Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Imperial Hats Km!!!
Imperial hate are ready in sew der
t bie and soft felts. , .Distinctive
t head-pieces for of affairs
or those snappy college shapes that
young men prefer there's a five
dollar air about them and they coat
bnt ....$3.00
Boys' Felt Hats in mannish shapes
of many shades of tan or gray, also
black, at $2.50, $2.00, $L75, $1.50
and .......V Sl.OO
Panamas and Straw Hats are ready.
An extensive showing of new caps, in
Scotch plaids, mixtures and plain colors,
'at $10 and...... $1.00
Eton caps and golf caps for boys; in
serges, broadcloths and fancy cheviots;
bright colors and modest shades, at 50c
Hen's Caps
Bits' Ct;s
tt 50 Cents
1518-1520 FAUN AM STREET
lOsntltraed from Pint Page.)
the lormettoa t tha election board MM
ths pells epnd la the morning. This
waa adjusted without alfOcully. however,
and John T. DWea w4T.K Mature led
the byetaadara la organising ih board.
Om 'arrest tor atlssipt to vote p.
kgalir waa made during the dir. A. J.
MrOary. whs had bvt beea nhtwl (ram
Jell la tht awraloc aodertook to rati
M was arrested by Deputy Satrltf Oe
koroe. iti at Cfcaltoasjesev
At another precinct to. tl Ninth wart
eoesplalat was aeads thai challenger
(or tha Cltianu' aotoa vara beta- aa
cluded Application tu aitda to Judgv
Troup, who issued a pttaHorj writ o(
Biandamua .to tha wettoa board la that
preeiact. cooimaodliut t to permit to
presence of obelleagera investigation
showed that Ua Clttaene' anloa kad tlx
challenger, there,' and tha pretence of
ifca eevest wee' akjaetad to only be.
causa ba overcrowded tha sleet Ion booth.
far rears baa been a landmark la that
part of tha Mlaaourl valley In Clap
county, also baa disappeared. When tha
rtatac water aommaaead to approach tha
grave mauv of tha traaa were cut down
aad hauled away ta aav tham (ram tha
river, but what waa laft bow hava baaa
carried away by tha rtw. Numerous
atbar (knaara la that part of tha atau
hava loot (ram toa to twoety acres of
thalr far ma baranaa of tha dug watar
la tha Missouri.
MOCX FALL, a D.. afar
iel.-If tha Mtesowrt river waa a cor.
BdraUoaararaapoaatklalBdlvtdual. Julius
Charriln. a Clay county tarmar. would
hava good grounde to instltula aa action
agalaet M (or (rand larcany. About taa
days a0' hick watar la the rtvor eora-
maaoaa earning away Charrlta'g (arm.
aa datnea that lima mora tufa fifty a
of ku daa aad valuable (ana fcar tie.
appeared rnte taa maw of tba turbulaat
-Bi Muddy." Land aa which Charriln
mat year ralaad aa wwk aa atoety
busk;, of aara to tha aara baa eattrely
disappeared. Tha low ta him la a koavy
ana, aa tha land thus tar plifered ky tba
Mlaaourl waa wortk act laaa thaa UM aa
acre. A una esttoawovjd grove, whlok
Des Moines Judge.
Tells Grand Jury to
Watch Candidates
DKS KOmZS. May t-Jodge Rock
Bran Ban af tha artmlaal dlvtatoa of tha
district eeurt today ediwoeeehed tba mam-
bora at a la fraud jury to -keep thalr ayaa
aa tha beherlor at caadMataa (or
Utleal affloa, with a vtow to Indlettng for
vlototlene of law." TlMaa Inetroctlons ap
plied to an eaadldaUa, lorai. atato or ara-
aMpal. wfthla tha aaurt'a juruxtletloa.
Judca Bran nan told tha toaulaltora ha
bad aa apaetfta eaaaa ta Blind, bat that
tt was aaa af thalr affteta! dutlaa to aoa
that eandtdataa eaaduet thamaarraa hi
becoming and dlcntded maanar hi thalr
arrarta to tndoca poopla to roa (or tham.
You will tone up your
yatm and feei better for
Best Bcjb47 for
aa ffttl
Would you pay nearly
$10 for the best signal -in
the world? .
; Say JERICHO . ..
Tc-rs CLD
inaaaaality and
a tha aoaad
ba aoaad hi nam aj dm
aodaa rrowtaa. Saaara
Oaa Bowa4wm coariBca yoav Ua
a poaod al jva frocaf't.
TOttl ardtw, Da I
ffontlnuod (rom Put One )
Bloat BoaDtta.bla aitV evervthlne u
balad dona to laavra tba comfort and esa
BaoHuwa at daatfataa and vMtora. Taa
ComaMKlal elak. a live, wideawake lnetl.
tutloa. aaa takaa aacataaaea of tba (act
that a larre a umber or prominent aila
fcitera and larmaa (ram rtoa.farta a(
ha UnHod Stalaa arc la tba etty aad baa
arranted a aarbw af aooa raneheoM at
sob of which aoma aateMam nali
wba M In attendance at tba aoefereace
addreaae tba dub. '
1 (Cbntinuad from rirat raae.)
A'yomlaf .... aaa) , at
Ariaona It.Ow M
Nevada , H.oie M
Mlaetaelppl ION a
North tMUtota...., .... ...
South Dakota
Maaaaehnaatts ....
Varmoot ......... .... ..
CLEARMOXT. la.. May T.-(Spectal.)-
Ei-Oovernor Larre bee baa aiala aa
aaarad blrnaaK to tba people of hla home
towa by denatln to tba aehool dlatrKst
a new and nudera acbool bolaa. built
aattraly at hk) awa espanae aa a half
block at land which be alaa deeaa a tba
ttatrlct Tba atyla tt arakltastura to of
auek a aharaator that tt will take a year
to aemptate tha kulldlaff. Tba dlmaaMou
at tba bulldlns wlU ba ttaM bet. The
ha earn out will ba fitted up for dome
arlenoe. manual training eta. Taa flrat
atory will be re (our acboal rooma, a red.
ream aad toaebara' room; tba
atory wUl oaa tain bujk aat
rnuata aad art rooma. a karary
and auditorium. Thara will be a bute
attM which will la all probability
fined up lar athletke. Walla tha roTer.
repeatadly aaowarad bia ba
auttoaa upoa tola community tbia to oaa.
aiaarad taa (raaaaat (lft of all.
SXW HABTrORD La . u.. ra.
omtr-Mn aaiaap la Ua cab while tba
paraata. Mr. aad Mra, Elmer Buraa wara
flealnc near by. thalr bake Mabel, aced
II montka, and bar cab wara trundled ta
tba baak by a atroat (uat of wind, whlob
pitched tha cab evar the krtb
duaipal tba to be and vablela lata tba
wniar. u aa aappeaad that tha cah
remalBad rktht aide aa . ,k. k.
waa act dumped out Tha father pluatad
lata tha water, which was elf 6t fax 4
and reecued tba child before It ta tic
(riant bad overturned Ita taaaaeraxy
craft .
a a tew da wtmoa
-ekorkMaefnoaa. Ka
wUibe aoeepeed w
ataapetleat la cured.
r. aV
Tkw ' a 1t-dT
IOWA FALLS. U-. Mry T.-Spedal
TrtoaranvW. K. Carle ton, pinna or teal,
dent of tbia city and aaa . .k.
altlaaaa of tbia part ef tha a tele, aam-
aauem oeecwe at a boaw bare tlaa mora
ln by eottlna bat thnu Pa.
for amral montka, to anppaaad to bare
" 1
roc raeittaAttMB m mh fu .u..
. 1 w .wue
better Oaa CaaaAerhUa'a lAalmaat Try
bjbj aaa how auicfcly It
tereala by an deelere.
' rri- m Oil Ad7a4. '
rtr)WPirvn!vrw w.. r .
runo Oil and Oaa anoair' today-ad-vaaced
tba nrlcai a eiaiii wi a
Wyoming Sheepmen
Take Possession of
Hay andGrain
rHKTEN.VB. Wya. May T.-SpaclaL-R
porta from central and caatern Wrom
tas. where recent atarma raised havoc
wtth tha lira at Oct Indueuy. teU of the
deaperatlon ef atack ownera when, with
tha around coTaiad deep with enow and
tactne eartala heavy loaaaa unions feed
waa provided, they went out and stole
bay and (rata wherever they could find
It and (ad their aheap aad oattla. It 1
tared sot who the feed be kneed to: they
needed It and they took tt, latandlnc to
at tie wltk tba own are afterward a.
I. A. Delfaldar. wba (or many years
aa been ana of tha Mtseat Uva atoek
oparalora af central Wyamtna;. aad wba
rears ao saw tba acceaaltr of pravldlnf
bay and (rein (or wtntar feedlnc, twa
raara aaw built rnapiy depota at
res lent piaeee on hla rancea and filled
tba buUdJnra wttb bay aad arala to
uaod to ease nf eeneraeaey. Tbia aprla
elfeier meved hla Hooka toward these
depota. acraisied to a Una between hla
winter and euanmer raatoe, but to
awprlaa'bd found that several af tbaae
depots had baaa robbed of all bay aad
(rala. The theft had beea committed but
a few days before and Delfelder followed
tha thieves tela their camp, where they
wara baay feedlnf the bap and (rain to
the flacks. Tkey said they were eaiayht
out many mllea from the railroad and
had to hava tha feed to save their sbeep.
even tboufh they knew rl aid not helan
to them aad that Delfaldar mis tit need H
(or kla awa aheap. Tney admitted tba
theft and aaid they would asttle ut as
aooa aa thsy could.
DeKalder alaa loot several hundred tons
of baled alfalfa bay Bear Rlrartoa ta tba
same manner. Delfelder had provided,
but tha eihe.-a bad not, and K waa
easy Nuiner to rob tha owner and say
they would settle later.
Cars af (rein enroots west wara stopped
al Casper by stockmen and tba
hauled away, tba shipment never reeohtnf
Ita awaer.
Wedding Bells Ring
Inrice at Iowa Falls
IOWA FALLS, to.. May (.-(Special.
Aanauaceeneat has Just beea made of the
marrtace of th-ee weJI-kaown youn
omen of this city. Miaa Harriet Oreea
Mra. A. 1. Lombarda by tba
nuptial knot route. The bride Is
dauchter of Mr. and Mra. M. H. Oreen.
Mr. Lambordo waa (armerly anaaiad la
tba fruit kualaets here, but Is bow located
at at. Paul, where lbs youac couple will
David Warner of Kara Visa.
M., and Mlm Myrtle Huntley of this
city ware married In Dea Molnea last
Mr.. Warner f armerly resided bare
and waa far a time manacar of the Hasan
bus and transfer line, lie la bow awn
Mine a bid ranch owned by himself and
brother In New Mexico. Tba bride la
aaughtsr of C. M. Huntley af this city
aad hlbly set seen id youn woman who
has baaa encased la taacbux (or a num.
bar af years. Mr. C A. Oamsoa of Wat
kins, la., and Mies Baaa PI area ef this
city wara married by Rev. William Hard.
castle of tha Cong rose llunal church kera
Saturday evelntnp. Mr. Oarrlsoa lor
aoma time past has beea. encased aa
timekeeper aa tha Panama canal wara.
Tha bride daiajblsr of Mr. aad Mrs.
Qua Fierce.
Oa pass t Julius Orkla. IMP Douclaa
t, anneuncee a sale af hlch class (owns
aad dreeeee while there are aaly US ear-
meats, tha variety M aulta eslsnalve and
aaly ana or twa of a kind. Most ef these
gowns and dreaaea are eopias at forelca
modela and are made of fine Imparted
materials aweb at French voile, chiffon
taffeta, pongee, ate
These (owns aad dramas will ba ef fared
to tba women af Omaha tor half and leu
thaa their worth. Bvery aaa bears
taa usual Orkla'a bark standard af atyla
and quality aad every women la Omaha
i herself tha duty to attend this
aatraardiBaiT aala Wednesday at Orkla'a,
VI Douglas at
Taa Forts teat an Judicious t'sa at
Newspaper Advertising la tha Road to
Wh your olothet
We are now showing
the ; season's most
charming style crea.
tions in mid summer
millinery. Exclusive de
signs purchased espec
ially for this shop await
your inspection. Oome
in today and inspect
these hats. You are sure
to find what you want
and at prices reasonably
within your reach. -
Mrs. A. Hosier
Hotel Loyal Building
221 North 16th St.
LEXINGTON, KT- May '.-Horace W.
vvileon. for thirteen years secretary of
tba Kentucky Trotting; Horse Breeders'
association and one of the best known
beraamea la America, died bare todar.
Ha waa for many yeara secretory of the
Empire - Trotting Waeodetloa In New
Terk and at one time waa associate editor
of a Chicago paper devoted to
raetef. Ha waa n years eld.
Just received 100
suit lengths of
homespuns and
crashes in grays,
tans and blues.
Am going to oiv
fer them made to
order in coat and
pants for $20
each, Come Early
and get one of the
first choices,
t!asCirthy-n0i Ttilerist Ct)
i aod-aee iyata awsastk .
Base Ball
MAY 5,6,7, 8.
Holiday. Mar t. Ldlea Day.
Cars leave 15tu aad Farnaia J .18.
Games called ti30.
Good aoao wiiIimi pWria
well If you use enougl
w al . . .
ioow greaM; but Gold Pill
Vaahaa them morm thnrmiaMv
and Taritll UM or no ruMn a
gd ttmmt V.,S
wVi aremw HTM HaU yOUT VXO,
aaa ipaxet your poor back.
Armirias draar aaSranfeals nl CftTrf
IrUSt any kiad ef watar you
like. trOia vu otteca thi htni-
est water, and makaa it mah ar
ram water. ,
CoM Dust k Juat a T(etaUu
leap ta powdered form, witl
other fieBritiri inaYeciiants add,
to make it work more tkorrjuaiiK
and quickly thaa soap ever can
Jusi trr Cold DrM Ttarv
day.aod aoa how much tirna yot
are. ,
Gold Dual ia
aaU to SO aba
and Urfw peek
afea. The larga
peakafe mssss
"let atoOOUaXSriWTWaWeaaraeBw''
Bars, Case. Vfc.
dar. Mat. hlMia.
"' rM.IjrwTOk7
la Oa apsesns tvraaaaala ibsbMisj
eato new aslUag. Prioas. taa. gi so
One kTlarkt Oalv wtoa. w. i.
avaaiavaT s-raiyaoaTT oicairru
IPTemsere fmaeeese aeellel
"rtssa aoa,, aTew aeTHag
voaalnri aVeatoe aBmag ta
Taa nmi pa rwc p sa
Tha Komaay Osera Co.; Mjm Marten
and Paul Nicholson: Burnbanv and
Greenwood: Cna Clsvtoe- utii.,-. ua
S?"41 Cblr Trie: Bert Tor
roll: Klnetoecope; Orvhoum Oauari ree.
eheetra. frtcea Night, tec, lc Me.
Te- Matinee lc best atau Ua, aaoapt
Saturday and Sunder.
ata Today, so aright, ads
' Only amrlaaaBS anew to Sews.
XTmA TOBISBIT aleoitoa ato.
taraa Bead from lee Bug. .
Kxcluetva CHoaba Showing of
Vaedevtlle Includes Brooklva Harmon
4: Rtrbard. Barton.-dearriptlva barirane:
r II hat cyellng troupe, Pictures chanred
ftew vtuaeviue Tbura. , 4A.
E. S. WILCOX. Mgr.
& CQ
fifteenth, at Donglaa Sts.
Can Clothe You Well for
$20.00 or $25.00
T ,. The success we have had in the past with the Suits that our New York"
work-room send us to sell for $20.00 and $25.00 haa encouraged ua to show
for Spring and Summer wear an unusually large assortment at these prices.
All the new fabrics are here, to say nothing pf staples. Novelties are
here aa far aa woolens are concerned in abundance, and the make and style
of the garments at $20.00 and $2JMX) have distinctive features that wUl
.please the man who wants to be correctly attired.
' . At these prices we have a 6uit oaled the "Brummel", a fairly conserva
tive tack with enough snap to give ita distinguished appearance. We think
. so well of this suit that we make it in our highest priced garments, but are
featuring: this style at $20.00 and $25.00.
Specials in Furnishings
Pyjamas and Nightshirts
A special purchase allows as an opportunity to
offer aoma extraordinary vsluea in watt. aaia
took, pvjsjnag ua Blkt abirta.
NigktSkirU QC-
Matting Suit Cases
Wall Blade, 4 arable cages, )4
laches k)Df. considered rare
value at 11.10; our special pries
Comfort En Route
For the man who travels in May and
for the man who stays at home any man,
in fact, who likes to lounge in comfortwe
'suggest A CAP. Nothing smarter if bought
right. Come see if we have a pattern to
match your suit
75c to $2.50
1 tf
aw-w ir'Jl.n eTl
Hlllsboro, Tox8, May 4th7 1912e
Tho pork packing plant of MoSVEENET A CO.T wlH b.
oomplated and ready for operation about .November 1st t
1012.' ; - -,
1 The Plant will ba one of the most oonplete packing
plants in the South. The preliminary capacity will be
50,000 hogs annually. '
HILLSB0R0 ii one of the eound and growing Industrie
al oitiea of the South, with great Railroad interests.
Cotton Mills, Cotton Seed Oil Mills, Gins, Wholesale
Orooers and many other large industrial enterprises, all
contributing to make this City a safe and logical com
munity for investment. .
The MoSIEENET oompany has seleoted eighty acres of
land within the corporate limits of the City of Bills- ' .
boro, and the Board of Trade of the City of Hillshord -has
purchased this land at a oost of many thousands of
dollars, and deeded it to the Mo SWEENEY oompany ui
bonus. for locating their plant in Eillshoro. Twenty x
acres of this land will be used: for the packing plant,
and the balance will be platted and sold by the packing
oompany. Every lot offered for sale will be within five
minutes walking distanoe of the Court House and the busi
ness portions of the city. 'Every lot will be between the
paoking plant and the Court House.. The city is built
SOLIDLY up to the property offered by the packing com
pany. Excellent drainage, Good City fater, beautiful
trees and easy aooessabillty to buslness'portlons
of the oity are particularly distinctive features of
tcnis property. i
- The price of the lots are Two Hundred Dollars ($200) .
.each. Corner lots and' inside lots will all be sold in
constoutive order as the remittances for purchase are
reoeired. The terms of the sale are one-fourth (14) -cash,
balance in SO, 60 and 80 days. Lots fronting the
paoking plant will ba twenty-five foot, other lots will
. be fifty foot front .
The total number of lots to be offered for sale is
approximately two hundred and fifty. The company especi
ally Invites Investment by prospective employees of
the plant. Preference will be given by providing
employment as rapidly as positions can be created. le
will also assist the, purchasers in securing all the nec
essary material to construct houses on their lots.
. Make all payments
Hours I to ; to 11 p. ta.
oo Bra ajtt mra i btat m un,
Respectfully submitted,
Por the Company, .
ParaaautlH atoaaay-
.tiLt-fcf WARE
. na waa9 PaiCP- -
aTigaea. See to ausa.
Everybody reads Bt3e want ads 1 x
.a aaato a aarrei, j
See to naa,