Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MAY 6. 1912. i
Wonderful Amount of Campaign
Copy Daily Turned Ont
TTPiwama batteries bust
Cmlraailu ef rentes Day'
- RerelMs ut Tke Be "
Fesltlaa ef tke Mala Par.
Tha .'sat appioacoinc city election I
InuMstlrc The Dm Willi proclamation
iHift and coo t rover 11 eomnmnk-atlone
and to actord free spscs to all of them
would nil a hoi Mum of the paper. From
Rslpk Sunderland conn two oumposltlont.
en over hit on a signature and on ander
the non de plum ot -Publicity commltie
if the (Itlarus union." and t-om Mayor
Jim" a sucned announcement which per
hart deserves mention.
Tha perao.ial rommunicetjon froot Ralph
Sunderland altera abrupt denial to vartoui
rnsriree: flnt. that ha looHa for any spe
cial business advantage from tha outcome
of the election: second, that ha la actuated
by ipita or malUe; third, that be has paid
more i:n fl Into the Cltlsens' union
campaign fund; fourth, that tha Bunder-
land company has put any money Into
tha campaign; fifth, that ha besged the
mayor sot to proaecuta him tor abort
weighing: stxUi, that ha axaected to con
trol tha Cltlaena union candidate whan
elected, and. seventh .that h Is cither a
candidal or an Uses In tha campaign
In his statement on behalf of the
Clttirr.s' union. Mr. Sunderland disputes
ths reasons advanced by th mayor for
rhanal nc th election board roller and
foea In detail Into speculation as to why
vsrloiis prettied namea war substltutsd.
Inasmuch as Th Be bad not published
tha mayor's eihlblt on this scora, th
counter exhibit Is Irrelevant.
lis Caawladlas! Paraajraaaia.
Tha character of this aunderland
document may ba fathered from th eon-
cludlnf paragraphs:
' la a instance wnera out ons cnanse
waa made In alectloa boards does ine
1 mayor tin incompelmCT ss reason for
his removal. Th Cttlsens" union does
sot believe th ma roe can point out
ImU Iriiuim whara ha pronoaed to
. remove a sins la election official for In
tfflrlency, Inexperience or for any ether
. good reason.
Tha sane- keena a vers oloaa wstch
upon ewcuoa oinraaw 10 ' wiwrnim
..whether sr aot they are dependable
from tha atand point of th gang. Hera-
. tofore elertloB frauds la a few preclncla
bars bean ooaaldered sufficient to de-
.gang. Tha present situation, however.
i la desperete from th standpoint of th
. - - - --A k.t uwinl. fn hlr
tempt to maks lctloa frauds poaslbi
In an parts of th city, thus adding
enough ballots at th final count to' those
which are always cast at their bidding
In certain pradncu to Insula their eleo
' lion.
10 in vnisens wwa n mwm w
-ba a dasparata attempt to steal tha eleo
'tloa. which Is only another way of sar
ins that tha gsng doea aot hav any
'confidence of being elected unless by
means of election frauds. This will ei-
plain t tha people why election frauds
were la ba perpetrated m many parts of
tha city. It la tha definite opinion of
. .IM.IM IA.itriS with the
'Cltlsans' unloa campaign and also th
opinion of many men who have been la
CM toucn wiin avy poiiuva mat w
gang's candidate are defeated today
unless Ihey can pull through their eleo
tlon by moans of election fraud a."
Mayor Jlrn'a Praaaartaaeenta,
Mayor Jim's signed stsleroent call si
tentloa to th decleton of Judge l.sslls
as vindication of Ms action In appointing
eleetloa officers In accord with law and
.Justice. Ha goes on to say la part:
-But tha moral effect of this decision
.til l r Mmanitniie benefit lA mv it.
soclstes on tns square ticket and myself,
because H proves to th voter of Omaha
thel I hav been right, and thst the
Cltli as" unloa baa bee wrong In this
controversy. Bo violent war tha attacks
atari upon ms, by ths Cltlsans union In this
.matter, and so prollfl la number were
they, that I realise that many fair
minded and Intelligent people wbo had
not tha tuna and opportunity to study
ths merits of tit controversy war being
misled by th Cltlaena' union and war
bait Inclined to believe that th organisa
tion waa right. But tha court, after bear
ing arguments on both sides fairly and
fully, with perhaps th greatest array of
hlgh-prle4 legal talent ever esesrleted
In a singt esse In Omaha trying to dis
tort law and fact for lbs Cltlseoa' unloa.
baa given me tha clean btlL
"Did I net do right?
' "The district court of Douglas county
says lb at 1 did.
"I save called a special mealing of tha
dty council for Monday at IS a m., at
which time my list will ba again sub
mitted to that body for Its eantlrtnatto
r rejertloo, and la as doing I bsltsv
that I am fully meeting what la expected
of ma by law and common asaaa to avert
ceafusloa and net at ths polls ea Tuesday
moraine and to give to th peopt of
Omaha a fair and honest election.
Please by Approval.
"After having proven the CiUsens anion
Is be on the wrong eld of every Im
portant ssw of that campaign; after
baring showed It up as (sistfytng par
cent in tag figures la Its advsrtisemente;
after having pointed out to tha cltlsans
of Omaha where It hss deliberately tried
ts besmirch th good name of our city
to boost Its candidates Into office for
the benefit of the tanderlands and ether
pedal interests; after having suffered
from th most vile mudallnglng and dis
honorable campaign tactics that It was
ever my lot te ge through la s pontics!
campaign; this Isst approval of my
course with reference te th appointment
of election boards ae honest and legal Is.
H seems to ma. ths last thing ntsded to
win the respect and Us vote of evsry
fair-minded voter who believes la a big
ger and better governed city, where the
masse Instead of the classes wlU be la
control of the city governmeaf
IE8 MOINES. la.. Msy t.-8laapaoa col
lege of Iadlanala won the triangular field
sod track meet participated la by High
land Park. Dea Mot sea sad etmpaoa col
lege bars with M points. Highland Fart
and Dea Moines were ejrd for second posi
tion with t points each.
Count Cosnac Falls
to Death from Air
MCE. Msy I -Count RoMllard Cosnsc
wss killed while making a flight here to
day. A strong wind broke the wings of
his monoplane, which fell 30 feet. '
Surpriiing Speed Shown in Annual
Santa Monica Contetta.
raie-Rreea asd Barney Oldfleld
seed Off Their Wheels. Theesb
Several Aeeldeata Hinder
Farmer C hamplaa.
SANTA MONICA. Cel.. lsy I -One
hundred and seventy-five thousand per
sona saw three new world's records estab
lished at the fourth annual Santa Monica'
automobile racea hers.
Teddy Tetf laff of Los Angeles, driving
a ninety-horse power Fist, won ths sfsV
mlls free-for-sll with th phenomenal
average ef 7t 54 miles an hour, breaking
ths previous mark of 74 d mods last year
by Harvey Derrick In a National en the
same ceurss. Caleb Bragg of Flaadena
was second with David Bruce-Brown ef
New Tors, the favorite, third.
In th medium car event, Ralph Ds
Palms, the Italian driver, In a Mercer,
set a new record ef Hie miles sn hour
for 1U miles, and In th light car event
George Joermann of bos Angles, driving
a Msiwell. placed th art-mile record for
small cars at II S3 mllea an hour.
Only one accident that assumed a seri
ous aspect marred the day's rsclng. Near
ths finish of ths free-for-all, David Lswls.
In Sluts car. threw a tire. Tha flying
tire struck William Ross, a local resident,
and made him unconscious-
David Brace-Brown, favorite for th
big race, and Barney Oldfleld, whs an
nounced thai ks would be able te "come
back." ware practically "raced off their
wheels" Tetsisff set a heart breaking
pace and throughout the long grind Bragg
seemed to ba th only driver able te keep
within distance of him. Dtngley, In his
powerful Klmplex. wss S disappointment.
never standing better thsn fourth.
Experts declared that never before had
they witnessed such bursts of speed. In
the last ten laps ssvsral ef th ears
mad a speed fsr In excess of lot miles
an hour. Bruoe-rJrown. In his Bens.
hsd the honor of turning the fastest lap
ef the HIT miles course, making his thir
teenth circuit In Ifl i. or at an average
spssd of ninety-three miles an hour. To
this. Brawn must have exceeded UI
miles an hour on tha straightaways.
Caleb Bragg, ths young Pasadena million
aire, mads ssvsral laps In better than
ninety miles aa hour.
Tetilsff drove beautiful race, taking
the lead In ths second roifhd. Hs was
never beaded. Lap after lap wss reeled
off at the rate ef mere than 10 miles an
hour en the straightaways. Only twice
did he stop for tiro trouble.
In the medium ear event. Do Palm
practically bad ae opposition. Inking the
lead at the start and showing ths way to
the finish. Jos Ntkrsnt of Los Angelas,
tn a Cass, tagged oa te De Palma and
finished second. Another Cass, driven
by Louis D la brow ef Los Angeles, fin
ished third. -
The light ear event proved the surprlss
ef the day. Joermana and bis Msiwsll
bad scarcely been noticed la ths entries,
but by consistent driving Joermann. who
first sat la a racing car sight months
sgo, gradually forged te the front and
won with five minutes te spare. The
results follow:
Light ear raoa. 101 mllea: Maxwsll
(Joermann) won. Time: 1:1741. Fland-
Evans) second, !:):; Flandsra
Tower) third. Y.iXM. Avorsgs: Ci.N; aaw
world's record.
Medium cars, ill miles! Mercer (Ds
Palma) won. Tint: ID tt Case (J.
Nlkrsnt) second. I ll :; Csaa (Diebrow)
third. I B M.
Free-for-all. WJ miles: Fiat (Tstslaff)
won. Tims: I.M.S7. rial (Rraggi sec
ond, I M ; Bans (Brawn) third. 1:64 B.
Healthy cows and scrupulously
clean surroundings make
Alamito Milk and Cream
good from thebeginning.
Alamito milk and cream is subjected to the closest . .
tests from the start protected against deadly bac
teria and then perfectly pasteurized. It is put up
in sterilized bottles, making the last drop just as
clean, safe and pure as the first
Clean, rich and wbolesime, Alamito milk k just as
safe for the baty as the mother's own nourijimcnt
Have rich, clean Alamito cream delivered to your
house before breakfast. The berry season is now
here, but berries are not most enjoyed unless cov
ered with rich Alamito cream.
Mexican Lawyer Proclaimed Pro-
Tiiional Head of Bepnblic
l alted (late Saldler'e Starr ef Hsv
law Been Woosded by Ballets
fram Across wives Taken
with Masse is.
EL PASO. Tex., Msy a-Emtllo Vssques
Gomel, a Mexican lawyer, waa ordained
provisional president of Mexico today by
proclamation of General Pascual Orosce.
bow at tha front with the rebel troops
threatening the federal bast st Torreon
Juares Is now the provisional capital.
but this probe bly will be shifted to
The appointment for In all easentisls
thst Is what It s mounts to of the new
provisional president will. It Is enmmonly
understood, interfere In no est with the
administration of the affairs of the ststes
of northern Mexico by General Orosco
and by Consalo Enrlle at Chihuahua.
The Inauguration of tha new provisional
chief executive waa accomplished with a
secrecy which forbade the sound of
trumpets and oratory and waa determined
upon. It Is said, chiefly for what effect
it might have upon the United Slate
The rebels hope that now they may suc
ceed In having their belligerency recog
nised. Msrasaa Repels Atlaek.
Mormons eoloulsed at Colonla Diss,
seventy-fire miles south of Columbus, N.
M., who are American citizens, were at
tacked by rebels this morning and re
pulsed them, according to a telegram re
ceived tonight by O. P. Brown, Mormon
business sgent hers.
' Ths message waa from Biahop R. V.
Romney. heed of the colony. According
to the telegram, which did not enter Into
details, the rebels looted the colony. The
colonists mobollsed snd drove the Invad
ers out, killing one of them.
Private Wounded.
Colonel E. B. Steever. commanding th
border guard. Is Investigating- the shoot
ing of Private Baker, Company C, Twea-ty-second
Infantry, this evsnlng.
Baker waa brought to Fort Bliss from
bis past sis mllea down the rtver with
wounds In bis right hand and right leg.
He said hs waa fired upon from the Mexi
can side of the river.
He declared that he returned the fire,
but did not know the result.
According to Colonel Steever. Baker
bad been drinking, for which reason he
received the story with reserve. There
were ae witnesses to the affair save
Orwaee) Denies S bn re.
.'AL'RKZ, Mexico. May a. Coplaa of El
Monitor, a morning paper ef Chihuahua,
received tonight, contain a statement
from P esq us I Orosco, ths rebel commander-in-chief,
statins that hfe name
wss bring used without authorisation In
a plan te establish a provisional govern
ment. order Town la naager.
SAN ANTONIO, Tex.. Mar e.-P1sdraa
Nsgraa, the Important border tow it across
the Rio Orande from Eagle Pass, Tar.,
and Monclova, IN miles soath ef Pledras
Negraa, are In Imminent danger of fall
ing Into rebel hands, according to a dis
patch from Lieutenant George R. Bomer
vlll. la command of United States troops
stationed at Eagle Pass.
Lieutenant gomarvlU in bla report to
the headquarter of th Department of
Texas at Fort Sam Houston alas reports
ths detest of ths federal garr'roa of fOt
men at Cuatro Ctenegaa, with heavy loss.
Ne details ef the engagement are given.
Asks Rswagmlttaa.
WASHINGTON. Msy I -To obtain from
th United Statss recognition of the "Vsa-
quletas" aa belligerents. Dr. PoUcarpe
Rueda, late governor of the Mate ef
Chiapas, Mex., arrived la Washington to
day aa the envoy ef the revolutionary
party, headed by Emlllo Vssques Oomss.
lis declsred Vasques Gomes soon would
orgsnlss a civil government In northern
sfsxieo, te which General Orosco and
General Zspata and their forces already
hare given allegtanoe.
Key te tbe Situation Bee Advertising.
Phone Domj. 411 "The Safe Milk"
Alimito Sanitary Dairy Co.
1812 Tira&m Street.
Peru Gets. Trouncing
From Tarkio Team
TARKIO. Mo.. Msy t--Speeial Tele
gram.) Tarkio turned the tables oa
Peru Normal and defeated It t to X
Up te the eighth Inning Tarkio had
gathered one run. while Peru secured
none. In the eighth Tarkio by a batting
rally ran te five runs and Pent secured
one run. In the sixth they secured ons
Tarkio played an errorless game and
Fyera pitched wonderful ball, striking
out eleven Btea and allowing only three
Batteries: Tarkio, Den snd Withrow
Peru Normal, Wkksham and Hlndy.
Three-bass hit: Celvln. Tarkio. Two-
bass hits: Pyers. Oelvln. Kirk, Tarkio.
Bare hits: Kirk. Withrow, Wilkes.
Tarkio; Beck, Hlndy, Baker, Peru.
Employes of the Alamo Engine Supply
company were banqueted by the officers
of the company last night at the Rome
hotel. About twenty-five attended.
F. L. Tubbs, president of ths company.
briefly told of the progress of the house
during ths Isst few years and thanked
the men for their help In making the
business a success. A talk on electrical
snginearlng waa made by H. H. Hennlng
eon, sales -manager. Frank Beson. ons
of ths salesmen, spoks highly of ths
treatment accorded the employes of tha
company and told what success the sales
sod met with during the Isst year. lis
was followed by George O'Donaghey. ons
of the eldest men In the employ of th
company. His tslk dwelt chiefly with
ths salesmen, telling of their achieve
Balldlag Permits.
K. J. Adams. SKI Burt, alterations and
repairs, li"0: Uda I.. Leet. : Jones.
frame dwelling. e-,w; uaa u Let, 711
South Thtrty-elxth, .M; Kmlt Reuman.
U17 Iavenworlli. fram dwelling, $2-au0;
Andrew Murphy Son. lmt Jackson, suto
garage and repair ahop. Wv; U Han
sen. Thtrty-iourtn a no Ames avenue,
frame dwelling. fl.0; Byron Reed Co.,
SU Dodge, frame dwelling, t2.M; Jennie
O. Nelson. Ks South Thirty-sixth street.
frame dwelling. .
Dengereae Margery
In the abdominal region Is often pre
vented by ths use of Dr. King's New
Llfs Fills, ths painless purifiers. Xc For
sale by Beaton Drug Co.
mSirll PUr "d,L PWOIl I
mmsm old age
' " Ssi 7 wAsT-VKJ "''' v V4I 9
H. S. Track Meet is
Stopped by the Rain
On account ot ths successful outbursts
on the part of old Jupiter Pluvlus, ths
annual lnterclsss track meet of the Omaha
high school schedule for Saturdsy sfter
! noon at the Crclghton field, had to be
I called off. much against th will of the
i youthful athletes and a large crowd of
students, who had assembled to watch
the afternoon's card ot events.
ABERDEEN. 8. D., May (.-Ellison D.
Smith, aged 1 years, is dead at a local
hoapltal aa the result of Injuries received
In a hotel fire at Seneca n few days ago.
He Is the third victim. A gasoline stove
exploded snd caused the fire. Miss Cora
Kelly was Instantly killed by the ex
plosion and her mother died two hours
later from Injuries she suffered In the fire.
Breaks Leg Wrestling;
Slow Discovering It
After having lost a C bet that he could
throw an opponent In a wrestling con
tent. Cnsrles Wldne, a barber employed
at "It North Sixteenth street, resumed
his bartering and hsd shaved half a
dosen customers before he discovered
thst his right lrg hsd been broken Just
above the ankle.
An ambulance was called and he was
taken to St Joseph's hospital.
PRINCETON, N. J- May l-The six
teenth annual Princeton InterscholseHc
games here resulted In the loa'er
lng ot three world's Interscholastlc
records. J. E. Meredith of Mercersburg,
Pa, was the star of the meet, breaking
two former world's records. Hs lowered
the quarter-mile figures of :50H to :.
In the half-mile run Meredith reduced
the old record of 1:1 to Wenta ot
Resells High school lowered the two
mile record of M:1H to M:01H.
Don't be surpriMnl ;; a have aa
attack of rhsamatlsm this spring. Just
rub the affected parts freely with Cham
berlain's Liniment and It wlU soon dis
appear. Bout by all dealers.
la put op In Amber bottles go
tha rays ot the gun cannot de
atrar Its purity or live It a
disagreeable taste.
Old Age la made from tha
costliest materials. It Is not
simply a beer ot quality, but a
beer of double quality.
. Family Trade Supplied by:
South Omaha WM. JKTTKR,
2B03 N St., Phone So. 8611.
OmaAs Hl'GO F. BILZ, 1324
Douglas 8U, Phone Douf. 1543.
Jetter Brewing Go.
The Satisfying Health
Drink Cool, Pure, Whole
some at Soda Fountains,
Cafes and Clubs.
Physicians Have Great Success
With Tonic ia This
When people of wealth become de
biliated ad run down tn health they
go to high priced sanitariums and
health resorts to be built up again. But
what about ths thousands of debilitated
nervous men and women with no vital
ity or ambition who have neither the
time nor money to spare for such lux
uries aa sanitariums? If you ore In
this miserable condition read with care
the following statement by M. F. Mann,
living at si Good Avenue. Buffslo. N. T.
"1 have had Indigestion and been all
run down for ten years. I couldn't eat
anything at times and was always con
stipated. My nerves were out of order
and I had bad headaches. I believed I
had kidney trouble, too, as I hsd dull
pains In my back much of th time. I
was easily excited and often when I
couldn't eat and bad a nervoua atttack
I wquld suffer severe dlxxy spells
You can have a full
set of these Knives
and Forks Without Cost
and dozens of other
pieces to match them
all guaranteed by
Wm. Rogers & Son,
Meriden, Conn.
The BEE will
tell you How
"DENT your vacant house. Why let it
remain empty and. nen-producing?
Find a tenant through the "Homes for
Rent" column o! The Bee. See today
"I beard ae much about the new tonic.
Tone Vita' that I decided to gta) it a
trial and I feel like a different man.
I am strong In every way. I sleep well,
can eat anything and n.y nerves are as
steady as can be. I hav gained four
pounds In the last ten days. I believe
Tona Vita' ' la the best medicine on
Tona Vita" was Introduced tn this
country by a number of physlclana
scarcely a year ago. Th tonic haa
proved the biggest success of any medi
cine ever before sold to tha public
If you are debilitated and run down
don't allow this miserable condition to
last a day longer. Let Tona Vita build
you up and bring back your health. If
it fails your money will be returned by
our agent In your city.
Sherman a McConneli Drug Co.. 11 th
and Dodge: Owl Drug Co., ltth and Har
ney; Harvard Pharmacy. 21th and Far-
nam Sta, and Loyal Pharmacy, !07-t
North litli St Is the agent for Tona
Vita In Omaha. The Approved formula
Company, Dayton, O.
n , r
Want ads.