si si i We Will Now J , e-J I- HlDJJWJWiUJl MHniijII IU - I I Mill HI) II MlMll ' ' ' " 1 ' I f T . 1 ' II B ,i, . . i i ' li l ll l i I i l - ii ffCT incrun Tirro ciiifrrcfF. . .. i ST. JOSEPH TAKES SLUGFEST Bat Thn Omalit Snrlcn forStrev tew Safe Binf kivr , SII1H0IT BATS OCT EOXX BUS : With TImmh m rirat, Ik I ' Over Ml(ii Gar4rm Fran t . r -far Clrralt. t. -JompD- aa tlx tdraalac ( lh i Kaqrt rrtey ailaraooir In a dug ! (tnc;mU!B .tor lh mm cum ef tbt M1 Kvrr (wavar la Om Mm m1t ; at la( on hit. whll KM (at u blflt M fwf. A total of twantlrilM Mta aa 1 mad la tha alucfau. -Tat Rowkaa took I lha ahart aaa ef a ta aaara. W Ttnt-lijiJsa. Urtad. tNn u too tha ran u caJId. on-halt hour latar tha th aniMdttkrf Urn. Jack Haaktll II hi konor tha ampa, waa arvln( aat aa J larttoa )utg an4 oould aot aavat hi 2 tim M lack trlfl aa ball gain. Tb J Hollandllrt ttin4 BiMda tur k total of mtour WtvitftT,h .tnanaceO, U.l I man out. - jbiw. t th rea an4 tlrcUrtlia mfi( attar making two wild . ipltchn'md-WiaM anotMr,. Four run Zra, maAr Intfea opaaar. ' : 1 . litaka .Ja.. Jtaaaaerad; " 8 Hlk wm maaaacrad la tha Dt In- tia) "faV-'fcuf; hit for j brao of nm.' AfieV til Mcond i wnt ood and altehad winning hU. , : Woldrtng atarted Ilk a whirlwind, but h Rourk gpt to him In th (ourfn -far two kit, in th (Uth, Mnlh ,fi hth, a total of Bin blngK wMBWatrad off hi delivery. Including 'k,'.koih. rua with a maa on baa by lflto., Th Rourk nlajr td a' good uphill gan and but far tha 4flrt(,t .inning th (am waa wU Hkd" 1 th targa crowd. 1 Twlo th homt'rtia had inr nwn oa baani with a good' tttr, a. 'but W old ring BMmod to 'B,wta arulf and M tu4 ta flv vil mmtn . Kllr opnd Xor.'ua Jola with a alngi t loft. Vi)1 et, aat a bunt. Wauoa orlflwxC 'UwiiHnr tngld to ntr. aoonng KXlf ani VtU. Barton doubled, aoonng 2titg jlyoll waa nt In to pitch and banned twavjwld on, allowing Barton ta acor.' ' rwwtt flali,. r. In th atoond Vlrtn obanod with a alngla. Kallr aaofif ,cd.- "wll tripled to cwlar, aodrlng WalgMiig. 'Wataea laid down a bunt and .beat rt ta Cm whll Powall aord. Xf i la th fourth aft tm Tiad died Powell walked and aoorad a a. kit br Wataoa. Omaha eain baok In tha aaaw Inning. With two dowa Beanlba beat out a bunt. Klehoft doubled, aoortng Scaoloo. In th lathiah.MM tw. rowel t, th M!ad man up lor h Juelee, tripled to right. A lngl"b)r Wauoa aeorad btm. Walton aeorad, on a doubl br Iwiumg. ; Thomaaon (Urtd tiie Rourk off with a walk. Kaae aad. gcaaloa each flew ut. Nlehoff clouted out a honor and ' acored Tommy tbead of bus, raaloa eaj Carl. Corl opuud tt tljMft for Oroaha witk a atngi to nut A tingle br Tbnaawa aant bin to neoad. fana forced Thoo ' bob at aiMoad. Bcojiltm aepred Corl wrfli a tlow ball dowa the flrat baa lln. .' la th ighlk Arbagae) dpatMd wltb' alngl to ner. . Hi duplloatod. rndon flew ant to-Kelt. Corl Went out to Bortoa. Arbotatt 1 eord niTa alngla br Thomaaoa 'and filek era th platter when KAo JNagad to tlAht. .. , .;hs 0. A. K x'a-ioeon, k...,..,m, o on, U . a . t lb 1 I , i u -0"l, ,r.. Tnoraaaon. Kane, .-ininn, fb.., ,rt ' t'' tt 1 I : Wlehoff, H I v 1 V . Jutie. j, . Na ii i AraovMt. ... I -. 1, fUOo. f k.. I Ulcka, P I I J choonorar ..4 . Voknaoh 4, , ' Touh . ( II .tw. josmiji-. - 'a w AB. B.'- If. V It A. 4 lveliy, u .... l i Fowell. If Watson, rf... t BwilHng, tf. ........ ( Borton. lb ... i Kot h. ..... ......... a Mlenke, at t Caatle, e .. i WeMrlng. .e, 4 . t" t 1 t a a -I Total ..f. ....! I n S It 'l Retted for JoMIr tn ninth Innlna. Batted for Arsogaat la nlatl' IbnlngT Omaha - - .-. Riin , I I I M I I I I Hit ,.. I 1 III II It Joeer . . . . Ron I f ft I I I Hlu 4 lllllll t- Two-baa httK lhoft Bortoa. T4m Baa Blu: Powell III-Home run: jnekofl. Hit br pitched ball: Thomaeoa. Double Pmy: Juettee to Kaa. Hlta: Off Rhode, 4 la ooo-talrd of aa bmlng; "off Lets. Ron Is twe-temi of aa linwrrar -ff nickb, a I etgnt nmln; err Woldrlns. U Btros-k out: Br I-ote. 1: br Hleka t e on bail: Off Lot, t: off Hlrka, I; oft WoMrtng, i. Wild ottchee- Lot (ll. Stoiea beeea: Wetoen (tl. aaerirtce hlu: Kellr, Wauoa. Lett a baaea. Omaha. IU . ioaepk. t, Ttann Ml t'topira oaww aaa r-Tcamas.. ? yiOt'X BLA5K DB MOI5B Jfltler laealaerakle a5 leeata S : Tww'piWae. " ' - " )5I1 Cirr. Mr T.-'HTJer'w. in- ijuirebl in tha Ooe and 8tmr CHr do aato4 XoUtakj 1 ta Xaa gaaaa tm Pass On to the Standing of Teams c IWE6T. XBAaUB. j' 1ATL LIAOUB.. W.UPcl I W.Urrt. Denver ...It l Cincinnati. .14 4 .11 fit. Joeeph l d Topeka ... I Moux City, t I Oniah .... 1 1 Wlohlta ... f 11 D' Main. ? 11 Lloroln -.111 .teiNw York..U 4 .1H .dW. Chicago -t.l t .U -U!Boto I W .Ml .414 Pliteburah. f W .4U .m Brooklyn . t t .W .3W Fhli. ...... . -Ui St. Loula... I U J AMJER. LEAGUE. AMEB. ABSN. W.UPrl.l W.LPet. rhleago ...U I .linMlnu'polli It, .Tl Boeton .....II 7 .tlllColurabu. If I Ml ween ton w T .u: Toledo 1114 u phU'd'Ipbla t .tmSt. Paul... 1J ll ,mj (.level end., I .471!Kan'a Cltr.M U . Detroit .... I II .4 Louteetlla ..111 .an PL L4HU... II .euiMiiweuM. g u Ml fiew I org. U .H Indian poll 7 14 M Yatwrfare Reealta. WEHTEBN LKAOUK. . -Br: loeeph. , Otneha. . - " De Mol, 4: Diuus Cltr. I " Lincoln, 4; wlohlia. A Topeka, 4; Denver, A NATIONAL LEAGUE. Boeton. 4: Chloego, p, Philadelphia, t: Cincinnati, i. Brooiuyn-rltuburghi rain t New Tork. 4; Kt. Xoul. t-s . , .Bt. Louie-New Tork; rain. " -l-Clavaiand-Phlladelphla; wet ground. Iwtrolt, 4: Beaton. A -.. Chicago, li Waahlngton, : Ova Innlnga, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Citlumbu. t: atlnnaaoolla. I: elevea In. tog . - . . Tnieda. a; . Paul, . ' Indiana poll", tl Kanaaa City, U. Louieville-Mllwaukee; raln . y '' Gaaeea Todar, Weetern Laeeu-flt JoajinK ml Amalte Dee Molnee at Htouv Cltv. Ijiu-mIb at Wichita, Topeka at Denver. National Uutt.RalAi, at f Pltadelnhla at tnlnnait DhiaJi Inn t liaburgh,. New Tork at t. Loula American Leaaue at. Iufa at Vaer Tork. Cleveland at Phlladalohla. rairnti i at Boeton, tihloago at Waahlngton. American Aeaocietion columbu at Mlnneapoll. Toledo at St. Paul. Indian. Pol.t Jtanae Oty, LouUvUI at ttll waoke. ' . Wdat'-f kr4 at Mtnoa park UK rar. core 8I0UX CITT. AB.' R. H. Jerrell, p. j..,. nmltk. a..,,,.,, Kellly, .,..., Brn, rf,..,,. dhdrea. ., MVere, If Brook. Mb, , Cedman, .,.... , 4 Mir. p.) tytala.".. m i i J v DKB MOiNEA 17 14 1 AB. O. A. CoiiMfaa, tb.. 4 nehn, ef. .,....,.., 4 Kellr, rt 4 Thome, lb...,-..,, Korea, aa. .. i Wlck. 4 Curtl. If..... 4 Mooraw. ... 1 ft.ogg,,p I Total ...a i tt i t 1 1 4 444444 Bmllh, Korea. Baerlflc u chr 14 Heine...... Twowbaoa bite nite; ko orea. vara. Stolen haee: Breen. Brook, Colllgan. Left an ikeux ut on atjr.- t-Doe hfornea, T. Plrat oaua: orr i Miller. I: off ttoaa t Kmv, bll;t koUna. Ttma- 1 i JehnPona itlitow vn Awar t froht t ' i t : ... WIcbMA Mahea Dee rat thlll r -'' ' Plakf la ValT. . Wtrfirre. Ijav T T I. a.ta - i."t la th aarir htnlne and piled up -,f, l.w runt 'o win, tnouitn wic-ntta nrtad a great uphill Pght. Bror: ' 1. WICHITA. , i -i.a r iia.nton, ei..wv.- i-avt. rf ,.,.... W.oob. e. Us", t Clemon. ;..i:.'l Schmidt Jlufhea, j;., j tark. tb..... t JackaaB, p.. t Relden 1 Petumww f rtorache, B.M.M,., t Perry, B..,....,... Total. I t 17 It 1 LINCOLN. A R R l A a ai JJJiier. at ...,:... I . i T T , Oobh, rf.r..-..r...'..,!!l "1-1 MoCormlck. tt a a a 'Mullep. ... a a "e pwyar. ...,, til. I It Barbnn a.UMi I -t- -f Btrattoo, S. 144 milk. a. i l e a .Ha arm a, p........ 14 4 4 Total , m 4 I IT It 1 Batted for Jackeoa In alirth. Batted for Hereche la elghtk. : Batted for Waoob la smth. Wtohteac; A 4 1 4 t -l l.nicola ..j J 4 4 4 4-4 Left aa baa: Llnooln. ; Wichita, 1A Baerlflc bite: Schmidt, Mee, Cola. Btra. ton 0), Deryer, Stark, Pettlgrew. Two baa, hit: Miller, .Cobb. Stark. Tkrae baae hit: Crele. atoaaa hu. ou Hite: Off Jackeoa. I In six Itinlngi; off Hereche, 4 la two toning: off Smith, I ""w"wv inwifi; oil Hagennaa. I la two Innlna ; oft Porrr. la an toning. Struck out: By fmtth. 4; by Jeckeon, 4; by "Perry. I. Baaea a b!l: Off stall. a. o iacaaon. off Merer he. I; off HMcrmeja. 4; off perry, I. Paesed ball: Clooiona. Wild pilch: Hagarmaa. Hit tva eau: :. atarawur. Uawire; Tavkt taaarhtoaw Beatrice. BEATRICE, Nab.. May WftoaehU TeW Tam. ine Ton Stale leagu team aiaugbiarad Beatrice todar and won, br a oor of U to A Malomautot. abort atop for- T01 1 -kecured five hits, and Welter, also of Terk. md three hit. rum Tana roawno aranagar enrlvar, first oaeanas lor weatnoa, p threw his bat at th crowd In the grandstand Be,.. Tar . 11 it t 1 Beatrice .v.- .........A I t Batterteei Tork. Wilkin and Bseer; Beauto. BeolrlcaaotL gdltlar and bar. '."THE " BEE: Next Cage U3INCINNATI LOSES A GAME President Taft Beet Philadelphia : ; " Defeat Home Team. UPEnX BATTLE FOE LOCALS PkUlle l'w Bat Vlcloaelr aad tha Plaal bear la Eight t Plve 1 Throw Player Drlv Oat ' Three Baaaere. CIKCINSATX "Map 7.-Preldent Taft aw Phlladalphia defeat Cincinnati. It waa an uphill battl for th local and th pretident applauded thalr every ef fort. Seor: - PBOADBLPKIA CWClWlfATf ' an. M. OA I aa.H.o.AB. Kaabe. Ik... tilt Oneker. U. 4 I 1 1 Tllae, rt 114 Balee. tl.... I I I 4 1 invaay. . i mw wm, i e I li Uderae, Ik I I II I (Miukall. K I t f t 4 Km I..I I I I . Ik.... 111 PHtatt, el. 4 I I tPkala. Il l 1 I I Daalan, at... 14 4 1 eBaawad. a.. 4 114 1 UraMw, a. 4 I I 1 IHrUaa. t, I I I I I Deela. a..., m eeeia. p.... Ill I aatee. p... 4 11 erPamwe, p. 4 4 4 attaHe, p.. I I Baataa, 4444 naaea,. p 4 4 4 IMaoaee .... a -Baweeto ,.144 fetal ....u tin. i , Tattle ...J4 lk i 'Batted for Bugg la aeventh. , Baited for From me In eighth. Phlladelnhla laaataa ta Cincinnati M t I I I I 4- Tw-baw hit:' r.amond. Paakert (t, Ludoru. Batee. Three-baa hit: Tltua Downey, Beaton. Hit: Off Bugg, U In eeven Innlnge; off , Promme, 1 la on In ning; off Benton, t la one Inning; off Beaton, f In el Inning: off tcnult, 1 la one and ene-thlrd Inning; off Brn nan, none In twe-thlrda of tnniM. Stolen bae: Paekert Phlan. Doolan. Beon belle; off Beaton, feoff Behulu, 1; aff.augg. tl off Benton. l..ltnx- out: By Beaton, t: br Buare. 1: kv rmmme i Tim: Umpire; Rlglef and rtnnaraa . . ' Cake Bar . Wlaace, CHICAGO, Mar 7.-Chlcago defeated Boeton toder. I to 4 The canteat waa a onesided affair In which th local authtt the vial tore 1 to L The batting of Archer nd Campbell waa A featur of th gam CMKAOO BflgtON. A H.O.A.I 1st : A.B OA a. IrtaaUrA 11,4 1 A 4 lawaeear. PA. 4 A I t-k.ite. rf.. r 411 er-amaML at 111 Tlaker, a.. 4 I I 4 IMttter, rt..; 414 Harewe. af. 4 4 f 4Klrk It... 4 1114 Wai'SMS. Ik l--4 netlle,-lA.. 4 4 4 4 l" I-... 4 111 Odtratt, ap 4II Ueaot, II.. 1 I I I MK. DooaH k t I I I 1 Aratar. I 4 I I lKllna. ....! 1 I 11 Unedar, 4 I I I I lo4r, .. 1114 ... - - --wla. p.,. I 4 4 1 a TtaH.-M)ltT 14 lataTliea, l , ,Bear. .. 1141 ' ' ' '," Talali ....aliiiil Batted for AlrTlgu In nlnlh. Oilcego 11 I I I M Boston ...v..,... 4 MMII1M Two-baea . hlta: Mofmaja. ahaxkard Thra-haa bits: Erera, Lennox. Camp ball, Houasr. Hits: Off Purdue. M to flv Innings; off MoTigu. 4 In three In nlnga Sertfle fry: Miller, Baerlflc hit: Lavandert Zraunarman. Stolen base: Srhultet Hot man, McDonald. . Campbell. Double play: Tinker to Ever to Zimmer man (1). Left on baaea: Chic, t: Boa Ion. A Base en balls- tm Lavender, t: off Purdue, t; off McTlgu. A Struck out: By Lavender. 1; by Purdn. I; by Mc Time, . Tlx: Ml Umolree: Jahnatona and Kaaoa. , . v . Marwaard Beats St. Aetata. ST. LOUIS. AarU 7 "Rube- Harauard was effective la all but ana toning, the nimn, ana ni. ijoui nt. A oase on ball. A atoll and a daubla save the horn learn It score. Boor: it. uocrt. Kr tork. as n a vanera . teas Kittle. Al I I I la, Ik.... Ill ailla. II 4 14 aeeaearaaa, at 4 I 4 4 Mawrer, A I I 1 I haaear, rt... 4 4 4 4 4 aaeetiar. Ik 4 4 It I 4Martle, lk.. I 111 Oakae. el.... 4 4 4 4 tHeraa. A.I I I I I Haaaer. aa;. 4 14 Iffliaft. tie... I I I I Bum, tt I I i.J. iMarera ,t I I e. I I ll tMateart. 11 I I I 1 wale, p.. ...I I I irtaUker. I. 4 4 4 4 4 IMl. p,. 4 4 4 4 ' astta t I I Tatakl ....M I H 11 1 Teto la Ills I ' Baited for Steele In eighth. m. Loul I I I I I I I M Bew- Tom .1 4 4 1 4 4 4 4 4-1 Two-basa hits: Devora. Merkla. Man. , Miller. Sacrifice hit; Mi are. Stolen base: Snodgraas, Merkl. Doubl piav. Mowrwr to Jinnetriy to Bllu. Baaea on kalis: ..ort alarauard. -': off - Bieeie, A Hit; Off Steele, I la, eight Innings: off Dell, I In on tnalag. Ttrua;. 1:1a, Um pire: Brennan and Owen. Champ at Creighton Br wmatng 'from Lawrence Buach- nan th th final content af th Creighton Oiilaeaeliy- alngla torUDnt, Jo Adams wnablsbed Als right. to th elalm af b. tax the Jcdlt-iduaJ toaala . akamploa af Craig hton. Both Ada a and . Btwchmaa bad fought their war to tha finala, and fnet -on th Crdgntoa court Monday aft- emoon to decide tb ' champkenshlp. Adam won tha first tot. -V tost th second, 4-A and won tM' BXI two,: Af and M- r -; r -; -- ART STUDENTS TO PUY " -' i; ; VOCATIONAL ASPIRANTS Th baa' ball team chosen frees the Oelgbtoa. unrrarsllr. depart meat of arts. wtH go to Hariaa Threde- afternoon to ateat tha Weetero Iowa Vecalieoai 00U ege .of that place, xhli la th team that wal loped tt Creighton lilgb acbool foot ball term ' last Thacksctviog day, and lls 'eelieere boy are aat tor blood. Tha Crelghtmi lineup win ban unr,.uccnr; Maddea and McOuir. Bltcbara; Ruaeum, Brat haee; Coady, second baa; Kane, ahoratop: Bralfaaa 'gad tfttrphjr. third kaee: Howard. Dailey. Rllry and PoUkl, eatReBors. f ' TA Mad Hud -"Z- to. wTte Bear ' toacttoa and bow) files . before Dk .KiAg'a - Sew Lit PI lie. tb easy reruiatora. Sec. rr Al bc atoatea Xmg Co . - OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY S, -1912. Co rifht. 1U KUo-byI News BOSTON, OUTBATTED, WINS Detroit Gets Four East in th Sixth nnine FESA1 SCORE IS FITO TO FOUB Pass, Berae- Hit, tbaabta mm Sao rlflce Fly Prlactpml Paetora la 'aeoesefal Rally Oaa ' Two-Base HtA v ' - BOSTON. May 7. Boston waa from Detroit, 7 to 4 today, although autbattod br tb vi si tore. A pass, a aeratob kit. a double aad a aacrlftc fly war tn prin cipal factors, which netted Baataa four run In tb sixth. Boor: NOJJoa . BrTBorr. Al X O.A t AI M. O A S. rf.. 4 111 IB a, 4 14 4 1 Bnila. Bt . Ill I IVtU, lk . 4 111 sr.. lie 1 ecaoe ef.... 4 I I I I eraam. lk. t 1 11 I eenvfer. kiiim aaraoar, to. I I I I ralekaetr.ll 4141 Lavla, II ... 11 Skfartaitr, Ik e a 11 I Waaaar. as .III a IBaaaas. Sk. s 1 I 1 I C-vlaaa. a. I I I I I leaa. t-l I 1 I I Waa. p.... eaieute. p. 4 14 11 rmbsa. 4 444 Tata l I P) II fParry ...... 111 - - Jaeae . I I I I 4 - Tktsls ...Alll Mil I Tatted for Dubue to ninth. Batted for Vltt In ninth. Ran tor Stanag In ninth. Boston 14444 4 4-l Detroit 444144141-1 Two-bass hit: Warner. Hrta: Off Mullln. t In sis Inning; off Duboe. 1 to two to- nlngA saorlllc fly: Lewie, aaaruio nit; Bueh. StolaB base:' Bauman. Left on bears Boston. 4; Detroit. 1' Baees on belli: Oft Wood. 1: off Mnllln, A Plret base n errors: Boston, I; Detroit, L Struck out; By Wood. 1; br Mullln. 1; by Dubue. L Passed ball: Canigaa. Tim: I.M. Umpire: Evan and Egan. 'om k at Ow aeaatera. WASH1NOTON. Mr f.-Chleagw de feated Washington today, 1 to A Us Bam helna ceiled at to ana at ta nita in ning on account of rain. A home run dnv ovr tn rtgni neta ronco or rxarrr Lord resistereS Ut wlaaing run. Soorai CMiCAOO. . WAlKBTOk. ; AB.H.O.A.S. 1111.0 11 Aatk, l. 111 ewaeUer, kt. Mill tots, ta.... 1 1 a, 1 iFaetaf, aa.. 1 a Callakes, M. I I I an I Us. al... 1114 4 Waaie. ef..., 1 1 eeraaawr. rt 1 a v v Oeiuee, el.. I I 1 I irtraa. to.., I 111 Zaiear, lb.. Ill "Kairtt, 1 . I I 1 Wtam aa.. I 1 1 4 eMcBrtea, all I I I M, a ... I I eHanrr. a, 1141 Laasa, ..,. Ill KMeeav I..IMII Totaa' ....ill l I I Total .,..1 111! Chicago -I I 4 I 41 waaninftoa . r Oam called an account of rain. Home run: Lard. Doubl slay: Fester. Knleht. Flynn. Left on baaea: Chicago, 1; Washington, t Base en ball: oft Langa, A Klret base an error: Chicago. Hit py Pltcneo nan: air uroom, oooie. Htruok out; By Lang, t: by Groom, L Time; 1:4 Umpire: DtoD and P rlna. , DUFFY LOSES HIS PLACE CN CREIGHTOfTS FIRST TEAM Creighton tonnt Supporter received a surprise Monday afternoon when Duffy, on of th four varsity teaaia men. want down to defeat before eOorge Riley of the second team. Duffy had been cbsJ. lettged by Riley. Bine any member of th varsity team pa to A challenge on week netor ax roier-collegiate match- By this defeat Duffy to hla place an tn varaltjr team and thla plat will be filled by Riley. Tb mauh was anally reduced ta a question of endorsee and both men were weak at tha Bnikh. Th lull flv aat war nueasaary to decide th match, Riley winning th best three eut ef flv- Th acorea were: Duffy, ...A iff Riley ....... ....... A f t LARMON WINS PLACE ON THE H. S. TENNIS TEAM BueseU Larsooa. a rreshmaa. la th first lad to win a place on th Ult Uanls team of th Omaha High school. Lanaoa woa tb poaiUan tb toaoa hy UAlBg hi match (roes isAna OarQeaer la th third round of play at tha 00 una at Thirty-fourth and Tsi van port streets Mon day altornoon hy th Bcera of Al, 4-t Flay la tn prelim; aary of th coaaola- tioa atngtea yeaterday waa as follow; .. PRELIMINARY ROUND. Balaton Scobto dafaated Ssnda Wood brldre, Al. 4-A - , John Brotnartaa aereaxsei a ejata ip Hnger, 4-A J-A ' Carieton Swiler defeated WUUam Noal, by default. - -. ' STUDENTS TO GO TO KANSAS . CIH MEETARE SELECTED Athletic Director o. E. Reed -of th Omaha High school baa announced the hat at track athletee of tha octaeol wb win anter tha annual Missouri .valley la taraeho-stJ meet, which will be held at Kaneaa City Bat-rday -fteroOB. - Tba B lowtng lads are ran ef gotoA: Vergn R tor. Huih Millard aad Jaha DrexeL The other four ailglbla from whom tww wtil be chosen to make tha trip are Coiemao Gordon. Karl Encstrem. Howard Btttaa ger and Allen SsTtn Th of Bv athletea W10 leave for Kansas Ctty Pxtday sveniaf to charge of Dtreetat JU. .: , v Thera a s was a tnw preeiated th twai aswlta at That tt abawa by to ueereae ta volantary Uaruswotoia from paternal have beea cared hy At- If yaw r child raa are trouwMl with a eout give It a trial and beeooM with t good ojuamiee. r awl a aaa people a rhasiker thaa bow. eale aad wh i'Ua-aakAAIt At-a-waB a AA Drawn As - iv, - MILLERS TIED IK ELEVENTH Gfuna Calls do. Account of Dark . , , Three to Thrte. PLTCBT.R LrVTBElT EUBTS ABM Total af Tweatv. Three Baa Hits Made br Bath TessasPear Twe-Basc Hlta -Twa - : " Itolea Baaea. MINNEAPOLIS, May T.-Cmptr Hayes called today's gam between Minneapolis and Columbia on Account of darknea at th nd of th eleventh Inning, with th acora 1 to A PltcHtng th last ball to Hulawttt n th tenth, when he struck him eut, Leverert of Mlnneapolli hurt his arm and left tha gam. It 1 thought that th Injury may prov aariou. Bear: MINtrgAroUA CDUTMBOI. as H O A.I AX.U.O A.B. Clr-w. Allll altaa. All I I I Aimer, all I I I 1 1 1 I Wllllaoao, Ik I I I I iceeaviua. rf I I 1 1 I Kllllret, A I 1 1 I irarrta, Ik 4 1 I I I RaaHsas, rt I 1 1 I e Ml liar, lk... 1114 4 Dtiakaaiy.H 4 111 aHultwia. ,41111 04U, Ik...... till eoarkar, aa... 41411 Owaae a.... I I .1 Oealtk. ....! till LavereU, p. I I 1 4 lUabkerlt, p 4 I 4 I . Totals .... a ) I "l fata la ...nan 4 Minnas oalla. I I t I H I I 1 I M Columbus ... 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 4-t Called end eleventh account darknea a. Two-base hits: fhelton. Per ring, Hula. wltt. Oerber. Baerlflc hit: Bhelton, Hulawltt, Llebhardt. Bacrino fly: Rosa man tl. Stolen baaea: KUIifer, Owens. Doubl ptaya: Wllliama to AiUer to QUI. Leveratt t William. Left on baaea: Minneapolis, t; Columbus, It. Hit: Off Leveratt, U In nine and two-thirds In king; off Comatock, t In on and one third Innlna Struck out: Bv Laverett. I: br Comatock. 1; by Uebhardt, 4. Plrat base on bells: Off Leverett, I; off Llrb- nsrat. a .wii pitcn: everett. ueo hsrdt (1). Hit with pitched ball: Hy Llebhardt, 0111. Delebanty. Time: 1:10. Umpire: Hay and Irwin. Prof. Stuart to Talk to; Palimpsest Club prof. Lawki Stuart ef Lake Porest col. leg will apeak to th student at th Omaha High school Thursday. At noon of that day be win be th guest of th Psllmpeest eluh it luncheon at th Unl versltr duA Lake oollcg is Superin tendent ft. U. Oraff alma water. CORONER INVESTIGATES . DEATH OF CHAS. JOHNSON An toque at was started at t o clock thii aftamoos by Coroner Crosby ver Charlaa Johnson, aged M years, who died Sunday at hla hem. 4M1 Pierce trt. of aewto alcohUsm. Th funeral , of Johnson wUl ha held Wdnadxy after neon tram the home. Iatonmat will be at Pereet Lawa cemetery. To Plar Coaacll Blaffe. The Omaha Hixh Bchool baa bait hnse- ful will meet the Council Bluffs High School team at Rourk e park Thursday aftornooB. th gam to begin at 4 a clock, thus allowing afternoon student of both chool to attend.- DiEIIllTIlilllliilillllllii! Miiiiu)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiHimiimHiiiiiiinMiiii.iiiniiiiiii, (pp Wr Giaraxiteed mMitf&m -xtoconwi ons-no to. ejjmt. t 'I I V:!r?SK.'l ' 1 X aMBM bW e kasw aeel at eWrfe, dWs W ntW " asay.stsw saMlB-iaj.-Poa ; ii l:)$wjyl -. sW w wan aat tab lacaoa er year ao a Back. l llpjAHf' ! If Ts illBlllrfewSwefcs! &&3$? AabssI a wjai . Tha iiara-w ehtb eacy wim 1 'fey.'-S.V.V.V.vSkl S ass "Pes1 ail Bwk7 ttei rw-M" I B llpvlv lsC etactiy at at ta C fc al aaW. aAioV W f &-i -rCeabai'Tc-el! KghLe-dwel k NewtcWweat I I jjjtfVAV.V.V.v3 aaiBOfesll IIBill a-itWs'Vew -a"UaSaxt. 'S0cS-tSr25c fflSvY4 layUatoaSaa 1 la - Uajea Serb) M f V 500 f : Cesef Casfire At .mjwIwi . W'M Chalmers Guarantee- IS . .Aee , AW . S,kJ rf -tit- : I I III I :t-i ilMli! r r fj O ! 'J 3 for The Bee by TURNS DOWN THE HIGH BID Omaha Water Board Ignore Largtr Offer for Water Bondi. HO AKSWEB GrV-IT TO OFFEB Certified Cheek few TO,000 ta Be- taraed te Bcpiweeatettwc, Joha U MeCagac, Wltboat Any Kxplaaatloa. Had the Omaha Water board accepted the bed af th ayndlcate ef which Joha L MoCagua waa the author ed representa tive, th city of Omaha would have re ceived at any rau tHJOt mora for Its t7.4M.OM af water bond tbaa to realised by reason of tha sale to the Kounts Bros.' banking house at Hew Tork. The syndics! that aubmltted th high bid, bat tailed to secure the water bond waa made up ef N. W. Hauwy A Co.. K. H. RoHIn At Borut, N. B. Leach A Co, Marrtll. Oldham A Co. and Watooa A Pressprtoh. tb moat extsnsivs bond buy er In tha United States, oontrolltng hun dred ef million of dollar of capital. The yndleato wanted the bonds and waa willing to take them and pay a premium ef H1,M la excess of what they brought. As early a the fore part of April. John L MoCagu Interested the member of the bond buying ayndieato and they pent their represent a five here to wok ver the field end the situation. Everything was found etlfactory. Fol lowing thla, April U, Mr. McCsgue wrote A letter te the Omaha Water board, stat ing that be would be prepared to submit a bid for th whol, or any pan of tb 17,001,000 of bond and raqueated Informa tion aa to when and how th bid should be submitted. - , " For some reason not explained no ac knowledgement of th letter waa ever re ceived. About thle tleae the repreeea ta ll vee of th Halaey syndicate came ea from tha east and rrealnd hare two weeks, at aumeroo time seeking to get the members of th board together and formulate aom plan relaUv to th re ceiving of th bid la thla (hey were un successful. , April 14. Mr. McCsgue submitted th bid of th syndicate. With tt he aent a certified shock tor 171,000, Issued by one ef th strongest banks la Chicago and at the same time ha wrote a totter to each member of the Omaha Water board, it st ing that the bid had been filed. No answer ever cam back aad Be inform. tun relative ta the matter was ever re- celved by Mr. McCsgue until Tuesday morning, when through the mails the r 5,001 check was returned, together with hla bid.' It ha been contended that la accept ing th bid of to ayndlcate the member ef the Omaha Water hoard feared that litigation of aom kind might occur ever th validity ef th bond aad the es quiring of posseeatoa ef the water plant might be delayed. TO obviate thla th syndicate went aa far aa to notify th board that It waa willing to accept the Gentonie bat UiU Label; 'iiJiiuMU -li1 -u4 ki Hal CoffmanV opinion of John F. Dillon ea the honda. the time he being the represent! ef the Water board and associated wfth Joha L. Webster, but tola proposrUon, Ilk all of the othsto, was Ignored. Creigliton Teniiis Men Start Toiirney The class double tn th Creighton uni versity toonis tonrnsment will ' begin Wdne6y. Instead of the regular allnv, (nation tournament, hi which drawings are made and a team drops out of the tournament as soon as It Is beaten, there will ha a regular league formed af th team entered. Each team will play each ether team ano aad th team wlnalne; th moat acts will be th champion In doubles. Thla method, la expected to keep up Interest throughout the tourney. Eight claaaea have entered., two-men teams. They are a follows: SeBlore Jultui Festner sad Joha O'Con nor. Juniors Theodore Nelson and Jamee Macauley. Freshmen Lawrence Bosehmaa and William Wallers. , Fourth High. AGerald Daffy and Theodore Kaetner. Fourth High, B A. Bulltvan ami Charles Hartnatt. Third HighJoe Adam And Ed Smyth. Special Class James Muldooa and Ed Morrow. " First High John Duadal gad ,1-ul Duffy. , .. . - Morts O-OTtlES flHOP When you aea my. Una ot suits at 120 And $16, you will bo con vinced that they are the aqual of many $35 sad $40 suits. It Is so ertravagince to pay mors than I Mk for good, dependable, dreary ciotnei jo god e. ,-i . lot Soxtk lltk StreeA " S teeeeov te sen ilTaIstXlBtP ijn ?nrrA OCKAB ITEAMIHIPI. HAMBURG AMERICAN ta She Wests Lartee A B.C. try x eue lAtosoo tOBB Atlantic Senrict1 LOXDOS PATUS-HAMBLTUJ AxaerUut .Mar 11. I A. M. Praa Oru t Uiv I A IS A M tPeanaylve la, Alay 21, 11 Aat auetoaatt May It, 1 P. AL ttsecond eabto only. WIU call at Boulogne. SPECIAL 8AIUXG 8. g VICTORIA Ll'ISE - ausii . - CROISES (Ttati SwMrt-iLjjMrr--a UN Ohgt mt4 VB-t Crtitflaf S rn mm. TWO IDEAL CIBISEt , AKOIKD THE WORLI , ur-AJro zzovmsTOBnt ABB BXSB VBBPS ftottoaal I 14 BATS XW JAPAW Coare 117 PATS f IsTDIA Bow. 1A lilt Peb. 17, laiA new Kaw Tart I Tiom ta PY S.CLEVELA Vorfaf SffSDATAlleSO" IUiWsBlBrg all tM B-j-tlT aboar. aaa mXtmn, nilvay, m., Jab-sy te. , -SUUEX CKDISI5 To th A A WO OP TAB TO- BIOS BOB. Eight delightful cruise during fame, July and Aagaa, from A xekarg to : Borway, Btocth Gape. Spits see gea, 1 oel and, etc Duration 14 to 14 aye. uit $.2.51 ui ii 14-44 gamet. tars, tse!pv vrr-roau lci? A novnu yg?iy rgrr.UE- irt -rrxcR" Writ tor beoklfttofaay cruise. flkleac. A- ev local eg-V.