Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Bt. DoujIm a-d Eey. Evans Give
P ohtical Sermons.
Dr-ri jiealeal ferries Trtit
Cataeelras Dr. A. J. Beattt
f Cetaer at na Flrat
i- minnrter mill discus the hn.
pmdfn municipal election In their pul
PIU tomorrow. Rav. A. c. Don;!.
Paetor or tha Flrat United Preabyterlan
muron. Twenly-Hret and Emmet atraeu.
will apeak In the renin on "What Will
Make Omaha a Batter anil a (.malar
Cltyr- Mr. Doualss ha made a aludy
of Pll Heal oondltlona In Omaha and
hit sermon win be hla first publi ex.
preaaum or Ma opinion and oonelualona
t, Tnomaa if nMN
l " uiuiao svanceiiaal churah r.m. and a Hunit anhiw.1 i1 h a n
den avenue and Twenty-seventh street, at J"11". .. Young people's meeUnc
hla evenlne ariM ani i.
" n a as I Huucam Part nH WmL
Sunday evenice toe choir will etva an- Christian aaaoriaitni, uiinrli c. ..... !
Other Droeram In nwntlM m-itH Ihi ' lf a mi A t i. . j . ' - '
regular ni. The nublir Is cordial tv tive Armenian and ma r.xmurt. . . '
paotofraplter to the sultan of Turkey. He
invited to all the service at tea church.
The Firt Swedish. Nineteenth and Burt.
i.uatav tnckson. Futor Sunday school.
14 a. m ; preaching. II. aubject. "Holl-
'""s. p. m, tpworth leacue meean(: 1
fiiuhs. euDject, rne Tl tenia iu
fearl Memorial. Twenty-fourth and
Lanmore. Cart L. Bader. Pastor-Claae
nieetin at Vi Moraine worshln at h):M.
!unday school at noon. Thomas BromweU.
superintendent. Junior league at 1 A Kp-
-uin kius ax e:p. evening aoreM
at T:3n. The Rev. Tnomaa BltheU il
preach morning and evening.
Oak Street. Twentieth and Oek-Tbe
puutr. run-, x. c v. ebster. Is Mck from
nis western trio and will nraach Sunday
evening at I o'clock. Bible school with
alaaeea for all at i. Young People meet
ing .led by Mrs. Frances at 7 o'clock.
Midweek meeting Thursday evening at
I o'clock.
Trinity. Twntv-fl rf aiul Htm.. Kim.
-J scnooi at ju rreaohlng at W aa.
tpworth league at 7u. Preaching at I 00.
dioming aublect. "Hair-fMSlatrv:" avanlnar
subject, "Christ, the Great PeacenulurT
orweian and Dantnh K.irth Tvaniv.
fifth and Liecatur. R. P. Petersen. Paa-
tor Services, with by the pastor at 11
nia evening service will
Privileges, Puty, ReeponslblHty and Re.
aun ei the Franchise.1
Beniti of Catner university
will praaah at morning and evening
ervlee at In First Christian ohuron.
."myosin and Harney streets.
irorrow, in the morning the subject
will be "Th Sunday Sehooli" In the
evening, -what Think y of Chriat ln
ine i-ignt or tng 'Witnesses who Testify
u nis MnajIT'
musieu eervlre will he ! in
Trinity eaihedral Sunday evening at liN
oiock. Tha full choral servis will
" y the gsaq gnd tha shelf,
wnue ns aninsm and sale work Will
- a of special Interest.
suae ane( waiiaag will give a gtarf
; apcieoB talk on 'The Castlss at Eureae."
at a meeting of the VnUy fellowship of
f ins First unitarian church. In tha ehurah
rJevenManih glut Caag atreeli, tomorrow
j evening, at V.M.
m. uvm- Miselofl. Twenty-fourth
;fSim,'" A.vr?u- iill-Holy
Z - !" a''"""! si
- " 'ie fiimrwr sna sermon
k- Wj aubieet, "Human Infsllibi
W. T. -K wne on knrisiian
trtna. In which much lmrcl Is being
r" tha eongragation ot 'm
ew. . i , .
r- . 1 aarvtce committee of tha
fti7,-Bp!ifttc,?J,,ch- Twsnty-flflli and
T.",?.n' ' ""M a service on tunday
?i!.h Xr? ia"-f 'H bo given. Sub'
i'.-r7h. , jr""n.M of CTllsaiWlHP,"
Vr, Bu,ket gml U?, n. t,nkin ars
Ihe speaker. The servlc will b.ain si
w w m. uim nuuH win ds turnurmd by
i j snuta enmr, Evarybetly In-
M the People's church Sunday morning
addraatsea aalll ka, .,1. A I... j-t ti
uter and Richard Vk ell. Sunday school Nnihanlsl aleUlfCIn, D. D Paeur
Will be at U o'clock. In the evening Prof. Horning wwehlp at WiMl Sunday school
worth. Rev. . R Crawford. Pastor
Morning service, 10:30; sermon, "Tha
Changed Ufa" Evening Mr vice. 7:V
sermon, "Christ's htaasage to the Suffer
log, the aecond of a aerats of 8unday
venlng sermons on "The Messages of
Chrlsi." Sunday school at 11 B. A- V
supertnlendent. Eowurtk league at, lea Dy ttsxaca Bunday school ciasa
First, Twentieth and Ijevenport Streets,
Rev. Milton R. Williams. Minister Morn
ing service. 11: aublect. "The Growth and
rrooiema of Methodism ln America.
eveninc eervloe. 7:s: in oommemoratlon
of the UOth anniversary 61 the birth of
nooert crowning tne sermon win oe
baaed on Browning' poem, "Plpp
Sunday school at B.el a. m.1
tpworth league at p. m.
McCabe. Fortieth and Farnam. Rev.
John Grant Shlck. Pastor Sunday achool
St 14 a. m.. Superintendent Charles M.
Cues la charge. Preaching by the pastor
at 11 and S; themes, morning, "The Meas
ure of Faithfulness;" evening. 'The Sin
ner's Despair and tha Saint s Desire."
j Worth leaarue aMkrvine er I tv m Mra.
C. H. Chase, leader. Tha annual election
of the tpworth league will be held at
the church Monday night at a,
Presbyter laa,
OUftoa HI1L Forty-fifth and Grant.
Thoma B. Oreenlee, Pastor bible school
at 1 a. m. Public worahlp, 11 a. m., "The
Fervent MaarL" 7:. p. m., "To Love
Mercy." Wednesday. In. m servtoe
of prayer and fellowship.
First, Seventeenth and Dodge sues la.
Rev. Edwin Mart Jenkg, Pastor Public
worship. Id a. m. Veapar service, t p.
S, "The Bible BeauUtul;" "Judah Call
r Benjamin;" Chrlatiao Endeavor mast
big, :1 p. m , Sunday achool at U m.
Everyone la Invited to attend.
eirvlew. Pratt street and Fortieth
Avenue. Charles H. Flaming, nastor
Bible school at 1:41. Afternoon worship at
I Subject, "Let Ownership Settle It"
club Thursday evening at S. A battsry
vf three-minute topic on Matthew by
tnoee attending.
Castaliau' street, Blaieoiitn ana Cna-
tcllarMr. 11. L. dialer of tha City Mis
sion will OBuduvt Uis morning servtoe at
m.m ctoca, auaaay scnooi at noon.
Christian Kndaavsr at list p. m. The
svenlng eervloe will be oenduoted by
Rev. Jesse u, Wilson at Ties o c look.
law Avenue, Fortieth and ISIoholag,
tnoroua i -ered An .nH,,.. ,n
Turkey, which make his addresses very
un Thursdav evenin it..
M working boys assembled aa gueste of
the Boy a' department. Aa fully two
thlrds of the boys had never been In the
association oeiore they enjoyed the pro-
srem. wuca consisten m a game of In
door base ball, a wrestling and a boxing
Hiauca, a men wee KOiloweal Dv a swim In
the pool. Before the boys left for home
they were served light refreshments and
Invited to return next Thursday evening
provided they would bring a friend with
them who had never been ln the asso
ciation Dei ore
The capteina of the Garden club met
Mr. Lonergan. president of the Douglas
County Agricultural society, wbo talked
to them relative to exhibiting their vege
table at the next county fair. Mr.
Turner delivered to the captains full In
structions as to ice uaraen club compe
titions. .
The delightful weather of the paat days
naa waxenea among tne ooys a desire for
hlkea. whk-h were so eaioular l-r vaur
On Saturday Mr. Turner took a group of
uya witn mm to I'niia grate. Next
neturaay another group are planning
hike to Florence.
large number of men ere tekinr ad
vanlags of the special summer member
ship In the association so that they may
use the pool and showers during the hot
summer aaye wnicn wui soon be here.
The Toung Men's Christum Association
Olee club la Its annual report to the
Educational department, showed that It
was a very enthuslextta organisation In
point of attendance, work done and con
oerts given. During the last year they
have assisted different religious organi
sations of the city In giving eleven con
certs and singing before lauu people. On
account of conflicting of dates thoy de
clined further invitations to suuf. but
have three more concert on the accepted
llat. On Thursday svenlng May i the
Kpworth leegue of lUnscoiu Park
Methodist church will give a concert In
which they will appear. Mr. Lee O.
Krat is the director.
C. Marten will hold song seevic. '
uaivary Branch, Thirty-fourth and
fc?fdun?''' ' " Bibl school.
n uwsus, superintendent.
trarr Tenth and Arbor, Rev. B,
rellman, 1aator dunday school at
atorniiig sermon at 1L oung peoples
(nesting at 7. Bveaigg sermon at 7 e.
Flret, Harney Street and Park Avsnue-
a-riwaining murmng ana evening by Rev,
Vi. Morning service st :,
eujech Msentwi and onssentla.s
" nwm at ia toung people meet-
Bunday si'I,.hH at 1A
ng at 7. Kvenlng i
"What Ws need but Da Mot Went.
Immenuel. Twaniv.fMirfii . .
U?t j. Bhereole, Pealor-Blble aeoool
C.;: i i 1 '' paawr wui
i "".'""""""n sermon si w:w, itecep
" iw memusra ana tn
f."PPv-. Ssrmon at 1 lopla. "A
P""'r Counssl to Christian Dlrls
snesuna weonsaaay
Twenty-fifth and
c"Sr? Jwmty-flfih and Hamilton,
'aC.urr' ? c i Faaur-Servlos
at l;JtV rod I. Lord mlppsr cbservsd at
Sja o morning sermon. Svenlng, so
cial -nic4 rneetlng subject, 'Christian
ClUxensblp," Two addraasss. Mr. Burlut
and Dr. D, E. Jenkins. Bible school at
eoung peopirs meeting at 7. Wed-
' e p. w,, oevoiionai aervloe.
North Side, Twenty-second and Lothrop
e-BlW school at I a) a. m., morning wor
phlp at It: o'clock. Christian Endeavor
aU t: p. m, evening preaching aarvlaa
at I o'clock.
North bids, Twenty-second and Lothrop
T?h nf Rogers' "Senrcfi
Me, o bod at Ihe morning service, with
Mr. Bryoa fslnisr. soloist, and In the
evening lha pecial muslo will b Barry
Row Utiesley "Ths Slrls ts O or."
avllh Mr, Vjeluir Cady a soloist. Mr,
ill. 1, Kirschsieln, org.nlst sad chorister
First, and Heny-Dr, J.
A, Reattie of Coiner ytu.r.iiy mm
"au iw'sim no jrvsnmg, Morn-
Vm VTl?? a","t,n," "f Onnai 111
ii iieese w no Testify
ivrniMs woreniD
I st IX Ymu I
ot cnrietian EndaLB&Aai uj
klvanilte weeaikiB ml f:a an -
.....,i.iu .. 7 . ' aft Sil
' " fi t tneme, "What lh
I the Usui of tha Wli
In Hi Balialir' M,
liJ.kt. SuuUv seheol
, T' J"""r eenwi e u. loving Fo
'Via Souiety
fwrieilaa taiewiaw.
Si, Mr' Avanu n4 TMt; l0,?, pf,pla''
wrili--jiid sunosi si I tt and ll worship at .
Hemes t If mii t, kunieat . Flrat. Twen
noenl Junior Bndeaver at l:Wi Senior
Endeawr at Ti evening aervlae at ll Rev.
Maieu F MvClure, D. U., pesuir of ths
first rresuytensji wuroa B( t-ounail
Bluffs, Will preach,
TlUrd, TweutlaiH and Leevan worth
Fiiwir vBMm euniiay eviiwii ea. a.
Si herm.rb.orn, supertutendsnti i:44, pub
lia wurahip and aennou by y. M., Hum'
phrres. (kale by Mis Ulluui Ashley. T
prayer meeting of the Christina endeavor
soeleiyl leader, at lea tie telle, ttookuaker;
evening aervlie. sertnwu by Rev. O. M.
Cliurvh of the Covenant. Twenty-
aevetttU and Pratt, Cbarlee H. Flaming,
Paataar-Mornlng worahlp at 10:4s. Sub
ject, "The Trees." Bible euhosl at boon,
Kndeawr at lilt and evening worahlp at
7iM Subject. ' Lei' Ownership Settle It"
Midweek eervloe at 7;5 Waduaaday avan-
liig. aubject, "What It Means u be a
Flrat. Twentythlrd and South Central
boulevard, RaV. 0, if. Rohrbough, Pastor
-Sunday school at H.U a. tu., morning
Wurslilp at 11 u Block, aubject, ''The Law
of Leva," ft rani ug services: Christian
Kndeavur st T o'clock, Mlsa Irma Hlnk-
hauiae. lea il art nreaohlng at I o'clock.
subject, "Trap. Mis and Men," sermon
llluetiaUM By otuavt lees on. weaneaoay
at I p. m., young people dan, aubjeot.
I'Whal I llnll-u-
First. Seventeenth and Cans, Rev,
Manfred Lllllefora, Minuter Services at
In .IK. aubject of sermon. 'The Redemp
tion ox Tune, " nunuay acooot at u
a tu. Unity Fallowahlp at t p. m.
Mlaa Janst Wilson will give a stsreoptloon
talk on "The Caatlaa of Europe."
t; nit eat Bretkrea.
Harford Memorial, Comer Nineteenth
and Lothrop, M. O. McLaughlin, Pastor
Jnlverslty service at iu:a, tnama. npir-
Itual Richea; evangeiiatio eervloe at I
thaui. "The Philosophy. History am
aot of Redsmption; workers' meeting
'.'i flnssiliy at a; social meeting Thursday
at a.
retted KveegelleaL
Grace. Camden Avenue and Twenty
aeventh Street, Thomas M. Evans, Pastor
-Morning service at U o clock, theme.
The Privilege Duty. Responsibility and
Result of the Franchise."
United Preebytrrlaa
CantraL Twenty-fourth and Dodge. H.
B. Sneer, Pastor M:9o, morning worahlp
and sermon; ban bam scnooi at noon;
people s meeting at 7; evening
, frrwiieeiing runisnmeiitt
Niseuantii gHd
Ins WSfsMk at U Mi evetane wea,hiifll
rlfse, some
wt, if'ssdairick
will sia otuaiwl pntgrsm.
nd Mhw, Hot, T. i, Ciif, Httifip,, slndav aft
fioly aommMkier, at ,, al the MtS, Vi t
leg prayer wiw mrmeo at I,
D. m .. .11 i. . . .
Avenu and Twonir-ienrtft, fov, ( i
"ChllaUUllLy Haeakat.'' Idaa.L , ' ""'
at i.m. T
St, Msrk'l Ka0le1), TwlKattt SfKj 8 Jr.
."r". " ti 'nang eiesnta
First, Twenty-first and Emmet Rev.
C. Douglasa, D. DM pastor !:.. con
servation sermon on "Lengthening the
Pnrda anrf itrenthenlng the Stakea. L
What Will Make Omaha a Better ana a
Greater City. Bible school, noon; young
people service at 7.
M leeellaaeoaa.
International Bible Student' Associa
tion, Raright Hall, Nineteenth and Far
nam Sunday at 5. subject. "Knowing tha
Time." The speaker will be w. M. Batter
The Oceoel ol Health is tne subject
on which Dr. L. A. Merriam will lecture
Omaha Phllosopnicei aoeletv
afternoon at I o'clock In Barlght
hall. Nineteenth and rarnam atresia.
New Thought Fellowship meet In ths
Wead building, h.miiienin ana rarnam,
Kundav morning at 11 o'clock and on
Wednesday evening at i o'clock. Oscar
A. Albrecht, leader. On Sunday morning
ths subject will be "Tne Wholesome in
fluence of Hope."
Y. M. C. A, Botes.
"Turkey. Yesterday, Today and To
morrow. " will be the auoject ot an an
dress given by Dr. Cheeneegoaxyaen
young atens
Quickest Belief Known
For AH Sore Feet
isiMpr wf 4H rl TiinM mabMml
- . - - - - . I
in IblHtkM Rmi. ti. Wa;l.i e.g V",'.T I
r " Iiri
iaiiiairv- noKss-riaaiRg goaietr, wijj
r.Tr., , . Z "S wti by tn
af . it mum r etwe en Xiiea.
A.y evening m ' "
..""a4"""".'.' Purism and Tw.n.
-lm, iVta-Mrniag werahlt, im
sermui at u, suiMMt. "Oed'. iuu 'u
ki ' .IT iawvie at
subject of serraoa aasBf eu,'' Pun
dkf acaool at U, UWi-rt Mgu at 1. Mis
- i yyreMiema
St, Mauhew- fenglwa, KlnMeetith and
tattir, w, it, w, stweer, Paotor-
pjawu.if bt-etfuw aad aseial gatnatnneT by
the Hiatal Alma M Anna thM, JRaj
f UyutH tieveaaeenth MfH, The Woman
fl'HJi !TiPi,tal.iLl,trf" through the
t.tiaik street? eouuj of the trouble. Don't waste time on un-
ot. Mark's. Twentieth aaut ,... certain remedies. Any druggist has Cal-
-T. w e-i, tTT? L f"f" ocide coovound tn stock or ha can get
ereZg4 'lf'tir,'" hour, from hi. wboleaE
The following 11a absolutely tha rar
est and quickest cure known to actone
ror all loot aliment: "Dissolve two
tablespoonfula of Calocida compound In
a basin of warm water. Soak the feet tn
this lor full fifteen min
utes, gently rubbing the
ore parts." Toe effect 1
really wonderful. All sore
ness goes Instantly; the
feet feel so good yea could
sing for Joy. Cora and cal
looaea can be peeled right
off. It gives immediate re
lief for sore be aloe a,
ewealy, smelly and aching
feet A twenty-five cent
box of Calodde la aaid to
be sufficient ts care the
worst feet It work
pore and removes the cause
Y. W. C. A. Xotee.
Sunday The veener aervlce program at
I M will be a Vtetrola concert of sacred
music. The whole afternoon will be de
voted practically to the musical program.
All young women are cordially Invited.
The building la open from I lot
Monday The Bock orchestra win give
concert In the association auditorium at
l:JS, under the auaplcee of the Business
Olrls' club. The following program will
be given:
Old English Dance Saint George
Moxart Club.
Arietar-Bartered Bride Smetana
Mlaa Zdanka Blnkuia
Ballet Music, two part Counod
Moaart Club.
Olpsy Dance. Machd
cnariee vyoruungion.
Selection from ''Lohengrin" Wagner
1. Vorsplel Act L .
1 Klaa before the court
1 Zugsum Munster.
Part II.
Overture Don Juan ...Moxart
Moaart Club.
Sonata, II minor
kliss tiaiei True
Oypay Mualc
Moxart Club.
Hulamaa Ballaton ,
Fred Frederick son.
Walnar Blut
Moxart Club.
Speak to Scandinavian Voters
Washing-ton Hall.
Dews Thla ts Prove that He aad Hie
Aeesrlstee Ds Xet Belong
ts the "Silk Storking"
John Douglas Burned
By Naptha Explosion
la preventing a ten-gallon can of
naptha, which exploded In hla hand,
from Igniting thousands of gallons of
oil In ths warehouse of the National
Refining company yesterday morning,
John Douglas waa burned about the
hand, arm and face. HI burn are
not serious, though painful. Tha ex
plosion occurred at about 11 o'clock.
The fire engine which responded from
ths station at Sixteenth and I sard atreat
waa badly damaged by running Into a
hole In the pavement near Eleventh and
Grace street.
Candidate of the Clutena' union at the
mass meting at Washington hall last
night acored Mayor Dahlman and touched
briefly on the other alx candidate aa
While the meeting was supposed to be
a general mas meeting for the people of
the city at large the majority of those
present were Scandinavians, and two of
the speakera addressed the assemblage In
their mother tongue.
"Thla election la a conflict between
honest government on one aids and gang
rule on the other." said Mr. Redick.
"Mayor Dahlman rays he la working
for the Interest of the plain people. The
plain people our disihinguuihed friend
refers to are the realdenia of the Third
ward. The police protect these people.
Is thl what we pay them for? W
pay them to protect our live and prop
erty, but Instead of doing this they have
bean turned Into a political machine. We
are going to change this ' condition If
elected, and the first man we are going
to scrutinise 1 the chief of police.
"I have been alted up by the chief
executive of the city aa the bell wether
of the flock. The reason for this
due to a verdict I gave against James
Dahlman when I aa eervlng on the dis
trict court bench for s&OOO."
Judge Redick also objected to having
the Citlxens' union candidates called the
silk stocking brigade" by the mayor.
and bad several ot them display his
hosiery to prove thl wa not true. He
also took Issue with the election board
appointed by the mayor, saying that the
latter had claimed that they war the
same a served at the primaries, when
In reality there were U3 now Judge and
clerk appointed.
C A. Aiden had not yet recovered from
the hork caused by Mayor Dahlman
statement of his fthort residence here and
hi great activity la polltlca Ha again
dwelt on the many things be had don
to upbuild the city, saying no objection
had been made to hi services while ln
thl capacity, although strenuous objec
tion waa made to hi participating In
Long before the oandidatea had ceased
to speak of their opponenta a large num
ber had left the hall, and by the time
Mr. Alden had completed denunciation
of the aeven men on the "square deal"
ticket but a scattering ot tha audience
that had at first greeted the speaker
The meeting approached the nearest to
enthusiasm that ha yet greeted the mem
ber of the Citlsen' union. As this will
practically be the last meeting that will
be held before the election Tuesday, all
endeavored to say in a polite ay some
thing disagreeable about their oponenta
death of Mrs. Andrew Hlli. who formerly
lived In thi county. She and hernuthr
aero welkin- on the eiate of a stream
when the sged woman fell :n ln her
efforts to rescue her mother Mra Hill
wss drowned. A child neir at hand
rushed to the seen, and shnved nut a
pole, with which she helped the mi; her
IDA CiROVFProf Clarence vTaxsem of
the Inlverslty of Iowa will deliver the
nigh school commencement sdrtress here
on May J9. The graduatea nutntv seven
teen, the rlaaa being Mary Tousling.
Homer Scott, Emmet Conn. Oheeter
Nenard. Kdlth Coie, Hope. Sutton, FJ!a
Coulter. Haxet Stephen. Emma Perlon.
Horao Pllrher. Lowell Mevern. Cecil
Harridan Leslie Radcltffe. Verl Met low.
(.eorae Keefe. Jamea Stephen and Ruth
The Paxton Automobile company Is
planning the Immediate erection of a
garage on Farnam street, between Twen-ty-elxth
and Twenty-aeventh afreets. The
building will be a one-story brick, facing
north. It will cost t&Qnrgnd measure,
5ft by 134 feet. The lot was leased to them
by .the Byron Reed company. j
Break for I. Ike err
from stomach, liver, and kidney tTOttblti
la made when a So box ot Dr. King's
New Life Pllla la bought. Why suffer!
For sale by Beaton Drug Co. .
Rnv tnaaleal SB Picket Is
WEBSTER CITY. Ia. May 4. Ruaaall
Knight, aged li. who ws Impaled on al
picket fence while playing yesterday eft-l
eruoon. died today.
' -Si! LfJ 1 J J I 141.. ll t -a usuaiex 11 ii,stw.
, "-" -""I'-trfn"-' 1 -1 is mil ji -V;
AH Selling H
"laja wg ajiaa
Iowa Srwa It alee.
IDA GROV&-A new bank la to be
started at Cuahing. The promoters have
bought k corner kit and have pinnod a
two-story brick atructure to urovlde iiitir-
tera for the bank, a atore room, a bar
ber ahop and a lodge.
IDA GROVE The Ida Ornva Kvchenee
hank haa begun work on the new build
ing It will erect for the pnetofflce. The
nunaing will -be of nreeerd hr ck and
the contract calls for Ita completion
July L
IDA GnOVE-Wnrd r-nm fr,.
Saskatchewan, Canada, of tha tragic.
n tp
Eie Lr
S Heek
The complete remodeling and rewfecoratlng; of our ifrwat warerooma I being pushed aa rapidly as
possible bjr scores of workmen. (Vf folding Is arising on every floor. Many Pianos and Player Piano
most be moved to give these workmen room, by order of tha contractor. Many bargain vrere picked
up bat week, bat there are still remaining
Here, indeed i your Piano opportunity of lifetime. Here ia your rhance to gWa yoar rhllrlrea
the same chance that others are getting. You don't have to he "well fixed" to get a piano these days.
Select the piano you want, try it thirty daya. If yon like it, pay na a little each week, and make yonr
home happy like other are doing.
$20O Playano Piano Player
TM Arion Ipright
2. Chase ft lievker Piano Player
2oO Kimball I prijtht
$mn Pianola Piano Player ,
$'27K Kroeger Ipright
oO Chlrkertng Hon I'prtRht
at, , . , , , .a. .
$100 Hardman Tpright
Vi)M Katey I pright
400 Ivers Pond I pright
$.1211 Knrtxman I pright . . .
K Hterk Grand
AOO Hlarrk Player Piano . .
700 Harrington Antotone Player Piano j
H 40.00
1 70.00
YOV MUST ACT NOW! Don 't nut It off. even a dsr. Call
at once. The piano you want I here. The make, the tone, the touch, the finish, and all for price ami
terms are here com hi nod In an offer the like of which piano history has never seen. Talk will aot con
vince you! If you're wise, you'll come here and convince yourself.
John J. Mydcr
Candidate for Commissioner
At Election to be held Tuesday, May 7
I assert that indorsements from any source do not
change the man. His daily life among his fellow work
ers, and in the sight of his friends and neighbors, must
indicate whether he is a good or a bad citizen.
As State Statistician and Labor Commissioner,
under an unsolicited appointment from Governor Shel
don, I had official dealings with many business men of
Omaha. Let them say whether or not I was courteous
and fair.
As a member of the Public Library Board, I will
let the librarian and the other directors say whether or
not I have been faithful, efficient and willing to work.
For a quarter of a century I have given as freely
as a wage-earner could of my time and money to real,
practical welfare work. My efforts may not come
under the head of great service but they were exer.
cised freely and earnestly, without hope of pay or
I have been paid a substantial salary as a news
paper man to gather statistics and dig out facts con
cerning Omaha's municipal affairs, for special articles,
as well as in the ordinary course of the day's work.
Thus I have learned where the present system is weakj
and have pointed out to interested parties where the
commission form can be strong. I claim to be equipped
by experience and training to go to work at once as a
commissioner, intelligently and effectively.
All the interests I have in the world are anchored
here my family, my home and one other piece of
I am FOE OMAHA absolutely, sincerely and with
out pledge or promise of any kind, to any person or
. body.
With no powerful family or financial connection,
I ask your support on my knowledge of city affairs, on
my ability to do things, and on my standing as a man
of good credit and, decent, useful life.
Trained newspaper men, wherever entrusted with
public office, have "made good." I have a pride in my
profession that will impel me to strive for a record of
good work honestly done.
I wear no man's collar, whether he be high or low.
I will be OMAHA'S MAN all the time.
Ln) fe riOrlFP?
! i
: i
Votes for these men spell
continued progress for
Pledged to all the people,
not to the Holy few.
Representing the masses, not
the classes only.
Successful by individual effort
and not by the command of
Elect Them May 7th
REMEMBER! Polls open only
tt -.laatkai Two ank. k- -.w,-T " , " ...
n -i i rnnita r la nr rtai i maHL.1 k .. .
from. 8. A. M..to6 P. M.
t aaia einn ai rntvarsuus.