Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 '&
th dlfflculUea crowuur out 01 our -J-
Eamrd Professor Tells Educators
. Their Calling Grandest of AIL
- .--
liWnrlm C Teas 7 Him la Their
TChars the Cml Me saa tae
Sj." Won Wkm Are e Rata
i. the Werla.
- It ni a large aad appreciative audience
iat greeted Prat Albert Bushnell Hart
1U Hsrvar university at tha auditorium
aa tha Tounc Women s Christian asso
siatkm katldlnc. It ss aa audience
Inade up entlraly of Omaha school tearh-
yrs and there ass not a vacant chair M-nt
4a tha lares room when Superintended knotter.
Fremont Boy Wins
First Prize in the
Oratorical Contest
KEARNFT, Neb., May t-Spedal.V-At
1 o'clock this morntnf the fifteenth
annual contest of ths State Hl(h School
Declamatory union dosed, tha oratorical
priis winners being Ouf Alexander. Fre
mont; Oewltt Foster Kearner. second.
Declamatory vrrnners are: Jesse Faea.
Madison, first; Elisabeth Eraslm. Rav
enna, second. Humorous winners: Leone
Mallery. Alliance, and Dorrla Chapman.
Gibbon, second.
The new officers of the union are:
Superintendent W. R. Pste. Alliance.
Superintendent k. M. Otler
Madlaon. vice president, and
Bidder Allen Refuses to Take Bonds
Issued by tha City.
Joaa Kwlii Orchard Wlae a Sehol
araktp in tha Bsrartkaiare
Collet af Peaasrl-vaala.
Jraff of ths Omaha srhools introduce:-, Superintendent H. E. BraJford. Kearney.
distinguished educator, who uk aeeretarr-treasurer.
fa tha Practicability of Education." President A. E. Fisher, Auora. was the
Prefacing his address by detailing so mi pre tiding officer; the Judges wera R. U
aservalkns made during his visit in
Omaha, Prof. Hart spoks enthusiastic
ally of the schools of tha city and par
, Ocularly of the high school. Referring
, the building, he said tnat It Is second
i $ none In the United States and ona of
I e best he has aver seen.
iThe professor took the position that tha
Jraat object in teaching Is not so much
aa follow the old rules laid down in tha
ixt books, but to cause and Instruct the
vrtpila to think for themselves and that
tea teacher Is sa aid In drawing out tha
wool of ths pupil and helping to raise
Sip men and women mho will enrich tha
- Old Idea Haa Passed Away.
Tha time has passed when years are
pent compelling pupils to commit to
Jnemory long psssages and lessons, ths
Idea now being to teach tha facta, thla
aelnf aa age when everything except
Sects are Ignored; It la an aga of great
things when tha masters of Ilia world
are la tha school rooms and when tha
people are tha worshippers of success.
- Professor Hsrt told of tha time when
J.e was a student In college and then It
wsa necessary that a complete knowl
edge of Greek ha acquired and only a
few years prior to that It wsa Imperative
that a auu. with a eompleteed education
ahoald have a thorough understanding
f Hebrew, especially It he expected to
angag In toe ministerial calling. Now
Hebrew baa been relegated, Greek la
following and even Latin Is not consid
ered absolutely necessary In many of ths
Practicability la on of tha things
ought In educational, and also In busi
ness matters, contended tha speaker. It
la an age of centralisation and the world
ki looking for men who do things. Even
tha political parties, ha added, want men
wka will make tha dirt fly. They want
ansa who can and will bring about prac
tical results and aa proof of Ibis he
pointed ta tha political situation In New
York, where both of the parties, have
tha state catalogued accordirg to tha
snast approved card system, showing tha
party affiliation of every voter and how
they ahoutd sot la event they cling to
parly lines.
a all lines at trsds tha business man
ha learned the necessity of securing
talent and of gathering In men who can
produce reeulta Evsn the bustassa prin
ciples have been carried Into religion,
eoatlaued tha speaker, and tha work of
leasing after the oscular affairs of the
church Is turned over to ths layman, men
1 wsjp have, aa a rule, been successful In
their own business mailers. Then, too,
tha onlversltlss that are most successful
bare placed upon their staffs .a corps of
business agents.
To fill the many places of Importance,
cuatended Prof. Hart, the schools of to
dag are sduoatlng the men who arc to fill
llif Important places that will be open
In the future, and for these places prac
tical mea will be needed. This Idea of
practical teaching ta spreading and In
stead of Instructing snd compelling tha
memorising of the multiplication table
ant tha catechism, tha schools are broad-
antrg and teaching practical things.
Prof. Hart maintained that much good
cenv from memorising, but looked upon
to school Ufa of a child as being too
short to follow tha old method of com
nutting ta memory all the tables la ths
arithmetic, the rules of grammar and
everything found la tha books. "Even
parsing.' ha added, "la a lost art.'
However, he Insisted that there should
be annul training, but Insisted that It
should sot be pushed ta an unreasonable
extent. But with good mental training,
teachers might work out miracles, and la
thai connection be related an Instance
where a boy considered an Idiot
taken la charge by a professor and by
constant work was not only taught to
talk Intelligently, but was enabled to
Tha tree hen were urged not to look
upon their profession aa on of drudgery,
but Ins teed oas of tha moat uplifting,
attractive and beneficial ta ths world.
ona that is constantly Imparting knowl
edge and producing tha future great men
and women of tha country.
utk. Harvard; Superintendent Alice
Morer, York; Principal Fred M. Hunter.
Uncoln. and E. E. McGee. Aurora.
The contest Included entries from all
sections of the state and waa divided
into three classes -t productions, tha
oratorical class Including Guy Alexander,
Fremont; George Burke. Bridgeport;
Franklin Fenton. Cedar Rapids: Uewitt
Foster. Kearney; Edward Kratseosteln.
Brady; Earl Simpson, Falrbury. and
Spray Gardner. Valentine.
Tha dra matte clsss Included Ephklne
Druse, Cambridge; Elisabeth Eraxin,
Ravenna; Jess Fsee, Madison; Pauline
Montgomery. Alliance; Addla Sadler, Cal
laway; Ruth Smith. University Place;
Howard Spangler, Scrlbner, and Kittl
Brooks Rushvtlls.
Tha humorous selections cams last on
tha program and consisted of readings
by Doris Chapman, Gibbon; Dorothy
Kahlman, Grand island; Leona Mallory,
Alliance: Pearl Marshall. McCook; Oeral-
dlne Melsenbacb, W liber; Alice D. Rath
sack, Schuyler; Josephine Scott, Atkin
son, and Francis Purner, Rushvltle. By
some mistake the two contestants from
Rushvills and tha ona from Valentino
wire not entered and It waa supposed Ihe
northwestern district hsd no contestants.
Tha young people arrived unannounced.
making It necessary for the executive
committee to decide whether they should
be entered or refused. The entrance
requirement of the bylaws of the union
not having been met. It waa decided to
allow them to appear on tha program.
which they did.
Ceadltleae la China Are Portrayed
by the Speaker.
Before SM members of ths But His
tory Teachers' assoclaton and the Har
vard club Prof. Albert Buahnelt Hart of
tha American history department of Har
vard university delivered aa address on
The History Teachers' association and
tha Harvard dub smertslned Prof. Hart
at a banquet at 7 o'clock at tha Paxtoa
hotel which waa followed by Mr. Hart's
The conditions existing fat China waa
the theme of Mr. Hart s talk. He said
tha Chinese government waa far Interior
to the government of European countries
and tha people wera far Inferior to the
waits race. Tha p reseat republic, which
baa beaa founded la China, la
thing, according ta Mr. Hart.
Aa la teres ting picture of China. Its con
ditions and the people living there was
brought to the attention at tha audience.
Following tha address aa informal
erotica waa add.
WTTHEVILLE. Va, May 4.-Kvtdenca
Intended ta show that tha Ailena came
to Hi) lav ills prepared to shoot up the
Carroll county court, continued ta be
lctfudueed today at tha trial of Floyd
Allan, the first of tha band to face In
dictments for 'tha. assassination of
Matvh 4.
Witnesses tesUfle of Floyd Allen'i
threat toward the court, and Cyras
Phlfcbs, a crvU engineer, swore oa the
day: before the shooting when the Allen
Jury came lata the court to report a dla
agreeaMns, Sedan and Victor Alia pre
pared tliemselvas tor a verdict by reach-
US far their lliliim
JDcxtar Good, clerk of the court, who
was shot four times during the affray.
related the charge that the court off!
cere Baa began the firing, testifying he
did -not see BoertH Webb draw big re-
ycivet - -
Heaney Divorce Case
Settled Out of Court
CHEYENNE, Wyo.. May i.-(8paclal.)
A the result of sn agreement reached
this noon between General Hugo Donxel
man, representing Mra Alia Heaney.
and Lacey Lacey, representing Colonel
Thomas Heaney. Sr.. tha celebrated
Heaney divorce case will undoubtedly
be eettled out of court, M lit u I
division of tha properly la concerned.
The taking of testimony was concluded
last evening, and arguments of attorneys
wera to have been heard by Judge D. H,
Craig, upon his return from Cssper next
week, but all that will now be necessary
apparently will be the signing of a de
cree by tha court, giving Mrs. Hesney
a divorce and the custody of lh minor
oblld, Oeraldlne.
This morning General Dotuelman called
upon Mr. Heaney and his attorneys for
ths purpose of making a settlement, and
at tha closa of tha conference. It waa
stated Colonel Heaney bad agreed to give
his wlfs about HO. 000 cash. In full set
tlement of all claims upon him. It being
understood that out of thla sum Mrs.
Hsany Is to pay her attorney fee and
her costs In ths case. It Is also agreed
that Mrs. Heaney shall have tha custody
of the tittle daughter.
Colonel Heaney. who ha for many
year been a prominent business msn
hsrs Is at present proprietor of tha
Capitol avenue and Atlas theater. H
and Mrs. Heaney were married about
ten years ago, Mrs. Heaney being hi
ascend wife.
lawa News Notes.
PENISON The marriage of John Men'
sen and Miss Pearl Nicholson took place
today at the home of the bride'a parenta.
Mr. and Mrs. A. I, .Nicholson.
PINISON-J. H. Mshoney. who for
many years wss agent of the Northwest
em road at thia city and who wee given
later an orrtce or inspection or tranepor
tatioa of freight between Clinton and
Council Blurts, bsa been sppolnted agent
of the company at lies Mulnts and will
move his residence to tnat city.
GLEN WOOD Superintendent George
Masters reports 12. rural school pupils
taking the high school entrance examine
tlon. Thla la double the number tnat
have before been candidates, and la
very flattering showing for lellls county
GLEN WOOD Friday. May M, a meet
ing will be held In Tabor In tha In
terest of the Omaha-Ksnsas City line
from Omaha to Kansas City. Tha meet
ing la under the auspices of the Tabor
Commercial club and promises to be well
attended. Lafayette Young of Dee
Molnee will address the meeting.
BEDFORD A state-wide campaign will
begin next week by C. U Van Noetrand.
president of the Associated Commercial
clube of Teylor county, to bring about co
operative organlsstlon of city commercial
clubs. He eipecte to visit every county
t town during the summer and will
lecture In many of the cltlea oa tha sub
ject of a "Greater Iowa.
OLENWOOD-ln the bole cut by the
Missouri river In ths Burlington right-
of-way at Folsom In Mills county ths
road la dumping tiny to seventy care
of rock dally. The force la reduced to
let men seventy-five day and the same
number In the nlsht shift. Trainmaster
Hughes and Engineer Marshall Rust of
St, Louis are In charge. The expense
of making this fight against the river
in this locality Is estimated at uw.w
r-CRESTON-Pleadlng guilty to the
charge of writing obscene letters to alias
Haael Ong of Seymour, George J. John
son, a youth of Brookfield. was sentenced
et Ottumwa yeetrrdav to nine months
In the Wapello county Jail by Judge
Smith Mcpherson. Ths cass of John
Ware, the Seymour man who Is charged
with uelng the mall to extort money
from Dr. Cover of Seymour, haa been
continued at Ottumwa until May h. for
lack of wltneesaa Were la the father
of LeRoy Were, the former cashier of
the bank of Seymour, who. several years
ago was given a five-year prison sen
tence for fraudulent banking methods.
BEDFORD A esse of malpractice
recently tried In the Taylor county
district court presents soma unique pe
culiarities Charles Gobtn. the plaintiff,
brought suit to recover Ii,0 damages
from Mrs. Dr. Roberts, sn osteopath of
that piece, whom he allecea treated him
for a dislocation of the hip. Her treat
ment did not benefit hire and Dr. Roberts
wee called, who diagnosed the case as
dislocation and treated htm for thla.
Failure ta receive any benefit led Mr.
Gobin ta consult Chicago specialist,
where ad X-ray revealed a fractured
bona. The case was settled by Dr. Rob
erts as far as he was concerned ay pay
ment of COO to Gobin and whan the
case was called against Mrs. Dr. Rob
erta her attorney showed by supreme
court decisions that tha plaintiff having
settled with the first physician could
aot now collect damages front her and
the cass waa dismissed. -
A Life see (rare
of suffering with throat and lung
trouble la oulekly commuted by Dr.
King's New Discovery. SOa and II-CS. For
sal hy Beaton Drug Co. .
Notwithstanding the repeated ruroora
of the consummation of the sale of the
SllO.m bond Issue to Oscar Allen of
Omaha, It now appears sa If the last
hope of the sslo haa gone glimmering.
The most recent objection to tha pur
chase of ths bonds waa mace yesterday
by Attorney Page of Omaha, who In
formed City Clerk Perry Wheeler that
his client would probably have to refuse
to accept the bonds In view of the fact
that there seemed to be an overissue in
the sum nsraed.
The hitch wsa traced back to IMC, when
from a number of bonds composed of
financial odda and ends, an Issue of
IllO.SSs wsa formed and floated. At the
time It Is said thera waa approximately
11,900 In cash which the city need not
have taken into the Issue. This tl,W, or
thereabouts, haa now Increased to a
sum said to be equal to something In the
neighborhood of U.aO.
It would sppear. therefore, that In the
present Issue of 1110.81 Is a call for an
overtssus. The real amount. It la said.
should not have exceeded tlW.OOO In all.
There Is considerable criticism of the
management that has put ths city In the
present predicament.
Yesterdsy evening Mayor Hocldr In
structed City Clerk Wheeler to notify tha
Allen attorney that an Immediate decision
aa to whether bo would accept the bonds
waa necessary In Justice to other com
panies who have made offers to the
It has been felt for some time that Allen
was nut anxious tu take tha bonds. At
torney Psge In bis statement to the city
officials yestsrday declared that ha bad
overlooked fifteen or alxteea minor ob
jections to tha bonds, but was Inclined to
balk at tha new development.
At tha time Allen agreed to purchas
the bond It waa agreed that a time limit
of ten day waa to be given tor the
consideration of ths bond histories. It
haa now sxtsnded Into months and tha
city Is paying Interest oa money loaned
by the banks to carry ths city over the
financial difficulties entailed by ths ma
turing of ths old Issue.
Bsld a prominent official yesterday:
"It la Just a case of more politics than
business In tha city government. Why
doea It happen that outsiders must Inform
the city of things that It officials should
hsvs known. Haa tha city so much
money that It la aot able to account for
tha KM0 that Is said to havs been draw
ing Interest for so long? And If wa have
that much money, why wsa tha council
told to float an Issu of U10.S), Instead
of I107.0W?" .
kebolarahlp Orrharel,
Word haa been received by Principal
Frank Cummlnga of ths South Omaha
High school that ths seventh annual free
competitive honor scholarship In Swarth
more college haa been awarded to John
K. Orchard, a member of the 1911 class.
Tha honor la tha first of Its kind that
haa aver come to the local school, and the
school suthorltlea are especially delighted
over the fact that the award to youus
Orchard waa mads unanimously at
meeting of the Westsrn bwsrtbmore club
held In Chicago May 1.
The award of tha scholarship Is based
upon tha general all-round excellence of
tha applicant, who must be a ssnlor from
an accredited high school of tha United
Slatea. Ths activities of ths Western
Swarthmora olub are confined to that
part of tha country lying west of ths
Allegheny mountalna. The award, which
la equivalent to teuo la aroney, covers all
sxpsnsss of tuition and board for ons
academlo year at Swarthmora college,
eleven miles out from Philadelphia, Pa.
John Kwlng Orchard la IS ysars of age
and .1 ths son of Mr. and Mra William
Orchard. Kl North Nineteenth street
During his four years la high school bs
won prominence In student activities.
Notwithstanding the tact that a recant
school prank cost young Orchard tha loss
of 11 per cent In soma studies, bis general
average for four years' work, as certified
to the Swarthmora club, reached ths high
grade of M per cent.
Young Orchard Is present editor of ths
Tooter, a school paper; vice president of
h!s class, president of the debating so
ciety and a member for the last two
years. He la also prcaldsnt of the ath
letlo association. Hs will graduate In
June and expects to attend Swarthmora,
beginning with next September.
School Board abort af rands.
Tha school district faces a condition
of financial stringency that may event
uate In a curtailment of ths teaching
It Is expected that tha year will and
with a difkit of several thousand dollars.
This Is what member . R. Leigh and a
number of others have expected for more
than a year. Thera haa bean a contin
uous overlap for soma years In tha school
funds. According to soma members of
tha board the schools cannot be put upon
a paying basis until such time as the
original overlap Is wiped out For this
reason President W. A. Schneider of the
board bad asked for a bond
issue With him havs stood other mem
ber of the board, but not snough to get
tha Issu over.
Now It I suggeeted that tha dty bs
redlstrlctfd and the teaching force re
duced. It Is also suggested that tha ad
dition to Corrlgan school be deferred until
tha finances are In better shape.
llarcilare Hob Hesse.
Two masksd burglars entered tha
home of Patrick Dean, Stu U street,
early this morning and while Dean, who
works at the Cud ah y plant, was away
from borne, carried away more than SW
la money and goods. Mrs. Dean waa
asleep at the time.
Dean himself has missed SIS and bis
watch, whlls from the trunk af bis
brother, Anthony, tha burglars took SM
in gold, SUS la sliver sad a check tor
tla. Hugh Healy. who also lives la the
house, eiad till stored away, which now
la la the bands of tha burglars.
About the same time In tha morning K
B. Long beard Dot see oa tha back porch
of bla home, SM N street, and going out
with a revolver covered a snaked man
he found lurking thera. At ths police sta
tion the msa gave his name as James
sixty-sis Salewa Lsrevses.
la all sixty -six saloon licenses have
been granted to data by tha Firs and
Police commission. Tea U ceases vara
granted yesterday after Mayor Hoctor
had Insisted upon having tha bonds of
first rate surety. Tha old persons! bonds
wera tried. Houses and homes coming
under tha exemption clause were cheer
fully offered. Lota whose valuation
waa beyond qoesttoa wera turned dowa
by the board because tb tax books I
snowed aa assessment that did not agree
with tha value put upon tha land by the
In one case where soma land waa of
fered aa surety Mayor Hoctor called the
registrar of deeds to find out tha exact
valuation. The lots were assessed at
S3 each. The security wa not deemed
Many will not get licenses this year be
cause of the nonability to secure surety
bonds. Saloon men are on the anxioua
seat aa to tha future conduct of the
Among the members of tha board all is
not harmony. Mayor Hoctor sits serene
and smiling while tha other members. It
Is understood, debate the Issues. The
present lineup seem to be between Hoc
tor and Ryan. It la understood that
Ryan haa been voting with the mayor
t'hareh Services.
First Baptls church. Twenty-fifth and
H streets. Rev. C. T. lisley, pastor. Bible
school meets at t: a. m. Morning
worship at 11 a. m. The pastors subject
will be: "Recognition of the Will of Ood
Implies Obedience." The Baraca class
will meet at 12:tt p. in., for Bible study.
The Baptist Young People's union will
meet at 7 p. m. F.venmg worship at
m. Hillside Baptist Bible school at
23 p. m.. Forty-third and I streets.
Brown Park Baptist Mission Bible school
meets at a. m.. Twentieth and 8
ty-thlrd sd I. streets. Rev. W. A. Pollock,
pastor. Bible school at a. m. Morn
ing worship st 11 o'clock. Tha pastor's
subject will be: "Without Love We Can
Nothing." Men a Harare class at u.
p. m. Young People'a Christian union
meets at I p. m. Ihe pastors topic ror
the evening worship will be: "Klndnesa"
Ht. Lukes Lutheran cnurcn. iwenty-
fifth and K streets. Rev. 8. H. Yerion.
pastor. Sunday school at Site a. m.
Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Mission
band meets promptly at S p. m. The
subject for tb meeting is :"Guntur,
Letter Memorial church. Albright, Rev.
T. A. Bagshaw, pastor. Sunday school at
Is o'clock sharp. Your boy s-d girl are
welcome to these services. The subject
of the sermon at 11 o'clock will be: "Won
by One." This Is to be a baptismal serv
ice and reception Into the church. Ep
worth league meets at 7 o'clock with Mra
Thomas A. Bagahaw, as leader
Maglo City Geeaia.
J. M. Tanner Is Hi at home, threatened
with pneumonia. '
The Cerllllan club will give a dancing
party at ths tsgls ball thia evening.
D. O. - Ba riles of Columbus, Neb., wsa
the guest vf South Omsha friends this
Ml hi Bsss Johnson returned to her home
st De Witt. Neb., alter a abort visit with
friends here.
Miss Ruhr Wilson left the first of the
week for Ohio, where ehe will spend the
summer with ner uncie.
Justice Ed Kaln Is making good whlls
acting as police Judge during the absence
of Police Judge Jsmes Callahan.
A Rock Island grain car at the foot of
P atreet was broken Into Thursday .gut
and a small amount of grain stolsn.
Tha Ladles' Aid society of th. First
tvebytenan church will give a "Oem"
social, with program, next Thursday
svsnlng at ths church.
At tha meeting of ths park board last
night J- H. Koplets was elected presi
dent. John McCarthy, secretary and John
LUiott superintendent
Miss Mlnnis P. Tinotts of the State
Historical society of Lincoln will de
liver an address at Library ball this
afternoon at S o'clock.
Kpworth league at 30 o'clock, with El
roy Tlbbitts as leader. Ths subject of
ti.e lessson Is, "Are Men th Product of
th limes in Which Tbey Liver'
Mra A. F. Stryker and Mra. H. O
Klddo went to Lincoln Frldey evening
to visit their sons, Hurd and Guy and tu
be entertained st soma of th stats uni
versity functions.
At tha Methodist church. Twenty-fourth
and M streets, there will be a special
Srograni ss a May day rally. Mr.
aker's choir will sing aa spatial an
thems, "Rock of Agra," "1 Will Lilt
I p Mine hives" snd "On, Prslsa God In
His llollneaa" Mr. Baker will sing a
solo, "Consolation,"
Thar was a meeting of tha South
Omaha Gun club held last night at ths
office of Chief of Police John Brlgga
The regular season of the club will
open at the shooting range. Forty-fourth
and P atreeta. At present the mem
bership of tha club la seventy-five, but
It Is expected that the roster will show
NO namea before the close of the season.
Mrs. Catherine McNeil died yesterday
morning at the home of her son, Michael
McNeil, Mt T atreet. Mra. McNeil wa
m year of age. She la survived by her
three sons. John, Michael and James
McNeil, and two daughters, Mrs. J. Frey
of Lincoln and Mra. Chris Perlna of this
city. The funeral will be held Sunday
afternoon at I o'clock from her late
residence to St Bridget s church. In
terment will be made In St Mary's
Investifftion Will Find Growing
Power in Few Hands.
Secretary af Treaswry e T Owner
ship af National Bank Stack by
Aaather Xatleaal Bank Shewld
Ba ForMddea.
Frsnklln MacVeagh. secretary of tha
treasury, tonight expressed tha belief
that tha house banking and currency
committee Investigating the money trust
would find an evolution In financial af
fairs tending towards a concentration
of larger power In the bands of a few
institutions or even of a few men.
Speaking here before the New Jersey
Banker' association, the secretary gave
his approval to the Inquiry launched by
tha house. A closer relation of finan
cial force, be declared, had resulted In
a huge measure from the panic of 1307.
when largev Interests entered upon a
policy of co-operation for self-protection
made necessary by the country's Inade
quate money system.
Objects ta One Feat ere.
While the secretary favored the money
trust Inquiry aa a necessary atep In re
forming the banking and currency system
of the United States, be deplored the
fact that congress waa not contemplat
ing legislation on the basis of the plana
of the national monetary commission,
the general features of thla plan received
Mr. MacVesgh'a approval, but he criti
cised the fact that It did not forbid ab
solutely the ownership of national bank
stock by another national bank.
He declared that he had been recently
told that some of the "strong men" of
New York felt that any more monetary
legislation as wholly unnecessary, "be
cause they could themselves handle all
The secretary thought the Inquiry could
be performed adequately within a com
paratively short time.
The national monetary commission, he
said, had refused to deal with the ques
tion of the concentration of money power
and the house Inquiry was unavoidable.
Declaring that the monetary commis
sion's report recognised the right of a
national bank to own stock In another
national bank, tha secretary said: V
"It limits that ownership to si per
cent If the right of representation In the
National Reserve association Is not to
be Impaired, but we all know that It
might as well not limit It at all aa
limit It to per cent for in moat of the
corporations that are controlled It does
not in practice require actual ownership
of even 40 "per cent of the stock to be
actually Invested In the controlling
The treatment of this feature by the
commission Mr. MacVeagh regarded aa a
"grave and radical mistake."
Key to the Situation wee Advertising.
We'll Move
To New location at
But We Must
I hitch grade Leather Top
Bo giro.
4 high grade Open Buggies.
1 high grade Ertcasioa Top
Second Hand Stanhope and
5 Second Band Depot Wag.
ona. v
Sex-ond Hand Rockaway.
S Sex-ond Hand Opea Top
2 Top Deliverr Wagons.
1 Open Dell very Wagon.
1 Low Flat Dray.
18th and Harney
"The Best Built Car in America"
Six CjUnderg,
Little Six,
Four CT Under.
14. 80t to S,2S0
M.590 to 14.800
The sole intent and purpose of the
Locomobile Company is to produce
the best built ear in America.
At one time and another the Loco
mobile has been conceded to possess
the "greatest" speed tha "eas
iest" riding the "handsomest"
lines the "greatest" brute
Bnt today and for fourteen years
"Locomobile" has been synonymous
with the best built car that Ameri
can brains, material and skilled
labor can produce st any cost.
The Locomobile Company of America
J. J. Deright Co., Distributors
1818 Farnam St. Omaha
ftD 0
HERE'S a question of big im
portance to the car owner
The Resilience of his tires.
True, mileage is of prime importance.
But mere mileage without the life and
vim of pure rubber, properly compounded,
means little.
Many a man buys a costly automobile and forgets that the first essential
in its protection is tires that will not only bear it op but that will have the
proper "give" to absorb the shocks save racking and injury to the' machinery.
Firestone tires are made to stand the strain.
. They not only offer the "Most Miles per Dollar of Cost" but they have a
wonderful, unequalled resilience because of the unique composition of pure
Up-River Fine Fara rubber.
The tread of Firestone tires combines lightness with strerarth
and buoyancy, which means protection for the car under the
hardest road conditions, with tires pumped to capacity. -
We use selected long fibre combed Sea Island cotton for
oar fabric woven to withstand a strain of 32S pounds to the
square inch.
But it is in the making the saturation of the fabric- the
building the curing snd curing again to make th whole
tire one inseparable piece that the superior quality of Fire
stone construction proves itself most.
Careful supervision attends every detail of Firestone manu
facture. The tires are inspected over and over again.
True. Firestone tires cost little more than ordinary tires.
They are richly worth it and earn their additional cost over
and over again in actual mileage and in car protection,
Ba sure to specify Firestone Smooth Tread or Noo-Siid
x Bu3t in all types to fit any standard rim, ' -J
AB Asra-asaac casj are aause Mca seats. Jssstnatfc, at tsHi ssm. Deal
siaiiisiie. insist aa fussfcas aW sees rasa thmt hmt stasa As sssf a seas
tsW est sssamisffr eis.insWese' earracf ss avsatssis easf sseaJes.
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co.
akron, Ohio
DeaJtvs Evexyvfaearaj