Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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'l 1
Milady's ToUet Table
j By Mass. IVUI. '
Belief that Ionise Flege Was Killed
by a Tramp.
Bsae Postmortem Rxamlaatlea of
Bedr Xlae Moatha After Death
,- Witnesses Swr aa 1a Prre
mw af Tramp.
PEN'DER. Neb.. May '.-(Special Tel
agram.) The defense developed fully to
day In the trial of William Piece that
Its theory l that Louise Firm wae killed
by a tramp about X o'clock on June W
1SU. and not by her brother.
Dr. Melts of Ptoux City testified that
he made an examination of Louise Flece'e
stomach nine hours after she died and
that the quantity of food In the stomach
and the- condition of it Indicated that
she was killed from two and one-half
to three hours after dinner. Dr. Healey
and Dr. McHugh. two other physician'
who aaw Dr. Metse make his examina
tion, corroborated what he said about
it. Dr. Meiss also testified that the body
showed no signs of haying been assaulted.
C. P. Trotter, a detective from Mlnne
spoils in the employ of the Burns agency,
said he had been employed by the de
fense to ascertain what he could about
tramp being In the Flege neighbor-'
hood about the time of the murder. He
aald he had found out that a tramp had
been at the ftlmon Lesaman. Pred Roeber.
William and Fred Flege homes on the
morning of June 23- He lost track of
him at !:W o'clock that day and did not
locate him again until ft o'clock the next
day, when lie appeared at the home of
Xr. Swanson, three miles north of the
Flege home. He was seen a hslf hour
later al the iiome of Howard Porter, a
half mils east of the Swansea place
II r. Porter and Miss 8wanson both testi
fied that there was such a man at their
domes at that time.
Mr. Trotter aald from the description
he got of him the tramp was of medium
height, wore, a dark suit with hat to
mst. lv hsd gold filling In his teeth, hsd
a little book whloh purported, to be
statement from . a physician In North
Dakota that he. was afflicted and was
worthy of help.1 He carried hla arm
in a sling. biij at some places It was
his left arm and In other places It was
his right arm.' .
Mies Puller of Sioux City, a stenog
rapher who was present end took notes
for the defense at the preliminary hear
ing at Pones,' was put on the stand for
the purpose of impeaching the testimony
of Albert Echtencamp and Ida Helnrichs.
A simple home treatment thst makes
the hair long, wavy and lustrous Is to
dry shampoo frequently with a mixture
or tour ounces or orris root ana an onp
Inal package of therox. Sprinkle a taMe
spoonful on the head; then brush thor-
niiL'hlv thrtMirh th hair. All dirt, dust
am) dandruff will be removed, the sralp
refreshed and the hair made clean, ugnt
and glossy,
a kirelv soft and youthful complexion
will be yours if you use a solution made
by dissolving an onRinai p
m.i'imiM in elirhr nuneea of Witch haxel.
Gently rub over the face neck and arms
nlKht and morning, ana tne sain
r imiMih. fair and Dllant
To atop headache, or ache In back or
Joints, reduce swelling, aiiej inumii
relieve pain In any part of the body,
apply Mother a Salve. The world never
saw Its equal aa a pa'"
Any woman ran easily and quickly re-
.iu tmm face or forearms.
Just mix enough powdered delatone and
water to cover the hairs; swly and after
two or three minutes rub off, wash the
skin and the hairs win oe gone. ju.
win w nroaeeuted under the atate law then turned over to the federal auth
orltles. Mayor Houston his given notice
that no Intoxicants win oe premium
h. anM in this city on Sunday and that
In the future that there will be one
"dry" day In the week In this vicinity;
4 Iteared BOottcgnere A rrested." '
NEBRASKA CITY, .May 7.-Speclai.)-Mayor
J. D. Houston headed the police
Bunday evening In a raid on a "hole-in-the-wall"
and arrested eight men who
occupied a room well stocked with intoxi
cants and were having a good time. The
goods were aelsed and three men. Ted
Carman, Art Thicker and George Broug
ton were held as principals, and the other
five men as witnesses. The three men
ASHLAND, Neb.. May 7.-Speclal Tele
gram.)-According to advices received
A.hUnd innliht a warm fight la on
Greenwood to determine whether that
village shall have a saloon the coming
At the election on April 4 the citizens
declared for a wet town under a refer
endum ordinance and petition by a vote
f l K anil re-elected John E. Schul-
ling and A. D. Walton, the two pro-license
adherents of the board of village trustees.
The holdover trustees. Prank Nichols.
rr w D. Talcott and Watson Howard
refused to vote to grant the license and
Chairman Howard declared na wouiu
refuse t sign any license granted..
Henry H. Weldemann of Greenwood.
who la an anollcant for the saloon license
on Friday began mandamus proceedings
to com Del the ' dry members of the
Greenwood village board to appear beiore
District Judge H. D. Travis and snow
eauaa whr they should not grant the
saloon llcenae In accordance with the
referendum, vote. Summons ware served
oi Trustees Talcott. Nichols and Howard
to appear tomorrow before Judge Travis
at PaplUton.
FREMONT, Neb.. Mar T.-AU the pris
oners In the city Jall-slx In number
escaped last night by sawing off the Iron
bars of on of the windows and are stUI
at large. All were petty offenders.
Puhlle lealea at Nebraska City.
NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., May T.-tUpe
elal.) The new otty commissioners have
installed a new city scale and everything
sold In ths opsn market la to be weighed
over It la the future and all scales of
the city are to be tested by an Unpeg
Easy Cooking
Easy as boiling an egg.
Prepare the new food
Post Tavern Special
as yon would old-fashioned porridge. That is, stir slo-wly into
sharply boiling water in a doable cooker.
Serve with cream or milk and sugar.
Post Tavern Special is a bJeud cf tie defimtj Er4J CbeTtirs
of Wheat, Corn and Rioe first nmd to'g"aeu jt the Post
Tavern, in Battle Creek, a bote! noted far good tiirs ia L
'. . . -
Governor Evolves Flan for Employ
ment of Trusties Upon Roads.
Woman tram. Oaklaad laderea Kxev.
tleo Pardoa Jeha Shearer,
Father" at Chit. Wheat She
, Immediately Marries.
(from a Staff Cbrreapondent.l
LINCOLN, Neb., May '.-(Special Tele
gram.) Governor Aldrlch haa eveolved
a plan tor the employment of convicta
not needed by the Lee Broom and Duster
company, which has a contract f or SU of
them. He was working oa the plan be
fore the recent troubles at the prison and
these events hare hastened his efforts
He plans to use aa many of the men
aa can be trusted tor that kind of em
ployment, outside the prison walls. The
state has a large amount of agricultural
land at the hospital for ths Insane at
Lincoln, the penitentiary, the Soldiers'
home at Mllford and Grand Islsnd which
the Inmates of theae Institutions are hot
able to utilise to the best tdvantage. lie
proposes to put the convicts at work on
these lands at truck gardening and other
kinds of Intensive agriculture, in addi
tion there Is a stretch of road near the
prison and one near the Lincoln asylum
on whh the convicts will be put to
work, giving to the atate an example of
good road building, which Is expected to
be useful beyond the mere improvement
of these roads. He proposes to give the
convicta thua employed a commutation of
sentence of five days for every thirty
thus employed, provided their, records as
workmen and otherwise is commendable.
This plan he believes will net only
solve the pi oulrm of employment In the
summer time, but afford a means of
segregating the better class from the
more vicious prisoners. In addition he
proposes to recommend to the next legis
lature that the state manufacture at the
penitentiary, all the clothing used in the
various Institutions, which would provide
winter. employment for the convicta and
be a saving to the state.
Olrls ta llavo field Meet. '
The university girls will have a field
meet Thursday afternoon at which there
will be a fcase ball game on a regulation
diamond, in addition to foot races and
other field sports.
Fourteen coaches loaded with Russians
left Lincoln today tor the beet fielda of
Child ntraaalre at Play.
The -year-old child of Oeoax Wallau.
was strangled to death this afternoon by
the rope of a awing. The child was play
ing with ether children of the family and
was in ths swing when the board slipped
out. The litis one became tangled In the
rope and waa dead before relief eould
reach It. The other children notified the
child's father of the accident, hut not In
time to ssvs the life of the little one.
Vale Laaadry Damaged.
Fire which started In the boiler room
of the Tule Bros." laundry, fifteenth and
O streets this afternoon, did several
thousands dollara' worth of damage be
fore It could be extinguished.
Ulrt gewarew Paras.
' A young girl, scarcely out of her teens,
with hsr baby In her arms, procured a
pardon for John H. Shearer, Sent up
from Burt oounly on a statutory charge.
The girl pleaded that the father of hsr
baby be liberated and shearer aald he
was willing to marry her and provide
for her and the baby. In fact had always
been willing to du so If hs had been
permitted. The girl's plea brought Ilia
pardon and they were married thia aft
Both are residents of Oaklaad where
he waa formerly employed aa a tele
graph operator.
Wardlaw'e Term Bxalree.
Richard Warlaw. sentenced tram Doug
las county to ten yeara'lmprtsonmsut for
manslaughter, waa discharged today, hla
term having expired. He expects to go
at ones to Iowa rails. la.
Wardlaw at one time escaped from the
prison and was at liberty six year be
fore being captured In Missouri and re
turned to serve out the remainder of hit
NKBRASKA CITT, Nek., May T.-(8pe-
clal.r-aoma forty automobiles loaded
with prominent citlsena leave here In
the morning tor Syracuse ts attend a
good roads meeting to be held at Syr
acuse. It la expected that several hun
dred auto owners will meet at that plaos
tomorrow for the purpose of perfecting a
oounty organiaaUoa which will take up
the matter of good roads all ever the
county. This organisation waa partially
perfected hunt year, but now It la Intend el
te extend the membership to every owner
of an automobile In the county and If this
te don there will he a membership at
nearly K and aU will be good lire work
ers for- good roads. They hav been
promised Urn hearty oo-operatlon of the
county officials In this move.
New raetarr at Nebraska City.
NEBRASKA, CTTT, May ! Hpooeal -
R. A. Daft has tea via the erection at a
large factory tor the maaufaotura of hla
new gaaoltas carburetor and J. A. iUcb-
srdson rs ts Join Mm In Urn oiectlua ef
another buiMlng adjnalng. to he need aa
an addition to the steasa laundry.
wwaa ra Task.
COXAD. Neb, May l-SBatal Te.
egrsmr-Oa the tana af Murray Term,
tear adlsa worth of teera. hla 11 aianths-
chUd fell lata a tank and was
drowned. There was bur about six inches
ef nur fe tha tank, bat tha hear waa
amsd trtec taca dasrsward and had bees
rcr jrax
Commercial CHubs
at Hastings Today
Let your folks enjoy tki ftefeel sear sdjp&mI far
home nse. .
15e packagB al groan.
aa eaa assned
Tlmrt I iw Oawngii X.
awat at M Oi aimsallH ajrfc. Chaaha
m. mtm. x. t.
nan haiaaa. t B.
3L Jrntaam. Csiiiiilastliiiag tdU wea as
Does irinBJtBali awaanaT Mt a ansahsssa bbs
ana on mum. 9s vara saat eja TOm
Bassta- VAank at fnimaaiuiafl Canar"
ardi wetm a aanrmlliaaiiaiay Jssnr As
TrariTigai rfTliiTirff"rr-iff Pajmnasarv
General Orozcc
Orders Gomez to
Leave Mexico
ESCALOX. Mexico. May . -General
Paaqual Orasco hss refused to recognles
the provisional government establUhel
by Emllo Vaaquei Oomea at Juarei last
Oroxco today on the march southward
telegraphed Gomes threatening him and
hie associates unless they left Mexico.
Oroxco is 1M miles south of Chihuahua
and but forty miles behind his advance
guard which la expected within twenty,
four hours to encounter tha federal fore
under General Huerta.
The creation of any civil government
prior to the wuoceesful term ins Uoa of the
war' has peratstenur been opposed by
Orosco. In his telegram to Gomes Oroxco
declares he would be glad to have Vae
ques Gomes come into the rebel none and
work with him In the Interests of the
revolution, but the Oomea government
in Juarea was a thing he could not
JUAREZ. Mexico. May T.-Kmillo Vas
ques Gomes admitted he waa exchanging
telegrams with Orosco today, but de
clined to discuss the report of friction.
The acceptance by Paaqual Orosco, sr.,
father of the rebel chief, of a position In
the Gomes cabinet hsd given him au
thority to the Gomes government.- De
velopments indicated that though Gen
eral Orosco hsd invited Gomes acroas
the line he had not expected aa imme
diate assumption of civil authority by
(Continued from First Page.)
good seed corn there ought to be a favor
able start made toward a bumper crop."
e'lae for fprlna Work.
L. W. VYakelry, general passenger agent
of the Burlington lines west of the Mis
souri river: ';I can tell you very little
that has not already been published sbout
spring and soil conditions along our line.
Having had from forty-eight to sixty
Inches of snow this whiter, the country
between the Missouri river and the
mountains is In excellent shspe for
spring work. 'Inler wheat la In fine
condition, with a full average acreage.
The ground la right for spring plowing.
Alfalfa has received bountiful moisture
for an early start; In the Irrigated regions
the anowfsll hss been heavy; there the
soil la thoroughly soaked. The reservoirs
are receiving a full supply of flood wster
and the mountains oontaln a great stock
of esrly snow that Insures water for
Irrigation late In the season, such as
July and August. After the dry period
of the last two years ths west Is again
coming Into Its owa aa tha permanent
home for the constantly Increasing num
ber of termers: already there la new
activity la the movement toward farm
Metelare la Flrntlfal.
Gerrlt Fort, paasenger traffic manager
of the Union Faclflo: "During January
and February there waa snow oa the
ground almost continuously throughout
all our territory, which Insures plentiful
moisture In the ground, especlslly In the
wheat belt. 1 believe that, provided ws
have no adverse conditions, Kansss will
have the largest yield of wheat In years
The same condition applies In 'ess tarn
Colorado and In that part of Wyoming
where drv farming la being practiced. In
all the states slong our line the ground
la in aplendld condition for spring plant
ing and every Indlratlon points to banner
crops In those part." .
Speaking About Hats
We have almost auy style you prefer
in whatever size you wear and any qual
ity you may want excepting a poor
quality. Prices are as reasonable as
good, dependable hats can be sold for.
Courteous salesmen to attend you.
$1.50 to $10.00
Stetsons $3.50 Up A
Omaha Only Mutlera Clothing Worn,
The Uoana at Qoailtr Oot&ca. VIEW! TH SITUATION
Csadltloa of Small Kralta Consid
ered Vaod.
A local Investment broken, who has
been two weeks touring ths state Inspect
ing crop conditions, and himself an
owner of a large fruit orchard near Cal
houn la Jubilant over the prospeota for
small grain and fruit v
"There la very good Indications for fruit
this year." he said. "It la true that tha
frost of early April has done damage to
some extent but this has been principally
confined to apricots and peaches. Apples
and cherries have a full bloom and berries
have a nexcellent outlook."
He eatlmatea cherries to run M per
cent, applea a) per cent, aprtoofj St to
per cent, peachea si to H per oent and
small fruit 71 per cent
Hla report on grain la aleo vary en
couraging followed by his predictions for
a banner yeer.
"Alfalfa la up eight to twelve Inches
and pasture from three to nine Inches
this last week, said the broker. "It
certainly clears ths bay situation con
siderably. Cattle are picking up as a re
sult of It and I believe stockmen win
hav sufficient to feed this summer."
The ground la right, he said, for corn.
Winter wheat waa alerady coming up In
fine shape. Ths average of winter wheat
than far la about four Inches, ha said.
Summing up the crop situation In gen
eral throughout the state aa ha aeea It,
he said that Nebraska was getting off
well and only aufficlent rain throughout
tha summer will bring farmers aa te
where they can forget their failures of
tha last two years.
FAIRBURT. Neb, May 7.-Bpeelal.)-
Jeua M. Harper, a locomotive engineer af
tola dty..waa married tha latter part of
tha week ts Mias Alice Mefwtcaaoa at
Clinton, Isv. la Omaha. Mr. Harper
gieally saiptlrml hat Meads) ts Fail bail
by iwtasatud bonaa with
at years aa has
cirnctM. SOAP
mm stick
For Tender Faces
""I TiHii s iililaTThinsiuMiittessa.
I ;J arm, mails isi. and etaar taCataans
Ern aftasstm. AiSzTisgamy- Ss mar.
assssxy ssssvae rtraa, aawsssacf
Haavarnaaaw. tansckshm sas.ttr at
atasmar jrjsalUsmal lew t .
AkaO mvtlKY-Br Bxaerte
All Work Guaranteed.
Prtoaa Raaaanabla,
"aath a. Merae
aa an engineer out of Fhlrbury on the
Rock Islsnd. Mr., and Mrs. Harper will
go to housekeeping In this city at once.
NKBRASKA CITT. May 7.-Spcrial.-
Lsst evening Robert L Moreau of Kansas
City came to this city and waa oulrtly
married to Miss Dora f pre. ht. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bprecht of Ber
lin. The parents witnessed Ihe ceremony
and tha young people left on a wedding
trip after which they will make their fu
ture home at Kansss City.
Russian Colony May
Buy Big Tract of
South Dakota Land
PIKRRE. a D.. Msr T.-fRneclal.l-THa
Indications are that this state will secure
a colony of Russians numbering more
than 100. who will take sAow acres of
ststs lands lying In the northwest part of
the state. ' Immigration Commissioner
Dstts has Just returned from New Tor It,
where he was In conference with the
agsnts of the colony, and while other
states had representatives oa the ground,
the proportion which could be made by
this state evidently came nearer being
what waa wanted than that which could
be preaented by any other state. ' The
lands which will be taken. If they prove
satisfactory after personal Investigation
on the part of the agents of the colony.
are state capttul and Indemnity lands.
which He In a compact body la Harding
county. The Indications are the deal
will be completed and that the state will
eecure thia colony aa one of the few ef
forts on ths part of the Immigration bu
rsas. .
re. I.lllle llelnke.
NEBRASKA CITY, May T.-!Speclal.)-Mlss
Llllle Hetnke died at the home of
her parents at Talmags Saturday evening,
aged It rihe waa a vary attractive young
woman and one ot the leading members
of a local theatrical oompany. Her health
had been poor tor some time and aha
waa taken to California and other places,
wtth the hope ot benefiting the same.
She la survived by her parents and four
brothers. The funeral was held this aft
ernoon from the family residence near
Aadrew B. Harhlaa.
NEBRASKA CITY, May t.-t Special. h
Word waa received In this city last even
ing of the death of Andrew H. Hucklni
at St. Louis, where he went a short Urns
sgo to visit with his sons. Mr. Ilurkins
was a resident of this eity for many
ysara and waa considered one of the finest
vocalists of ths wsst Hs toured ths
country In the temperanos cause for a
number of years with tha late John R.
Finch and other noted speakers. He had
always been a prominent churchman and
for ysara was superintendent ot ths
Methodist Sunday aohool ot this elty. His
remains will be brought to thia oity for
la; Hatal Damaged by Fire,
WAUKESHA, Wte., May T.-A fire
which broke out la Ihe attie ot the Rest
Haven hotel, a K,m property, tods
waa quenoned br the looal tire depart
ment aided be a laree numhar a t.
dents at Carroll cnllegs sfter damage te
me imi or uo.'JW had neen wrought.
ues is tuny oovsrea ny insuranoe.
(low to be Certain of
Curing Constipation
Prejudice I a hard thing to overcome,
but where health Is at atake and the
opinion of thousands ot reliable people
differs from yours, prejudlos then be
comes your menace and you ought to
lay It aside. This Is ssld la ths Inter
est ot people suffering from chrunlo
constipation, and It la worthy ot their
In the opinion of legions of reliable
American people the most stubborn
constipation Imaginable can be cured
by a brief uae ot lr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin. You may not have heard of It
before, but do not doubt Ita merits on
that account, or K has net been
blatantly adverttead. It has sold very
successfully on wovd of mouth recom
mendation. Parents are giving it to
their children today who were given It
by their parents, and It has been truth
fully said that more druggists use It
personally In their families than any
other laxative. ,
Letters recently received from Mr.
Harry Itackenbunr. Klllot. .
Mrs. R. Coding Dlx, N.ur., are hut a
few of thousands showing ths esteem
la which Ur. Caldwell dyrup Hopoin le
held. It le mild, gentle, non-griping not
violent, II ks eel is or cathartics. It cures
gradually ana pleasantly as that In time
nature again doaa Ita own work without
outside aid. Constipated people owe It te
themselves to uee Uila gimad bowel
Anyone wtehlns to make a trial of this
remedy before buying It In the regular
war ox a eruggisc at nny rents or one
duller a large bottle (family else) ran
have a sample bottle sent la the home
rree of eiierge by simply sddreseiiig 1.
W. H. Caldwell. a Washlnslon St..
Montioelle. 111. Your name and address
oa a postal cars win do.
Do You Want Your Monei Worth?
Fleaaars-Jg-Tewram Car, see
' The next time an autrXnoKle salesman tries to srll you s car
at a diacount. tell ham that the oid "ancthin for nothing"
story can't fooj you. '
The best automobiles In the world are told for their list
price, not a permy Ires. They are worth it. But the lame ducks,
the second rates, the nondescript and assembled autoaobile
art in the public market looking for the highest bidder. Look
out they doo't get Jrou. If gold -brick cars sre not worth then
list prke, bow much are they worth ? Nobody knows. Cut
price desla are frauds,
But at jroo want a car of one price to aU and worth every
cent of it, get either a Studebakrr K-M-P "30," $1100, or
KUoders " JO," $800. Yoo. can trust them. Yow frt all that
you pay far and that ia more tjun yoa get with any other
car at near, their price. Sfidcbalrrr guarantees them. That's
tbe bag rcsatsx Na nutter what pries trrnptxtjca faHa in
your way, 8tVbakcr EUf "30" and Flanders "10" cars
are far tagger bargasna, becanse m years of good service and
astarfaoion. tfacy pay bag retnrna.
at-nSsnafor mm ana ostaJer
The Stodebaker Corporatim
' j Detroit, Michigan
soas raiaaia at, a. rvr-Vl Kgr.
aUJMsVMMI asssassy at-
Toothache Gum
Uteil k hHIIUaa rWs WiaM (Sea
Alldns aerm ar by auai lie
6. S Best S to ; Brraom Mien'.
Day's rrotgM
la ih rills of ntrw ttur
rsughg boo It on Sdentiiic
Managsment in tha ko
Ull Business,
It tells tha rlaciplna
by Which ' (hs Moat tile,
reasful ReUllsrs knr tnt
nut ths wastes aud leases, .
Md maltlnlldd their
It ihowg Bow rhnln
tores, with ' out brlcem
malts money wblln drtv
. Ing tha Ilbtl MBw ent
t bualnnaa,
' Th widhagnr of any
nslall sloes can gat one
ry without eharga 0r
pbllgallnii by asking for
It aa his letterhead. Oth
ers ess gt th book at
" 'e-nti g eopy stamps
mt money,
Asa( Add,, Afocmn Ca.
H W BrAtaiKn, atlea aemsw.
lej tal iiuj streH.
aniaa, ..... wis.
Tel, Oasglas Ttl. .
There la aMkiaa asw aissut the kaa el i
using Sage fat rsateMag tke eaia af thai
hair. Our graadmethsra kef I taahr hals!
dark, aiosay snd abundanl by Ihe una a
a aim pie & Tea," Whenever theipS
hair fell out or ImIi an a dull, fadad s J
atreakad appearance ihay mada a brew ef C
Rage leaves, and applied It la their bug I
with wonderfully aanefleial afreet,
Nowadays we eos'l have te ssaost ta the J
old-time . Uraeeme met dad af aalhsrwgS
the kerbs and making Iks tea,. This US
dons by sSUIful shemlsts batter thaa We
eould do It ourselves) gad ail ws save ta
ds la ta rail for the raadr-aaada praam I,
Wyeth's taae and auisaiir Mats Hamad,
euntsinina aa la Ik pnMjeey strea:b.
with tha aaditims Ht fJulpriur, sastheai
eiaXlaw seal rum ly,
Thia ereoaeatiMi gras yeataful
and baaaty is raw hear, aad ) aas af in
beat nmsdtas t eej res nee far daadrufl,
dry. favertea. Heklsg asaip, aas eaiuaat
haty. M S fafty aeeit settle Haas ott
drwgctot to4ai aad iw siU be surariai4
at te aV5k MeasW. AM dnwtwete aea) K,
under gaanaaue Aw, tha asoaar will be
refunded a tk rtaaady is aat aaaotls aa
a MoCoar
net) Urat "
Z "Bowel Pleasure'
tfaHM sUPsb aCswaAnBaV aa( Sassw) sVWlaC
mal saas S aaw ana d aaR pain, lasBSSsssaBBBsjBBBBBBmas
atdaam sr snilpa, mxt i
sal arm amnmt aaaSs
amt mtrnasit aamtttrr a hah nmbtt ar
wajsmwrttrst xns amasrai rn anw wear.
B vwulil kry fawm, -limmifl nlsaaw
trea" and aaaajiiaaiiii j sis at asm
10 asius, K aartta. -J0t
toaxl mEiaatga ram.
.Thai MuMSmm Trnrhntsi
TJ ll Si I ST SSn a erwiri I
.. . . i
Hotel FtsMers
W4m Vf f3f fitresa.
S9 W JKar f rJroaAwaj.
ay av sfcv V-f.
T i
r .' tr.rfiiBu-i. , lrt to
a. & sCaavrri r-