Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MA 7, 1912.
Danish Bunions,
Corns, Callouses!
Get wise-get Kara'. Stop -Ooch"-hi
when people walk on your feet-don t
have corn or bunion to stand on: Tlnt
neoeerr. Malt a bee-line for tho drug
store tots Tory minute ask tho man for
Bio so. Take It homo-put It on My
"Bingo- pain tax wlnss immediately!
The Bingo id'i tho latest wav-the
"I easiest, quickest way. Touch a
Orop or two to a corn btnso! It begins
to shrink and shrivel. Entire corn
lossens, come out root Included without
bitch or hindrance without aid of knife,
gimlet or cua words. Blessed relief: Now
lip on your smallest shoes fo your way
Tew sraalet has B1sse-r will set H IT a
Bees't. Otkrw. asa the setae. !, le tWn-
SkarmaeAl n III M IW ikl.
eeso. III., eaS set It SUM. prwie. sum la
twe lir fcr SSTwee MrOaMI Drwi Co..
Mt US Ms. U4 Baner. Mtk US rr
saav, ela Laral rsaneecT. M- X. lata st,
Adds to the "Life"
of a Car
When a ear starts out lively
In tha morning and then shows
sicna of slugglahnesa later In
the day. It may be due to poor
compression. In that ease your
.lubrication probably ia wrong.
Uaa POLAR IN E OIL and you
will aroid tvo-tbirda of all mo
tor troubles. '
Polarlne ia die beat automo
bile oil made. It glvea the
maximum' lubrication for the
amount used. It Insures the
least possible friction and wear,
with full compression -and
power. It la carbon-proof.
Look for the flat, convenient
can Just Ms In the tool box,
Ask your dealer
Write for the Polarise booklet!
free, sost-peld.
Standard Oil Company
- Sekraska ,
At Fountains & Elsewhere
' Ask for
1 Thi Orlelnal and tinuloi
Thi Food-drink for All Apt.
Al rests ursnta, hotels, and fountains,
Delioout, mvigorabng and sustaining.
Keep it oa your sideboard at home.
Doo't trivel without iL
A elicit luck prepare; ia a mimta.
Tsie. imitation. Jirtu7"B0RlJCV
Hot In Any Milk Trust
O prove the service
able quality of
Gotham enrnp.
FAST SHIRTS see that
Gotham label is in the
next shirts you buy.
11.00 to 7,50.
Your copy of the
Gotham Book de Luxe,
sent free on request
5th At Bid,, New Yrk
Builds Strength
(111 -7 J
lusts!, f- II
Strife ia On- in Demolishing Two
Large Burned Building.
Bat the Lakeme Am Ewe a
Merry Battle aw Wale f
the Cams Caa A ew Ba
alish tke Stoat.
Workmen under two contractors have
entered Into a tacit agreement and a race
ia rasing buildings Is on at Sixteenth and
Far nam streets. Pedestrians sow are in
terested in th two bodies of men coming
Into the "horn stretch.'
Th work of tearing off the two top
lories of the United (Jutes bank build
ing started into the fourth week Monday,
while workers oa the walls of th aid
Ames building have been this a little
Neither Phil Kuns. the contractor in
charge of razing the bank's burned prop
erty, nor Walter Peterson, la charge of
work oa the Ames building, know that
there has been a race In progress, but
both admit that their workmen have
moved faster than they ever have oa
other buildings.
While keeping their employers out of
the secret, the laborers on the two build
ings are watching each other closely and
a foot of brick work torn away from one
building adds test to the work of the
men on the other. And with all th fast
work there has not been aa accident on
either Job.
When the second story Is taken from
th bank's property, in accordance with
th building Inspector's orders, th men
will quit work unless by thst time the
directors of the bank have decided to tear
th structure entirely down tor th Imme
diate erection of a new on.
Some of the director are out of th city
now and It Is expected plans for th new
bank building will be started as won as
th directors can ret together.
Mrs. Elizabeth Colfax
Died Yesterday
lira. Elisabeth Colfax, aged M, mother
of Mrs. W. U Belby, died at 4 o'clock
Monday morning at th horn of ber
daughter, 4906 Davenport, following a
stroke of paralysis last Tuesday morn
ing. Sine th day of her stroke, Mrs.
Colfax baa been gradully weakening. A
public funeral service will b held at
the borne ef Mrs. Belby Tuesday eve
ning at 1:10 o'clock. Th burial, .which
will be Wednesday morning, will be pri
vate. Mrs. Coltax'e husband who died
several years ago, was a cousin of Schuy
ler Colfax, vie president during General
Orant's term.
Weber-Fielda Jubilee
Troupe Coming Here
Manager Frank Phelps of Boyd theater
hsa received word by th Bhuberts la
New Tork thst Weber 4k Field' "All
8 tar Jubilee" will be at the Boyd June
1 This Is a huge production with aa
all-star cast Including Fay Templeton.
Ulllen Russell and many others which
have been playing In New Tork during
th spring and who will stop in Omaha
oa th way to th coast.
W. B. Howard, republican nomine for
stats auditor, who live in Omsha and
owns a large ranch near North Platte,
had a close call at hi ranch Friday
night, when th heavy wind did con
siderable damage.
On the ranch are some fin buildings,
including one of the finest barns in
the state. This was not Injured but the
wind tore off th corrugated Iron roof
from one of th bouses, blew it quite
a distance and killed a mule belonging
to Mr. Howard. A section of a bog barn
was also demolished, but non of the
hogs was injured. Mr. Howard was at
the ranch at the time but was In on
of th bouses which was not Injured.
Nine autolsts wer arrested 8unday -for
speeding and tried lb police court. Wll.
lism Duemeyer, Cos North Twenty-ninth
street, was fined IS and costs; F. Han
sen. ISO Douglas . street. K and costs:
A. L. Schsnts. IS and costs; W. Watson.
11 South Thirty-first - street, 13 and
costs: C. F. Schwanger. 3 Poppleton
avenue, dismissed; L R. Bostwlck. ft
and costs; Harry Hammond, UK Lindsey
street, U and coats; John Holmes, MJt
North Twentieth street, dismissed; J. K.
Wsssenberg. 3817 North Twentieth street,
A carload of Mormon converts passed
through Omaha for th west enrout to
Utah, where most of th men expect to
engage In agricultural pursuits. There
were twenty In th party, about one-hair
j( whom wer women. Nearly alt of th
converts were from Germany and were
unable to speak l&nglish.
Bloom of Youth
Now Easily Attained
(From Popular Belt nee.)
You n loafer need to 'doctor that
sallow, freckled, blackhearted, rough,
blotchy, pimply or over-red akin. You
can remove lb i tunes n penny, painless
ly, inexpensively. By a new sclentlflo
process, which anyone can ass without
assistance, tha dead and near-dead sur
face skin, with all its Imperfections, ia
gently, gradually absorbed and a radi
antly youthful and beautiful complex
ion comes forth! .Go to your druggist,
get an ounce of pur marcolised wax;
at night apply enough of this to eon
pletely cover th fax; don't rub it to.
Next morning remove th wax with
warm water. Th result after a few
days Is astonishing. Ton brooder why
thi secret wasn't discovered long ago.
Let the wrinkled, pouchy-cheeked,
double-chinned folks also take bop.
Put aa ounce of powdered saxollte into
a half pint witch haseJ, bathe the face
in th solution and say: there noth
ing that will so effectually, so prompt
ly, smooth out th hateful lines and
draw In the sags and begs. You'll find
this lotion, ss well as mereoiized" wax,
works equally well on Beck and hands
-Adv.". . .
Helps on Care of
the Hair and Skin
Th subtl charm and laganc so
noticeable in brilliant, fluffy hair is
possible for every woman to neve and
enjoy If ah will but shampoo occasion
ally with a caathrox mixture, mad by
dissolving a teaapoonful of caathrox ia
a cup of hot water. This creates a
wealth of rich, whit lather that cleanses
throroughly and cocLpletely. Th stim
ulating affect of this shampoo oa th
scalp will encourage a bountiful growth
of beautiful hair.
Women who safeguard their beauty
do not as powder or greasy creams,
bcsiis of their Injurious affect upon
th skin. Instead, apurmax lotion Is
used. Tbla ia mad by dissolving 4
ounces of apunnax la H pint witch
nasal (or hot water) and adding 1 tea
spoonfuls glycerin. Th apurmax lo
tion protarta th skin and gives to the
daintiest complexion a rare charm sad
slegano. To rough, oily, faded skins It
lends a velvety smoothness and sxquls
It tint Adv.
Sabbi Franklin of Detroit Shows
Value of Life Row Ended.
laveeettew by Rabbi Frederick
Cahn Kx pre sees Dewetiaa Dae
Dead Maa letter dealer
Tells eg Worts.
Aa aseemblsge which filled Tempi Is
rael last night heard tribute paid to the
eharch's former president, RabM Samuel
Kats, by Rabhl Leo M. Franklin f De
troit, Mich., aJJfe-long friend. The
evening was given aver to memorial
services In which th life and work of
Samuel Kats wer eulogised in speech
and song.
Th Invocation by RabM Frederick
Cohn expressed th devotion In which
be held the memory of Mr. Kats and the
regard in which he was held by th peo
ple of th community.
Aa Introductory address by Mdor Zleg
ir, who Introduced Rabbi Pranklm,
spoke ef the eourag and devetJoa which
Mr. Kats gave to .his work and his
never ceasing efforts to build splendid
men and women.
Miss Laura Ooets sang two solos, favor
ites of Mr. Kats. entitled. "My God and
Father, While I Stray," and "Th Ever
lasting Hills.'
A large portrait of Samuel Kats stood
oa th rostrum draped with crepe and
aa American flag.
Ciretefal for Valaakle Llf.
RabM Lao M. Frank II n spoke la part as
"W an deeply grateful that such a
man as Samuel Kats waa sent to touch
your llf and mine. In reverential spirit
therefore we are come this night not to
pay to our beloved friend th Ml tribute
of words, but rather from hla manner,
helpful, heroic and triumphant llf. to
tak inspiration for our live and from
him to catch th spark that shall set
ur souls aglow, as wsa -bis, with the
fir of love, of faith, of Idealism and of
"In a word. It was, abov all, th deep
human sympathies of Samuel Kats that
mad bim th man beloved In life as ks
Is now revered and honored in memory.
In every relation of life tbla humaa sym
pathy made Itself manifest, in bis home,
among hla friends, In hi business rela
tions. In bis soclsl affiliations, every
where men turned to him instinctively
aa to a wis counsellor, a true adviser.
a trusted friend. He seemed to have the
ability, only too rare with most of us. te
put himself Into the attitude of th other
person, and so to Judge every ease and
very man as he himself might hsve
wished to be Judged. Mere Intellectual
Judgment with him. clear though It was,
was always offset by th warm humanity
that permeated his being. It was for
this that men loved blm and trusted him
with a love that was never unworthy,
and with a trust that was never be
trayed." Speaking en th course that - Mr.
Kats pursued la shaping his Ills, the
speaker dwelt on the dominating In
fluence of bis faith la Judaism, which,
hs said, proved broad and widening to
the life of Kats and Imbued others who
were Influenced by bim and bis work."
Samuel Kats held to one standard of
morality. Rabbi Franklin asserted. The
man to whom he paid tribute, be said,
was not one who had a dual code, but
was one who held to one standard ia
both hla publle and private life. He
characterised Samuel Kstx as a "very
hero of righteousness."
Outlaw Allen HI
From Pain of Injury
WTETrTVnXE, V. May l-Ths
Allen jury went to .church today and
en returning to its room In the court
house held a song servVe- Th hearty
voices of th twelve stalwart country
men blended I the hartnorur of sn old
hymn. "Ar You Ready For The Judg
ment Dayr
Across th court house green. Floyd
Allen, the prisoner on trial first of the
gang which shot up th Carroll county
court - on March beard th song. To
morrow his trlsl will continue, with th
Prospect that It may not be ended before
two weeks. Eighteen witnesses have
been examined and the prosecution still
has forty-seven to swear. Th defense
has ss many or more.
. Allen's mental strain and th physical
agony he has endured from bis broken
leg. which wss Improperly set. have
mad blm a sorry sight.' He Is now
little Ilk th rugged nwuntMneer, who
once spread fear over a countryside.
Girl's Dance Program
Causes Street Fight
H scans Jim Do mat took exception to
the arrangement of a girl's program last
sight at th baU and daac given by the
Star Dancing elub at tha Hipp ball. Fif
teenth and Harney streets, V. D. Quack
en bush and several other youths gave
him a sever drubbing. Th fight started
in the dance hall over the Hipp theater
and ended 1n the street. A large crowd
garnered to witness the mlxup. Officer
Risk happened along as the combatants
were rolling en the ground snd took them
to Jell, where Quark en busk was later
released en a tat bond.
. Slashes: with a Masev.
wounded with a gun. er pierced by a
nasty as 11. Bucklen'S Arnica Fare soea
beats .the Injured part. Guaranteed. 26c
Tor ami by Beaton Drug Co.
Ifederal jury holds two
Special Body Odered by Judge Kor
rii Finds Two Trie Bills.
Man Charge with Rebblag lb
raateffiee at Blees. eku, la
Ala re Faee Trial In th
Federal Cwert. ;
The special grand Jury . ordered by
tTntted States District Judg Morris re
ported two Indictments at noon yesterday.
They were at once excused by th court. .
In the case of Charlotte 11. Moore,
alias Mrs. C. II. Moore, alias MUpeh.
Madam Charlotte. Madsm Karma and
known by several other aliases, the grand
Jury found that th woman fraudulently
devised a scheme to defraud several per
sons through th United States malls and
fraudulently pretending to be a clair
voyant, palmist, astrologer and a trance
Mr. Moor mas arrested a week sio
last Saturday at her home at 1702 Dodse
street, at which place the postofflce In
spectors rifled a voluminous pile of let
ters, circulars, etc, which will be used
sgslnst her at her trial.
In the cat of Ueorg Parker, alias
Tony Lewis, alias Tony Alexander, and.
Ilk Mrs. Moor, possessor of many other
cognomens, th grand Jury returned two
counts, charging him with feloniously
breaking bit th postoftlc at Sioux.
Nab., and robbing lb postoftlc of tt$
In stamp and !U m money.
Both Mrs. Moore and Parker ar la the
Douglas county Jail. Their hearings will
come up someUm In th present term of
to Ask for Change
of Venue Tuesday
Motion for change of venue In the case
of Chief of Police John Brlgga of South
Omaha and Sheriff A. A. Hysrs of Lin
coln, Lancaster county, charted with
manslaughter for the . killing of Hoy
Blunt In th Sarpy county convict chase,
will be tiled In th Sarpy county district
court at Ps pillion by counsel for the de
fendants Tuesday afternoon. At th asms
Urn affidavits In support of th motion
ill be filed. Judge Travis will bear
arguments en th motion on May M.
In compbanc with the order of County
Judg Wheat, holding th defendants for
trial in district court. County Attorney
W. N. Jameson has Died manslaughter
complaint In district court
Brlggs and Hyera will b arraigned
Tuesday and will plead not guilty. Th
ehang of venue motion thea will be
mad. Attorneys for th defendants have
nearly a score of affidavits of Sarpy
county men that they do not believe
Brlggs and Hysrs could secur a fair
trial In th county, popular prejudice b
log against them.
Th annual Big Bank May dance, th
biggest event of th season among the
colored folks of Omaha, will be held to-
morrew night at Crelgbtoa halL There
will be continuous dance program from
t till I. without Intermissions There wlU
be two orchestras under th direction of
Prof. Desdunea, ant! as soon as on num
ber is completed by on th ether or.
A New Food
Like Hot P.
Aim full
' -i 1: sj?rj P j j
. J -wt'jr .1 .w gS 121
.gaja-op.-a)a)a)ia' A I
c -rai I I " -
Post Tavern Special
ski !j if- .I" N a- ' .... m
F.- . t OA f
refreshinga delight to the eye and the palate the
cheatra will start. There will be thirty,
six regular numbers and twelv extras.
Th police ar looking for a well dressed
man, who baa been riding around the
city In a large touring car posing as
a pur food Inspector. He entered th
Brand els store Saturday snd ordered a
suit of clothe sent to KM Davenport
street. When the boy arrived at th
house th man met him at th door and
told blm to wait ualil b went ia and
procured the money. The boy stood
around for a half hour, snd wuen the
man failed to appesr with ths money,
Inquired of th occupant of th house
snd found that no man answsrlng to th
description given by the bay lived there,
or that anyone living there had ordered
any clothes.
of notirishmeat.
aoi oca is tJlrstiuiiwe UearJ ef these
tdd fiawon that fiat errerl to guesta
ef the PtMtlwem in Bottle Geek
botd noted lot good t&ogi to etX . Yon
can VHtiwn lrnY hotrl duhia your own
Get ptatiatlSe&OBkfrooet, cool
Looks Good-
THE waiter knows thai he is serving a dia?
criminating guest when ordered to bring
Pabst "Blue Ribbon" Beer.
This is the beverage beyond compare, and is appro-'
Driale for all times and occasions. Wholesome and
Bottled only at the brewery hi crystal clear bottles,
showing at a glance that it Is clean and pure.
Strn It to your lamily and fatsts, Phontoc wriU
'2- The Pabst Company; -
1307 Leavenworth "Jf Omaha, Nebr.
ITCHING usutllr
or aralw araln.
dcatroyg tha narva rigor
r in
1,1 SK.S I. kAMAaM Si. HM,IM
curcuiauuu su aa usssaai tu yiuuswe r
bealthy hair. A
Ahamlaaa, ImtocklyactlTamtrbDr. NoU'a
Hair Tome. Tbla groat Toole fa a seiantitle rerm iodg
aa wall aa aa umwonuag tooie. lr appi
scalp nrrmertT and fraquantlr, no dsndruff,
or licmng disease can exist, vircuiaoon as ra eav
itored, Dervea invigorated and tha hair growth J
timolated. Tha hair becomea thick
glow and growl abundant! v.
fljOO pet lollU at your JruggUt
cr pcpam an vsvcii ay pm oy
Vriting h Hflg-EUk Drug j
Co., Manphi, Ttnn.
SPECIAL. Mall ni th
postal card found In every
Q-BAN packaga for com
plct illaatrated coarse of
Secturea, cove ring ear and
trMtmentof half aoutcaip.
Ely 'b Cream Balm Clears The
Bead and Nose Instantly
Makes Yon Feel Fine.
No Batter how mtserabl jmn ar wtUt
eaurrb nose stopped up. throat sore,
dull pain In th bead, dry oougb. fisvar.
foul breath Ely's Cream Balm will give
you Instant relief.
It gets right st the root er th trouble.
oJeaases. heals and strengthen the raw.
sore membranes, and stops the nasty
laobarge so that yon are not constant y
blowing your nose and spitting. In a
few mlnutaa attea amiled, you can just
feel it doing Its work of clearing th
head, the pain and soreness are relieved,
tha breathing becomes natural, and the
stuffed up, foaling la gone. Tbl deans,
bsg. htnllnc ir"'-plT balm contaiaa no
ssarcury, cocafn or other harmful drug.
It, la easy to apply, pleasant to use, and
sever fail to give quick relief, ava tat
Uia worst cases.
Don't suffer the miser! of aatarrlt
aor aiagust your frtenda wiUh your bawk
leg. ipitUnc and foul bealb. Oct a
Btty cent botU of Uy's Cream, . Balm
from your druggist, and start treatment
at sao. Toa win find It wtU pre to
be the beat tevestaMat yea aver mad.
Boeder Agent, aaerniaa es KoCoonetl
Drag Oa,
Tgavtxg ' Taloable Papers - and
Jewess to peaee thaai la a Pvpostt
Bos wlthla ar Fire and Borglar
Frwec Taults for saMeaerag.
Act ppoa this aovtoe and yeur
Privat Paper and Jewels will
sever be mtssaid. lost, stolen er
Bate Depastt Boxes rent for KM
oufca Sale aVrpasit Cmnm.
Tastes Good
TbalWtQtsalftar '
perfection of brewing.
iodleatee dandruff
Ruph a Mnrlitlnn
and perfect blood '3'''
VnclaSam Uaea
1842 Burraofhe ,
. . ... t
Thar ia aometblng tig
nlftcant In tha osa of
1141 Burroughs Adding
machlnea by tho til tod
State government.
Uncle Sam la wiaa. Ha
buys a few of ovary kind
ot machine Just to sea
which ara beat for hla,
work. But he uses mora
Burroughs by many times
than of all other Tna
- chines combined. '
Inddentlally nearly all
business men ar Just
11 ka Cncle 8am. Count
. tha Burroughs la your
Let as show you a Bur-
roughs, right ia yoar of
fko. No coat or obliga
' Uoa. '
fcnesjw Aiding Mackima C
st W. SrsLStNeX Salei sUsasa.
ss) Soots IS street. ' '
TeL Douglas tL
C3T m kaIti tb 8mi ud tm:
sfaa. WiirsLws aoorwrie avarr has been
seedrorewr SIXTY VBAKSby MilXlOWg M
MOTHEKS for taelr CHILD18.H WHiiJS
is the brat reaeedy far EIASRHCE. It ts eb.
wiMehr karaleee, se eare sad sak tee "Mr.
Wiaslew Soothing arras,a sad Us a eiaeg
dad. Tweatr-ivs ceatse bottle,
teb Omaha bee ..
priata cieaa new s,
ud ciaaA v4ToniiM.Jbi,
If A3
"miy .j 1 1 ni l
a. n P l I
"V ... ;ll 1
' 1
way r
.' Ml
II la I I m
."1 -1-. -dljlt
r TIk yfj ,eM I
nyrnwe ma