Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1912, Page 10, Image 10

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Missouri Crap leport listed Satur
day it Teiy Bnliua.
VkUl Skert rw4 llluHn Will
Caattawa Mat Mwdc-reM raea
Deaaaaa fr Cars Kb
MaraaTta wllerr.
OMAHA. May . mi
TW Missouri mii crop report. Issued
late Saturday, wee very bullish. The
: trad nj broad, wlik cotamlawoa bouaea
DromlnMil on toa buvlnc aide, and cou
pled with ha covering by shorts, caused
a shorn advance thla moraine. Tba offi
cial roport will bt issued Tuaday ana
th canrral expectation is ror oecioeoiy
i bullish document. Tba crop aaumaia
! win tak In tba abandoned acreage, woleh
uoesiaes 10 oa in larsesi on itoh
Tba mmds fvery eonaarvatlva trader
ibo aslnSa of vwrr conser vstiv s tradcra
counted by tba advance la value.
Walla tna anort feed aituauon will
naturally eonllau throughout toa season.
ma far at' tba com trad la concerned,
Im weather for planting tna new crop
and mora plentiful ford in tha aouthweat.
roapled with a mora moderate raah de
aseand. ara features wmc Just bow an
aaoaurasins' seller.
Tba trade expecting a vary bulllth gov
onmant raport tomorrow bought tha
waeat today bad prim advanced enarply
Uil wheat waa ln aigner.
FYee (fr1n-s of com and favorable
weatoer for putting la tha paw crop
eased tba core market. Caah cora s
unchanged to le lower.
primary wheat receipt wr l.."
aa. and shipment ware aa bu.. sgsinsl
raeelpta laat year of ;, bu. and amp
mama at l.Ha, bu.
Primary 'oora receipts wera L01tw bu.
aad empnteats ware M.9t bu.. ag'"!
reoetpts last year of Sto.uB bu. ana amp
meMa of bu.
Clearance wera !.' ba o! tarn, 11.400
bo. of est and wheat ana fiour auuai to
M7.4JB bu.
I Liverpool closed (aw'ad lower on wheat
bad wo, higher oa sora.
I The following eaaa . ware reported
I -ay beat: N. J hard. I car. li lt; I car,
llUH. 1 car.. 11.11; a care, gili No. 1
I hard. I car. tl.124; I oar. II. u. 1 car.
' li.111. I care, lUL Ko. i bard. I car.
I .1. Ko. I mixed. 1 car. fill; car.
1 Sl.UH. No. I mixes. 1 car, Hill. Corn:
AO. S ahlte. oara. '.'to. No. I color, J
car. lit. Ko. 4 color. 1 car. Tie. No. I
itew, 1 car. Vc: I care, 7710; I car,
rc; He. S yellow. I car. TSe; II ear.
7Hc; care. !; I can. Tie. Ko. 4
bellow, I car, Tie; 1 ear, 77Vc; 1 ear. Tie;
i oar, 7c; 1 car, 7r. No. 1 mixed. 4
can. 77c No. 1 mixed. I car, aSK. 1
oara. Wc: 11 rare, ;c. car. 74c: Ka. 4
mixed, I ear. Tic; I eara, "IV; 1 cara, "le;
car. Tc Ne frade, I cara. ate; eara.
ass; I cara, ic Oata: Na. I white, t
art, I oar. etc Na. 4 white, i
rare, air; 1 car, USe. Ko. 4 yellow, I
car, tSVrc.
Omaha Caak faiaaw,
WHEAT No. 1 hard, tl.uei .1; Ko. I
hard ll.Ml.U4; Ka. 4 hard. 1 (IT 1.11
CORK-No. I while. 7N74e; No. 4
while, Jl7lc: Ko. 1 color, IbbW'tte; K.
1 yellow, TieTTo: No. 1 yeliuw, ;ac;
No. 4 yellow, TOwTOte; No. I 777e, No.
S, ;ttt'44ae; Ko. 4.; na arade. Uf
ate; Na. 1 white, MMKeVc; atandard, Mta
ttomc; Ne. 1 want, et"64',c; No. 1
woita, US06M: No. 1 yellow, MO40,
Ike. 4 yellow, U,4c
BARUCy-Meltint. MrlJI; Ka. 1 feed,
Ht4xi; heavy feed, etajhic.
ktS-No. S, KSc; No. I, Klc.
' ' Cartel Beeelpte.
Theat Corn. Oata.
ChWaaa :., W NT lal
MmaeapeUe M ... ...
Omaha M 144 Q
raadatwa ( the Tradlaa aad) deal a a
CH1CAOO. May 1-An upheaval In
wheat prlraa today raaaltad tram a bull.
Uk abawtat la Ohio aad Mlaaeurl atata
crop- reaorta and from p lamina flgurea
from lllihola Tba market louoriod a new
Mn level, U U and 11.1a, reepectlvelf. for
May aad July, aad claaad with a cam
ad la la I.I1V net. Corn flnlahed
ts'hjo-dawa. aatf. ,e off la tea advance
aod pravtalona atraaa aut Ho each aay
from aetarday'a aloaa.
Sentiment In wheat awuna ao much
t the bull aide that aelllnt eama only
(rem bolaera takmc pronte. Many ethera
preferred to wait for tha federal povarn
maat report tomorrow. A liberal derreaee
in tha warld'a vlelbla aupply coanted
actJnat tba bear.
It waa upon erfMal aiatamenu, how.
wree. mere thaa corroborating private
eelimatee OC crop damage In Mleeourl
and Ohio that epeculetore chiefly eonoen-
rated attention. The condition flgurea
la tha laat earned elate wera the werel.
44 per beat aaalnet 41 par coat laat month
and at per ant .a year ago.
Predletlona war mad that tha Waah
Ingtoa etete'figurea oa the entire yield
. would drop aa low aa le, nuaheta.
Thar ta a feeling that tha era re had
beea overdone. July fluctuated from
Ll44t to n.U with final ealee ISOlSo up
at ti.1l.lH."
Fin waather and reaorta of Ineraaael
arfaaa -pulled doaa tha price of corn,
liberal raretotg had a elm liar effect. The
voluaie of trade waa light. July ranged
from. WM to 77VT7e. c toeing weak. V
not lower at TV. Caeh aradae ware of
foeed mare freely. No. 1 allow waa
auoted at SbiaMe.
Alrhaaah bualneaa In oata waa active,
tha general tana waa heavy. Heldar be
came diacauragad becauae af the Meal
crap proepeeta. Juky rangaa from Wee
aad arwaMte, with tha deee al lte, a
not dotila af t.
PravlalaB wore Irregular and blew.
rk made aewie advaaoa. tha roat of tha
' market a daclma. but neither action waa
deemed atgnlflrant. Uauldattea by longa
; offeot parchaelng dona oa long aeeeaat.
Caak awatatkena ware aa follows:
Jury.ljl4l hu
Mtnil mat
! fjrtxt
I laen
KLOl R rtna: wlatar aatenta. letM
. later atralghu. klwu, eprtng
RT r. No. I. per.
RattLrr Wcaan ; fair hp eheic malt
Ik ti ucrtav
t KO-Ttmeth. r.tbwlt at Pterar auaa
FftOVTSIOJfg Meat pork, tl'UHAIPX.
trtrd (In tsereeej, Ct.r'. Short nba
tiwael, SMK.
Total clearancea of wheat aad floor
were ewaal to Srr.tug ha. Primary re
cotna were IdaMaa bav. ooenpared with
bu. the oorroepaMdlng day a year
a The vleible auppty of wheat ra tba
Urjiad State deretaoed tin. en bo. far
the week. Tba amount af breadetuff aa
ooeaa paaaaaw Iwrraaaod W.Oat bu. Eari-
ai raaaipta See tnmerrii a: Wheat.
e : corn. M car; aata, Ml cara; hoa.
oa : K6. S pad, tUTCtW: K. I red.
ft : A it: No. S bard. S nfrl nv. No. I
0 - ei.iieri.iPii Ko. 1 wortoerB. ti-uaf
: : No. 1 norraera, tLi'dylje; Ka. I
1 kara. p Wt.u. Ne. 1 aprtnc. H IM
No 1 II BLt7; Na 4 aanng.
t t: eefvet chaff, r. enf fT; dorura,
it Cora: Ko. t, p. So 1 white
' Ka i yaUow, .Sta4c; p. j
Open. High. Low. qeaa.1 lafy.
in iuJimmJ iu
Sept. 1 4PH141 ink 1 apJi apv
May. H4 IT e tr r.
Juiy.!aTHwl MNWewV B 11
r bp:i,
July. BIMBffUaS, IP SBajl p n
apt H tTH BirwnTlMint
lard- I
May. W Wtrj!li Mrulp)
July. 11 t U tl 11 a-ij u aru
un u 5
1 1
I I ! HOjUj m
TSSTHeC; Ko. 1 white. TMi6?T'e; No. I
yellow, 7Bo.NiC; -- . irv. .j.
white. 74HSc; No. yellow. ,e7c.
. . . - Ma 1 Whit
k-.tiS-.y-- No. 4 white. il.j57c. atandard.
KY X, !WC.
BITTER-Steady; craameriaa, Jedjac;
dalriea. IMlT.r.
KGGS-Steady; receipta, 24.3SS caaea: at
mark, caaea Included. 17 'c, ordinary
flrete. WSc; flreta. i;tt4jllr.
CHEESB Pteady; dalalea. ll.e:
twine. lKVs young America, J7d
i;i4c; long horns. latilSc.
POTATOES steady ; receipt. 4 cara:
Wiaconem. I1.M91JI; Michigan and Mln
nroota. ! 10CT1 B- , . ..
POl'LTRY Firm; cnicaena. mc
VEAL-Steady at 7)1;.
... -rr. X- , I .... ttrtmf tt.llwn f. !
rui .! r.'-.,. .
14W- turkeva. lie: dreeeed. ateadv; wee
urn tow la. HftK'rc: turkeya. lJttMe,
4)atatlaaa af the Dap aa Varloaa
vow du u. a nxrR Held
. .' , , ' .- e uAti to- winter
atralghta. la6. 24. winter patent.
aprlng eleare. M.u4.W: extra No I
winter. M.W4 i; extra No. wjn,'r
CM N, Kanaaa atraignta, ovw- .
flour dull: fair to good. t.ooel; choice
fancy. K 16vS.. . . .
fORNMKAL-Staady; fine. whe and
v.llnw ii.McU.St: coaraa. Il.TMyl ; "
drlM. RHV , . ....
RlE Quiet; NO. I. ate. c l a..
rari.kv Oulet: malting., c
L t.. Buffalo. ,
WHEAT-ftpot market atrong: No. i
red, I1.3S, elevator, export baala. ana
II 3t f. o. b.. afloat; No. I northern.
Duluth. .2. f. o. b.. afloat, opening
navigation: futurea market etrong at new
. . .l i ir, mnA Ohio
aign recoro on mv . -. -
lah ahowlng by the government report to
morrow, cloning W--,c nei "a'-
Sl.S4wl.t41: eloeed at II 24: July. H-Ji'tJ
l ire: eloeed at l.ll-l. September. I1.14H
ei iiu.- .i4 Sl.UVk. KecelPt. S4.0M
bu.; ahlpmenta, 4S.71I bu.
CORN apot market; eiraoj, T-'
!,!, nominal, f. o. b.. afloau Futuraa.
nominal; receipts, none.
OATS Spot market ateady: atandard
white. teVrr. In alavatora; No. I. Uc;
future, nominal; recti pta. 44.32. bu.; ahlp
mente. 1I.407 bu. .
UiV-rM nrlaut tt 7ft! N Q L Sl.te:
No. !. II ; No. S. ll.MW.4a,
HOPS steady ; state, common io ..
ll. SBMc; ll. nominal; Paclfle coast,
1111. 4ue44c: isio, nomine .
HIOES-Steedy; Central America, S41e;
Bogota. !4i,0 '.c . , 1
... .M.U1.-U b.mlA.k flrata. M41
17c: aeconda. IvSc; thlrda, ll2c; ra
jerte. lie.
PROVISIONS-Pork. firm; mes. IJI.71
621 00: family. IM.Wtfl,: H'ort '"-ar. Beef, firm: meea, 1J"M;
Cut met. tdy; pickled belllea. M to
14 pounds, u wru.v, p"
IUMH1.M Ird. firm; middle
IlleP; refined steady; continent. 1M;
South America, i"; cwr""
f Al!w)W-rirm: prim hogshead. Hie;
special, 7e: country. Wanr.c. ,
7,-an o ..... . toi tiiha. Market
eteady; creamery epecleai. i
SPHci flret. smS9r: eoconda, Voc,
thirds. S7le; state dairy, flneet, IOt30He;
good to prime. J4e; eommoa to fair,
S44Jl7c; proceaa apeclala, SIVjC. itraa,
SHetrTJe; first. "MiMc.
t;HBICrE-rie-eipa. -
ir. . whnie milk. new. white, ape-
Eoun neceipia, .- - -"
irregular; in-vn p . . " . - - - -
2c: earn, flret to extra flret store se
packed. lPBlMve; freah gathered, eeconrtj,
ibftisue waetern gathered, while. nw
4. lala Oeaeral Marktet.
. . aa at tMf U W A TTa 4th.
KlavKaaa' tr.rk K(V I 14. tt.Stf. aHl
.W . . UaW
t white. KttM. . v. , ,
UAibOWIT, araVVa., rw. aa, rl -
n uir a 1 14 !.!.? UtV. II. ill JUlV.
riXH-R-Dull; red winter rll-V
4M7I; extra fancy and atralghta. U.109
l-Jt: hard winter eleare. SS.S0tJ4.ia. , mmn
BRAN-Weak, 11
iavWMh tlmothv. IJI.0Mp3tt.vt, prai-
rla i;itfi 0o. . , .
PROVISIOND-Pork, unchanged; Job-
. ... . . , - -a H..k.nia h nrltno
aina. u ,Mua, .,
Jm p. tle. Dry gait
changed: boxed extra ahorta, lose Clear
rib. I0o: short clear, lie. IJaoaa, , un-
changed: aoxea er .ito..., .. ... -
J..!i5 "-SJ1 H,,a
4So; turkeys. I4r; ducks, lie; T; 4c'
Bl TTSlt-uowari Brpsnwri a-w
KOOotveaa; ier.
Racolnta, Shipments.
Flour, barrel. !..!.. 1.-
V"' ."""T a, ' Uti
Oata, auaneie
aaaaa City Oral aad Provleteae.
. . . ...... ca. Wm Ua, IvWNRAT
-Caah, llc higher; Na. S hard. SI :
IT; NO. S, Sl-rr1rWl.ies, no. iw, v-'v
til , k. .
mixed. 1MM0r; No. I, TTHtfTSc; No. I
fhlte. Teojmc; no. e. nv.
... u.. ha lower: No. 1 white.
ITifMr: Ko. I tnlxeeV MVrfMTc.
D.o?irfBriaTT. -vr;,r . ru.
WktCaA aa"J, - -W
W7-. Sepiember. ' ,'
CORN-May, THee; Jufi-. TtHITJSc; Sep.
i.akia.. IALA.
tomoer, "W'T" ' ,
OATSJuiy, evnv.
RT E aMWe.
HAT-Weak: choice timothy. 134. 19
( ; choloe prairie, SO eta 4
aifBriarun. Ion: first X. 91c:
econda. Mr; packing atorh. lbHc.
EOUo Utraa. isiy; n.
Raeelpta. Shipment
Wheat, buahel ,
Cora, bushele U
Oata, buerteis a
Avallebl lappllea af Srala.
www tor K. Mav 4. The vlelbla aup
ply of grata la the United State natur
ae v. atey a, as oomiHwa y
York Produce exchange, wea aa follow-:
u'kt .irrLaa bu.: deereeee. llskOM
bu : wheat la bond, a,!.) bu.; dVcroaee,
1.117 .as ba. m
Cera, .; aecr-Maw, www
n-i. esse to bu decreaee. bo.:
oata la bond. SIK. bu.; decrease, ta.-
Ry"JP bu ; decreaae. OSr) u,
R-rl.v LMS.eot aa.: decreaee. 79 ana bu.;
barley n bond. SM bu.; decreaee,
lag bo.
Mlaaeapalla Cteaila ttaraie.
May, July. SI I4W1 lV Septera
ber. n tlBu Caah: No. 1 bard,
M lt: Ne. I northern. H.l81 1W. No. i
northern. n.UdJI.l.v.: No, l
8EKD Fla. O lv.
fa mi.r.T roraxi so.
CORN-N. S lkw. ?Mnc.
OATS-N I White. M',tj4e.
RTE-No. t lSc.
BRAN la )e-pound ck IH 4a)lt Mi
rLXl'R Flret potent SiJBv.; sec
ond pateata, M SMIVM: first clear. tt7aa)
4.4a; aeooad clean. srSaSS..
Meeepaal Oval a Martre.
LIVE P. POOL. May t-WH KAT Ppot,
ateady; Ka. S r-d. weMera winter. Sa
erd: Ko. S Manitoba, aa ad. Puturea,
atrong: May, 11 'd. July, T Id; OctoOer,
7a fd.
XHN-Spot. American mixed, new.
nominal; American, mixed, old, eteady at
4 Ud: Amertraa, mixed, new, klla
dried, autet at a md. S'uturaa, firm.
May . aa Sepwmbar. Sa 4a.
Wllwaakra. Cmla Maetket.
northern. II Utl St: Na. 1 northern. St IS
4yl M-. Na I hard wlntar.; May.
SI. ISA.; July. U 14V
XiRN-Na, S yellow, 7w7Sc: Ka
whit. 7e; Na S. T7H4Tc; May, sc;
Jury. V
OATS-etardard. KHc.
aVAJUaBI-Maitlag. SUMJ1 St
Blgrla otter Marttot.
ETaTJIN. May 1 Tho motatlea cam
mrita of th Klgta board tnie afttraoea
declared butter Urm m SatT
Prices Seadjuted to Lower Level
During Dajr.
Called State Steel Vlelda Three
Palate, It Drape Bring toa
rsrrret with Opealag af
fierrnarst! Salt,
NEW YORK. May i A further read
juatment of prlcea to a lower level oc
curred in tha stock market today. I nlted
Statee Steel yielded S point. Ita drop
being concurrent with the opening of
the governmenta suit. Losses almoat aa
great were recorded by other atandard
Kactore that helped Included political
eompltratlono, the forthcoming govero
meat crop report from which little la ex
pected, the etrlke of Chicago railway
rretght handlera and the Mississippi river
flood. To three might be added the fact
that the recent bull merket evidently had
gone stsl and that technical condition
lavored a reversal.
In the afternoon tha Hat manifested
some Improvement In moat branches
with atrangth in Reading, while Steel re
covered a part of It decline. The ril
ing preaaura relaxed and the market ap
peared undergoing a process of assimila
tion, but th rally waa followed by an
other drive agakgat Steel, which waa
eent to lta lowest of the day. Union
Pacific also reflected heavy selling.
Krom thla level the list recovered, but
Reading eueceeded In making a net gain
on the day. The closing waa dull. .
Transactions In steel conectltuted mora
than one-third of the bualneaa which ap
proximated sou. 000 eharea. Reading and
t'nlon Pacific helped to make up the
total, whlcn waa the largest recently.
London a a heavy seller here, although
Ita cloalng prlcea for Americana ahowed
gain In axceaa or loaxea. rna boanan
attitude waa ascribed to various Influ
ence. Involving the Italo-Turkish situa
tion and prospect of important diplomatic
Some alight firmness for time money
other than ninety day rales, was reported
here, a condition which may ba attri
buted to toe preparatlona now making to
meet tha large New York City bond of
The tlreat Northern road reported a net
Increase for Waicn of laxVOOO. while Nor
folk western returned a nominal ue
ereaaa. Tha bond market waa Irregular for tha
greater part of the aeasloo. with a down
ward tendency. Total aalee, par value.
aggregated ti sM.uMl United State gov
ernment bonds wr unchanged on call.
Number of aalea and laadnuf quotation
aa wwda today ware:
ales. an, tew. t-less.
JtaMlBaaaUa CuSSer ... W.tM SI f r
Aaeticsa AtrteaHural ,. mm si w 4
Awertcse beet auatr.... I.e m ea as
ABMrlaea Csa tl.SW SI ti 11(4
Aaerteaa I. dt s" 1, am as t la
AanrKsa cettee oil tv katt uli
a i. st.
lee Secvrttiee......
Awerlcaa Uateee
we ut u
I.4SS tl 411, u
li.MS h Hi U
s leiw l iv.ti
ls M te M
t, lis ln U.I4
1.H 114 IM'4 lUa
Awerkee teoeetetlro
Awerwaa a. a H
Am. a. a it. pre
AM. steel revaSrlee...,.
SHsar lietietag
lArinea T. a T
Aiserloae Tekeree pl4.
AaterweB weeiea
Aaaaeeea Mlalag Ca.. 4.HS 41 eA. 41
Atrsuoe is tat lis
Ateklaee S(4 Mil
Atieetla teeet Uaa 1. 1HI4 1M le
keltlBMre a Okie Lies lut 1144 lets,
getkhkew atael I, let II Ml S
braaklra Reels Tr. 1.4WS 1X14 U at
Caesllss rerltle S.WS n Ia.44
reelrsl teetker I.Me B UN S4
t.Mirsi useiser pre eve st N.
ceelral of Mew Jeney ..... .....
CkMeeeake d Okie I.MS II 1,14
Ckltese A AUea tut tu as
CkHese U. '., ee Me II 1.
iwreee u. w. sts sue iw lis
Lkicase. at. a si. r.
t.HS 1S7 1W4 Iww
v.. t.., c. a at. l...
itta si nil
Celeieae r. m I
Celers4e m geetbem
OeseeUealea Use ., I MS 1 lllw luu
Cera Preaerta 1.SM UA. It 11
Delaware a MsSeie le lie lis lie
Dsever Bio orasee.... let UH Oli II
D. a n o. aia ts
DknllMrar geeartues .... MS t tiki II
Brie B),HS H
Vie let pt4 1.IIS 44 u
l let iA le,.
Uaaanl Cleetrle I
Oreei Nertkere afa
Oraat Nertkere Ore ettl.
l,s lute las tat!
"s rut iak
lllleete ceelrel eve irtl llslk IS!
leMrkweeek Mel ttet I la u
lawtenrafk MM. sM ... tie! M4 U St
letaraelteeel Hsrveelsr I.MS 11-, lit liSAk
Ister-Merlae fit 44 It lit, M
leuraaileeel rarer IN 144 Ills 14V
iBtersalfcaeal rua ., . is
lees Ceelrel im
Kaeaaa llty aMker.. sal lia
K. C. Se. s(4 las ISA at ss
Leckale Oa u aes i. m
Ualetllls m MaektllM.,. 1,104 111 IK laew
Miae. a at. teat , tea l: a.' n
ai a. a, ., tna .aiHa. ira af
Miaaearl. a. a T... Lies a. n li
r.... av- aa ai
Mueeerl rwrltle Il,we M, ri, el
Nalleeel Blaanrit 1 Ua 1M', im
...aaaaii a, a a, ra a. a, ait a
N. It B. el M. M Sf4 .7 sa
New Tent Ceelaal Art III 111 lit
N. r . o. w h ii at
AlaafAlb AW Vala. A ua ..... ... . '
- a,,u in ii, are
nana Aaserleee ,. sea at u St
nr. aaan rai lira ., juji j LJU
rsritw Mali i.en aa nu i
reeaerrreeia I.M in at, tsl
hi Ua US insta Ski Wi
p . c . c. a u s. sat m , iH
Preeaea gteel Car ee at H M
Pallaaee Peleee Car ... MS HI UA IS
nainrar meet rlag.... " 4M 44 M
Paeeklie gieel 'v..a...., l.aes si
P.eeeile ateel eft Lass tt
la in
a s
SI st
M',. as
n , it
ea a
at s
"S ta
i i
sa a
ill 1M
JUt laieea Co. I.tes n
Beek Islea Ce pN ,asa M
t. i a a r. sa n... en ia
St teele g. W ,
Lit, pra tea
lea SkarTlehl . A l., is a
eetfcera Paettle a. AH 111
sakr ataiir sass ra
S Rallarer X Ms ,
Tissaaeai tknir . IMS 41 u
Teaee 4a Psrlfle. .., ISS , tak
t , sl l. a w
T . at u a . pm..... ass
Vale Parint
St. MS !',
Vetea Perltte pM.
Lat4 Btal- paeHr
Called Btalae Rakker.... 1.SM M
Ceu4 atetes Suet. SM ape it.
; f- He. ia-4iv.. lie lt lie
ttek Oaeree aes n M ai
, -vareaiaaa A-aaasuai .. LMS .11
I. MS 11 U tl
.. Lies a a i
., M is as
Ms aa u as
Ms ti H tt
sm sa as sa
- 1 I t
Mer?laa4 ...
WMHHjkee Uaetrle
! I'eaee
WkoUB A L.
Lekte Velknr
.. 14 Ma
.ea as as
Bar t-aeIMete 4.TM 14 IS 11
AaarAaaa Tesaaae gu
Teael aaka Me Ibo ear, SM.M4 asana
tTaaaataaj tlaatatloas.
May I. -Cloalng auotatlena
ere s follow:
... 4lBaset 4
SSNasea Oee. St
MNlaaaata( Mleee 74.
Nana Bane sa
14 t Hrtk lake ......... I
M0M Pallaa SI
4 "Oereele a,- Ill
....... ta (rale-y at
c... MHBhABaee Ill
a.... i,i i,i bb
laeerter A B. St.. I -t
....... iTaararh M
I S. R M... a
a a pra m
St flak Ck. u
r fuk raeser O si
I Wenwtse .ms
'Vow Vavrst Mialaat ataArka.
NEW TORK. May (TVnelng quota
llone a mining ctocks were:
Alkre muae Cbka ........ s
... IMnhae ,SU
... UOaiene ,
... ttoekir ....
Ck. l. m Te Muoar4
lre anear ....l-tue
eueeallia Cea. M
CsMaellttaaM wt Tuaeary.
WASHINGTON. May tV-At the bearin-
ntng of basalnae todey th eosadltioo of
the Lnltoa stte treasury waa: Work
ing haaaaoe k treasury orric, pM
la th bank aad Phlltpotn treaaury.
SSl.tit.!!. Total balance In general fund,
tiJA KM. Ma. Ordhaary racelDta SaturdAT.
B UttT. Ordtnary dlaaajraemeeita, s&Mk.
MA Peflclt t data thla floral year ks
lw.4msa aa attain a surplus ef takXH
at tha thrae laat year. Th figure -
Hud Panama caaal aad public debt
lw Yas-h Master Market.
NEW TOBK. May .-MOSStT-Oa ralL
t-rokar; ISsyS par ceat. ntlLikf rale. 1
ob st oet a w
Asset. Cilair
A s. la a g.
Arlaeee Oaa.
a A c c a
oat. a Anaaaa
(art. a Meekk..
Ceeteaatel ....
On, bsaa C.
PJaat Bette C
Otreea 47a. ..
OrJBT Tea. .
Ui t A ..
aale Raral t.eer
Krr Lake
laae Ckssir
LA SalM (aceer...
Via at Cmnx ....
AalasS. .
rer cent: cloalng bid: Per cent; offered
at per cent. Time loans, steady: sixty
days. li per cent; ninety days.
per cent; six months. :Vrl3a per cent.
per cent.
irrt-Ri.ivft ExrHAXGE Steady, with
actual bualneaa In bankera' blila at St.StK
for sixty-day bills and at st." tor ae
mand. Commercial bills. StS1- .
SILVER-Mexloan dollar. M.
BONDU tjovernmcnt, steady; railroad,
Closing Quotations un inu tooay war
as followa:
II. . rat M. reg..lWletar. M M. 4s... st
1SAA-JPAB ea aa-a
V. . aa. rat - 4e 4t ;i
a imk. c. Se. M a....
tj. . ea. ra Ill u . eb. 4 1SI1...
4e ceutoa 1141, tt X. ual. 4a.... SS
Allla-Ckel. 1st is.. I! I I T. 1st M. at
Aaaer. Ag. In ae sea. 4a 17
A. T. A T. cv .1
laa. TotAACCa M..
da Aa
114'iMo. rscltK Aa Ti
Has R R ef M. 4s M
1 K. V. c. S aa.... 17
ITS Aa Sett a M
Armour A CO 41,. .
AtekUos sea. ..... MN. y. S. H AH
ae c. 4 i1 er. 4s .w....l!H
ee c. se 1X. A '. 1st e. 4a.. St
A. C. la let 4a MU sb'cv. 4a Ill
Bel. A Okie M Mjt.. rctfle M M
4e a ae ts
a s. w. ih tsio. a. I,, riif. as... aaj
reek. Tr. . Is..., M'iFibb. cv. Iaaa 1111 . S71a
Cea. el Oa. te 1M a, eee. 4a MS
4'ea. Lealker a M Raaaiaa sea. 4a MS
ef s. i. a. se...ili'.s ta at a. r. tm a ts
Ckea. A Okie 4a..m , Aa ar
ret. is UN t. 1. a. W a Aa 11
Chltaso A A SSs.. II aa lat sail 4e.... II
C. B. A . J. IB.... MV,g. A. la. M 71
s. M kvrh Pac eel. Is.... M
I. A . t M M Aa r. aa tia.
C. R. I. A r. e. 4e. U'4 ee let ret. Aa M
Se rfs M-.... M. RaIIvav Aa ie;u
0)1. In4. is 7i e aaa. 71
Cele. Mia. M 41 tslee ParlfM 4s.. ..Ill
C. A . r A a la M ee ev. 4s 1B:A,
0. A H
. M ae 1st A raf . Aa sau
P. B. 0. 4a..
.47 V S. Rukhar 4a let
. MMI. 1, aiMi h M....105
. 74 "A'a-Csr. Ckras. la.
. tstlWabaak la la 17
. 4e let A ex. 4.... 47
. 17 Western HI. M at
. 7tWeat. m..- n. Is.. M
4e ref ka
Dletlllers' Is ...
Krle p. I. la....
ee see. la....
ae ev. 4a, see.
4e serlas ...
Oaa. glee. IT. IcIMAIWIA. Pantral aa
III. Cea. 1st rel. Is M Me. Pae. er. is..... II
later. m. la ... aiVFaaaaas M Ml
IMA Ot!fa4.
BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb. cartons, lie: Na
I la 4kVlb. tubs. Sic; No. X. sic: nackln.
CHEESE Imported 8 wise. 12c: Ameri
can Swiss. Me. block Swiss. Ma: twin
He; dalalea. 11c; triplet. He; Toung
Americas, 23c; blue label brick, 10c; 11m-
oerger, z-id., zx; i-id., azc
FISH tfreih froxenl Mckrrel. Sc: white.
Ho; pike, lac; trout, lie; I arts crspptea.
1-vibc; npanisn macaerei, lac; eel, lieu;
haddock. 16c; floundere. 13c: areen oat
fleh, 14c; roe a.1ad, 7ev each; snad roe, par
pair, SlAsc; salmon, 10c; halibut, So; yel
low percn, sc; ouiiaio. so; ouiinasda, lie.
POULTRY arollers, lo.usirli,gu ptr dos;
sDrlnas. ac: hsns. Ieei7c: cocks, lie:
ducks, 1IMQJW; gese, Iac; turkeys, 2eo;
pigeons, per dos., Lau. Alive. Het s, Utktf
line; ola rooster, sc; old ducks, full
feathered, 12Vc; geese full feathered, ac;
turkeya, a4Kglsc, plgeone, per dos., eeo;
nomara, ptr do.,; Auua.a, No. i, aa.a,
No. t Mic; No. 1, Uc. Loins: No. 1.
sue: No. z. Kc; No. t, lac. tnucks: No.
1. lc; No. 1, ci No. S, I'ec Hounds:
NO. 1, i:e; no. nc; no. a, 11c. i'utie.
No. I, ;tc; Ko. I 7c; No. S, IVyc.
FRUITS. a-TC. -Apples; Ekna fancy
Bea Uavls. per bbl; Wmeaapa, par
bbl.; t; fancy Missouri Pippins, per bbL,
S4 Ss; Idaho Jonathan, xtra fancy, per
box. I2.W; Waahlngtoa Bpusantwrg, per
box. Sa.sii: Washington H. iMautv. d.
box, tt . Washington styman vvinasapa,
per boa, ea-aw. piii. eaocy aaiecu
par bunco, H. !!.., Jumbo, per buaua.
ka.Jiaai.7l. Uates: Anchor brand, new,
it) 1-lb. pkf a in box, per box, !..; Oroot-
adary brand, new, su i-ia. peg In boa,
iar boa. SS. Flgc Callinrnia. nar r.a.
of U No. U pkga., too; por 4 of M No.
U pegs , II. as. psr case oi hi fto. I pkga.
ta: bulk, m! and to-ltv huxaa. nar ,,
lee; new TuikUh. s-crowa In av-lb. box
per ID., is., e-uawwa in svia. noxaa, per
lb., leu; 7-crowa In SO-ll. boxaa, par la..
I.e. Uiapa trull: Florid, m else, ami
crala, ; 4S a.a, per grata, Is.; s-je-aa
auvsa, per crate. Sa.t. Orspaa: Msuaga
la bbla., trtl-AVl.eU. Lemons. Umuaiera
saalecled brand, extra laiicy. esAw at sea.
tier box. sa. Lwtna Llraoneira, fancy, jaw.
saw klsea, pan- box, " aixaa, ftn
per boa tea; calliornia lemon, aw-aiv
glaea, per box, H '-' u Uragea: .call
lornia .aaitai aiauu, naveie, au
lanoy, a-u-t-17k-aw-at-ai) aisae, ut
i,a a.Sk: extra enoaoa, all aisea. nor W,a
Is; atitpnant brand. laa-lavA-l.e-aAr-lla "-it,
per box, 4 su. kv-le-Sa4 aissa, per bus, Ilneappiea v--a4 aises, par erata,
sa. Birawberriea: lavuuuaaia, per caue u
14 wnta, 4.4.
VaMETAUlaaaet-Htwl, aid orop, par lb,
Vu. cablAkga. Wlauonsln, par lb., 41e;
saw California, per lb., 4c. Celery, Cat.
iiorala Jumbo, per dos., Il.ts); FisrKta. la
th rougn, 4tuto no., per oae. iaaa Cu
eaunbeus hot house, per box, ks
Flaunt, tancy riortua, per uus., oi'
lie. extra tancy. white, par dos.. te.
Lettuc. extra tancy leaf, per uoa.. 4ec
Lanlena, Ckillornia. white, boiling, per lu.
,;; wiecunaun. ya.low oiobe, per 11a, kc.
tad Olob. par lb.. Sc; Spanish, par erata,'
a t I'areley, Uncy southern, per doe.,
buocbee, saaui'sc. Faranlpa, laacy soutn
aru, per do bunches. sutf7kc; Farsnipa.
par 10 . IMn. Fuuatuea, AUinnesuta Hed
Klvor Kariy Obvu bead, per bu, 11.11;
Mlnneaot a-arly Hum seeu. per bu , Sl.le.
iiluas Triumph ed, par btk, ILtal; Wi.
cousln white atock, per bu.,, Huu
kago, la sacks, par lb., ISc Tomato,
rioruva. pe' -. crala, fJ-7S, cubaa,
pr 4-be, carrier, U lunuua, per lu,
Metal' hlarltef.
' mkw vnRK. Mav A M err ALU-Stand
ard copper, easy; k-ji. May
snd June. l..lf ill. July end August. London, way; apot, it lis
. , .... - MtA Manrial a, t
Vti; W 1 .TW. ,v aw. ,ra. a.
New York today, fit) ton. Custom hooue
returna snow expona oi . in -u iai
thla month. lke cupper. lS'vtrlS'ac;
. laaall.-. tlnV 4aA.trltAn
Tin. easy; apot. $4i.r. 44.70, May, 4S.S
..... a .t .. a la. - 1. . I 4 1A -KM
46 J: AutTUoM 1 WAu-Sr44.'4. JSiMHernhk-r.
lUIUITI, bjEV A-aVTS a i-i , -tar
-t 144,7, ld, trry atfdy, W l-KS.
nw ion. 4j. -. "v. u
LAndOn. IM I iSfJWtw nun, rttvym
u k. . AW at-tB- kiri 01 at Rl I artlllat
iwm iui", trow"!. - "
lmton. 10b. Antimony, qu(t; Cook-
moa I t 'laa a) rtsrl ar s-a rvf at
Ua M in LtmAcn. iJivally Iron vnm irmdy.
l-k! sA...M ti: .aWMft to.- Nr. 1
nun nr i si iui"" j t - -" -
tHrthora ixl No. 1 MUtlwrt. soft, IU.X
if-. Mtwa W.w a W Mr A T (3 T . A
i" 1 . aVV. 1". aw eajr w. h a sa,srv --
eteadr. S4.7H4.). Spelter, quiet,
Cattwa Market.
..., a,.a,ar U.. a -VVT-fVlW RmH
-i .n a nAlnla hlaher- mid
dling upland. U.SW; maOdllng gulf. Iltac;
le. a,Sie Data. .
..... a,..., -' - . ..-, r-tnarin.
a.,..-, a,.. Ila.- hina llaSa- jlllv IIFAn
August, 1140c: September. Il.44c; October,
11.74e; raovemoer, tl-.w; AAacernoer, ii.tec.
Jantaxry, U.7SC1 February, it. 77c; March,
Drr tieade Market.
The dry good markets a ere gene rally
ateady at the opening of kl week. Car
pet for a new season were opened and
price were est a Ularhtly hltrner level.
Linoleums and oil cloth war also ad
vaarwd. AraoakeM shirting, staple chm
bry, waa priced for tho new season at
tSc th same aa last year. Raw atlk.
ateady. Jobbing trad I quiet.
rw(foe MaJ-het.
NatW TORK. My l-COFTIIt-r.
tare etc) eteady, but from it to s
point net lower, nee, lAlTe: Jim,
II He; July. 1144c; August. 1S.SSC: -Oo-tcbar, November. it-iTc; Decern ber
nd Jauary. UMc; February, USlc:
March and April. ItSTc. Knot coffee,
eesv; No. 1 RVs. lfae; No. 4 ran to, uv.
Mild. qult; CotaViv. lkomsc .
Osauahsi May Market.
&; No. 1 e.7J4atl.s; Na S. rietv ;;.a,
No. 1 middling. msMSSa: No. I low
ixakd. SlA-tAAgiy): alfalfa, choice third and
fourth cutting. SE.oOi3.4; flrat aad sec
ond cutting. SM 'AkSil J; Na. t iUkiUO
; Na. t, ltAiA.
- lasla Maura.!. 4
PBORIA. May 4.-CORN-Lwr; Na
t whit. JSe; No. 1 yellow. Vv. No, S
yellow, 7c; Na, 4 yellow. 74S4ro: No. S
mixed. 7c; No. 4 mix eat. 7a tc; saatpl,
OAT Lower; No. ! white. Snc; Maad
ard. eV ; No. I whit, Ke; No. 4 whit.
M'a. , ' .
taak rSewrlatTa.
OMAHA, May A-Bank ctaarlnga for
today ere re Sx.S4S.STt.4S and for the cor-
resrorwling aay laa. year fetB-ntn, (
Burns detectives employed by the Citizens' Union have been on the ground
several weeks. The operator in charge, an expert investigator of election frauds,
has reported the Omaha gang to be the best organized and most competent in
any city in the matter of carrying on frauds.
The Citizens' Union urges every voter in Omaha, indifferent or otherwise,
to go to the polls Tuesday. There, in the secrecy of the booth, mark your ballot
as one of the most important acts of your life.
The grasp of the Dahlman-Dennison gang cannot be broken at any time
if it is impossible to do it now. .
' The Citizens' Union has such an organization of watchers, challengers and
checkers as has never before been pressed into service in behalf of the people.
It is an American principle that is at stake. The sacredness of the ballot,
the people's only weapon, is worth fighting for.
Without inciting undue excitement the Citizens' Union desires all voters
who are determined to prevent the stealing of this election to be on hand at the
various polling places at 6 o'clock P. M. sharp, and stay until the count is com
pleted, for the purpose of affording moral backing to these men who have volun
teered to watch the count
Omaha's moral, commercial and social future will be enormously affected
by the outcome of this election.
Men of Omaha, for the sake of your children, your civic pride and your
responsibility as a citizen, meet this issue as we would meet a foreign foe, for
getting friendships and preferences, and vote for civic decency and civic ad
vancement We have labored hard and long for you and have brought you through
each contest to victory, but now it is up to you. Your votes will do or undo all
that has been done to rid this city of its worst enemy vicious gang control and
vicious government
Vote early. Vote thoughtfully and in such a way as will satisfy your con
science and your God.
Cattle Seceipti Moderate end Vel
net Fully Steed.
Offer! ago Are rlr 4saaattty, hat
. Desaaad frasa Shlpsrara la Pr
Trad la Sheep aad
Laaaba Aetlv. '
Receipt were. Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
Eetlmsta Monday l,70 7,IM .
8a me day laat week.. l.7 S.S71 4.I4M
Mama day 1 weeka ago. . 1M
Same day I weeks ago. S,eU 71 4,s
Dame day 4 weeks ago. 4.004 .43 M.51
bam day uvst year.... I.S70 l,S S.il4
Tha following table stiows the receipt!
of cttl. hog and sheep at South Omshs
for th year lo date as compared with
laat year: nit 1111 Inc. Ix-o.
Cattle M2.0I4 KS.76) W.TC
Huge 1.314.IW IUVM7 3S4.1M
Sheep 771, 4 414,bO la. 60S
Vh foUowlng tsbl show th rang of
price paid for hoga at South Omaha fur
tha last few days, with aoreparlaons:
Hate. 1HS. llll,IW.l-.:-il7.lv4.
Aorll Sal
7 it 1 I 741 S 111
I SSI 4 11 I M
e ( M i a
April Mf
T 11 II Sit S ill I
Aurll 27
J 47VU I I M I So
I M 3S
April Z
Aorll 91
s I 1 11 S CS
I a
l ui
14X1 T
April Sui
I 91
I 4i 4
May 1.
May 1..
May 1..
I Mi I 41 1 21 f at
1 al
1 14 !
I 34i 4 II!
7 4HT, I l
i pi! a
it! 4 a, 4 :i
1 18: I 4 li
I17l-4i s
May 4..
7 ha,; I 4! s ! 1 All
1 1 41 U 7 4W
I 4t t I 4
May I..
May ..
Receipts and disposition of llv stock at
Ih Union Stock Yrds. South Omaha, lor
twentv-four hour ndlng at S p. m.
yealerday: , ..
P.. M. ft Bt. P 1 4 7 1
Wabash 1 I ..
Missouri Pacific..,.. IS I
C. A N. W., east.:.. 11 I .. 1
. a. AT W avaat AA t
V.. St. P.. M. Ov 24 I I
CM B. east.... j v-
C, B. g., weet... 3e , 1
C!., R. 1. P., east. I . S ...
llllnoi central 7 4
Chicago Ot. .West.. 1 I . . .. ..
Total iwcHpts.... 147 . M SS 3
Cattle. Hoars. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 44a
Snlft and Company.... fcs
Cudahy Packing Co.... K14
Armour 4 Co.... eel
Prhwarta ft Co
Murphy -
k. Packing Co
Benton. Vnsant ft I. 4
Hill ft Son. U
F. B. I -eels W
Huston ft Ca B
J. B. Ruot ft Co., ,
kll S
1 -
;.i i
CI ....
- u
4 "!!
j,... a..-
J.' H. Bulla
L. K. Hubs
ta. Wolf
Lam KiHhsehlld ...
Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co..
Clin ft Christie
Other buyers
Total I SB 7.B4 S.O0
CATTL1! Th week opens out with
bout an average run ot cattle- and Ih
general quality of tha offerings waa much
tha same a it ha been lor the laat two
weeka. Strictly toppr beeves were com
paratively acarcc but there wa aleo a
vary email percentage of beet that could
b called really eommoa- Advices from
eastera market war not particularly
favorable, but with vigorous local de
mand and quite a little competition from
outatde shippers th genri market ws
reaaonably active and price wer fully
steady with but week cloee. Undertone
to th trade area firm and the general
situation bullish oa ccount of the united
supply ot good beet avaiaabt. but trade
I naturally nervous oa account af the
comparatively high level of price at all
pot n la.
Trad I cows and heifer wu not
quit a snappy ta It wa laat week an
thar wer weak epota In tha market here
and then. Demand wa of very loir pro
portion, however, and a to supply was
aot at all large it did not take deaier
long to get down to bvMnea n eleua up
th oftet ii.gA at paetty etc to teat week
nguie. veal (aire war fully etrad
and th market for bulls, stags, etc.. was
without any quotable cnang aa compared
with last week.
A keea Inquiry for atock cttl and
feeding steer mad quit lively trad
in thia Una. but the ottering were u.
edly limited and the vaaIuua ot trauing
' astsarily email. A-tcea wera atraag to
a dim higher tbaa the Cioee of last wk
for anything at all deslrabl. and ven
th medium and eommoa grsdi BaOveo
mor freely than recently.
Uuotatloaa oa cattle: tiood to choice
beef ateer. M.sotj a: fair to good be
steer.; cocrtmo to fair beef
steer. ; good te choAce belfrra,
M.07.M; good ts choice rows, '-;
a.71; fair to good cows, n.7to.;i. com
mon t fair cow. II aotH.av; good to
Choi OS tockr and leeasra, .
fair ta good stock era and feeder, la .2aqt
i. 75; eommoa to fair Btockers and feeders.
44 aty 1 . tock heller, fa aaaba : veai
raive. 44.tu)i.k; bulls, staga, au.
0 s
atApnasBtAtrrc raies:
S v. rr. ha Ar. Pr.
r; am la . u.. im re
tt laa I m 11 iass 1 M
s .. au T a . s a
it m t m..... tm .
11 1711 I M
U !S4 IM
ia im4 a n
M 1247 IM
si ..i:te im
44 uaa 1 14
II 1414 4 SS
4i i:n a 24
II 1144 I SS
i lies t Si
41 IIM I 44
it: I 7i
... M I 14 II Mi 4 71
... IM 4 M 4 7 4 U
... Ml 4 U ' 24 IM4 I tt
... in 4 ii 34 ;m a m
... Mt 4 II...
... .1474 4 14
MM 4 M
1444 4 44
941 I U
SM 4 !4
IM 4 74
In 4 71
M Ik
S3 4 M
113 t M
i:m 7 14
lu I a
4M I M
isi in
..Ill 4 II I....
.... aaa 4 M
.... aia 4
.... aia I a
.... Ma i ss
....IIM k M
I. ...
M ...
II. ...
. ...IMS 4 M I
....ISM I M M
1 1IOJ I 14 IS
t IIM 4 M 4
A, USa 4 14 4
It, I 41
IS 4 U 4
117 I M I
A I OA .
.... 44S a M
. 114 I 11
1 144 I 71
, 444 4 M
Ml 4 IS
1414 4 U
11 I 71
......ISS 4 14
......ISM 4 M
in is
771 4 14 4M
1444 4M
ITS 4 Si I a
I lis 4 M
... IV
...1AM IM
...lilt I 34
...1114 I M
,...IAM I m
...Ull I N
4 !4 4 M 4 141 I M
1 fas 4 M I asa I M .
I ila I M 1 474 T W
I tea 4 as 4 IM 1 M
I IS IS 4 IM i a
1 141 1 M 1 114 t a
I IIS I M 1 14 T a
I M 4 M 3 IM 7 a
I : 4 M I ISS I 44
f ., 4S4 4 M 44 471 I M
I Ml I B M 44 I M
ii its I as as an 4 m
a it4 a t iis 4 a
a us 4 14 m M4 4 a
411 4 M 14 114 4 a
it U IS 11 444 4 a
' HOOS Poor competition among buyer
was the main trouble with th hog
trade. Nobody aeemed to he very anxlou
for offerlnga and movement proved alow
from th outeet. with th trend to price
lower. Moderate receipt wer Ignored
nd bulk of KB load run had to clear at
figure generally a nickel lower. Shipper
purchased only a few scattered kwds.
leas than I per eent of the entire crop.
A aid from a quiet demand at cheaper
coat, tha market aa a whole was not
very Interesting, spread being normal
with good heavies getting the usual pre
mium Medium weight butcher grades
made up tha big end of receipt.
, Beat heavy hog on l brought 17..
aa compared with Saturday's top of FA
while bulk landed within I7.4W7.SI. No
business of consequence waa transacted
below r . deeplte th fact thai It took
smooth light hog to bring SJ.Jtt?;.!).
Hepresentstlvt sale:
Ne. Ae. Sk. tt. Ma. Av. a. Pr.
74 IM M 7 M 41 2X3 S 11
a im us T se n sa m i
31 SOS ... 7 3 fi...u..M III 14
71 Ill ... 7M 17 SIS IS IS
a ta m 7 m ti m i t
m im im 7 a ai su es t a
ti sol im I It a w 7 a
II. ......IM ... 7M. 71 SM l 1
a im ... 7 a ti ass as f as
a in aia u asa is is '
44 sea ... t a a mi htm
m. ia ... la M as ... im
m 334 ... 7 a . 41 SM ... 7 w
... .an ... 7M a ui m ? a
S.......3M .:. 7 n ta ms im
a ai ae t m SM SIM
is ,.sst i 7 a 71 im in is
M.... tll us I a MS IM 7 1
M 313 M I M 4 MS IS IS
It SM) M 7 M a 3M IM 7 M
n in ea 7 a mi n 7 is
a tn m 7 a " a SM sa 7 M
ri.......3a is 7 m at aae 7 ut
74 114 ... 7 m m sa ... 7 a
313 IS 7 73 aSTS M 111
a sa us 7 a u ai is
4 34 ... 7 a M SIS. MTU
m iar aia it su im s a
as ms IS) is 47 mi is Ik .
n set ... 7a 371 M TU
M 14 71 sa ... 7 a
IB ......MS M S Al M SM ... Ill
n su ae s a n sa ts i a
73 -313 SM ? a I Mt ... 7 a
a 34 ... i a m .at ... i a '
a us ... i a i. ia ... 4 4
SHEEP Ttier was nothing much do
ing la the he-p and iamb trade this
morning. Th market wa a poorly bat
anred affair. Involving a fair eised supply
and a llfelea. bearish dewtand- Packer
wanted stock only at large decllaea. th
downward trend to valoea being prompted
by aa xceoivly heavy run at Buffalo.
Actual trading la bulk wa postponed
until th altrroooo. snoot sellers quoting
th general trade aa very slow, unevenly
Receipts wera estimated at A 404 head,
mostly lmb with and without fleece.
Som Piatt valley Mexican of th asm
sort that sold at 4134, 1- kut weak,
arrived ana average quality ot offering
was reaonabiy good. Beet Mexican
I I t AMa-J AaaLnAV tha, ti BUArk-
bowe-rar. and a top higher tbaa U TI a-!
peered evtremely tscaibtfuL
Oood (horn lamb wer unpopular abova.
33 an 1.11. Sbaep sold la small bunci a. ,
the sans aa recently, arood in tfct
wool bringing 17 and lee.
Damaski for sarr sad fecAier dW
aot xiat and practically nothing sold an
country account. last week's output of
these rlasaea af stock amounted to las
thaa 140 bead. .
taaoaatioae a avheep and bunas: uambs.
good to chotrw. aW.4ue7S; lamb, fair
to good. .wf.4: habt shorn. M ")
t at; yeartlttg. handy, a ! ". ywar
hng. heavy. 7 7M: wethers, good te
ctoic. F.4r7., wethers, fair to good.
I not I as
ta lt4 7 M
34 11.1 7 M
7 mi I se
II 111 7 M
ii itn t
M SM 7 74
ii laa 7 ;i
IIM 7 71
$7.11457.4: ewes, good to choir, $7. 16V
7.35; ewes, fair to Kood. 1 00(1 7.1a.
Representative sales: ' ,
2 spring lambs.........
21 wooled lambs
82 fed ewes
1 fed ewes, culls
II fed lambs
r.i fed lamba
, Tt
i so
1 wr
S 3.7
Desaaad far tattle Easy Hag
Mow shrp Weak.
CHICAGO. May t-CATTUS-Receipts.
2100 head; market, steady to Yc lower:
beeves. tO.OOtrt.ui; Texas steers, &.40tJ7.):
western steers. t5.7oVd7.lifl; stocker and
feeders, H.t.7i; cow and heifers. C'.Dtl
tyi.Hu; calve to.iiiti.jQ.
HUtio Kneel pta, w,on head: market,
weak, bo lower than Saturday; lights,
t7.1au;.M: mixed. I7 -W.70; heavy. 7.l
T.;i; rough. I7.ri7.ti; pigs, H7HJ.80;
bulk of sales. IT.KoT.tia.
004 head; market mostly aahdec ' lower
than last week: native, HUMM.W; western,
4.f7.ti; yenrllngi .( lambs.
native,; western. t.,w.
St. Laat Live groek Market.
ST. LOUIS. May CCATTIaB Receipts,
140 head Including 90 Texans; market
strong; native shipping and export steers.; dressed and butcher. I6.7.rk.
7.71: steers under 1.0U pounds. SS.aoliM.7u;
stocker and feeders, Si .76 Ou; rows and
heifers. I4.764M.40: cannera. I4.760rs.76;
bulla, S.uS.a; calves, ;,.iOf7.74; Texas
and Indian steers, riSOtr'tA); cows and
heifers, .Vits7.7.; southern cows and
HOGS Receipts. S.3M head: market,
steady: pigs and lights, 6 27S0: mixed
and butchers, I7.504JJ.I0; good heavy, l; HO
8HliEP AND LA M BS Receipt. 1.PM
head: market Ske lower: native muttons.
ti;67 3; lambs, l7.Otf9.7S: buck and
cull. 14.K&6.00; stock!, I3.34ljl.i6.
Kaasa Cllr Llv Stark Market.
ceipts, 7,704) head. Including u southerns;
market steady; dressed beef and exportr
steers, Mootix.74); fair to good. aXbijJ7.90:
western steers, M-6tkft.a; stockers and
feeders, ao.loi.7.40; southern steers, S4.7tr
8.4; southern cows, I4.'tji.a5; mtlvo
cows, M.S477.S: natlv heifers. I5.56i..
bulls, I4.76ai4.7I: calve. S.6 3.
HOOS-Recelpts. 7,t0 head: market
steady: bulk of sales, 7.4Wj",.a: heavy.
ti.tibv'.lO; packers and butchers. 7.I0
7.7: lights, r.si7.K; pigs, 6.r..
tlHEtP AND UAM B.-4-Receipts, 15100
head: market Sun to Teo lower; lambs.
17.604315; yearlings, .arj8.); wether.
tbvOOu.;.; ewes. 4.406iiO; Blockers and
feeders, I3.60ij6.54X
' dt. Joeeph Lire Stock Market.
ceipts, ti head. Market ateady to weak;
ateets, t&764.6: cowa and heifers, tlinj
AfiO; ealvea. l4.VafiS.00.
HOOS Receipt. S,50 head. Marker
strong: top, 17.71; bulk of sales, 7.664j7.74 -
SHEKP AND LAM BS Recel pts, 1,30
head. Market !6rAc lower; lamba, ti.dOts
laa-k la Mathl.
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha.
St. Joseph.....
Kanaaa City..
St. IaouIs
,. 1.7IB) J.liW .A
,. tsa i.
, 7.70 700
.. rem s.M
.. te.on
.. e0 ,,10 W,M
legal Market.
steady: musrovftdo, W test. 166c; centrt
fugai, M teat, 4-c; molasses, St test,
ijoc Refined, ateady.
Calliornia Land Syndicate
A rar opportunity la offerexj a
few persona to join gome Callfor
nlans In acqulrlnc lars tracU oC
River Bottom Land In southern
part of Sacramento Taller, CaJ..
adjacent to river and rail trans
portation. Land la subject to over
flow and, la equal, if not superior
In richness, to Valley of the Nile.
Reclamation cost is nominal, ,gnd
under advantageous conditions
and gygtem; the land coat la small
compared with value when re
claimed. Will net approximately
109 per eent profit
Subscriptions solicited, payable
to the Land Account of the under
signed. Interest In the company
to lb amount of your subscrip
tion, with yonr investment, re
turned within two years. Capital
ization 1750,900.
For further Information, address
24 tCsUirarmia tJt, Saa Fraacisco.