Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY; MAY 6. 1912.
Ke :w Officer Celebntes First Xms t
Cathedral in Set Hoine.
Have Rear Rraad NhH ea AN
. , ae
(From aff Cowpondent )
TES XDWESJ sfaVk-telpecstU w
Auatta DoaTttng. tshop .of the easvrb
aanwtd Csthoitc UkxaM ef Dm Main.
presided to fo the first time at the
set-vie la Bt. Amttroee cunioni, in
juactMa Brtth-lUa. ravaa, Xbr Zrol-i
tnt year In cbarw.oC tn penen.sau
M vicar .oaanl.i Airhoaxh lb w
bis hoe ' came I ea -Moroen total
etiangesv earest An:lM isktnd. h4
made a mow , MM Jrnpressioa km
suicxlr allied friends. Ih-M give a
receptioa lhat assure tha " oo-lil j
of aj elements in huiitiing op ine new uio
sa. set ci1t a reeenuoo xreew thacnuroe-
irnn of tits eh, but fseeashs koalnaaa
and eometsrrial mtereets ? the city, all
craada beuig laU aakta in' arar to P
r laity honor aim. , ;
Tin new diocese rmprlns substantially
a at southtraawra lava. Ry lu ersatioa
Iowa ta Airload' lata four settrly ual
parts for church orV Arctiptshop Keam
presiding at Dubtidue and hiwwpa located
at Davenport BMHtx Cfty and Dea Moines.
The central parteh berf,' the one lonf pre
sided Over by Bgr. Plasta. M one ot the
moat nospcrovie hi the
cathedral to a Tsssienreot
building erected but.t
Roasting; fee
Member at to leer (MM 'Mawatsry
tares' pssoriaiiBP win attest the annual
aatUM la bmux ty (Ma mesh anth ene
ee)St, amen ethers, of hoosling tori
general UM of tha
adopted by the ssawlsfiee stare Abe kuaU
tanveulen. Thl trademark, la araliic.
ef a a fecal with Um bead of teak and
tee legend "Made l Iowa" eons' no us.
It a) Intended te appear on ail goodsJ
manufactured by tbe member oT the
paaulatlon. Thua tar. aa tt la reported,
oaly a (eat of tha member have made
we of the w trademark tnr all low
mad goods, kat It to sapaat that t
will ma rente lite canarad nae and In
time be a valuaMe aaaet (or the eenla
turn. '
Te aaeai latiea aaa aaaa nrne nat
aataa tae ket few roan and at aa ana
at en
: Cne acreage ta Be sevrae.
Raaaria U Ike stasa boaiw of earicul-
ture (root ail parts at low nvUosla thai.,
tha crap acreage is gains; ta bs luunueJlr
large this year. Taara are tare apeutal
reeeons for tola. On Is thai the aresaa
is starting out wet and because of the
inarease la th amount, of tile-drained
land, aapeelally la northern and westers
Iowa, it a) poMlbla for tha tanners to
utillae ail their land. The other Is tw-
rauie in rsany parts of tha state last rnH
the pastures wer nearly ruined try tha
unfavorable weather and these are benur
plowrd ap and pat to gram crops fee
this season. Ha mora (Bearable eoawV-
ttons tor p start ef areas pad ruR ajava
ewer been hneaa tn this ateat crian Cboas
srtrleh hee mmaed aha east fear eawa,
' There as beea aa knadinaa eal Pain ia
all par of the state aad vary bbujli
rtn iat weal a kpom kere as
lag aVaa." Tot eaeryg,
trees are alt (bloom and
tkouait it '! leesF that 4a aoma turmer
!. , "I, '
Oaa Caaalidata Map Wltadrpw. '
There It el ill rime for any state eeanV
data to withdraw from the state ticket
cl ia 'view of thin fai It t ragarded
M BuUiliile ttl either Preudroot or
UekleB nay un efl Um Ut tor gov
amor pud leave th Odd clear for a
Ualght flflu glong fexttomO liael oa th
lx4 of the aula tvket it Is known
that prtimliteat Bolltliaas hay beea mak
ing en effort to seour th withdraw)
at Benauit Proadfoot tuua the ticket, or
announcement that ha wiU pot make a
hard AgM, but tm eatered the campaign
Vt-'giy as a jMf muai maitrr atut without
the barking ar pay cenuaiuea. ao that it
Is not likely he will outt. Prof. Moldea
' eu brought put bjr a auong commltts
of poUtii-aJ ieednr and haa bad cam-
Psiga phuivSantly laasve4 by thoe who
tuwe as intareet ia the py titles) future
at top ilia Oovemoy Cuuke's osjapelyp
aas aea satlreiy psrsenai an maintained
beoaua it was felt b is the logloal men
fur tiw saueeeeiua, Clark Is tvlny ail
UUai a sea te kerf both kig opponent
In ia (laid, and bl maaaaerp cltirn ibal
If thie 1 daw be wiii apv su y vlc-
ty. Tiiey saost fear a eoacentratioa of
tim opaaaiUaa aa Betiawr Praudfoot, vat
f atasdiog duulnetk as the candid at
Wyresentlna tbe InUreaU at Freeltaeai
TaR ia Iowa. '
l.eUtave Hrea aa Re PI Red Rett.
The repuhUcaa and aenim relic fnmw
tea arm now pmeeed te tut aot
legietatre wraeta ta
where csedtaatee havej net vejuataeaaa. la
soma eoentlea aaiwaatv seaahaoaa aa
peraea luts appearad asking ta ga oa aha
IrgMaMv ttcast, acd in su nel waeei
the deaiorrata beta a RcwMag laaain taap
have a eandtdat. Nw geap erw sre
cerd te brhtg owt' aandtdataa aad ka
them veied lot bp ta amtlaa ia at tbelr
aamas aa the arlaaal waliota. a under
the rating af wMatneraey
be dene wltaaut aaauatwar at aa aaat at
ta total tat af ac couaiy to aaauaat.
Added ta MIMarleatl
ieaut'a klfftermel
eartcbed by a spiradtd portrait painting
ef Abrakaet UacoUt. arearntaf by Mrs
Carroii Wriest, wafer ef tha hue Carroll
WHcwt it an tfea faees'l aaar pceaV
deet with hat heard as anra duteg the
Heetng ye af bat life. Curator E. R.
Harlan ears mat tree la aaa at th aeoal
intereetlog uf ntfawttoa arsitt by
Mrs. wnght Aaxitr ay a Palatlog af
John A. tUBoU. fuher of Mrs. Wright
eras skm stat auditor tram law te wa.
Ttte apUeettoa aiee bxrlodee aeeeral buy
tarie sua-feats psiaaiwd by Mr. Wrpgb-
State Corporsticus
Paa a ttitr Cariaepnaaenl
UXtX'LJl. Mag aSaaoiai Tslagram,
Ttie earparaUaa tag aayaai a the etat
Is not due nana fnir J, aad la assratary
cf stai ha aot pat seat out eetaga
esrneratien of las aawant te he paid,
is spite ef this aevea dlReraaf aarpor'
tous have rraatted tha tax. aad am
itung that Is aotieeahla at that aracticmlly
ail of those which have beea ep prompt
te pay Up are corporations which but
er were oelioeueat aad fee that reeane
htst their charters declared forfeited
t.-Mu'y they t" not care to take any
csjk ea that jeeare tla yea
- - tekatiBBed (root rtret pace.)
Uoa and recommended that no ault be
areaglM tmtH tte had eaade a tuti tnaaRt-
(atloa of tbe barveater troat. Before tklt
a report waa made by the aettataat dia-
trlet attorney of South Dakota and by
the district attorney of Mlnneeeta that
there was (round for proesctttliur tha bar-
that tkla traat had violated
the anti-trust law. Between September
a and November 1 the matter waa under
consideration, and ea November T the
president directed Herbert Knox Snath
a notify Mr. Perkins that no prosecution
weuld be begun until after the InTeatlca.
Uoa. That settled the matter,
that' t what Mr. Parkins asked for.
'Now Mr. Roosevelt says teat I
present at the cabinet amtii in lehi',," "J alonday
It 'was decided aot to prosecute tha trust
antU after the Invaatigalkw. As a mat'
tar of fact I was not ta tha country be
tween August and December. I
to th Philippines and was on my tray
around tha world. Mr. Bone parte any
tha cabinet meeting took piece ia Jan
uary. This la altogether a mistake, aa
it ia shown by Mr. Smith's diary that tha
matter waa decided in November. Dis
cussions, therefore, could not bars aaaa
had wtlh a view ta deciding anything.
berauss th decltloa had already
made and Mr. Perkins had been not tiled
that hi apptlcatkm had been granted.
at hat Celeaet Meana.
These are th rlrcBmstaaces tending
to snow and Illustrate what Mr. Renss
volt mean by good and bad trust. Ma
means to Introduce a benevolent dct
htm la which be eneaos to aeieot th
trust which ha thlaaa aught ta
ttnue and quash those ha atuaka aught
not to continue and as he hae said the
antl-truit ia ought to he repealed and
supervisory laws peseed It 1
guide by which to determine these trusts
which are violating th law and those
which are not It Is one ef
pleasant arrangementa for a man who
Hkas to exercls arbitrary power and. at
most useful In giving Instrumentality
for the maintenance of power that la
hardly to be excelled.
"I am not attacking Mr. Roosevelt, at
Influenced by Improper motives la ills
attitude toward tha trusts. 1 aa only
pointing out that la view of Rig attitude
toward tha trusts, la vie of M Rav
Ina f voted tha trust thet na
are good trusts and aught ta at
oouraged,- ana of- ashen dlnrotec
him m his aantpakn and ' eantnbutaa
largely te hut (unit, e Is In a very weak,
position to charge aa k velag uadar
tha control of the Interest and of being
tha eaadldata of apaelai privilege aud af
being supported by Rll who asa agalpat
the peepie. .
) . tk.w Rappasatra Taaa,
"Mr. RooatMi alt's aaaumpttaa af virtue
Is aa miens treat tt autl ( s parity
aayon whea ha beoames a out porter af
Mr. Roosevelt, uvea enough Kb cruet
and though tt he a, direct of a trust
contributing to Rl eampalga."
President Tatt aaatarod that the retail
of Judicial d milium by popular vote
would permit a temporary mlWiwty af
th. voters In the country to nullify th
restrict lent Imposed by tha Peurteonta
and ritteenUh aaaajrttseaate t tha ftdersJ
PiMUtntly during bis add res he r
tarred tha tulenll.amh M Oei-'
aai PasatkPkV ea.PhWHi PreaWatrt
aid that the ooiowd R4 chargod n.
with bring "puxstowlttad ant lactrksfjn
lmsginstion "
He e.ioBiwned aa fatraeee at tha
charg In ie leering tha awlaun of .the
present administration with respect to
mstuus af MRlglatioa M attcvtlv, 4
rnlnlstrwUea. Oovernor Ooldiaarsiigti prssldtd. The
trn MS fRtad Mk aa anawaslaatlc
crasnl St teah feequeatly interrupted the
pmtdanl with awpluat vA Dwnw (
approval. v
' Bapparted by latereate.
KUtTOM, Md, May p.Riwaainc -to
aaearai hundred people aaa today, f rH-
dant Tatt, fur the iirti ties alaca
bayaa at attacks aa Theodora Ruoseeait.
tpsngly, taiillmlled that awek ot th
euravirV th lsarl Is recalvtaf eg
treat th trusts euid th "ialsrasia.''
"Mr. KoBamratt aay I est oaaed by tha
Interests," said Mr. Tatt "What 1 -
tasapled ta a ia my admiaiatrauoa
b carry aui Mr. ilaeaeveii' peUchM
aad aaa af these aoucta I thought
k ta prat tut lou ot the tract under
ta aoil-lruat law aad 1 gave ardar
I ta allnrnay general ta prosecute every
trust that he found vlelUUig tha ka,
aad laa aaiy dUCaraac between om and
Mr. sleeeereil ia that 1 prataeuted the
Meet trust and 1 preeeouttd tha harvester
trust aad he did aot.
"Ms, eaarR Persia, a Olrecter af
the ksrvwtar trust aad furaetar t th
teal trust aaya that those arossciillani
s aat assoaat to aaything. M may
taiak a aaw, but arbea ha wrou letters
urguvg that aa ault be hraught aaalnst
the harvsata fust he tueugal that
preseeutlo BtlgM tojnra tt.
Caaeaea Raaaaa la Relh PartU
caajbta tm Rcat Hies.
CUMBERUUtD. Ma, May e.-"Roas'
ta the democratic parly and la the re-
aubUraa party, Coteaei Booasvoit charged
yeatardatr, has aanhated ta defeat kiss.
H assarted thai aerrjocreile "iibs" lore
sea tasar awa dewnisa if ha abouid wia.
tt was the last day of Caloaai
vett' Masylaad ee sips Is a, th fui
af whloh waa Bred hers iaat night Th
lsil asada a aiimlur af apc-aai a he
iraeatad acaasa ta Ptaia and ta Cum bar
aad he apok bis last uveal far
aupanrl at tha artaavrtsj Moaday. Pi
Cswhestaad ha Marled back far Qyatar
Bay fag a waak'a last
'Tka aeoecieie an alatnat as asaeb
caaearawf ta tha eaacaaaa aa aw a
be aud b) aJa speech at Mageratewa. "if
wa avert are aur aaa bnam,
enuu 1U a eatcaJag. Taat'a why tha
aeatoeratl bnass are calively aiding ta
basat ia ear pariy ta driest as, it'haa
an has 1 titrewa dows, th ether bosses
it If w sJwka do era
other ar as getng
la staid very isag.
Tha day rua begsa at Ttall Lassie,
where Cstoaal toerai ssokf but eight
Tb coioaet aude speeches at Weat
aunaler. rasaataak. Hageesaowa. UaaV.
rsrfc aad Oilherttrjd Tha aeapla of
Pnderlck and Cuaiprrjand took a botiday
a great event of tt. la both
cities there areas paraded through ejeerded
streets, wha bands and u eons at mounted
men and men afoot. In Frederick there
waa aand la (rant .of Colonel Runee
velt'a automobile and another .behind it
Both played at the saws time. It mass
as difference ta Colonel RooeeveK. who
said the only tune ha knew when
It ama "Garry Owen."
Pesssaiaal lateseat ta (esetry Ota.
'U-hta ef Rtarylaad.
RALTIMOtUE, Md.. May t.-Th Mary
land primary eaunpalgB closed last night
aad the state chroniclers called it th
hottest ever waned within Mary land's
boondaries The sUtees votes which th
atata wtH have to the aational eonvea-
tlaaa will he determined by the peiwonal
prafeeenee far presidential candidate ex-
AUaeugk brief, th eaatpaign has been
vigorously candoatad. AH th candidatea
whoaa names will appear apoa the
petasary bauunwTaft, Rooaavalt Clark,
Harmon ana) Wileoa. have visited th
atata during tha three weeks that have
Intarveuid abac th new primary bill
heoacne a law.
AMhaugb tha city of EaJUmore ooa tains
nearly half the papulation of tb atata,
the apportloninent of delegate ta th
atata coavaatioa aaVeralea the piiaotpal
imarast la Mondavi contest to th oeun .
try districts and adda to tha uacartaiatv
cf th euteoaie. Rammer baa but twen
ty -eight of tb la) atata detsgeis. Tb
candidates for whom the prtaiartes la-
struct the ataiprity af thee delegate will
ge to Chieag aad alaUilmore with gist
sixteen Maryland nsllnaal delegates
bound to them by tha unit rule. Th
delegates treat ach aounty ta tha atete
eaavantloa are instructed ay the prefer-
nea veu af the several CO unties, ia
tha city at BeJttmore the legtsistiva ear-
uiot la the arut Instead of th aounty.
Wblla tb ballot in many cevtules bear
th names ef opposing delegate nsmtd
by th oonrtnittee favoring th various
praaidsailal oaadldate. tha state etosf
gats leotd must obey the expressed
preference af their corjetllsebts reRaraV
less of these affiliations.
Cssaplatat Mad bp Republlrsua Mar
C Sanaa tit Reed Barters.
CJiiCAOa Mar (.-Complaint
crsdsotlais el dategataa to th republkaa
.1 V.,rretr,...r-. rVI H A i!S5
aatlnnaj eonreatlor. era coaxing ia aloerly
waa asade taday-ky Akaaarli r R. Smith,
In charge of the keartqiiartara of h
reaublicaa aational oommlrtea , is the
aval aanw JL faaaa Ut ier
busy .here today I aha awing tha
"AlUwuRh naariy MP dr legates aad sX
aHeraate have beea elected, there are
la say hands th credentials ef but lb)
acasgates and lot alternates,' said Mr.
Smith. "I bad charg ef the earn work
four year ago and at thie time there
were many more credentials filed thaa
there are thai year.
"Considering that there are Lin dele
gate and as many alternates, all of
whoa credential must be carefully ex
amined, and proper acknowledgments
made, and that notice of con tret a. where
such exist must be sent to each delegate
and alternate elected from the contested
district tt at surprising that the creden
tials are as slow m coming la.
"So far contests have beea filed ta
but two eases, to wit: MIsslssippt-at-larg
and la tbe First district , of South
Carolina. "
"Many credentials ar tiled la a faulty
manner In that they do not con tain all
ot tha Information requited by tha
national committee. Those who have In
charge th preparation of tbe credentials.
th secretaries of the conventions at
which dt legates ar elected, should, ia
vary case.' attach the peatoffica address
to th name of each delegate and alter
nate. Probably one-third of those ta hand
fail a aula th postofflc addresses.
"All credentials, to be.ia proper form.
atata that tha. convention - at
delegate and 'alternates war
elected wag held In conformity with ins
call of th repubnaan national com-.
mIMee after due publication ot the tlsn
and Riac neaglrad; th time and place of
tha canventoa should be stated and th
delegate and alternate named with their
addressee. This statement should be
elaaad by bath ti eaairman and secre
tary of the convention and their signa
tures should, in every cent, be properly
ackncwliaaed seder notary unite, aa
Impression cf whose aval should be at
tache, t the kciutisristaiimsal, Not aJ
tngie aredeatlal has yet beea filed from
a pubil obeciad under eareet primary
Tw Rtseetr th Vatep
mi etenoh. Rvr aaa. kidney trouble
and' cure biliousness and rsmlarl- take
Electric tttter. Uussmrteed. Only Mo.
Per sale try Bee tea prf Ca, .
NEMO WEEK hu btxorne an raent of nationsi importancd. Every
piifwatiite tkftser mfiiM tibts jtot rr1 hm prnpRnd for it
taxr&intfy. Each W7al rsrrie vt "Herao Week ptflrsji
mr RsVaatlrU Vu4 leoare
Rn4 retRin fhlenasj egaasva wrftJaaat Mcrifidnf aeahh Rnd confort
whxpct sWiwtum for tvbsrir mum wht) fsfuntafrd twrvioaRDss,
wdl-fittirif tjoneta at munjrice)fv
No vomsB-whaterr her rnxM ,iatiao at tb atu ef hsr purwa-.
tA afford to allow tfoia wmt to ptus vithtxtt doserr n4 .carefully
exvnininf a!l tie ruw iqreiitipaB lo Komo CotmU w-fikh h) wiU Sad
displajTsd ia iba store b whidi ah ia KxuBtomd to ihop.
A most fctmatiBf f eataro of tjbii "Vetoo Week" will t tho
introductiaa. ia a fow new rfsoditls, of ort Utest and grata. iaTtwtioR ,
'laaftikoiM Ctetfa" n olastM fabric to poiqnt mi uefQl tM Jt wBl
tpikkly and completely reofatioWM the entirR etvaat fahdawtry.
Htm 'W' isWib Km4t mU dW Wmdafid "laChft ChUT
No. EG ESLrRSDUCTNG CXIRSST for etotrt and median rtjrea.
1. -T- Ulsit iit e-aaalaain; leap vsry sassj sairt eriA vwr- I
SAO I i T . T ' .
nOs eud tan fuss at tjauniswnat.esaa, ereuca uaa sups sbbj ai ai I
taUkT5 fctmit, imtmaTpmimmt fraaAam nvmmSLZ tPfjM
stattviaeasBuiiasoy rsw&eri, mm ''lBrvBc''baumof ?vh.W
tha aad. ttaiucfom aa am! new and narf
ahe. fhhrtwWs.,st
Othm Pmmlm MtttUU fmr Stoat,
Wtlh mm Reey Aete-Meseesy Devise
w m Asev
teaeehy MwBst e mat the owes JJ
a-- Imjlm skutsre kueSj aes fyffi
M );- Rasje selteM. hat we i u 1 1
IvaV w: Re lea, eawe m TV, rn
hsakkwsst tm. I ii UrO
Newrkia vsxsimisas
jessi su I e i nt. .aeH sreR aaesap skae aad
fceetMaBjtlBel, .aashaet, e.
lpptiiWRasiii II I sail m ImllL. J5J50
saassawa UnssaaagsB
Far sVe
' nesMMms esse en sterner
ba See aaR Use Two Seeds ef teanses VV
. eeasaeesrMfrsatessaeremwaea.
No, m tzi2z?z
With t ism aw tesyai
m Swt
Kimmel, Made Oyer,
Startles the Doctors
With Statements
George A. Kimmel, according te surgeons
who operated aa the man Read few
day ago.
Th surgeon tonight said that -the man
aa ha JUmaml had told them
bis life story and had ansae atartllnc
statements. . ,
Already a new story ef his kUW. from
hi era v4uMaf
patched together, i
startling that If is Icept secret Betxilug
an laeeetlgellna
Vrrthia fum eight hears, annurdlng at
Dr. Lores Wilder. Ktrnrna) or AridreW
White, as ha was kaotsa for asearal
um, will have aufTlciensry reeoestsd
from th effeeta of the spare tioa a per
ssM ef thorough ejueetlotuodV
In voluntary ststamnats Hnunel tpld
tacts regsrrllng the attack oa him to
and these ar af each a suipiisliig net use
thai wa ar snaking aa tsrvarUgatloa."
said Dt. Wilder.
tovict Complains
1 IiOSS of His Suit
LINCOUN. May 4W Special Telsgisrs.)
-WUMara Wnson, a convict at the aeai
asntiary, who has beea aotlrvg aa sarlst
ant bookkeeper, haa written tbe board of
pubUa leada aad htilldlagra that whs bs
sabered the earteoa Ttcvewshsr , Mm, h
sujrreadered te the warden, a sett ef
ervlhaa aiothae worth ) pnd aa over
coat Worth mk aud canal dareba fewsiry.
Be aaye that hta ttm wM be' out ia Sep
tember and ea Invest tcarioa ht sumtrtaias
that the seauury M ia th possess fa at
the wardaa. but the the cletbsaa- ha
aleeopcared. Be waaU the state to te
Isaeurs him. H sera that th state
aa look a fsrseer Veewaa laalth dor
to amouat but ha holds the state re
ssoastbl ta htm. - '
la Rto kttar be gayg that a tiskbispsr
ha swat aaaxRed cenMterahie avaa af
money heloaglng ta th state, but has
turned over every oaat of It though he
eoaid easily have reimbursed himself had
He says
; v .
Ripe aad m i
eet rouaded effect aaa exit I
SWtw ami Utdhm F7gwr$
No. 321 tytp"'g''is.
amwh easae eh earaat sa BrmsassausaseseeTt
' ' i ' rm i'i if si
seaelne tiuaw I stsli ssers. Vary sag, e aa
strum sksrta si I iiiiii eRxaalteea, e3jCtT
wttRinia .iii
Nft. Afifi ShT,r-lUfrxCTrO WOP!,
ttO. AU se.rt.ks.iurve. Rsevaw tiesM Pest.
Rew nei ansa, hewrsr akark and ether- . eves
iamaaa. ssw
No. 4C3 IZi
, passim
1W Kou 4C5
.a, euaaat Wh svs ryt
ItngtraVU IP-CO
OnaBaeaasasaf taa waaas breesde:
Wa. eal . m tr?mila
tat mmm thm mm Um
suTrsjfMwewjsMaBB) tm Bel
' vVbIbi mm NaWP rasaaa s'sawaw wssbsbb
New No, 403 vEZ
wktmjmtl assist She sennas, wsw IseUZ
bees WiHSssailei kin asl wham glees bbbssb eaae
' ' 1 I " i f I i sas 1 J ten i
WW. Aa Net Heaa Um Skrapa
sWmshaa4M W. I
"Vaa asnats bans tuwwew md vassal Rasasea
hehwBensiesnebeeei'-- iS isasss J.ereh
St i i ii i Id sas i in e l a ea eeesssas at West
fcc saSM-aewa rT-
this was epecillr the ease during the
atate aatr last year, H writes: War-
ea PetahKnty trusted pa and I cosld
not abuse that troat and turned aver
every cent."
Land Commrudc-ner Coeies says the
state has ao funds out of which Wilson
oaa be reimbursed for hit loss. . He t
asset up trsra Ptaisas county lor 1
years Tot nttrarntnf motrey n talas era.
Ttwsasa X R ata, hrsiklraaner
Bearneatssry, Raa rasinww A
at th
is beea appointed.
TARLR ROC. Metx. May t-(8rjcsL)
ierrte, at the Oennaa Svangeiteal
Church a fear xnilsa' northwest ef Rasa,
Mr. Peha I. Rtilssr aa iss Klam B,
Branek. hoth of thm vpctnlty. 'Th
was aartonBed hy Rev. aj.
the preesn of a aumher f
reside aa a Races, aaar
sneva aa Sossth Csv
beta la Onohtr weat, where the groom
dsaw a lucky aoumher th the tcera, vad
draariag. . -
ysintiia kebaaeht. 'v
WKST POiKT. Kah. May d.-Bpiall.)
i-Th marriage af Marti Fvyerberm. sob
ef Mr. and Mr. C reyeYtMrsa, te JUet
Rsea fichleoot was Jnlrmn Ired ia Dees
That'll ear at tb ervnea LMheran
ehurch. The young tmqnc era the chR-
area of fanner of the veeenlty aaf arKt
at thetr ewa.
vTEST POINT. Mea, May tSpeciai)
-PTederlck Lambreoht and swRa Augaata
Posh asm snsrrlsl at the Reman fja
area church by tore. M. tetreer, paster,
ea Thursday. They win reside aa she
lens af tha To ern e Rat
hi fatrety wta retire from
(Med From the Wires
Tha sovsenrsest nrobabkr WIS
try the criminal anti-trust suit brought
tha American Suamr Refining csmnaity.
the reoept trial of whom at f-'rw Xerh
resulted in a ias arsawsai, of the iry.
P. May. toil nasi llur ot the hwurtaa s
etinB at IifiMSnn. hee been auaeeaaad
sseigian mminier to we vuiieu ijisuue su
uvnlta, .
KjsMir i
ralatlvea and ttl
esaaoB they win
Key U th bMtueUsa ass,i VOMrtlahlT. 1 1
at Weak
la the .
hrouriaeing ewiue f the Ctrf erect vonda
iuaalastU MuthT' ana asssa.
ry eveot
Oa that night a araat dish af
reaming asjTha)
leature uf the aev
aiiUd. far spaghetti " gtveo all
nourishing elements the body
ft hi not easy a dish that all ewl. but
one that eases aa ski la A naoaesw. H
Farsat Rpaahettl makes) a real cpegaeul
Night tor a big family,
raaat Beurnettl le nasta treaa vha ee.
at auaBsy lharum atheat. wbiah, k am
m m giuran. it la made la toe etsen-
ractory la the cxnotry. snder the
eaaiuuy eonditiens. U la panhed
lad aaelraaia -an rta waevty. aneaV
and freahnesa .asa iwaalread nntR
It reavshee ewur kHchen. Oet a pachsgo
of Faust Spaghetti at pour dealer's and
give your family a reef "Speghettl
Night1" Just trv- tt wane and vow will
fossa it a sseehsy lantKattg; dc mrnrntm
1 peaweraa ad aui gvooera tsseiea far xraa
(book of Jaust Biases. -
1221 8C LaaR jSasmtsa, M. txaaia. Mo.
llflaVi frwl tni-v
-.- . . , i .
Mtllisl eLuieWt
-Pull aot aaa trap baas and a Rosea
m tea tta Rascar ta aa aid eaytraj,
whtoh ta, ha a' great sal sat aa
steps ar take te ate the seas a. WRea
tsaay astir appear ' is a aapa that tta
tare needs aaslataace. . It at Hatasew eaR
for help. Orgy batr, utrft, ttfatass hair, or
hair that ta tsranf est, taaet a
a abra ef advasoiag a far
a, far ttaara sua
efia BTtth perfect
ewagra sasawk ef
tkiaagalt at asteriy peaai srlth perfect
lasts at bear wtrheat a swtgrs sasaafe ef
waa af ht Mad I wrpath-astisw sadRal.
eoarpoanded with later
BVyetifB I
VrtMwVsawMataV flefatal ftttmm&i!J
t -
Tbia pr spare Uoa la offend ta the pamM
at Rfty eearas a hettla. aaa es receva
Mnded aad estd hy m aapjeje sxfaat.
ii $ t" " r r
' rr 25 The 8e.
Base Ball
nounitiz pAnjt
- WoctJay. liar , Ladiee' Iy.
Cars laava Uth aaa rarwaat (:
. Gamea eaileR
pverf Ray tflS; Wewry JRUfht lll. ,
ARva.avaTar waiwwavsaaus
Romany Opera Ca.; Mise sfethia
Paul- tracswlsesst Rum seat eed
Oreenwood: Una Clayton; MUlett'e Med
al; Moffett a Cuvr xvte; werr Ter
rell: iaiiipnrar i i naaia iisisi w
i malm Fries tght,- id. Me. Me.
f ia. Matin let, see eeaus Jic, ascep
MWrdaj aM.anW-. 4- ,t .
Laawduai Paris Bsaabatra
taaetet Mas ttte. aires Oram :....Har aa
TTZIT ... Sen R frets) .Maple
II, Ki cut est. Haaee puset
win rail ,
sakea the
y t1. " ... jj
J MssdwUa! 1
A i
lasVt bwsBsTR srMataf 4
Wheat gray halre ease
Rate assets se ha Rfaiea
aay the an af aha was preaaraBSBi aa
utpherv shatlfl
besms ewewtaBp Hslsimd Red taatas)
aapeaaa, -
gush id lsstv, lusal II Raw
drwat aad graaaaUy i lata i' is Radii e
gray eaasp M asaustd ooiea.
Ooat deity aaslksp mlaote. eaaaean
Wyewh' Rasa aad Rultdw at awe ash
aaaarha a elffareeKa a Pew dap trwav-
aetyR he,