(7 fx ... - - - .. t, Desperate Desmond A Great Scene, in Which the Lovers Seek Eef nge By Hershfield Inside the Great Bell of Moscow. I: " ' rr$k TtRt AF ) Jt)Ro& MWO I ' "y I' SfiyS it Sj flGvtSS I'LL REACtTT'T'OVCH.M SHfcS.'J ""jfciAO, V . jyF6.H6HAiF0U- X' gS'BXl -"o .Ht-El' WgC A g J IN THIS BEU. A ( 2AB Sir ' !E I I. -THE V1LL1AN ESCAPES. Before the threat of the excited Bihi UiU, th driver of th patrol wagoa does not dare to keep en. Ha pulla , th bones and quickly tha prisoners open the door of tba Rack Marie and release f th International crook, who has deceived them by posing aa a alhillsL WANT ADS .. treat ads received at amy tlaaa bat - to insure proper elaeeUtratioa aauat - be preaeated before) 1 aeeock aa. for tik seeaiBg aditloa aad before f:M "JV aa. for aoraia and Soaday u soau. Want ad. received after aiach hoora will bavo tboir Ural IrworUua rader lbs) baaMa Ioe) Lata ta nsniW til. : KaXlLLAK ClShmCAIlO Oa taMerUom 1M f " "4 ' ct per word for b beeial cauaacaUT taeeruom. Uea aud oa odd day lM- weird; SUM par Uao per gaoutb wba ad to nut wttbout cha of DCsTHI AJTD WVMZm.lL JIOTICEi. BiftRETT-Joba, age O ' funeral from family residence, " nn Fifteentb etrwt. Tud' In at J0 a. m.. to t. Patricks church at a! bT interment at at. Mary e ceaiatary. , . RtEVES-Vllee EUaebeth. aged M yeare. fuaerel Tueeday morning et :a) Oelock from resiaeocsv t""" V'VDERTAKEK. ANTI-TRUST UNDERTAKER. Casket H true price. Fhoae M. T. Brass Co, C er -I'M and save money. Z AMVBEMEKIB OTJf AHA FILM KK. h"4 station pietursjriMlUne and fim kralna. AKSOCNCKMEIITS "this Id WORTH Km en your bill for earpet sweeperf or grinding (a mower. 'ee A Virees and 'Phone . . do the work at your home. Call B- . E. R. grxrrlcW. Ka Coming. l ...T bracer for men. Oray e Nrv Tint Pill. W per koi. postpaid. Shennan A cennell urug co.. unwi. roii soudiug or grading oall Webster " "J. A. GENTLEMAN, ntlmer. 1 Chicago at P. MW. B-iei; " lA' nVf S. Vh tt Everything i:l contknto habana ClOA.' bos M, postpaid. Klh: try half down; It n-n satufactury money rafuedtd. stISA TJN LiRUtl CO.. mt Fmaa. Omatia. Alfred C. Kennedy, miZ me. W First Wat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. Ill THE TEKN A SHOP 'cJSt leaner Favors, Leather, Brass, ttlssa aad iiver Novel lies. Stationery, Basket, kills Popular prleee. Omaha's exclusive gift store. IK3 Farnam. Phone O. Hla eat koshkkTIoms tXWKlNa ARK1NS, st a. l&TH, UPHTAlRaV GET your .diamonds et Brodeaaard'e. S. E. Mrlli. china paint, m Brandels Th OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Ui Douglas. veion, earpenssr. oonL Both pnnee. I pftoljteriny, piano, furn. rep, act Far. KaVB frtvte cteaa your wall paper. D. l.j, A KM- 1 live In Omaha. Omaha Bill Poatlng Co. WIS uir, u. i -Aa-irDl'D I L-Tio rr ' tl .IP A TI Sfl CO , M P&xtoa hik., circuiar Icttart, wty 3JriHy; ldetn (4vbli.U4 eomMity; -v- t JV&AL&iM muu r"crlod . ef ;i b'Btube. stow. uougias at. I1 k TVf VRS saattrssese renovated t casing, t'. svsi. ( ' iU. JARIi Locksmith. Laws UlIUl vAiiU 0,n 8hrMned. f-OUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. C h AXCHOE FENCE CX), tro and wire fences eheapsr than wood; Ss.t HfeUme. Kl N. 17th. Phone Red 111 Leas mowers eaarpenedi perfeet work.. 1 r.onabi charge. Mlh aid Corby. I 3 ROWE. Well boring. Beneoa Mi. 1 'lllik'S Eestmaa Goods, complete SWiAJVi3 stuck. Lr(Mt tmiening : defrtmetit In th west. : . THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO, 1 ; 12) Farnam Sc. aad M v 1Mb BL '"tv ANTED Repair work et all kinds; r"iT end saw filing. Call lnd. B-2&SL . H. Cole Sign Co. D. Eel UM Farnam. 'vo.1fng announcementa. Doug. Pig. Co. t-turantee Laundry. Fine work. D. Taeeiy per cent leee than Orosha prtoes. HOME FURNITURE CO, Tmnty-foorth and L Bta . South Omaha. PARALYZED 11 YEABS ST eheerlBtlonB. IV Th Led Hum Journal The Batunlay Evening Peet I s ' Tne Ceiniry Gentlsmsa l.ie Tee pumisnera win oeiMien a.e in trtt for some pubiie ebarur. the In- -"..t of wh!b wilt brine me S3 a nsenth frr iife. Must have m more or the i prise Is lost. iur renewals count. 4 "!M"lV THE MAGAjyNE MAX, V jW, So. .h St. OMAHA. 8. Grifdlii. wig mfr., 11 Frenser BIk. ilONEY TO LOAN LOW rater in sums to suit. Et Bee ii.de. Pbone Duua. 2m. CAKf'EXTER V6fU' A. C. Leaser, Tyler U 1TS4 Leae. I r IS A BEASTLT SHAME to take ? f-om badtea. But it is a snaa to r -m'rtds, W atchee and Jswe.ry at i brodegaard A C. a great aacnOce removal sate during April, Med Co. 13G8 Jones. Both pnonee. V pttonee A -10, T ier VUL Carey . cut peKOS T t: UBr reUeWe colored ma a to O tr. vrs wanted in local towns '. as secreierte. Write us for good, t proposition. Office Universal rf hvusic, uJ Fauoa Blk, IL-IN FULL CRT. Tha moment k la relaaMd from tha wagon, Desmond . aeta out upon a dee perata chaaa after the lovers, who kava fondly Imagined that they bad rid their Uvea of tha ecoundrel'a influence. J tut la time they perceive tha villain' an. proacb and eet out to bide from hi fury. AtTOMOBILKM Tour TIRE EXPENSES cut In two. Expert tire repeiring: work iruarenteed. AUTO T1RB REPAIR CO.. WO Farnam. Auto lemps repeired. Omaha Silver Co. Murphy Did ItSS' HAVINO dlscunUaued handling AUTO MO BILES, we offer our re ms loins stock consisting of three high grade Firestone touring cere et bargain prices. Racine Battier Co.. Wth and Jonee Sis. TIEE BEPAiELN'G nm. nut uidjrn iimoit tvi gooa Mtr. Nolhinr but taigisiwt priced and n m(riesJs ud. All work guAranted. Arthur Ators Auto Supply Cow. JUud Fir- taaVm. " DRUMMOND Auto repair, rubber tlree tor carnage and commercial trucks, lath and Harney. VVhv iutf ull . i . .is automebtle and buy a new one or, mayb you oaa use , the money In some ether way la either event. Bee " want ads will do the work. ' Ralee ltt eenta per word If rnu only one time or 1 oent , per word If run two or mora times consecutively. BEACOM ud rulcanlsa any puncture or klewouu fla tflO Farnam. Doug. ITfi. MoUtseysasa. tTairrk MiMwi.u. li i . . . prices. V. H. Roos. Jiuj Leavenwortn. SECOND HAND AUTOMORTT.KJi BEST Used ran; guaranteed; all ,, " aiakes. Bee me first, low prices. McCormac. tit a ttth. Tel. Har. In. X TT till -T T VI? 772. .1 . . iZ TT" 1 - . - pHiwauw, .11 Uil Cere. Th, Ini.r.i... ,n.u..kiu i ... u s w, h s,V SEVEN-PAetSENOER 1U Packard; aad varv H i r 1. . I. and fully equipped. Inquire office J. U Brandels Sons FOR 8ALB OR TRADE. Cutting roadster, run LUt ml lee. tine aondltloa, or will trade for four-paaeengsi car.. Dr. F. A. Vaa Burea, aM Brandels Theater. CPaiXEeUI CHAJfCFA X1 art In lir ant af liiislnsas mi! WAr.ua.wi au, aa nee snog Tt. D. M7Z. FOR aALB-Countrv store of aanaral mdse. la Bella Fourche Irrigation projeut, 11 mile from railroad; Km In stock and buildings, la.ftai business iaet year. Rea sons for selling to who may Inquire. wv fvos vs. nisiano, n. u. FOR SALE-TLe Franklin Movlne Plc- ture theater, ana of the beet paying the aters la Omaha, will stand Investigation. s. s. uoii. am rrensun m. On,l... J n i -.... Eschange Co..' Room lit. McCsgue Bwlg. Burns, Brlaker a Co.. Omaha Nat l Bank Bids., mortgage for Invest meot. HALF INTEREST In bottUng works for aala or ossuuder trade for first class wad or city property. Price Rao. This Is paying very good, especially with the summer coming oa. but must be disposed of owing to owner's health, which fact can be proven to Interested par Use. if you mean business see or write us at once. oa. FARMERS REA1TT ANU LOAN CO. council Fi.t ryg, ia TO BUT. leese er sell theaters, new or second hend machine, repaire and repair ing. Write Theater Exchange Cav. as Farnam St., Doug. Utf. FOR SALE-Oilt edse first mortsasee oa new dwellings occupied by the owners In danominsuons of IW sad iu, run ning I and yeara at aad par oent Interest. AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. as) Bouth 17th BU Between Farnam aad Harney. Orouad Floor. OROCERT stock la rood Iowa town af gas) people: reason for celling, have otner ausineea. Ad a rase I t, care Bee. TO get In er out of businsaa call oa wibuAsi, Koom eii, Mccaaue Bidg. 0 quickly buy or sail buelness, any kind. anywh o, Keanebeck Co.. Ui Bee Bi g. Qm. ONLT paper In Iowa town of too with It. linotype and money maker. $i.1ui. reasonable term. , Address t it, care ot Be. WHOLESALE poultry, butter, egg and cream house, ran he bought cheep; guar anteed business tl sW a wsek, good prof. Its. located ta god town, can be run on very email capital. Beet reaeono for selling. Address T it, ear ot Bee. WILL eachanss K.s equity In fine orchard for business or dear borne. P It, Bee. EIGHTT ehare er any part thereof, I per cent preferred capital etock of Hupp Automatic Mall Exchange Co., W per share, par value, u. Must eelL Address M HI. Be. FOR SALE-Stork geaerel merchandise. Invotce-ebeut KB). No clothing or out of Set good. No trade roesuderc-1 As dress L. B. . Aneley, Neb. FOR SALE Hair draeelng parlor, fully equipped with all modem appllancee, hlsh class trade, good location, full line ot hair goods. Will sell cheap If taken at eoce. Address O tut. Be. rtamaelal, INVESTMENTS. We have several first mortgag loan for sale hearing s per cent, well secured. Three are guaranteed loans rangiag la si from ITS to SI.. THE ORCHARD HOMES COMPANT U N. uth S' Lincoln. Neb Antematle B-lttn. . . Bell Ml BOIXESS PERSOHALS ,. Attoowya. . O. W. HMems.Atlontey. X7T B of Trade. Baa ataaaiaetarera. BEM1S OMAHA BAO CO . Omaha. Neb. Be aad Faabaao Maanraotwsw. . Wooden Bos A Paeksg Co.. 1114 N. nth. CreawMetea, PsUrtea aad Sapallee. Fslrnievit s Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANT CtilTT-tUts. fit ROT. Wg Frnream. TVmrlss tm. . CleMhtac Nsailaetsrera. Wear Ideal dress s&lru. K. aV Smith Ca, IIL TUB CRACKED BELL. When Claude Eclair pereeivea tha fa mo u bell of Moscow bo at once con ceive tba Idea of biding- Inside It until the hue and cry baa paad by. Tha brava Rosamond slips In when the guars Is not ' looklnf and belpa Claude to clamber up to safety. BtTSIXESS PERSONAL Caraiea aad Steal Call is a. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. Omaha. Deattata. Bailey, the dentist, Cll Nst'l. D. : Mach Mach, M floor Pax ton. D.dtti. Taft's dent.', rooms U17 Doug. D. ilst. Detaetlvea. Nebraska Detective Agency. Incornor- a tad and bonded. Interview, correspond ence confidential. u Brown BIk. D. bile. L. W. LONONECKER. SIT Karbsoh BIk. Omaha Secret serv.. 2i Psjtton blk. D.Ulk JAMES ALLAN 413 Neville Blk. Evi dence aecured In sll oases. Tyler 113. Deeeemebtagf Terry's Dressmaking coil eg e. 3th h Far. DRE8KMAKINO by day. Webster rfli' PLAIN sewing, reasonable. Harney lis). Dressmaking by day. Phone Doug. SMs. Dressmaking taught nights. Doug. Mil DRESSMAKING, TEL. HARNEY km DRESSMAKING TEL WEB. iU. Ult N. UTH STREET. Dressmaking by the day. Webstar HA, Plain eewlng by day neatly done. IL ill. MORE sewing by day. Webster 122. Miss bUUer, Drwasists. DRUGS at rut prlcea; freight paid on So orders; catalogue free, hhermaa di oConnslI Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. KveryUtag sUeatrsaak , Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail, burgaee-Oranden Co.. Ull Howard. D-eiu. STANDARD ELEtTRIC CO. Telephone Doug. KOI. lit South Uth St EDWARD F. SCHURIO. Mgr. . 2d Hand Electrio Apparatus and repairs. La Bron, IU A 12th 81 Everytbioa tor Woasaa. - Nubone Tailored Corsets. Ouaranteed not to rust or break. Nu Bone Core! Shop. KM Neville Bk. D. 117. CARPETS and rug cleaned on flout without removal) free estimates. The Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. 75 and UK. DRESS pleating, button covered, all sixes and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT ING CO., IDS Douglas Block. Moth phones. Eleot. vacuum cleaner. U fO day. Web. U4. Curtalne laundered.' Mrs. Carmody. U. . A-H44. Dr. Babcock Co.. Xt Wlthnell. U A Har, read htllle aad sterwe. Feed all kind, Oleneoe Mills, tm I sard. . riawUta. , A. Donas hu. 1M Far. D. MM. A-lMt. HESS SWOHODA. 1411 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. Hit Farnam. D. lie. BRANDE1S FLORIST. Brandels Bldg. BATH'S FLORItrrS. Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flowers. Doug. 117. Foeadrlee. McDonald brass and bronaa foundry, alu mlnum. tin, lead castings. 177 Jackson. at as la. Art aad Laaaaagea. Violin leeeoni We. L. Patton. Web. WM. PinnoTSinino c Thatcher, Plsno Mavisa, Starasre aad Cleaalag. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.-Mevlng furniture, parking, fireproof storage, city office, St S. 17th. Doug. SM. lnd. B Ui Ferrin Vea A Storsge. Tyler Una. B117W. Fura. moving; I men. 11 per hr. W. ret araertaa aad Saoda, TEW ART's! bTEDhfErf. 1U K. UTH. - Fruit Trees had tree, shrubs. Oeni nureery stock. Benaon sH-J. Benson-Omens Nureery. ALFALFA SEED, flood ouallur: write for orlcea. Bam Die tree. schwabh uros.. chadroa. Nee. U.P.BYRD NURSIRY CO. We will be at the same old stand, Uth and Douglas Bts. Call Doug. 44$; let us help you plan your grounds free of charge. Optteitawa, B. T. Worn, fitting and rep g 441 Brandera. Oeteopet thy. Alice Johnson. Bn-o Brandels The. Bldg. Katheryn Nlckelaa. tu-t Brandeie The. Patau aad tiaaaa. Tea are lavtted ta com In and get color cards sad talk over your painting and decorating, complete tine anerwta WUllam paints and v am lanes. BAKKEE hUOa. PAINT CO, 14H Farnam. Boug. sHo. D. O. Barnell. Psxtoa Blk. TL Red TUT. W iliard Eddy. Ill City Nat Bk. B.ug. Fhataaraahera. Bine hart, pbotograpber. "stb A Farnam. . Plaasbara. L. P. VALRENBERO. Plumbing- W.'stl gtewegraabeew a)d t aart etepwrtare. Myrtle A. Keller, nt Bram. The. P. :5J s Prtattash LewW.Eaber Printer, ffSJl BEE BLDQ. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. ad your work. 1417 Douglas St. Tsl. D. I7M. Printing. BeU-Hall Pig. Co.. K 8. 14th. lnd. A-M. Ly nested Printing Co.. ieth and Canttol Ave. Tel. lnd. A-ssa) tor good printing Plstljsg. OMAHA SILVER CO.. 04 M. txtb. tewt Taak aad t mi vert fsssiale. NEBRASKA and Iowa Btaa Tank patty, kith and Mcboiaa, Ik aca, . Aa Desmond rushes alone with hta Bihinstle escort bo aotlccs the treat bell, but relies upon the rlf Uance of the guard to bare prevented tba lovera from get ting Inside It. Thla reliance, aa we have aeen, waa unfounded, and la consequence Claude and hie girl are safe. BUSINESS PERSONALS Traaka and Salt Cases. Frellng A Btelnla. lsttl Farnam St Teate aad Awalaga. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. m Doug'laa Wlacs aad Llaeers. WILLOW Springs beer, Hquor, dgars and wlchee Ales Jetee, Wt-I 8. itth St. VIRGINIA DARE wine, esc a larse bot- tla. Klein Llauos House. k3 N. letb St KDCCATIOSAJ, v TUTORING, let to stb grade. H. M4a, BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAE Complete courses la Business, Book keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or BsJeeuansblp. The catalogue la free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone for at at oaoa. Address H. B. Boy las. President, Baylas College, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Asrests aa salaawaasea. WANTED ylve neat lady canvassers Apply quick. 1111 Fsmsm St.. upstairs Fast err aad Trades. WANTED To work In their own local ity; good wages, llsr. 17! or B let after p. m. Call at 4237 Burden. Moaeehecaers aad Dae atlea. THE SERVANT OIRI. PBUBIPM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domee- tlO HelD Wanted Ad FRRG unlll vnu r.t the desired results. Bring your sd to lbs za einoe or teiepnone Trier two. rVDL'UIF.I.'fn l.lt. 1-1 . i housework : Ihree In family. Harney ties. WANTED A girl for general bouse- M-b . .. KBkl ( -I , MIDDLE-AGED woman fur llsht houaa- work and to assist Invalid; M per week. Mrs. Mltslaff, MM Leavenwortn. Tel. Harney WD. WANTED Experienced white elrl for general housework. In femily ot two. um p. sua ot.. namey ins. WANTED-Oood slrl for senaral houaa- work. No waehlng. ta a pith Ave. " WANTED A good whits girl for gen eral housework, la small hornet couple employed down town. No ohiidern; must rurnisn oest et reterancea. uooa wages. rnone riarney suae. WANTED a girl for senaral house work, two la family, good wages. KB iooge at. " V Srnie utin s t , uu. c si' ' or s1- uuuee WArk .TV. M 1 1 ..lu mnA kH. a -. h. M"y. riwne nmmmj seas. U." a X." T L rvi a A mi 1 w i,n a .A QiUTirn..i . - . . , . swa s 1 1 1 w wo seowsu ,..u wi , sroau rsmiiy. sirs. o. a. Simmons, Ui 8. Bd Bt Phono Barney niuiiiiir-s s 1 ' lur svuiewori at a Henderson. MIS N. Bth St.. South Omaha. WANTED Com netent slrl for aanaral housework, family of three. Mrs. John steel, Kit a. svta Ave. WANTED A younr slrl to assist vlth housework. Apply lui California. Bed tust. WANTKD-Flrst-elase koueekeeoer In homo where there are ohlldren: a middle aged tier man or Swedish woman who can go home nights preferred; reference requires. Webster 4117. GIRL for aeoerai housework, ml Cumins1 ' GIRL for seneral housework, tuat N. ltth Bt Tel. Webster GIRL for general housework. jH N. ltth. GIRL wanted, for general housework. H N. ltth. WANTED Dining room sir la. Millard bout COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; wages 7. Mrs. B. F. Riley, Kg 6. led St - WANTED Experienced sir! for general house work; email family. 11M 8. SHh A vs. Tel. Harney lot. WANTED Girl at a oca tor general housework; good boms; good wages., Itol N. lth. WANTED Girl for seneral house work? cajl Doug. TIB, ta No, IWb. W ANTED Girl for general housework; mall family. Doug. Till. Ad No. Wth. WANTED A young girl for llrht sen eral housework; smell family, tie Sew ard. Tel. Harney WANTED A rood slrl for renera. housework no washing. J. C Byrne, n'u canrornis Si. WANTED slrl for seneral houaawork. Mr. Orr, 13 So. Bth St. Tel. Harney . M laawltaaewaa. TOUNO women comng to Omaha aa strangers are Invited t visit ti Touag Womea Christian aseociatloB building st St. Mary e A vs.. end 17 U St. where they alii be directed to sultans bearding places or otherwise assisted- Look for our travektra' guide at the Union staOoa. HELP WASTED MALE Aaroatas aad gwlseitere. WANTED A aua to so'idt aahaeHn. tioos for Tba Twentieth Century Farmer. salary- aa a wees. Addrsee Clreulatioa Manager, Tba Twee Us th Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb, COLLECTOR so ssrv: alaa IM McCague Bldg EVEKT motorist Suva ana nn ..hi - you make II oa every eale; our tree book- le la now. in A- M. company. Box 711. Kansas City. Mo. Dept. iT WANTED HIGH-GRADE AUTO MOBILE SALESMAN WHO CAN SUCCESSFULLY ESTABLISH 8CB AGENCIES FOR DISTRIBUTOR OF SEVERAL , HAKE3 OF WELL KJiOWN CARS. WANT MAN FA MILIAR WITH TRADE TRIBUTARY TO OMAHA. GIVE EXPERIENCE AND REFERENCES. ADDRESS T It. CARS EES. FIRST CLASS solicitors wanted. Good oner for ngM sera. F.xnanaaa a r. nteed, Cail Maraaa BaUUa, fiaiiff. IVOVERLOOKED. HELP W A XT ED MALK Ageata, gal , Salleltara. Must be live wire. 8tata Furniture Co. 14th and Dodge. AGENTS wanted In every county In Ne braska to write bealth and accident in surance. Liberal commissions. Address World Accident Association. W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. WANTEDA live wire specialty ealee man for our line of Jewelry end neck wear. Reference, age and experience first letter. Right party can earn three or four thousand a year. Address Salee Manager H, Bog 411, fetation K. Waterloo. la. Good men are hard to get They don't wander around tba streets looking for aigna la windows When yon need good help advertise la Th Bee. Bee Want ade are reed by keen, energetic men who wish to better their condition. Raise is per word If run two or more timee oonaeoutlvely. Tele phone Tyler lOitt. Clerical aad Ottloe. FOR a HIGH GRADE office position ee us. CO-OPERA TIVB REFERENCE CO., HUM City Nat Bank Bldg FULL dress suits and party dresses for sals; also for rent 1.0 to II S a night. JOH? CKLUSAA, ZW J, litau. UA YOUNG man with experience In prod uce business tor clerical and selling posi tion with large wholesale house. Ex cellent opportunity and good position for right party. Give run particulars in ap plication. Aidrese Produce Dept. P. 0. Box B.3, Winnipeg. Fastery aad Tradoa. . Drug store (snsp) lone. Knleet. Boa Bldg. TWO flrst-clas tinners wanted. H. Kunde, 711 a leth Bt CARPENTER wanted. Call talephont Webster 741. WANTED at once, good cornice men and tinners Carter Sheet Metal Works. . . Mleoollaaonao, TELEGRAPH poaltlons guaranteed you by th Union Paclfia and lllinol Cen tral railroads If you gain your training in sur school. Practice on B. R. wires. Ad dreea for psrticulsrs. H. B Uoyl, Pres. Boy lee College, Omaha. Neb. WANTED More peonle to raiae poul try with the Old 1 rusty Incubator. Write for tree catalogue, at. j. joonaeo, vuvy Center, Neb WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMT Able bodied unmarried men between the age af IS and at: cltlseus of United States ot good character and temperate habits who can apeak, read ana write tne cnguso langueg. Pr Information apply to re cruiting omcer, utn ana uougias atv. Omaha, wen. ; wi n bu. bious wv, Ut N. Kkb St.. Lincoln. Neb. U.S. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA OUARANTEED BEST IN WEST. WRITE FOR PROOF. MOVED TO OUR NEW TRAINING SHOPS. The largest, finest and beet eaulooed slant fur automobile training. Do you want pleasant outdoor work, wltn inouaana ox money-mesg opporcum tleet Write or call on us. Day or night cissesa Unlimited course; liberal terms NATlw AL AUTOMOBILE TRAINING ASS N, aii N. Wth St.. Omaha, Neb, MAKE CM ta BUI) uer month sell. Ins e end lS-acre ORANGE AND FIG tracts. 1M per acre; easy peyniexta. BA Bee Bldg. WANTED bt men at once to learn the barber trade. We have tha lobe on file. Top wages. Tools furnished. Diploma granted, city or country apiicaaia, call or write. Molar Barber College, 11 & 14th Bt WANTED Experienced men for small country place. W ill B. Clark. . MlUard hotel. , LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Heroes sag Vckielaa REECE'S Sl and farm mares for sale: draft and watroa horses to let by the dsy. kill Bberman Ave. Pbone Webster llav Harness of all klnoa. th largest stock ta the city, at attractive prices. Johnson, Daniorta Co.. a w. cor. letn ana Junes HORftES end cows. His Cuming Bt X F.A HI.T saw. sins la too bussy and single harness; au in. guoa ounaiuoa. Webster BTS. IDEAL PASTURE For fine stock: running water, shads trace : woven -wire fence. Address A. n. Baker. R. F. D. 2. Benaon. Neb. Tele phone Benaon 74TW. - IF TOU want pasture call Harney 1377. DON'T forset L C. Gallup'a annual spe cial aala of hlsh class horse next Thurs day. Msy t, at Union Stock Tarda. Bouth Omaha. Expect fully we noraae tor tnia sale, cons latins of choice heavy draft light axpreee. tana maree, matoned teams. ingi an vers sno a tew isncy gauss saddle horses. Also Ebetlsnd ponies, some harness end aeoond bead burxiee. Doa t forget the date aext Thursday meadng at a. m. I. C. Gallup. tiARcp o to let by day or wash. Sher UUJioro ns. s bam. 24th sod Clark. Horses and maree bought and eold. LOST AND FOUND LOST One Boston boll nun. Finder re turn to iu a ssta st tor rewaro. n pATVr)Mn'e Sulu Steamed. Pressed, E UulFullta( Cleanera. Ill A lata. LOST Gold cuff link. I C." Tel. Douglas 477. LOST Ebony cross. TeL D. 4301; reward. LOST Gold watch and anake chain fob. Liberal reward If delivered at 41 N. 17th, Council Bluffs, or in Harney St.. Omaha. LOST Crank for automobile; return to W. A. Platner. tin Evans, after p. m, and get reward. MEDICAL Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E R- Tarry cures Piles, Fistula, aad ether rectal dlsti. without urgioal eperauoa- Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. W rite tor book, aa rectal dlnaeee arlth testimonials. DR. B. R. TARRY. Bee BUg Omaha. DR. RACE Specialist, nerroua and all chronic dieeaao. xtzs Harney. Doiaf. &4S. I' ailm'ts. Dr. Burke. l Doug. Blk Ladles' suaraateed remedies- 401 Were blk. DC. xlalNOcA Co., JBZ WiUJ. li d Bar. V.-THE HUNGRT 8ENTINEL. Inside the bell the eenUnel baa placsd hla lunch to protect U from thlevea. To save the trouble of going Inside after It. be now picks up bis bsyonet and tries to spear the food with It. This plaa saves him a Utile bother, but, aa we ahall sea, baa other results. , MONET TO UIAT alary aad Chattel. ATTENTION. Loans on REAL EST AT B FUR NITURE, PIANOS, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. SALA RIES. ETC. at usual rates. Ka red tape. No delay. BIGGEST, BEST AND CHEAPEST. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. d Floor. J07-, Paxton Blk., 217 8. Uth St r pones; swig, sau; awau. Money on furniture, ptsnoe and real aetata at a very low rats of Interest Nebraska Loan Company Doug. lit. t Be Bldg. A-13S. MONEY loaned salaried people, wamea keeping bouse sad others, without e vniy; easy payments, orcicee in 7 pna cloal dUea. Toiman. Omaha Nafi Bank Bldg.. formerly N. T. Lite Bldg. CHATTEL LOAN A K to Xluu. SALAilT LOANS. You osa get it today af start ujak cu., en raxton suoeg. DIAMOND LOANS at IU aog t nar aeat. ITLATAi;. U14 badge ). fat Bad. eeiA OFFERED FOB RENT Board aad Beaaxa, 111 N. StTH-Flrst-olase board Ml clean rooms; sesy walking distance strictly modern. Phone Harney 4i.t A GENTLEMAN or couple ta room and board: private boms: close in. xiarney DEWET AVE.. 1632-Room and board. B per week: home cooking. Harney iia. O. M. E. haul trunks. D. til. A-JIU. FURNISHED rooms, board. CM So. U Feral ed Baamai ION Park Ave. Furn. rm. modern house on car line, to gentleman. t7-0. Har. tSW. K HAR. NET ST.-Daslrable room, in private family; sultsbis for ons of two person; strictly modrn; rafereocea x- chenged. 70 a WTH BT.-Second floor, large, nicely furnished modern front room, sult sbis for two. Phone Douglas 754. K2 CAPITOL Ave., delightful summer home tor one or two people, easy walk ing distance. Tel. Doug. EtTO. 1U4 DODGE Cool, pleasant rooms large porch, lawn. Reae. rates. Douglae 67s. TWO, nicely furnished front rooms; modarn; private family, for two or tour gentlemen, lis is. xetn Bt. FOR RENT In Hanaoom park district one block from car line, a large nicely furnlehed front aeoond atory room, la a good neighborhood, u a strictly pnvats family. No other roomers This Is a first class propoettlon tor a man who wants a good room and pleasant sur rounding. Beet of references must ac company answer sad only first class par ties need answer. Adoreee B sa. atee. HARNET 8t., XI Largs modern front room with bath, for man. will sivs breakfast. Harney BSZ, 1187 DAVENPORT Nicely furnished room: private family; gentleman. tUM. FURNISHED room for rent, private family, all conveniences, walking die- lance- 714 n. rnu bx. DAVENPORT. 1734-Beaullful tumUhed double room; elsgsnl location for sum- r, cioae in. NICELY modern furrnlehed suite of rooms for light housekeeping, Gag if desired. Bit Webster. ta N. Central Blvd. For rant Fur- nlshed front room modern with board for two young men. Call Trior 1. Parmlshsd Hawekaopta Boom. THU MANTTEL-Twa room apartment tO. The Howard. -room. private bath. BS. net and Howard. lit N. tlST ST. Two Ugbt housekeeping rooms, seml-baaemet. 'Pbone Tyler la TWO rooms complete for housekeep ing; sleet ric light gea, telephone, box water, hardwood floor, on car Una, re fined neighborhood. - Kt N. tad St Harney J7.- aul HARNET street. - housekeeping rooms an auita or sinai a. New furniture. strictly modern. Phone Harney nm. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooms Sett Davenport. - Faralsbeg Haaeaa. EIGHT rooms all modern, finely fur nished; east front; good shade, Weet Farnam district; ana block from car. Tel. Harney ZIKX. t'ataraiahed Ba MODERN unfunushed rooms. Pbone Barney 4. FIVE rooms, modern' except beat, near Uinta flats; near car; aouiia oniy; eniy two la owners family, street. Apply 7e St Mb FOUR large rooms, mod. ex. heat close la. til. Douglas TIM. FOUTt BOOMS sod bath, upstair. Id- quire 211a Emmett Bt- Hotel aad Agaurtaaeaia. Dewey Europeaa hotel, nth and Fhrnam,' OXFORD and Arcade, special wily rate. Ogden Hotel Council Bluffs. Room ttt to 17 a) per week. DODGE HOTEL, ail rsoulrements et a nrst-etass hotel, at reasonable prices. Assurtaseata aad Flats. 1 and (-room modern flat Scargo Bldg.. aH n. seth st- b. osnsna. tiau, ta rtsjnge piog. v. rsss. 4-ROOM apartment aew, seeaera brick; team beat; short esalking distsnoe: gaa stove, refrigerator, cupboard, wardrobe; blinds; isuaaryi nn Douglas am. APARTMENT. Fine, 4-room, thoroughly modern, hard- rooa nniso. tiled oata. eteam-neawa apartment, with light. Janitor service, telephone, ta the Central Apartments, cs a lath Bt; walking distance; aewur decorated; very tine. gTI.ee. D. V. SHOLES COMPANT. tit City National Bank Bldg. Phonea Douglas a). Independent A-Jns) Central, unequal ed, e or g-r. Cat all mod., good condition. Tlsard. a N. Bd. VERT fin duplex axBartxaent, t bare rooms, first floor; large front porch, tire place; alee yard and corner lot lis Geor gia Ave ALL CLG&S IN. tarh aad California- a-r.. not isamaant kA summer: tet. winter. fth and raraam. s-r. enrs. aew. xji. Mth sad Dewey, brick. -r. dowa. t-r. up; aew. modem. ta us&Bio saaa aotaia w, t9U Omaha Kali, Doug, oa 4-1151 . Vl-DISCOVERED. Tha bayonet oa which the sentinel ex pects to spear his lunch bits the unlucky Claude upon tba anlna. Heroic aa ha la, Claude cannot help yelling out when th ' point react es him and the aound will alarm hla enemies. Tomorrow wa shall see tba result. OFFERED POR RKVT Apartaaaata aad Flats. STRICTLY modern I-room apartment la Dsvldgs Bldg., ISth and Farnam. tX JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1MB FARNAM ST. THREE and 4-room apartments, mod. tit a 22t , MODERN t-room heated apartment oa West Farnam St.; very choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS. UOt FARNAM ST.- Haaaea aad Collage. MOVING, packing and storing ef house, bold goods and pianos Is our business, . Omaha Vaa di Storage Co, fireproof storage. hS 8. lath, by tba viaduct Branch errice. KB V Wth kU. Tai. D.; tlai. A-U6A ; 7-ROOM new house. 271 Evans. children. Harney aUL FOR BALE A heavy top wagon, suit.' able for a light lea er da. Ivory wagon, very cheap. Inquire Bennett's bama, lUa! and Howard. DOS South 33d street, large modern! dwelling, with stable, 10. . . l&ii south ztth a treat- six-room dwells lng, modern axoept beat, t tm Pacirw street, saves-roesi anoaaru) dwelling, Kb. , lOI North iitn street, au rooms, sis. i teat Fsmsm street. stsrootp modern. oottsgs, t&. . I iiis Bow era treot, aut-room tlA oo4taas a i.r fULLi tj. artxvsuJT. Jut First National Bank Bid. Telephone Douglas 773. (-ROOM oottsge. modern except heal. 43 Patrick Ave. Call Web. S. i v IF RENTED AT ONCE will take 13 per month for beautiful all' modern home, located at Sll Hickory Bt. VINCENT D. DEKMOUX. mt City National Bank Bldg., Phone Douglas 7B4. Ennsoa m " parte of tha city. t,ueaCrlgh Son A Co.. Bee Bldg., MAOGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO.. pack, move, store and ahlp tL H. goods sod pianos: no charge for return drive, to office. Doug. 14M or B UB. ml Hall Ave., 13.00. 7-rooms modern. Vacant May loth. Tboa. W. Halt, ell Rams. Both phones. NSW Woom cottage, modern except heat Bent reaaonaula, 41M krtklaa Bt. Key at 4131 Ersklne. HOUSEHOLD GOODS oacAad aiA rae. warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmea's Delivery Co. Tel, Do us las tai. City office. Ill at L'rA au Bee Bldg. Sll MASON ST. Brick house, doe to Park tines. Phone Barney lieu, sa t. Bth Bt. t-R. MODERN, wall-looatad: haautlrnl yard; Ui. 72$ South 17th St Web fees. 1-r., modern. Bit Chicago St Doug 1717. LARGE MODERN DOUBLE HOU8&V NEAR stb and Capitol, auitable for boarding houss. It rooms, I hatha, alter ations to suit. Rent let. MoCsgu Co. 7-room (new) modern, 3 Dodge St t-roorn fist. M floor. BIO Cuming Bt t-room fist. M floor. M7 North Mth 8X, tVroom bous at Be North 17th Bt O. C. Redlck. Attorney. U17 Farnam St, t-RM. cottage, 1330 Corby, garden patch;, with fruit and shrubs. Webster 1731. ' a-ROOM cottage, yard, shade, nlnaa tu1 oar. tel. weo, SMO. MODERN g-room cottaae. beautiful1 lawn and shade, a 34 Miami Bt t-ROOM house with furnace, 1U.KI petj mmnii. pi. nsra tel. rieu . t-ROOM modem oottsge except, heat, "Wis 9lB ou x-sua. FIVE roome, modern, st 14IB S. Bth. I FOR RENT Five strictly modsral roome, 11 & per month: shade trees: on car line. Inquire Silt B. Bth 8t , X-1 Leavenworth Sc. 7-r., modern. tJ E03 No. ltth Bt, 7-r, modern. tH. i Md No. Mth St. t r , part modern. Hi, . . - BEMIB-CARLBEKG CO, tW-xlS Brandels Theater. Phone D. BB. t-ROOM cottage, modern e scent find nace. lit. 24 U Decatur Bt Phone Red Uu.l Stem aad Offloea. No. t S Uth Bt.. MxtE Tet Doug, tag , Office or aalaaroom at lath and Harnav J (new.) . . . . Id floor at UOg Harney (new). ' Id floor at U Harney (new). Office at 117 Farnam (aeoond floorv Store at 1411 Harnav Si rear. O. C. Redlck. Attorney. UI7 Fsmsm By M CAGLE BUILDING. UTH ivti DODGE. Attractive offices, moderat prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AN11 BUILDING ASSOCIATION. OFFICE with use of reception ra and stenographic service. Very reaaoa awe jwa .iiy rllonai Bans suog. 1111 Far nam. 1 rtirrr nfl bsssannl. aiH remodel to suit. 1. H. Snltser. D. xm. Store st SUM Cuming street Store at Hut Cuming street. Store bt Kt North Mth street Store at S31 North Mth street. Store at M7 North 14th street. rl ommv at as o. ltn street. Store st 2at No Mth At w,irfi . - O. C. Redlck. Attorn. 1M7 Fsmsm St., GROUND floor office. t rfi.r.'. window, m 80. 17th St Pbona Doug. st7.', OFFERED FOR SALX Fwswttare. FOB BALE Carload of all ktruea - tore In 10 day. Bachman. leos TVoda. FOR SALE Axis Welm. .v. . heed five months. C tit. Be. 1 FIFTT txll velvet ruse at at 111 v furniture and wall case cheap, ta N. Mth.1 Trswwritara. RENT an Oliver trnewritar en . Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas 251. VISIBLE typewriters and .11 mskea, sold er rented anywhere at hk ta mfr'a prlcea. allowing rental to apply1 oa price; shipped on approval. Write foi circular, las Fsrnsm. "" Typewriter Inspection nd Boppiy ca. TYPEWRITERS for rent. mo, t&TI Central Typewriter exchange, isui Far- WOULD TOU ahow k.ii. -v,i typewriter to your Mends and 1st them IWh.f.lt "S" a"T typewrW J wiuoui coating VoU one cent have the tpewrtteT to xW forever as your awn? t TTl?1 fuU particulars. Emerson Tvnaet,i Co.. Box t, WoodstockTlS? TPWlUj ' PIANO, Tslueri at fas st once. Pric. t HsSrr ? UT RIGHT malu m... .... ture. Call 6.1 ria. . welCT 1 X JA