Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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FOR HEX (Wert Aiale).
Tb hot tpell brought In lota of overheated men for onion enlta
adapted to warm weather wear.
MENTOR mentor
vara ahowa and bought by moat
of them.
Wa carry a long Una and yon may
.1 I. - Im ants N
We're featuring two new Mentor
fabrics for the hot days. Zephjn
wear a mean that la elaatlc. at.
uit S1.00
BunnenrMr for the man who
can't get It light enough, at. par
toll e31.50
Other popular fabric., per ault.
up to 2.25
Motor Comfort Valoa Bolts tor
Glrla. In the eat aide, alio Wo- f Ct r-E3 1
men'a Silk Veeta from the Mentor l '
factory, at, garment 81.00 Maa.i
Out .He fl.25 UNIONS
Writ today for our catalogue.
1518-20 Faruam Street
mm swept away a lent strsteh of the
Tftet Pacific railroad track! a ahert
aUstaaee aaat of tew.
Batoheier had keea a eort at oeaoea.
tratloa point for the flood eufferera la
the eufTOttodlnc country. Hundfada of
tlum Bmu.M .T. ma tmkam to
Xew lUada to ee dtatrlbuttd antonf tea
varteue relief camps at Betea lUuaw and
etktr piaeea.
TlMra are atin kenoTeea of ethere who
est be rsscmt. tonmedlassly. Iteporta
neea her at all hour of the day at
i people marooned m houses, bama aad oa
tap ef bouses. A ikmh waa reeehrad
late but nta-M fraan bMUwerta. ala ml lee
eorth ef her, that fifty people war
crewded Into eae . house wtet of there
aad were ta tauslaeat dancer of batng
drewafd. The boue was washed from IU
foundation and waa fleatlng around in
the water. Boats were hurriedly dis
patched there.
Another appeal for help came frem a
tmall vMaae esvsral atllea west ef here,
where a score ef people were said ta be
HnatBC to tee roof ef a barn which waa
bstaw buffeted about la the torrent. A
host left her at daylleht ta take them
Dr. Hall Undecided
On the Ujnit Rule
IJNCOLX. Nab., ay t-Dr. P. I
hall, democratic nsixmal eoiamltteemaa
for Nebraska, atld this evening be did
not feel competent te pass oa the ouee
tloa whether the siten delegates ts the
Mltlmore conrentlon, frem this stats
could enforce the unit 'rule rule. Aa the
natter now staads the four deleaatee-at-Isrts
and eight dlstrm delecates are
pledged to ChaoSf Clark.' whUs rjovdrnor
Harmon carried the second and Third
dlalrtota, giving fear voles.
I'nder the eld ' rules Pr. Hhlt aald
Champ Clark might claim the solid dele
gation, but tat under the primary
method of electing delegates each district
wss perhapa a law. unto Itself, which
would entitle Oovsrner Hannoa ta four.
The national convention Itself, Dr. Hall
uid. would probably be asked to decide
Preserve nd Purify the
Remove Pimples and
v Blackheads
Allay Irritation, Redness
and Roughness
Soften and Whiten the
Clear the Scalp of Dan
druff and Are .
Unrivaled for theToilet,
' Bath and Nursery
tag Hie. Mikas stem s pleasure
Insieed of s torture. At iteras er by
saeU. eeaten oeid. Me. Sample free.
rmk-ure Soap sod Olntmenl sotd
everywhere. Bampies free. A
I ;-Cuucur.- Dtyu in. Bostas.
life is Prccfcns
aed oweip serae e miHtw. safe.
gia j 'lit enM arterites esd
SIMM er ato en f Ike hr sss axel
fl lisilia smmiisi ss as
lT" imJ Artutptk
1 1 1 1 t : i
11 ?
VI aV IT rL a A
MM M Am-
atUrn tmf mftel ntaMCmlWr (Lat
riraa isj amaro tsot. aMgaaiUgb
im f .toUfat iriit. It i)miitm
(Continued from First Pegs.)
Incidents heretofore uuknoan. His con
tradlctory sutemenu of Saturday ware
explained aa having been made while
"upeet and out of try right mind."
Beth Had Beea DHahlaST.
Dallam admitted that ha and Barclay
bad been drinking beamy for the but
several weeks, and that they ware prob
ably half Intoxicated at the time a ft be
shooting. HI! statements aad those ef
others Indicated that ha waa staagerlng
and eery much under be Influence of
liquor when they went to Barclay's
mom about o'clock the eight of the
tragedy. Barclay, too. bad beea drinking,
but waa able te conceal Ms Indisposition.
Th witness said:
Barclay aad I were the best ef friends
and bad beea together almost all thetlme
etnas my eontlng here, about April 1
We went to his room In ths Chatham
about l:M or ( o'clock Friday night after
having a number of drtnka at a saloon
oa Fifteenth street. After getting to the
room are talked about business prospects
tor fifteen mlnutea. I then reached for
my penknife to trim a cigar and found
that I had my revolver with me. I said.
Oh. I've got that gun.' 'Let's se It.' says
Barclay . 1 pxfueed to do so and Barclay
said. "Oh, be a good sport aad show it
me.' I started to hand It to him across
ths table. I wss then seated upon the
bed and he In a Morris chair. I thought
ths safsty device wss la place. He raised
halw way up and touched ths barrel. I
half way railed up. too. and than It
want off. Na auk gradually back ta the
chair. I waa stupefied for the moment.
Then I realised what had happened. I
tost my bead and deoided ta 'go after
Barclay."! mesa to kill Una. I laid
down upon the bed and shot myself. The
bullet atmck rib and earns put In my
back. . The wound s not Various, but
H made me lose consciousness. I laid
there. I don't knew how long, got up,
aad without touching Barclay, left the
room. I thought that I threw the re
volver out of the window. How 1 got
borne. I don't know.' I wss dtsed and
I want to bed. Ths next morning before
breakfast 1 told Beall what hsd hap
pened. We hurried te the Chatham
and faund Barclay Just aa he wss when
I left him. He was deed.'.'
Dsllaa said that ths gun with which
bs accidentally shot Barclay had been
secured In a trade. He told the county
attorney that It waa a habit of his ta
place the gun In one ef tela tteuser pock
ets while shaving in ths bath room at
bla room, Wl Dewey avenue.
(Continued tram First Page.)
aurance. pensions, strlks reliel, Indemni
ties foe Injuries and the like. The con
sular reports slate that the virtual be
ginning of the general co-operative move
ment la Belgium Is said ta have been
due to th growth of the various social.
Istlo and labor parties In las) and the
years following. The soeialtsue societies
are reported to have no affiliation with
the Internet lonel Co-Opera live alliance.
The development of many of the agri
cultural co-operative social lea has beea
aided very greatly by the clerical party.
the league of church societies comprising
4M associations.
Baataeea oa Cash Baals.
la The Ketherlende the eo-operatlv
movement hen bad Ita largsst growth
luce UM. Ths associations Include do
mestic supplies, agricultural supplies.
ores. merles, farmers' loan banks aad av
Inge baoke. A cash basis la ctrfctly main
tained. The annual dividends returned to
the purchasers average between I and M
per cent. Arrangements are made with
dentists, doctor and merchants who sell
goods which the society doe not handle.
to give the society a commission on bus!
ness done with Its members.
la Denmark aalea are confined ta mem
bera of the co-operative societies unless
the latter wish to sublert themselves to
taxation. The joint association of Danleb
oa-operatlv societies operate ftumeroaa
factories and warehouses throughout
Denmark. At present the average divi
dend range from per cent te 11 :
cent. The statement la mad la the con
sular reperte that th price charged by
private dealers are kept dearn. .
Apolltnarta Watsr baa been used for
some years en all our steamers.
It gives aa pleasure to be able te state
that Apolllnari Water haa met with
ever-growing popularity aa a refreshing
beverage with passrngera using our
steamers; we have proof of that la the
growing consumption, which last year
reached the figure of about MOO bottles.
We da net hesitate to
ApoUlnarts Water aa a
refreshing drink, and we beg te add that
we bar aiwaya beea promptly supplied
by you.
' Lake sVobeeta.
CUNTOK, tsv. Map . Lake Roberta,
tL prominent for atxty years ta the grand
ledss of Oood Templars, sad local
weather observer alace IT, died bare today-
Prominent Physician. Object to
Consolidation of School.
Order of Heir Treeo Flea to Emt
Fifty Tbeoeaa Dollar Hlah
BVbsol for Bars to City
off Dee bfoloeo.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKfl htOINr-M. Ia., May I Special Tel
egram.) Fromlnent homeopathic pnyst
clans ef Iowa and the United States and
a number of the alumni of the State
University of Iowa met here this even
ing In formal protest a sal net the arf of
President John O. Bowman to onaolldate
the twa medical schools of the university.
Ths homeoparhic physicians declare
that It la a determination on the part
of the new president of the university
to put ths Hahnemann medical school
out of existence and maintain the medl- '
cat school of tea allopath physicians. !
The consolidation affected only that
part of the medical work that la com
mon to' both schools of medicine such '
aa aurgery.
Catholic Hlah School.
A Catholic High school tor bora ta cost
not less than Mo.0e, will be established
In Pee Moines by order of the order ef
the Holy Cross. A petition haa been
received by the local Catholics from
offldala of the order. In which they of
fer to erect and maintain the school
providing the site hi furnished. A large
somber of Changes are being planned by
the new bishop. It la understood that
three mors parishes will be established
la Do Moines.
Tickets Basil? Pilled.
According to a ruling announced today
by Attorney' General Coasoa It will be
possible to easily fill out the lasts Istlve
tickets m various porta of the state. It
waa feared that because of aa apparent
conflict la the wording of the law It
would be nsecssasy. In ease a nomination
for the legislature by made by Writing la
the name to secure votes representing
It per cent of the entire party vote of
th county. But the attorney general
holds that this la not the case aad thai
where there baa been no name printed
on the ballot a nomination can bs made
by any number of votes no matter how
small. This will make It comparatively
easy lo sees re ths nomination In some
counties ef tie state where the matter
waa aeglectsd prior to the last day for
Coaaty Officers File Pspers.
Today was the but day for filing papsrs
for county candidates. In this county
while the democratic ticket was" filled,
then are to be no real contests for places
and the general feeling among democrats
Is that they have no show whatever of
success. There Is not now a democrat In
any rminty building In this county, tht
first tlms In many yearn that that has oc
curred. The republicans have many can
didates for each and every office and
the fight will bs warm because of ths
fact that several ef the candidate are
sseklng a fourth term.
Will Place on Sale Next
Furnishing Goods Stock
The bargains will be the most wonderful ever offered to the men of
Omaha. This is a large, complete stock of men's furnishings of medium
and high grades and you can buy all the fixings you'll need this summer
at very low prices.
Watch for later announcements The Sale is Next Saturday
A recently organised amok commission
In Dea Moines Is engaged la making a
study of ths problem of bow to prevent
the waste ef coal going up In smoke and
meetings are being held from time to
time and. Information secured from ex
perts. It Is foaad that the Iowa coal Is
sspeclally wsstsful aad that the preven
tion of smoks where It ie used is prac
tically jloi possible. , Effort srs being
ntade. kowsvsr. to Indue all the large
user of coal ta adopt the beat possible
device for prevention of smoke.
Taa Salt at Keokak.
Th attorney general has received In
formation of another tax ault lik that
which Is In ths courts of Decatur eountyj
Involving the taxes on national bank
stork under a law, now declared by the
court to be void. Thl latsst la In Las
county, where the ault Is by ths Keokuk
National bank to recover taxes paid for
five years under a statuts afterwards
voided. It la anticipated that a number
ef similar suits will be commenced In
the stat.
Peddlers Have Bsaart Trick.
Local health officials nave beea making
Investigation Into a wndltloa said to pre-
ALSO MWaXtV-By Koaaras
All Work Ouaranteed.
Mess Riaooaiblo. ;
vail here which shows that systematic
imposition Is being practiced en many
people, possibly In various parte of the
state the same aa here. Peddlers corns
to the city with rigs that would appear
to be farm w sauna and they offer for sale
meat, sets and ether products, which are
declared ta bo fresh from the farm. After
they are gone It la found the stuff Is
storaga house foods generally of ques
tionable character. An effort Is being
made to apprehend s number of swindlers
of this class.
Mexican Troablee Are Watcbed.
Officers of ths Iowa National guard
are keeping close tab on wont ta going on
In Mexico and the guard companies are
being kept In readiness for action should
sny move be deemed necessary. No
orders of any kind have been received
from Washington Indicating that ths
situation la any different from what It
ha been for a long tint, but It la known
that all th guard companies of the
country havs been advised to be in readi
ness for action. There haa recently been
a reorganisation of a company In Dcs
Moines and a reorganisation will be ef
fected In Sioux City soon.
ateetlas: of Beakers,
Arthur Reyonlds, president ef the Des
Moinea National bank, and E. J. Curtln
of Decora h. who Is president of ths Iowa
State Oankers association, left lodsy
for New York, with soma othsr Iowa
bankers to attend a meeting of the ex
ecutive council of the American Banksrs'
association. This will be held at Brlar
cllff. Preparations wll be mads for ths
next annual meeting oft hs national as
sociation. ' i
I. trreeted oe Meaeraaeoa.
R. C. Shepherd and Mabel Hankln ef
Marshalltown srs on their way back
home accompanied by the sheriff of Mar
shall county today, Instsad of speeding
westward on their honeymoon trip. Shep
herd Is wanted ta Marshalltown for em
besslsment. He waa married to Miss Han
kln Thursdsy.
After ths msrrlags ceremony they
started to Dea Moines. At th ssms tlms
ths Marshall county sheriff phoned Dee
Moinea police te arrest Shepherd. Deputy
Sheriff Leper of Polk county arrested
Shepherd a he steped off the train with
hla bride. They took th next train
ORKIIM'S Douglas St.
We Will Place On Sale
Jext Wednesday, April 0
Gowns and Dresses
Made of Silk, Chiffon, Pongee, Voile and Mess&line, in
all sizes and colors. All the new style features are
represented. The quality is not
big but the assortment is there
being only one or two of a kind.
$25 to $35 values Wednesday. .
w style features are
March 11 An early trial Is expected. Her
lawyers will havs hsr released on bond.
Mrs. Grace formerly lived In Philadel
phia. P-atrflel Store Boraed.
FAIRFIELD. Neb., May a -(Special.)
At li:W Sunday the Advo grocery, owned
by C. W. Wltler, waa discovered on firs
and In ten minutes the entire stock of
goods was snveloped In flames. Ths fire
had smoldered for soma time until the
building was filled with, gas, when a ter
rific explosion occurred, blowing out one
half of the front. The stock ta a total
loss. It waa Insured for UCW. Th loss
on th building waa about 8.00.
Persistent Advertising la the Bead to
filg Returns.
Mrs. eraae twarwed with Merger.
ATLANTA. May. I -Mrs. Dslsy Opie
Qraoe waa Indicted today on chargss of
saeault with Intent to murder her hus
band. Kuxens H. Grace, whom she Is
accused of having shot ta their home here
Bad blood is rraponsib! for most of out ailments. snd whoa from bap
cause it become Infected with impurities, humors or poisons, trouble in soma
form is lure to follow. Muddy, sallow oomplaziona, eruptions, pimple, stc,
show that ths blood is infested with unhealthy humors which havs changed
it from a pur, fresh stream to sour, sorid fluid, which foroas out its
impurities through th ports and glands of ths sldn. X Tory common vi
denoe of bad blood is sores and uloexa, which break out on ths Hash, often
from s wary insignificant bruise, or srsn scratch or abrasion. If ths blood
wss healthy ths plaoe would heat at oooe: but betnc infected with lmDuriUas
which srs discharged into ths wound, irritation and inflammation srs set
vp, tbs fibres snd tissue srs brokan, and ths sors eontlnu until th
blood is purified of th cause. 8. S. 8. 1 Nature's blood-purifier snd tonic,
mad sntirely from roots, herb and barks. It got down into th circa uv
tion snd remove evsry partiol of impurity, humor or poison, restore lost
vitality, snd steadily tones up th sntirs system. 8. B. 8. neutralise sny
sxceas of sold ia ths blood, making it pure, fresh and healthy, snd perma
nently cure Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Bhsom, Boils, and all other 'skin
eruption or tiiaeas. Book oa ths blood snd sny medical adrlc free.
You Are Invited!
Many bakeries in New York, Chicago and other
cities are being condemned by health officers as unclean
and unsanitary. How often do you inspect your bakery?
v Our two-million-dollar, sunlit bakery is your bakery
when you eat
Shredded Wheat Biscuit
the cleanest, purest, best of all cereal foods. YOU arc
invited to come and see it Over a hundred thousand
persons visit "The Home of Shredded Wheat" every year.
Government inspection is good, but public inspection is ,
better. Every detail in the process of making Shredded ,
Wheat is open to the public Nothing so wholesome and
delicious for breakfast as Shredded .Wheat Biscuit wved
with beiiies or other fresh fruits.
I Heat the Biscuit in oven to restore crbpness, then cover
with berries and pour over it mUk or cream. Sweeten
to suit the taste.
The Only Breakfast Cereal Made in Biscuit Form
A Message
We have just received the
NEWER styles in
Young Men's
Norfolk Suits
which we (J"l f-t tTjOC
They have been fashioned
over New York's finest
custom tailored models
hand tailored through
out the season's dress
iest suit for young men,
at ........ ?15 to $25
Don't forget we sell the
best blue serge suits for
men and young men, in
two or three button mod
els, guaranteed fadeless
blue, $15 and $17.50
Better investigate. , .
Brandeis Store . for. Men
;' ; ' and Boys. - "
Base Ball
MAY 5, 6, 7, 8.
. Monday, May 6, Ladies' Day.
Cart leave 16th and faroam 1:15,
Came called 3: SO.
Doaa-- 4M
Mat. Zverv Bey S:1S Every Vifht tiia.
The Kumu, v otra , "n Uiu vn..
and Fsul Nleliolson; Bumhan.' and
Rreenvnod; Una Clayton; Milieu's Mod
sis: Moffett Claire Trie: Bert Ter
rell! Ktnetoscope; Orpheum Concert Or-
fhtrs- lrtjM Kiirht- 1A. " ....
7 i,,tiu. in. k... , ... .
The Shredded Wheat Company
Niagara FaH N. Y.
UrVTa 3 Una Com. Tknre.
uw"8ir Mat. atorday
atAMABBT turaaTOsr
ta the Supreme Draataua tsaea title
sate aow eUlnf. friose. (Se, fl.M
A. Stl.1.. n.1. u ,
(Freausre Daaseose Etotl.)
Vrtoss, boo. M.OO. teata How aalllat
Comlaf I &eaise OasMing ta
tii same nivciBi
Cloaiar Attraettoa oX tae aeaaoa
stext sea-Day SAT
Aaasrloa's Oreaust Xmottoaal Actress
la TMS. WCaV
aTi1its,.t3e to tl.SO. Mat. Wed. SSe
to tl-OO. l.sts Thnrsasy.
MM To4j, tO-e-VlcM. tO
John Says:
"Tae saeTiaar yio
tore people are si Mr
see. raay eraat ass
ssyoeovitha TarjaT
a 1 BUSTXm ee CiOAm
y ta asv anomta. la a.
tree to aatare exasaa
sattUsali "A asass
ef Joy. er Mom te
Sat U4 Usee aa
, Kaa's rata.
John ' Cigar Stort
16 th and H; Sti'