Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1912, Image 1

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    The Omaha daily Bee
1912 Presidential Campaign
Keep ap with the game from
day to day by reading The Bee.
Government Begins Suit by Attack
ing American Steel and Wire
Buell and Holton First Witnesses in
Noteworthy Case.
President of Company Tells of
Formation of Pool
Attorney seeka te shew Aaaericaa
Steel aad Wire Company With
drew After Jedge Learned
( Ceadltloae.
NEW YORK. May .-The government
beaut it suit to dissolve the United
State Steel corporation today by attaek
inf one of Its largest aubeidaries, the
American .Steel and Wire company, with
the intent to prove that ever since Its
oigsnlxation in 19 down to a year ago
It had been a party to pools, agreements
or understandings to retrain trade.
The testimony taken before Henry P.
brown of Philadelphia, aoeplal commis
sioner In the case? was given by two wit
nesses, Wajlace Buell ot Port Chester,
N. T.. a retired president of the Dry den
Horseshoe company of Catasauqua, Pa.,
who, with ithers was Indicted and fined
In the 'wire pool" cases about a year
ago, sfter a plea of nolo contend. There
are seven of these alleged pools, covering
different kinds of wire named In the
government's complaint and Holton tes
tified si tot he formation of the American
Horseshoe association In January, 1901,
three month before the organisation o(
the United States Steel corporation.
The association, hs said, was organised
for the purpose ot Irving the price of
horseshoes and was. composed of nine
tfrms'sWAong them the American Steel
Wiff and his own concern. These, he
swoantered a pool agreement, a. copy
of "which ho produced, which provided
Densities of not lees than SM nor more
tliaa Si .WO for ths failure of any member
to abide by It. The agreement was con
timled. be said, down to Mareb IK, when
thir. American Steel and Wire company
' Vsksews to Gary.
"Ptd&'t Vlva President Bachua of the
American Steel and Wire company stats
In one of the meetings of the association
that Judge. Oary, chairman ot the steel
corporation." had no knowledge of this
poof' asked C A. Severance, one of the
defendant's lawyera
Xm be duj,'-'. vwpll the " witness,
"judge Oary had AO knowledge f it, as
far ss I know."
Tildnl the American Steel and Wire
aompany withdraw from It because Judge
Oary found It outf" .
"That I don't know. I only know that
the American Steel and Wire company
got out."
Members of the association. Including a
representative of the American Steel and
Wlr company, met Informally, however,
after the dissolution of the pool until
about a month sfter tha New York grand
jury investigation Into tha general wire
pool situation was begun last year, the
witness asserted. They were abaadoned
then, he said, on ths advice of Edwin K.
Jackson, the "supervisor" of this and
other wire pools, who wsa himself tn
dicted and fined.
"At these Informal meetings w ex
changed Information and a very man knew
whet tha other man's price would be the
next day," said Holton, who added thst
although vnnder the new arrangement
prices were not slwsys uniform, there
were five or six Companies, Including the
American Steal and Wire company, which
usually named? the ssmo prices.
During the existence of tha formal
agreement, Holton testified. It was Jack
son's duty to name tha concern which
should accept the bids of ths United
6tates government.
Aarewaaeat V lata ted.
Holton read Into the record a number
ot letters written by him to Jackson In
behalf of the company, which accused the
American Steel and Wire company of
violating the agreement to violate prices.
One letter asserted that trust's subsidiary
wsa catting prices on Honolulu business
"and unless soma set! on Is taken we
shall see that we get our fair share of
that business.''
NEW YORK. May (.-Captain B. a
Oebom, wh served under Farragut dur
ing the civil war. subsequently In the
navies ot several foreign countries, died
In tha Post Graduate hospital here this
afternoon In his eighty-sixth year. He
had been seriously III for a fortnight
Captain Osbon was secretary of the Arc
tic Club of America and was one of the
most ardent supporters of Dr. Frederick
A. Cook.
MASO.H CITY. la.. May a-gpectal
Telegram.) Six hundred em poles of the
nine brick and tils plants of this city
went oa a strike today demanding a
rales in salary from tl-S to C2a per day.
All plants are shut down. Managers re
fuse to aecpt the demands and win
endeavor te fill the places with Imported
The National Capital
Meaday. May , ISMS.
The Senate.
Resumed consideration of workmen's
compensation UU. with agreement to
vote by 4 p. m.
President Tafl submitted naeasage oa
'co-operstioa and the oast of living."
The Hons.
Considered ml erells senile lesialattep oa
regular calendar.
William e. are. republican, sworn kg
' from First Pennsylvania die-
Seren Million Issue Disposed of at
Private Sale.
Fre-mlam Very Law Whea Caaspered
to that retched by Other lease
Sold la Opea Market Only
Last Week.
afternoon announced completion ot Its
negotiations with Kountae Brothers of
New York for the sale. of S7.,s).wate
bonds. President Barlow of the board
says the city hsa the cash and the bank
ers the bonds. ,
The sale was conducted with the ut
most secrecy. Efforts to got at what
was going on have been made by repre
sentatives of a syndicate that was anx
ious to bid on the bonds. A report that
Kountse Brothers represented a syndi
cate that - offered a premium of SS.S0O
tor ths bonds brought a rival ayndlcat
offer of V&M supported by a certified
check for S7S.0ML The sale Is said i
have been made at a premium of S51W0.
exactly SM more than wsa offered by th
syndicate that was denied an opportunity
to bid on the Issue.
Matter ef Preaalasa.
The bonds draw H per cent Interest
and run for thirty yeara Last week the
city of Omaha sold an issue of SUM.OOO
twenty-year, 4Vj renewal bonds at 100.0IUL
On this basis, conceded low, a thirty
year ihi per cent bond should bring
M.0M. If the water bond Issue hsd
sold oa open bidding, and the bidders had
been aa eager to get the bonds as they
were to get the renewal bands, the Issue
would have commanded a premium of
SleUM. or SH.MV more than accepted.
That Omaha bonds are In demand Is
shown by the fset that the renewal
bonds sold In Omaha on Monday at
M0.01M sold In Boston rriday at lM.Kxa.
Ths premium paid on the water- bond
Issue makes the price a shade over MO. "Ml
career ta the Llsslt.
Pursuing Its policy of secrecy to the
utmost, the Water board' held back the
Information In order to give It out In
privacy to the newspaper competitors ot
The Bee, so thst this paper might not
have the Information until the others had
published the fact.
late In the afternoon Mr. Howell
brought to The Bee office a' copy of the
minutes of the day s proceedings of the
Water board. At meeting held during
the morning hours a communication from
John L, Webstes was read, which In
formed the board that under the law It
was not required to sell ths bonds openly.
It had, according to Mr. Webster's opin
ion, sole authority to sell the bonds, and
might do so In any way It saw fit. Messrs.
Heetey, O'Brien and Howell, the special
committee to whom had been referred the
bid of the syndicate composed of N. W.
Halssy Co., B. H. Rollins Sons, N. B.
Leach Co., Merrill, Oldham at Co. and
Watson Pruaprtch, reported adverssly
on the hie. It was set out that ths bid
wsa Irrecule and eectupsd defects that
would Invalidate It so the proffer was
rejected And the S7S.JS check which ac
companied the bid wsa ordered returned.
A lengthy, .preamble was presented by
Mr. Howell, which set out that for asms
reason the attorney general at New
York had declared that the bond Issues
of Omaha wore not proper securities In
which savings banks of Nsw York could
Invest; suggesting that this opinion was
given at the Instance of the Omaha
Water company, and that the suit ot O.
W. Shields to enjoin the Issuance of the
bonds was part of the same effort to
prevent the sale of ths bonds ;i that B.
H. Rollins Sons hsd advised ths Issu
ance ef S per cent bonds instead of t or
IH per cents; thst Kountse Bros, of
Nsw York were wilting to taks ths Issue
at par and accrued Interest "his a pre
mium," and that Judge Dillon and Mr.
beater hsd advised the sale of the
bends before the change of city officers
took place; and resolving "that it believes
it to be Its duty to receive and accept
what it considers to be the. bona fide and
unconditional offer of Kountse Bros, to
purchase the Omaha water bonds at par
with accrued Interest, plus a premium,
and that It would be unwise and unbusi
nesslike at this time to accept the bid of
E. W. Halsey Co. and others, under
all the circumstances hereinbefore stated,
and" resolving further to sell the bonds
to Kountse Broa
e.j!v. -
All Press rat leas Made.
That the transaction was concluded
with the utmost secrecy and before yes
terday Is shown by ths fact that on Tues
day of last week City Treasurer Vrs
wss In absolute Ignorance as to what wss
going on; he so stated on that day, but
on yesterday he wss la Nsw York with
the bonds and delivered them to Kountse
Broa.. receiving the cash In exchange for
them. This cash was transferred to
Omaha by telegraph. . Shortly after 4
o'clock yesterday afternoon the Omaha
National and the Merchants National
bank notified the treasurer's office that
I1.MC.000 bsd been placed to the credit
of the city In each bank. Ne ether bank
had reported, but It is the opinion at
the treasurer's office that the First Na
tional and the United States National will
make report this morning that the bal
ance of tbe ,. has been deposited
with them.
It may be of Interest here to note that
this latest bond Issue raises the dally
Interest charge to be met by the tax
payers of Omaha ta Stlst: of this CIS)
is paid on city, coemty and school bonds
and tea will be paid oa water bonds.
House Passes Norris'
Bill to Limit Union
Pacific Eight-of-Way
WASHINGTON. May a Tha bouse to
day passed a bin Introduced by Repre
sents tire Norris of Nebraska, perfecting
title ta present holders ot property along
the right-of-way of the Union Pacific
railway In Nebraska, Kansas aad Colo
rado. Ths bin leaves ta the Union Pa
cific a right-of-way Re test wide on each
aide of the track, bat assures title te
present owners of property paralleling
this right-of-way.
The Mil was nacaaailnlad by disputes
lately arises aver the width of the Unloa
Pacifies right-of-way. The railroad
claimed a stretch through the disputed
territory varying la width from StS to
feet en each aide of the track.
First Reporti from Maryland Pri
mary Give Roosevelt More
State Delegates.
Winner Will Get All Delegates to
National Convention.
Carries Metropolis and Bans Two
to One Orer Harmon.
Three Caadldates Mar 8a Split the
Metarne that Caaveatlaa Will
Determine Caaapleaisa at
tbe Delegation.
BALTIMORE, May (.-Republican pri
mary returns from eight ot twenty-three
counties and two out of lour districts In
Baltimore city, give Roosevelt forty dels
gates to the ststo convention end Tsft
fourteen, out of a total of IS.
Early primary returns Indicate that
Roosevelt snd Clark have carried all four
legislative district In Baltimore city, giv.
ing t,hera twenty-eight delegates to tne
state convention.
Democratic primary returns from Balti
more city complete and five out of twenty-three
counties give Clark thirty-four
delegates to the state convention, Har
mon four and Dllson tlften out of a total
ot U.
The Mar) land primary election today
will determine whether President Tsft or
Theodore Roosevelt will capture the
stats's sixteen votes at the republican
national convention, but. owing to a
peculiarity of the Maryland law, there it
a possibility that tha complexion of Ihs
delegation lo the democratic convention
will not be determined until the state
convention. '
BALTIMORE. Md., Msy (.-The Mary
land primary election today will deter
mine whether President Tsft or Theodore
Roosevelt will capture the state's six
teen votes st ths republican national
convention, but, owing to a peculiarity
ot thefTirylsnd law, there Is a possi
bility UuU the complexion of the delega
tion lo ths democratic convention will
not be determined until the stats conven
tion. Under the new law the candidate that
wins a majority of the US delegates
chosen for the state convention will get
all the national delegates also. Since
there are but two candidates for ths re
publican presidential preference ths di
vision of the state delegates must re
sult ta a majority for one or ths othsr.
Uncertainty may cloud the democratic
situation, because there are three candi
dates i tbe field Speaker Champ Clark,
Judsoa Harms) and Governor. Wood re
.Wilton, .-.v-...-..rwj!s!riw '
' If one ef three democratic candidates
receives a majority of the state delegates,
the contest for national delegates may be
fought out at the state convention, Oa
the first state convention bal
lot, the delegates instructed todsy for
each of the three candidates will be
bound to give them their votes, but If
this ballot falla to result In a choice, no
one ventures to say. what will happen.
Tbe belief is expressed thst the candi
date with the smallest number of votes
will release his delegates, who thus will
be free lo vote tor either of the candi
dates still In the race.
Results Clear la Tessa
DALLAS, Tex.. Msy 4,-It will require
the county conventions tomorrow and
possibly the stats conventions on May 9S
to decide whether Taft or Roosevelt for
the republicans and Wilson or Harmon
for ths democrats will receive the Texas
delegations to the respective national
Results ot Saturday's precinct primar
ies today showed Wilson strength that
surprised ths Harmon leaders, making
him the favorite for tbe county conven
tions tomorrow en the fare of the re
turns. Tbe Harmon people point out,
however, thst the full result ot the pri
mary voting will not be known until the
county conventions meet, and they claim
that It Is likely te tske the stats con
ventions to render a final choice.
The race between Taft and Roosevelt
Is left in even more doubt Ths repub
licans bars their county conventions to
morrow simultaneously with the demo
crats. -
Cecil A. Lyon, republican national com
mlttsemaa from Texas snd Roosevelt
leader for this state. Issued a statement
todsy claiming twelve out of the sixteen
congressional districts for Roosevelt, and
declared that Roosevelt probably would
carry all the districts.
lea tret la Arkansas.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark,. May S-Tsft and
Roosevelt forces In Arkansas will mea
sure strenth In meetings todsy and to
morrow. The Fifthdlstrlrt republican con
vention tonight probably will result In a
split. The Taft men claim regularity for
tbe meeting they will have end tbe
Roosevelt workers nuke other claims.
The contest will be carried to Chicago.
The Roosevelt republican league of Ar,
ksnaas and the republican slate central
committee will have meetings tonight In
advance of the state convection, which
will uke piece tomorrow. Whether the
Roosevelt workers will enter county pro
tests te lbs committee tonight or welt
for tomorrow's convention baa sot been
determined. Botfa sides express confidence
in the outcome of the state convention.
Body of CM. Hayes is
Picked Up by Minia
HALIFAX, N. 8.. May 1-The rabit
steamer Minis, which relieved the Mae-kay-Bennett
la ths work of searching for
the Titanlc's dead, returned to port tbl'
morning with flagee at half avast.
Tbe Minis met much heavy weather
during Its trip and covered a large area,
the bodies being found widely separated,
the last two picked up being forty-Ore
miles apart, The Mlala wired every pass,
ing steamer dally inquiring for bodies
Among ths bodies brought ashore was
that of Charles M. Hayes, president at
tbe Grand Trunk railway. Officials ef
the railway took charge ef tbe body and
It was taken te his home ea a special
Mt ' lUMOT OUOttt
, - rDffTO,, . t. f , , , ,, , ,, ... .... , , .
Tne Vegetarian Rem
Prom ths Minneapolis Journal.
President Sends to Congress Infor-
matioa Gathered by Consuls.
octettes ef Workers Owa areeerlea,
altastest rectories e4 rarelsh""
lasaraaee and Medical terv
ieoai at Coat. ,
WASHINGTON, May t-Preatdent taR
today cent lo congress the second Install
ment ot tha reports of consular officers
on co-operation and the cost ef Irving
which are the result of the Investigation
he some time sgo directed should be
made. The countries Included In this In
stallment are Francs, Belgium, the
Netherlands and Denmark. The reports
are accompanied by a letter from Hunt
ington Wilson, acting secretary of state
It appears from the Information col
lected, the eating secretary says, that ths
rising cost of nvtug hsa directed attention
to and augmented the membership of the
co-operative societies more especially In
France and Belgium. The French co
operative associations are la the mala
arranged upon the asms system ss those
In ths United Kingdom. The tendency Is
toward small societies and the great ma
jority of tha associations represent gro
ceries and bsksrles. The meet successful
distributes societies are in ths manu
facturing cities of northeastern and cen
tral France. Among these societies relief
funds are sdmlnlstered and Insurance
against Illness and forced non-employment
Is supplied. Arrangements are made
with dentists, doctors aad artlssns for
their services by members oa a commis
sion basis.
Expert Adviee rree. ,
The operation of the agricultural so
cieties has bees especially successful ta
southern France. The French govern
ment has given encouragement te these
societies by furnishing expert advice,
granting subventions and permitting
long-term loans by aarrlevltursl credit as
sorts ti one. Tbe general buying Is done
principally through district unions. High
grade farm machinery, such as Is beyond
the reach of many Individual members.
Is , purchased from' the surpluses or Is
loaned gratuitously or ttpea the payment
of nominal face.
Government employee are te a large
extent organised into cooperative so
cieties. Many ef the assoclstions are
affiliated with labor Sniuos that restrict
their membership to persons engaged In
a given occupetlon.
In regard to Industrial en-operative pro
duction it appesra that pleats owned and
operated by the operatives are not un
common In France, la Lyons, tor ex
ample, the enterprise Is conducted by so
cieties composed ef their own operatives.
Including printing and engraving, build
ing, plumbing, tailoring, weaving, tan
ning, carpentering, paper hanging, tbe
making of pasteboard boxes snd ths
making of metallic furniture.
The consular reports- state that the
French co-operative societies usually swl
at arices which are aelt her higher nor
lower than those of private stores and
that tbey have a tendency to keep prices
thrtnurhoot the district where they are
located doww to a fair level as well as
to enhance the parity and quality of ths
goods. The degree ef red actios as the
cost of living at almost wholly contingent
upon the capability and tha altruism of'
the management at the respective dis
tricts. Lower Pracee la Melaiaaa.
la Belgium, tne consular reports state,
a large proportloa of the co-operative
societies sell at prices lower than those
of the regular markets, allowing oaly
members ta purr base, and have only
minimal profits to distribute. Many so
cieties guarantee a per cant dividend
on an purchases aad distribute all re
maining profits to various funds for m-
(Continued ea ecood Page.)
dy for the High Cost ot Living
Counterfeit Gold
Coins Are Seized at
St. Paul,. Minn.
T. PAUL Minn... May a-Counterfet'
gold coins having a faes value at HUM
.have bee seised In ft. Paul nf 1s
W atervllle, . Minn a, aterah oaswios
Agent Thomas R. MeManua, It baosaj
known here todar. The coins, which art
an imitwtten ' st the ' Spanish ' M-peseta
piece, having a money value 6tU.1t ta
United States money, were discovered In
meal jewelry store, where SM af them
hsd been plated With gold.
W. H. Johnson ot Wstervllle Is under
arrest. Saturday Agent MeMenus selss.1
more than 1,060 of the, coins la Johnson's
Coroner's Jury Finds Death of Bar
clay Was Duo to Aocident
Two Cheats Drlak Heavily, do ta
Rasas of One, Foal with a
' . Leaded Can aad One la
That Alexander L. Barclay came lo his
death from a gun shot wound ea May I.
accidentally Inflicted, the gun being In
the hande of Philip H. DeiTam, a tHead
of the deceased, whom we bold blame
less. The foregoing verdict waa reached by a
coroner's Jury yesterday afternoon In the
Inquiry Into the death of Barclay, that
occurred Friday night at the Chatham
hotel. - Philip H. Dallam, who was with
Barclay when hs wss killed, was ab
solved from all blame and ordered re
leased from custody.
. Thst ths story upon which ths officers
worked Paturday that Barclay was mur
dered was without foundation became
clear te everyone at the Inquest while
Dallam wss telling what happened be
fore end after the killing.
Although suffering considerable peln
from the self-inflicted wound la his left
breast, Dallam appeared composed and
gavs clear answers to the questions ot
County Attorney English and explained
(Continued on Second Page.) '
Anthracite Miners
AreTrying to Stop
lumping Operations
POTTRVILLE. Pa. May 1-Prepara-tlons
are being made by the coal com
panies re provide for boarding of their
firemen and pumpmen at the mines la
order that there ehall be to Interference
with. them.
A body of men entered the boiler house
at Indian Rldgs Wsshery at Shenandoah
and ordered the men to quit work. The
seme thing was done at the site of the
stripping operations at Lost Creek. One
foreigner, who made a third attempt to
go to work after being turned hack twice
at Shenandoah, was set apoa and badly
Captain Wlthelm of Troop C, state po
nce, has details of his command scat
tered throughout ths region and says he
thinks als present force ertll he sotOclent
te cope with the situation, unless It
should grow much worse. It la - not
thought that there win be any further
switch leading in to tbe Reading com
pany's Eagle H1U colliery, five miles
northeast of PottsvUle, was biowa np by
At ahenendoah bloodshed la feared, as
feeling Is hitter. Late this afternoon on
the request of nsrttf Murphy a detail
ef sixteen state police wag sent there.
and How it Worked.
President Begins Series of Addresses
in Home State.
HE JS -MOT ASXISa roa rivon
He Me Mes Thm the Stssnp
Veoaaee the Ceoee that H Rep
- bweeata Mae tees Af
i, .', " V ' tacked.
ATUKXa, O., May C-Preeident Tail
entered hid third primary fight today
with Ohio's forty-eight dslegatsa le the
republican national convention to be
elected May M as Ihs prise. Mr. Tsft
will make speeches In several southern
Ohio towns.
KELBONV1LLE, i O., Msy l-Ia his
speech todsy here the president ex.
plained why he cams to Ohio. "I am not
asking a favor because I sm a son of
Ohio, but t aak for simple Justice." he
said. -
Mr. Taft again attacked Colonel Roose
velt and said hs had been forced against
hla will to enter the present campaign
by Mr. Roosevelt's misrepresentations.
"First. Mr. Roosevelt said he would
not accept the nomination; then he said
ha wouldn't be a candidate. Now he Is
a candidate Jot sure." said Mr. Tsft, "hut
ns wss not content wttu as ordinary casa,
palgn. He found H necessary to attack
my administration and me personally.
"The less I said, the more be said,
and he attacked me with unrounded
charges In every way. I welted a month,
and then, because of the cause I repre
sent. I decided te reply to him. I hsd to
tight and I am here to do h."
Movies of Work Deae,
Mr. Tsft gave a short review of the
achievements of his edmlnlstrathm.
pointing to the railroad bill, the postal
savings bank bill, the mine bureau bill,
the child labor bill and others, which
he declared showed as much true pro
gresslvsness as aay legislation enacted
since ths civil wsr.
"So fer as I am aware." said the presl
dsnt. "I hsve done nothing In office for
which I can justly be condemned. I
hare not been perfect and I have made
mistakes, but I have been striving to
carry out the pledgee of tbe republican
party. I have gone hastily ever the list
ot achievements In order to show that
we have been doing business In ths ad
ministration, although we hare not had
that kind of publicity bureau, or that
kind of fair treatment, with reference to
publicity, which would enable you to
know tbe benefits thus far."
Dewssear at rhllllew.he.
CHILUCOTHE. O.. May l-The presi
dent had hardly stepped out hi front at
the crowd In front of the Athens coon
bouse when rain began falling. It was
so heavy thst the crowd masted away
and after saying a few words the presi
dent waa forced to retire by the down
pour. Hs waited a halt hour, but the rata
kept up and he boarded his private car
Owing to tbe rain aad the muddy road
Mr. ' Taft's proposed automobile jump
from this city to Greenfield" wsa aban
doned, but all the Mops arranged before
hand were included in the revised scned
KALAMAZOO. Mich.. May 1-Aa a re
sult of negotiations started today by
bosfneea interests af the dry to restore
peace between striking corset makers snd
tbe Kalamstoo Corset company tbe strik
ers charged with riolaung aa Injunction
restraining the picketing of the factory
ware not brought into court today tor a
final hearing aa scheduled. Tbe cess
was con tin oed until Wednesday at the
request ef the company and the strikers
It I said that prospects are good for a
Heary Lou of Life is Beported in
Vicinity of Letts-worth and
Battieler, La.
House Containing Fifty Persons
is Adrift
Last Belief Train Left People Stand
ing Waist Deep in Water.
Parts ef Kiahivta Parishes Are
Already tadrr Water, and River
teatlaaea ta Spread Over
Mich Rat teas lands.
NEW ORLEANS. May 1 l-Thousande
ot anxious people la the flood menaced
districts of Louisiana were disheartened
today by heavy rakse that pelted at
levees already strained almost to the
bursting point by the swollen Mississippi.
All night long armies ot workmen fought
to strengthen (hose dikes that held firm.
while other embsnkmcnta gave way be
fore the flood that now covers portions
of eighteen perishes.
Reports ef life loss were received at
several concentration camps today. While
these have not been specifically verified.
It Is conceded that many persons perished
aa the flood waters rushed oa their
homes, . .
Leas af Life le Heavy.
NEW ROADS, La., May iflood refu
gees reaching hare early today declare
there haa been loss of life la that part
ot Louisiana Inundated by the Mississippi
river, which rushed through the breach
la the levee at Torres
It la said that motor boats ssnt ta tske
numerous person from floating bouse
lops arrived too lata How many persona
perished cannot be determined. Refugees
brought to the concentration camps are
hurried hither aad thither, eometimse
famine, are separated sod persona have
seen reported -missing ' wno simpiy nave
been sent from on camp to another.
Neverthelese, Israe numbers ot the
refugees claim tbey have eeen entire
families swept from housetops. Leaders
ef the rescue corps admit that several
times they have eent motor boats to
points where families had taken refuge
on the roof ef a house, and that when
the boat arrived Its crew found oaly tbe
building, buffeted about by currents, and
half Its roof Surface submerged.
Appeals for help reached here last night
from Lsttsworth. directly In the path ot
the Tergt torrent. Halt a hundred people
were reported ta he In Imminent danger
ef drowning. .The house In which they
bad taken shelter had been dislodged from
tti taunegtlufc sad was telnf tossed about
on the current . , i.
There, are at least 1, persons who re
malt t h rescued from the Inudstsd
country west of Lettsworth and Batch
ler. toat of them are drifting about on
hastily constructed raft.
Crevasse Is fareadlaa.
Ths crevasse water tt spreading at a
rapid rate Inundating section of Point
Coupee parish, which have never before
been reached by overflowa Town after
town la being swept by lbs muddy waters.
Ths Is.t ot the special train which
have been bringing refugees out ot the
country around Bate he ler arrived here
last night. Whsn tbe two relief train
. Hnn, .I in Uivi Bittcheler.
word wsa received that there waa grave
dangsr of being cut off by a threatened
washout In the tracks several miles east
ef that place. Whea the first train ar
rived at tha point of trouble wttsr was
flowing over the track tor a distance of
five miles. Bat . the train passed ever
safely. i .
Whea the second section arrived the
water waa rushing ever the track about
two feet deep. Aa attempt was made te
reach the ether aide of the washout, but
about half wsy across the track gave
way and the caboose and three cars top
pled over. Occupants of ths derailed
cars were thrown Into ths water, but es
caped Injury. Thsy ware transferred to
other cars and brought on te New Roads.
When the first section of the relte!
special sped through the water, which
was running over ths tracks Just north
of Morganxa, score of people were seen
standing waist desp in water near the
railroad signalling the train to stop. Tha
wetsr wss rising so rapidly that those
In charge of the train decided It would
Imperil the lives of all those oa board
to delay the train. The train was not
stopped. .
Railroad Track W asked Owl.
BACHELOR. La., May l-The last Unit
binding thai town with tbe eutslds world
by rail waa severed late last night, whea
the swift waters from the Torres crev-
In the heat of um
mer hundreds suffer
because they do not
hare airy rooms and
apartments. If you are
going to move now is
tbe time, before the
sizzling hot weather,
The Bee contains a
list of the finest rooms,
houses and apartments,
for. rent and sale, that
there are in the city.
Look in the classified
section and you will
find the places that you
are seeking.
If too hare rooms, or
house for rent, let The Bee
reader know and yon will
oon have then filled with.
- tha kind of tenants yon
Tyler 1000