Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1912, Image 1

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he Omaha SI)aily Bee
VOL. rXLI NO. : 279.
Dahlmdn and ""Squ
v. .'r- i IN V1 ' h ."-A : ;::.4 ,,-a:
: I AJ IJL- I 1A,jL4 rWeWi t i . WJ . I,
, ' Straggle for Control of President"!
State Will Be Warmest of .
the Campaign. ,
President Will Spend More Time
Than Did in Maryland.
V -1 . ' VT a - Ti.' a
Rooierelt'i Maryland Victory.
Will Mult Seeaad Ton aad .Will
Visit.' Principal Cltlee Will .
ww. rwnfi TUMI
' TOMSOrrWar,
CINCINNATI, O. Mar T.-Oolo, Prest
mutt Taft's horn (tat, bids fair to be
com tha Woody battleground where th
president and Theodore Roosevelt wtU
tight ta a finish ona of tha decisive "ma
flone" a( tha present, campaign tor tat
republican presidential nomination.
Friend of president Taft with him on
. fcls visit to Cincinnati today declared that
tha raault of tha Maryland primaries
sade H certain that tha struggle (or Ohio
would ba hard and Oaraa Tka araaldant
will apani mora Urn campaigning hi hli
wb aula than, ha did la Maryland, warn
" aa opoka only during ana lay. Hla aao
, man'. C. D. Hllles, announced that Mr.
Tail would , return, ta .Ohio nest week
(or a four or five-day stay. Ha -will
visit most of lha, prlncloal, town and
altlaa aot touchtd on tha prtaent tr?.
' rHmarlra May 12.
The Ohio campaign will wind up only
a (aw daya bofora tha atata prlinanaa,
. May tl. and front hli homo atata tht
praaldenr-wlll probably turn hla attan
tkm to Now Jeracy, which Uvea Itl opln
jwn w urn prjaontiai oampaujna 'em
waak later. So far no tnvuton by tnt
pnaldant of othar atataa In which prima
rlea ara to ba held hava born punned.
Tha praatdant la raatlnc today for tha
flrat Uma In aavaral waaka, but tomorrow
ho atarta north on a abctora-hour tour
that anda In Columbua lata tomorrow
niht and oa which ha will maka at
laaat tourtoea apaachaa la towna of all
Tha pmident waa aald today not to ba
dlaccoraa'ad by tha fact that Colonel
Kooeevalt won out In tha Maryland prl-
V"1 ' . au .mai voir vam aar
campalmlnc tharo and wu aald to fal
that ba had dona wall, although othar
HMmhara of hia nmrtv rilunmlntvl
Mrs. Eddy's Gift to'.:
Church is Declared
; a Valid Trust
CONCORD. M. H, May t-Tha etauaa
of tha will af Mra. Mary Bakan.0. Eddy,
founder of tho Christian Science church,
baqueathlnc tha residua ut her aetata,
valued at about Rm.oeo to tho tint
Church oi Chriat, - Sclantiet. nf Borton,
araalaa a "reiki truet" In tla opinion of
tha euprema 'court ot New Hampshire,
announced today. . Too court bouts that
tha rca4duarr clause la not a (1ft to a
charrh, but a fU for reltfleoa purpoaaa
BuetalnaMe aa a charitable trust." :
Tha court's decision waa alrrn in the
bill ta aquitr brought by Qeurie -Glorer
of Lead. . U. Mra. KUy'e son.
In tho Menimark eountr euuerlor cmrf
la have tha ranlduary dauaa declared In
valid oa tho around that It violated a
New ' Hampahlra statute Unuthui tha
aJnoanl which) can bo bequeathed to any
atncla church. The ease waa transferred
ta tha ssspreena court tor aatenalnatioa
of tha point ot law Involved.
Glover aough la' caaa tha residuary
clauaa should be deetared Invalid, ta hare
tha residue divided between htmerlt and
Dr. Ebeaeser i- roster Eddy of Water-
bury. Vt. Mra. Eddya adopted son. aa
the next of kin: The cans must aow be
triad ta tha aupertor court, but today's
decleioa .dtopoate of tha artncisal esw
teatioa of tho aialatlfr. .
Breweries in Kansas
City Are Tied Up by
Sympathetic Strike
KANSAS CHI, May t- Fun teen hun
dred bteoeri wotketa went on a aympa-
trlke today following the ecav
refusal to grant demands ot the
tfrrvars aad bottlers for avers sad wage
aad a reused working acbsdula. Beer
valued at Ma.Oss, la la stsrags aad deRv
wOl a
Kay Estimate Shows Falling Off of
Sear One Per Cent in Month.
Arc Tot to Bo Harvested! la Nearly
Tfcswo sus Halt MlUlea Arrea
Lese Than Laat Tear's
Area Harvested.
WASHINGTON, May T-Tha May crop
report ot tha Department ot Agriculture
Issued at till p. m. today . disclosed a
decidedly unfavorable condition. Winter
wheat, owing to the ruioroua winter, will
produce an estimated crop ot about
3,000, OCB bushele less than that of laat
year. Mora than one-fifth of the area
planted laat tall waa abandoned, owing
to tha severe winter, leaving an average
almost 11 par cent lees than that har
vested laat year. Tha average condition
of winter wheat waa U per cent below
tha ten-year average condition.
Spring planting wu lees than half dona,
or . per cent compared with a six-year
average of B.1 per cent. Soring plowing
waa only (tl per cent completed May L
compared with . C.I per cent tor the
previous tan years.
Pastured and meadow lands also ware
below the ten-year average, but slightly
above laat year's May' 1 condition. The
abort crop ot bay laat year left only
about one-half tha usual amount of bar
op farms May 1. . ,
Plaarea frosa Report.
The report follows: .... i . .
' Winter WheatT averse condition
;of winter wheat on May J waa.TfcTjwr
cans as a normal, oomnarea with vus per
oent oa April 1; M.I per cent oa Mafi
ltll and KJ per cent tha averaae for
tha last tan years on May L ,
tha area of winter Wheat remaining
On May 1 to ba harvested waa about
CrtiOOa acres, or tilMM acraa leu than
tha area harvested In 1911. and '.e,0ue
acrsa lesa than the area sown last fall
( acres). - .
Tha condition on May 1 la Indicative
of a yield par act of approximately 111
bushele, assuming average variatlona to
prevail thereafter. On the estimated area
to- bo harvested this' would produce
final crop of fN.71i.M) bushels, compared
with 30,6M,000 bushels la 111, 134.111,000
bushels la 1M and 41T.TSM bushels In
ISO. The out turn of tha crop probably
wilt ba above or below the figures hero
given according to the conditions from
May 1 to time of harveV la above or
below the average-change. .
j . Rye aad Hay.
Rye Tho condition of rye on May 1
was I7J per oent of a normal, compared
with 17.1 per cent on April 1; 10 per cant
on May 1. ' 1111. and Mil per cent
tha average for tho past ten years oa
May t ,.,
Meadow, or Hay, Lands Tha average
condition of meadow, or hay, lands on
May 1 waa .? per oent ot a nOrmsi,
compared with M.I pel cent oa May L
UU, and a tea year average on May I
of per cant. . .
Bay Oa Farms The stocks of hay oa
farm oa Mar 1 waa estimated to be
1.5M.00 ton, compared with t.s4t,M ton
on May L 1WJ.
Pasture The averts condition of pas
tures oa May 1 was aU par cant of a nor
mal, compared wrth SI. I per cent on
May L WIL and a ten year average on
ily 1 ot K.4 per cant.
Spring Plowing Of spring plowing BJ
per cant waa completed op to May L
compared with 71 per cent on May L Hit,
aad a tea year av erase oa May 1 of .
per cent.
Spring Planting Of spring pleating At
per .cent was completed p to- May L
competed with per cent on May L mi,
and a si year average oa May L of HI
POT cent.- - ,
- leserl by States.
' By. state too number of- seres of win
ter wheat to be harvested and tha eoo
ditioa ot winter wheat and rye oa May
1 Is ss, follows: ' - . i
8Utaa. : Acreage, wi t Rye.
Kaneaa t kl.MW . t
Nebraska ...........S m K
Illinois l.lsl.iw S3 77
Missouri l.tttOf 7J 3
Indiana ......-..; is
Ohio 1 1.1K,0W U " Ji
Oklahoma 17 K
Fennsylvanla. .......1 j0 Is ' w
Washington ... ....... . K s
Michigan -rtt w . ai 7
Kentuiky jni , eg ' w
Virginia 'ULuw H i
Texaa .,. N M
Teiwiseaes ......, ori.flr m m
Oregon . MS) 9s
North Carolina ...... m,m tl )
Maryland Sss.W tt t.
CalUarnia .. tU.xo TJ - 9
New fork ga a 9
Idaho H0 n M . K
Iowa ... r? os 14
Montana 91.0W M M
West Virginia m ew t K
Colorado . 190.O1 M M
Utah k0 N K
Georgia .................. UN . . . e-
Delaware 1U. M K
Arkansas ....... HMO n M
Wisconsin .... r.ow U II
New Jereer 7Mn M M
sst& Carolina iiei 4 le
.New Mexico - Km ft ..
Alabama Um O sg
. . ICgatlasMst ea swasssl Pagw) I
are" Ticket Win Over Citizens' Union
Sympoiiom of Ezpreuioni Indicate
' Thii.Will Be Beit Wheat
Tear in History.
81ight Damage in Some Sections, but
Does Not Affect Situation., .
Acreage, it Greater in Grain Belt
Than Ever Before Reported.
Railroad aad Other Bxieerts Reply
to Iaaairlee aa ta Coadltloaa la
West, and All Reports Are
Returns from the wheat belt Indicate
the beat condition and a greater acreage
than has ever prevailed In the weat. Ko
sponaea made to Inquiries sent out by C.
C. Rosewater are of tha moat optimistic
sort, and everything polnta toward the
greatest results In the history ot the
Tranamlasourl agricultural area. Here
are the reports:
Records Will Be Rrokea.
H. M. Cottretl. agricultural commis
sioner at the Book Island Hnasi "Tha
crop conditions la the fourteen states
aerved'by the Hoc Mgnw 'WTMce
Uonally good. The pro perls are tha best
that- have been for many years. The
heavy snowfall and late rains have sup
piled ample moisture in the dry (arming
section, so that the moisture extends in
many places to the depth of five to six
feet. The unuauai eold last winter frose
tha soil deeper than usual and added
greatly to its crop-producing power.
"Wheat Is considerably damaged east
ot the Mississippi, but, unless something
new turns up, Kansas and Oklahoma will
have a record-breaking year. The wheat
la somewhat damaged 4n our territory
la Nebraeka. The seeding ot all spring
cropa la from two to four weeks lata.
but conditions ot soli and moisture ar
such that a few warm weeks will Over
come tills difficulty.
"Believe farmers and business men sre
mors enthusiastic about tho crop pros
pects this year than 1 have seen them
tor many seasona'
. Seamed I'D as the Rest.
8. r. Miller, general freight and pas
senger ageut of the Northwestern line
ot the Nebraska and Wyoming divisions:
"The situation can oe summed up In a
very tow words as 'tha beat aver.' With
a steady, soaking rain of two or three
days' duration la December and tha great
anowfall during the winter tho moisture
conditions are better than normal.
There Is a large acreage ot winter
wheat which Is benefitted immensely by
the conditions mentioned above, and It
all teems to have coma through the
winter m excellent shape and with apten-
dld prospects, except a very email per
cent on bottom lands, some of which haa
been Inundated during the recent high
water. The government report ot April
shows the oundlUon ot winter wheat in
Nebraska oa April 1 as ft per cent, com
pared with a ten years' average of
per coot, and as compared with last year
7 per cent better. -
"With prospect of tested need being
planted, wo have, bright proeoecU for
crops front spring seeding. Bo (ar as
w can see, there are no dark clouds pa
the agricultural horisoa la Nebraska (or
tho year BIS." : -
Peoepeeta Arc riatsorlag.
C. W. Pugsley. superintendent ot the
agricultural ex tension department of the
Inlwraity of Nebraska. "Tho rains ot
laat fall and the large siaowrt ot snow
during the winter have left the soils
wen saturated with moisture. With rain
during the spring and summer tha pros
pects are very flattering. The late spring.
so far, haa not done any damage, except
to bunch the farmer; work.. A soon
as spring opens and be Is able to get is
tha field be will have about twice ss
much work to do la the same length of
time as wsuaL Many of them are pre
paring tor this, however, and are engag
ing extra men to help them with their
spring work."
Meadows la ria Ksusaw.
Charlea F. Curtis, dean of the division
ot agriculture of tho Iowa Stats Agricul
tural college: "Owing to tho heavy fall
of snow and the prolonged COM weather
the season la opening about one week late
for small grata aeedlng. Tho soil, how
ever. Is la Meel condition. The fall
sows grains sod tho mnadewa aad pas
tures have quite generally cones through
tho winter la good form. The mantel
heavy snowfaU hag resulted la aa ample
supply of wuhuure. - Tho tndicarione are
that tho corn planting season will open
at the oaoal time and that the soil and
oil ma tic conditions orrunlM to .b ag
good as they have over beea. With the
sttentloB that la being given to securing
an Thar ,
Hundreds Marooned
on House Tops and
Trees in Louisiana
NEW ORLEANS. La.. May T.-Vnlees
boats are hurried to remote sections of
the flood-Inundated country In Polnta
Coupee parish. It Is feared hundreds of
persons will pertth. Word wss received
in Morgaaaa this morning that great num
bers of people still are marooned In the
country south of the levee breach at
Torres. The lack of boats la a distress
ing handicap. Stories ot terrible suffer
ing among flood refugee reached hare
Hundreds of people living In the back
country of Louisiana received no warning
of the flood until the angry torrent swept
upon them. They took refuge la house
tops and In trees and on rafts and new
(or several daya they have been without
adequate food and shelter from the heavy
raina. -
: Scores of such refugees who were
brought to Morgans la tha relief boats
early today; say there are hundred more
to be taken from their flood prisons The
majority of these people lived so' (ar
back In the country that courier did not
reach them. Or, la many instances. It
they were warned they scoffed st the
advice to leave. . "The leveea always
have held,", they argued, "why should
Ihey not hold nowr'
The levee above Morgansa la Used
with people and tbelr few belongings
waiting to be taken to concentration
eampe, About WO were . removed 1 last
night to New Road. , where they war
led. h uspsjerred to Raton, .
. ' ' ;
Women Lead Attack
on Repair Gangs at
! v Anthracite Mines
SCRANTON, Ps., May t-Four hundred
men, women and children mad W demon
stration today against men engaged on
repair work at tlte Dickson colliery here
Of the Delswsro snd Hudson company.
Women led the attacking party.. Three
men were badly beaten before the police
could rescue them.
MOUNT CARMBL, Pa., May 7-Kivo
hundred miners, attended by a sprinkling
of women, stopped a Resding railroad
train near the Alaska shaft and pre
vented carpenters, -firemen aad other
company, hands from going to work a'
the mine. ' William Welkins, a stabln
boas at the Richards colliery,, was badly
hurt In the melee. The office of Super
intendent Morgsn Bevens at Alaska shaft
wss partly wrecked. "On the arrival of
Captain Robinson with twenty stats po
lice, the crowd dispersed.
Chicago Strikers : r.
Upset Two Wagons
CHICAGO, Msy T.-Polics were called
on today to quell a disturbance on the
northslde, caused by striking newspaper
wagon drivers aad newsboys. Two wagon
loads ot newspapers wsr overturned and
tho harness cut from tho horses before
the arrival ot the police. A crowd ot sev
eral hundred was attracted, but nobody
waa Injured.
Conditions were apparently unchanged
today la the newspaper sulks situation,
la spits of an order to the local etsreo
typera union from Jama i. Freel, presi
dent of the International Stereotype!'
onion, ordering tho local men to return
to work. Mr. Freel remained at his hotel
today ready to meet the representatives
of the striking union, but none visited
Tho afternoon paper prepared to Issue
papers and wagons and newsboys were
in readiness for distributing the editions.
There was little disorder la tho down-
Iowa district, .
BOrJTON, May T.-Mlas U V. Rkbeson.
who arrived, her last evening from her
homo in Virginia, talked today with Gov
ernor Foes on behalf of-her brother, C. V.
Rlcheaoa, who Is under sentence of death
(or the murder of Avis LinnelL ' Miss
Rtchesoa visited her brother In jail pre
vious to calling on the governor.
The National Capital
. Tweadar, Stay U I1I.
The Senate.
Met at noon. '
Cooeedered conference report oa senius
pension bill.
' The Home.
Met at II a. m.
Resumed consideration of executive ieg-
Sj'atlTr arid Judicial appreprtatioB biii.
Agrioolturr expenditure committee re
sumed Investigation of North Carolina
swamp lands development and Wednes
day will b-n Lnvestigatloa of I'll sr
Five Cities Are Seeking to Be Made
Episcopal Reiidenoet of Gen
eral Conference.
Committee ii Ready to Make It.
Two Hundred Fifty Namea Will Be
Voted on by Conference.
Foreign Missionary Society Reports
oa Work Dobs Daring inad
realasa mNow Doors Opened
by Revolatloa la China.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. May T.-That
Helena, Mont; Los Angeles, Cel.: Pitts
burgh, Pa.; Detroit, Micb.. and Kansas
City probably ar the places wire epis
copal residences will be established at
this seeslon of tho general conference ot
the Methodist Episcopal church la the
belief ot a number of delegates high In
tb council of tha church. The report et
the committee on episcopal residences Is
to be mail to the cunfersuiw tomorrow.
Other olUs wlch ars gtaglog s close
race for the resident bishops are .Cleve
land and Ulraiarck. N. J The dropping
of New Orleans as a resident er also
I being discussed by the delrlatcg, '
With tho establishment of four or five
hew episcopacies, it la said the confer
ence at the present session will bo forced
to sleet at least ten bishops. One bun.
dred end fifty name,, It Is estimated, will
be balloted on at the first vote, of which
number probably 10) will be dropped on
the second ballot. ,
Women Ralae Threw Millions. "
The Woman's. Foreign Missionary so
ciety reported todey that good results
had followed tho development of ths so
ciety Into the home and foreign depart
ments, the establishment of new enter
prises, great Inoreaso la receipts and ths
uniting ot tha society with women's
boards ot other denominations In estab
lishing and maintaining union enter
prises In ths foreign field.
The report showed a total membership
of 283.171 and tho receipts ot U. 0610 In
the last four years. .
Much of ths report was devoted to a
review of the work In foreign land. Of
tha China missions the report says:
. "Tho medical work, with but twelve
hospital a oentera, la gaining th re
spect ot the people; 142.(31 patients were
treated last year. Chinese girls ars
gladly taking tha medical course to be
come phyalctsns or nurses. Ths revolu
tion la China I giving ths missionaries
access to many who could never before
be reached. It is elevating Christian men
to official position and giving new influ
ence to the women of the household."
Favorable comment I made on the
mission work In India. Japan, Core.
Malaysia, ths. Philippine, Africa and
South America.
Proposer Consolidation of Coafer
ssen Will Bo Cenetdere.
MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Msy. 4-(BpeclsJ
Correspondence. -The Nebraska dele
gates to the general conference of th
Methodist church are still working on
onto plan for consolidation ot the four
conferences In the state. While there la
pretty general sympathy with tha Idea
among delegates, there ar severs! dif
ferent Ideas as to just wnat ought to be
done. On conference, th Northwest Ne
braska la not as warmly sympathetic as
H might' be and has not fully agreed to
fall In with the plan ot the others. There
Is quite' general agreement among the
men of the eastern part of the stats to
units the two eastern conference, that
Is tb Nebraska snd the North Nebraska.
Of course, sftcr lite enabling act Is se
cured from General Conference, the
actual consolidation cannot take place
until the con (ere ores themaetvee vote oa
th proposition. A meeting of all the Ne
braska delegates Is ta ba held Tuesday
afternoon to corns to some final deel'ion
and to get a proposition la ahic to pre
sent to the committee on boundaries.
It waa reported by the conference ace
retarv at the opening session this morn
ing that this conference has outstrippvd
all others la poshing forward the work
to be done. That never in previous years
had the calendar been so well cleared at
so early a date. It la confidently es-
petred that by Saturday of this week the
balloting for bishops will begin. In tact.
the only thing that most be waited for
is ths report of the episcopal committee
as to ths number of bishops that will
need to be eircte. lhat report I now
confidently exceeded by Friday.
Minneapolis ha shown itself to be a
tCssitlsjncd oa Seooad IMga.)
Former President Carries Maryland
by Small Majority.
ea Ss-jsssaaessB
Hoaa Dag Candidate Haa Big Load
Over Governor Wllaoa Dole.' '
gates Saooitleally last me ted
by Law ot th State.
BALTIMORE, Md., May t.-Theodore
Roosevelt todsy 'clung to ths slsty-slg
delegatea to the elate convention which
tb Maryland presidential primaries gav
him yesterday and although this waa but
ons mora than ths majority necessary for
control, and ths returns from many at
th counties outside Baltimore are In
complete, enough hars been received to
establish hi victory Snd th detest of
President TafL ,
liemoc ratio returns, Mill Incomplete, but
apparently conclusive, give Champ Clark
seventy-two delegatea. Wood row Wllaon
lorty-four, Judsun Harmon tour, with
nine votes from two counties still unset
tled. .
These, however, cannot change th re
sult. Th Clark men csalra both those
counties, and If established these claims
would maks Clark total vote ta tb
tate convention elghty-on and hi
plurality over Coventor Wtlsoa thirty
seven. Oovernor Harmon carried only
on oounty; but th Wllaon men believe
hi vote played aa Important part la th
result, since they say much of It would
have gone to Oovernor Wilson If the Obi
governor b4 not been In tb rqc
- rrovtetona ot Stalo fcaev - ""-"
TIU mesne that both Roosevelt' rf4
Clark. will uk from Maryland' to th
anvenuon ' a solid " block , sf , sixteen
tots. Ths republican dalugatea ehoeau
at th' prunartis will name sixteen dele
gates to Chlcsi.o at tb stale contention
slay 11 The democratic state convention
oa May M will select thirty-two national
delegates, each with halt a vote.
Although the Tart force claim they
will ooniiol the personnel of th state
aonventlon. Colonel Ilooeevelt friends
declare Ihey have no (ear that trouble
may result from this situation. Thry
point out that tha stste delegates sleued
are bound by the . U.w to Instruct the
delegates to the national convention tot
Roosevelt and they esprees confidence
thst now ths fight Is over ths two fac
tions Into which th contest divided tits
party will units to place a delegation be
hind Colonel Roosevelt that will remain
faithful to him at Chicago ss long as he
has a chance of getting tho nomination.
Clark Haa Largo Majority.
Estimates today of persousl preferen
tial vote of the state as a whole sirs
Roosevelt a majority over Taft of less
than 4,00. Clark plurality In ths city
of Baltimore over Oovernor Wilson wu
about 1I.7W, and the vol In lb oountle
when It I counted Is expected to reduce
this to a total ot li.000 tor tho Mat a a
wool. -
The (tat preferential vote had a direct
bearing on th result, but lbs Roosevelt
and Tift campaign committees were none
ths lees plessed thst It went (or their can
didates, since they believe tt will make
tha preference by counties, through which
ths stats dsiegates are Instructed, all the
more binding aad militate against the
possibility that the delegation te the na
tional convention will not stay hitched If
the fight there Is very cioso.
Ths law demands thst ths Maryland
delegation continue to vote as lnstrocted
as long as in their consclentloua Judg
ment thog believe their candidate have
a chance of getting ths nomination.
Splits Naaarswas la Texas.
DALLAS, Tex., May '.-Evidence ot
numerous splits in republican county eon
ventiona of Texas appeared In tha first
rstums received today. . The first six
counties heard from reported three split
conventions. , Of ths other three eonvea
ventlona, tw' Instructed for Taft and one
foe Roosevelt. ' '
The first convention going for Roosevelt
wss Kl Paso county, where th Instruc
tions referred to him ss "one who will
give protection to Americans is foreign
countries.'" . ;
Seven democratic convention had beea
heard from and they gave la tb state
convention: -
Wilson 11 votes; Harmon 1. Clark S.
CHICAGO. May 7.-The Interstate Com
merce commission today began sn Inves
tigation here to determine a standard rate
for the elevation of grain from railroad
ears into wsrebouaea which will be (air
to both the railroads and the grain ele
vator owners.
The question Involves ths transfer of
grain from western to eastern trains
through the medium of grain' elevators.
C. B. Pierce, vie president ot ths Bart-
lett-Fraxter company, a Board of Trade
firm, testified he bettered a rat of a
suarter .of a cent a bushel charged tb
railroad her wss fair to both ths rail
roads and. tha levaus mea. Ths bearing
will b oatlnrie4 la Kansas City.' ' -
in Omaha
a ss aaeasaw seas S A s 111
"On tha Square" Ticks tEndoned
by Omaha Votert at the Polls '
; . , ; on Tueidty. . ,
Combination Rebuked by Publio in
' ' Moit Deciiire Fashion.
Hummell u dXennedy Are the Only
i Candidate Not Certain.'.
Anticipated Riot Fail to Develop
' 'Any Tims During the Day. -EEAJT
Bsantlfal Dsr and Intense lalerewt
la Oateosa noes Voters Sisvly
' ths Polls ta Cast Ihetr
"' , . ' 'y Ballots.;.;
! At o'clock th returns from thirty
(Ivs ot ths sixty-tour precincts hsd been
tabulated, showing' the following results;
Dan Butler: in,
James C. laniman ........,. a s,it
M. F. Funkhousee. ,., aaa
Frsnk A. Furey .'. , x,au
Joe B. Hummel 4,isi
Alfred C. Kennedy.,...:..,., 4.111
A. C. Kugel 4,?n
Thomaa McOovern,. i...
John L, fteble -. as,
William A Ulek . . . :u
John J. Ryder , ....:.. 4.s
John A. Swatuun ia
George H. i nummei. ...,,...,.... a:
Charles IL WUhneil ia
Omaha a tint election under the coco
mission form of government waa heM
yesterday,, under circumstances that
brought out a fairly representative vote.
Weather was fine, and Interest hsd been
s roused to a point where little urging
was rasulred to get voters to go to I be
poll. Th short, too, bad some infuvnci
on the voting, tor It waa so sssy to mark
ths billot thst ths operation seemed one
ot pleaaure, sspadslly when 'the ep-l-enoe
with th tremendoue stale ballot of
the April primary was remembered
. Reeart la Deals.
Ths result Is so decisive that It leaves
no doubt as to the Intent of th voters.
While the names wen pmced upon tho
ticket without party or other CsUlgsatloo,
th Una had been so sharply drawn be
tween tho slate nominated by th 3b.
sens' union and th so-styled "Oa ths
Square" slate, sack-with fovea nsmrs,
thst It amounted almost to parry division. '
and while republicans aad demoorstt war
mingled on tho two slates, the "seven"
hacV bsea very plainly differentiated dur
rsg the campaign, and the voters lecmed
Inclined to recognise ths division- -
Mayor Dahlmsa Is elected as one of th
seven commissioner, getting 110 Highest
rota of any. After him com Charles
H. Wftkneas, John J. Ryder. A. C, KugeL
Dsn'B. Butler, T. F.- McOovern, all can
didates on, tb "Oa the - Square" slate.
while the seventh place will be between
1. B. Husimel of this, slats snd A. C.
Kennedy of th CHlae its' anion ticket.
Kennedy is high' man oa-bis slate, and
Hum met will apparently be low man on
his. ' silhoui. !i not so very far .behind
Butler on Use present returns. , . ' ' V
- Faakbsasor Badly Review. -M.
F. Funkheuaer,- tho only member of
the city sdmtclst ratios who was en
dorsed by tne'Clttxens union, aids fair
le be low snaa on that ticket. He was
badly scratched. . -t
Th elect loa passed with almost as dis
order. The only disturbance reported dar- ,
ing th day waa a verbal war . the
fourth prwclnct of ths Eleventh ward,
where Funkhocser CadsTtook. to dirts ts
E rcfl
(CoaUnaad 9 Second Pag.)