'1 !!!' ?" - r;:i I.. t I. ' The Omaha Daily bee FOUNDED BT EDWARD RO&KWATER VICTOR ROSE WATER, EDITOR. BEE BCllXiiNO. FAKXAM AND PTH. stMared st OvM (MtUaui term or rcMCfurnoM- fiatimti " - v.Oe. Daily to (wuhoat Sundayi. ana fwr.K Eeulr Bm And Sunday, ana rr.. Ml HuaOAJ. AM 7 RI BT CAJlklXR. (KB Sunday?, pa -! eiodiAg aundAy). oar Evcbicc Bee Eaily E (loctosjng awneay). oar ato-vse uur BAS (IUtM Sanaay. pw """IT." aiMrass all eomplaiata or irrsgii arTflss Be eaivary Is City ClrcelaOOB Kept. Remit bT dralL opna er (DIM te To Bee J-usaAsnag air Km tuw f Smsll aeeounuv. omctt Ossaha-The ht Builds, taut Omeiia Hi N 8b Cmd Biuiie-e Beset Bt, i mn a utile Status. CAJesgslse AUrqiMU biflmvig. i,ui. cisW'UTsui, 50,109 tats af prearaata, CAsiaty ef Donglaa. m lwlght WilOaBSS CUtKAIkA III! AS? TA Be 1-Ml.UlAJAf iMI, SAiaS AuIt swsra, hji that lb iww eai.r cireuiauen, tor Uw ateoia ef ArU. 11 AA if! rff PWIGHT WOXUJfA. Orciilatloa Mannaer. iked la my prssesae sad ewers UatfeaTder at wr. UU. Is before SietAry lAAA. Vote esrly. Poll do at p. m. A tT..t bead deal H tot pat fJbroagk every dy. Sm It dark. Digging daedal lone Is at m goad exercise m fsadlng tbe forsaea. call It Th WniiT rre.- Ok. K doubt Kt took ptlu to AAA Ukst kr VMkvoma m4 BomakrU( Ibi op. If m Mt 4 rear 4ntr i tka yoUf, W prpr4 to for-r hold yetr Katekr'l (sinovt hb ftr rm- HlT piu. Ed CMUku, th soud fond WtAdAT. to goo. Our oft bsltt ritt Utat aowat eftMl am ma to W kotptBf mighty qttiat Uoto f)M iprtng dy- A eArtAla ipeclw e( MwipApArt 4ar to Robrt T. LIbooIb tho tigkt to dofrad tko ftam of klo teUtor. ' A good tor wo14 bo ilisoct Jnitl- ftod J Btejrtag kookcr thio kiad of wMtkcr, to My Mtklaff of 0 bad bor. , Pfepbot Jf teko b) tBUrpratod U prodlotlug oaotkAr till ummar, Jnct UUtk ot It. pliui lilt Hao bsUaooa ood tko Of Octal 0) M of tbot April It Uto.vtd priatrr will Along la duo eourta of tin. - . Oh euaot kalp footing tkat 1 boaatlag of IU rip trawbArrtA, gL Leal asck to dlrwt aUadUob froa ItS DM bn tOBOM. Wliat kM "Chamo- withatll don to oar BoapartlMB democrat! orgaa tht b ahoald b tb only Btpehlld la tb democrat le family 8oonr or later w thai! bav to mak aa oxamplo la tkl ootrntry of tboo parooa bo wantonly tear down tb Star and Btrtpoa. It la nraaliy tb aoaroatdmt owner wko blld aad lata ataad tb lUtto tnmblA-dow nmakaeklo that csdaagor all tb salgbborbood. Tb BtldlBg ottloor ot tko Lon don TUanie tngalry wear a court wig. Tbai aotd not dter tb lara. tigatloa getting tb bald facta, bow- over. Still, tb "bigh-mla4d- and "dle tlDgoiabd" jndg did not talk that way whoa Tb Bo klpd to tat him ea tb boack or wkoa th bypboa- atoa oatped to raeall kim. Th Boa la tk oaly aawopapar lb Omaha that waged a campaign Bgaint tb km holdup. That may b worth romambtring wbea yea aac your at ice bfll rdacd t per cent 1 Oroaco ba proclaimed Gomi pretfdeat of Mexteo. aad dockled to tr an afar tbo.caoital from Jaarea to Chlbnahaa. JErldeDtty they Jut for gott all a ho at Hadero aad atexko City..- Our aoaparUeaa a-mocratle eoa- temporary complete lta Hat of a dortement of eaadldata la tb city oieetloa wltk alt democrat aad thro rpahHeaam. It oridontiy regards the ratio of two to one aa:!y demo cratic ,- - Jsst to show Its disutorested aot psrtiaanssty the. local dessecraUt orgaa has esaaraed all Uree of the Cithern" antoa democrats sad three seats! tram icgTiVii aarttss.s, set assess utr Baiisans Manama No Tora-as m isirty-uare. tyssalngtee oarmnm at.. t. W. COiUU-i-UNL-AjiC. flui-lir remms BWWB 4 aeiurial asaner aaeeid ee aHiessis: uu Baa. fcaiariAt ftnia IHlllUlll leanest B OSSy nwaisaillr eaaelS Invew The Bee- AllM to ChASS. HO erUI be eksuseed ee ettea A a. uessss. m the fcnu- Os the Square' demo crats. Heads I wla and tails yoa JO, A Xecp-it-Onrk Box4 Seal Th aaaoaaeemeat that Ue Water board has stealthily sold aad deliv ered at a merely nominal premium the $7,000,000 of m percent thirty year water bonds without lnrltlng bids or giving considersUoa to any but tho favored syndicate ahoald shake ear people oat of their hyp notic pell. TU keep-it-dark bond deal Is of a piece wltk tko peculiar star-chamber maaagemeat that ka ekaracter- tsed tk Water board's trnBsaetloas la connection wltk the water works throagkoat since "Immediate and compulsory" purchase was started Bine year ago. Omaha Jast a week ago sold (0t 000 of 4 Vfc per cent twenty-year bonds at a Bock better rice, and at tk same rate this pranat solo of 17.000,00 of osearlUe should ksv broagbt f 100,000 mors than th city Is getting. If this sum has boon deUberatsly siren away out of friendship the Wstsr board has been making a present H had no right to giro. If tko bonds kare been escrif iced below their aurket wortk through over bast or Ignorance, then there to still loss excuse for It. Had Us I7.000.000 bead deal been consummated la tko open aad awarded to tko best competitive bid. th tusplcloa which will always at tach to K could saaily bar been avoided. Tk Erst of the Ciapsif. Looklsg back erar th first con test under Omaha's commisatoa nlaa of city government culminating Id to day's election, bo one can fall to ob serve that tko beat of tko campaign makes Salf-etyled reformers talk aad act vary much like professional pol iticians. If there has bom any appre ciable differeac la this campeiga be tween on side and th other In re sorting to odious personalities and in rerkiaesly bandying charges and countercharges, It Is hard to obeorva This s lection, wo were told, was to be entirely devoid of aerUaaa pol ities, aad waged a pea a high plana of slvle prtoe aad patriotism, but as a matter of fact, both tko BaIMa His tory splitters aad Us chronic office- seekers bav waded Into Uo same mire, aad Indulged la worn mud- sllsglsg than la tk old-time partisas campaigns, to any nothing of the ac companiments of threats. baUdooiag and lytag. If wo believe all w hoar, kotk aidos are trying to "steel- Uo election, aad will bo prevented . by nothing but U wlgiUnc of th ether sids. If candidates from both slates should by chance wla oat It would require miracle, assuming that Uoy bav beca expressing their ml eoa vtcUoas of 00 soother, to get Uem to work together la double harness for tko good of U0 ehy... fortunately, ws sea ascribe' moat of tko bush Sag over to Uo heat of tb campaign. Social and political eaulllBrium will bo soon restored. with th one lasting object lesson that the entry of so-called reformers Into politic does not make tko polit ical millennium. A Start Toward Pareefs Pot The boose ba settled OS form of parcels post, so far a It to COB' earned, but the senate, of Bourse. wiU ksvo tko last word. The bosse s proposition call for little more Usn n trial, but If tko senate sonde It Ue president for final aeprovsl. will certainly prove to bo at least a step la th right direct Ion. Tbr is a way of la tuga rating pereei post sieopt piecemeal, as wo did with free rural delivery. That was In troduced oa aa experimental. aartlAi basis, and it developed aulckly be cause it tamed oat to bo exactly what was wanted, go it may bo ex pected of parcels poet Those who are complaining becauss w ar not likely to get a Bareefaj poet Uw all at once applying the system to Ue whole ooaatry. arbaa aad oabarbaa sections alts, ahoald have patience aad rest assured tkat If Uo plan Is ss meritorious as tlley believe it will eipoad J net aa rural fro delivery did. For uls rossoB w cannot kelp thinking that some of Uo criticism of the proposal for a partial tatre aocaoa rests naoa a biased motive. The need of parcels post Uo eneour. aging conditions sad Uo room for development are, we Ulak, J oat as favorable as tkoee that lay before th aew mall delivery sysUm la Ue country. Tk FalpitatiBf Heart of labor. May to living ap to Its reputation as a breeder of discontent la the la bor world, Uoogb aa yet, happily, It kas net come op to Its record for strikes. The engineers, firemen, coal miners, freight handler sad local u atone hero and there either Uroatf a to strike of bav made progress toward virtual peace, but excepting Ue situation amoag the newspaper anions la Chicago, there is open trouble bow here. The Chicago sltualioa, where stereotyper Bave struck because ot tko employment of some Bonanloa p racemes, lacks even tko endorse msat of tho Stereotyper naioa aad other antes, in fact, the B ariose! head of the surmttpers tf vised against Uo strike, s Ust there seems to he ground for the employ ers' charge that Uo walk-eut to In direct violation of con tracts. Th strikers have added to this unfair ac tion rioieot tres&Bao of Bttla news- THE BEE: OiTAHJL, TUESDAY, MAT 7. boys, making n very bad state of af fairs. thougJa It to oaly local. The eoastry may well afford to look past Chicago to tko ottBstioB of the engineers oa tko fifty-one east era railroads aad to Uo anthracite coal mines, where, though delay may oc cur, a strike bow seesao to be out of the suAetloa. Aad Uo flasl effect upon the labor aad industrial worlds Is sure to be far-reaching. Every Urn a serious labor dispute like one of theee to peacefully adjusted it be comes, or should become, that mack Her to adjust Uo next oae. So that aside from tko immediate good aceomplhiked U avoiding a great paralysis of soma Industry, there Is th further laflueaee la the future- Federal Control of livers. No jealous regard for states rights obtrudes Itself la Ue pressors of Ue necessity bow existing for federal control of rtver levees. Tkstaeces srty has sees made very plaia to Ue people of Uo states where millions of dollars' worth ot property aad some lives bare been destroyed by Uo Mississippi river floods, and now Tons em so. Arkansas, Mississippi aad Louisiana are ready to nnlte sad nrs salting la a demand for federal con trol. Of course, it Is eat of lb question to think of any one or an of theee states adequately fortifying them selves against the rampages of the swell rtvar, which to the drslaway f U two great centra basins ex tending from the Rockies oa the west to Uo AUegkenios oa Uo oast It Is clearly a matter for the national congress. Aad it to a matter that mast receive adequate attention. It has been folly dsmoastrsted that Us levees of Uo great river are not quel to Uo emergencies of aa over flow. It to espUlaed that ths con stant Increase la Ue tide of ths river to dao largely to Uo closing op of Uo vast basins that formerly ab sorbed muck of Uo spring floods tlsforesutloB and Uo building op of the adjacent country Is contribu tory factor. Bat Wbstovsr the cans, her sr tbs great stretches of Oiled soil Inun- dsted., homes snd farms engulfed, families fleeing In boats for their sfety. millions la awsey gone snd some life wiped out Whatever ft 1 possible to do to prevent Ust should bo done promptly. Congress, scting upon ths president's direction, bss granted some temporary relief, aad hae shows a disposltloa to give Ue matter Uorodgh consideration. Tho senate finance committee bss da te noised that at least $4,000,000 of tho $0,000,000 annually devoted to river Improvement must go to build and mslntals river levees. This ahoald bo encouragement to Ue soatbera states and also help allay their fear of federal Interference. To Uo Editor: If you had en dorsed my Bomlnntloa for council man, I would write you n nice letter thanking yoa for your disinterested snd public spirited coarse, sad prais ing your msnly, courageous and un selfish attitude, but since yoa have failed to do so, I raa only denounce yoa for prostituting your high call ing for Us attainment of wicked per sonal ends. (Signed) Bosr Grape Candidate. Maryland's sixteen detegstes are to be bound to support Us candi date for whom thsy are Instructed by preferential vote until Uey eon scieatleusly believe he has no loager a chance Ot winning Us nomination But what about the Massachusetts delecatee !natrat4 fn T,ft k. . Wear majority la the primary, vet Ijclaimlng Uo right to disregard their Instructions T Mr. Bryss does not ears bow much time end moaey Wilson, Harmon. Clark, Underwood ot al. wests In their little play presldenUsl contest so long ss ho holds Uo power to nominate. Never mind, after it's over, who ever s elected will forget sad for give, sad Us also-rsBs will try to look , pleassat and . pretend they liks It ,Te maaM'BiaaMta maiArr. St. Leou Republic A Brimarv hf Baa that la lfimilin AAtta. erSJek Aivaa m k mm. eaoel vote eeS sanlltar aaa the SelaAAiaa works abeut aa tke Aid cenumtloa ant.m did wkea the boans esoeluded to Uke ttalBsa Into their ewa heads. I' MlasOtr inksarda I a lasera. - M. raul Ptsseteh. .It la a weeder aesae ecttdeat bssuranee eetnpeay Ones awt palat lt Adverttae- mbU ea tee front ef theea ioaerce that are Betas aeas to all parts at tas Atlantic. Think or keisg sjamuS that s compear "Hae the Btreealk ef sat leeherg." thlae ( PhllAdelpnta Preva. Celeesl Brraa'a JeO of watcktag to aee as (ar Bate eotewhlns ef a etnecwre. U the seveinin of Onte deee aat eeea get satee the giatlaeiaa xraes pilars eke win feel eesesd t taxa te seunlhlin A aetaal AeraaaaMea. Kaw Terk Trtbaaa, As aa? aallnty lasleel esptasatioa ef the reran great tlee ss prtes ef saaaa the SaHowmg m eftaral (ram Cblcaco The vataa Bemjiai m Waswng the whaiaealar. the wholeaaier tbe paekar. tha paekar th (amer ead the farmer ' the kwh pnee ot can la Una Bease that Jack Want eair eaa Bam was eaatttaa. arefrhedr ahoald far kicklag at Ue COatPUXO PBOM BU rUM Thirty T A apriakle af rem was tanaae br a torn ail dap taw Soaaar. wbJch Mt the atratta la a very aoft eoaditiaa. The saereeT seacert whieh eat to have beaa given la Metre samaaer carden waa peetpeaed eaa weak ea ocreawt af the The lot ea the oiulheert eereer ef Ninth aad Joaes solas grasAd by the Caioa Pacific. Rev. Jeoa WlfflAaw. rector ef 8c Barna bas', wilt give the usual receptloa te the Epueopel OMactl, whteh meets here this The Baptist chareh has beaa vary for tunate la eacttrtng the aanrlces ef Mrs Arnold, eopraao; Kra. ghreva. arte; Mr. Sbnrve. baeao. aad retalatng Mr. Wesley WllklBS. barltaoe. Tb choir of the Second rraabrtertaa church has beaa nawly eeaatltatad as fallows: atlas Day end Miss MaoI, ae preaea; MhaM rsaalA Wlleea sad Usate Sharp, eontreltoe; f. S. gnSlh aad Devid Weils, teeer-. J. U Smith end Charles KraUc, bassos. lvers ef the emlseat Irleh poet Thereae Moere. wOl estaernt hie aaai- versAry asder the auaplees ef the nanaMt MoaaaMet saeenanea aa the eveains ef May M. Judaa U C. Northrup will deliver aa address sad there will b aa erUnnal poem aad aansle. The Bee prlnta this aete, beaded "Far- aouI TC- M. l-Teura matvil. Weald like personal Interview. Call at ear office at 1 Cdeek May t If not satis factory, appoint a nweUns. either through these cotuaias ar bp avail.' George Hera, the pootoeapher, a- Bounces s aaw mathod of making to stAntsaeoue peetogrsphs. by which a pic ture nay aa take m tha fractlan of e eeooiid before the most restless ehDd can Miss Mollis Browneoo aa a westbeuad passenger ea tbe noea traia, Mr. E. A. Collins of tows, lamer ox Joha B ColUna. was a the city. Mr. O. T. Walker, rupertn Undent ef the Omaha Nail worse, haa returned (rem Sea rrencieeo. James a MoKslt s( Buiitngton, U was the gueet of his sister, Mrs. Howard B. Smith. aanaAemea Tweaty Year Ago gudae H. J. Devte returned, (rem wean- instan sad New Tors, where be had been At the permanent erganlsattos ef the Omaha fralcht buraaa, led by the Omaha Ceaunaretal aavaelAtloB. ef which Charles T. Waller was prasrdent, theee were oheeea as the exeouUr eesaaalttee: W. N. Ba boack. J. 8. Knox. A. C reetsr aad t M. Make ef the South Oeeehe live Stock esehaase; E. K. Brace, dross; A. a. Jaqulih, graini Joha a Brady. (Toeerlae; Daa rarrell. Jr, eyrups, and D. A. Baua. hard vara Mrs, Kate Clampia retomed from the eeat t A joint eamnlttee ef fourteen, repre sent! nc the Board of Trade, Omaha Real Bsuu Owners' aaaoetatlaa. county board and city council, met at the Board ef Trade rooms to devise a new system of assessing and taxing property In Omaha Pea H. Wheeler was mads ehetrmaa end N. K. Crary secretary. Tbe statement ef rent aetata transfers for ths -week hewed Be,77B. The boys and gtris ef tbe Lake school, under direction ef Miaa WMtmere, prmelpei, overran The Bee erOces end building for a pert of tbe day. They were tokea throusk every atep In the I leas of newspaper making and had a grant time. Tea Years A co- Robert D. Boaworth end Mis Nellie Hamar were married at the heme of tbe bnee'a parents. Mr. aad Mrs. Joha Hamer. Thlrtr-elgbUi end Charles streets, st I P. m. Mr. Albert Undoutst wse beet men and atlas Anna Hamer brideo- Andrew Peterson, who had served for B) years aa letter carrier la Omaha, aa neunced be would leave oa May 14 for a lens rest rn Kurope. Dr. w. H. Hanchett bed te make his calls en borer back because Peter Hofeldt Dtok O'Keefe and Henry Oetrom. county oommlastoners. had, by mlataks. got his phaeton out ef the livery barn aad sens for a bis drive ever the country. Whan the doctor was salted H be were wroth. he replied: "Well. I bed te make my calls by ho ret beck, sad not being used te the saddle. 1 naturally feel a little sora" Tbe beard of director of the Omaha seminary authorised the faculty to trans fer Dr. A. a. WUsoa from the chair of apolosetios and missions te the chair of sec leal astloBl hlatory. Th ninth annual commencement ef the Omaha Theelogieal seminary was bald at First Presbyterian ahurch. Rev. Stephen Pnelpe ef Lew Avenue Presby. tariaa chorea, presiding. Six were srao. Ated-Charies C Brown, Walter N. Otllle, Walter N. Haley. Kenneth J. MAelnms, rrederick C Phelps end Harry Stewart. The mayor, city attorney and district judge ant a aumber of local lawyi met Mrs. Gsorse Ambrose ef Chlcese with the body ef her buebAAd, JudsS Ambrose, at the station aad escorted the remains to Prospect HUt where senricee wsre eondweted by Rev. T. J. Maekey. Judaea Doaae WakaJer, Eetelle. and Ksyser acted aa honorary escort. . People Talked About Doctors ta the etty of Lyons. France, have Inancuraud a new arhedule ef prtcee for overtime work. N!(M vtats bsrwesa 1 sad M are to be charred double rates sad sfter B) tnpte rates. Tbs aunt. nrsea fee for a day rant m S ex ' J. C. Farrar of Durent Okl, who le St years old. srey-halred aad a STaedtather, lateade ta return te has metres ststa Tennessee, eater the Vsa Set tilt aarear any and Basin a three yeare coarse to make as ef a fund of tLSn) tkat was raised by astcabers far his education easily forty years see. The esaaas sf the late WnUem M. laf. fin, ferassr psshnshsr of the New Terk Sua, to spore and at gCTetSSX, The sreater pert sanslsis sf Bt snares ef the Ban stock. Par walua tLm end appralsU at PUS saca. SBAres of eeeea fetd vane eaene an tbe TaoBrh the season te a trifle carry for vacates pis as, the tonrist literary be rsaue are pettier eat the finest hoe of preSminery appat Issts ever fashioned by th -mA SSAAATTAthrA.' If these rASr. aaitraT talee were eeeeaSsd at face valas. as ace piinint ef live Stood would 1 1912. H'eBcfiL x ( Bee Kaaaralaa Caadldasea. OMAHA. May C-Te ths Editor ef Tbe Bee: It si being flagrantly declared ay one ef the leediag rsadidaiea that the Ministerial anion on toantry has recaread ret easurances ef a ssOsfactory attt- taas free the Cllisee una la aeeeTdeaee wttb ita weB known pol icy the Ministerial anion bee asade aa kOTemeat of nsadlastse it bee seked ae qnsetli ef say raneiostse aad haa eaa red ae assure eras, eecret er ether wiae. (ram tha Csnesaa aassa ticket. K. B. CBAWrOBA Preetdeat. B. B. gPEER, Secretary. Amertean Crttlalaes ABsaad. LONDON. Aprfl M te the Edlesr ef The Bee: This from the Pall Malt Gaaatte ka need to American aver here. Hundreds of them bav ham writing ta tha London papers, bat nobody sot aay thine printed until this chap came alone. waoATer ss kt, be Is there with tbe sonde. It Is se good, I sueee they bad to print B. W. W. T. ef Linenta. Nea. Blr: Whr must re and I hiiresns M (a 1 shots unmrAistetr we so to seat This thins ef "boata for women, stoker and stewards only" doee not make a hit with me: en I Am T M miles frees Boms (Cal ifornia , and expect to return ere ion. Tbrouco cabled dispatches ws learn rreea personal stAtsments of wecnea sur vlvors m at least three boats tAAt they bent to the oars because the "crews" of their lifeboats atekara. waiters aad seeks did not know bow to. After a eeeiaia hee thrAwn a war his ship, becauss hs has dlsrsssrdsd wireless waminca sent him almost hourly from the captalna ef ether Tassels, it Is Ail very well for him to shout throocb A mecapbone "Ba British!" But why should you and I remain on board to drawn nke rata ha a hi Iran ease while stokers end stewnrds lanernat ef ears and boats sre sscaptng In the guise of boats' crews? I eaa vouch for tbre of the TttAnio'e heroes bavins bean strenr. useful ear men, and powerful fellows such ae a lifeboat needs Msjor Butt, Mr, Astor end Mr. Putreiie. It la heartreodin the ther perished psAsieely when they were entitled to man one of the bosle m which women st ruffled at the oar. Suppose It had beeo a dirty nifhtl Dark, with half a gale, leaning sleet end drivlee se usiy sea fleers wtlh creel wavee! Then whet need for etrons men at the tone heavy ear, Instsed Af des perate women and unskilled ship's waltsrs and eaM attendants! Would the Car- path la have found MS persons te reseue at dawat Glvlnc one's Hfe for women and chil dren Is ens thine Self tnunolstlon far ths benefit of etewerds And ceal-paseers Is Another. This Is somethlns the shipping eompenlss will have to (see. What would your rowing readers do In such drawn stances r I don't knew much About the peoples ef the saetsra Mates and eaetara provinces of North America, but I could tell you pretty nearly what would be done by any men coming from west ef A Uae drawn through Hudaea bay te the mouth of tbe Mississippi. Respectfully yours. E. a a PITZHAMON. Oakland. Cel. BICCaT ADO) ABOCT BOTBtB. ss af ths slag dale aa Bar Soare, . New Terk Bus. Mew the facte that auepteloa feeds ea la this case which wae said to Involve the Japanese swvernemnt were these, ae eerdlng te tbe state department. Aa smsrirss syndicate having a eeneesslsa la cennsctlea with a tract ot teed at Magdalaaa Bay wee tired ef the bsrsala and desired to transfer Hs rlghm to s Japaaeee syndicate which was repre sented by aa American attorney. Hs Bounded the State espartnsat. Would the Unite States goTsrament oppose the transaction, looking at M through the Monroe eoetrla epeeteeeesT Tbe eynct. sets weal not take ever the rights with out the eosntenaaeo of the Japaaeee gor ermwsat and H seemed politic te In quire whether tbe United States would re gard ths transfer ae objectionable. The State department did not encourage tb project Intimating that la soma quarters It would provoke Is great outcry,' which would be embarrassing. Subsequently the American concessional raa planned a part nership with the Japanese promoters. the American to retain control 1 majiaswment ef the enterprise. Tbe Bute department declined te annctioa It and there the matter dropped. Naturally the department "cannot assume that there le ea foot any proleot celling (or action os the part of the sorernment of tha United Slates." It refers to the rumors of Jepentss designs on Msgdelena Bay as "of a kind that ail toe frequently oc cur t the detriment of pubilo opinion la the respective countries and are so alien to the cordial relations of the govern meat's concerned." Tbe Incident ahewa bow apprebensirs the Japanese sovernment la that tha In vestments ef Ke cKlseae to this hemis phere may be muuoesratood and excite suspicion, end at the name time h careful the United States government le, tn deference ts aalatrust af Japan, te withhold official saoction of a 'Tt contract abeut which ae ueetloee would be asked If the aliens mtsreeted. bt It wsre ef any ether nationality than Japan- Oa Terse for Prestdeata. Philadelphia Bacord. There Is very wrach to recommend the eoBwtttutloeal emend merit making preet ssets Ineligible for re-electioa. It la not ee certain that the term ahoald be pre leased to sis years. There to no neces sary connection bet wees the two, but propositions to make the president in eligible for a second term are usually oowpled with this prolongation of the term There ta a common Impression thet a preasentmi campaign la bad for biislnsss. but lm was a notably good year, and business hse for several months keen steadily Improving, though presidential campaita le already well under wsy. Ths recommendation of eix years seam to be that It is splitting the difference between one term and two. Senatorial Bad Taste. Philadelphia Reeord- Inov areata m a national matt, ft ta far more than a matter ef manners; It kt very ernesty eo&aeeted with meraia A parody oa the Apostles' Creed le ta the very worst taste, to put the thing in It mildest form, aad It Is strange that a United BtAtee senator should have gtven saca waatoa effsnee to sli rellgleas psit.lt. Berne ilsifime have protested openly, and plenty ef tayssea are deeply pained at such fai otltsisiies say SBSItel satis eaa be. We need to eat trrata a aaaae ot ieeainta, and we can wefl spare aay jests that depend for tbetr atusDSilly upon ehnrgliig anrvsresi Carts- Uaa suscsptlbilltles. BreafcrAaf lata the Sasar Set. ' Chicsgo Beeord-HerAld. Only one member of China" new na tJoaal sisssnkly wore a queue wbea he reported At the opening ef the session. Meat ef the ether ware smart A seen res tlethes aad htoksd ea kt they fee rOBSAKfiO T8M JSAI5 BOAOS. PaaalaMSe yjeesaaa Swar BWh Far. Ua ta Sitnuks. St, team Clete naawrat.' Keeraska It auu, ta bath peruss. yopu- Batic It has sma9 aye rag uiassi isflvse. ar tor msn woe thiaa. bacausa taey knew that the piageeas wasrh bee beaa made ktr eeuhnabsd rsssentrrtanai farms ef isvinmsiel ta thai ussati j ta a eufrktent rjerassae ef (an bar put "ssi 1 isisi whsasver puaUc sptmsa aeaaaed It Nsbrsaka wants sera wasting new con stiuitkmal forms far takmg abort cuts and eapuvcrag th term Wktch folky charted reada and mala tawTolad way. te anderatanding tat result ot the Ne braska primary, the Bret thing te ee is te understand Nebraska. And B wsa be few ta gat aa anderstaadlBg at Ne araaka through ransidsrInA; the primary as a whole, end no as twe eaparata party arlmartea, than It win be Is attempt drawing party dHUuettetis where asoe st s bias 1 si the ease tie st one of -piiifissstneim Leafeiag at the re sults tram that practical point at view, wa On Mr. .Boosevett astride of the bean, flanked aa eaa Band by Mr. Bvyea and aa tne ether by Mr. Clark. They three are vtetere la tha clash between such ss wan te keep ta the atiddle af the reed artegetaer 1 1 take ta the SAO ISFOT, Jehnav Psw. what dose a aewspape mesa when 11 says -wur ssisiiu temporary V Mr. BiTars-tt usually msene, my bey. -th, sieerahla. eoateminubtA. lying. anarilng little sheet that pretends to con; araer nsetr sn oraaa ea irM" el" -- -4?Bicas Tnauaa, Bu. HiWu. SVeaeen. la lfTS. "Why. ef course, sa income tax ell right. 1 eaiy ansa 1 asa a we - ...... -1, eMM im tail "An Income tax le aa outran e! It leads to bribery and extortion snd erlmtnal Cle- heasstyr-Cieveian rsaia xieaiar. Thlnes' didn't seem to work tssetbsr In your senea ox oramaus raprssssta- tons. ' Thv eien'e- snnurtear sir. rannuii' I.. Kin., "ariuifi we nlayed trsgsdy tha hex nfflce reeeipU were a faros, aad when we played farce they were a tragedy. " wasautgtoa star. "To show how unconsciously a mans business mar be in hie mind at all times. 1 iMb a fltuiicisi siisjsiot ta a fln- endsr'e to select a dog. and what Blad ef a aog do you thiak be aaksd for st icer "What ainSr A water dog. Bald he bad heard H Start Right The Commencement Day of Comfort is the first day in Crossett Shoes. , . Spunky buttoned shapes with' high heels and toes for young ' men. Conservative designs for older ones. Fit from the try-on. ' Crdssetf Shoe "MAKES LIFE'S WALK EASY" - - vaaes asaest - rJ4tOw6wvarywW Patot! EPOSITS DIOth in thB SA VINOS DEPAET MUrToftheUNmiD STATES I ar s Trnw a v ma wv in a THREE FEB CENT interest is paid on lATinffi deposits and COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY. Tundj nay be with drawn at any time without notice. The combined capital and surplus to 91,400,100.00. It is Ue oldest bank la Nebraska, ' Established la 1881. United States National Bank of Oaalia, Nebraska BT. . Bestow, grssiieee, mW sTstmsllul. Issl Ossk. SX W. Wasaisa, Tloe-rres. m. . Meramaa, Asst. Ceaa. - B. Caldwell Tlce-Frea. . a lteaAre7aaet. OaaaT: V. B. aaoaaee, Oaaaier. v at Xataa, Asst. Oaaa. Oneat em oatardar Catil t:tM P. K, DR. BRADBURY, DBNTIST ' ISO Faraam Be, , s'lt - ' Ptmeae Dnm. itba. nates ... ... tt-e-rps- v Kxtmetlng 8ct FX . -r r FUllngB .... - - -nsca srVJ . v t f ajj-l Crwwas ... nOCp NjTTfYTlJ sMdgasjOgk uaomJOC g, ya5gTfftT ass a good stock proposltten."-Balt-awre American. Dentist-Pauley, the aelat waa to. thai ssoralng and had a tooth pulled. F need Ah! Aa extract from a popular author, ae It w era-Boston Transcript. "Theee ess pie Im lbs house ewer the way. I am informed ea credible authority, are leading a double UIa." -Tee don't say ee!" "Tea; they're got twias." Baltimore to on coxnra cr age. Archibald Rutladga fat Tenth's f- nlnsi A thousand sntads for roe have thought. For yea a thousand heads have wrought 10 vass row wibo w "TT enws eye uw. i Of stsrs that tone ae have set: Aa deep within their happy Bight. eve asienai star wnruwn r For yoa ths c toady hettls roared Along the plain of Marathon ; Foe you the Bomae eagle soared - iknuL. J th. Allft. Ths fealties of evary race. too noose oeeos 01 wwr Are yours te teach you knightly grace; O loyal friend wltk eyes se true. ny iwuenuiwM ,icm, - - The trust ef those wbo died for yea Far ta tha dim and shadowy past. In their proud giving they wsre gleg To brave the dassrt. dare the foam, Tbay willed to you the best they had to MM yvur wusiw a 0 fnend. ths latest and the best Of nature's plan and man a aeetre, Tou, too, must msor end not rest; Must pass, perchance, through, flood and fire, Where honor leads, thsra boldly barg Into the fiercest of ths fight; And your aright memory shsli emerge Ta glorify some future night Holds your sock as grTrooth a yoqr skin SOLD EVtRYWHERE ogfanag facer ea, suetm, oootosi la ! el hae p Bern Ssent St weeiaAIAa Sole Onaha Agents Crossett Shoes mad on er before May A sn aval anas AJVUIa. WU1 UiaW interest from May 1st aTr fl 1 I m swav sm atawtag Teeth SaapHedl wlthews Piatea ar Bridgo- orb. Xarvm wiaJsoeapasa. Work stay At