THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY,. MAY 6, 1912. 'J he ee; SILK . HAT HARRY'S DIVORCE SUIT Wouldn't that Mysterious Gy Bet Your Nanny, Too? Drawn for The Bee byTad MwlATMv CAPmfcf J AM.-MOt- TMOkj'Lt I AT SLIP tUMHAUVOl 1 06 LCT Ar! M tNeif Owevrr too mnr I tP-VO 0 TV 3DW I : I: f OMUWT THAT - HMrOMKHEKa-l I Co.UM9v AK I (I wA. . . louWToof-tu. I mufisyw 1 3UST KKtceOAfrOrW UT VM iAIh MS wf 1 1 N I - I w A I -i " I I ll x l Onnr s i r Haunted Houses WIMKKAU) BLACK. -Tbere," nM tin weme io Wllwu. la 5fM. -It doea took taunted, Mm'I ttr -'I AM I looked up from th nl greee of tli new grass, up to the clear browa at the Hit) runaway braok that w talking at tk top ot Ki veloe, telling all whs would lbn' that prlng hs4 rMlljr wmt, ap t tk toy o( th wte- wpt hllK wlwra ' tk kVBte4 huw tii. nwt, Mirj th iHtt't tvrad, (tr Ietn4. Ilk tuwnl yp etoM to tmtHi, , tht Mlid porcK lonf th walk tin bsanM BOUM. "mu MM I. 11 Iom )Mk unto. M 1 kwiiaw N la. than I kaard U ktatary of tb fawt luwa o Ui kbl I knaw that wkM I Ml mhn I taokaa at N w ten, and that It kiuatj ba' kaunttd, raally hauntad, toa. k - 1 ; rr tha womaa : irho Vutlt it vaa hauntad. haiwud inta th tarrlbl koU of aavtrad, M nana, and aavy, od malt ambltiao. and arual ktttaraaa at haart. . . .. koltt tk kaoa t flawi It and bar woaltb in tha faaa of bar own aiatar, who diad aJao ad IrtaodlM la, th voty ahadaw at th bauatad kauaa. ' Aa4 Mi ft haantcd baua wllb tha wo maa who built k Hvaa ayoophaaU aad toadlat aad award I y kKhamara, who flattarad th awpar of tha kouao aad mada aillr dup of bar, with aaaiaan tnm what tbay aallad tha aplrlt world. And to womaa who ballt tha hauntad bono 4M la a aanjtmrtuna, drra tbro by baa owo aoMar baawd af ha oata klU and kin. . , Hauntad! I wouldn't II v In a hooaa with a hlatory Ilka that unUI I bad ovary brick and dvary stoat and owy bit of wood la M aarvbbod and) dcodortsad and djalnfaetad from tho callar to th laat beam In tba aarraU I'd open orarr an of tboa ahutbnod wlndowa. fiin wld tha barrad doora, and alrlr aatvrau that baoaa of mliorr with tha lcaa, whaloaoma aunahina. aad ran haa I'd tain) a Uttl boiwa wUkout a atorp to rt la prararape, U that oaa r m dwanted plaaa. . Hauatad! Why, of oouraa. ft la hauntad; H wao boaad to bo bauatod from tot wary flrar dap tha (trot foandatioa otana waa laid to aatrod till th baar that tba poor eraatar wbo built it diad ta do. Urloaa bwtaraaai of batt. I kva ftiond who Uvea In a haunted kouaa. Tht fticnd m a man-a groat ate, warm kcartos, blab aouM man and ba to married to a llttlo. moasaplrUad. potty mtadad balnc wko labota under th 4 lualon that aha la a woman. Ehe'a tha part of woman who turn (roan If you mention any other woman' Dm with Praia. Toa out apeak of aaytklaff or .anybody with appreotatloa without eallinc tba thuodaf eloada to that woman brow. Hr heart la sa full of petty Jealoualaa and mean oronemlM that la mint be fairly withering in Iter braaat-and' f defy any bumaa bilag to peak a natural ward, or thiak a natural thought la tba boon whoro my poor frwnd Bva with th womaa bo boaa oat of all tba world to make aim happy, aeoauao tho bad a pretty pi a ear and a dbntl b bar obin. Tk ear It rod now, and tbar are a many calae. that tbar lan't room tor a abapl ana loop an but tba aama una II tplrlt Uvea pt that bouae that antarad ta R tha day tba man. I know brought bom . kt arid. Haunted! I'd like to know why ot. -v.,' HauntoSl How aooof yo atlt whoa yea UpMd brio tba aviag room over at tho Smith yeatetday. Ton aua ahana outttdt aad tho'tprtna wind aang hi th budding bub at tha gat, bat ah oment you ontorod that room tb tun araned to go under a cloud and tho wind ttoppad atnging and pagap to moa.' When Mr. Smith cam ta eaa yeu. wat there aomathlne; fcraad about bar amna, or did yoa )oat tmagta Kt Why, ran tba doe on tba bearthetae. looked I It ka had th blue. Don't yoa) know what waa tba matter' Tba BmMko live In a hatmtad bmu. and tb gboat wat walklnf iuat aa you rang tba bell. Tho eruoi. bauatlag anoat f Joaloiwy and diatruat. and all bar a amad amuoa, aouM not beep pour blood from ehUltng. The boua whro tb two aiatar Urea oao of tbam b a beauty and aba ktugba m J' - M afT J IS on aa it ov ttvisdr smt 7HM- MV4 awtftOfs AIAi ATtwoesaw AX mtt ifW ft. ttumma ssTkvTH.a.aV THf Au-wen Ate ugu.iHcv ffrM. fOA aaJaTaWDw M-. THXT WeVl NVTMlMf CaMlPrfe '( BurtlLU. 6N PtlarHr rl7VAr-M- TO U ttwifwad tpJMtCl Mr , , 15 eoeay torn' eco A "r jnm fWK, WaWaTtf a , . . . . trJfiJ? . T JEW T4 Ajpwa ftarrraT fAaWS (bt'APCm KC 1W tltrOL wr TMaT- Jra-ni WbV pmwcS M THC UbaVA.8 lU. ldcr TMW" tUCM wieMnAftetl. CAB IHf gA TMetf A ir DCHrrt WAt- CAeT Tte BAia:aBM JA (OUraTJbi THC MI."! PiAif ilw JMorimr wAl mT5 V KdTD A SAVtk IF vWrWrBWNtCK l4M6(iVM ViOts VMEU. vaHXJtOVW CAvU Hlr LOHd FtJdtJrrOAr POMT PT MbV bafM WT- other hi clever and aba aneera at the one wbo la ttuptd. Aad a mlaerty old father wateboe them both wttb a kind of aatliio and biting kuaor. Hauntad. all haunted, every bouae that b tahablwd by bate and anger and envy. Aad the tighten minded child know It ta atoa a be atepa acreea tb tbrmhold and (haw that he know it is every line of bla cklldlih faea. The woman who cornea for th laundry know OV aad a does th boy wbo de liver th gracorloa at the baxb door. The anb man awto away from too place aa quickly aa ba can. and the vary dog link by tba gate witb a amotbarad bark. Bauated. from eelln ta garret, every oaa ot them. I wouldn't live to a bouae like that I got N tumlahad, haatad. Hghta-for nothing wevid you The Art of Love Making a matter tmH No dm- Tiavomaklag, bow almpb oopta o aaprara. Vo beignu m a lit ta hartenlaa aafere. Ma affriptiuag Hereaftar dova new will bo lev mnam. Sj I felt Ta keep ellenea war folly,' all language above. I mad love. . Robert Browning.. "I am deeply In iov with Sethar K." wrttee Looter, "and we have baea keep tag ateady company for the mat twe yoara She la my Ideal of a gtrl-quwt. monad and cultured. But tba b) osty li asd I am 9. I feel a Utile timid about broaching the aubject of matrlaoay, at though I think It would be all right.' aa I have a. vary good poatUaa. Kmdly ad vtaa ma bow to ga abowt making hwp bt bar and wbat la beat for mo ta aw. . Eaid Kdea rbillpota: So maa over yet failed to onaka mvo from braoaaaea of bow at pegln." ' Ja day of old. a knight vtent down o nia knee, and did aa aorta of cbtvairotet doeda to win bla htdya favor. He need not go ap bla knee today, aad If b attempt any af tba feata af Ma early tove-lora aaeeatora. bla girt would i than ta baa him. tar that la chuacd aa -Mbanbr taday. All tba world aeha f him to that be la boaorajkla. etaadfaet. faithful, aaraiav eat. eooavJerate tpd kind la hie krre- inpAinc- If bt b) an of limited) moan aad look of p wv. tbla praferaace for ber aectoty tor eo lone a m at a prooC Sba baa accepted your attentions far two year, during which time I Judge there nover ba ba any ueHaaMoa to to wMh any ether maa. Mr dear young maa, there (acta alone prove ta bar that row love ber, and aboald pro to you that yen come firet la bar heart. Tefi ber yon tovo ber. . H win bo the oaaiott thing you over did In all your lit. Tea need not outline nor rehearae what ymt will aay or do aagt. ' ' Ko writer of poetry or proao can teO yoa that whfeb. will help yoa during the next half heur. oonea. K goaame." aald Lculaa at. AJcott. axe ladeacnbahle; for to tbeea who have enacted tbem. the n. utaarata aetenpttaa anema tame, and to tboaa who bar pot. tb ebapioat ptcturc WJriUrOM,IP'fO.TH DA)vcrNCTrciiriir mii TH VrtlPOOaJ ' bllTRlBuTE Vi Ul 1brf WTTH (AAiJ tVHt OA-THC JUbt TtoaaVwoEl ' WW laaaCOtWTTVAU aiTkiOtMir im aie 3 DUbX. AttOilWtPAV arVTHfro7.1W0 "" JCCtTto ore A caw5" iAfO Co 6 6ou4tr Or mm nvat CVaVi t fc- iTftl Aa AWTarm AmV aVwg atV1at rUnbaV aaAtA t 4t af t-b wra.oj,-tsa . -" V dbT afj OAftEWJTP fD 6rAAT tf PvdAAaJO. PMAiMKi HAHOuvoOO Putt. TO tWe CAUJt UP tW" ff fW ft OA NlviW ttarta-A wnxlaa i got fAv ovxw it r TMAT THArt weAV ntUKMdjhQf, , 1- rfm yJrPat,Tb. rwimi rxavrx Are? fare HOIrba TiOCTKi. r Vw v Questions in. Scieaoo By KJMMH LAUKIX. t)uotlon What would ba tb apparent path af the earth around the an It viewed from tba atar Oanapua, or tb tar -a an that eur ua eaotratee AnawoiwU) Our aun douotltM OouM not b eean from tha itar Caoomnt bp moana ot aay teleooopa bow la oUaMaoa. Tb Mt-lnch mirror now bring mad m Paadoa for the Mount WUoon obeer ratory. If bvkn Into apaca to a diatande equal to that of tb gleet 'aun Canopaa, and turned back thM way an a dark night might me oar ua e th point of a very fine aeedre; or, It IBvlelkla U might ba thotpgraphod by Ion tHPoaura. Our eun la obwaod aa a imill atar. lad Ha light at th dlolanee -ot Canoput wouia o eaceginaiy email ana lain. enure, th earn and a bundraw mlinea more worMa like It, bunched loowber lalo a blutter.. would ba Invlalble by, re flected e untight But If tba aua and eartb aad tb earth'a orbit oould be aeaa. the tb track of tho earth, would -bo o Plrai arowad mat et the awa. a tak a broomauoa, and tr around It like tkreed. on apool, tak out tb atlok fad atratch tho, eeU until tho apaco borweoa ecb turn la, gay, aaaahlrd Inch, and MAtHRiAt tba-wlr. Tba tba) apirat or hcob.woukt riaainint tba. track at. th. amt fbroWrh opaob darm Itb yaarbv Tm awn- mowoa WwarA tba atar Wga at, a PpoeA of twatve aatte per Oeeead and'carrle tba aaa a tba, plan n anaV- their moon aiomf. aXA tbar a a move - av at tba, ooaao Uiao. away aravaraa. ptrata. vaaawaaadaaV I a tit rUa ot-armv ' haowm whtkr th anav evoamd aaataec ba a matin. themMrc fairly bp K H It at. Mot- la mowtrbT. AU pro kekl Hell bra. agalaat i taaa. blnoa tba. toveaawa of tba tliiiana abd kntcrooaemr a turning' ta ttak rbtbt wr WTt kaav bora detected. It, aa Par w knowav temn to. ba mavtag atone oa a. traktht line.. Bab aaalaatr kt mnM tbr alea. btllalaap ot tbr attraot-our. aad the path bopoad a doubt benaa (bla wa aad that Hba- tbmV at a, baa la wan, but tiva oarvatur eanaot, ba nor -tlee. Oraai a otrolo tea adlea ta diima ton, out ur oaa lace apd emald ear. tkw looh b. a wralaba- Mae. Tha, eua a. patb taavarmA duriag tba laat km rear kt twelve mllaa pep eeaond ia aaout la thav proportioa. of, tbla eat., iab Lorraine's Beauty .Seaets for Girfs J ll.M-' I IT' Tb DwflniUon of iho Otiarm. let lmglaailo paint Par them that wbmb bt above aB art. aad leave brat ta thcmoalve durrnr; tb beppieat mla atea at thatr Bvoa. Tea ar yauntv bat Judge you are a Mdy. rrJ labia young man. and year aooartptlon ei tb Ctrl mdicau that though oho la only M. ah baa tb thwpbtfiihima et a womaa aoue year older. Under tb airrmaetanco I do not bebev yoa aro toaj poaaf to beiaib tb ia. doe act aaput aay laaiab oapeodK auojeet of matrimopy. tare aa a praat of bar hjvo. If tba gM ia tba air g narrow girt ah ehoold be. - eee win ant accept any cifta- wbtcb are I Bualy boyond a man f bm mean. Lev making, granted that tb air! la "refined aad cultured.- aa m tba girt at ypar dreoo. la a ajmpl that it would bo aa coaler taab to tell bow to avoid It. Tow have baea going with bar two "TAre at yoa anr told ber ia word of a year or two to net too map waoa both tbo maa and the are wa fartatnl. aa re) la etc and ae much In earneet aa yoa aad tbla young womaa arrm U ea. Aak ber U marry yoa. Tfa taking win bo eaay. Bat eoe't aak bar aalam yoa have made up your mlad to ao eoadwet the reet ot year kfo that yoa may make her bappy and ba wortby of bar. - By UU4AN InORRAlKB. ' While almoat every woman want to k pretty, I don't believe a girl eglat wbo doea not ton bo ba charming. I bava af tan wondered Juat wwat charm la Only a little while ago I waa dining witb aome people at a restaurant, and we bad beoa remarking oa tee dread ful aaaortmeat of agiy looking people badly dreoaed and moat dope eating ta contemplate. At the table aezt to ue there waa a group of Bra people thxro, mea aad two women. Owe womea'a face waa earn-' ptetely bidden by a big bunch ot car aatioei wbJch rtoed ia the middle t tb table. We oould only aee th geMurea of her banda, and th nodding plum of br "mart hooiMt. and th general uUlnea et tba weH-dreeeed figure of a woman.. I eheold rwtwe. between thirty and forty. Bha aemid ta be tolling a atory. At any rate, one waa keening ber friend tn galea of laughter and b managed the eonveraation eo that every one had a hare la It, though abo aaamed to dominate. We' watched her for a long time wttboot being able te ere her face, ad wo aU decided that abo waa a vary cbarmin peraoa: but then we couldn't tell why, becauae we eoeJd petther. bear what aha aald aor, bear ber. Wo oowM only Judge by ber ceaturet and tb way tba webbing bat turned from one aeraea to tba other. It aeemed ao Inlereeted tod ee gracloua aad we knew rbe peraoa be neath wee th came. Charm la aa Uluelva that you ant pat a real deflipwoa oa it. Being unaotflab net aeceeaaiily make a ebaraung. tbaugb a pareoa who m abviaualy rerlieri never ba obarat I tblnk tba oecret ot urm I to make the awat ot yeuroelf both pbyateaily anl meatar. la an please otharai tnd Incidentally to be agreeable to youreolf. " . n .. A womaa witb aa agly area king voice aa a really efiarmiag. tbaugb mta ot wemaa wttb ugty far have thi enviable oualtty. Now, a pretty apoahheg ooica can be ewlttvatod, aad tbar to ao reaeea why every one of u ehould not opeab la low and muelcal tonca. It hi entirety oaeatiew of bariaa pour attcntioa calked to tt. and rencmhertag act to acream aad talk loud, aad act t taw in tba aw ful ' aaaal twang that rata ap many wretty voice. The boat thin to do to to Lad aome aa wttb a pretty veto jl bvttat ber. Be aura yoa ehonee aa eaaregie wboaa vote ta about -tba aaae rang a yewra. If your voice la natur ally blab yoa don't wan to Imitate Ethel Barrvmara. And if you 'have a tow vara, coal try to apeak high Kb Bill for laataaee. Waea rv thick of a charming paraan yoa aataralty pietavo ta youreatf one to UMpuloowy daaa. I am aar X I awra a maa I would aa bo dlegmaed wttb tba me,-) beoaiifut t inn te) Um world at the hat-' aroaad ber aaefe aad ebeovaa wa eoUed. aad at abo pad tba auafwtano alwsya tc loofe mapdyt. aa maay womra do. Tba '.-"rl wbeeo waat Ma't faatea, aeopertf at J-vme and wbo baaa't bad totalUgeaea aoeT ta nod owt bow keF aw abirtwaiem al proper trim, making perfect cownactfoa with tba head of tba akin, tbi phtckat to never faatraad eecoraly. and wbeae kirt tag at tb back ao4 blaoa up p O A. U1S UIXLaJT tO&BXUit. front; weh that gtrt eotrkt novo tba moat divine teat.ure. Is th world, area ap big aa tmiaji. Upa II ho, ehacrtea, n4 teelb Mba pearto. but If I were a ana aba weald aat tempt aa, br to a habit that yoa bav to ewttveta aa pan do a broad A to apeaa ln aama paopkt daa t waat to euMt vam tb A. and athgr o' waat to bp tidy, but mark my word, b you wan w either, ao that It nimi natural, be gin when yoa are yoong: fre ta ano a tho priactpat Ham of aMman'P charm. It deeea't bar be be pamavo. bat at moat eapree ber owa nrmlrrfty and oeaantatl damekieaa. Too oaa wear tba prettleet dree to the world. if row are act really aetata-, mum- now that anattty to going to anew. Tba tact that you bar oa a new and fraab aee deeea't hide tbo lash of pbyaieal where tbla lac.,- ta going, to proclaim ttaoir. bt th noliod ruftt of a .petticoat that dmac ar la a oewn-trodden. keel .at a ahoo, in hair that need anampools and nail that need am el curing. Moat people tblnk that being beautiful to an axpanaiv proceea, That toa't aa at alb Beak keauay doeon't como out of bopr, and while It mean constant ear and attention. It doea not require epeaa ing much money. , , , Neither deal eAarcb. A womaa doea net neve to wear A Paqula gowa tn appear abaolutely charm ing to, the ya of ber houaehdd. But abo can't ant to th broakmot taato la curt pop on. ar frowap hand a! hair, evea If eke' a wearing; a drearta gowa d reigned by a aunou rroocb coatamor aaw bp attraetlv The womaa wboaa tnc waa hiddoa by a bunab et earaatleao aad wb un praaoad a alt bp ber charm waa evi dent ty trylB to pieaae bar guoota. At tb oama ka aba dat pot atom to guaniag over them, or ba bo aaylnf a lot af no na en ate 1. Inatnoar flattery. , Tow may thtorn tor a wernept that a peraoa who flaateaa yaw a great deal to really charming, but on aacond thought. yoa know that th thing which war aald oould aot have boaa true, Tba girl who flatter to aot tb popuular girl, tor ho to aooa found owe Bat th girl who hop plenty of tact, aad who gratfoueiy gtvea way to mt another peraoa ehlne. that girl baa made a friend, and yoa will never boar ber called nicking In charm. Charm dene tea a certain eoftnaoo, aad I tblnk women who affect th mntHnt either In apprarano at la apeech, are usually derald of U. . Have yoa aver raaned that oa tha- atag only the enaileM, moat Ptmlpino kind ot guia over make a aucceap in maocullna rolear Tbla to boraiwa every oaa baoww that It la only a meqaerad Put It a girt raally looked mnecutlne, I tblnk aba woejd be booted oft tba stag, and certainly abe would bo looking bt ebaraa. Oar tailor- mad cootumea. oar manaieh boot. gloveg and Uee are only bocomlng to ua whea tbey are tranatormod by being worn by the essentially womanly girt. Tho mamtlsb girl wba affects part of bar brother' eoetumee may bava dash and raari nation for Motet bat If she oulti- rvatrs tnh manntoh trait ta tba trl moot ot ber potter and geattor quailtttr, ieba will oaoa flad that aba baa com pltaeto lost tb Ptuetve and mock (oagbt for end fjost attracthra ot aS foralnin The Manicux.e lady doalaeas and refinement, a4 aeaao, ibafs, Bovaaaw th bPotb. Tb roaaoa dothes are moth oaten to foecauea tb moth has told egga ia them before tbey war peck awapi Ctothee away bm arofatly atoaed trunks. bono or bag wtoboat moth eggs bt tbem wilt sot ba colon, moth baJla ar ao moth balto. II moth eggs are already ia tba clotbea. It wilt 4 ao poaaibto good aea moth baite, aampbor, or any mt th other bA-troelling things. Th fonly raiao f aioth balto la ta keep the moiba bm aeeitaaT hvor th bad email It yoa have mad certain that there are no egga already la th detnea and they ar aot protected ia pealed boxes or "lan't It awful, Qsocga," aald the Maaieuro Lady, "tba. way a lot of peepiei lota tbeto tolk ovejr tha phoney . ' " never beep oa taltrrnt t VrnmT aald tba Head. Barber. "Tb ml nut angrbodt tana getting- aajey with me- I stmplyJ my err, wnat a efl yawp atlndr "Oh. thara was the freshest gug In tha world called me up tht mo rata and ha triad to tell mo aBmethla about a tip oa a race. Tb way ba talked I wasn't aura whether he wantad tc tJK ta Jack Brown about Brown nch la Ui eaoand raoo, or Lpoe Luke tar tho tenib raoa. And tha nerve of him, Oeorgp! ky geeeV m, be waa that Inmilting. that I wa praying fop him t get onto a strt car and cam down ta th hop. where I could bounce one af your hair tenia hot ttoa off hlg bean, Do yoa know what Aa aaidto mar . "I wouldn't bava any Maa,'' said tha Head Barber, guardedly. Well," said the Manicure Lady, "tbla la what ba mid, attar I heaV triad Urea or four times to get the nam that ba wa trying to tell ma, bo aald that ba would kko to talk to somebody that had Btu intelligence, cap yeti beat thai. Oasrgef t K? He. wanted to talk to aomabodp that had a. Httto IntollbPaaaot "Hoimst bt goodnesp, I Jupt wiah I knaw wb It was) . Tb ansa rat.. He wanted b tavUL. to apmrbody that had -a Utile lataninoor k . "tou doa't aead to renoal." said tha. Head Barber. "What did you sajf ta him?- , "Oh, I aidp't aay much.' sapllejl tko, Maclcuro. Liadr, "I JuM said tt(at. I bed iataluganca, naufcn. but. thai I withea I . eeujd tplk to, aotaabody thai talkel a, "Wa leas II ka Kid. Broad or Dummy Tbylor. Thera to cartaU tongtb. 0orga, to which no maa otp (a with ma and gat away with Jt, When, I boll. I boU." "Tu don't seed ta be gjarln At mo.- said, tap NHd Bar bar. "I pavtr taUiai " toran, over Ua, 'pno4 or bay aOttc way.- ' "I know that. Oeorgo," aald tha. Wanl care Lady. "Tou've alwaya boon. A par- ' feat dev. t me. That la rnttt tot UilnAa thU t alwajrt adiplrml about you. tou barer, calltd me, peach, or said anything abouj that you. would Uk to mra 'm and eetti down in on of til ant vine-dad Wlscontla ootUgea." "I. paver raid It because I woUtn'C want to." ajUd: th Head Barber. "Tan wouldn't ntaot, to what!" MagpoA tho Mafilcure Lady. "I meant I would nt want to ti trssh with you," explained th Head Barber. "Op. I ." said, tha bUalcur L4y. "Tom better pot, had, anyhow!- ; , The Two Ages ;j " r - -j. By fcLLA.VJ HEKLfcH WUA.(U. 0 a treat cathedral wtn4ow I bava gowa. A aumptar sunset swoop and sink away. Lost ht tba splendors ot Immortal art, Angela and saints aol all the bcavacly aoata, Vtii tmlloa undimmed by kalf a thoaa.n4 yeara, Pram wall abd ateba av asot my lifted sag. Botilpturs) anA enrvia aad Ulnmiaed paga, Aad tha fair, lrtty droaios ot arctiltoeta, . That ppaak ot bsaaty to tha aaatart All tboaa bava fad ma with dlvlpa topastat Lot hp bp Booth to toft DHtar tto. . Tba taato of biocxl that ttahiod Uiat Of art Tbosa glorious windows shtap ctxm tb black 1 And hidwa gtructur of th gulllcrtlM; ' Braids tb habed couatraaoo of sslnti - - Tberw hangs th motlplo and knotted htb. ' , Th Christ of krv. bonlgn and boautiful, Look at lap torturo-rack, by hat eoneajvsd, Aad wcotry sustatmad. Tke nrtooa eeH, , . With MoooVwtaiaad waits, wker starvlpg man went mad U padar tarrota iatanM la Ul (Pact, - Ood. what aa age! How was It that von 1st . Colossal tenia aad. colt dial crlm Walk for s hundred years across tb aartl, - Like giaat IwUtf How wag It the that meo, Co sc si via wak vast beauty tar th world. And such Urtw hopes o( hoavoa, eoald sstdrtais Suck hellish project tor (heir human kial How could th hand that, with) coaaummta gkf i And tovtat patlenca, tinned tha luminous page Drop pea and brush, and alcx th krsndiag rod. To scoare brotlisr for bis dlfteriiit tajtb? . Not areat tbla a in beauty or Is art: Nethiot wrought today that shall podgr ' 1 - Fo arth'A adornment, tbreagb long contorles, Not our th tarvld worship of a God s r That wast Its splendid opulence oa (Iasp, . Laaviat but bate tor huagry haaiaa acttv. : " Yet thht treat ago; it mighty work to) baa , - Kaowlac htonselt tha aniveraaJ Kfer And trsat our faith, which hwitse!f ta ! j . For bumaa treedoaa and for raeral good ' The true religion Uea tn being kin, . . , . No at a ia greater than lt Ultk to broach , - , ' -; . v , ' Thraurt Wjert had, tor gpea. cllnb to d, -