Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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If You are a Nervous Wreck
From Dyspepsia - Drink
Pineapple Juice."
o iHwyl in the world suffer a
greatly from stomach trouble as do
m American people.
I'rom America's new possession.
Hawaii, bu come a drink that ahould
lie on (he table of every Americas
Dole's Pineapple Juice, the great
est beverage yet offered to the Amer
ican people, to not only a delightful
drink but it possesses properties ol
exceptional tonic value. It is a de
cided aid to digestion a boon to the
dyspeptic and of untold help to those
suffering from throat difficulties.
PlneaDDle juice is -the pure Juice
of the fruit. Sold by grocer and
druggist everywhere. Order some
"Cooling Drinks and Dessert, a
useful book of appetizing recipe,
Hawaiian Pineapple Products Cos
Ltd. 112 Market St., Saa Francisco.
Broom Contractor Decides to m
ploy Fall Bomber of Men.
Pare Food Ceaeaalaaisaer Speeds
nay Day Testis- Samples ol Ire
Crease Ullm Systesa at
Physical Yalaatloa.
Stanton Man Badly
: Hurt by Explosion
of Soda Fountain
STANTON. Neb.. May .-! Special.)
Yeaterday afternoon while servln- oft
drinks from his soda fountain. Fred
Kitaerow. proprietor of th Union oakery,
waa severely Injured when In lonis way
the fountnln exploded nd blew every
thing to pieces, large pieces of the foun
tain striking Mr. Kltaerow In such s
manner that hla right srm, waa torn to
hreda and hla entire body Is badly
bruised snd scratched. At present Mr.
Kltaerow is In a critical condition and
If he does live through It h will have to
go the rest of hla llfs without his right
arm. which will have to be amputated.
The entire front of the bakery waa
blown out and everything In that part
of ths atore Is covered with shredded
fteviral oeraons were In the bakery at
the time of the accident, but no one waa
Injured except Mr. Kltaerow.
Athletics and Oratory
in Custer County
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. May .-(8peeil.
The annual Cuater county athletic and
declamatory conteata were held In Broken
Bow Saturday, the high schoole of Bar
gent. Mason City,. Herns, Anselmo, Cal
laway and Broken Bow being represented.
Although the weather eondltiona were
not favorable to out-of-door sporta the
full program waa carried out and at
tracted large crowds.
The athletic games took place at the
fair grounds In the afternooa and eon
Hated of racing, jumping, putting the
hot, hammer throwing, relay races and
other sporta Mason City and Broken
Bow mads sn excellent showing and were
nearly tied at the end of the contest.
Broken Bow winning out by only one
point. - The general average stood:
Broken Bow, points; Mason City. t;
Memo, U, and Sargent, I-
In the evening the opera house waa
crowded by frtenda and relatives of those
who took part in the declamatory cen
teat. In the oratorical clasa Annabel
Beal of. Broken Bow took first prise and
Ore Schaefer of Mason City received eee
ond prise, lone Ruaaom of Broken Bow
took first prise In the dramatic class and
Earle Varney of Callaway captured an-
ond. The humorous elaas had five con
testants, each doing excellent wor. Helen
Tooley of Anselmo carried off the first
prise. Mildred Stapleton of Broken Bow
second. .
FREMONT, Neb., May l-(8peolal.)
There la a shortage of pasture land
around Fremont thie year. . Fremont
Island which usually has about W acres
of good pasture waa covered by sand
and silt which will make It of little
value this year. Pastures south of town
have from four Inches to two feet of
rand over the grass, the runs and low
places are filled and the surface as
smooth and level as a billiard table. F.
E. Pratt of the Ooldenrod dairy will sell
K head of milch cows st auction Wed
nesday as Ms pasture will be almost
worthless for a few seasons. All the pas
ture lands along rhe Platte are either
covered with sand and silt er cut up
with deep ruts, except on s few high
places. '
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May .-tSpecial.-Cllnton
R. Lea, contractor fur prison labor, who
tailed to keep an appointment with the
board Saturday, evidently did some think
ing over night, for Sunday he came to
the executive mansion to talk matteie
over with the governor. He assured the
governor he would speedily make ar
rangements to put the full number of
convicts to work snd straighten out the
whole tangle. He thinks he should be
sllowed some rebate from the charge for
the full number when not employed and
there la a disposition among the board
members to allow It for a period follow
ing the troubles at the prison, but not
by any means to permit that period to
run to the present. It seems tkely the
board will hold him for the per diem.
just the same as If they had been at
work during a major ponton of the time.
The members of the board are st present
busy with the railroad assessment and
no meeting between them snd Mr. Lee
Is expected for s day or two, but he is
expected not to wait for that to put the
men back to work, as It Is not alto
gether the, pay which the men would
earn that la concerned, but hecaure It la
for the best Interests of the men that
they be steadily employed.
Few Rate taaaned.
The Railway commission this morning
permitted the Omaha road to reduce the
rate on malt from Omaha to South 8!oux
City from 18 to 1 The Union Pacific
was authorised to make a rate of 1M
cents per ton on coal from Lincoln to
Btromsburg to meet the Burlington rate.
The Burlington was authorised to extend
the rats of I cents per 100 pounds now In
force on brick between Omaha and Lin
coln to Include hollow tile.
Leroy Hall and others, through at
torneys, today argued In the supreme
court s petition for s temporary Injunc.
tion against the town of Crawford. The
Petitioner, Hall, owns a mill on the White
river et Crawford and the others have
appropriations of water from the stream
tor Irrigation. The city tskea water
from the river for the municipal water,
worka and they assert the excessive
a moo at taken prejudices their r.ghts.
Tbey desire to aave the city retrained
from using more than M.000 gallons dally,
from selling wster to the Northwestern
snd Burlington railroads and rom let
ting the man on whose land the Kcser-
volr Is located use the water or Irri
gating hla land. The court has not given
Its opinion.
Captain Jamieaon today assumed the
duties of acting quartermaster of the
national guard and Miss Ida Havens
takes his former place as stenographer
In the office.
Major Antles. deputy wsrden st the
penitentiary. Is going to Leavenworth this
week to spend a couple or weeks seems
how the authorities there run the Institution.
M. J. Taylor of Custer county tells the
secretary of stats his campaign for the
democratic nomination for congress co
him Just m - '
The stats of Bout Dakota sake that
T. T. White, now In Thurston county, be
returned to Elk Point. . I. to answer
ths ehsrgs of wife and child desertion.
White IS resisting extradition snd s hear
ing will be given him tomorrow by the
Engineer Hurd snd Messrs. Reed snd
Kstes of the physical valuation depart
ment of the railway commission, have
returned from Topeka. where they met
engineers of similar departments of other
states Harmonious sctlon was discussed
snd snother meeting waa aet for Septem
ber, when It Is hoped to have a uniform
system of procedure and methods mapped
out so thst Informstlon gained by one
will be of use to others
Game Wsrden Miller was in Cuater
county 'Sunday and arrested three of a
gang of Oreek railroad laborers for kill
ing game out of season. Residents of
thst section hsd complained that these
men are disregarding the game law, kill
ing ducks, prarle chickens and other
lime, not even taking out a ahootlng
license, let slone observing the cloeed
season. The hearing of the arrested men
will be tomorrow, but It Is understood
they will plead guilty and all the party
hss promised to refrain from shooting.
Fire Commissioner Randall goes to Sew-
srd tonight and tomhorrow will have s
bearing concerning a number of buildings
which It Is proposed to condemn.
The ' pure food commissioner la busy
these days tasting samples of Ice cream
Tuxedo Tobacco not
f only doesn't "bite1
it's a safeguard to
tongue and throats
The practicing physician who in
vented the wonderful process had
a sensitive throat himself that
process not only stopped the sting
but gives Tuxedo its famous fra
grance 10c in the green tin.
"The Pipe Smoke for Gentlemen"
iinsfrivri " rmiriitmiurf "wis
gathered up over the state. Practically
si lof it so far has come up to the test
Knglneers Price and Roberta of the
State Board of Initiation go to Keya
Paha county tonight and tomorrow will
let the contract for two reinforced con
crete bridges ovor the Niobrara river, to
be built out of state aid funds. May 10 or
11 it la expected the board of Irrigation
will hear the case involving the rights
to water from the Platte river of the
Kearney Light snd Power company. If
the claims aa to the amount and prtorlt
are allowed it will take practically all
the water now used for Irrigation above
that point In the Platte valley.
Straub Bros, of Avoca, breeders of Gal
la way cattle, have sold alx cows to the
federal government and the animals will
oe shipped to Alaska for breeding pur
Uranger Bros, complain that the city
welghmaater made a mistake of .
pounds In weighing twenty-five sacks ot
potatoes for the firm, the weights re
turned being less than half tha actual.
Tltey complain that similar complaints
have been common and ask for an in
vestigation. The matter has been re
ferred to the city council.
The qualifying examinations for Rhodes
scholarships will be held st the University
of Nebraska on Wednesday. October l,
sccording to sdvlces received from Eng
land. At present there srs two Ne
braskan attending Oxford university by
virtue of thia scholarship.
Traiii Bearing Confederate Veterans
Ditched at Hattiesbnrg-, Miss.
ASHLAND, Nrt., May .H-fCl..)-V.
tt. Granrtr, who has brn a1Hant pot
maater at Ashland for Jv and orWb.lf
year, on .of wblch waa under Pott
matter $L B. Hall and tha remainder
under Poetmanter J. H. Oliver, last week
tender hfs resignation to take effect
June 1.
Postmaster Oliver has appointed W, K.
C. Bevker, for eeven months past new
editor of tha Ashland GaseMt. under the
manaRement of F. I Carroll anil for
several yearn previous under that of W.
N. rWker. as his assistant, and Becker
qualified Hiturday niuht, but does not
take up the work regularly before next
Postmaster Oliver recently began his
serond term of four years by reappoint
ment of President Taft. V. 1. Grander
will make a trip to California and the
PaHflr coast, where he contemplates locating.
Special Tint a from Teaaa rolsjta Is
Knronte Heaaltm at Macon.
4e a, -Five Bodies Arc
UATTIKSBl ltG, Mli May or
more p4.sseni.ers were killed and at Usm
four trainmen were killed and forty
passengers and members of tha crew
wera hurt when the first eectlon of
the Texas confederate reunion special
train en route to Macon, Ga.. waa wrecked
at Gunn's Mill, on the New Orleans
Northwestern railroad, six miles north or
Hattlcsburg, today.
Five bodies were brought 1o Hattlea
burg and five or alx other bodies were
reported under ths wreckage.
Four bodies were removed from the
wreck after the relief train, carrying flv
corpses and the Injured. left the scene
for Hattlesburg. More bodies can be
seen under the wreckage.
The cause of the wreck had not been
positively ascertained this afternoon.
Just aa the engine reached a trestle tt
was seen to rear up and leave the track.
The five cars followed the engine, aome
tumbling down the embankment on on
side and some on the other, forming a
tangled mass of splinters and twisted
CI tt sens of Hattlesburg were prompt In
lending aid to the veterans.
Tha A.T.&3.r.Ry.Ca
1 1
k at
Bars Mown flown tear RaTeaaa.
RAVENNA. Neb.. May .-(Speclal.-Late
last night a windstorm, accom
panied by heavy rain, did much damage
In this vicinity. A large barn In the east
edge ot Ravenna, owned by Charles Jen
kins, waa blown down snd practically
destroyed. Buildings on the farm of
Anthony McKeon. north of town, snd of
A. A. Cooper, west of town, were also
badly damaged. This Is the second de
structive wind thst his visited this town
ship In the Isst ten days.
Archbald Witness
Prepares to Flee;
Officer Sent for Him
W A8H1NQTON, Msy .-An alleged
plan of an Important wllneaa In tit?
charges of misconduct against Judge
Archbald of the commerce court to es
aie Jurisdiction of the house Is said to
have been frustrated by the passage of
a resolution of Inquiry Into tha charges
Warning reached Chairman Clayton nf
the Judiciary committee that a man In
terested In the negotiations with the Krle
rnilrcsd for the Culm bank property,
around which the charges center, sn
planning to leave for Kurupe, Quirk ac.
lion by the house Saturday resulted In a
deputy sergcant-at-arma being sent to
Scranton, Pi., for the witness.
Permits to smoke, S cents. All dealers
WASHINGTON. I.. May (.-Joseph
Love Joy shot snd fatally wounded Mrs.
Anna Miller and Mrs. Anna Welsh wMh
they were sitting on the porch at the
Miller boarding bouse here this after
noon snd then killed himself. Lovejoy
formerly boarded st the Miller house.
FREMONT. Neb.. May l -(Special -The
plan ef the Farmland. Fremont and
Railroad Drainage district to rebuild the
it, t the head of Fremont island Is
meeting with a strong opposition (rote
residents ot the southern part of the
city. They want the levee west of the city
strengthened and protected from washing
In the same manner as the head ef Fre
mont Island was protected. The objectors
claim they have a majority ef the rest
dents of ths drainage district with them,
but ss the voting Is done according te
acreage, tbey are In the minority. For
mal objections will soon be presented to
the directors ef the district which will
undoubtedly be overruled. ' -
Harm Baraee Seer OxfearsU
OXFORD. Neb.. May .- Special. -F!re
totally destroyed the large bars and
machinery shed en the BUnkenstaff fans,
about a mile and a half northwest of
Oxford Sunday afternoon. Joseph Quma.
who Is Hvtng oa the farm, lost about tare
and a half tone of hay, some corn, har
ness end machinery. By the help of
neighbors meet of the machinery eras
saved. It Is supposed the fire originated
by some children horning Russian thistles
near, the bam. The buildings were partly
covered by Insurance, but Mr. QuIhb bad
so insurance ea the coa tents.
A rterae Attaek -of
malaria, it vex aoisugeiiM ut and kidney
trouble Is wastry cured by Electric Btttere.
the guaranteed remedy, ase. For sale by
Beatea Drug Co.
Stick to
The Old Habits
If you are perfectly well
if not, Change
(See any fault in that philosophy T)
Thousands continue to "coddle" old habits euch
as coffee and tea drinking; refusing to believe their
aches and ills are largely due to caffeine poisoning.
(Caffeine is the drug in coffee and tea.)
But thousands are awakening to the truth about '
coffee and tea, and change to
It is made of wheat, and is a rich, palatable food
drink free from caffeine or any other drug.
If you appreciate health and the full enjoyment
of physical and mental power, a 10 days' trial will show
"There's a Reason"
takes Mam aUperieaoe To Tsaoh
pis Horns 1 rotas.
fewtsas Cereal Oa, &SL, Battle Oreek, Mich. .
Many people Jeer at the idea that cof
fee causes the aches and alls they suf
fer from; and often such people will go
en for years sticking steadfastly to the
coffee and suffering month in and
month out, but maintaining "Coffee
doesn't hurt ma" (Tea Is Juat as In
jurious mm coffee because it contains
seffelae, the drug In coffee.)
lady says:
"I did not learn the real truth until I
made the change, but 1 can now posi
tively state that the headaches I had for
about seventeen years were csuaed by
drinking coffee, for when I changed and
gave up coffee and used Poet urn in its
place I experienced entire relief. I have
sot been troubled with headache since
I began Foetum.
Thla. in brief, hss been my experi
ence on the coffee Question. Among ny
' friends I have seen many other wonder
ful instances ef the power of thle food
drink when used la place of the drug
drink, coffee,
"Among my friends there are thoee
who tell me of relief from kidney trou
ble, neuralgia and eosema by leaving
off coffee and using Postum and I have
even known it to ease rheun.atic pains
la limbs
"I really believe theee statements for
since 1 out out coffee and used Postum,
I never seem te have an ache or pals
and I would not dare go back to eoffee
"Xot only myself but my family use
Postum exclusively snd ws think there
is ae hot beverage that can take He
place. Nearly seven rears steady aae of
Postum oonvtnces me 1 know what I am
talking about when I say it Is food ss
well ae drink and most valuable to
build up the system." Name given by
Postum Co.. Battle Creek. Mich.
Look for the little book, "The Road
to Wollvllle," la pkgs.
trunk and
this summer
You will find the weather
cool and pleasant, espe
cially up in the Sierras and
near the Pacific beaches.
The cool way to go is
on the Santa Fe, through
Colorado, New Mexico
and Arizona more than
a mile up in the sky.
Stop at the Petrified Forest snd
Grand Canyon of Arizona.
Visit Yoaenute, too.
Lots fares all summer. Special redia
tions lor certain Pacific Cosst Coa
Ttntions. Fred Harvey meals.
Ak fnr ear wemnier travel folders
Tslitornia Summer Outings," TUae
cfCbasau," "Old-Nsw Santa Fe."
flemuet Larimer, flea. Aft ,
lie 7th it., IMs Mnlaes. leas,
rasas, walsut UL
ri - a
HAS a world-wide reputation
smonf travelers is up-to-
in every feature slways well
J ass everr comfort and
coweraieoce ample cafes. ImftVt. pse
Kessonabte Kales 'J
Located m tee asaei
r of cne taestre ana
r Aimtrirt .. wi, lit
to all car Macs and to
S W - - fV Sll SCSUOSSa
I dual
You can have this Berry
Spoon without cost 3
and dozens of other
pieces to match it-all
guaranteed by WmiV
Rogers & Son, Meriden,
The BEE will
tell you How
One Can of
Absorene Will
Clean An Entire Room
ABSORENE, the wonder wall paper
cleaner, removes dirt like magic,
... 1 s . ti t .
nut vmy r rom wail paper, out can
be at swrcesffully used in cleaninff snd restoring delicate fabrics, window shades,
picture frames, etc, in fart, any place where dirt, dust, soot and (rime collect.
It gets sn tne airt uux ousting and other methods ot riz-ipg sroa t
mucn. '
II tv m
1 s
Paper v
The amdem and easy way to httter. qokk One ess ef Ahsorene win ctesa ae retire
and safer cleaning. Atoorene is easily rooet sad tests bat Kv. Just try Uoeee. The
spplWd. THere is aa hard work ebnat it. trBssforrosUoa of the room will be aissely
Korabbinf ordradgerp. No setting ready, wijaderftil. The wall paper will be staa
aad so cksoing up afterwards because it Inter? clean aed aavvits original fresaaess
leases ao dirt or litter. Just wise the article The window shades will look like sew.
b be cleaned with Absorene. Irtsprncs. etc-. wiU be fresh sad briskt,
elOs far e Wage aae at Sheas spares.
- flaw Masetwaeaea. V. Tetwar Oa. PUnUbawaa,
Ossahs Feint a elaee Company, Pletrleasars. In Oeaaeu al!a, arie
Bass Bvwf Oa, Matrieatora, ST. Borsrlek, Ole manganeses. O. B. Bawwa.
St. Louia, Missouri
Fortune or success have often
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Have you read the want ads
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