Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, Page 9, Image 9

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Sou of American Eevolution Hold
Annual Election.
Ml Fellow Lode. Are Skowtmc
Mack ActlTltjw-SeTeral Local
lsrs timin Care and
Daaelnsr Parties.
At the annual meetinc of Ethan Allen
chapter. Sons of the American Revolu
tion, held at the Toung Men's Chriatlan
association building. May I. the following
offloers were elected: D. C. Patterson,
president; John W.'Battln. vice president;
James B. Haynea. secretary and treas
urer; A. K. Gault. historian. These of
fice, together with John F. Flack.
Jamea Richardson, Dr. J. M. BanlBter and
Jeff W. Bedford, make up the board of
or America, mill hold regular meeting
laursoay at their halL Paxton block.
Sixteenth and Parnam streets. Members
are requested to attend. Important busi
ness. The meeting will be called to order
promptly at S o'clock.
Cards lad Daarlas-
Omaha lodge No. 1. Royal Achates, will
give a card party and dance Tuesday
night. All members of the order and
friends are cordially Invited to be present
Two Boys and One
Girl Win in Contest
For School Honors
ladewradeat Order of Odd Fellowa.
South Omaha lodge No. lis will have
two candidates for the Initiatory degree
tomorrow night.
Dannebrog lodge No. tit will put on the
firat degree next Friday night.
August Thorspeckea died last Wednes
day afternoon at his residence. 1KB .Mili
tary avenue. The funeral rill be Held
at the residence Una afternoon at 130
Rev. M. B. Williams will d. liver the fu
neral sermon and S. K. Greenleaf will
read a nlstory of Mr. Thorspecken's ac
tivities aa aa Odd Fellow. Omaha lodge.
No. t will have charge of the funeral
and will give the funeral service of the
order at the grave. The deceased was
also a member of tbe Woodmen of the
World. The members of Omaha lodge
No. 1 and Hesperian encampment No. I
will leave Odd Fellows hall at 1:12 this
afternoon and attend the funeral la a
body. Interment will be st Forest Lawn.
Crusader encampment No. 37 will put
on the Royal Purple degree nest Friday
The Alpha Glee club gave a well at.
tended dance at Rustling's hall. South
Omaha, laat Monday evening.
Benson lodge No. SI will have work In
the Initiatory degree tomorrow night.
Omaha lodge No. 8 will hare work In
the first degree next Friday night.
Ivy Rebeksh lodge No. 33 vlll give a
dance next Thursday evening.
The Odd Fellows hall association will
bold Its regular monthly meeting next
Wednesday evening.
Beacon lodge No- 50 will have work In
the Initiatory degree next Tuesday evening
Corps Plaaa Bla" Meetlasj.
V. 8. Grant Women's Relief corps. No.
lt will hold Its regular meeting at Ba-
rlght hall Tuesday at 1 o'clock. All mem
bers are urged to be present, aa this is
the last meeting before the annual con
vention at Beatrice May 14 to 11 and
tho credential cards will be then Issued
to all delegates and voting members.
Circle Will Danre.
Alplia Orove No. i. Woodman Circle,
will give a dance In Barlght's hall. Nine
ttenth and Famam streets, Wednesday
evening. All Woodmen and friends are
cordially Invited to attend.
Card Party Aoaoaaeed.
Oats CJly blve No, t will give a card
party on the afternoon of May' It at i ll
Frateraal Vateta of Asserlea.
Manner lodke No. It Fraternal Union
At the home of Principal McHugh yes
terday afternoon ta-o boys and one girl
were chosen to render musical numbers
on the 1912 commencement program ex
ercises of the Omaha High school In com
petition against fourteen other students.
The successful students who will be
heard at commencement Friday evening.
June 14. at the Brandcis theater are:
Edwin A. Relit, piano; Miss Hssel Wil
liams, soprano, and Edward Vndeland,
From the time the first boy on thj
list rumbled forth la deep basso tones
until a dainty pink-gowned miss trtppel
lightly over the Ivory keys in a series
of harmonious blends, there ass a touch
of Interest to tbe contest which caused
a wave of eager attention to sweep over
the Judges, Although fourteen of the
seventeen had to be left off the list, tber
work deserves 'commendation in every r.
spect. and It waa only by careful dis
tinction of slight technicalities that tto
Judges were able to pick tho winning
Those who Judged the work of the
students were: Miss Jessie B. Towns,
Mias Bella von Manstelde. Miss Alice
Kennard, Mlsg Grace Hancock and Harry
Essay competition for the purpose of
picking the other six student numbers
for the graduation program will be hell
at the school Monday afternoon. May .
The twelve honor students of the senior
class will compete la this contest.
Mrs. Selby. William Colfax, her husband,
who waa a cousin of Schuyler Colfax, vice
president under general Grant, died six
teen years ago. Mrs. Colfax was born
in New York stste and removed to Can
tervllle. la., when a young bride. There
three children were bora to the couple.
Two are alive today. Mrs. Selby of Omaha
and William Colfax of Baasett, Neb. Mrs.
Colfax has been a believer of the Meth
odist faith all her life, and was an active
member of the First Methodist church.
Twentieth and Davenport streets.
Up until recently her health has been
exceptionally good, considering her age.
Tuesday of this week she suffered a
severe stroke of apoplexy. She was un
conscious for thirty-six hours, and re
gained consciousness yesterdsy morning,
though unable to apeak. She was able
to look into the faces of her family and
smile knowingly at them.
Judge Horns Tells of Evacuation
of Richmond.
Believes Apsrortatlaw Skeald Be
Seeared a ad the Stress Made
Great C.saaserclal Highway.
At a late hour last night the condition
of Mrs. Elisabeth Colfax, who Is critically
ill at the home or her daughter, Mrs. W.
L. Selby of Davenport street, took a
turn for the better. Despite her mo
mentary Improvement no bops Is enter
tained ky tha physicians and relatives
for her recovery; her death If expected
Mrs. Colfax la K yesrs of age, and has
resided In Omaha for eighteen years. Her
residence haa been with her daughter,
An informal luncheon waa given at the
Commercial club yesterday, at whicn
Page Morris, United States district Judge
of Duluth, Minn., and Major Edward H
Schuls of the War department and river
engineer were the principal speakers-
Judge Morris gave hia personal recol-
lections of the civil war and the evacua
tion of Richmond by tbe confedera'
At the opening of his speech Judge
Morris asked those at tbs tables It they
desired his reminiscences or it they would
prefer a comparison of commercial topics
of Duluth with those ot Omaha, Tbe
"wars" carried the day.
The Judge waa ( years old when the
war started, and owing to his father be
lag president ot the Southern Telegraph
company after the firing on Fort &uro
ter. tbe family waa located la Richmoo'
throughout the unpleasantness.
"Never did we feel, tnough, that the
Tankeea could capture Richmond. Mc
Clelland, Brlggs. Hooker and other gen
arals of the union army had turned back.
It was not until Grant became com'
mender of tha army of the east waa
there any fears tor the confederate cap
Ual." said the Judge.
"Even then wa felt that Lifte waa In
vincible, and up to the day of surrender
we felt that the confederacy would en
The Judge described the siege of Rich
mond. After Sheridan had flanked the
army of the gray at Five Forks, Grant
pressed the advantage and within two
days the rebel flsg was lowered from
the capltol and the stars and stripes
raised in Its stead. All tear of the union
soldiers during the entire war of their
plundering and robbing tho homes was
assuaged In the protection Grant offered
tbe cltlsens ot Richmond at tha time of
Its evacuation by the confederals army-
Kraals Talks of the River.
Major Schuls followed Judge Morris,
detailing statistics ot tho Missouri liver
and Its possibilities ss a waterway. Ho
referred to appropriations by congress for
river improvement work In tha stste f
Missouri and felt that If the people north
of Ksnsas City would do their share the
government would deepen tho channel
aad make It a feature of Omaha's trans
portation faculties. He estimated that for
ttt.BW.M a sufficiently deep ehaaael
could be had between Sioux City and
Kansas City, which estimate he had el
ready forwarded to congress.
"The government is expending 330.000,001
for a deep waterway between Kansas
City and St. Louis, tha people in Mis
souri showing that they need tbe river.
They have impressed It on congress that
water transportation Is a necessity to
Kansas City, and that's what Omaha will
have to do to successfully bring about a
deeper channel north ot here," ho con
The major suggested a driveway along
the river front on both sides between the
two bridges. He also said that Omaha
must show tha liver la of Importance la
a commercial way and prove that It will
make use of It.
Major Schuls said that tbe channel be
tween Kansas City and St. Louis would
reduce freight rates between Omaha and
New York, pointing out that freight rates
on this aide of the Mississippi river are
S cents and 73 cents additional between
New Tork and tha Mississippi.
1 U " W
If You Were an Expert,
What Car Would You Buy?
The time has passed when automobiles can be sold to you on
their appearances or claims. This is a day when you and every
purchaser must be shown what the car for which you pay your
money will actually perform; what it will do. Beware of an
automobile salesman who attempts to beguile you with a
pleasing story. Tell him to show the goods and prove to you
that his cars are worth the money. Find out whether his car
is a real car or only an assembled automobile built to sell.
You have a right to your money's worth, but it is up to you
to see that you get it Deeper than all appearances, there
are a few expert tests which ought to be applied to every car.
Who makes the car? Is it an assembled car or made from top
to bottom by one manufacturer? What kind of a guarantee
is on it? Does the manufacturer respect his own product
with a real guarantee, or does he want you to take the chance ?
What do parts cost you and how conveniently can you get
them? How many cars of this make are in service and how
many are giving satisfaction? Questions like these go deep into
, the heart of the case, and if you put them rigorously upon
any car you will find out with a certainty whether or not that
car is worth its price.
We are selling Studebaker E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20"
cars because we know that, dollar for dollar, their equal is not ,
sold in the market today. The records of many thousands of
cars in all kinds of service have convinced us absolutely.
Studebaker E-M-F "30" and Flanders "20" cars are built to j
run, and because they run they sell If we cannot prove to
you under the most searching test that Studebaker cars are
absolutely the best automobile values in the market, we do
not want your business; but we con prove it, and your
ncieiuuw wno unve mese cars ma tea you tne same thing.
Be an expert when it comes to buying a car. You can, by
getting from us some further ideas on real tests of an
automoenje. clip the attached coupon and send it tn
us now because we have something new to tell you you ought to know, whatever car vnn
The Studebaker Corporation
..... OMAHf. MAHCH
toll arsses at., U. A. LI.A, Mgr.
woe!. aaiMTs. rio-it v i Hara.y s
Intervention Asked
in Panama Election
to Assure Fair Play
PANAMA. May 4. -The T'nlted States
kovernmeot haa been requested to Inter
vene In the presidential election In
Panama to the extent at seelnc that It
la falrrr conducted. ,
This fact waa admitted today by Presi
dent Aroaemena In an Interview with
the Associated Press.
He said that tha directorate ot the
Union Patriotic the name grren a
party composed of friends of President
Aroaemena and Pedro A. Dias, tha of
ficial candidate for the presidency, had
asked for American Intervention such
as was accorded la the elections of
1Mb, when Secretary of War Taft In
formed the Panama government that the
election must be conducted fairly.
President Aroaemena added that his
government would welcome such Inter
vention. Tha directors ot tha liberal
and conservative parties also say they
save requested the United States govern
ment to see to It that tha election Is
fair. These requests are taken hers to
Indicate that the political situation in
the republic la a delicate ens.
i ddettv rroi c en i n nwroo m" '"'' sky.
.'IlUilll UliUiJ OLlili rLUULUJ clouds hate floated by,
Sailing Mosey for New Hall for the
Omaha Musik-Vtrein.
but to a large
eitent without a drop of moisture to lay
I the dust. The greatest rainfall In
' twenty-four hours waa ID of an Inch, on
I AdHI 3S and T
The greatest ranee !a temperature dur.
Inc the month was decrees, on the
11. the least. ( degrees, on the Htb, lb
thermometer stsndmg between 40 an4-ajft
during the twenty-four hours. The mean,
temperature for tha month waa iU.eei
The highest atmospheric pressure "waa ;
Si. on April 7. tha lowest !.), u'
April u. with a mean at a n.
Mrs. Grace Chestnut Mil Dodge, drank
two ounces of Iodine laat night la aa at.
tempt to commit suicide. She was cared
tor by Police 8urgeon Ellwood and la
expected to recover.
Persistent Advertising la the Road to
Big Returns.
Early Sales Give ladleatlaaa that
ISret aa Will Be Added to the
Treaaarr Before Yaaac
We-saea (tail.
Have you bought a flower to decorate
your buttonhole? Then you will be
caught sooner or later by one of the titty
pretty girts dressed la white who are
carrying basketa full ot carnations and
roses on the streets and collecting I
Is ceata or anything that you will give. ;
The motto ot tbe girla la to give back no
chance. I
The proceeds of the salea are to go to. I
ward tha music ball ot tha Musikrareln. I
a Qerman society. The Concordia Music I
society, aa auxiliary ot the Mualkrereln.
has planned the flower sale. They eg- )
pact the receipts ot Saturday to run be- !
twaen U.M and U00. the whole amount I
to go aa a starter tor a IttOM fund to
build tha hall. Several florists are fur-
alahlng the llowera.
At noon tba cash turned la by tlie
flower girls waa US. Sums bouuueta I
have sold as high as I3 and U and Id are
net uaoommon auade to be given tor tha
buttonhole decorations.
Is Opened for Traffic
The monthly meteorological summary
Issued by the local weather bureau tor
tha month of April gives tbe rainy month
a somewhat good record. Though there
have been extremea In temperature,
ranging from U degrees on ths first of
tha month to 71 degrees on the ith, tha
total precipitation la but 1 11 inches. i
But three days escaped with a olean
record tor sunshine, April t. 1 and ( not
iBest and Shorten
Road Between
I Omaha and Lincoln I
Roads Have Been Dragged and Are in
Good Condition
Platte River Bridge Co;
Louisville, Neb.
"I regard this aa on ot tha moat forceful and most rwaaoaabla tlra argu
raenta I have ar raad. and 1 believe motorists generally will agree with
If you own an auto
by all means
read this tire ad.
Tiro PRICES do not determine tire VALUES.
But actual tire VALUE ia tbe ONLY thing
that can determine actual tire COST.
First costs may be alluring (and they will influ
ence a certain number of buyers) but EX
PERIENCED motorists know that LAST
costs are the REAL costs, and that it ia far
TIRE VALUE than to take advantage of
The motorist who does not buy his tires on the
SERVICE-COST basis is buying on the
WRONG basis-and hia tire bills are the
best proof of it
United States Tires lay no claim to being the
cheapest tires to buy. They are not.
Several other makes may claim this distinction,
Think that over and get its full meaning to the
motorist who is interested only in last costs.
Think what it means in ACTUAL MILAGE
ECONOMY to have four corps of expert tire
builders each of which formerly mads
tire easily the equal of any other SINGLE
FACTORY tire putting into the United
States Tires all the skill and all the exper
ience and all the secret processes known to
the four organisations.
Nothing liko it has ever before been attempted
in tire making.
Fossibly it will help you to get a more definite
idea of the immense importance to yoa of
this four-factory method if you ask yourself
this question
United States Tires are Predominant
by virtue of four-fold strength
but the manufacturers of United States
Tires believe that a rapidly increasing num
ber of tire buyers will elect to pay a trifle
more for tires made as only these tires are
made rather than pay a trifle less for tires
made by the single-factory, single-valuo
would be easily possible to build Unites!
States Tires by the customary method the
method formerly employed (a year and a
half ago), in building the individual brands
of United States Tires.
These individual brands made as well as it
was possible to make them with but one fac
tory's experience and facilities to draw
upon easily competed in service-quality
with any other tires in the world made in
the same way.
,fgThat was under the single-factory method
of building the method still employed by
the manufacturers of every other tire mad
except United States Tires.
Today United States Tires stand absolutely
alone in the matter of combined skill in -manufacturing.
They combine in one tire the strongest features
of four world-famous barnds and are as near
' tire-perfect in strength, size and general de
sign as four immense factory organizations,
working as a unit, can make them.
If four of the largest and best-known tire com-
panies now manuiaeturing singie-Jianded
should undertake to build a single brand of
tire that would be the composite of all the
best features and the most advanced meth
ods known to these four companies, would
the product be of a better grade than would
be possible to any one of the companies
working alone?
Most emphatically, YESI
And would the motorist be warranted in paying
a slightly higher price for such combined
skill tires than for the single-factory kind?
Most emphatically, YES ! '
To ask such questions' ia to answer them in the
same breath.
So long as four heads are better than one, four
organizations of tire specialists, working
together, can give the motorist a longer
lived, less-troublesome, more economical tire
than any single organization can possibly
give him.
And It Is this decreased mileage coat the distinct sat
ins: In the season'! tire expense which It la poo- '
Bible to build into Urea made as onlj United States
Tirea are made, that is the detrtainiiia- factor In
arriving at actual tire coat.
When the season's touring Is over aad the bills fop Urea
and tire repairing are all paid It will be an easy
matter for tbe users of United States Tires to nn
deratand why we are laying all onr emphasis apoa
Kg t"'n81, rather 'tracu.
In buying four-factory-tested United States Tires you are pro
tecting yourself against excesssive end-of-the-season tire
bills as only tires of four-fold strength can protect you.
Maeto la Cllstehor, Oaalop (straight se) six! Quia Oetachsbla Styles.
Sold Everywhere
',. i