Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 40

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lew Triilde in Holding of the
; Lightweight .Honors.
Balder aad Challenger lnui for
Fiarht aad Them for Metara
) j , Match mm May Coat la
tk Cuh.
By W. W. aAl'GHTO.
; SAX FRANCISCO. Mar t-When Bat
tling Nelson hear II be will team at tat
A Los Angeles dispatch says that Ad
TV alga st and Jo Bivara hava formed a
lightweight champlanshlp trust It will
ba a waste of breath tar any aspiring
pugilist to challenge tha a-lnoer of the
Fourth of July contest (or Ad and Joe
have arranged to meet a aecond time la
McCareye arena on Labor day. no matter
bow their drat engagement turne out.
' But why should Nelson ba wrought up.
8oee eomeona ask?
Let ma explain.
No man on God s green footstool ever
vdaed his championship laurels aa Nelson
did. If ha hadn't been such a tough
tllbred Individual, both mentally and
physically, the chaacea are tha loss of hie
title to Wolgast would hava broken tha
Norseman's heart
Neleoa took hi medicine, though, with
out making a wry tana. 'He add that
Wolgast had proved himself tha better
man that dar-or at least up to tha
moment when Eddie Smith Interfered and
gave tha victory to tha Michigan wild
..1 waa In bad shape, all right, but I
had been to Just as bad a tlx In other
contests." said tha Battler. "I had no
Idea there wss going to be any intsrfer
: enee. least ways from the referee. I had
' a suspicion that my seconds might begin
t think ay chances of winning had gone
: and I kept warning them against towel
1 tossing. I certainly did not feel as
though all the fight waa knocked out of
me and I will always think that the tide
of the thing might hava taken a sudden
ewMch If the referee had held aloof a
. Mttle while longer. But Bmllh. I sup
pose, eanetders he did the right thing at
; the right time and that's tha end of It
so far as that particular fight Is con
cerned "I believe the world will back ma up In
saying there Is another chance coming to
me. If I thought Wolgast was my master
you would never hear a whisper out of
me. but I do not think anything ot me
kind. I am sura. I oaa retrieve my
laurels and Just aa soon aa ba has had
' his fling at theatrical tours and that
kind ef thing. I will be ready and waiting
for him. I am gratified to know that
Wolgast recognises there Is another fling
coming to me. His manager, Tom Jones,
says ha would as soon right ma a any
ana else If tha Induce menu look right
and ha only has to keep his ears open, to
find out that there la a demand fas
return match and every prospect of
record-breaking crowd. It la only right
that I ehould get another chance with
Wolgast, for the publlo knows that
through all my career I never denied a
beaten opponent a second match."
But Nelson sever got Ms return fight
, with Wolgast It may hava seen m
measure bis awa fault for la th dis
cussion that arose between tha rivals,
harsh words ware ased and Nelson aben
' toned all diplomacy and abused tha nsw
champion roundly. In his chagrin the
ana coined each terms as "Cheess
Champion." and "Squirrel-Headed Boob".
When thinking up epithets to apply to
tha wildcat ucb aajreaslons. while
so doubt extremely relieving to over
wrought feeling i, are not by any-meant
aonductva to matchmaking. A een
sequence Wolgast turned his back coldly
upon tha Durable Dana and bag kept It
turned over since.
Now, what will Nelson say whoa the
man who turned him down so unceremen
' loualy Is lessening his own risk of relin
quishing the championship by arranging
; for a return match before tha first on It
fought? i
. No matter what Nelson or anybody sum
baa to say about tt tha Wolgast-Rlver
double steal has a weird look. . By tuetr
.Actions Rivers and Wolgast have yanked
tha etuunptoaaklp out of tha open market
and are soaking It their private property.
: Who can say but that before tha Labor
.day aooouatar come along they may
tearee to meet again on soma ot I he hotl-
' oars beyond that again and make their
little gama of treats out perennial? la
: such oaa tt will be la order, for light
"weights generally, who don't believe In
:stMb dose corporations where free-for-all
: titles are concerned, to bold Indignation
; meetings, appeal to tha public and de
leter the- Wotgast-fUvsr eteriaatlnf
championship null and void.
: Seriously, tha eontraot does not look
,' right. Ad and Jo mar aea DO harm in
i what they are doing-may consider, ttt
fact, that they are not offending against
( tha ethics of the sport In any way, but
f. without Intending It they an casting a
'' slur oa their July bout Bine they have
i bad aa understanding la regard to a re
turn mates it Is but natural that sua-
'; ptctoa should arias and that 'apart gen
ially ehould begin to wonder tt ther
; are any other understanding which bar
' not ceoo mads public
; Of the two mas. Wolgast appears la the
worse light ta tha oanaectloa. Aa efaaas
' pioo. at coon, be la tba dictator and It
stenda ta reason the suggsstlon of a
brae ot fights cam from him. Fur that
. matter, tt was probably ana at the cast'
Iron conditions under which be agreed la
box Riven. And If that waa the way of
It. aa analysis of Woigast's motives ht
."ay to asaka H facia that by agreeing
- to box mm early as July he will not be
; giving himself tlms t recover property
from his operatlea for append lei tie and
lie wants to make aura of a chance to
' redeem himself later it thing fa wrong
v ,en ihe rourta. .
. But thai explanation, if tt la tha right
'one. will be sold comfort ta tha Hint
weights who are compelled ta stand Mly
by until Ad aad Jo hava Botsbod tfcetr
The Wichita players affirm the story
going to rounds ta th affect that the
Orlrinoc are pretty wall puffed up this
car and it may ha nirnssry to sand
a card oa a silver salver whea on wishes
.to approach such a chesty aggngatios,
Perhaps there has been a sudden re
dactloa of that bump of conceit Two -frats
ta three gams at Topeka might
produce that result
HlSS Sekeel to rial- Oolf.
- Th annuel spring golf tourney tor the
Oman High schaoi will be held about
th middle of this Boats. The play wtU
a held at Hapny ffoHow aad at th
Country club. Harold Johnson, a tenter
at th school, winner of last yars tour
B take part again this year and
hi fcu.
NEW! YORK, May 4,-Tb nubile aits
la admiration aad awa of Connie Mack's
world' champion Athletics. ' The team
which humbled the Giants In the world's
series Ust fsll Is universally conceded
to be on ot tha very best aggregations
produced In the history of the national
pastime. Yet, la It veneration ot the
capability of that wonderful machine, the
nubile is prone to overdo the genius
of the man who fashioned It.
Connie Mack did not fall heir to any
such collection of stars. Ha bad to dig
up each and every on ef them. Hi
ultimate success Is but a tribute to hU
foresight and rare Judgment, for la his
own unassuming, qmet way Msck has
changed tha buitnees politics of the great
organised profession. , The leader of the
Athletic was a pioneer in bl way. He
foresaw ten years ag the greet develop
ment to which this sport would attain la
a decade. He realised that each year
It would become mar difficult to secure
desired, talent through purchase and
trade.- Before th rival managers aver
dreamed of paying eerloua attention to
the acoutf ng end of Ihe business. Connl
Msck had raked tha minor organisations
and oo lieges with a fine-tooth comb.
No club In organised ban ball has sucl
a perfect scouting system a that of
Connl Mack. Ha himself I tha great
chief ot th sleuthing department and hie
is tha final Judgment Hs Is tipped oft
to mora good green players than any
other thro manager, simply because hi
great network of osplonsga was estab
lished before rival wok ufj to hi won
derful advantage. Th Athletic were la
oa th ground floor, and as long aa Mack
remains In tha game Philadelphia's
Americana will continue to hava first
Until Connie Maek entered the major
league . field, 'managers . looked little
further ahead ' than th tip ot their
noses. They wsrs content to dwell upon
th peasant so far. result were con
cerned. Mack studied th future He
planned fully five year ahead. Ha looked
th situation aquarely la tha face. He
aw la a star not his present capability,
but tha day whan ha must begin to pale
and fade. He figured to hava by that
day some newcomer to atep Into th de
clining veteran' shoes; and he always
planned an having In his substltut a mas
far more capable In every department of
th game.
Connie Mack was caught napping Just
one. That was la Uot He waa tooled
by hi champion segregation of 1905, th
uaca that was se badly shown up by th
Olente. Mack ovec-eetlmated tha period
of usefulness ot many of his veterans.
The aerie with th Olanta opened hi
eye ta his mistake. Thar wsa a general
house-cleaning th following year. Than
It wss that tha wily Quaker set out In
earnest to develop almost single-handed
th great machin he now control.
HI case waa similar ta that at Me-
Oraw. Th gallant leader of th Pol
grounders was In Identically tha same fit
at Mack, though hs did not know It Halt
th aid champion of 1901 had eracksd aa
Mcdrawa hands during tha hot pennant
nana, Th ' world's series of that year
tav Mod rw no waning. A disastrous
ItbJttes EtTt Already Settled Dowi
to Systematic: Training.
njpiNSE totd OS.0W3 xapidit
Pin Trywata Will Bs la th Pswlfla
Coast Elletlaattea Coatawt ta B '
Held at Leuaad giaaford
, lalverelty.
Tryout Satet (or Olympio Meet.
, t
Game start at Stockholm June M
Oaraee tlnlah July a. ,
American teem sails from Nsw
York June 14, '
' Eastern', trysuts, Cambridge. . Mass.,
June I.
Central tryouts, Evaaston. 111.,
June 1
Western tryout. Leland Stanford,
Cal May It
Pentathlon and Decathlon tryout:
Eastern, Cambridge. Mass.. May X,
Central, Evanston, 111., May K
West era, , Laland Stanford,' . Cai..
May Ig.. t
i ,'.---
With th - approach of th dabs apoa
which will be selected th athletes wh
ar to represent this country at th com
ing Olympic game, publl3 Interest ta
ths event I growing rapidly. Tltla I evh
deaced by tha steady growth of th funi
which will defray the expects of sending
the team ta Stockholm. It was also tvi
deaced by th widespread tftlwast la the
Boston' Marathon, tha svent hy which
tha American Olympte ommltta will
Judge who hall- represent th United
State In that classic svsot at th Olym
piad. .
Th athletea who hop to make th
trip to sUockholm hava already settled
down to active training for tha tryouta.
which ar now hut a few woff. Ths
first win b th Pacific coast allmlna-
tions, which will be held at Leland Stan
ford university. California, May U. On
Juno g th central and eastern tryouta
will ba held at Ewaaaton. HV. and th
Harvard stadium. Cambridge. aTasa.. is-
epectlwly. Shortly tnreaftar tha Ameri
can commute will select the Tien who
will compete tmder th American color a
Bp Not gndnlV,
The remarkable scope of aa Olympiad
program hi not generally understood, and
It will come as a surprise to many to
Kara thai tha fair asx figure he the
proceedings in several events, aotaaty
tawa tennis, swimming, divine and moun
tain dlmbing. ,
Tha official program, issued by the
Swedish Olympic committee, which In
complete charg of th games, shows th
ramarkabi aamber at sports la which
eornpetltloa Is planned. They tseind al
most everything from yachting dowa to
Among the events listed bestd track
ami fWd sport are aaaocitloa root bait.
a bicycle raca at 13 milee around Lake
Malar, fencing with tolls, tepee aad
sabers; general gymnast ice. both owedlse
aad non-Bwedish; horseback nd"ng and
jumping, military and etvtilaa; laws ten
nis, ana and woaaea, single and double,
rowing, eixfeu, fours and stugl senile
shooting, rtn aao revolver at stationary
uuiU bird ava4 rasiiias tar-
geta; swimming and diving, men and
women; Oreco-Roman wrestling: yacht
racing, several classes: game shooting.
mountain cUmbuuj. tug-ot-war. la how
Mack, Maker of Base Ball Champions
Connl Mack, tha
This Is the man' who baa dona tha most
ta modernise baa hall management. Of
oampalgn followed tha Mat season. Tbe
New York leader Immediately began the
weeding out process which vntully re
sulted In th wonderful team now at
horn la Brush Btadluna
Th 1111 Olanta appear to outclass th
National league aa tar as th Mil Ath
letics outclassed th American league,
eliminating unusual misfortune each
should have a strangle hold n Its pen
nant long befors fall. In many respects
th rival appregatlon ars very similar.
McOraw speotaltsei aa speed; Msck on
hitting ability. Each, at course, attempts
t eembln all poeslbl of th on with
many of thaw avsnt beyond a straight
track and field sport thta nation shall
be represented depends an th slss ot th
public' fund, which, th committee says,
must total MI.M before than will be
any aMurano of th success of th en
terprise. x 1
Payments Betas Mad.
Payments ars already being mad on
th Rati Star Unsr Finland, which 1
under chartsr to carry tha American
tram to Btockholnt Th Titanic horror
had tha immediate effect ot causing th
transportation committee to 'look Into th
Ufeaevtng facilities of th craft, and they
quickly assured themselves that thsy are
adequate. They found' It la equipped with
lifeboats and raft sufficient to accom
modate til . which will ba mors than
enough, a there will be hut few over 6W
passengers and craw aboard when the
Finland sails for the games June It Th
boat Is scheduled to arrive at Stockholm
June , th opening day ot tha Olympiad,
In ample Urn for th athletes to besoms
acquainted before they are put on tha
event Id which (he athlete will partict
pte, , .
Of late then haa been growing Interact
amdng American athlete in th Pentath
lon and .Decathlon, which are Important
feature of the . Olympiad. ,. These .are
events for "all-around" athletes: ths In
dividual competing having to be profi
elent tn five event In th Pentathlon and
tan In th Decathlon. Tha former com
prises th running broad Jump, throwing
tha Javelin,, 100-meter run. throwing th
discus, I. Jos-meter run..' Tbe Decathlon
comprises th Wd-meter, running broad
Jump, putting th weight running high
Jump. oOO-metcr, hurdle race, throwing
tha discus, pole 'vault, throwing tha
Javelin. 108 meters. Th tryout for thess
will be held at Leland Stanford May U,
Bvanstoa May M and Cambridge May S.
Rod and Gun Club.:"'
to Open pn May 30
Evaraythlng Is la readiness tor a busy
season at th Rod and Qua club and
program - of activities for ths year ha
been mapped out which will furnish plenty
of recreettea for every member.
Tbe opening data haa been sst for
Thursday, May V, whoa a card of aquatic
vent, a baa ball gam, several tennis
match . aad a social program will ha
carried out Tbe, board ot directors will
hold a meeting next week to arrange tha
numerous -details ot th evening. ,
Byron Hart . tha chief booster of th
club, report a total metebsrshtp ef M
for th season. Maay ot this number en
joyed th privilege ot the dub last so
mer. but ther Is also a large quota ot
new members Included oa th roster,.
Abouth thirty 'tan-ilia -hava already
moved into their bungalows along the
lake front where the cool hricssi ar
beginnrng tr waft ' signs' of a peaceful
siisaiu . Many members of ths club who
shun the bungalow Idea have banded
together tor the purposs of havtag a regu
lar -tent" city with all the flattering In
ducements of Me ' under the awnings.
Thirty-five tents ar now stored at the
clue grounds and will be put up within
th Best two weeks. '
-Walker meleaeea.
Lincoln haa released Scotty Walker be
es ase he made errors. He was for a
couple of year considered the clsssUst
third naaasna hx th Bout horn leagua,
hut waa tit by a pitch-sS bsil aad pat
out of the gam (or several month. His
work Indicated wmt he he not yet
revved from trj blow aad It may he he
sill sot s-emitd play bail acals.
uncommunicative. I th progress!
I .V
yes hs is th moat sner-
th other. Both are solidly established
In the matter ef youth. Yet each la forti
fied, with unusually brilliant substitutes.
McOraw maintains that aa a chain la no
stranger .than its weakest link, a team Is
no stronger than Its substitutes.
Of the two teams th Athletic appear
tha stronger. Whether they would prove
so at tha and of a strenuous campaign
may remain for tha next world' series
to show. Msck'i players have ths sd
vantaga of longer experience together.
It Is a mora seasoned array In every
way, even though tha players may b
vary bit as young tn years as Nsw
Flayer Who Has Confidence Will De
feat leu Xetoluta One.
eat Oa Caa Hop for Himself I to
Accept 'HI Own Weakaeee la
' . a Chastened, Spirit of
NEW YORK.' May 4. 8om on had
aid that the missing of short putt la
golf I a diss almost Incurable In Its
acuta form. It la suggestive of hay fever;
tha victim Is free from Its Influence for
the greater part of th tlms, but insv
Itably there will arrive a day whan It
will recur, however, much h may doss
himself with wholesome ' practice This
failure to hot th llttl putt I on of
th queerest things In all th queer
elds of golf. It 'la not carelessness, not
over-confidence: not th' difficulty of th
hot which causa golfer to fall la get
ting their short putt down. In th vast
majority of cases. It is simply '"funk."
On will! often hear a man wh haa
missed a J putt ot about a foot roumbls
something to th affect that' ha didn't
take enough tronbt oyer it: but In hi
heart that man knows that he' I sot
tolling th truth. ' What really happened
wa thla A he bent ' over th stroke,
th thought cam upon him, "Sappos
I miss tt" Fatal reflection! With that
Idea uppermost tat hi mind, instead of
a ' wholehearted determination ' to sink
the ball, ha make his shot with tbe al
most tnevttable result And that momen
tary mental faltering' on the' player's
part Is ths whole secret of ths ' missing
of very short put!.- '
' How rhaaaploauhlpa A re Lest,
"it I ridiculous to supposs that, on a
level green, a golfer can. merely through
lack ' ef skill, fail to Up anything so
small as a golf ban Into a receptacle a
large aa the hole at a range of from
six Inches to a couple ot feet Yet cham
pionships are, lost through this very
thing, and men whose names are boose
hold words throw away golden chances
by Biasing putts which any baby could
end down. ' ...
A ' man wIR casually knock" a short
hot Into th tin with th hack ot bis
putter, when nothing depends oa th
stroke; and by the simp, reason that he
doe not give' his brain the chance of
telegraphing ta. his nerve the doleful
reflection ' mentioned , above ' will never
miss. But, wilh something vital to tbe
match er medal round hanging on the
success ot a similar shot he will squat
down to It realising the gravity of th
situation, and wTII vary likely'- miss.
Disgusted with his oWa failure, an this
occastoo, be win take out hatf'a' dosen
balls on a subsequent evening and will
wast a good' half hour In .practicing
very short putts, with a view to strength
ening what ha considers to be this flaw
In his skin as' a golfer. To liv surprise,
h finds that he Boise them every time
no can t suae. Of course aes- He isn't
bothered with Ms previous trouble, the
Idea that be ta going to fait and as be
fore mentioned he weukt have to be a
reootd 'Buffer -to- miss at a distance of
twelve tnchea ar so. Tet put him la
a strailartr critical posit loa la hi next
big match and tea to one th aid fault
will reassert Itself for aB lata industrious
practice. , - , .
Cssis Develaao Cowraasi,
Golf, as wo are t Id hy It follower, ta
a (am which deveivf. courage, resource -
I geUe.
York. Mack has far more seasoned
pitchers than has McOraw. Matthewson
la New York' sola veteran standby, while
Bender. Coombs. Plank and Morgan have
shown year in and year out for seasons
that ther are few better a long aa they
can cheat Old Father Tim.. Maek alas
has a lot of promising young tossers who
may deliver when the opportunity arise.
Nona hava shown ths promlss of "Rube"
Marquard. McOraw has tha greatest
catcher of the sge In Chief Meyers. Wil
son Is as fine a second string man as
oouM ba found anywhere. But tha world s
champions ars sot weak behind the bat
Thomas and Lapp are of the best in the
league, perhaps almost the equal of Mc
Oraw e Indian in plain backstopping and
throwing, though not of court, sa deadl
with tha ash. '
McU raw's tear Is tha (aster: Mack'a the
much more powerful in hitting. A club
that hlte close to the .t notch collec
tively can do fairly well In any league
behind even mediocre tossing. Givs It on
of th finest battery depart menu in the
game, such as ths Athletics boast, and
It will prove well nigh Invlnciple.
In tha opinion of most expert Connie
Mack haa the greatest Infield ever shown.
This goes doubly strong If llttl "Stuffy"
M. Innls, can deliver the good at first
as hs showed last season. Baiter, Barry.
Collins and Melnnls form th most per
fect fielding Quartet Imaginable. ' M
lnnls last season was every bit as aen
rational aa Chase. It Is doubtful even
If Johnny Ever was ever sa great as
Collins. Barry la the greatest short
stop ot the age managers will add of all
time. Baker needs no endorsement n
New York. And every on of th four
can hit like a demon and skirt th sacks
Ilk a flash.
After ths final gams of tha world's
eerie tn Philadelphia last fall Manager
McOraw of the Giants, paid a fitting tri
bute to Connie Mack' infield. "It la
the greatest Infield I ever saw," he said.
"Not even th old Baltimore bunch could
show It anything. Collins and Barry are
tha greatest pair that aver 'graced th
keystone. Why. not one In th whole
series, war we able to fool those two
kids. tt mad no difference through
which aid we attempted to hit and run.
th right man always held his station to
break It up. If wa hit at Barry's divi
sion. Collins always covered. I actually
bellev the pair Is so fast that It can
wait until th ball Is hit to figure
out tha proper defense. Wa were beaten
by ana of tha greatest teams of all
history and by a team whose Infield 1
on ot It main towers of strength."
Connl Mack' club haa always been a
groat trouble maker for other teams In
tha American league. He sever before
had such a wonderful club as that which
he now commands. For th next three
or four years Ma youngster are hoond to
Improve and the Athletics are going to be
right In th thick ot bass ball feme.
When Collins, Barry, Baker and Melnnls
bsgin to go,. Connie Mack will undoubt
edly produce competent sucosssors to
them. H haa desena upon doaens
of athlete "planted" In th minor leagues
for development Any on ef them he
can call upon at short notice. Thua I
th leader of th world's champions abso
lutely fortified against th tutor.
fulness, and self-reliance. Though the
fact that th goiter play for hi own
band la condemned by some people as
being liable to bread sslftshness, tt I
hailed In other quarter as a positive
virtu, tor the reason that tha Isolation
of the player makes him think for him-
Hit, aad act on his sol Initiates with
out assistance from ottwr men with
whom he la associated In such pastime
a cricket and toot balL Tet granted
that golf does this for Its devotees,
on hardening then- pluck and steadfast
ness of purposs, there remains tha cur
io M circumstance that all golfers are oc
casionally subject to attack of this
sort namely that of missing short putts.
Neither ' ac nor knowledge work a
cur for th confirmed mlsssr of bort
putt, as It will for most defects. His
case ta hopeless from th first Ther
Is some mysterious defect In hi supply
of eelf -confidence, a shortcoming which
physiologist or psychologist might par.
hap be able to explain, but which will
always prevent him from developing into
a faultless golfer. H may learn by ex
perience and constant practice to drive
SB-yarder ever time, to ase cleek and
brass 1 like a champion, and to approach
doe to the pin from any distance; yet
ptac him a foot from th hoi and he
will continue to disgust himself , and dis
appoint bis friends till th end ot the
The heat he caa bop tor himself n to
accept hi owa weakness Is a chastened
spirit of resignation, and playing his
short putt In a dull, 'Inanimate sort of
way, without any particular hopes of
their going down, yet not earing much If
ha mlaeea, may occasionally bring halm
to hi miserable mind with a succession
of triumphal flukes.
Flag Golf Contest
for Links Opening
Feature event ef the country dub
opening Saturday of this week will be a
"flag" contest for the golf wthnatasts.
which will be held In tbe afternoon. The
contest wtU be a handicap affair and
will Include about sixty entrants. A. V.
Klnsler, chairman of tbe golf committee,
will have charge of the event
Just at present tha golf course at th
dub grounds la hi excellent condition and
yesterday rain gave th green a new
touch ot Ufa Dave Mentlpiy, professional
at th dub, kept a squad, of helpers busy
all last week chopping out tbe annual
spring crop of dandelions.
BOSTON. Mas:. Msy t-Jam;j Wray.
th Harvard university rowing coach, la
anxious to .get la th coming dud be
tween William Haines ot the Union dub
f Boston and Eddie Dumas ot Toronto,
making H a three-cornered - affair or
row the winner afterward.
Wraya backer. George Lee, has posted
I1M la Boston aa a forfeit to back a
challenge to both ef these men. Lee
says that Wray la willing to enter th
match already arranged between Haines
sad Daman, and will put op Sl.oM and
make tt a three-cornered affair, sug
gesting that the winner go to England
aad sow the winner of the Arast-Barry
match, to he rowed aext July. He also
asserts his willingness to row tbe winner
of tha HJJnes-DuraaB match, to. be rowed
at Toronto. Jaly 1.
Peislstent Advertnung kt the Road to
Skillful ICanagement is the Most
Keeessary of AIL t
Maay Aviators Fly Wlthoat the Vm
of Spec. laatcator Depead
Too Mack oa the Sewaa
of Hearts. .
NEW YORK. May t-According to aa
article hy Captain W. Irving Chambers.
U. 8. N., In charge ot th development of
aviation In the navy, the principal fac
tors upon which safety hi aeroplane flight
depend many be found in these broad
groups rell bis and effective motive
power, good architecture and careful
workmanship, and good airmanship and
skilful management ila say tha: tlx.
flrat twa factor may be regarded s suf
ficiently advanced to Insure safety now.
although they require further advance
rntnt to assure th desired degree of suc
cess. But, as with automobiles, ther- Is
limit to the degree of speed that can be
controlled so a to insure th desirei
degree ot safety. Th discovery of this
limit and the keeping ot It within the
bi and of safety depends absolutely upon
the skill ot th airman. Regarding tlw
third factor, Captain Chambers jars:
"It Is possible for a pilot to eil.ntnete
th principal elements of uncertainty In
the behavior of hi machin and to avnld
overtaxing hi physical power by hap
hazard methods. For such a man stalled
motors and holes In the air will have as
terror. He will carefully avoid over
straining any part, and wlH have confi
dence. In hia ability to conduct the ma
chine in safety at all times when flight
ta possible. The kind of confidence re
quired, however. Is that bassd on posi
tive Information gained through experi
ence which,. It seems to ma can be Im
parted la tbe quickest and most satis
factory manner by a more general see of
such suiubkt Instruments and mechanical
aids aa will dispel all uncertainty con
cerning the speed and th progress. Many
aviators are flying without tbe no of
speed Indicators, or any other efficient
scientific instrument, to warn them when
they are In danger, and tt Is probebl
that many skilful airmen who now de
pend entirely upon the sense of bearing
and touch to warn them of danger, wouia
be able to fly In safety in weather that
they are now- too prudent to fly In. It
It were common practice to use practical
and dependable navigating Instruments to
guide them.
a via tare PreJadleodl.
"I can readily understand the prejudice
that exists among experienced airmen to
th uss f automatic aUblltssra. especially
If such devices required adding a eon
stdsrabm weight to the machine. They
realise that mechanism is apt ta get out
of order or to fall at a critical moment
and that at such times the real bird In
stinct la necessary to secure safety. Olann
H Curtis is quoted as conceding that a
semi-automatic controlling device would
no doubt he ot practical value sspe
elallr to beginners, and this Indicate a
fear In hi mind that licensed pilots
might get to relying upon mechanical
control exclusively. I agree witn ar.
Curtis, but I wish to urge" that It ht s
mistake to suppose that any Indifferent
aviator could navigate the air by meant
of an automatic stabiliser. An authorised
pilot should be requires to obtain a
lloenss without the use ef such oevices.
and, once proficient ta his steps, there
are many more thing for him to isarn
before he can ba elasssd as an aerial
navlsmter. hut t Ignore th sa
vantages of as fflelent asalatou or
automatlo control, which caa , he
cut out or used ad libitum, im
presses m much th sem Is Ignoring
th advantages ot mechanical st serin
and other aid to practical seamanship.
for hy its us Important military flights
might be accomplished tn time of war
under circumstances that would other
wls render the flights Impossible. One
can readily Imagln also that a wounded
pilot might ba totally Incapacttatea wren
out such assistance."
Captain Chamber further declares that
th leaders In aviation In Franc ar
saeUns? to Improve safety tat flights py
an sxtensiv ass ot cienUflo Instruments
to guide and assist them, aad that the re-
porta mad by two ot th eajerlmenter
show that the use of such instruments
makes for precision la arid, navigation,
avoids the folly of haphazard flight and
tends to educate the airman la the In
stincts of a bird.
NEW YORK. May 1-In Its 'effort to
secure the retention ot th June Gordon
eun bv America, tbe cup defense'
committee of the Aero Club of America
liars sent s letter to all aeroplane manu
i..nM tn th T Tel tad state Inviting
proposal from them ot machine to be
used In defense- of the cup. now new
by America hy virtue of Charles T. Way.
mean's victory In the International nest
at Eaatchurch, England, but July.
The committee lay down rules for
ot. nd atlnulatea that the matehe
shall be ready tor trial by August 1 next.
each aero piane to b accompanied hy aa
Amerteaa pilot who shall drive tha ma
chine during; the trials and who ball
have agreed to pilot the aeroplane la the
race If nominated. Th sum ot SLS.Ms
Is offered tor each mscolae accepted.
Tha committee will be opento proposals
until June 1 it announces. Each ma
chine must he of Amerteaa design and
Tha contest for ths international trophy
will-he held at Chicago oa September t
aext. uader the management ot tn act
link of UMboU. The committee In charge
of prises eapects to raise llwu.WX
MADISON. Wis, May t-Unless some
thlng ' unusual happens Wisconsin this
ysar will send one of the heaviest crews
to Poughksepste In the history of the
university. The Badger to date average
171 pound; as against M7 bast year. la
UM they averaged 1st pounds. Oa the
day of th race, tt is thought. Wlaoon
atn's varsity eight will average clcae ea
to IT pomnds- - Pennsylvania bast year
wsa the heaviest crew at Poughkeepeie,
averaging Kg pounds. Four veterans will
row In this rear's WIsoonslB shell, these
being Captain Pollock at No. a. gjobicam
at No. t, Mackmllley at No. I and Tasher
at stroke
Western leua Straw. -Ball
player wh have coma Into the
Westers trsee the Ssothem liogiie say
the southern I tbe weaker aad that the
quality ef bafl played la Tip O'NelU's
circuit Is superior to that played ta the
south. . .. " -
Games Scheduled fer Erery Satordaj
. During the Summer. '
O pro tea Towraaaseat Against BUad
- Bewey Will Be Played. May li
'"' Match Plays Acalast Other
Clabe Dartaar Sesaaeer.' j
Oott wtU receive its full share sf ree
ognlttoa at the Omaha Field chib this
am mer and starting next Saturday a
match play of some sort or ether will
be pulled off every Saturday afternoon.
The opening tournament Saturday will
be against a blind bogey and all tie will
be played oft at medal play with handi
cap. Tbe golfers at the dub this year wilt
he divided Into three rlssses Th first
class, which will be known as Class A.
will consist ot members with handicaps
from scratch to alx. Hndlcap from
seven to twelve inclusive will make up
Clsas B and Clasa C wUI consist ot
players with handlcaas from thirteen up.
A tew match plays will be held with
other clubs. Oa June tt a team from tha
Flstd club win play against the Tom
Morris club. On June a, the week bo
fore tbe state tournament tha Field club
will battle with the Country dob. On
August S the dub championship will' bo
played eft. Oa September 2. Labor-day,
there will bo a team match tor a dinner.
Tbe losing team will buy the winners a
dinner. Total number ot strokes to
count - , -
Btalea of Play. ;
A1l contests will be governed by the
United States Golf Association rules,
and local rules shown on th hack ot
cor cards. , '
The committee reserves ' the right to
postpone or cancel any event In' ease ot
bad weather or Insufficient' number of
tarter. '
Tie In-qualifying rounds win be de
cided by tha oommlttee. ' Tht la abso
lutely nosasaary la order to prevent de
lays. '.r - .
Match must. ho played off by th
date specified or default taken.
Handicap win be fixed by the com.
mlttee oa bast of known scores of th
players, and score cards wll h called
for each month or ottener If deemed nec
essary .or advisable. Members falling to
respond to calls for score cards may find
themselves without handicaps.
Members with handlcapa from scratch
to dz Inclusive will be known ss Class
A: handicap from seven to twelve In
clusive, Qasa B; and thirteen to eighteen
inclusive Class C ,
Wlnnera are requested to leave prise
la th club house uaUl th dos ot th
Sehedale ot Matches.
May 11-Openlng tournament Blind
bogey. Ties, if any, will be played off at
medal play with handicap. Also prise for
low medsl score. Ties. If any, will be
played off st medal play. Same player
not eligible to win both prises. Prise fur
low medsl by O. D. Ktpflnger. Prise (or
blind bogey by H, C. Towasend.
May IH-QuaJiTylng round, medd pla
with handicap, sixteen to qualify. Play
off at match play with handicap. Prix
by E. W. Arthur. ,
May SV-Ouallfying round, medal pltVi
with handicap, eight to qualify, pries by
Judge Charles Foster.
June 1 Club cup. Qualifying rounl
medsl play, sixteen to qualify. , .
June s-Marrled men inly, qualify nig
round, medal play with handicap, sixteen
to qualify. Prise by F. W. Judson.
June 16 Tom Morris team match, match
play agdnst par. Team to be selected by.
the committee. Qualifying round, match
plav agdnst bogey with handicap, six
teen to qualify. J?rls by Tboaua Kll
pa trick.
June B or 0 (depending on state tour
nament) Qualifying round, medal play'
with handicap, aUtesn to quality. Prise
by Albert KPug.
Juns (I (Saturday before state toums
rneni) Team match with Country dub.
fifteen men.
July , -Directors' trophy. QusSfylng
round, match play agslnst bogey, witn
handicap, sixteen to quality.
July 11 Qualifying .round for Class B
end Class C. Medal play with handicap,
eight to qualify In each class. ' Prise' for
Clsss B by J. W. Parish and E. M. Mar
tial prise for Class C by H. D. Nsdy.
Team match with Happy Hollow, tea men
from Class A.
July -Quallfy4ng round, match play
agdnst bogey with handicap, sixteen to
qualify. Prtss by John W. Towle.
July 17 Foursome event" Twin prise
by C. 8. Montgomery.
August -Club championship. Qualify
ing round medal play, dxteea to qudlfy.
August HV-Ouallfying round for Class
A, Clsss B and Class C. Medd play with
handicap, eight to qudlfy in each dsss.
Prise for clsas A by B. H. Smith; Clas B,
by O. D. KlpUnger; Class C, by H. 8.
Culver. . i
August 17 Qudlfying round, ' match
play agdnst bogey with handicap, da-,
tsen to qualify. Prise by B. A. Higgins.
August M-8watfest five to qualify.
Prise by Oeorge Later.
August 14 Qualifying round, medal play,
with handicap, sixteen to qudlfy. Open
to Classes B aadC only. Prise by Charles
A. Syndicate. -
August 11 Qudlfying rouad. medd play
with handicap. 61 1 tees to qudlfy. PrUa
by Dr. H. C. Sumney.
September X, Labor Day Team match
for dinner, j
September I Qualifying round tor medd
play, without handicap, dxteea to qud
lfy. Prises by Albert Calm.
September 7 President's trophy. Qual
ifying round, match play agdnst bogey,
with handicap, sixteen to qudlfy.
September it Qudlfying round, medal
play- with handicap, sixteen to quality.
Prise by J. Q. Adams. ' i
September tt Two-bell foursome. Twin
Prises by Herman -Mets. -r
September IS Qudlfying round, match
play sgdnd bogey, with handicap, dx
teea to qudlfy. Prixs by A. H. Fetters.
Other States Like"
Laws of New-York
NEW TORK. May -Slnc Senator
Frawtey drew up the present law In this
state which provide for a commission
to unervue boxing other states and
cities dl over the- country have been'
demanding a similar measure. Cincinnati
Is the first to ectudty follow Suit aad
that city now haa s set of regulations
thd ht some respects Is aa improvement -oa
the Ja tore here. On the whole, '
th rule add down by th New Tors:
commission are followed, bat there are '
a few addition which are worthy of
acta . .'.' '
On at these Is that each dub arast
post the amount-gusrmnteed the boxers
with the commissioners three day be
fore the hoot and each contestant lh the
null event moat post a forfeit to gnar-
antes that he fulfils his part ot the con
tract This rule ' does away with one
source ot trouble that ha been most
prevalent here. Fully per oent of the
compldnte lodged with the local com-'
mission have to do with either tbe dub
or the boxers fdltmr to carry out their
contracts. Short ot withdrawing a dab's
license, the commission ess do lit Us save
admonish the offenders, and tt kt rare
that the case Is serioas eaougb ta war
rant such a drastic measuio.
a-eti CtodanacKrule reads;.' "No
spool limsa lug, tatrodudneT of boxers.'
coaching of boxers ta sa audible ssan
sjar, or remarks of ' any kind wlB ho
tolerate." The toed dubs are gradually
doing away with the long list of tiiesusua
rntroauetiona, hot th noisy seco4 ia-
msins uasqoetcbed. ;