IS THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, MAT 8. 191. &ISS DEALER HAS FREE REIN. Slatrimonial Missionary Giren Per mission to Work in Omaha. :iayos rat Gins his approval rrmt. Fa4ssw Cma t Tows wllk - tk ta Make Matches sd He Ha " Several Wealthy ' lukrlan Sawtted. Prof. Frits Podssus, publisher of mat rimonial paper is New Tork. gleefully at' ' racxed Mm citr ball yesterday, ignorant of th tact that all unmarried but eligible and good looking maldetui there vera con cerned not with whether men wanted to marry or not. but bow they were going to vote. Tba professor told Mayor Dahlnan that b limply Introduced desirables to each other and If they were married and lired happily ever after they sometime cam aeroea with tic. To prove It be displayed several In bill. Mayor Danlmaa told hint ho approved of bis mission tf bis patrons did and sent him to the chief of polios. Chief Donahue looked over Me matrimonial medium and decided to give htm a list of same, but thought better of II and told him be could go on matchmaking hers as long ' as he found II lucrative and kept wit tun the law. The professor had a list of names of 'prominent Omaha bachelors and uiunar. rled ma Ideas. He said he thought be could provide for them, but when be bad mad the round of the dty ball he gsv up. admitting that he bad ben Inglor tously defeated, "My purpose ees to contreebute toward se 1 nerves of msrreegea," Prof. Podaue explained. "I speek ail se languages, but fcngleeh I do not (peek so good." Proving that he was In good faith and proud of his calling the matrimonial man displayed samples of hi paper from every pocket. 11 explained that It was discreet, however, to tuck the paper In some Inner pocket when approaching a prospect. On seven pages of advertising In hi geatcfe'iaaking organ. Professor Podalua pointed to some of hi advertisement. It wa apparent that an hi client ware wealthy, but few of them having lea than ts.wt income year. "You ses say are all respect eebls." He u tnthuslae Uo and said he thought he would re main In ths city atveral day, a th out look wa good. RESTAURANT MAN IS HIT BY A NEW AUTOMOBILE Jo W leaner, proprietor of ths raletaff restaurant, wa struck twlc yesterday by an automobile driven by Randall Pollock and seriously Injured. Ths accident oc curred at sixteenth and Farnam street about I o'clock. : Wlesner was walking to Ms restaurant from Wa room at l'U Capitol avsuna, II did not sotloe th aulomobll driving lowly west. Pollock tried to stop th car, but could not After knocking Wlea Ber down he tried to oome to a oomplete stop, but scctden tally forced ths oar for ward and ths machln (truck W leaner gain as he wa scrambling to bla fast Th machine then passed over his back. Dr. rttiglbbona saw ths Wlesner bad two broken ribs, a lacerated and bruised back, a well a cut about hi lag and face. He wa taken boms la a city am bulance. Pollock ha owned an automobile only a (hort time, but ha been unsually careful In hi driving. He say that be ipplled th wrong lev era la trying to nop. Pollock live at Florence. GENERAL SMITH ASKS FOR MONTH'S LEAVE OF ABSENCE A telegram asking for on month's tear of a beetle has been received from General F. A. smith, now In Hot Hprtnia. This request tend to ths belief that the general's wife Is seriously HI and hi May In definite. fearfsl Blaoarhtsr uf deadly microbe occur when throat and lung disease are treated with Dr. King' New Discovery. Mc and U.s, For sal by Beaton Drug Co. Ualunblc Rugs Glared Perfectly Px:tsri:n'.CryCIa i:.Systeal!.kesTh8Q U:k Cetter thxa dew Not long ago w cleaned severtl oriental rura for on of oar cus tomer and when they war sent bom ahe declared the looked better than they did when new. There, (a no doubt but what th rug wo dry cleaned are cleaner and mora sanitary than when they com from the dealer. , - They say it takes months and sometimes year to weave an ori ental rue and it stands to res eon that after H ha been worked on for months by a (reaay Moham medan, then polled over by doaeas of buyers and finally shipped to America, it is not as clean ana fresh looking as it might be. Do yoa realise what It means to dry clean a rug? It means tu wash It with gasoline, the asms as we do your clothes. Not many cleaning plant in any city have yet gone to the expense of putting In large washers and extractors for dry cleaning targe lie rugs. The Panttotium is beet equipped n Omaha for each work. We clean Oriental. Brussels, WJitons, Velvets sad any other kind of rugs or carpets and guar antee them satisfactory or no charge. , Let os clean all your house fur nishings that will sot etand wash lag and your friends will think yon have got all new furnish legs. We will send a man to quote prices on all your work If yon call Doug. ( or Ind. A-3K8. Tb Pcntarium "Goo CVaawrs sad Overs. 1515-17 hen ot. Both OTT LIGGETT. Pres. wsi. - n 1 1 " iir- For LATE proof and tet-tion in new Bfyle $2,98, fects, etc A attractive $1.98. $1 WIDE EMBROIDERY 59c Yd. On Our Mala Floor. S 7-Inch sheer Swiss and Batiste men a i lover Embroideries In dainty baby Irish, lace effects, also1 ..nii.u eei, iiorai ana many very usoiui coraoinnilon ellects Vf-? worth op to 11.00 at, yard. ....... .. .St. New Arrivals nf ths, Ratios, Macrame. Veole and ' .-S A ... . , "iw " maicn: new snaaow 'crochet laces. On sals In Main Women's and Boys' 'Women's Fine Women's Fine Cotton Union Suits, cuff knee and umbrella style, lace trim med; spe- Q cial at..:. C Cotton Long Sleeved and High Neck Vests; also pants in cuff knee and urn 4 a brella style; 1 M locvslue... SPECIAL NEEDLEWORK SALF NEXT THURSDAY We place on sals next Thursday an immense lot of 8 tamped Package goods. This Is tba asms as the well-known Bentley or Royal 80c let v line, done up la packages with piu. mirt are eeauimii lanisrpiecee, F1IIOW Tops, Library Scarfs, Infaots' Wear, Lingsho and many othsr novelties. They are displayed In one ot our Immtni oho windows and the values are from lite ta 1.1 00 The msnufsctnrer of this rougnt. ms enure stocg on nana Offer Tour unrestricted rhoiee at This is one of tho greatest Offered. 81 Is Thursdsy. 1BRANDEIS STORESl-4 A well known Retail Stock of Men'ss I Furnishing' goods will go on sale at Brandeis t Stores Saturday at the most extraordinary bar-J J gains we have ever offered in high and medium t I grade fixings for men. w The show windows are and thousands of men stop You'll certainly save money supply of shirts, and underwear at this sale. ijh Pumps and Slippers For CHILDREN and .GROWING GIRLS It t la deed poor economy to force the children to wear UtTitUng, poorly made footwear, whew It costs so little more to bay dependable shoes, and get the extra advantage of has. log n proper Dulng. Fry's Footwear lor children Includes tho best Uses anado ta the world. ' . ' ? . .Correct Fitting Is Important .. Our co ai deration of the growing foot has alwar been raannesdable. We fit every child Individually la this depart neat, and oar range of style la pumps, slippers and shoes for ' ebildrea of all ages Is complete. Prices Always Moderate i 1 1 -r a rs Wexrt acor- - Oreat Sals . Ken's , tabinc Oooaa, , vr " taw1 'nJTH SPRING ui SUMMER EAR; Linen Auto Coats Good, practical coats that are dust- give ample all around pro-i an automobile. 'AH sizes features, at $5, 6.98 and $10j New Serge Coats . White and colored serges, made with the graceful long lapels, new cuff ef clever new models for summer wear. Spe- f AO 01 A cially priced at. .. . . VUeoJO J 1U Women's New Wash Skirts Made of repps, piques, cotton corduroys snd linens a score of styles that are new nod at . , ; t J2.98, MM and $5.00 Omaha Women May Choose from Scores of New Hats for Summer The new Ideas are more stunning than any that have been abown for years. There Is an air of perfect taste about Brandeis better hats and an air of cor rect style as well. Embroidered Flouncinc. also 14. to Crochet eftwte in alinv.r. h.n.t . . . . . . laces, also real rlnnv and real rw Lace Deoartment at verv anerlalVt? . -r mjp 'J Summer Underwear $ Boys Porousknit Union Suits; high neck, short sleeves and knee. length; 50o qual- gufflelant (loss to complete each line discontinued business and wo at a prion which onables us to xta suh ... needlework bargains ws have ever filled with these banrain lots2 to look at them every day.wfc. if you'll buy your summer A FHO&CQ. ( 16IS o DOUGLAS. OSS.r.UC!!&MACH Binuti BAILEY & MACH Espsrt dentist 17 at moderate prtce all ware la ehsrsw of ex perts Only sterlltard rnstrv a.nts wsed. Pvrrslain fllltnss fust like the teeth. Moat mod emiv equipped office tn TTa.,is TBISVD nvoojs. rirni ItMl vorsee tets as an Sts. in 1 f w The May Ktyle. Book of view Patterns FREE Suits and Coats . A Large Lot of Each. Obtained in a - Very Special Purchase, on Sale Wednesday About 150 of the suits in tailored styles with long revers and peau cygne lined coats showing straight lin fects. The skirts are modeled to conform the coats, making these suits among the most attractive we have shown this season. They are made from light tan and gray mixtures and stripes in imported rough and coarse weaves, diagonals and other worthy materials. $22.50 and $23 Values, Wed. at $14.95 There are six distinctive styles of coats, for both women and misses. In tbe sale-all novelties with trimmed revers nnd abawl col-, lars; not over-done, but just fsncy enough to be stylish and snappy. Plain naviea and various fancy mixtures for your $18 to $20 Val ues. Wedn'day $13.95 All These Are New Arrivals New Whlnenrrl Skirt ehowing the most recent Innovs jwtjw rrnipcora JKins MoM ,n the wy of oval tnd sida tunic effects, side plaits or high girdles, will be ready Wednesday at 15.95. Values are $7.50 to $7.95, If judged by other' standards ot value-giving. Choice of tan snd,gray. , Wash Skirts of norrocks, repps, piques, corduroys, Bedford ta cords, ratines, etc., for your choosing. Each and every skirt In the stock Is new not purchased a couple of months ago, bnt Just unpacked, and displayed for your Inspection within the last few days. Styles are quite varled-seldom more than one or two of a kind in ths better priced skirts. Prices range from $2.75 to $10.00. Mcifnrlnd rnafc The majority of our women's motoring coats i townng vWQts w made of ntn qualUy- itnensv-ln plain and novelty effects aa madams may wish. $$.60 to $7.95 tor those that will appeal to tbe greatest number ot women. I Indprln Wsi!ct In new styles arrive almost every day. High lingerie waists ,ow nck modeU n ,uch wnted MJlM as the psplum and caaaqus. Some have sailor collars, but lsces and embroideries prevsll In sll of the trimming schemes. Choice ot long and three-quarter length sleeves. As low as 93c and from that price up to $26.00. if Notions Some Special Items for Wednesday Only Women's and children's 15c pin-on hose supporters, all . colors .He 20e bolts of four yards of colored or white embroidery edgings 10c Wire hair pins, pkg. . . .... ,1c 100-yard spools black or white machine thread, all numbers, I spools for Be 6c card of nickel-plated safety pins, t cards for. . . . . . . . .Be $ spools black darning cotton, Se 10c bolts ot five yards of black mevretised skirt braid: Wednesday, 2 tor Sc 10c bolts ot finishing braid, 5c Pure Food Specials for Wednesday l-lb. ran Bennett's Break' H-lb. ran fast coffee and 4 stamp. Ms Bennett's liioelstor flour special of tor of s, eac at X0 14-Is sack "teueen of th Pantrv" pastry flour and 4 it's MJ Assorted teas sad ' stamps, lb. Tea Hlftinrs ' snd i stamps, lb. ........16 itol naking II stamps h-lb. raa ana i Pull cream cheese 'snd I stamps, lb sn Bennett's Capitol ex tract and IS a tamps, bottle Ms XT Bs. gnraasUtsd Sor for giJO stamps, Dutch ' Ross or Violet Utlet soap, per cake, a 1 Bar ' Bsaastrs Bar- rats Soap Sos l-lb. roll Premium bat- i teHns enej Lerse can Bennett's Capitol Hawaiian sliced pineapple tna Pint can (iaillant'a par olive e4l reduced to to .Jl'll w Basds. Ska". Blue Label ratu IS slamps. Sottas and A little Bee want ad does the business. : Eyerybodjr reads Bee want ads the Famous Pictorial Re at Oar Pattern Counter. the newest and tans choosing Muslin Wear Sale Continues We aire careful that all of the niunlin undergarments that come, into this store be made from grass-bleached mateiials-none thst are chemically bleached , can find n place here. We mention this sim ply to show you ths standard ot quality this stors maintains tba same standard being In thia sale. A like carefulness was exercised concerning the cutting, fashioning, finishing and trimming of each garment Judge the price part tor yourself: 59c and 65c Values at ... . 39c 75c and 89c Values at ... . 49c $1.00 and $1.25 Values at . 79c $1.50 and $1.75 Values at . 98c $1.75 to $2.50 Values at . $1.59 $2.75 and $3.75 Values. $2.29 $3.95 to $4.75 Values at $2.95 $4.95 to $5.95 Values at $3.79 Also Special Bargain for Children ' Included in This Sale Corsets Five Special Numbers for Warm Weather Extremely long or medium length styles with low busts snd draw string through the bust line. They are made of light, but long-wearing batistes and coutll; are supplied with six strong hose supporters, and combine style and comfort to a high degree. -Ask to see them the first time yon are In ths store. $1, $1.50, $2. 'S3 and $5 Bennett' a Cap Lart can Bennett' Cap itol apricots and JO atamp .... as Dowser and .....las Bpp's eocoa stamps . . ..ste Barstr Kstoaes - a a Poaea Boxes for a Boneless sanUnse and I stands, can. . . ... ..IS Mb. pk(. Bennett' Car- ,10-1. Bask TeUow Oora ilul oats eV lst'pa.lesi sasai ......... .. . so g Is. gap rl... 3 ena-fcl 1 and 1 . stamps S3 8eeded raisins and 'ISIGIass' lombler of muv pk. ....1SV, tard and 1 stamps IS sWt-JXJ irJUeW71Kj Fancy new potatoes, Ib.v. ....... Be Fsncy Red HI ror potatoes, peck . . .87 He 1 bunches home groan asparagus. 3c 5 bnnches home grown spring onions tor... Be Large fsncy encumbers, sack 10c New solid cabbages, lb. ....... x. ....... . Home grown spinach, peck...:: .I.V 2 large Florida pineapples for. r. . .S.V Fancy, new. Texas anions, 4 lbs. for.. .. .33c targe, Jatcy lemons, dojen. ........... .aoe Satisfaction and HAYDENS THE BELIABLE STORE Big Special Furnishing Goods Sale EVERY DAY THIS WEEK. See These Men's "liniishinfr Specials Wednesday ' MEN'S UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS AND HOSIERY , Less Than Regular Retail Wee Men's Laundered Shirts To $1.50 values, with or without collars; ' soft or pleated bosoms, 69C-49C Men's Lisle Hose Made to sell at 25c, pair..l2V.C Men's Balbriggan Underwear Shirts or drawers, gar ments made to sell at 75c to $1.25,N at 45c 35c 25c Many Other Specials for Wednesday; Every Garment Sold Guaranteed Perfect.1 $1.00 INDIA SILKS, 65c 26-in. finest quality India Silks, in navy blues, Copenhagen and tan; small jacquard figures. A real $1.00 value, F. Wednesday Q3C Now on Sale-MANUFACTURER'S STOCK-Now on Sale FOUNTAIN PENS Silver and Gold Mountings; many inlaid with Mother of Pearl and several other patterns, including plain barrels, in this sale. Only one to a customer, White Goods Suitable for Graduation Dresses Wednesday French and Persian Lawns, sheer and fine; worth 89c, the yard 50c rjYench and Persian Lawns, sheer and fine, worth 50c the yard 25c Pure White Wash Chif fons, very sheer and fine; worth $1.50 yard at 75o Pure White Wash Chif fon, very sheer and fine; worth 75c the yard, ,39c Wednesday'sSpecialsinDomesticRoom Curtain Scrim, white snd col . ored borders, 38 In. wide; 15c value ; 10c Simpsons' Prints, black and white, blues and grays; 6V4c value Sc Fruit ot the Loom Mualln, 36 In. wide; regular 10c value., 74e 58 in. wide Bleached Table Damask; 29c value 19c Lawns snd Bstlstes, all new spring pstterns and colors; values, to 12Hc 7Hc White Goods, check, bars and stripes; values to 15c;' spe cial 10c THE GROCERY MARKET FOR THE PEOPLE ; "IS HAYDEN'S" ... You Save from 25 to 50 on Your Housekeeping Expenses IS Iks. Bast OraanJatsd gngar glM 1 bars lnox, "Rest 'Km All" or "Diamond ("' soap SSs S lbs. best Whits or Tallow Com- meal Is I lbs. best Rolled Break Fast Oat meal as 4i-lb. sacks Bert High Orade Dia mond H Family Flour; nothlns Ilk It. per sack flJS 14-ouncs cans Condensed Milk Ste 14-ounc pk. Best Domestic ica ronl, mad in Ou.aha. pkg., Oil or Mustard Sardlnea, can l ib. cana Assorted Soup . ...Tto JcUycon or Jello. pkg Oraps Nuts, pk. 10 K. C Cora riaks. pkg SV.S McLaren Peanut Butter, lb.. IS Th best Tea Rlftlnss. lb lSHs Peters' Breakfsst Cocoa, lb. ...SSs Uolden Kan to Coffee, lb SSs Don't fsll to sample 4 he beautiful Salads being demonstrated by Mis Rankin: made with ths Delft Hol land Peanut 8slad OIL Th taste tells V Try HAYDEN'S First Savings Always J $1.00 Muslin Night Gowrns Fine quality, low neck, all ' sizes, 13 to .20, at. .. .49c $1X0, $1.50 and $2.00 Union Suits All best brands, on sale, choice, 98c, 69c, 49C $2.50 WHIPCORDS, $1.50 20 pieces of 5-t and 56-in. English Cork Screw whip cords in grays and tans; special pqcc Wednesday; worth CI CA $2.0042.50.... -.ylenJU Wash Goods SPECIALS : Baye-a-Raye ' Organdies, . in stripes, with floral de- U signs; sold everywhere for 39c; Wed., at, yd., 25c Organdies, very sheer and fine, in floral designs; large and small patterns; 25c quality, at yd. .18c Irish Iinhette, -very fine; a good line of patterns; price, 19c ; Wed 'd 'y, 15c Printed Bordered Batiste; 40 Inches wide, light and dark colors; regular price, 25c yd., Wednesday St Bilk Striped Zephyrs Dress Ging hams rail good patterns; reg ular 15c special 19c Pongees, In white, cream and blues; S3 inches wide; 25c lue 12Hc Leghorn, 36 - Inches; very fine bleached mualln; regular 10c nlue .7Mc Poplins; 27 In. wide,' white, blue, pink, green and red; 26c value ........15c Percales; 36 ' In. wide all new patterns; light and dark colors; 15c value .10c errs, cxnzsa km mm Th best Creamsry Buiiar, carton or bulk. lb. , 34 The beat No. I Creamery Biittsr. from country, lb so TJ1?. b?."' No- 1 DaJry Buttw. llL.'as Full Cream Chros. lb .i Tli tat Kreah Ea, eoa la Tan stark of Osaaae tow rvsak Tsrstsklss, 8 as 0 aavsa rrssh Hplnach. per pec 5e 3 bunches frssh Asparagus ......a bunches fresh onions ...6s 1 bunches fresh Radishes ...,.. 4 bunches fresh PI Plant S t heads fresh laf Lettura a Fresh Basts, Carrots or Turnips, bunch 4 t bunches frsah Parsley Fresh Mushrooms, lb. ........ an New Cabbsss, lb. New Potatoes, lb. rancy rip Tomatoes, lb 10 I lares Soup Bunches ........ 10s Fancy Green Peas, quart is Fancy Wax Green Beans lb law cy Tosaat Cskkag riaata. ..TWi . .Ik. i VYst.-k the . - - - tor our ztrat 1 Pineapple Sale.