Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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Stock of the Famous Suit and
loak o. Is Now oing n
The crowds Saturday were the biggest ever attended a sale. Wo did not have one-tenth of the space
we should have to handle the crowds and stock. Thousands of garments will be carried down to replaco
the racks and tables for Monday. Come and take advantage of this golden opportunity.
See For Yourself !! Here Are the Prices!! Suits, Coats and Dresses for a Song!!
Ladies' & Misses'
Suits, Coats and
Wool Dresses
That were damaged by
smoke and water. Blue,
black, tan, white terge and
mixtures. Sold regularly
from $10.00 to $20.00
Ladies' and Misses'
Suits, Coats and
. Serge Dresses
Damaged by smoke and
water; sizes from 14 Misses'
to 46 Ladies' sizes; all colors
included, black and white
and blue serges; worth regu
larly $15.00 to $25.00-
Ladies' and Misses'
Suits, Long
And. Wool Dresses, regard
less of former prices. Blue
Serges, beautiful white suits,
coats and dresses; whipcords
and other popular materials
for this spring; damaged by
water; worth $20 to $35
Ladies'and Misses'
Suits, Coats and
Damaged by water, and a
lot of them are not damaged
atalL Worth from $22.50 to
$40.00. Divided in two great
Ladies'and Misses'
Suits, Long Coats
and Dresses
That are only mussed, most
ly in perfect condition and
did not even get wet. There
are hundreds of beautiful
garments in this sale, regard
less of former prices, at
Ladies'and Misses'
Suits, Coats and
The bulk of these garments
are in perfect condition;
those that are slightly soiled
are of the highest quality of
merchandise and will easily
clean. Garments sold up to
$45.00- $8.95
Ladies' and Misses'
Coats, Suits and
That were received and were
still in cases, not unpacked,
when the fire broke out; all
swell garments; worth from
$25.00 to $65.00 go on sale
at $14.85, $12.95,
$11-95 and
that wore badly damaged
will be dumped
but at, each......
will be placed on sale and
marked according to the damage and valua.
All Wool
ING GOWNS worth $10
to $40 go at
90c, $2.98, $4.98
Ho Charges to Anyone, nothing Will Be Laid Away. Ilo Hail Orders Filled. Jo Exchanges
"0 tlit Squirt Candidate Hold
Series of Hettingi,
Eiseattvs Bars fovea Csaaollmsa
Waa VM Bejeet Appeiwt
gseate Approached ay Calee
aad Promised Paattleaa.
Large crowds at smb. woman and chll
draa welcomed th "oa tbe square"
candidates, M hy Mayor Dehlmao, at a
dooaa places of meeting last night aad
voter fathered at tha place mt Uat
and remained a mil midnight, when the
campatca toar closed.
Inexpected invitations topeak earn
,1a aa tha candidates la automobiles drove
from ana kaU to tha other aad II tu
with difficulty that tbe echsdul tu
A meeting of member of tha Prairie
Park Improvement club aa beinc held
and a detegetloa of women pounced upon
tha mayor and compelled aim la atop end
' haro loach. Daa Butler waa asat ahead
end held tha crowd at Twenty-fourth and
i Grant tat aa hour an til tha Biayor. A. C
' Kugel ul Tbomaa MeOovarn arrived,
Hundred wara eoocregated at each
treat corner, lateassly mtorestsd la tba
taauat at th campaign. Everywhere they
voiced their loud approval af "tha sevea
aa tha square" and aa aathoauatlcalir
chasrad Mayor Dehlman s roll aall of
tha "aural seven" of tha Cltlasne union
Mat br Vraaa Baa a.
At Twantjr-fourth an Oraat a
aaa4 cotapoaaa af tha Kalchta of Prthlaa
alayat whaa tha aandlaataar ara kava
Into Mailt Bara tha larcaat crowd of tha
Tcaia waa aadriml to tha aaa air.
Xats ball waa laauaad. It waa 11 B
J when tfca aaraa "oa tha aauara" ar
Irtvad. Juha J. Xydar had Mat taft tha
--hall, arur a half haur'a diacaaaloa of
tha folrueal Mtaatloa.
Whaa Mayor DahJman antarad thara
waa a daatoaatrauaa which laatad aav
' oral niaotaa. Tha naaatlac waa aaaar
Z th auaieaa of tha Goto City alak. lar,
- oral chUdraa vara wattla tor tha ayaalu
tra and arawdad about among thalr
loan ta roll. "Halle, Jlav"
MoOorara attaokad tha ClUMna union
for raialng ao raaoh asoaay for aa "bon
aat auction." Ma aald ha bad baaa ro
Uably Inform ad that tha eandMataa who
kava bualnaaa aatakllahmanu had foroad
anwloyaa to "dl up" from (4 to B for
10 aaa of thalr aaiployara.
Mayor Dablnaa mMnd tha work of
bia as yaara' admlniatratloa and at-
laakad tha tolas for not kalnff la "food
faith" whaa tbay hi ok ad oa hie appoFnt
manla af uKaa and olarka of election.
He aald If they bad aubmlttad a llat ha
wauld have arantad a raquaat to bar a
luat number of thalr man plaoad upon
the eleotlon boardm.
"Thoae etcht eoaneHmen who voted for
rejection of the appomtmenla bad been
approaobed by the CtUaaoe anion and
aevea of them promlaad poaHlana." the
mayor charted.
runhhouaar, he aald. baa never takaa
aoy interact In the appelntmenta of
uda-aa and elerha of election and duiind
hla teaura of office had never aubmlttad
a name,
Judse Radlek. who renu reoma f
Omaha tallera. bara hla elothaa In Chi
cago, which la one way be baa at booet-
loc Omaha, the mayor declared.
Mayor Dehlmaa compared the two aeta
of eandldatae. ualbg the poetera of toe
atlaaoa" anion aavea and the "oa the
aware eeven." He aald anybody could
aae at a (laaee which aavea were "oa
the equare" and euf ht to win.
roncludlnt hla addreaeae. tha mayor
eld he waa (cine ta fUM aatll ho sot
home rule tor Omaha, whether ha waa
defeated or electee, aad when ha did
fat home rule the people could ooDatder
UMmaalreo "throu(h with him,"
MAD1ROX. Via, May t-Tbe Wlecoa,
ala aaeambly today paaaai a aeananuaa
eleetleae ball ta apply ta all etUae of the
eute. The vow waa Tl ta U, two repue
Ueana, Ball and Draper, vetlaf "no" viu
the aeclallete. The numbly defeated a
eaeialiai amendment to permit iroupl&a
oa the baUat tha namea of all eandldatea
eeaianated ander tha earn prlaalple to re
voted tor aa a (roup.
Kava Boot Print Is.
B. Ml Clark, a I ana. ltlh and Douflae
Blaouie Xalr Bryera. Burieee-Oranden
oald ft Boa Get Ooatraet Oould A
oa have been awarded the contract for
the building of the Miller Park acbooL
The building will coat tU.OMi
Operation fa Led David Cheeno.
eanteneed to the detention borne for de
linquency by Judfe Kennedy, will un
dergo an opera lion for adenolda and will
than be aent back to hla home.
Ueateaaat Bameey ' Aaalrnee Ftrat
Liautenaat Norman P. Rameey, Fourth
Infantry, baa been detailed. In the or
dinance department, to take effect June
JO. He la ordered to report nt Waahlnc
toa as that date for duty.
Altotadt oa the Beach For twenty
daya a new police Judge will try the city
prlaonera. He la Juatlee of the Peace
William Altetadt. who rellevee Charlee
B. r oatar, who la in Loa Angelea attend
ing the Shrliier Catherine.
Bew AddlMoa to Be Bole W. Femam
SmIU ft Co. have a large outfit grading
atreeu In their new Cottage Home addi
tion, altuatod five blocka north of Fon
taaetle park. They will nave Ul lota to
be eotd at tl ceah aad B per month,
which will co oa sale about May li.
roatmeetaawriaiia.aiine putrlbateeV
The proceed Una of the National Aaaocta
ttoa of Pootmaelerc of the tlret el aaa
atflcee. bold la Omaha laat falL la belnv
diatrlbated In a printed pamphlet. It
Include the pertralta of the poetmeatar
general and hla aaetetanta. Poaunaatar
Slaar of Uncoln, who waa elected p real
dent of tha organliatioa at tha Omaha
meeting, aa well aa ether officers, and aa
additional ornamentatloa a portrait nf
Omaha'a lata poatmaetar, B. F. Thomas.
t. A. WlaTbt Beoevara After havtnc
been In Ckarkaoa kcapltal three moniha,
J. A. Wlcbt. aupartntendent of construc
tion af the Union Padfle bvUdlng. wea
able to leave that Inatlratlon. When Mr.
Wight went to the hospital he was ta a
critical condition, raftering from en
targefaent of the heart. The doctor!
the ercaa aa laree as a quart
The process of reducing tt to
aormal sire haa been aiow. bat It Is now
believed that Mr. Wight will recover and
regain hie health.
Bithop Bowling of Dei Moinei
liaket Early Appointment
Mlchlaaa Aatberltlee lead
Man aaaaeaatlaed lor Leprosy
May Set Bo Beat lata that
lata from Iowa.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
DE8 MOINES. May i,-(Bpeclal Tele-Cram-)
Bishop Austin Dowllng yesterday
announced be would make the appoint
ment of Monalgnor Michael Flavin to be
vicar general of the diocese. The tact that
the new bishop made an appointment be
toar be had been two daya in charge Is re
garded as Indicating the high tending
of tha aew vicar. It la la the eharch
where Monslgnor Flavin haa ""'"'f 1t-1
for many years that tha new nlahop win
neve bia seat Mooalcnor Flavin Is gf
years old. aad waa prepared at Car lew
college. He waa ordained ta 1CB by
Bishop O'Qorman of Omaha la tola city.
He was located at Dubuque, Cedar Falla
and Davenport before comlnc to Dee
Moines In USS to take charge of EC Am
brose church.
City Ledalaa- Hoaae Clawed.
The city of Dee Molnea today dosed
lis municipal lodging house which had
been la use the last winter aad aprinc
and turned thla department Into a muni
cipal labor employment bureau. Th
lodging houaa Mea Is declared to have
proved a great auccess aad probably the
bouse will be reopened Beit falL
Hlrahflrld aa Outcast.
Herman Hlrah field, the Michigan maa
under Quarantine at CentervUle because af
leprosy, finds himself today a maa with
out a country and tboagh ho la itch, be
haa no place where he caa lay hla head
la Peace. Word came from Michigan
that the health authorities thara win act
permit htm to be landed In that state.
Makes Apweal roe Fasts.
President A. U Lnck today followed ap
the restoration cf the Iowa Federattea
of Labor to good standing In the Ameri
can Federation by aendlnc out a tetter
to every anion ta Iowa aaklac for funds
tor M Illinois Central shopmen who have
been out oa a strike for asven months.
Defease Itallaa aretes..
Carl R. Byolr of New Tors, American
representative tor the Monteaaorl Edu
cational system of Italy, In an address at
tha cloatng session of tha International
Kindergarten union today declared that
Dr. Vincent O'Shea of tha University of
WlaconstB waa mistaken when ha made
the statement earlier la the week that
th system was at least twentyvflv
yean behind tha educational times. Mr.
Byolr explained the system to tha dele
gates, who later passed a resolution ap
proving It. Several others delivered
short address.
Tha matter of erecting a memorial
shaft la Washington. D. C for Freder
ick Froebel. founder of the kindergarten
ystam. was referred to a committee
which win report later. .
eelalleta Are Bllaible.
Attorney General Cosaoa today ruled
that Inasmuch a tb socialist party
polled mora than I per cent of th total
vote cast for governor at the last gen
eral election, candidates of that party In
any avbdlvuBoa of th state are oilglbis
for places on tha ticket, providing they
obey the other roculatlona required of
all eandldatea
The point was raised by tha county at
torney of Delias county regarding the
placing of the Bams of a social 1st candi
date for tha legislature on the ticket,
where the socialists did not poll I per
cent of tha vote la that county.
The decision makes tt Impossible for
socialists to poll votes anywasr la the
state without reference to the number
polled In the subdivision.
To Ballel Pair lasiaveaeata.
The executive committee of the state
fair met Una aftsraeoa and epened Mds
for the construction of a aew horse bara
at the Btat fair. It will be tha largest
bars yet erected aa th stats fair
grounds and will bo additional to th
three ar four Brink bam already erected.
Tha Iadma Valley Keel Batata company
of Kimball toa filed with the secretary
af state today, capital. KB. tor: also the
Bsttreaa Telephone company af Bettrem.
Winneshiek county, with tus capital.
Death oat tha Callows,
la aharp, abort agony. Tba lams back
of kidney trouble la daily m leery. Take
rieetrla Bitters for clack relief. Mb, For
sal by BsatoB Drue Co.
Overland Official! Recall Driving of
last Spike at Promontory.
Oe.ejaer Iteaferd of GaMtarata,
with a Hirer Sledaw, Drlvea
the Cplka Th reach a
Laurel Tie.
Union Pacific ofQclalas win have a
quiet tittle celebration of thaw own May
la. That date mark thd anrdvaraaary of
the driving of tha last spike on tha Over
land system, llnklne the AtlaaUo and
Padflo coasts by bands of steal.
It waa th mornlnc of May Ml IMP,
forty-three year ago, at Promontory,
Utah, that the last rpika was drlvea. The
Untoo Padfle had builded from Omaha
and the central Padfle from Oakland,
CaL, to that spot la the Rocky moun
tains. To celebrate th completion of the
llnklne together of th two roads, spe
cial trains war run from Omaha aad
from the Padflo coast. On the Omaha
train were T. C. Durant km run.. .
and many others from ths east, while
from ths west were Lelsnd Stanford, grtvu
smor of California. h. ..
dent of the Central Pacific; Huntington.
viocaer, nopsins snd many others. When,
the rails wsre loinea ,u .u. -
driven Into a tie of California laurel, a
silver sledge being used.
After being nut In niac th kia
on the spies of gold was by Governor
Stanford, who then turned the sledge over
to Vice President DuranL Telegraph
wires had been connected with the rails
and instruments arranged so that as tha
blows were struck, the nawa went
every part of the world where there waa
a telegraph Una,
Mexican Federals' '
- Def eatd by Orozco
federal army has been defeated he th
rebel force of General Oroieo la the big
earn at Torrson. according to advlceo
received by the Treasury department
today from the outhra border. No de
tails were given.
A Poor Weak Woman
A tha is torassl. era eadwre bravely aaa patisarly
jy we a acroaa aai wesao fiva way i
Tasiaot h wosaea are mora patieas tries taev
to be aader seek froaHaa.
Bears aet ae, i- A- .
m Seoet sapsrlsac.d msdiaal advisa Aat af
sad ta can sire assAsVasr aad privaer by writing te
tha World's Deneasary Medical Aeeeeeabee, T V.
Kerss. let. D, BuftOe, N. Y. Dr. rises
kas seas elnaf eoaaeltia pkrueras at ths lavalids'
e" x iwiiaia, eg Bamaks, r. I .,
assay swan aaa as bad a wiser preabeal sxpavi
fadMtrsstokBBt af jroesoa ' diaseeeathea ear a
aaa siaia is Dr. Fiarwe'e Fsvwrise FTssetistina.
kci womsn well.
T am rsapai s aasotaai Advssir (IBUB pease I, I
revwed aad p-to-eet Kdkioa, olon baaaa. will be seat ea reesspt
"- -'-l" r-I eae sa wvepwaBg saa meuiag san.
pkraiasa ia tats I . j.
Ms s
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