if I: S'" , GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Trade Confronted with Un certainty of Karked Type. ssoftis nr cosh lss. woxiuio Deaaaad aad Yalaea Are , Switching al hc Dtffereat Palate I twolaa Prim at ' Oaaahe. OMAHA, May S, Mi The snorts In corn are now being warned ovrr th report of poor seed going Into the around. Cub 4mmi) and values ara switching at lh different ship ping points, while futures are bein( firmly supported br bull leaden, who bava beta the whip haad and earned big profits on the advance. Wheat had a sharp break at the open ing, reallUnc (alee caught stop loss orders and weak holders wer fora-d out. Cash wheat was unchanged. Corn held steady and firm In face of the break In wheat values. The market had food support when needed from the leading bulls. Cask corn was unchanged to He lower. Primary wheat receipts were bushels and shipments were 45.08 bush els, against receipts last year of . bushels and shipments of 4,,ft bushels. Primary corn receipts were MS.Oue bush la and shipments were SH.Sto bushels, against receipts last year of SM.-IS busbels and ahlpments of tttvu bushels. Clearance wera U.M bushels of corn. I bushels of oats and wheat and flour eqttfcl to MMDS bushels. Liverpool closed Mild lower on wheat and nnchanaed to Id hither on corn. The following cash sales were reported: Wheet: No. I hard, 4. cars, tl.im. No. S hard, 1 car, 11.11: 1 care. tl.lOS. N spring. I car, H.HiH. Corn: No. I white. 1 cars, 77c; (cars, 7kc. No. 1 color, 1 car, 7tte: 1 car,rto. No. 1 yellow, 1 car. Tie. No. I yellow, I ears, "ate; 1 ears. 76c; I car. TtHc. No. yellow, 1 cars. Tie: i car. Tie. No. t mixed, 1 car, VCtc. No. mixed, 1 car, Tavtc; I cars. JSc. No. 4 mixed, 1 ear, 74V; I cars. tr. No. 4 mixed, 1 ear. 71c; 1 car, 71V. No grade. J oars, tur. 1 car. (44c; I cars, 44c. Oals: , No. I whit, i cara, tMe, No. 4 white. , 4 ears, MSc; 1 car, t4ac; No. 4 yellow. 1 car, MUc. Oaaaaa ("aaa Prleea. , WHEAT No. t hard, fl.ltl.II: Ne. I hard. LMM.lt; No. 4 hard, tl.07tll.lt. CURN-No. 1 while, 7,j77c; No. 4 white, ?37Sc: No. 1 color, .rtie; No. 1 yellow, ;Var77e: No. 9 yellow, TiQ 7.c; No, 4 yellow, 7H72c; No. X 7vK 7V: No- 1 corn, 7V bc; No. 4. 71 7s: no grade. 4.14M&C OAT8-.No. I while, UitOVtV: stsndard, !: No. J white, Sitji-lV; No. 4 white, M4ffMV: No. 1 yellow, Mc: No. 4 yellow. tienc. BARLEY Malting, 3rtii.ll; No. 1 feed, Wmwk-; heavy full, lw. RYii-No. t . No. t. roue. Carta Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Osts. Chicago a HO lot silnrieapolla 74 ' ..- Omsha It iHiruth , 11 j -.. CHICAOO CRAIX AND PKOVIllONt reatarwa at the Trading aatf Claeias Prtree sloard af Trade,' CHICAGO, May -Wheet price broks today beoauss the government crop re port turned out lees bulllah than ax peeled. Trio market closed nervous, 40 lo ntc under last night. All other lead. Ing napie made a net advanea-aorn, V.to HOVi oats. V to Vo and pro vision, l&c. There was active trade In wheal, wtth flustuatlana frequent. Many weak hoM er wera sacrificed on itep loss order. Aside from Washington new, the fin growing weather proved a stumbling block to speculator who had hoped for tin advance. In this connection, reports a )o th crop outlook Mno tha data for the government had been gathered, were Iwrttcutarly optimistic la Kansas and In dioaa. Important commission buying at wheat n decUnaa and equally Important un loading on rallies formed one of tha prtaripel features at the session. July ra lured from II. 1ft, la IM4WM44, and finished at 11 WSH1 l:i't. a loss of 1W: do (Spared with yesterday. ern displayed stubborn strangtk throughout. A severe rain storm In Chicago helped to make tha market ad vance. July swung from 77V to TTVje an closed steady SUV up at TTHe. ah grade were firm. No. I ysltow, loMHn. letter demand from tha east gava oatg a 111 t. Hull received aid too, from the government report. I'pper and lower levels touched for July were Me and Mc. with the clua al 64c, a gain of 0 over Jast night. . Short did most of th btivtng la the provitioa pits. Th Incentive came thrnugli a rise In the value of hoc. Mill response was shown by lard, but fork and rib became mora expensive by c to lie ( Caeb ejuotatlon were a follows: ArOclej Open. High. Low. I Cloee.Tes'y. rVbeatl Mas-. 1 TOM' JuiyH ll:v . I UV! epl 1 lMti - ' I 1 ins 1 iith) 111 1 lie 1 lSStl 1 KSff l mi 1 vrc.d 1 1 IV C"fn-4 ' I V'rnt May.l Mi July lPt. t"V!i7'-'U Uee. a.'a I M Oats t siay.'v ,."XfU juiy.."e9 a "Pt.l4W!! 4414 J-ork t i - May.! II 48 1 1 J July. U ti 4 1 Sept. ) W MtTltl - a ism Lard-1 July. I Il7H! II 1 nept-i II iv. 11 11 tttHI U I NITS U KV. U I U BVi i s mi..; It Kw U ii ts: u x 4JU IllM- July. M 47 Hi If M C W ITHj M W , .tlr et I eit. m n r.'i: r 7Wi h)7l icr4 lOt'R Firm; winter patents. M.fcaf at; winter straights, ti.94.ae: spring bateau, MMn spring patent, beet bard. U-M: iriu straights, t4.40tr4.at; bakers, KOMetA RYK-.SMiC. BAHUif-rcBd or mixing. ftMitl-; fair to choice tnaltlag. 11 14 I S, eBKDS Ttawttiy, eVJseyUts; alover, tH.Ui'.l PHUVIMIONS-Mes pork. tllrtlt. Lard (In tierces). tUU'ib- tihurt rib luioao). !).. 'I vul tearancea of wheat and flour wer voHal to Xel.eES) bu. Piimary receipts wets 4.M bu.. coinnarea with ,W" bu. t3 correeporeling day a year aito. Ktl UMtcd receipts for tomoirow: Wheat, It cars; corn. Id cat; emlM. Ill ears; bugs, 17.WS head. (.'bicago Cash PrStee Wheat; So. t i red. Ii r.t 1; No. I red, tl.Uil 17; No. 1 herd tl.Kal.ltH; No- hard. tl-B491.M o 1 rorth( rn. $1.1!.1.34; No. t norlhern. ti kuflJ. No. t aortbera. tl.lfI 17; No. 1 onin. II .U4i 1 It: No. surwa. II. US 1. 17; No. I spring. l.lei.e; velvet chaff, fl l I1 n; auruai, n ni-i. t orn: no. a, wa u4V; N. 1 whit. Hw'lV; No. t yee lew. tisiie: Ne. J. ;7V; No. 1 !,. TV'.inOc; No. t yellow, 7f7W,e; N 4. 'jfFv: No. 4 white, TtwfHe; Nl 4 eliow. 777c Oats: No. 1 white, t1) b'vr: no. wnite. ,Ma'4c; .-ve. 4 walta, l;c"V: standard. ekyieVeC, HVK.-NO. I tf.a'iC. HARLET 7iti.A nKKl-TlaMthy, KJOHUi; clover, t!4.9t ti.i.-e. isi'TTER-ataady, creameries, ICdjae; esuiee. l"iJ7e. to ;i-eady; reeetpu B 408 case; at nark, eaaes iBchKted. rTVse; ordtnaiy f.'Xs. IV rc; first, lac ;iE!.y.-Weaa; dalsle lUrUV: leiaa, Hittiy, yoang Amsries, jjJ , long born. Uyle. xovt a,Tn:x Firm ; recetnui a cara; Wsjcoeatn. tMtut; Mwtugaa aa4 Mta nrta, 11 Ssl.kV h'l.VIRT-Ijt firm; turkey, jfc; e1-eeav Me. ViU-Sta4y. IfUa. Llrnjeel 2rmla VasiMt. I.irtRPOOU May l-WHEAT-Spe. firiu; Ne. 1 red western winter, s td: No. Mneltob. s4d. Futures, weak; May isl"i, J oiy, October, 7sCd. LVRNepot Anereaa avtzca, sww, 1 114 i I l l.l IftUl 1UV a Ss Us r i'S S 424 44H t a m 1 46 It 14 47V. 1 7 I 11 434, steady, 1 5Wd; American mixed, oed, qaiet. C H'd; new American klla dried. vawt, asiu. f uture, nrm; jaay, eTepteraber as J,d. XEW YORK CKSEKAL MAHKET Qeelatleas r the Day ea Varlea CeuauwiMltllea. NEW YORK, May t-FUfR Fairly a.-tlve: sprlrur oatentx. ts.a4.: winter straights. ti lObA, winter patents. t.jt: aprtng dears. Heuae.M; extra No. I winter. H.SXUst: extra No. t winter, Krt 4.3; Kansas straights. EJ.Ka.v. Ky flour, steady: fair to good. ia.uuu&.lo;cbotee fancy, u Uo KL CUKNMKAI-Steady: One. white and yellow. il-aVBLaV coarse. Il.TjciLM: kiln oneo. H.1&, RTE-IJulet; No. I tUs, e, L f Buffalo. HAKL..r 4uit: Wleltlnir. D.ZStSLL L f Buffalo. HtAI-spot market, easy: No. 2 red. Oil's elevator, export basis and ti.:4 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, tl.:7 f. a b. afloat, opening navigation. Fu ture! market closed .)14k; net lower. Mar. II fife: July. H.17itil.lt: closed at tl.lMfc September, fl.l!&l.M: eloaed at f u. xucatpta, ac.M bo.; snipments, ll bu. OOlt.V Soot markst. firm: axport. 17c nominal, f. o. b afloat. Future market, nominal. Recelpu, ,lt bu.; shipmenu, li,T3S bu. OATB-DDot marksL firm: sUndard while xtte In elevator; No. f and No. 1 S3! ; So. 4. tic. Puturaa market, nominal. Receipts, M,40t bu. HAT Firm: prim. U70: No. 1. .; No. i, H.iO: No. t. tuttjn et. HOPS Steady: state, common to choice. 111, Otr&to; lilt, nominal) Pacific coast. 1111. 4U44c: lilt, nominal. H!DES-teedy: Cantral Amsrka, MHC; Bogota, H62fee. I-iLiTHER Firm: hemlock, firsts. M Itc: sKOOda, ttO.tc; thirds, atSc; re ject. He PROVISIO.SS-Pork, firm: roes. Will ea.06; family, tao.e7n.H: short clear, lt.23t.3. Beet, firm; meea. 14.4t14.M: family, llS.OCil.iO; beet ham. M.uu&ll.ul). Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 1 to 14 pound. Cltwmoo; alcued hams. tltttu.lo. Lard, stsady; middle western, lu.vs; reimea steeay; oonunent. 411. ; South America. IU.K: compound, ttvot iauuw-nrm; prime BogsBsaas, s'tc; special, 7e: oountry, tWOto, uouwo: western gatharsd. wiutea. arsvv HHo. H L TTE R Firm ; receipts, l.iw tubs; creamery, special, tic: sxtrss, tfiro; tirsu, uietJlc: seeond. tukiio; cut dairy, finest, r.'ffSHxt; Slat dairy, good to pilm, trtlSlc. CHKEte-Recetpts, Id box; market firm; stale, whole milk, naw, whits, spe cial, lc; skims, 4tUHc. EUU3- Itecstpts. ti.tag cases; mar set steady; fresh gtihrd, xtra, Bo; aunt, first to axlra first, storags packed, riHflUc; same, sxtra first regular packed, Hi(l30Hai sama, first regular packed, lDiHc. POi:LTRT un, rainy activ ana rrm on fowls; turkeys, glow; fowlt, Uc; tur- ksys. lie Orasaed. uuKt and slightly easier) fowls, western. WHBUVxo. Cotj and Wkawt Meatan SnUoHa, United Btstsa iieoartmenl at Aarlesh rure-Weaiker bureau' re pert tot t twenty-four hour ondlnf al I a. ts. ma wrtdlan time, WedneeJsy, May t, itlli OMAHA PUTKIOT, '' Temp, Rsia tutioaa HiabTLew, UU. tky. Aihland, Neb.. 77 47 ,4u Clear Auburn 71 4t ,tt Claar Broken Bow,.., 74 41 ,W Clar Columbus 74 47 ,M Clear Culbertsoa .... 74 H . Clear ralrbury 77 It .00 Clear Fairmont Tt ' 4T .t Clear Orand Island... 7t M Ot Pt. Clo'dy Hartlngton .... TT 44 ,W Clear Hastings ....... 71 M . Clear Holdreg ,. 41 ...oe Clnr Uncoln Tt 61 . Clear ' North Flatt., Tt , 41 ' .tt Clear Oakdala Tt 44 .tt Clear ' Omaha Tt tt tt Pt. CVo'dy Tekamah ; 71 4t .ttl Clear Valentin at 40 . Clear Alia, la.....,.., is 4 . i iear Carroll ..; 45 . Clear Clartnoa 1 4S . Clear Hlbley k 14 tt , .tt . PI. CIO uy Sioux City tt it tt Clear Minimum temparatur tat isatva-aaur period ndln at t a. m. . WaTRICT AVKRAOEH N Temp. Rata Central. Stauoaa. Hlga. Lew, fait Columbus II 71 1 . Leuisvltl ........ a w os .at Indianapolis ....11 , w Chicago -.. 14 71 4 . . St. Loul It t 6t ' . lie Moines...... n 71 4 ,wi Mlnneaoolla ... 41 ts . Kansas City...... . 71 , M , Omaha IT . ' Mhowers occurred in ail portion 01 ! corn and wheat .region during tna last laenly-foor hours, except the Omaha and Ies Molnee districts. The weather Is warmer In the western and slightly cooler at the eastsrn portion. I. A. WKt,RH. l Local rerecaater. Wsatnat kuree. gl. Lwnla Oeneral Market, ' ST. LOUI8. May l-WHEAT-Ch. lower; track No. t red, tl..lMi.js. Nu. s herd, tl.lvtil 11 CORN-Hlghets track No, l tHjo; No. J while. t.bKfc. OATM-Klrm. track No t, 'iMc; No, j white, tTHr. Closing prices of futures: WHKAT-iwer; May, KM; July, LUit tjl.ll'.i'; Reptemuer, l V CORN-Hlther; May, Bo; July. TtHc; aeptember. TsSttTeHc OATS-Hlgher: Mav. S4c; July,. M'c. RTE Unchanged, Mc. KIXU'R-Dull; red winter patent. KX ?5S8; extra fancy and straight. Ktvtl : hard winter clears, felonri.. KKD-Tlmolhr. llt.tL tMlRNMRAL-tn-et. BR AN-Weak; sackeo, east track, tl It HAT-rtieady; timothy, ptC31; prai rie. Wt.tftu ... PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: lob bing. l Ml. Ird. anchanged; prime steeni. tt.tunrt.es. Dry salt meata. un hanged : boxed extra shorts, 110. ; clear rib, lie. ra; snort eiesrs, til nacon. unchanged: boxed extra shorts. HL7t; clear ribs. tll.Ia: short clears. tU.ts. POILTRY Btedy; chk-kens. J!c: springs. Kk; turkeys, 14Hc; ducks, lie; grese. sc. Hi 1 1 b: rt wees . crwnery, r.t3ac KUUsV-slteady, le. Receipts Shipments Flour, beta. 6.W4 , t.o Wheat, bu. ................. Knot ' tT.wt Corn, bo, W.0W lilies) Oata, bu. M.ott tKOW Kansas City Wrala aad Previeteaa. KANSAS C1TT. May t-WHEAT- Caao: wle lower; No. I herd. tl.U) ui; , wi us; no, 1 red, ti-utis CORN-lo higher, , I mixed, BtuaC; No. J. ntMlTiM; No. 1 white, lie: i 1 sto. OATS-eteady to He higher; No. I wuue, witf j, re. a mixeo, ssttc Closing prices at futures: WHKAT May, CMS; July, tl.ttVO .w-e. . ai.wswi.srm. CORN-Msy. ItSc; July, TTttTHe; September, 71V: December. Hue. OATS-Julr. Utalte; Sept ember. tlSo. RTK-titc. HAV Week: ehoac timothy. U.tta J7l; rhoee pralrte, ltlNia.at rUrTTEH-Creeojenr, So; rirsta. Be" seconda aw: packing stock, Ac. BUGS Extras, IP:; firsts, Iitfcc; aec oxes aaieu, ftecelpta Sh ipmat 1 1 e wveat txj. K ara . avam t rn, bu. M eat 64. Jats, bu. I,M 4,09 ttlaaewwatts Oewlxt MartreS. MTNNEAPOU8, May l-WHCAT- ", . i ; aeptemkar. 1.7: cash. No I hard, n..,; Ne I nortbern. H IT; No. 1 northers, jut; Na, e nw, ei.w. FLAX-C1V P,KUET-:vcTt7 tt CORN No. t yellow, TtSttTte. OAT! No, t wt. itffMSe. fcVE-No. t Sc. s . . BRAN-tH totmat. FUX R Flrei patents, tt.laflf.as; sec ond patents, ti.&6i: fret casara, tt.a ew; seoona creara, esoDevve. , ' Mtlwaeke tSealsi Karate. VTLWAt-KRS. Win.. Mar a WHEAT , BniQWK 1 , V. M win, era, ttrrstyl.lt-: No. I hard winter, LIt VI w; auar, ,.: eaty, euiew. CORN Ns. I yaUew. tlVte; No, I wklto. awsoeae: No. a, ixsyrtuj; atar. m July, 771e, OATStanflar4. He. . RVB-No. 1. ttr. fcAfUJ,VMlUn,- JLS01.a, - THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY," .MAT ' 9, HEW YORK STOCK MARKET Trading- it Dull and Sejlipible from , the Start. - WAITISG ATTITUDE SHOWS Statement of Copper Prwdeeere' Ae- swelatlea tkiwi Decided In crease fa daaallly at Metal Masai. NEW YORK, N. T.. May t-From tart to finish todays stock market was a dull and negligible affair. Trading was light and plainly profes sional, and for hours the market mani- lested 00 definite trend. When It oocs eionally awakened prices were Inclined to sag, but aelde from some of tlis leadera, particularly Ueading, whose cour wa orrwwhat erratic, the movement was more tnan ordinarily circumacnoed. ne nay witnesaed no occurrence of moment, but the unsettled undertone be spoke a wailing attitude on th part of the trading public. Yesterday , govern ment report on the crop attuation formed the basis of some diacuaalon. there re maining little doubt that winter wheat nad autrered great damage, same ot which may be made up In the spring product. The average price fetched by the New -York city bonds was a anade under expectations and dlaaooolntlng to tiKwa woo loosed to tna ottering as a barometer. The capper producers submitted their report tor April, but th statement was of little Importance aside from disclosing a decided increase in the quantity of metal on hand, the result, primarily, of a falling off la foreign demand. The cop per market has undergone some plight reverses recently, with a fractional de cline tram prices of a fortnight back. Apart irom a suouen -break in Illinois Central, which sold down to within a fraction of Its lowest point since ltlt. nd waa probably due lo damage suf- lerea in tne Mississippi noons, in market ahowed general Improvement and greater activity in tne last hour, albeit some of Its strength lay la minor Issue. Closing price Indicated a degree of steadiness save lor Reading and steel. American slocks in London reflected the reactionary tendency of securities In general abroad. Money waa plentiful. however, with Increasing booea of a lower bank rate tomorrow. Home Interest attached to the transfer today of tl.Wt.too gold bars from the subtreaaury lo Man Praudeco. possibly for ultimate shipment to Japan. Since last Friday local banks have lost about 13 too QUO o lb ubtraaaury and Interior banks. The bond market wa Irregular and narrow. Wabash 4s lost some of yester- day' rise. Total axles par value, aggre gated s.eu.we. united mates govern ment bond wr unchanged on rail. numear 01 sues and leading auotatlona en bond today were: Balsa llsa. Urn. Cless. Allle-nalSMts sft It Await Cesser ... 41.41 I114 Awerice Agrlaaltaral,H so 4l Aawke nasi Infer... 17. K 71 AaMHcas Css ll.ee 44 I i flit Awanrea (J. r. ....... 1, 4T it Aiaaricee CMlee Oil..., 1.11 , Mli M H. A U aft.. 14 14 Awarleas las seasrltla. at, 144 7t switai usaaas ., us u an taaasMtlv..., I4t 4t 41 tl a as tit Aewrlaea B a R It, HK U M Aajerlcs S a R. sit.. 14 1st 111 Urt Ajsertcaa Bteal Pen M Awsrkes guger R II a lag 4.7M rM4 in 114 esiarwas Tai. a Tel.... let iHw 144w 11 Hca Tohsnes sf4 , 144 ASMrtrsa Woala 17 Mlalsg 1.41 41 41 41 4,41 14414 144i lMt tat MBit isitt lai tst Me natt use, t.aa laaH 10, ien 14 ii n s na, M lH lilt tzt t in , tti n LM4 Ml 1414 let !- M al IM 1.4H IH4 Tilt tlit 11 at It II 11 444 B lli U kM4 14714 144 It? aoa teott, iw 1114 MB II 41 . tttt tat tilt 17 M at 4t4 as '4 tt l,a Mitt Hi 14141 ts a lilt ist Alrklaee Alcklaaa N Allealle Csest Use .... rJaltiawre a ObM Balklaeeai Steal BreaaUB Raa, Tr UaeSlea Paaltw ...... Caetral Laataar Caalrsl Laataar sft... Cantral el Nae Jaraay.. teaasesaa osis....,, (iilrase A Alias , CblOraet Wau LSI. Ureal Waal. Bit.... Cel., Mil. A sc. f l si. ex r.. w... .. C. f. a tt, L... OMe. Peal a Ira Vetera a taataers..,, CuaaelMaleg ua Cara PreSvcts : Paleeare a Hwlaas.... 1T14 Ill Pester A Rat Oreaea.. D K. Q. alt tHaHllare SeaarltUs .u 114 Brie S.44S ll'k Ht 14 Una M sit , ns lit a tiu Brl M ef....u set 44 43 11 Qteers! tlartrlo ........ H4 1ST ' 1444 11 't Oraat N art bam ef.... lias ink lllu. ntniai Ufa sua, llllaala Cantral I.M in 14 111 '4 11714 latarsoreetS-Met, lat is lat laterseraiss.slt. Xi . 1.4S4 tt H 44U ll,r, JI.MI Harvaatar.. List lit lia 111', laawnMi aaarnra - sae ImerBatlesBl faer .,. IstareetloMl Pbwb .... 1.144 , l$ II lee tiastrel K. U seellMira K. C. Saalaars sM.. UcVsts usa Ml 1444 lej4 It 14 1,bm una m mat itt rvt u4 s4 tst itt in'i i4 eel 11 tlvj n Leelevllle a MBSkalNI,. atlra a St. L m.. at. p. a a tt. a., H , K. a T M.. k. A T . fH Mlaaaeri Psallia ........ Natleaal kVamk , Nattaeal Lea Nat. Itr ef H. It aft. 1.414 ll 41 41 MS IUH BU14 UiUj 1st ttl4 tt M14 n test Itl4 111 IM14 naw Tor tBtfl. N. T., O,. A w sw s lata t,n llt4 11114 lllti MS US 1114 lit, traa lr, ill 11114 ew ski R14 1: Ms ins ia4 ins ms 1114 MTIf M44 kBM lat UI Ml . M 1 M BM let IU14 14 u ttt.tn mtt tn 111 M its n 14 nit ni vt NerMb m Nartk Atsarlcae Konhers Fevift Panne Itall .... resBarlvaata , Fine.. 43.. f. Ikt, nnaearg Ceal rnni4 Steel, Oar Pallaten Pataet Ckr Rallear Ileal tsrtst ReatlBg ..,....,.......! RaraMIe Steal , Haseeue Steal sit Bank laws Ca Reck laleed Ot. SM..., tt. L. a a P.. M Me.. I. aw D s St 1st ItH Mli S at St. Lasts a W., Laols B. W. set.... ileaa Ssefnelt A a I.. Bealker PeHne t...... 4S , 4.48 IMS r MS M . , ms ns Ml 4!H Ma 111, M UI4 ,'iiiisi itiit ' "tei 'iiii ' tat tl .1U.M S M II . 1.M US ns w , Lies I MS U '."'ti T44 Mt IM IS , ttaa HIS aaa MS . LMt Uk aalBaia Reilear f BeetBere rtanvar sis. Tessaaaas cesser Taiaa reclttci Tel.. st, u a w Tel . BLtt, pit- I'ala PBrine laloe pBcUM art 1'alta Mala Raaltr ... traits gutaa RaBr., Valtat States Stael ... Usltet Blstea Meal BM. Ctah Ceeeer MS MS 44S 44 ms lttti S st US US IS ts n ms ..... MS 14 ns ns m 'S T Vtrttnta-Varettae Cxeaa. aaaeet Wataaa art 'aa4are stenlea ... WaHlaaaeajae tMNtrit Waaler I; alas Wsaattsg a Less Srla Lakttk 1W .. cstee CViaa-t .. ntt ms Urn Juaerarea Tefcecea . SB Ta4el aeJea far ta aay. su,bi sssrst. estM t"taa.-B Hawlalleaa. BOSTON, May tr-Cioaung quotations oa ttacka: Me eiSMeseem ............ ss ' Aeaal. Ceeeer tt Nenee Caa MS A L. a. MSNIstaata Hlaas IS Ansae cast ISSarui Sen Ms a a c. e a a at 1 Kant t a.laset a Aria 41 Ota pewieiaa ...... n t'aleaaal teaM....ani wweeia ..............na aMefal uvierr ax Cesser Raega Can. Saetaea .. US Beat Bajtte O).... UStrlae , US rreeXU flssr A B. M. ts.lt Otraes Caa i.. ISSTajearerk at Oneas n,..,.-Utl. B. A B. A M . M aa CSeaaaa .... ts ee ere SB lata Beeelto tCae.1 tt tt Caeaalteaaa .. ns Karr Lea ..... IS Fie Ckejaar ...... tls e Caesar M w-tnaea ex MMoat Caeeea ...... MSWetaerass ....ret Hew Teext xttalwsi NEW YORK. May l tnoelng snsta tJena oa salrtliui stocks: . ah-b i....i..m""M Olal t Neaawiek ca. .wenrea .,....sn nraalara ........... sj Cae, Va.. rstaaeerd lr-. Mher T"a eedtat ... Z -"iue Cat,. i Xmm Stoerex Market. LONDON. May t Aroertcsn eeurttlea opened stteady and a fraction higher to day. Treating eraa HtTrit aad part ot the llrt declined under raallslna doting the first botir. At soon pries ranged from S above ta aeaosr yesteraey a new York cloalng. v . t-wadlttaw mt wirhtvitov. WaT 1 At th begin ning at biatnsaa today tlx en1tvsei of the Cnttara sja,tea treasury was: v, tsra mg balsavl veasury tftea. ao.ua Wt; IB aanas I v 'itpptno treasury, SU,ia,- ttl: total balanea In general fund. 113, 7t4.sn: ordinary receipts yesterday, Cill,; ordinary dlsborsemants. I1.N. a; deficit to date tbls fiscal year, tlO,. 191. as against a deficit of t34&,i at this time last year. These figures exclude Panama canal and public debt trans actions. ' tiew Vawav Maeaey Market. new YORK. May 1. MONET On call. steady; 2,3 per -cent; ruling rate. t per cent: closing bid. -s per cent; offered at t per cent. Time loans, steady, ante risv. Sail', aer cent: ninety data. Vk per "cent; six months. Sirt'vH per cent. . ' PRIME ilKKCANTlus rAra.it close. 4t4H Pr cs4- -TBULINO KXCHANGB Steady with actual busiiuies in banker's bills 'at ttats ' for sixty-day bills ' ancr at H SO'S ror tne ucinann. vvnumiviM , ..u- ' .... . .... ' BON 1 )S Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on xonas toaey wsre as follows: G. I. ret. 3a, rag. .tK 1st. -Met. 4Ha . ...... tl is eeaeea H6 Inc M M. M... U Via. r........lii Japas a te easasa ;...M Japes Y4S ..' U B. I. ta. rag .. 114 K C. S lat la. .. 7m aa nan llawL. m. tm. u lltll) UK Allla-Chal. let is., a u A N. sn. a....!54 "is. Ag. as lez aw K. A T. 1st 41 as A. T. T " are. 4as .... 17 asst. Tab 4a Kant rac. 4a 71t a SI ..194 N ar 31. Ua.. 44 Aneoer a C. Ha-. 1N- T. C gee. aa -aa ta ire a, bi, aarweer a Ca. lite llM. T., s. 1.11. Attaiaa ae. . ... ea. ts ltHi a ev. ta raaNor. W. ta. I. .ill to ev. ta...... IS) lis eoa. ta.... At. C. L. 1st (a. Hw-lanhers PacllM B. 4 0. 4a ', Nerthars Parllle Is rj. "aa mi KM or. a. U rla. la.. KVa ea t. V. ma.... H e,.n av. Kit lltll Br.. Tr. er. ta ..... KtiaKaaWtg gas. Is 103H C. ef Oa. ia levagt. u a S. r. L H Jl Caetral Uatsar is.. H aae gees ta i;t O. al N. J g S..l:n,lt U I. W ces. 41 B C. A O. ISa 141 1st goM ' aa rat. is . .a Rl. A. I. adL is.. a C. a A.. I4S M. .. jie.... 1....4.. C. B A 9 It. ta.. K,e. Psc tel. 4s... It . . a. s I. g aa aa ee ev. 4a C. M. a S. P. 4 4e Mli 4e let ret a S ., It. I. a P. a 4a lie. xe. Balhasy to ..1"4 4a rli la. nta aa a. 7l Ola Int. is 7iUBloa Pscllla 4.. ..Ill Cat. MI4. ta 44 . te. 101 C. a 1. r. A a 1'ia H lat set raf ta.. MU D. A H av. 4a.... r.SV. a. Ranker 4s ....Ut d. a a a. ts...... tn.ii. s. steal it ..m ts raf. Is IfiVa -Car. Ubars. Is.. ..Wt Dlatlllarr- Is 14,aabut M agrle wt. X 4a. U1 ee lat sag as. 4s. t"i gas. ea rawast. He. , 1714 av. Is aer.. A.. 17 Waat. Else. av. Is,. H sw. B 114"WI. oes. ia .... M Oaa. liar. ev. k..IC,ll, Pscine r il..t7ti III. C lat r. .. tt rxaaau Is ...174, Bit. ""Ottered. , , Slab t'leeirlaaja. ' OMAHA, May 1,-Bank - clearings for today wera U.a.ivtM and tor the corre sponding day last year. U.vus, 4tl.lt. , OMAHA eKtBIIAt, MARKET. " BUTTER No. I, 1-lh. cartons, lc; No. I In et-lb. tubs, lie; o. 2, attc; pscklua, Be. ' CHEE8B Imported Swiss. Kc; Ameri can OwlBs. Jtc; block 8wiss. Itc; twins, tic; daisies,- lie; triplets. Sic; Toung Americas, lie: blue label brick, 10c; lint berger. Mb., flo; 1-lb, ac. FISH (fresh frosmi-Plckerel, c: white, Itc; pike, ISo; trout,- Uc; large erapplet, lHylic; Spanish mackerel, Uc; eel, Ida; haddocks, Uc; floundera. Uc; green cat fish, 14c; roe shad. Tic each; shad roe, per pair, ISHc; salmon, lie; halibut. tHc: yel low perch. Ic: buffalo, to: bullheads, lie. POUTRT Broilers. t50"4T9Ot per dos.; springs, 2W726C; hens, loi7c: cocks, 11c ducks, latJAic; geese, 13c; turkeys, Kc; piteous, per dog., tl.30. Ailv: Hens, Ut4ttUec; old roosura to; old ducks, full feathered, liW:: geese, full feath ered, Ic; turkeys, 1141 Itc; pigeon, per do., 7ac; homers, per dux, fc.aO; atiuaba, No. I, tl.M; No. i. ate, f . BEEF CPT PRICB.-I-Rns: No. 1. lK4c: No. 1 Kite; No. I, 13Hc. Loins: St 1 Joe; No, I 17c; No. t, IHic. Chucks: No. 1, t4c; No. !, Mc; No. 1. I tie. Rounds: No. I, C4c; No. i. lltto; No, S, lie. plats: No, L 7Hc; No. i. Tc; So. t, tsc. FRulTS, KTC.-Appi: Extra fatcy Ben Us vis. per bhl.. t4.S: Wineaepa. par bhl,; ii; fancy Mlaeourl Pippin, par bbl., M 21; Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy, par box. K M; Washington bpitxenberg. per box. 6.60: Wathlngton if. Beauty, on box, U . Waahlngton Btyman Wlneiapa, per box. U.M. bananas: Fancy select, per bunch, 13. :.; Jumbo, per btuwo. U.7Mlt.7&. Dataa: Anchor brand, neav m l ib, It- la box per bog. 12. ik Drusj. edary brand, new, at 1-la. pggs in box. pet box, 13. Figs: California, per eas ot 11 Na U pkgs tro; per sue 0f M No, U pkta , B.. per caaa of if No, I pkgs M; Bulk. ;n and -io-lb. boxes, per lb. Mm; nae Turkish, t-crsws In lv-lb, box, per lbs, Uc; t-erewa In tt-lb. box, psr lb., Me; 7-crown In tv-lb. boxes, par lb., flc. Orsfi fruit: Florid, at else, per crat. It; mss, per oral, ti.bi; W-UM sums. pr crate. Met. Or apes: Malaga IB bbla, r.evOi.SO, Lemon. Umoulara Ssisctad brar.d. extra fancy, 300-w si tea per box. It: Lama Llmoaelra, faacy, m MO slses, pet box, K.M; Mt-4W sixes, kKi per box-less; California lemon. tt- sine, gar box, HUttiM. brunges; Call, fointa Camellia brand, .Naveta, axlxa fancy. N-lli17t-l-ut-iS alBes, per box, H la; extra ckotce, ail six, par bos. 4; Elephant brand. 121t-i;t-M-tit sis per box, 13 W, xtkt-sM slaea, par bog, tt.lU Pineapples. st-sa-M sums, per orate. It, BtrawnerTMea; aoaiauuia, par caaa al M pints, V-m. ikGETABLEeV-Beets, oM oron. Bar IK B4C Cabbage, Wisconsin, per lb tsc; Bw California, per lb., 4c Celery, Cal ifornia Jumbo, par doa.. L0; Florida, la fit touch, etrto dos,. per case. n.aV Oa. cumber hot bouse, par box. H-OS gg Pfaat. taouy rmium, per vjtub, a-Uf. tier. Uc, extra fancy, white, par dos, Ua Lettuce, extra fancy leaf, per doa, tic. iiition. California, white, boiling, ear lh. Ic; Wisconsin, yellow Olobe, per lb la; red Olobe, par lb, Ic; Bpanlsa. per crate, gi.kV Parsley, fancy oulhern. per doa. buncnae, sevteo. a-areata, Kncy sou in. ire, per doa bunches, iotyTio; ParanlpA aer lb.. ic roiau.ee. . atiaoeaota Red iuvar Kariy Oheo aeed. per bu, 4X71; Minnesota tarty no aaau. war ou. tl.al; BUsa Triumph aeed, par bu, H tl; wi. oonela white stock, per bu., iLae. Rula. sagos, la oa Par la, ISO. Tomato, k lor Ida. par t-bsk. crate, (aa; Cuban, pee t-bea. earner, iusv iarnrpa, per lb., laCBLLANttOfiS-Almondx, tarrty gone, per lb, lHc; la sack Iota la leea Cocoaauta. par aack. He. Filberts, per lb., 14c: In sack lota, la less, Ptaauta, roasted. In sack lots, par lb.. IVic; roeated less then sack lots, par lb., so; raw, pr lb., sc. Pacaaa, large, par lb., lo: la sack lets, leaa. Walnut, new crop, mi, California, par lb. Ha; In aack lots le tee. CMer. new Jtehaweka, per le-gal. w bat.. Mat: pew M-gal bb, ta.it: N.w Tork Molt a per U-sa- bbl., ttst; per tv-gal, oof., sese. nooey. new. ss trajnea, R.li. Kraut, sat- It-gaL keg. tt.7i; per t-gaL keg. ILxs, . , Metal Market. NEW TORK. May t.-MBTATf-4tnd-ard copper, quiet: spot, tli.Xfs1i.tt; May. tilVMaiMI: June. July August and September, tlfi.4ait.trt. London market autet; spot. It Is td: future, ta lis. Arrivals reported at New York today, tone Custom house returns show ex ports of aiW tone no f r this month. te.ke eoppec. rttiittc: eler-trolytlr, nc: raetlng. l&trtlHc. Tin, firm; pot 94m W: May. t4S.Sot.W: June. t4 0 . frexx.; juty. sH.sbtriete; August, tt.f.9 4l.t: September, tM.44.43. Santoa, I tuas June at 144. tft: 4 tons June at leVtm: t tons July at KS.ee. London market fins; spot, Oa tts; futures, ut ia. Lead, stead vu H rS4JI.I7H New York; M tatH lt. tst St. poui. london. (if tta. Spelter, firm and active: KiMTAat New Tent; M bid East St. txHjts. Lon don. OS 13 td. . Locally aalee wer re ported for East St. Louis deliveries aa follows: ta.oot pounds August at M; Mum ponatrls August at K.S; totjM pouitaa Aortist at s.es: fe.uue . pounds Atiiruet st K.S: a, Dourrds August at $UAi-tm.m pounds Auguet at M47S. Arc llmony, quiet: veoaeew a, taos. iron. Cleveland warrants. S3a 4d la London. Ica!lr iron was wteady. No. 1 foundry northern. ti.at-i; o. s. Iivvtll.w; No. 1 sootbera aad No. t southern soft. tlXBtiS7V ' ST. Lon. May t MrrrAIJt Leed. milet :' K7tk . ' RtMitor, unaetUed; avtfitl,- , - . . ; ' Phlut-etwirt. Pil daee J4rk-t. HILADBLPHIA. May I.-BITTI.R-. Mtkrket -de- higeier; - atlatn - ittanuf special, stc; extra. -wrf nearby prima, extra, sac saS Market Be oer -ae hltrher PerrBtyrvania and other nearby firsts, f. e. tli per case; eurreot receipts, t c.. n per cam; wastern first. . f. c. KtS per case: current rocaiiitx, f- , ti.7t par case. , CHEKPrV-Iferket ataady; New Tork full craama, saw, WVic; pert, ski sea, new, MtfMc . - . . . , Kay ta the SituaOoo Bee AdrertiaHuj.. -1912. OMAHJl.LIYESTOCK MARKET Buyen Still ia Earnest Qneit for Good Heavy Cattle. t - ; " HOGS ABE BIG HCXEL EIGEHS cewtota of Sheep sat La -aba Light aal PriMS ReUd A bent the . Santa as Tkeee preealt- -. tag Taesday. " 80CTH OMAHA, May i. Ml Receipts were. , CittHe. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday f.tf3S a.116 Offictsl Tuesday 4.343 13.a 2 tstimate WeOne-dsy.. J.u l-.uul 2,-k) Three days this Wk. 11.51. r.5 H.7t Same daya la.t week..l2.75 44,4 17,35 Same daya 1 w'ka ago.ll.D7t 28,443 lt.CJl Same days S w'ka agu.li.7 , 39.e7i) 21,027 Sama day t w'ks sgo.H,ltt 4271 42.107 Same day last year.liJsT - 1S.S3 Tha foUowiug table snuws th receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha tor tb year to data aa compared with oi tt year: 141" wi ts-v Cattlo SS.UJi ,7(3 Hogs ,,. !KS,7S 413,744 Sheep ........ 77,i4i Ctl,75 1.7 Tha following table stows th rang of prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last few daya, with comparisons: Data. UU. jli;il.ii.iiii-.i:jta,ii9c;,itt- April 5 HI ItSI I K i 381 I t tt I 81 5 4 f tsl tlj tat IS April til. April 3U 7 tU V ll 8 SI: 1 Sf May. 1. 4 U ttl S4' t a Alay 2. V 1 Jetii ' Till TOtll ut ii; ii! a 27 2ii ta 1 Itli Ml A! ay ... May i.. T UU ii Tttl t SSi MJ i HI May t.. 7 44Si t eel 1S7! May I. T 461 J 18 lb Ifti ill t is May ... 17 84 Sumlays. """Receipt and disposition of llva stock at the Union stock Yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four, hour ending at , I, p. m. yesterday; , . RECEIPTS-CARS. ' -" ' Cattle.Uogs.SheaD.H'r'a. C, M. A 8L P...... I. I .. Wabash I ! fnlon Pactnc ...... 41 13 -"1 Mlssourt Pacific... I - .. 1 C. ft N. W east., t t) .. 1 C. A N. W, west.. It . 6T 1 C, St. P, M. O.. U 1 .. C, B. A Q., east.. .. T ' S .. C, B. Q.. west.. M 3 1 3 c, rl. 1. ft p., eat 4 I . .. .. 0.. R. I. P., west 1 '1 .. ' 1 Illnols Central 3.1 .. 1 c. a. w i.i Total receipts.. .135 175 II DISPO-lTlON-HRAD. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. .. lit l.t7 ' Omaha Packing Co. swift and Company,.. .. 819 .. (79 ttBt 1.8S8 2S4 tat Armour a. Co Murphy Morrell Sinclair Cudahy, from K. C... Hill Son Huston A Co , m ii lit t . . t 82 1 1 M . 48 471 l.OJt J. B. Root A. Co........ J. H. Bulla .... i. ...., L. P. Hues L. Wolf H. F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Lee Rothschild ........ Mo. A Kan.. Calf Co.., Other buyers 1.12! Totalt 2,I7i . 13,834 1,011 CATTLE Receipts were very fair for a Wednaaday, with little notable change in tne general character of th offerings. Quality continues excellent but there 1 a very apparent lack of weight in the cattle, and for this reason . tha prima heavy grades ara still greatly sought by coin arassec Deer men and snipping buy ers. Htrlctty desirable cattle of all weights, however, found a ready, sal at fully ateady prices, while th bearish ad vices from eastern market had a some what depressing Influence on th market for the medium to poor cattle, and these ruled anywhere- fron; weak to litrilac lower than Monday. Trading waa reason ably active all forenoon and a very fair Clearance wa made In -good season. Tha market for cow a snd heifers waa In much th sama condition aa on Tues day. Anything at all desirable In the way of butcher or beef stock waa picked no eagerly at fully recent auotatlona. while tha market waa more or less un even and uncertain on oannera and cut ter that made up a large proportion of th limited supply.' Veal calves were In actlvo demand -and fully steady, but there was a somewhat easier tons to the market for bulls, stags and rough Mock generally. . . Activity and strength continue to char- acterls tha trade In Blockers and feeders and so far this weak th demand has exceed ad tha eupply. Price ara quit a little higher thaa last week for good to choice steer and heifers of all weights and the undertone to tha market la de cidedly strong, although tha volume ot business Is necessarily limited.- wuotation on came: uooa to ono.ee beef steers, n.90.: fair to good beef stesrs, 17.tMi7.M; common to fair beef steers. tf.istri.K; good to choice halters. M 00tT-so; good te choice cows, 14.760 t.Ti; fair to good cows, I4.76i.76; com mon to fair cows, 13.00$ 1.00; good to choree atoekar and feeders, K.K7.!.: fair to good stockers and feeders. ti.Z64 (.Tt; common lo fair stockers and feeders. et.oufxm.ss; stock neners, af.sivu.te; vest caivea, M-swtyi.js; Duut, stags, ate, 41.40 -. Kepresentatlve sales: BEEF STEERS. ' - - - Pa Av, rr. Ma Av. Pt. . Ml is TO t 41 itn t it , KM t at , ........ tat T it 141 T tt ' 1144 I 41 itn t it , IBM t It 1114 t ti t ...1:14 i n I UU TM II 1114 I 4 11 1X41 I II ii irr 1 1 M ,...Uf I H 14 ,...1441 I II 111! t B 17 , Mtl I 1 II list t a It 1M X JS ...... ...im t u 8TK1-R8 AND MEIFKHS. .... fli 1 4t n tat t tt 4 4 41 14 MT tt :.iia i - COWS. .... til I It . I.. ........). t II t... u tt........; i......... 4 1.... 1)33 - I ...tin t .. 44 I 44 I .....Iltl t H) ..net is HS1FKK& ,.144 t It . I , .. tl I It . I , .. tot I 44 ' tt BULLA. .! I tt - 1 , ..111 4 14 . I , ,..ltt t ) '. I ,.! IS CALVES, ... tit t It I , .IB IN - I ... 14 I I 1 ..lis) 1 1 ...411 tit t ,.. Btt i ... IM III - ... IW 4 ...141 It -, ... m ia W t......... I : L L.. t, I....,..., lrl t I let t tt 14 1 14 t .- STOCKEIUi AND -lbl.K8. It Ill 4 4 II 4SS t 10 1 44 I ' a. 404 I M t. 41 II A Ill It., H006 Oeneral fwndiUona In the hog trade tavaeed sellers so that a good atsed run had little or no bearish Influ ence. The demand from all quarter ruled active from tb start enabling aalea mea to obtain higher prices for tat big bulk of afferlngs. larger drove were put up at advance ot fully a nickel, good heavy grades usually allowing flat nickel gains while mixed and butcher clstsss frofiumtly brought figures tks htxher. Tha run wa estimated at 1XSM head aad a very respectable portion of the crop 4watsted of attractive medtutn weight atuff. Movement throughout the session waa creditable and th yards war practically cleared before lajs o'clock, - shippers taking ' about . one eighth ef tna total. ' -Best heavy noaa a sale brought I7.a, aa compared with yecterday'a top of PM, whila bulk landed within ;,4447 . Light weights eold at tIM and lata, taw ranee between roenrooat bare and amoeth iarg Mock amounting t about 40c, - . Hepreeenlatlve aale:- , . .- t Na. ae.sa.ra a. sa. p, o...,...m i it - ...;.,.tii ... it - - a..-.. -ms ns m - at ibis - M u -at" t : tat ... t . n.-....t4 at T- T4....,..t3 t' a at ... tl - . ti..-ja its tit it ......in tt 1 4ait 4A.,.4 ut t tnt - n m is T n m mt i tit, T1.......M lt.......U4 -rn tittt . m' 4TM - tt. ,.M 4B t 17 a 14 US tit H-.....!T1 tit - n.... -.nl t tst, M.. tt k ia ' a.. ... ... t ie ti....,..tt m 1 1 . . It J14 H IB . ......-,... t tt St at tst tt ttl tit m at it tu . n......A3 ... tst a u ut is tt.......ni i :tt. It -Sat ... T 44 It. X tl t 4t ' i ui ms t n .......m ... tat - it... -..if tst t at - la .. ws ia - a let it t w : e mt nt t tt ...'....sit a IB a. in yet i at ' is.. us. as Tit t u...,.an jtt.it n......Ji ,.t.tt . II f m , ji ua ... tie at .! Tt ....... .sm ... Tit ..... ... 1st IS S41 M T K4 M ... 7 t II 53 ... t MS 44 21 344 7 44 Jt ... T KH C ITt 1 7 44 Ti in a tint t m is is Tt !31 ... T s-is U M t 4 M. Mi B IB, 11.......TU ... J 4S Tl .lil MS t iS M. ...... til ... T 4S n. ...... -14 it t sis a...... .itt ... I e. III !-t 1JS t H M t ... T 41 ' H Et MS 1 E C1 IB Ml T tt ' n m ut T it u ns n it - ....... Ill ... tat iI......14 It T 41 M.......111 ... I ii ii. ttl M t 41 m at tt i tt tt. m ua T a a Mt M tat . m ... Te 17 HI ... T Tl .17i tt t 4i - M I4T MS T ia . MS ... 141 73...... !4 ... lit M I4M ... I 4S .:.....! B IB 41 Ill ... T47S Ji a 44 T a t: ms as 1 1 44 U3 Ut T it . 41 .!. M ITS m at ... tit . s atr ... tit. . SHEEP Aside from a little more ac tivity in th aheep and lamb trade, the market In general was a repetition of yes terday's buainesa Receipts were llsnt snd quality of offerings did not afford peckers much freedom In selecting well finished stock. The demand had a fair tone and prices ruled lust about ateady. Yard estimate called for a total of only X.J0I head, and bulk consisted of iambs, the same as recently. Wooled strings were the exception, shipments In fteece being too scarce to- properly try out th list of values. Wooled lambs were not quotable above tt.ee and wooled ewej were none too popular from tT.-i downward. A few spring lambs were included In tha run. but Inquiry for this daea of stock la by no means aa active as it was a week or ten days ago. - Shorn lambs and shorn sheep changed hantls at the uaual figures, good shorn lambs selling around IS- Something, high grade in tnla line would probably stop at 1-26. fheep Bold in small hunches. Compared with nut week's meau close, current prices for larr.bs show heavy Josses, shorn Iambs selling about Wc lower while wooled lambs show declines of fully 7.V?. Tlte drop In sheen has not been so abrupt, owing to the limited per centage of ewes and wethers in the re ceipts. Coun-ry nutlet bat been practi cally closed lattiy, bathing whatever selling for fet-dlut; ot shearing during tne first two daya Wooled siKrp sri lamb: lambs, good to choice, t-taiii.ia); lambs, fair to good. tS.0Gir etrai, g Mid to choice, 7.0. 7.30; ewes, f-lr tu good. tW.-Otti.0l'. Shorn sheep and lambs: Itmbe, good to ctoTce, ts.tXf-6: lamoa. fair to good, I7.6. .0D. No. Av. pr. U shorn ewes 107 5 50 IT cull ewes Its , S 25 I to spring iambs 4i W. 1st thon lambs 74 J W lu shorn lambs, culls t7 1 1 in wooled lambs SC it. St shorn lambs... it 23 CHICAGO LIVE . STtVCK MARKET Demaad for Cattlo aad Sheen Steady . -Hears H taker. CHICAGO, May .-CATTLE-Recjlpts, fl.OuO head. Market ateady to K- lower, mostly 10c lower; beeves, ts.0e0.mt; Texss steers, t40ti.2S; western steers, 8.7StT.); stockers and fefilera, I4.ut 8.); cows and belters, tt tuff 7.7; calves, t6.SOfr7.7S. , , HOOS-Recelpte, !0.00 head. Market genarally 10c higher; II, ht. t7.5'.7.75; mixed. 87.36ti7.IO; heavy, 17.f7.i; rough, r s7.60; pigs, t.00O7.06; bulk of Bales, 7.1l7.S6. SHrt'P AND UtMBS Receipts. 1..000 head Market quiet to ateady; native, H T50; weatern, M.Wtt;.; yearlings, JtO.35; native lambs, 6.9&).(; weet arn, .2S.li6. . ' Kansas City Llva Stock Market. ' KANSAS CITT. May I. CATTLE He eelptg. 5.7(0 head. Including SU0 south erns. Market steady to lie lower; calves, Ko It He lower; dreased beef and export steers. t6.ajHI.T5; fair to good, W 707.5; western steers, tS.3reS4.ej); Blockers and feeders. K8fr7.S: southern steera Monet AS; southern cows, HaMM !6; native cow s.!.xVfJ7.!; native heifert, eSOOa 100; bulls, M-TStyi.OO; calve. l.0li.0i). HOaS-Recelpts. 7,r heed. Markeet k - higher; bulk of sales, 7.ly7.0; heavy. t7.8T.u; packers and butchers, mtt-ij), iignta, i.t.-(.ni; pm tatstt 10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recalnla I IW1 head. Market steady for sheep: lambs, Kc up; lambs. n.StmiA: yearling. Hot t.00; wethers, 15.0t7.); ewes, M SOtrT-Ot; tocgers ana teeaers, t3.KtSt.-00; Texan goat, 3.0S9.9. ' Stack la SlabL e i... , ii ,., . -, . . hvoiki, ,1.- m tne nve prut- otpal western markets yesterday: South ranih. vaiue. rtoge. aneep. .... J y i.ojh j jro 2.100 4.S1W 1,3U0 & TIM t on St. Joseph .... Kansas city ., St. Louie ... J JO ' MOO 5,000 Chicago 31.009 . 20 WO Totals 14,500, 45,000 32,401 St. t.aala Live Stack Market." nr Tt?ta u. a , - - - -- - - - j . ,! , , ne- eelpta. !. head. Including D Taxans. Market ateady to 10c lower: native ahtp plng and export steers, tT.sses.M: dressed beef and butcher steera, to.ff97.Tt; steer under l.OOOO pounds. tl434l.7i; stockers ea aa-aunre, ea.4ewe.tv; an and heifers. It's going to be sizzling hot soon. There is no comfort in' a stifling office then. Clerks canpot work; stenographere fail to keep up to standard, and you don't do justice to your duties. The Bee building is 4he coolest of Oma ha's office build ings. Its rooms are commodious, excel lently ventilated there's a cool at mosphere all over it the air currents race into the build ing and1 circulate rapidly through the large handsome court. Better get located now and be comfortable all summer, modern office advantages are found in THE BEE BUILDING ' A tew vacant offices are listed: d joining eulte. At present both rooms ara divided by temporary wood and glass partltlona; have as east exposure aa SoTantaania street and are very desirable roocua. tas is KtixISH feet In site; has two north windows and a private office partitioned off inside this apace. This room would be particularly well suited for aa architect or stadia Sta Fronts aa Faraam street and as almost In front of le vator landing 8tse tHxltVs, or Its square feet Parti tioaea ta offer private office and rsceptlloa room. XXS Reception room, private office, two lam closet, large et with two north windows T,i ,,,. , -,.. arcaitact. wecter ear auw aonta ttaa SI I Is ll-txJt in also, located oa the eonrt, close ta sky light, thee having excellent aatoral light. Tha space could - - be divided tt it I man two very pleasant room a. Price, . per mofJUi ......... S37J0 tax IM Office In the north west comer, having four large win - . . aktwa. - A ftreproet vaatt for the protection of valuable papers . , U ta stuck deauuid and la afforded at tbia rotau Thar la a ' ' total of Its square feet of floor apaca and some would be equipped with perUtlaas to satisfy good tenant. Tna rental ' price ia, per month Stool The Be Building Co. Bee Bwiness Office, 17th and Famam Streets Jl.TSa,!)'. canr-r.. tl - JJV- bulltVOO cow,' and heifers, K'"';'- ... HOGS-Recelpts, ne.u "-.S: Uc higher: pit?, and t .-7 mixed and butchers, !!.''. soo h'KHKEpSTvO LAMBS-Hecetpta S-W head Market dy: native mutton. bucks, . siockera, t3oit.l. .' St. Jftfsepk Lisa Stfera. Market. ST. JOSEPR MX, May S.-ATTLE-. Receipts. IM head: JSf: pi.rsiW. cows and heifers, 3.3i.7. carv-s, M 3O.8.00. , . HOGS-Recelpts. 4.50S head: market oe Mc higher; top, 17.80; bulk of sales, S-DO '?HKEP AND UMBS-Receipts. L3 heed; market Sc higher; lamb, fcxas. ( ttaa Market. NEW TORK. May a-COTTON-8pot, closed quiet. 10 point lower: middling uplands, UMc: middling gulf, I", sales, none. - , . Futures closed steady. Closing bias. May. 11.14c; June, 11J; July. H.44c: Au gust. 11.48c: September. 11.51c: October, lLSlc: November. ll-e; December. 11. 70o: January, ll.Wc: February, lLOac; March, U.T4C. - ' Coffee Market. NEW TORK. May A COFFEE Fu ture market closed unlet, not ono point lower to one point higher. May. 14.40c; June, It 43c; July, l58c; August, ItSaci September. 11.75c; October, 11.71c; Novem ber, : ; December, lltao; January, and February, 13.88c; March and April, ., Spot coffee, quiet; Rio No. 14l,c; 8-ntoa No. 4. 16c. Mild, quist; Cordova, lilW- nominal. ' 1U7 Goods Market. NEW TOP.K, Mar S. DRY GOODS Cotton arooda were quiet and firm dur ing the day. Yarns are in moderate demand with buyers cotuimng puraiauiee to small lots. Jobbing trade was very quiet wit! mail trade was hampered by continued rain. s Oaaks Hay Market. OMAHA. May i-HAT-N 1, t2L0 HO); No. 2. JIS.Xft.tfi; Ne. S. tlalT.tW; Na. 1 nikltilins, t0.D4r31.00: No. 1 low land. l9.tirl): n I fulfil, choice third and tounh cutting ta.iiOft-.'S.OO; first and sec ond cutting, 3.00. !.; io. t, tll.ooa .; No. S, H6.O0S 18.03. Pearla Markrl. - PEORIA.- 111.. May S.-eoRN-teady: No. 4 white, tic: No. 1 yellow, 77c; No, 4 yellow, 7"5c; No. 1 mixed, T7c; No. mixed. 7dc: sample. mtmiSa. OATS-Higher; No. a white, f!tCJ standard. SV.je; No, 1 white. BTc, t Sasar Market, NEW TORK. May 8.-SUGA R-Raw, steady; muscovado, 88 test. 3. sue: cen trifugal, S8 test, t&c.; moUuMet, St teat, tMe. Betined, quiet. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, May I.-WOOL Steady; territory and western mediums, 1 tit. Itc; fin medmms, lit) 17c; fine, lOttljc. Refined Bexar la Kedaeed. NEW YORK. May . A!l grades of re fined sugar were reduced w ttentg a liua dred pounds today. .. Tha - Ptrsunent and Judicious Caa of Newspaper Advertising Is the Road ta Business Success.- California Land Syndicate A rare opportunity Is offered a few pel-toils to Join soma Califor nlana In acquiring largo tracts ot Klver Bottom lnd In aoutharn part of Sacramento TaJley, Cal., adjacent to river and rail trana portation. Land is subject to over flow and, la equal, it not superior In richness, to Vslley ot the Nile. Reclamation cost Is nominal, and under advantageous conditlosa and system; the land coat ia small compared with value when re claimed. Will net approximately 100 per cent profit Subscriptions solicited, payable to the Land Account of the under sifned. Interest in the company to the amount ot your subscrip tion, with your investment, re turned within two years. Capital ization. $250,000. For further information, address CALIFORNIA HACIENDAS 84 California 8L, San Francisco. : - All rocrna can be rented iln.u - proieeaionau men. . t per c