Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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Rcporti from Growing; Section Fat
Crop at 93 Per Cent.
Eattmated that Total Yield few So.
Good flews
Bears Repeating
So we are agala railing your
attention today to nine very
special bargain items la
t iw mM n.
Veotrl Kail XrryecaBurgsss-aranoen
M. M. Clark, signs. 11th wl Douglas
. tuDiu Osee OonttaaoeTh cut of
j Jobn Bpellman. charged with grand ler
jeeny. m continued until Wednesday
I morning.
- lmfT to Meet, An adjourn d
I meeting ot Um presbytery will bo held
'thla afternoon at 1 o'clock at the
j First Presbyterlaa chunk.
Thomas Brown Oremad la Tho
Bee' story of Omaha poopla who have
bora cr mated tho nama of Thomaa
Brow was. through oversight, not mo
tloned. an Brown diet la December, 1M.
HI body waa aont to Chicaco and there
Treatment for Cray Hair
Way by Which Former Colo aad eHoea
Are Beatored a treaky, Tadod Bate.
The uncouth hand at rather Time Ilea
heavily upon the brow who "crowning
iglorjr" la fray, faded or atreaked, sad
'yet, while the fleeting years cannot be
halted. It la easy to raatoro the yeuth
iful color and flint to the hair and thua
llook rears younger.
To regain ontlnal ahada and gloss ot
'broaette lair, dip eorab la barsicum tea
land comb hair thoroughly. Tula tea la
'made by steeping a email, original pack,
lage at baratonm m dm pint of water.
ade or atreaked blonde hair 1
loulckly brought back to Ita former
hade aad loveliness by waahlng with
larbane tea. made by patting as ounce of
larbaM In ana pint of boiling water; aad
'for faded aubura or Titian locks, a eem
!bia tea, abould be need. This treatment
la baraileaa aad abould be kept op ua
Itll original color and gloat return Adv.
abould know about the
Mmrrel'mHini Spray"
Beat eaieat moat rxmvenicot.
If year draen eeesjtenporr
gAKVftu. eeoasiMi '
lavalaahle to ladiss.
Dandruff? Co
rmiitswaT nrste- - - -
Arsr-iHsbvwat iswi IK us est germ
Sue faJSM ask. dee sew-
Cjaa i i ass at beefck. The sssr awe
. . J -l si
a 11
re Bale ay Passes
Bra. 8a. Mail cedes
ROYAL the most celebrated of all
the baking powders in the world
celebrated lor Its great leaven
iing strength and purity. It makes
your cakes, biscuits, bread, etc
healthful, it Insures you against
alum and all forms of adulteration
that go with the cheap brands.
Absolutely Pure
ore mated and the aahee brought back to
thla city, where he had lived the greater
pert of hla life and had built up a
lucrative burl nee
Womea Drive Oat BaaghUra Mra.
Hufloss, UM Locuet street, waa ar
rested Buaday morning on complaint of
her daughters, charging her with driving
them out of tho bouse. Mr. Hunosa to
thought to he demented and will be re
moved to the county hospital, i
Many WU1 Cm West Assistant Gen
eral Passenger Ruble ot the Union Pa
cific at Denver le In town conferring with
officials. He anticipates a Mg business to
the mountains thla season and predicts
that the western resorts are going to
have all the people they can handle.
nam ehedale Chaaaged The Great
Western has changed the time of arrival
and departure of Ita passenger train. No.
M, the Minneapolis train, bow leave the
Union staOoa at f Instead of T:M; No.
I the Chicago train, leaves at a. Instead
of let p. m.. and No. 11 the Minneapolis
train, leaves at : Instead of t p. m.
Owner of Chicken la Bisvata One
common chicken, valued at H cents, to
which Mrs. John Hart. Twenty-first and
Francis streets, and Mra, Minerva Ander
son. MM rranels street, both claimed
ownership, brought the two parties with
their husbands and neighbors Into polios
court before Judge Altstadt to decide who
was the rightful owner. The ease was
dismissed. '
T. W. Botes Win apeak r. W. Heron
will address the Ad club tomorrow noon
at the Pax ton hoSel on "The Relation of
salesmanship ta Advertising." Heron la
welt recognised as a salesmanship au
thority, having written many pamphlets
aad delivered many addresses oa the sub
ject. He la m charge of the aalesraaa
ship classes of the Young Men's Christian
aseoeiatloif. la the announcements sent
out by the club the attention of the mem
bers la called to the day aa election day
and each la asked to vote.
Parsons Bound Over;
Sanity Questioned
Roy Parsons, who atrack upon the
desperate plaa of holding op a street
ear crew aa an easy mean of securing
funds to marry hla sweetheart, waa ar
ranged la police court oa a charge of
highway robbery
He waived preamlnary examination aad
waa bound ever to the district court an
der 11.000 bonds. It la not probable that
ata parents win furaiah boada. They any
that as Paroeo Is act la hla right mind
they think it would act oe advisable to
Cultivated tastes prefer Penult, ssw
To Your Doctor
I Avert Bab Vwar let ss i n illj I I ijiwe
I ssras Best ones tie Sag, t I seen
I vacs sf esssnef ItaeM, sed ssssa ass sesk
.j . Lee SB. Mmm.
Fhyiiciaa Who Operate oa Him
Writes of Operation.
Recalls Name at Mea He Haa Nat
Tkeeaht at for Many Yeas
Mgy Came ta Omaha la
tke Near Pater.
Dr. O. 8. Wood y est era dreoMved
a letter from Dr. Loren Wilder, the Chi
cago physician who operated an th man
who claims to be George KlmmeL Dr.
Wood Is a third cousin ot Oeorga Klm
mel and urged his cousin ta undergo
the operation.
In a letter to Dr. Wood, the Chicago
physician aays th operation waa suc
cess and that Klmmel haa aemed two
men, Tom Bell and John Wexler whom
be knew years ago, but had entirely for
gotten. Dr. Wood says the names are
familiar to him but be cannot recall them
and win tell Dr. Wilder the same,
Peslllv He is Co seta.
"I am positive that the man claim
ing ta be Oeorge Klmmel la my cousin."
said Dr. Wood. "He has written letters
ta me for some time now, and has told
me things that happened when he was
sight years old which nobody but Oeorge
Klmmel and myself knew about, I tried
ta have the bey undergo an eparatloa
when he was In Auburn, N. Y but could
never convince him it was to only
thing to do. When he was attacked and
slugged la U9 aa Indentation was left
oa the back of his ekull. Th skull boas
pressed oa th brain and caused him to
target everything and for several years
and he knew nothing of hla peat. But a
day cams when ha began to remember
things whlcw happened, and big mind he
cam clearer, but aa operation was nec
essary to dear up all doubts.
"New that the operation was a success
his mind will clesr, his cheerfulness will
be reflected la his fsce, and be will be
recognlaed. Sine be was slugged several
years age he ha undergone many
changes which naturally would change
any man's face aad appearance. His
signature to letters sent to me are Iden
tical wtrk a signature en a, mortgage
he filed la Omaha nineteen years ago.
"George did net want t be operated
on, but Dr. Wilder offered t perform
It without any cost. I urged him to do
It. I knew that any doctor who would
perform euch an operation. Just tor the
reputation be would get out of at would
certainly do all In his power to dear ap
the boy's mind and be has succeeded. I
would not be surprised to eee George
come to Omaha la the very near tutor.
Folloerlng la the letter received by St.
Wood from Dr. Wilder.
I aa writing yea a fsw lines to let
yea knew your eoasta, Mr. Oeorge Klm
me.1 who was operated ea by me Tues
day, May L to doing mealy. Haes that
time be has had no fever, a normal
pulse, sleeve well, eats well and smokes
Utttle every day. I roans what I want
after and feel sure that 1 win bv a re
sult which Is most gratliytaa s me.
He bow seems to be a changed ssea, m
denlv remembered two names, whom he
has asked about several tunes aad saga
It seems strange be bea forgotten tnem
(or eo long a time, on Tom Bell aad
John Waxier. Do yea know at tbamf
Will you kindly let me knowt
Date is Advanced
for the Exchange of
Government Bonds
The date on which applications for
postal savings boada must be la the local
savings bank has bee changed from June
If, tws weeks before th a to at issue, to
June L . Meny dspealtore ta the postal
savings back at Omaha are deslroe of
transferring their savings to boada, but
It la necessary for them ta have their
applications la two weeks earlier than
th data originally set er their bead will
not be forthcoming antll Jaaaary 1, 111.
These bond are Issued la t3s, ) or
M denominations or any multiple at CJ
ta MOk aad bear Interest at the rata of
SM par cent per annum. They are aaly
available to postal savings bank depos
itors, but amy be transferred a endorse
ment ta any ether porsen. N transfer
greater than MM can be mad at aay aa
Um by a depositors. A traewfor at his
deposit doe act prevent a depositor from
opening another eoseunt with the postal
savings bank.
The total deposits in the postal aavtags
bank at Omaha are now MM. CertlO
catea leaned during the month ot April
amounted ta HAM; paid out. PU07. Added
to this balance ta the sal of postal sav
ings stamps of, leaving a net bal
ance an hand for the month ot M.
With April the postal savings beak haa
beta In operatise) la Omaha for six
months. J
Wedding to Occur
in Jewelry Store
Mis Etnal By green of Minnesota aad
W. R Cash ot Omaha win be srarrled at
t o'clock Tassosy afternoon at th new
store f Fred Bredegaard, ffxteoath and
Douglas streets, the ceremony being per
formed by Judge Altstadt. Th couple
win be presented with a leng Bat at wed
ding presents. The bride will be grrsa a
tie diamond rlag by Mr. Brsdiajaard aad
the groom a pair of gold diamond studded
euftbottoaa. The meet man win be pre
sented with A gold watch fob gad th
bridesmaid a ruby ring.
Judga Wharton will give the happy pair
the nee of kte auteeaebM for tho day;
th Kartaaa fianim com perry will grrs
Rem Millar win grv
Bank aad Lena aeenalallna win
give with which to start A bank ae
aoant and naaiaias ether pi isiula erffl
also bo Uvea.
The wed rung hi sail fast win
at tho Bom after the
So, aa Aevfal
ky Fear of snpinifliSstsT Take D. Khars
New Ufa PUls aad asaa aaa bevel Pes Is
waanafew Ol eosa. id, aVa, Bwr aam- hp
Bes-Dreg, Oa, .
Win Be eo,oo,e, o
g,DO0,O0 Bergjrhao th
Biggest Crop.
Crop reports for the week ending May
I SI cats satisfactory condition In Ne
braska so tar aa winter wheat ta cea
eeraed. These reports come tram every
station la the winter wheat growing per.
Hon of th atat aad are secured by th
agents ef railroads after making ebeerva
tlone aad talking with farmers and slt-
A compile tlea ef (he report asnt la to
BurUagtoa headquarters places the win
ter wheat at If per cent ot a perfect
crop, with aa acreage the Isrgeet In
year. There are a few localities where
the condition falls below H per cent, but
there are enough that are above to bring
tho average up to the high mark (or early
Th Northwestern agents do not at
tempt to give any figures, but almost ta
mag aay I "The crop Is in the best con
dition la years." The report ot the Unloa
Faclfle mea la similar.
Ready for Corn Planting.
From every part of the state where
cereal to raised, th reports Indicate that
th tanners are rapidly preparing for
oora pleating aad that hi the southern
part, much seed to In the ground.
Frank Fowler of .the Fowler Sievstor
company la out with a weekly letter,
made up after receiving reports from nil
of the company agents In Nebraska, la
thes letter, the condition of the Nebraska
winter wheat la pieced at M per cent
plus, which la the highest ever known at
this time of the year.
The government crop report for April
placed th condition ot Nebraska wheat
at M per cent, and according to the
Omaha grata mea, the report duo May
will be equally as good It ths recent
rains, which arc general, are taken Into
soaeidsratloa la making up th wUmstei
oa the condition,
Omaha grata men who srs watching
th wheat crop, stale that at thla time,
forming their estimates from th figures
available, the condition of th present
crop to per cent above the tea year
average. Oa thla basis of figuring, the
(rain mea, although It to early In the
season, place the total yield at ..
bus hell for the stats, which la 1.000,
bushels mora than the greatest yield aver
kaoWBi ,
Police Arrest Man
Who Lures Women
to His Apartments
S, R. Ferry, whe has been advertising
high wsges for wo mea eollottore. was
arrested Monday night at Ml North Etgh.
teeath atreet aa Information given by
women who had applied tor Positions.
Detectives Fleming and Dunn made th
arrest. Federal authorities were notified
Ferry admitted ta the polios that be hsd
mads lndeeeny proposals to the girls who
were lured te his room by the advertlee
msntk The polios have been oa th look
ewt for Ferry for several day.
la pel lee court be pleaded not guilty to
th offense aad referred to persons he
had worked for during (be last yeer as
to hla reputatloo.
Ha was dismissed for lack at evidence.
For th third time the cult ot Mrs. Ida
U Haas, widow of ths tots Andrew Haas,
agalast the Mutual Life Insurance com
pany tor tltog on policies carried by her
lata husband Is on trial la district court
Ones th company's demurrer waa sus
tained and th supreme, court eent the
oaes book for trial It waa triad la the
district court and the company was
gives a verdict Mrs, Haas again sue-
From the first sip to the last
drop and afterwardsit
just takes - right hold 'and
pleases satisfies cools.
Delicious Refreshing
Demand the Genuine as made by
Frewt Oexasw Booklet tsDinf ol V
Coca-Cols Tmdicstioa at V
- - Csaruaoofa, for th asking. af 4
01 PC BA eax 1
Arrow think XX S J
Men's Furnishings
which are ber awaiting you.
It has bora many a day aiaca
wo have pat oa sals such won
derful value.
Mea' 60c "Poroeknit" Vadeo
Wear, SSe Garment,
This werld-knowa make ef
underwear, the quality -if
which le known by thousands
of men.
In white and ecru, shirts are
half sleeve, drawers full ankle
er ettttetle knee length. In a
complete range of else
Mea'a $1 "Poroeknit'' Vakia
Bulta, 69c
An unheard-of low pries for
three garment In white and
ecru, ehort sleeve, full ankle
length and athletic knee length
garments. All slses.
Mea 91.00 Nelasook I'nioa
Suits, 60c.
Gsrments of fine email
checked cross bar nainsook,
mads with easy-giving, slaatlo
walet hand, half aleevee or
sleeveless, knee length. All
eesafully appealed. The company refuses
payment en the ground that the New
fork law Instead of those of Nebraska
govern tba case and under the New York
laws a lapsed premium Invalidates a pol
icy and payment of a lapsed premium
cannot reinstate th policy.
Many authorities oa Sunday school
work will give their ideas ts ths dele
gates attending the cuts convention t
be held In Omaha June U, 1 and .
W. C Fearos, bead of the adult de
partment of the International Sunday
School association, will be one ot the
principal speaksra and 1. 8. Durham of
ths home and visttaUoa department also
la oa ths program.
Mia Maria Brshm. a temperance
worker of th Presbyterian church of
North America, and B. A. Rouse, presi
dent at the Nebraska Btate Teachers'
association, will have some Interesting
things ta aay at ths convention meetings.
Us O. Kratg will have charge of the
nualc I
Aids Nattsre
at Dr. Fiereo'i Col Ota Mroleal Db
weak etomeohs, wasted bodies, week
eo very a canal
reeefiWrioa at fa modem eatel tret thai "Ooldoa
iieal Wsoovery" eappaot Nature with bedv-bwild-
lag. tii
imai rep si ring, mssols-mskmf aatenals, la soe -I
aad sose let rated term. With this bees Nararo
supplies See accessary etrsogta t tba stossaea to digest
food, build ap the body aad thereby threw of lingering
oeetmeta aoughs. The "Diseevery" re-eetablitaee th
igsetive aad awtrltiv argaat ia sowed health, puriice
aad aariehes tba Wood, aad aouriebea tag eervee ia
eaon escsninaas sooaa vigorous asaita.
It row ! rfer oossechag "aa as f ,
ft As proAagy strep POM HIM-M pan becrelt
at ya or fAfJag ot M ear aad (As prmll, ae
teerv mutalmi "eat aa dooej" trnfr. Aay .
Dr. PUree's Cemmoa Beese Medical AdMssr, la Flam BaglUhi ar. Med.
Ma SuapUasd, 1008 ages, aver 100 Olustranoaa, aawty ravieed wp-to-dete)
Bdiuoa, slsta-bowad, seat lor U cos seat staaraa, at cover seat orrapasn
cam saaUiale,. Address I Dr. 8V. Fiecee, Bufslo, N. Y.
Nothing wishy-washy about
Men's fl.00 Sea Island I'nioa
Sulta, 6c
Garments made of fine qual
ity Sea Island Cotton, trlrt.--med
In blue silk finishing, half
sleeve or eleeveleea Athletic
knee length. In all slses.
Men's 91.80 Solsetta Pajamas,
Extraordinary values: come
In white, blue. tan. hello, ptnk
All rut full and with matched
silk frogs.
Men's 94.00 Terry Bath Robes,
Full else both robes ef fine
imported Terry Cloth In bright
colored design Made with
roll collar, outalde patch pork
eta, matched neck and waist
(Msls Floor.)
Mea'a 10 eilk hose, la all solid eel.''
ere B5o
Mea'a too Usls Wsb Baspeaders aft
stem's Wash sTsckwsar, sOo (redes.
Me, three for 11-00
Danes to Colonize
North of Shoshoni
Amos Boy son, bead ot th Boytoa b
rtgetloa project north of Bnoeheni, to In I
town taking steps to colonise a tract of j
aVOM acre that to about ready to have
the water turned upon It This ts a pro-1
Jset that Mr. Boyson haa handled prao-3
tteally alone. He secured th ssgrega-
tlcn ef the land under the provisions ol '
the Carey act and went to work. He has
already spent KJ5.0O9 In building dams;
and constructing ditches, Ths land will1
be colonised by Danes, most of them J
going from th vicinity of Manning, Is.
Internal Revenue
Receipts Show Gain
Internal revenue receipts for the month
of April for the Nebraska district are aa compared with tlM.m.M the
same month last year. This to an Increase
of gn,tft. or II per cent
if k