Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. MONDAY. MAY 6. 1912.
Massage- Mrs. Kitlennouse. as Boston Bid
TOUNG woiMn coming to Oiutit as
ptmnsora art, Invited to visit too Young
Vww a Christian association building
ml Seventeenth sod St. Mtrr'i An,
where tby will be directed to suitable
boarding places, or otherwle saKud.
Look tor our travelers aid at the Union
T rQQAM ud china painting. firing
lJatJa" and club orders, re -ops hie.
Rata Letchford Studio, til 6. 27t Rod
f ARQ A CIV Swedish movement. Apt.
... ... .. una
D. (Ml
WE RENT and repair all kinds of sew
ing machines. ind. A-Mtf; Douglas ls
lath and Harney Sta
MAS.SAGE treatment. Mrs. Steele R-376
Bank Bldg.. W S. 13th. to 8 dally.
VACUUM massages demonstrated by
Mrs. Steele, R-323 Bank Bids.', tut So
ISth. Daily and Sunday.
Free consultation. SOS S. 16th D-SW7-7W8.
ANNA MARKS, 111 S. 17th St.. Room
4. Swedish massago hours, 10 a. m to
P. m.
remedy (or Itching, bleeding or protrud
ing piles, 60c postpaid; samples free.
Bherman at MoConnell Drug Co., Omaha.
Vital massage, baths, electric vibratory
and radiator treatments. Dr. Anna D.
Fisher. 31 Ware blk. 3U9 9. lath. D. WS,
A FEW more parties wanted (or M-day
camping trip. Yellowstone Park licensed
guides. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. P.
Allen. 25M Cass St.
WANTED A good home In small (am
ity (or a bright, well behaved boy, ten
years o( age. From good family. All
clothes and small Income will be fur
nished. M 818 care Bee.
MA(NTETIClretmein- E- Brott-710
1UU1..I..IVS Mtn- M fitoT
SINGLE Comb Black Minorca eggs.
Utility trapped layers; 13 par la, H par 9;
over 800 aatlsfled customers last season;
satls(sctlon guaranteed. Fred Kalm,
rlenece, Kan.
BARRED Rock eggs, half price, (rom
mated pens. Utility flock, K0 Per 100.
Send (or mating list F. C. Ahlqulst,
Box D.. Ainea Avenue Station. Omaha.
Neb. Florence KH
HOMER Pigeons (or sale. Very cheap.
Must be sold at once. 2233 Lake.
Single Comb White Orpington eggs and
Barred Rocks. 4730 No. 40th or Web. 6777.
Buff Orpington, first prise winners,
guar, eggs, 18 per 100; baby chicks W. MM
iicrcenlngMUOperlOO, Wagner. IM W. 1.
FOR SALE White Wyandotte eggs
(rom heavy winter laying strain having
(arm range. 11 per It, H per 100. Laura
England. Route 2, Lincoln. Neb.
FOR SALE Incubator, thoroughbred
chickens. 1 pen of Buff Orpingtons and 1
pen of R. I. Keda. Phone Bell, Florence
J. Ind. H-11M.
BUFF Orpington eggs from standard
bred stork that lay all winter. Prompt de
livery. Harney 478.
Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of
fice in Nebraska. 3W Brand! Theater.
NEALE CAMPBELL. 1714 Fmrnaia St
Electric gas fixture. Omaha ffll-cr Co.
Ideal Cement Co.. 17th and Cuming Bt.
" Fucha, Son A Blind, painting, decorating.
H. Gross, lum. wreck', plb. M Paul
fsPTcFFYSi the New Rolling Fly
DlAJiilNS tereta and ethers. T. H.
Welrlch Fixture Co.. U17 N. Mth St
Orln S. Merrill. 1213 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
with about 8 acres of truck ground. Very
comforts ble 4-room house and necessary
outbuildings. No railroad tracks to cross
and no hills to go up to reach this place.
One-half mile (rom town; H10 (rom now
until March 1, 1918. George O. Clark, U
Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, la.
Close to town, with level road to market
A good house and outbuildings; 860 (or
the season ending March 1. UU. George
G. Clark. 18 Pearl St, Council Bluffs. Ia
7-room house and outbuildings; part
pasture, part truck ground; lis per month.
George G. Clark. IS Pearl St, Council
Bluffs, la.
eacrlflce. on account of sic knees. Web. 75
Everyone of Them a
Good Buy
1214 No. Mth. Bemla park district, 7 rooms
with sleeping porch, furnace neat, (uil
cement basement This bouse Is ele
gantly finished throughout and must
be seen to be appreciated. Price, 5,5U.
1714 Cuming St., south front, I rooms,
modern, Isrge garsge. This Is mon.
the best constructed houses In tne
city, built by the present owner (or a
home. Business necessitates his lesv.
I rut the city and is very desirous of
selling. Price, 86,000.
1023 North 40th, east front. I rooms,
strictly modem, hot water heat This
is a good, substantial house, and Is
owned by the same party as the last
described, hence his reason (or offer
ing at away below the real value, and
Is priced at K.
4334 Maple St.. T rooms, electric light and
gas, all kinds of fruit Owner very
anxious to sell. Price, tUXO.
1718 Blnney St., 4 rooms all on one floor.
This house Is brand new, never been
occupied. Owner aaya make me an
Fine building lot Mix 1 24 near Jlet and
Manderson, half block (rom Kouutxe
Park. Pnce, two.
ISO Famam Street.
Phones: Tyler MM: Ind. A-Xtll.
Mstled (roe on application. Chaa. E.
Williamson Co, Real Estate, insurance.
Rentals. Care of property, Omaha.
Walking Distance
878 No. Mth St A square 2-story house,
practically new, strictly modern with oak
finish, mantel and grate, east front
Let 00x127; Immediate possession, will
make a special price. Property vacant
see it at once.
S. P. Bostwick
xlt Bo. 17th gt. Ground Floor. Bee Bldg.
Modern except neat, pt down. Terms
to suit. Located 3331 Tyler St., near
school and car. Come out and see It
Phone Webster 66M.
Most desirable
Corner lot left in
Kountze Place
74x124 ft, on grade
Located at 18th and
Spencer Sts. The
price is right TeL
Webster 1086.
HAN6COM Park dundlct 4-room (sod
em bouse, locate at aw S. XTth. Bargain
for quick sal. Owner leaving the city.
Also corner tot 31st and Castellar. TeL
Red 7148.
New Modern
Ready to move in. cosy home that's
well built with first class material; lo
cated block from ear line and paved
street; best of neighborhood and new
homes; lot 80x138 feet; some fruit, hedge
fence; good garden room; has very rich
and substantial bungalow exterior finish;
porch across entire front 8 ft deep,
with heavy sided rail: rear porch Inclosed
except south entrance and makes nice
room (or refrigerator; oak front door and
bevel plate glass opening to large recep
tion room with open staircase: colonade
opening (something different) to large
living room; wide mission opening to wen
lighted dining room, coxy window seat;
large convenient kitchen with one piece
sink and drain board; pantry has draw
era, shelves and work table: ip. and out
side entrance to cemented basement:
laundry sink, hot and cold water, coal
bins; two extra large well ventilated
bedrooms ; (our closets; bathroom com
plete; high grade guaranteed fixtures,
medicine cabinet with bevel plate mirror:
you can select the electric flxturee: elec
tric Iron connection; white oak floors in
three rooms, balance white polished
ma ole. with Paper between. This Is an
exceptional bargain and you can awn.
tan be bought today tor sman can la
ment, balance like rent You can get
deed aa soon as deal Is closed. Cement
walk to car. Can be seen regardless of
weather. Take Benson csr to Hslcyon
Ave., come south to 135. Phone Benson
376 W, Lewis Corbaley. Owner.
- . , . . . . ... I ..
r or saie. e-rwm w,.e, ...
light: lot 50x130. fruit end shade. Phone
Webster 3807.
SOUTH US VI r. i t. r-
IOU can mmae .......
Just being rounded up by the graders.
Prices range from t2U to 8T.0O. on terms
to suit, and have a better building alts
and an Investment thst cannot be beat
at the prices In Omaha Cement walks
will be put In, Take the West Iaven
worth car to 43d street and convince
yourself of the truth of the above state-
. ur d U.VWi nalatinl home
across the street and many other ele
gant houses win soon do em.
S. ARION LEWIS. Resident Agent.
North Sid Cottage
a . ..11 .na will fnaka
reasonable proposition on this G-roora and
bath home; front room 12x14, dining room
Uiis, with bay window: large kitchen,
with pantry: two bed rooms, with closet
space; attio floored and makes good stor
age: house has gaa In each room; the
woodwork Is in good condition; lot ; s 4M
148, with good shade trees. See GfcORUS
north of Madison Ave., or phono We.
A . era. Inst Mt h nil ft A. taUtOmObllS U
part payment, g tw, .mr p?
a . M miii. hum. atrlcflv mod
em In every way. In a good neighborhood;
in nanscom v' 1
West Side ear and Windsor school; beau
tiful ahade; nice lawn. It you haven t
any property to trade In. will sell (or
smsll payment down and balance prac
tically like rent
Both Phones. 807 McCague Bldg.
Northeast corner tn ano r bw., mum
Omaha, lot 40x180 (eet with two housee.
Lot 4, Dior a i. sua iwie .
''LotlTi! 14,Is'sn4 18. block X Thornton
P'- -
UaK fta oner aa ii or miij
, an. C0MB3,
111 Brandels TbwUr Bids. Tt. IX SUft
rat d stAWCH l.lD FO 9ALU
a, wn., ,.., u4 In PallfrtPnla
land for fruit or chicken raising, call on
Flxa Westberg, sis nee pios-. -i-.
IF YOU agree with me that British
Columbia land on the Grand Trunk la a
money-maker, employ me to buy It I
csn save and make money for you. I
leave for Vancouver May 15. Frank
Crawford, Omaha.
now open for entry In Pueblo county In
the Arkansas valley that are all smooth
and plenty of good water: 30 miles to the
City of Pueblo and 4 miles to a good lit
tle town. This opportunity may never
come your way again. You can take s
acres l( you want to. Agents wanted.
Excursion May 1. The Maine Land
Company. Room 18 Franklin Bldg.,
Pueblo. Colo.
Traversed by tne
- .j.nu4 .. the widest ransa of
crops. AU the money crops of the south
plentifully produced. For literature treat-
r i.h v. i Mii-i.. munlnr. lta aoiL
climate, church and school advantages.
General Passenger Agent
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm is to Insert a small want ad
In the Dee Moines Capital. Largest cir
culation in the state of Iowa, 4J.otu dally.
The Capital Is read by and believed In
if too standpatters of Iowa, woo simply
refuse to permit any other paper In their
homes. Ratea, 1 oent a word a day; U-M
per Una per month; count six ordinary
Woroa to uie nue, mmm v.
Capital. Dos Moines, la.
BARGAINS In farms; writs for Bat
Kansas Land Co.. Tatas Center. Kan.
.. Ji... . 4....m bniiwtHTTinv
luo acres In Northwestern Kansas for
..... I. rA ia tnaterf
saie at i ",-r. -
where tana nes oeen -viHna
that price and where wheet haa In many
veara yielded twenty to forty bushela per
acre. Must he sold. Is the reason for
quoting low price. Writ .sines N.
Clsrke, Hastings. Neb.
county improved farms." pure water,
rood soli, hsrdwood and prairie, fine
D Baker, rergus rm. nin., ,u
llet. Prices will surprise you.
ai mi , ...-a aaw a OS aaa .m.
rir I r. C. ww w J r -
(or Montana's choloest irrigated farm
lanos: rv.wv " - ""- ' - -Carey
act at Valler. Montana; 60 bushels
of wheat 11 bushels of oats. 20 bushel
of (lax per acre. Write today. Clinton,
a s-i I. w v.ll.r Mnnt
nuni a w. . a... . .
HOMESTEAD 1 acres rich farm land
(or 8175, nilng fees and alt No send
ml. J. a. Tracy. kUmbsU. Neb.
. ..i. aaa. Alt a-raa of
CheyesM county, WehrsakVe chotoeot
(arm sand, where the crop yield for 13
Tffprg Inrnmnf aim a.aa
mth tao best In the etat. Airalfa. suse
. . na.,a. aalt aratee aiul
a uanin. w.w- " ' "
ensaete cannot be tound. Write (or full
tsfarmanen teoay. Agewa vsaw wrmrw-
6idney. Nea.
persistent Advertlsiiic la the Road la
Bi Keturas.
Raise vegetables all winter and make
front (NO to 81.00 per acre. Think of it?
Why wait any looser 7 tall ana see us
or write for book on an Benito, Tex.
724 Brandeie Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.
HOMESTEADS. Yakima Valley. Wash..
Tieton Unit, jrorernsnent water; draatng
by lottery; (no by letter May 3th. In
formation, and maps snowing description
and No. of acre of each tract by re
turn mall. 81 3. Write at once. Taklma
Valley Information Bureau. North
Taklma. Wash.
iu;al estate loaxs
OMAHA property and Nebraska lands.
11 New Omaha Nat l Bank Building.
MONEY to aaan on bun esit or resi
dence properties. 81.M to JM&eat. W. H.
THOMAS. 03 First Nat'l Bank Bidg.
WANTED City loans and warranta,
W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1330 Famam St.
VK to tlO.00 mad promptly, F. U
Weed. Wead Bldg.. Mth and Farnam.
LOANS Farm and city property, J.
H. Dumont Son.. 1W8 Farnam St.
WANTED City loans Peters Trust Oa.
WE have several customers for 8.
and 7-room houaea and cottages. If yoi9
property la worth your price, we can
quickly sell It (or you. O'Neill's Real Es
tate and Insurance Agency, 1605 Farnaas
St. Phones Tyler km A-3S11
V a.v 1 r.f 1 o ireoe iwr ajuii. a
-room reel dene a 4-ey Under (-peaaenger
..... 1 , ..1 . In. a- l Uaa
Moatreal, Havre, Plymouth. London.
Th Plcturoaqu St Lawrenco Route.
Four days on the eceaa, three days
In river and gulf. Splendid new Turbine
Steamers Saloon, second-cabin and third
claas. Superior ene-ciasa cabin aarvlee
Culalne unexcelled. Courteous attention.
Bend (or circulars, rates, plana, eta
Allan t Co.. 117 N. Dearborn St.. Chleaere
Anchor Line Steamships
New York. Londonderry and Oleagew
New York. Palermo and Naples.
Attractive rates tor tickets between New
York and all Scotch, Engllah, lrlah.
Continental and Mediterranean noiota,
Superior accommodations, excellent eul
slna, efficient service. Apply promptly
for rasarvstlon to local aaant
Un or Isondorson llrothern, Oenarai
Ageata, Chicago, lit
Household gds. clothes A Shoes. D38T1 B1M0
td-kand goods Kelser. 1080 Center. D. SOU-
Chicago buyers, td-hand clothes, shoes,
hats; best prices; will call. Tyler HOP.
WANTED To buy a Fire Insurance
Agency Business. Address, N 80s, Bee.
WANTED by reliable people fur
nished house for summer. Must be In
good neighborhood. Address O tit.
1st class laundress Mary Hunter. W 8801
LACE curtain specialty work; guar.
Harney MSt
FAMILY washing or bundle work; day
work; house cleaning. Wbtr 1WHL
Mrs. Oertrud Carman claneaU klnda
curtain. 2 pr. 81. Call evenings D. ITU
LAUNDRY work taken home. W. 1438.
WASHING and Ironing done. T . H. Hit
Day work, too aa hour. Harney 860a.
Family and bundle laundry; guar. W. 8803
CARPENTER repairing a specialty;
Harney 1418.
LADY wants washing for Monday and
Tuesday. Webster 4107.
Carey L'ndry. cut ratea. Tyler U- A-1868
POSITION aa house keeper, with chil
dren preferred, widower. Mrs. A- M
Carey. 001 No. ISth St.
YOUNG man wants position on farm;
best of references, O 837, care Bee,
Sblp i. stock to South Omaha. Have
mileage and shrinkage. Tour oonalga
menu receive prompt and careful atten
tion. Live stack Cammfsslssi Merchanta.
Brs Broa. aV Co. Strong and responsible.
WOOD BROS , 234-W Exchange Bldg.
Great West. Com. Co., Omaha A Denver.
Clay. Koixnson Co.. tot Exchange bldg.
CLIFTON Com. Co., ta Exchange Bldg.
Cox A Jones Com Co., bunch of hustlers.
L K. ROBERT8 A CO.. 231 Exeh. Bldg.
Martin Bros. A Co.. 101-4 Exch. Bldg.
TAUG BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheep.
Deposit proceeds of shipments In Stock
Yards Nat'l bank. Only bank at yard.
Sealed blda will be received at the office
of the undersigned until noon on Mon
day, May It. (or the construction of a
barn (or school of agriculture at Curt!,
Neb. Plena end specifications are on
file at the office of the commlaloner
of public lands and buildings and ths
secretary of slate at the capitol building.
Lincoln, and also at the office of Burd
P. Miller, architect. Brandels Theater
building. Omaha.
ADDISON WAIT. Secretary of Stat.
Depot Quartermaster. St Louis, Mo.,
May L 112, Sealed propocala in tripli
cate will be received here until 13 o'clock,
noon, central time. May 14. 1912, (or fur
nishing sad delivering st either the Boa
ton, Philadelphia or St. Louis depots,
0W pain Russst Manning Shoos. In
formation furnished upon application.
WILLIAM H. WILSON, Captain and
Quartermaster, U. S. Army.
111 Sealed proposals. In triplicate, for
construction of extension ten-Inch sewer
outlet here will be received until 11 s- m.,
Msy It, lfUL and then opened. Iniorma
tlon furnished upon application. Pro
posals should be endorsed "Proposals
for Construction of Extension to Sewer
Outlet." and addressed to Capt C. A,
Martin. Q. M. AM-M--M2--t
Demand1 for AI8 Klnda of Stock to
CHICAGO. May 4 -CATTI.F. Receipt.
208 head; mark, slow and steady; beeves,
tMOpOOt; TexsS steers, 8ft.lajf7.ti-. west
ern steers. Toe7 50: Mocker and feed
er. tt.mtt.9: row and healer, &.8U8)
7 41: calve., 8aO0j.
HOGo-Receipts, 4.0M bend; market
steady to te higher; light r.lAt7 44.
mixed, 87.Z5tr7.73 4; fcte.vy. 37.lLV7.7t.
rough. t .107 ; pig. M IeJ8; htus of
aalr. K.i0ty7 70.
neaa: marxet teaoy; nauvea. staovr.TS;
western. feOO&aOv yeartlna. UMUftM:
native lamb. tt.X4l-il; westerns, HMO)
Kasasa City live Stool- Market.
ceipt. 440 bead. Including 3 jaad of
soutiwna. Market ateady; native steers.
vgBs.i; aoutoera steer. Hja.a,
southern cows and heifers. HtMXS; na
tive cow and heifers. 34.547 a): Blockers
aad feeder. r,.Uiy7 li; bulla, 84.7-l7l;
calve. t.0ei: western steers, tt-OOff
!: westers cows, tMm.ak
HOOS-Reeelpt. MM head. Market
strong to ic higher; bulk of salea. 87-(9
7.70; heavy, 8S" 7JV7 TV packers and butch
en. KaoirT.TO-. lighta, .WJ; mga, SkX
03. 78.
SHEEP AND tMBS-lteeatpta, mm
bead. Market stesdy; nmttoas, SJe)
1M. tsmba. OXOMiiaas: ted wether aad
yearHaga. t8.0stt 80; fed turn. KaaQT.,
Taxa goats. mmHA
Shorts in Wliest Beeome Kcrrou oa
Bulliih Crop Conditions.
stock at All Points Are Low mm
Country Deliveries cannot Be
Depended t to Any Ka
tent nt Thlo Ssnssn.
OMAHA. May 1 ta
With wheat new comlnc la bulhsh on
crop oonditlona, both in the hard winter
belt and the soft wheat elates, snort
became nervoua and in trying to even
up their contract over Sunday and be
fore the Issuance of th government re
port next Tn.fl .r value were rapidly
pushed higher aa (engs acre not Inclined
to offer any wheat that looked like a
aura winner.
Holders of cash corn show no signs or
letting so of that cereaL as storks at
all points are low and country deliveries
eannot so aenenaeo on to any extern ai
true season, fanner being busy seeding
the new crop, which la progressing
rapidly under very favorable conditions.
Senaationally bad newa from central
wheat states and bullish expert report
from Kansas field caued th advance
In wheat Cash wheat was Wc higher.
Corn shewed good tone ana advanced
steadily on tne strong commercial posi
tion of cash stuff. La k corn sold c
Primary wheat receipts were 273.000
bushela and shipments were 8W.008 bush
els, against receipt last year of 414 OJ
bushel and ahtpmrnta of . bushela
Primary corn receipts were 410,0k) hush
el aruf .hlDfnent wer 141.0UO bushels.
gainst receipts last year of 427.00 bush
els snd shipments of ow,ew ouaneai.
Clearances were 880 bushel of eorn,
M.0M bushsls of oats and wheat and
flour equal to 117,000 bushel.
Liverpool closed higher on wheal
and unchanged to ad lower oa eorn.
The following eeah anles rr leparted
Whoati No. I hard, I cars, IL10. Re
leoied. 1 oar, US No. I tnUad, 1 oar.
h.k Corn: No. I white, 1 oar. Ho. No.
I whits, eara, 784c, No. white. 1 ear,
tie. No. 1 oowr, 1 oar, Woe. No. I yel
low, I ears, Mai I ears. tHiei I oars, TtHc;
I oar, TtVic; I oar. 78o. No, 4 yellow, I
ears, Tt; oars. Tie; I ears, TlVjc. No.
I mixed. 1 car, TTwo. No. t muted, I
can. Tike! 1 ear, Toat 1 oar, I can,
Tie. No. 4 mixed, I ears, TIWc: I cars, Tie.
No grad. 4 oara, 88c i 1 oar. K31o: I oars,
(kl 1 oar (poor). He. Oatai Standard.
1 oar, Be. No. I white, t oar, tic; 1
ear, 84. o. No. white. 4 oara, MWo-
WHEAT No. 1 hard, n.oegfl UH: No. 1
hard. tl.88Vktfl.Uti; No. 4 hard. 81.0H4
CORN-No. 1 while, rVIJTIc: No. t
wnit. istr'fc. no. 4 wnite, liryiac; ino.
t color. 7Mtr7lLr; No. I yellow, 7ley7';
No. 4 yellow, 710710; No. 1 77T,t..-c.
No. t, 7Mir7Vtc; No. 4, llgiiVsc; no grad.
, I n , U. s Wniie,,
HVOtoc; No. t white, MvWRc; Nn. 4
white, MHCfotwc; No. g yellow, ottttyeso;
No. 4 yellow, 84Vi644c.
BARLEY Malting, 3,ill 24; No. 1 feed.
Btrrtc: heavier feed, akpii.ot.
RYB-No. t, OsttBM; No. t. I70SM.
Poataroo of the Trad tan aad CI lg
Prloos am Beard of Trad.
CHICAGO, May C-StatamenU from
exparta that crops had deteriorated
rapidly In northweetern Kansas led wheat
traders loony Into a lively movement to
buy. There was also fear that the gov
ernment report next Tuesday would count
hard against ths bears. The market
closed steady at a net advance of IMflVtc
to IStflHc All other leading Maples
scored a gain-corn Vt V. oats Vets
he to ho and provisions lc to 13Vs8l8c.
The finish In wheat waa almost at ths
top point of the bast bulge of the weak.
May delivery sold at H.MHc. (or the
highest price of the year. Most of th
day s budness, however, waa In later
options, which tailed to equal former ex
treme record.
Offering of wheat wer scanty from
thk start. Dispatches from Kansas said
that hall ths crop in tne aortnwast part
of the etate had been destroyed by winds,
which were drifting the duet Use snow.
Oklahoma and Kanaaa war also alleged
to be making a poorer ah owing than had
recently been expected. During the ses
sion July ranged from tLMtyill with
last miss ILlMi, a raw of 140110 over
yesterday's close.
Nervousness about dlay in planting
had much to do with an advance In
corn. July fluctuated between 7f;77Hc.
closing firm at 70HC, htylto over last
night No. I yellow sienvtc.
Forecast of cold weather atrengthened
oats. Upper aad tow levels for July were
tlVko and UHo, with th dose WHkc
desrer at S3Vc.
Purchasing for European account
helped the provision market. Pork
ahowed the ehlaf Increase In cost UVMIUc.
Article! Open. I High. I Low. Ciose. !')
1 15
1 IB
I 14 Kll
1 10J I Uk.l UU
1 WJ
Ml Hi(
84 ( K'4 MVt
44 H
4W4tMHU Me
U8TVJ 1183
II t 1 It My,
i m
18 10
Is so
1 60
10 so
11 Ob
U Wii
11 Of
ii as
It 10
11 10
11 0B
11 07
u to
In is
11 87W U I7M
u n
May. July.
to to
10 46
lie ni-
I 40
M 48
io rW
J0 87H-
10 fVl
10 Su
10 70
io om io ttvii io m
FLOUR Steady; winter patent, UHt
8.30; winter straights. HatM OS; aprlng
patenta M tDfrlW; spring slraijhts, M&Kf
4.IK. bakers, 84.10O4.I0.
RYE No. 1 04HC.
B A RLE Y Feed or mixing. Mcttll.OO;
fair to choice malUng. 81 Isdl J8.
SEEDS-Tlmothy, 17.10V It- Clover,
p4 0U.r-J0.5O.
PROVISIONS Mess pork. 11801318.13
Lord (in tierces), 810 UO. Short rib (loose),
Total clearances of wheat and flour
were equal to U3.88U bo. Primary re
ceipts were 27X000 bo. compared with
1M.0M bu. th ooireaponding day a year
ago. Estimated receipts for Monday:
Wheat at cam: corn. 117 cars; oat, in
oara: hoc. Stint head.
Chicago Caah PrlDee Wht: No. t red,
P IMtrtfl.lT: No. I red, U.iUH U; No. 2
hard, B.W44J1.11; Na. I hard. P
l it: No. 1 northern, 1.M4 tt: No. I
aorthern. p.l7(tl.lii: No. 1 nerthwa,
gfl.U; No. 3 sprlnc 81.1tl lj ..0. J
(pnnc ai.issi.ii; no. ssTinc. n erui.12;
velvet chaff, tl.OOffl 17; durum, 3i.OUttl.13
Cora: No. 1 aOwaOSic; No. I whit. SOS)
tree; Kc 2 yellow, klSOlwc: No. 1 74s
7c: No. t white, 7rjc; No. t yellow,
TfiaCrrrVe: Na. 4. S4y7ttr: No. 4 white
TVUVnc: No. 4 yellow. K4y74c. (jets:
No. I white. (MIMHc: No. I white. 674
6THc; No. 4 wait. w7c; standard. s.V,
rtys: as . nancy, avrtiii.s.
Timothy seed. .aOU12.0. Clover seed,
tit eun is.
BUTTER Weak; crearaerlea, SSttc;
daliisa. 234237c
EOOd eUeedy: rocetpta, 27.834 case; a.
mark, case included, rrc; ordinary
Cms. MVtc; fines, lTtyUc
CHEESE Steady; delate. lei?c:
twin. l4YlM.c; young Amerkas, 17fy
17Vc; long horn. 18tlsAc
POTATOES Firmer: receipts. It cars:
Wisconsin. OtctrtLst; Michigan and Min
nesota. II!.
POt'LTRT Steady: chickens, Uc
VKALStaady at 7Uc
Peoria Market
OATS-Nominal ; No. 1 white. tJVtUv
-Na 1 northern, p aktyl n; Ne. 2 north
ern. P Na 2 hard, winter, p ijm
Lli, May, LU kut, U asked, Jul., fui
1 Mttl 1 IB I 1 1CT.I
iwitl J,aivti
i i i
1 7tt 1 smu.
74U.I 77U
P7SOR1A. May A CORN-Stesdy; No.
4 white. T744e: Na 1 yellow, 7VtjJiuc; No.
t yellow. 'ne; No. 4 yellow, ..c: ..u.
t mixed. 7Mc; Na 4 mixed, 77kc; aamplc.
CORN-No. I yellow TrV: No 1 whits.
V; No. 1 a7c; May. 80e; July. 774
OATS-standard. 7o.
BAKLKY Malung. tLWula).
tlaotatlea of the liar on Varies
Com module.
NEW YORK. Mav a-r'mi'R Unlet :
Prlng relents. tS sTajiOO. winter slraucht.
MsOonVOO: winter patent.; spring
clears. 01314.ej: Ms. 1 wmlar nirsi
t4tntT4.30: No. t winter extras ttflweft lO:
Kanaaa straights. tsOnfrllt. Rye flour,
dull: fair to good. lialVj.W. choice fancy.
tXRNMEAISt.-dv: fine, white and
yellow. C suatLf. coarat. ILTloiM: klla
dried. 14.1.
RTE-Qulet: No. i Sac. c. I. f . Buffalo.
BARIJCY Oulet: maltlne 11 MCfl t r
t f . Buffalo.
WHEAT rDot market firm' No. 1 red.
tl!, elevator. ex;ort basia and 8i:V
f. o. b.. afloat: No. I northern Duliith.
P.M. f. a. b., afloat: opening navigation.
vuturas market we firmer on the cabiea.
light recetiite and reports of severe duet
storm In Kansas, closing S?!V' net
msner. Mav. I r oeea 81 sl,:
July. p.KSWjpl.liH. dveed P IT: Sep
tember etoerd at II UV Receipts, SJ
bu.: shipments, 19.8n8 hu.
COHN-not market firm: export. He,
nominal, f. a. .. afloat. Futures market
nominal. Receipts, tetiO bu
oath spot market steady: eta no am
white, tar. In elevator: No. 1 aV: No. 1
Clte; November, air; natural white and
white clipped, IHOr. on track. uturee
aiarket nominal. Receipts, 71, 478 bu;
shipment. 80,401 bu.
HA Y Firm; prime. II?: No. 1, PC
No. 1 tl lo: No. t. tl.orl.8.
HOl'S-Steady. atate, common to choice.
111. JStliic; im. nominal; Pacific coast.
111, 44r: lt. nominal.
HIDES-Steady; Central America, HSc;
Bogota, 344)v,c.
LEATHKK Firm: hemlock, first. 4
rc: seconds. t44Mc; thirds, Uac; rc-
tecta. lie.
PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mesa, t 71
03 on; ramllv, 830 :i.M. snort near.
3l3Mt3&. Beef, firm; mesa. 14WfltM;
family. 31K OOtrut U: beef ham. lAOtHoWi 00
Cut meat, needy: pickled beillea, M to
14 pound. tll.112 0u; pickled hama.
PSSTdJlSSO. Iavrd. firm; middle western.
Ill ai: refined Mte.idv: continent, til 88;
South America, P!.2j; compound. tkOO
S tot, w.
TAIaUOW Firm; prime hogsheads, tfs,
speclsl. 7c: country. tf7r.
BfTTEH-Weak: rerelnta. t.P tuha:
creamery, Uc; extra. 30fec: first, toia
V; seoonds. tSwc; third. VVSXai
tat dairy finest, 30wK4c: good to prime.
aMjZSc; common io isir, iswsic.
CHEESEeiteady: recelpta 88 box;
state whole milk, new white, special. 14c;
new whit, average lanry. l!weu10;
colored. IMtc: weekly exporta, 400 boxee.
EGGS-Baay; rsoelpta, t8.1l oaaea;
freah fathered, ealraa PW42tc; fresh
gatharad, storags packed, H jlisac; fresh
gainerea, reenter p"i, .sa., .avau
gathered. seconds. 14tl8o; wwtern
gathered whites, srVrOnLr
POIILTKY Alive dull; weatern (owl.
14c; turkey. 11 Dreesed ateady; western
fowls, 14017c; turkeys, lStj21c.
St. lowto lleneeal Market.
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. May 4. WHEAT
Caah, ateady; track. No. 1 red, p. 101-10;
No. 1 hard. Il.lMil.17.
CORN-Weak; track. No. 2, Kc; No. I
white ULVD4CIC.
OATS-Weak; track. Na 3, 87c, No. t
whl f4Jtc.
RYE No. 1 84c.
Closing price of futures:
WHEAT Higher; Msy, p. 14; July,
11.11; September, 11 V
CORN-Hlgher; May, He; July. 78e;
September. 7Me)7eHc.
OATS Higher: My. 87Uc: July. 8JVb.
FLOUR Dull; red winter patents, MJt
AB.78; extra fancy and stralrhts. KMV
v.JO; ham winter Clears, evnsiA
SEE I Timothy, P0.0.
BRAN Week; sscked, eaat track, p.M
en 40.
HAT - Firm; timothy, S100t(0.8;
a-alrla 1.1 lla, 00
PRoVlHlON-Pork, unrhanged: Job
bing, l MV laird, unchanged; prima
team. t HlJ10 OS. Dry aalt meats (boxed),
unchanged; extra shorts, po.78; clear
rlhe. 110.78; short cklesrs, tll.oh. Bacon
(boxed), unrnsngec; extra anons. u.n;
Clear rlhs. 111.78: snort clears. 11100.
iKllll.Tt Steady: chickens. lie:
springs, lie; turkeys, HHc; ducks, Uc;
geese, en.
Bl'TTER-eltendy: creamery. t7aie. ,
EOOSWeak; 17a.
Receirt Shipment.
Flour, bbl .sn0
Wheat bu U.0 IK
Corn, bu l,w .I0
Oats, bu 70,000 M.IW0
Kanaa t Ity Oral a and Prwvlelwns.
Cash, ndtliac higher; Na I tuxra. ti.iua
Lit; No. I P 0W01.I4; Na t red, tL9
1.UH: Na l v.iiHDi ii.
CORN-lnrhansed to W" lower: Na
I mixed. nwr: Na 1 T7Vit7c; Na I
whit, ettpwv-c; NO. I T. wo-isr.
OATS-Unchenged; No. 1 white, M!xc;
No. t mixed. 8frVst1c
HAY-elteady: choice timothy, tM0
17.00: choice prairie, a.sous...
Closing price of futures;
WHEAT May, PWW: July, lOi0
1.04: September, tl 02.1.0Ts.
CORN May. Wc, July, T8SJ784c;
September. Tlc: December, 8Sc.
OATH July, ilo; September, 42Sc.
BUTTER Creamery. ; flrau, 28c;
seconds. 2fic; packing slock. 20ec.
EGGS-Extras, 18; (lrts. lHc.
Recelpta Shlumenta
Wheat bu 40.ini ',(")
CorhTbu. 4J.B
tmta. bu. 14.000 10.000
Mlaaeapoll Cicala Merket.
P.11V July. P 14V,; September,
p 0714 Ch: No. 1 hard, 31.11. (vo. 1
north.rn. 3l lM118H; Na I northern.
U.14V4tl.l4H; Na t, p.U.tyl.UVk.
B A RLE Y TOctySI -tt.
CORN-No. t yllow. Keji.c.
OATH No. I whit. sttMOVsc.
RYE Na 3. 0c.
BRAN in 100-pound sark. l2a.O0OM.iS.
FLOUR Fi rat patent. 8t.HS 80; eo
ond patents. KatanVM; first clean, F-vO
a.xj; second clears, llioilim.
Mverpool Ural Market.
. ....... w. . 1 af. , U.' IJ fc' . T"
1,1, r. I V I -f ' . - J - -..
steady; No. 2 red, western winter, 8s id.
Futures. Bteaoy . J, . .:w. ..'7. t.
t.d: October, 7 7d.
CORN eipot. American mixed, rew,
nominal; American mixed, old, steady at
la Had; new, American, kiln dried, uulet
at 8s. 8Vtd. Futures .easy; May, Cs, 7d;
September, ts, 3d.
Oil and sola.
TINE rirm at tsc; !, wi rrnis .; re-
telpts. i bbl.: nipmsnts, a no is.
ROSIN Firm: sales, 1.828 bhls; rs-e-lprs,
040 bbla; ehlpmmta, 1st bbla;
stocks, 4S.8D7 bbl. Quotation: R. tsMi:
I). K.W; E. F, G, H and I. Vn. K,
t7 .; M, t7.. N. 17.18; WU, 37 . WW,
toffee Market.
NEW YORK, May 4.-COFFE E-Fu-ture
merket closed barely steady and
from K to U points net lower. Hale.
31,250 belts. May. 1138c; June, 1144c;
July. 13Mc: August. 1188c; September.
I3.V: October and November. Utte; De
cember. January. February, March and
April, liec. Spot, uuiet; No. 7 Rio,
use No. 4 Hantos, lc; mild, quiet;
Cordova, KfrlsSc.
Dry Cieosls Market.
The cotton goede markets are ovtet with
price steady. Bide for underwear for
spring; WX delivery are being receive'
on a bai of last year opening prtca.
but are not being considered. Yarn
rule quieter. Jobber nave had a fair
house trade for the week.
Oasts Hay Market.
OMAHA, May 4.-HAY-NO. 1, til KSJ
22 Ou; No. 2. P7.SOW9 SO: No. 3. tlSJli 00;
No. 1 middling. i 0-tylOaO; No. 1 low
llnd. I1MiIS'00. slfslfs. choice third and
fourth cutting. tafaV,(tl; first and sec
ond cutting. .OOtr21.M; Na i. 1.0
ZPW; 0. a, flS-OVlaW.
aar Market.
I Krw TORK Mar 4 SUGAR Raw,
stesdy; muscovado. 80 test, l&fir: ren
trifugsl. test 4.0Sc; molasees, 0 test.
Ittc; refined -ulet; crushed, ksuc; granu
lated, fine, s.20c; powdered .10c.
Wool Market.
j ST. LOUIS . Mo May l-WOOf
ate.dy: -rntory sno western mediums,
4k, it tvadiuA, l9l7c; La. Mtlc,
Cattle Beceipts Tnonusd Short of
Same Week Lstt Tear.
Receipta of Itoa Are Moderate and
Prlee Streag to n Nickel
lllaher Sheen Are j
Innlly Steady.
StiVTH OMAHA. May 4. U'.t
Receiot were Cattle Hoe. SheeD.
OfflrlHl Monday 17M 4.KJ 4.140
Otflcll Tuesday 4,117 II. MO 8.177
Official Wednesday.... IklK UU71 4.010
Official Thursday i..7l 11. aT?7
OfflcuU l'nd) 1 ; 1171
tstlmslc Saturday u ".811
Six day tills week.. li.sM TI.K :i.i:'l
Same day Ut week...l4.7!P a l r e
Same day 3 wks ego.. 10.131 MM 3T.!'.'
Sam days 3 aks ao..H.WI 70.10 C..740
S.une day 4 wks ago. . 0.49 ! '7
Same day last year. . .trie S7.150 9.5M
Th following table enow th receipt!
f oat lie. huge aad aheap at South Omasa
for the year to date aa oouipared with
last year: 1812. UU inc. Deo.
Cattle ta ad m. IKS 1!8.7
Hogs L114.M3 S 4W.OTI
Sheep ; CU.401 144X7
Th following table ahow the rang of
price paid fur huge at South Omaha for
the last few days, with eompariaena:
Deta U18. ll. m Ilkv.irasi.ilMT. ilk
8 74 8 lSj 8 tsj 4 P 4 31
Aaill M T 81
saiituifta) 1 1 M; t a
April XI 7 .U
0 sol set) s
4 H t tai 4 Ut 4 M
7 I tS 4
t OS 5 4
4 81 I 4M 4 M 4 B
4 8. 8 41 4 I
Apm is
8ii im
4 U tOO
April 3
7 48
Apm tot
8 141
May 1.
May I .
Hay !..
May 4 .
i ai
1 !J
M 4
Toll 14
Hi 4 27
Ml 4 17
I 8ti I Ml
8 io t 4 8 tt 4 al 4 P
Recelpta and disposition of live stock at
the i'nlon Stock t'arda, dou la Omaha, for
twenty-four hour ending at I p. m.
Cattl. Hoax.
C, M. A SI. P t
Wahash 1
Missouri Pacific t
Union I .nfio t 17
C. N. W.. enst M
C. N. W , west n
C. St. P.. M O
C, B. A U , eaat 4
C B. A .. west ..
C, Hl.l P.. east 4
Illinois central .. I
C, 48. vV' .............. ... .m ., 1
ToUl receipts t 108
Cattle. Hogs.
Omaha Parking Co I.IM
Swift and Company 1
Cudahy Packing Co 1ml
Armour A Co 1.878
Schwartsrhlld A Bulsberger 1707
Other buyers M
Totsl it 1.184
CATTLE As ususl on a Saturday
there waa nothing of any consequence
oa sale In the beef lino aad prices wr
nominally ateady. r or th week receipt
hsv bean onlv mnderta footing up 18. tn)
head or about 1.000 head more than last
week, but fully that much abort of the
osresponding wek a year aga ins
Suslity of Uie offering baa been very
satiable aa a rule throughout and k
vigorous demand haa existed for the de
sirable long Isd grade. Anytning or
thla kind ha found a ready aale at
teadiiv advaneln future and closing
quotations sre ell of I0tr higher than
a wesk ago. Oa the other hand the
honied and only partly (at cattle have
met with a rather inainerent aemana
(rom all sources and price have not
show very much Improvement VsJue
In general for beef cattle are right at
the nigh point of the season and aa high
aa thev have ever been at this market.
There ha bee a good degree of life end
stranxtk to th market for oow and
halfrr this week, and prlrea are al the
high point of the season. Demand haa bee
keen for useful offering of all grades
and the very moderate recelpta have
found a ready outlet at tne strong pnce.
Common and canning grade kav nld
e mis what unevenly, but in the mala
values, sre stronger thea a wesk sge
and ike jutlet for all grades I very
broad. Veal calve ar selling strong to
n quarter higher than last weak an
there ha been a llvelly Inquiry and a
very aaliafaotory market right along for
bulla, atags, etc.
Volume of business In Mocker and
feeder haa been comparatively light
Roth aupply and demand have been
limited. Ths conditions have been such
thst ths trend nf values haa been upward
and closing quotation fur decent atock
of all weight ar lMJ2fw higher (or In
wk. Stock cow and heifer have been
In good demand and are selling aa high
aa any time during the season.
Wuutatlons on cattls: Good to choloa
beef ateer. t7.bOat.36: fair to good be(
leera, P.OOn7.W; commoa Io fair beef
terra, M.Ouayl.tO; good to choice heifer.
M 0947.80; good to choice Cows, ft.sOtrt.iO;
(sir to good rows, 44 76418.80; common lo
fair cow. 4t.7Mk4.1l; good to eheto look
er snd feeder. 8G.7W7 '; (air to good
Mockers and feeders, M.2M).7; common
to fair Blockers and feeders, Si
stock heller, ll.Uk-tt.tO; veal calves, ti.Ov
U tv bulla slugs, etc.. 84 4MU 03.
HOGS Modsrdts receipt of hog met
with a healthy general demand at th
oiienlng snd considerable business was
don during early round at figure
strong to a nickel higher. Order wr not
large enough to absorb ths entire supply
on this basis, however, and atrength waa
followed by weakneas, the lata trade
ruling steady to a shads lowsr and
slow at thai.
Yard eatloialo called for 110 loads and
shippers worked rather csutlously de
spile a vary limited run at Chicago. Pur
chasers on outside account nmounted to
a abort 10 per cent of the receipt, me
dium weight butcher getting the call
(rom thla quarter.
The beat lard hog on asle brought t7 70,
aa oompared with yesterday top of 17 6V,
wall bulk landed within the 7.4u47.i
spread. Bacon weights, averaging 280
pounds and teas, ranged from 87.4 down
ward, but sales bolow wer (ew and
Compered with a week age current
price how general loa of about 18c.
bearish trend being prompted by good
stsed receipts and very heavy stocks of
provisions The demand en most day
haa been reasonably acttva,
sisprcesntstlvs sale:
aa. av. ta. rr. He. A, la. Pa
M Ut ... I t m W 1 M
7 1M ... 11 41 M lit IH
I in) 1 la IM f tt
at ui io t a let t h
i u ... 1 n no ut t us,
n Ill 134 t n Bt t tt!
aj in a is n at m
M ... 1 ... M4 TH
n Tiu let as) ... fit
M. It Mt f M....A. IM at 1 1t
a im Mt f art tt i is
n m ... lit to m ut j it
ui ttt ... t ) tit ... 7 at
at im ts t a a tn to j it
it in i i tt mi ... f it
at an a It n rss ... t 44
ii na i : it I u
tt in 1 u i ... T st
ST 114 1 4 UT 144 t 41 sss I m .i jie is
at T tt
it irl ... I
ti ui M t
H HI 40 148
H 14t 1
Ml Mt 1 ts
Jt i
70 Ut
T ii
nj m
. am ut i a tt ttt ttt 1 1
sat at 1 is
1 u
u an at t w
tt si at i
st st so 18
71 lit ... 1 S
.an tat T u
ta tt lis gi fit aa itt
ait ttt 1 w ts ti aw 1 aa
.... a 7 ta tt a ... tai
at a It tt at a ta
an lta i it a ut ... i at
n aa t tt ru aa 7 ta
... aaa ... t w 71 ui ut 1 tt
m at 1 M ti ut ... j tt
lit ta 1 e tt tea ... 7 ts
...hi ta 11 ta lie 1 ta
til ... t 41 u its 1 tt
an is is s au a is
Mt 4 7 H .......Ml ... I)
att ta 1 le u ni at 7
ut as 1 1 a st ... TO)
114 tt 7 H H IB is
.....Mt Mt 1 M 43 M St Iti
... tn ... J u at ... t as
M ... 1 at T ass ... 1 a
... in ... 1 a st art a 1 a
Ui 14 1 oa ... ttt
Ml .. It tea wa lu
aaa M 1 tt 1 tu m itry,
:ia tt 7 ta
at...'., ii a tts ie at ... 741 I
SHEEP Nothing arrived tn the way of
sheep or laretw snd the market had il
ususl Saturday appearance, rctaainind 1
empty and nominally steady.
During the week two different varieties .
of trad bar dmoloped. Ob early days
the demand was clamorous, with packers
buying close sll slong the line. Price
ruled wildly higher as the result o( keen,
competition nd high-price record wer
niade one day only to be broken th next.
A much as 310 4-7 was paid for prime
Mexican Ismha (rom the North Plstt
valley on Wednesdsv, as compared with
the market's extreme record o( 110.40.
elaimcl bv March J 11". The week's '
top oa shorn Israbs is g 1", the runaway
trade being raused bv actual and pros
pective shortage o( supplle...
After Wednesday killers dictated snd a
portion of the esrly advance was lost on
a trade that proved mean and dull. Beet
soiled lamb are not aant'-d above po
at present, while good to choice shorn
lamh are closing around ts UOtiH Ta. Sheep
have been scarce throughout, shorn weth
er selling up to 87 30. with ewes moving
largely under the 17 msrk. Net sdvsncc
In wooied Ismbs amount to sbout a cent.',
aooled lamb sre not wanted above po
around 78c higher.
Receipts locally nave been ruliy normal
and the run luctuded a very respectable
crop of shorn offerings, mostly lambs.
Nothing much wa purchased for feeding
or aheertnx. the total output on country
account being lees thn iiMU heed.
Ouotationa on sheep and lambs: Lamha,
good to choice. 89 to m HI, Ismha, (sir
lo good.; lamba, shorn, t 154J
178; yearlings, good to choice, tx.keis.78;
yearlings, heavy, 7.?Mi.30; wether, good
to choice. r4t7; wether. (lr to good.
P Uty7 s. ewe, good to choice, t7.lMf7.8e;
ew, fair lo good. K.0Ot7.
St. Iael Live fle-k Market.
ST. LOUIS. May A CATTLE Receipt.
300 head; no Texana; market ateady; na
tive beef steers. 5.30u9.00; cow ana
heifers, f8.7Mtx.40; st or Iters and feeders.
t3 7Mr7.ot: Texaa and Indian steers. Ill
47.74: rows snd heifer. 8a.jOo7.00. calve
in carload Iota. t&.Xej".38.
IIMUit Receipt. 4 0 head: market
strong; pig and lights, tt.a4t7.7d; mixed
and butchers, tJoajt.aO; good beavy, 7.74
hesd: market stesdy: native muttons,
fe7ltf7.k; htmhs. r 1V1I0
Bt. Jeeepk Live Stock Market.
Receipt. 100 head;' market steady; steer.
I&sfajls.: cow and heifers, I3.&4S1.I;
calves, tfi.40ess.01
HOUo-Recelpt. 1000 head; market
stesdy; top, 17,75; bulk of sales, 17 MO
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, none:
merket nominally ateady; lamba, SlsOO
Sleek la Slakt.
Receipt of live atock at the flv prin
cipal western nisrket yesterday:
CattlaHog Sheep.
South Omaha .....
St Joaeph H
Kanaaa City 40 l.tno lfe)
St. Lout o 4. mo as
Chicago 4,W) Loo
Totals .....TS K.3W Tm
BUTTER Na I Mb, carton. Be; No.
jn 40-lb. tubs, 23c; No. 1 tic; peaking.
CIIEEStV-t Imported Swim, 13c: Amerl
eea Swia, ak; block Swiss, Me; twins,
lie; duties, tic; triplet, 21c; Young
Americas, tic: blue label brick. 20a; Urn- .
berger. t-lh, t!o; 1-lh.. ttc.
FISH (fresh frosenr-Plckcrel. tc; whits,
Un; pike, lie: trout, 11c: Urge crppie.
tM)18'; Spanish mackerel, Uc; eel. He; 1
haddock, 18c; flounder, Ms: green eat- .
fish, 14c; roe hid. 78c each; shad roe, par
pair, BVkc; aalmon, 10c; halibut, Ic: yel
low perch, 8c; buffala tc; bullheads, lie.
POULTRY ..rollers, as oftus.OU per dot;
springs, "; hens, lOtllia; cock. He;
duck. IMySOr; geese, JJc; turkey. SV:; ,
pi geoes. par do., P.M. AJIv. Hera, UM8 .
IXajc; old rooster, tc; old duck, full
feathered, lSxc; See full feathsred, 8c;
turkey. 14MH4o: pigeon, per .. 88c;
hoiners, per duo., !, aquaLa, No, 1, .;
No. 1 : Na 1 IHta Loins: Na L ;.
S10; No 1 17c; Na 1 leWC Chucks: Na - -U
tV.c; Na 1 tc; Na I Pic. Rounds:
NaT, MHc; So. t, 11r; No. I 11c. Plate: 1
Na 1. 1o; No. 1 7c; Na 1 4c.
FRU1TS, ETC. Apple: Extra fancy
Ba Devla, par bbl., 14.36; Winessps, par
bbl.; 7: faney Missouri Pippins, per keX, .
14 28; Idaho Jonathan, extra fsscy, per '.
box, 8140; Washington opltuabtrg, par
box, 83 80; Washington it. Besuty, per
box, tt 28; Washington Styman Win,
per box, li t. Baaanaa: taacy eelew, 5
per bunch. It.tOftlOi Jumbo, per buaos, T
(s 78424.71 Win: Anchor brand, new, '
M l-lb. pkgs. la bog, per box, 12.38; Droat-
dary brand, nsw, M 1-1 s. page la boa, ,..
nar boa. 88. Fls: California, per case ,
it 13 Na U pkg.. etc; per esse of M Na
12 pkgs, p. SO. per ease of M Na 4 pkgs.
II bulk, 28 and lo-lo, boxes, per is,.
Km; new TutkUh, s-crowa In 30-1. box, '
na. lOa. M, a-a,awH , ' a. warn M,
W. ltc; 1-erowa la to-lk. box per Ik.
lie. Orep fruit: Flotida, M Use. pr
crete. 84, 41 " PC M M; OO-U-ot
aea? per crat. 84-10. Grape: Malaga
mbblsTP 0v7.tu. Lemoas; Umonlern
aaleoted brand, extra (aucy, tOO-sa) aises.
ax box, 14: Loma Llmonalra, fancy, tOO-
(to site, per box, M0-4M alaee, tt
per Bo) Ho' Oranges: Cali
fornia Camellia brand, Navsis, extra
Uney, -U-liM7-W-il8-l6 sisea, per
box. 8! tt; extra ohotoe, ail slsee, par bog,
a- kssnbant brand, IW-Uo-lit-aw-als alaat,
r twxTlt evi 3W-2M-1M !. per boa,
tTlfc PUieapplsa tv-M-M alt, per crate.
JJ; strawnetTteai leiultuna. per caas tt
m Dtfltfs 8 wk
VEGaTTABLES Beets, old erop, per Ih
sue Cabbage. Wlioonsln, per lb.. 4Hc;
oli' California, per lb., 4c Celery, Cel
Uornla Jumbo, per don., P-00; Florida, la,
ii" rough. 44ro doa, per caaa ttjTw-'
unker kot house, per box. 13 00. Egg
anT fancy Flortda, per do., Mt. Oar
Uc extra fancy, white, per dps, lie.
Lettuce, extra taacy leaf, par doa.. 46a.
ualoos. California, white, boiling, per lb,
1e7 wuconaln, yellow Glebe, par lb, 8e;
red Olobe. per lb., le; SparUah, per orate,
alav Parsley, fancy southeia. par do,
-a-. fcaTic Paranips, fancy south.
Lu. pir dot bunchea. Hfrno; Parenlpa.
ner Ih. tVao. Potato,. Mlnaeeota Red
Kver Early Ohio Seed, per bu, p.78;
uiaaeeeia karly Kuee ed. per bu , p.4;
UluTTrlumpli seed, per bu, PiWta
nusia whit" stock, per bu., Pj. JXut
SroT la sacks, per lb, 14- Tomato,
Krtda. 8er s-bsk. crats. i; cut.
JVodsTcarrMr, Us. T urea pa, per is,
sona. per lb.. IOVk; la sack lets, la la
Cnoosnut. per sack. (40. Filberts, per
uflec: in sack let. leas. Peanuts., a aack lota, per In, IHc; roasted
1 thin sack lot, per lo.. ic; raw, per
i-tc fmtmam, larga per lb., 17c; ia sack
Jr.'. 10 less. Walnuts, new crop. UU.
CsUfornls. per lb., lie: In sack lota io
Cldsr. new Nehawske, par li-gat
York Molt a per lA-gal. H kbi. H4t; per
i-ial. bbl., kit Honey, new. 24 tram.
13.11 Krout par is-gal. aaa. SCTt; per
s-geJ. keg. K-M-
Cetlee Market.
cloeed Meady; cloning bide: May.
Pi at: June. 111.11; July, til ls; August
111 M: September, ill-: October,;
November. P1M: December, tll.40: Jan.
uary. 81137: February. I1L17; March,
111 44; snot closed quiet point higher;
middling uplands. Pl-M; middling gulf.
PUS; bo sale.
California Land Syndicate
A rare opportunity is offered a
few persons to Join aom Cslitor
niana In acquiring larg tracu ot
River Bottom Land is southern
part of Sacramento Tailey, Cat,
adjacent to river and rail trans
portation. Land ts subject ts over
flow and. Is erjna!, if not superior
In richness, to Valley of the Nile
Reclamation coat is nominal, and
onder advantageous conditions
and system: tb land coat ia am all
compared wits value when re
claimed. Will net approximately
160 per cent profit.
6ubacripUons solicited, payable
to the Land Account ot th under- J
signed. Interest in the company j
to the amount ot your eubacrip-1
Hon, with your inrestment, re- ,
turned within two years. Capital-
(ration t-50,000. ,
For further Information, address j
24 teuton- Bt, baa Fraacisro.