other reason I that It wss his birthday and also his wife s birthday. Twelve years sgo they ware married at Weston, Is. They have two sons, who are promising pollttclsns, although Flynn has not advised them to take up this line of work. , "It Isn't very often our birthday comes on such an occasion as this," said Flynn, "right after one of th moat strenuous and successful political fights ws were ever In. I'm going to celebrate It In my own way." . He didn't specify, it Is reliably reported that he will Jump on the flag of th old system, under which an Irate council pssssd a resolution limiting the funds the street commissioner could use and thereby seriously handicapping him and express his Joy la a few Apache yells. , , , Nebraska Students Boost Their School The members of the Omaha club, , an organisation of twelve Omaha boys at the University of Nebraska, have arranged with Miss Ksts McHugh, principal of the Omaha High school, to have the chancel lor speak at tha high to ths seniors on Thursday morning. Mr. Avery will address the graduates on higher education and dwell to some Tuxedo Tobacco is not only a delight to tha smoker, but that wondernily fine fragrance makes it welcome everywhere." Look up the curved green tin ten cents. PATTERSON'S TUXEDO TOBACCO "The Pipe Smoke for Godlemtn" extent oa that collet education ' snd training which ts received by tha students at Nebraska, their own state Institution. The members of th Omaha club ar satisfied with their university as a place to get an education and consider that It should be placed before the other grad uates ot tha Omaha High echool In th proper light, , , v "Declared a member of . the Omaha club: "It's time we did a little cradling ot th horn school Instead of alio wing th glamour ot distance from bom paint an - Inferior school , In brighter colors than the Corahusker Institution." Stuart Gould, president ot th dub, will accompany Chancellor Avery. Nurse and Patient Laugh at 111 Luck as They Go to Altar When Dr. Vsa Dyke McKelvey, a former Interne at St. Luke' hospital In Denver led Miss Clara Frank, a former trained nurse In the same Institution, to the altar In Omaha, both laughed at their victory over bard luck and adverse circumstances. Appendicitis and smallpox were both th lot of Dr. McKelvey- slnce'hewent to St Luke ar .Mies' Frank ' nursed him through both Illnesses. ; ', . r Dr. McKelvey met. Miss Frank at St. Luke's shortly after his graduation from the Oross School of Medicine In Denver. Several weeks ago Miss Frank came to her horn near Omaha, ami. a few days ago Dr. McKelvey made a trip. Then the news of their wedding was an nounced to .their friends. They' Win re turn to Denver and Dr. McKelvey will engag In th practice ot medicine there. Tkrtt fsar- lir Itngtk, f g a r Itr siffvav. Full hmrti mud alkltli Hjli tin. TbsrsJatemsd Iretra gives eskle wear waeretheweaf Is ear.. est makes Cfaaarela. Isissislsla. For real Summer comfort wear thU union suit that . con 'r np m the Mat , -rcan 'I bind in tha crotch doublm wear whera thawwblurdflgt KJ. J J. -I L 1j . . . Mmwn gwwm mmmmwrw eww ST WV SJ SrSWSi TNI SvpCKtOt UlTDUtWIAJt Co. Pique, O. l f T Ml sf r fx T UNION UIT ZVZ&YONZ Raving Valuable ' Paper mm rfeweie to piece tnesa tn Best wtthss ear Fire as Burgle Proof Vaults for aeskeeptag. apea (sua aovMe and yov ana Jewel will Set Das ij sit Bex, rent ts east raartf. tnuka Sale atyarJl C.asjir. Every WOMAN VVJ J JT should should know aboat the wonderful Marrel "Whirlim Spray" SYRINGE Brat ae lest most convenient. Cleanses instantly. If veer dreg 1 1st cannot aupulf mo KAKVIU saa stem p tor utasirawja book seeled, loetaras nueeoea ssvaiaebte t leasts. iii V. if MAKVSU. seo stem p tor utasirawja book seeled. Coeta.-es diraaosas V . amssaanimiadsie. . t : MARVEL COalPAirr , jT- I 44 La XM SPS C- Key ts th Situation Be AdvartlesDg. . e gel by tVaa; e MmU