THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAT 5. 1912. . It's an 111 Wind that Doesn't Blow Up a Rain Copyright, mi. National News An t. Drawn for The Bee by Hal Goffman f 4I-M0 (-iitfi y Smowin tRe"T txcTBfNT s..,afl tt V 1-I u a .TiicnM ft ft MVTCH Times P Worry A' ms ThflTS The 1 si! tt v. ' i a w It tl It J Judgments THAT in bitter Jolt . tbt Rourkae sufltred at St. Joseph (our straights tost "What' ths troublsT" iu th e.uestton M horn. "I It th pitchers, or la tt the lack of bettlngr Wall. It era both, apparently, connected with a few ether littl thlnsa that alwaya happen In the eourao of 'a baM ball season. Ws did axpaot tb team to apllt vn, at Wast la Mteeourt, although Holland baa a feat bunch. But things Improved when tb team sot home, that la, tha Una of fortune changed. Three atralfhta from Da Moines helped tome and served to Infuae Nttla needed ginger In soma souls. Tb team oufht to be up In tb front before long and wa (hall feel Ilk taking a band umtvea If M la net It hai been vastly strengthened In Johnson, tb slug ging catcher. R but wallop th ball for fan and h htt M th plnchat better than at any other time. He la apparently tb fraeat hitter Rourke baa had since Oeorg Stone's day. Nothing bhort of two or three bit a game aeema to satisfy blm. If Hickory continue th way b baa stareed. Manager Arbogaat la not likely to tod constrained to do much actlr work, blmself. A eonatetently bit ting catcher I an luxury Omaha not bad for lo, the many day. It will kelp thing Tory much whan Burt Nleboff get bta lamp on the bail. Ha ha been tat la starting with th bat, though he la there all tha time with everything Is. That Infield, by th way. par ticularly Kane, Justice and Nleboff, to working Uka a clock and young Scanlon la oomlng with Wanner to keep up the round robin with' him. 80 far aa tha out field go, there la nothing to It but the best If th pitcher hold up. It they coma through, that ought to make the team as least a contender. And wa cer tainly think there should be no long de ' lay about the pitcher coming through. Pa' young pitcher, Hyatt, won hie first ( gams. Ha la a hardworking youth and probably all right W' Ilk to offer I this friendly bit of advice now don't b so ear! of tha spectator's time, Mr. I Ryan. Tan gain nothing by such a pain fully alow plan of action. This one thing I does a tot to mar th interest of a gam and there la na uat In It Th game ar called fifteen minute earlier than formally in deference to tha popular wish of th fan. Now. certainly th umpire should follow this up by com pelling the pitchers to make tha beat as of their time. It begins to teak as If Jake Buhl would keep Mr. Athletic as busy as tbsy ear to be winning that ltl! psnnant Jake baa "coma back" a blamed fast aa ta keep tb bead of th rest of tha man agers spinning. Jake baa bad a couple of years la a bank aad baa learned th discounting system. He wouldn't be con tent with anything abort of about 10 per cant And It'a up to Jska to noma along with hla Bad Sox, tor old man Kllng Is a-eomlng with InV Beans. Bos too la being restored to the baa ban mas. . Mr. Chance, though down aad out so far aa playing goes, la rather tenaoloua In bis desire to keep hla team In first di vision. Tha old Cubs are clawing tntm all a Utile, with the chance of a fiercer fight when fully aroused. Chicago Is likely ta have a real place In the btulium again this year. Callahaa'a box are sim ply running at break-neck speed and show no signs of slackening their speed. Cal Is another or the, aid boy whae come-back was as Joke, That tblrtean-loning battle between Omaha and Dee Molnea Friday was worth tha money aad Omaha waa not so superstition that It feared ta win In the thirteenth. And her again wa are forced ta speak of eur s lusting catcher, John soe. who broke ap the game la Omaha's behalf with a two-bagger, at least, he started the breaking which Scan loe com- I plated. The young man. Hicks, with I some Tory bandy pitching, bad a vital part ta thing. . , The PhilHe are starting ant with tb wont run of luck even they have bad for years. Doola. Doolan. Knabe and Walsh 'all went dowa and out temporarily within ,a few days and that at the beginning of i all wet Jack Thomas featured In the game here (Thursday by bitting Into two double playa when be bad chances ta score a pair of jruna. Jack really baa got by bis slagging .days, It seams. . OTooie kt attn aetlvsrtng. Geo, a WJ pitcher baa only one chance. Ha 1 afford to lose mora than one ar twice la a see son, or bis asaaager will re broke. Isay'e low ana are taking their time about starting, lasy la diffident, himself, about getting la tba game. The eM fel low must be playing a lobar somewhere. As yet a eaa baa been wart in the rush ta boy easts for tba Jack Carter "whit hope show. Tba nanuiuiy ef Labor day la still fresh. It la believed tha Owner Hedgea of tba St. Loots Browne might get a bettor team with better selartee. Impossible! WalL aow all of those St Joe stars are back from tba majors, area t tbayf The ladle are taking pt thaaa Ursa tree I daya fine. ' v ALL BALL PARKS ENGAGED Many Amateur Game to Be Served Up Toil Afternoon. TWO HUES AT MILITARY POST Mala Has Iatetwfered with aehed- alee Daring', Last Twe Bandars, bat with Ge4 Weather To day All Will Be Oat. Bala baa Interfered with amateur baas ball for two Sundays, and If today la propitious every park In the city will be alive with players and fans. There will be two lively games at Fort Crook. The Omaha Grain Exchange will play the Hansoom Parks, and tha Workmen will try out with tha Holly bunch. Following are the lineups: Orain Exchange. Haneeom Parka Dennlaoa First Slgler Becond Orau .Short ., McNamara Third . Thompson .Left ... Knee ...Right . Murray .Center Morrow Catoh .. Rathke Pitch . Woodard .Pitch .. A. O. U. W. Koran Elliott Woodruff Hronek Bpellman. ....... Cavanaugh Tuttle Baudo Collins Tear Ik Swoboda Swarts Lshr Front Bogatt Holly. . Dougherty Atkins J, Kelly .... 0 1 II ham McAndrewe Falconer First . .Second .Third . . Ehort , .Left ... Fox Center Wright Right Miller Laghtell Catch Brickaon Qulgley Catch Eleenbart Pitch Hlckey Morton Pitch P. Kelly Sweeney Pitch Tha Btors Triumphs will swim np ta Fremont and do their mightiest to whip the Fremont leaguers. The Luxua Brewers will go against the Colambus Stat leaguers again, and if lack visits thalr camp it Is a safe wager that they will apln home with the baeon. At Athletic park. Council Bluffs, two classy games are looked for when the Biats aggregation buck up against tha Council Bluffa Ramblers la tba first event and tha Towneende book op with the Counoll Bluffs Merchants. The Mar chants nave loet one game this sea son, while tha gunners have a clean record. Morearty or Adama will boost 'em for the powder gang and Wild bill Humbach will lift 'am for tba Bluffers. Lineup for tb second game: Leading Racquet Wielders at Creighton Uni r- r -v . . Top Row, Left to Right Ffrxt team, Joe Adama, Frands Bushman, Edwla Smyth, Qereli Duffy. Bottom Row- Second team, Osorge Rilsy, Cyril .McCarthy, Julius Feetaer, Charles Hamilton. Two tennis team have bean cheoan at Townsenda ... Dennlson Hall McLean Malum Thenar ... O'Connor Feber Co "V Morearty Merchants- Position. Evsra..,. First. ...... Hodgs Beoond...., Wahl Short Robinson Third...... Psteraoa Left Ooff Center Scanlon Right Duff Catch Payne Catch Hombach Pitch .Fitch Tba Alamltos and a number of their rooter will pack themselves anugly In tha AJamlto Creamery company s big truck and wander down ta Paptllion. where tbsy will endeavor to allp tb oornhuskers at that burg a packaged lab eled defeat A couple of duels that should draw a packed nous will be th baa ban desert handed out at the Fbrrell base ball em porium. First mix: Famlbj vs. Baums. Second fuss: Advos against Sherman Avenue Merchants. . Lineup car tint rarraUa. PoelUen. Kemp First Kelly Second Baup Third Kranda Short. Kucera Left Prefka. .....Right Ocden Center strong .....1 a ten Foreland Pitch Parrel! Pitch Lineup tor second game. ether. Ave. hVer.-porttlee. f Beatey.. IV Myera.. Ritchie... Woode OrttfHh.... Rushleaa.. Stone W. Myers.. Pike Nolan First.. Second., ...Short... .Third... .-.Left .. ...Center.. ...Right... ...Catch... ...Pitch.... ..Pitch..., -Seums Krlgler ..... Coady Penny ... Oleeca ... Hansen ..Watobler ..... Poiski ... Adams .... Pariah .... Dukes Advoa .. MoOrath Hollander ..... Bowie .... Probst ...Carraody . Feltmaa Flanagan Coe Baker The Blata team has reorganised tor tb aassna and Is reedy -to book games with any or all teems ta or ant of Omaha. They would apeclaily Hka to book game with Wagman. Holly, ramus, Inde pendenta or Spaaldlrigs of Omaha and the Cube, Rambler. American and Dundee of Council BMafte. Pete Karlouekl ha signed up with the Blata and Hereee Gillespie, hla mate partner, wUI ahm be with a Blata suit oa. Roy Btacey will manage ta team aad weald ilka to book games with teams la or out of Omaha. Call South Iflt or addraaa sTf North Twelfth street South Omaha. The Blata wfll play tha Coandl Bluffs Ram bler at Merchants' park today. A good game la espeeted as both teams are la shape end claim a victory. Tba lineup win be: .. Blata Poet Una. RamWera -Coy.r Center Charnaufcet Short.-... v.i.g Creighton university from ths winners f tba free-for-all tournament The first team la aompoeed of Lewreaoe Busch man, Joe Adams, Edward Smyth and Gerald Duffy, aa they ware tba last man In the tourney. Lwrnoe Buechmaa has been sleeted captain. Both Adams and Buschman wars an tha varsity team last year, while Smyth la a brother to Ber- Aard Smyth, last year Individual Cham- (and Charles Hemlltoa. . pioa 1a tha tournament Duffy Is a fa man and almost wen a place on last year's team. ., The second team la composed of Cyril McCarthy, George Riley, JuHu Feetner CamDhell Waterman Third Johnson Kuatrom First Steffen eranr ,...iuni.. ........... vwiiuai wi. Feber LMl Fen ley : tana mMwimmtar "l"V xmmm . u. m.iv the Holly la ut th cutset little cap tain they ever saw. Hands off, girl- Ha la engaged. That boy Elsenhart of the A. D. D. W. team haa every twlat oa the map. Bora, you have got'ta quit klckln' that bail around If you want to a tick around. Jo Glllham baa algnsd ap to play sec ond base oa Saturday for tha Ameri can. ' Woodruff will kick out of Omaha May M for Clear Lake, la., of the Iowa Stats league. Wa haven't beard much from that Florence wonder labeled Gustln In la this sees ton. Pickett of the Omaha Grain exchange has given up his berth as a first corner custodies. 1 Coady la th new gink secured to hold down the middle pouch for the Baum Iron company. What la the matter with the organisers of that proposed Saturday leaguer Why so silent boys? Next Thursday afternoon ths Soldier at Fort Omaha will play a picked bunch from tba Creighton LnL The Advos and Independent war matched to play today, but the Inde pendent gang called the battle oft When It comes to waltslng around that ahorutop territory, guess we will have to Up our lids to Glllham of tha Hollys. That third attempt made by the Advoa and Independents to book up proved a miserable failure on aooount of J. Fluvlua. Tha Ancient Order United Workmen team are especially anxious to book a few out-of-town games. Addreaa Frank Qulgley care barker block. For games with the Shamrocks call South UM and ah out for George Ken nedy, or address him at Twenty-fourth and N streets. South Omaha. Carmody af the Advoa baa bean switched from short to left field as a consequence. Williamson, formerly the IsH pasture agent la warming tbe beach. Last weak Ueorge Falconer waa again asked to Join the Store Triumphs aad hla answer was In tbe negative. George saps It would break. hla heart to leave his eld team matea, the Hollye- Frem ap?earancee It seem aa though Manager Tom Kooae didn't have a toe hold on bis second baseman, a Mr. Bowie, for be bae clipped ever to tb Ad-u whom be will work for at abort Oa first' base the Americana have Kocher. This la a new poalsh for blm. but be Is built Jor that corner. He la a skyscraper with a long reach. Now If b can grab tbe re be will be tb candy. The first pert of last week tbe Wag man an-1 Burs Triu-npha both claimed tbsy ha.1 a gsms booked with Fremont for today, but when tbe cloud cleared away the Stars Triumphs were visible, hot tbe Wagmana couldn't be found. Ifevsr since Hoc waa a pup has a maaaaer at an Omaha team paid for men to ray for blm. bat now things ha. e cheveed. According to Madam Rumor Earl Orau. the chief of th Grain aichajwe la banding eut six round boy sseoe to hla first cushion coverer aad rl Kerbraaeekl., Gillespie .. Pitch .. Catch ...Utility.... Bramble . Parniey they Three ark fa, Katataada. 'Wonder If tbe Independents the) super sWtoaeT Wolfe to pitching grand ball for tbe Rial anneuUB. Foer games played aad aoaa teat la ' r.,' 1V is a. rLm ' "'lr . ''lablxXu. "p'Ster1" .17 iwwjikii; 1 . nonifai tracers. cHnm tb season have been waltslng to tbe ball of like a class A team. 80 far they have partlclpiacd In tour wranglea winning them all with appsarent eaa. Today they will take aa tba Soldiers down at Fort Crook. , The boys la bias claim the Klpa are In trr a walloping, bat tbe cigar advertisers are singing a different 1 for the Will step still retains his batting optle. Last Wednesday tb Hollys whipped the atakttere at Fort Omaha. Strike Out Swansea will be at tb Job for the Florence Athletics today. .- -. AB tba fair ones think that Atfcau of Ia- ' - Cg.srr aa Berne. Eddie Gagnler la demetlng tba eUanapolla bench, ha ring stepped In lever af O'luajj. tba farmer Detroit ithortrtoppec, OMAHA fflGHJNTRACK MEET local School Will Send Team of Fir Hen to Xavnaai City. TO MAKE A PUIX FOE TKIZZS Csdla far Thirteen B vesta ta Be as Off, leeladlaa- tha I anal Traak aad Field Fern tares. Tha regular track guard of tha Omaha High school will practice all this week In order to be la good shape (or tb Missouri Valley Inter scholastic track meet which will be bald at Kanaaa City. Saturday afternoon. A team of five men wilt be entered from tb local school and will wave for Kansas City Friday even ing, in charge af C E. Reed, Athletic director. Omaha high took second place in th Missouri Valley affair last year, making a aoora of twenty-five points against a field ef 110 entrants. Kanaaa City Central grabbed first prise. Incidentally Robert Wood of the Omaha equad tabllahd a record for th 230-yard dsab. negotiating tba distance la Zfts seconds, thu clipping one-fifth second aft tha mark set by Ed Manning of Lincoln high In Uat A total of thirteen events will be run off at Kanaaa City, Including the reg ular run of track and field events, with the exception of ths relay race which has been discontinued as aa Intar asbolaatlo event ' It will probably be ar. ranged to hold tba hammer and tb discus throws la tba morning. AU ether events will be baM la the afternoon. Contestants entered m two events which are going oa at tha same tlm will bj allowed a reasonable opportunity ta compete la both. If not present when a particular height la the pole vault or running high Jump la called. It will be regarded as If tba contestant had -passed" that height Individual audale will be awarded m each event a gold medal tor first place,' a sterling silver 00 for second, and a bronaa badge for third. Winners af fourth places will be awarded atlk badges. A large silver trophy cup to hung ap by tb Lincoln Commercial club to be presented tot tbe school scor ing th most points. . ' I L. Teuton, physical director of the Kansas City Central High school, will have charge of ths meet , M'GILL RENEWS LEASE ON GROUNDS IN DENVER Jimmy McOUTa present lease aa Broad way park. Denver, ths boms af tba Bears, expires at tb close af tbe present sisson. bat Jimmy renewed It the ether day for elx years and tbe Orlsslies ar aura of a awwntawa park for some time. Several months ace McOtll thought hs aught sot be able to renew the lease and was aegoOatlng for a aew park. Hs had planned to erect steel and concrete stands. Tba p recant home ef tbe Bears to eae ef th beat and la tbe bigg tot nt a the league. It Is oasivenlently located and McOlU was lucky ta renew bis hold aa t High School Girls Tennis Tourney to . Start This Week Drawings for th girls' annual spring singles tennis tournament of the Omaha High sotted war made by Ml Bee Dumeot phi.lcal training Instructor, yes terday. The preliminary round will com. mono tomorrow, the entrant playing at Happy Hollow, Miller perk and at tb Field elnb. Tbe girl's sliver trophy sup, now In tb p oes melon of Mlaa Laura Simmer, man, '11, twice winner of the coveted first place honors, will be competed for again tha year. She will be sailed upon ta defend her title. An Innovation for the girl tennis en thus! eats will be decided upon at th weekly meeting of tbe faculty athletic board of control this week when mem bers will take up the matter af award ing tennis "0'" to th four girls who make the beet bowing at the racquet game. So far tha gentler sax haa Mvar been awarded the coveted emblems la any branch of athletic and many af tha faculty are Inclined to think that tbe Idea ef giving tha girls some encourage ment la thatr games would prove a suc ceea. Forty-eight girls will take part In tb tourney. Following are th drawings: PRELIMJNART ROUNDS. Sarah Cole play Marguerite McCartney. Marie Vernon plays Bertie Hoag. Carmelite Jenkins plays Luetic Kellers. Laura Zimmerman play Kalberine Wood worth. Delia Rich plays Elinor MeOllton. Irene Cotter plays Mary Haneld. Edna Gibbe plays Anna Purdy. Hsesl Lsaverton plays Nettle Mulr. Tens Dorrance plsys Charlotte Had well. Kffle Clellaad piaye Irene Mason, - Mary Johnson playa Margaral Brad war. Mabel Netoon playe Katharine Culver, at a urea Hendee play Ruth Ri lander. Beulah Byrd play Barbara Churchill. Marion Lolan p.ayf Laura Myers. Irene Majors playa Olive Cnrtaienesa. FIRST HOUND. Helen Senford plays Alloc Porterfieid, Alice Rushtoa plays Let ma Van Buren. Martoa Staples pisys Helen Hoffhlme. Elisabeth Bench p ays Freda Steaner. Harriet Sherman plays Georgia Hop kins. Ijorothy Brown play Marie Bloom. Helen Curtis plays Mildred Hoag. Helen Johnetaa play Marl Vreeiand. DWYER HAS GOOD TEAM AND FANS ARE WITH HIM Tb Lincoln 'Lopes have had thalr share af tough luck, but now that they are getting then- stride they ought to show ths league some class. Bin Dsryer has a good club, and onoe ha gets his machine working with' all six cylinders chugging smoothly H will be a tough nut for all comers to crack. The dub owners and ailieia around the circuit have a lot of sympathy for Don Despala. Mla fortune caused bis failure hut season, dt would aeer that be baa bad his share. But aa tba oM adage goes. It never rains but It pours." Don stems to be ta It for a eaaeoa of tt There Is act a truer eportsaaaa aor a better fallow con nected with tb Western league than Despala. Aad th best of It all la. that tbe fans era sUU sticking with Dasv ZW1LLING HEATOST SLUGGER 8t Joseph Outfielder is Clontiar ths Ball at .500 Clip. J0HKS0H LEADS FOR B0U1OI8 "Old Hickory," the New Catcher, Ga las Owed, Ostites Bight Hits la th Tweaty-Oae Times Me Haa Been t p. Ewllllng of St Joseph.' displaced hla team-mate Barker Jorton as head of th luggers la the Western league la th last week. Swilling Is leading the entire bunch, by clouting tba ball with all the power at his command, ta forty-eight times at bat be baa connected safely twenty-four times and beads th batting Ust with an average of .). "Hickory" Johnson, Omaha's heavy bit ting catcher la among tha top ones and lead tbe Omaha batter with an arc rags ef .SO. He haa connected safely eight times la twenty-one time at bat. Thome son la close on hi heal with JR. Bev eateea fielders In the league ar fielding perfect ball. Arbogaat tha Rourke man ager, hi among that aumeer. Johnson I sooad for Omaha and Kan a close third, illcka, the Rourke southpaw burlar haa pitched twe games, winning both, and la tied tor first ptocs with Fentreea, who has woa tbe only gam h pitched. Batting Averages. ah a Carney, Llneola Zwtlllng, St Joseph.... ) yulilln. Denver U Watson. St. Joseph e Lindsay, Denvsr at Bortun, St Joseph to King, Topeka tl Kelly. J., St. Joseph... M Junnaon. Omaha, Bsall, Denver Ceaeidy, Denver Smith, Topeka. Cole, Llnooln.,..,. Craig, Wichita.... Frants, Topeka Thomaaon, Omaha. .. Uwyer, Linooin McConnlea, Uneoln... Powell, St Joseph Flreatlne, Lincoln..,'.: preen, euoua Lily ss Lee, Topeka ef Burns, Topeka M Thomas, Dee Molnea.., 47 Scanlon, Omaha IT Middle ten. Wichita 11 Welch, Dss Molnss .... N Mullen, Lincoln ,., a) Kmary, Topeka. B Davie, Wlcnita a Ktily, R.. Dee Moines, a Frambea, Denver II Channell, Denver a Gardner, Topeka 41 Andreas, Sioux City... M oar Dour, Ljnooia, C oy la. Omaha Coffey. Denver Hughes, Wichita aim, umana Melnke, St Joasph. rvorea, us atelnes... Kenworthy, Denver.. Hpahr, Denver tiaire, Wichita Myers, Sioux City.... Rslily. Sioux City Leonard, Dee Molne Oossett. Bl Joeenh... Uletowskl. Des Molnea S Mss, wicnna a Colilgan, Dee Maine., M Roth, St. Joeeph 14 Smith, Sioux City U Miller. Uaceln It Chapman, Topeka 1 ni ration, uncolu M Koemer. Wichita Cad man. Sioux City.. Arbogaat, Omaha...... Lloyd. Deaver Clemmons, Wichita.. Breoka, stem City... Curtle, Dee Molnea..., Rlckert Topeka Baehant Lincoln Wanner, Omaha. Nethoft. Omana , Justice, Omaha Mcuraw. Dea Molnea. Schmidt Topeka User. Tooeka McClelland. St Joseph.. Ferell. Sioux. City tl Davidson, Omaha 4 Walker, Llneola w Cobb, Lincoln tl Andrew, St. Joseph... u . 47 , , 7 .,41 , sa , 4) , 4 . 41 1 M , M , M , I? . M . M . II , II . 41 . M , IT . 41 . 34 . . . tt . a . u . 14 , 14 t II t ! I t I I 4 I I 1 I M V I f I st f . I ri M t U 11 I M 11 W N . IS 'I f I M I Pot. .MO .MS .4 .Ut . .44 .401 .Mi .Ml .nt .171 .171 .H 1 ,k .MI .M .III M .104 .no JN . .fat .Mi .1 J7 .ha jr .MI .Ml .S7 .x .144 .Ml .Ut .ta .1 .la) .la) M .111 .Ml .M Ml M .III .III .lit Jll .Hi .m .Kt .Mi , Jot . .1M .1M .la .1M .17 .147 .147 .17 .17 . a4 .141 .141 .141 .IB .18 .14 Pieldlaa Avai PO. Channel, Denver Kenwortny, Denver Smith, Topeka 1 King. Topeka II Burna, Tepaka 1 Middieton. WicMta at Devi, Wichita Mean. Deaver ( Clemmons. Wichita M Miller. Lincoln U Bachaat. Llneola I Carney, Lincoln U Curtle. Dee Molnea 17 Myers, woux City 14 Zwllllng. St. Joeeph .... M Arbogaat Omaha M Borton, st josepa 114 Koerner. Wichita lit Gardner. Topeka Ill Lindsay, Deaver l.e Mullen. Llneola .......... M X. Pet 1 Lew l.uw l. L i.J0 LOW I.) le 1.0v laij f f Low i i 1 t Is) I L'J II M L40 1 .J I 1 Ml I I Ml SS 1 JH Coffey, Denver n Dwysr. Llnaeln 4 riatowekl, Dea Molnea.. 41 Thomae, Dea Molnea.. ...rno Chapman. Topeka M Csdman, Sioux City NI Johnson, Omaha II Strattoa. Lincoln ....,. M Melnke, St. Joeeph M Claire, Wichita II Andreaa, Sioux City M Ooeeeti, St Joeeph 4 Frame, Topeka tl chmldt, Topeka' II Kane, Omaha 97 Ntehoff. Omaha 17 Hughea, Wlohlta Ferell. Sioux City W R. Kelly. Dee Moines .... 17 Framblee, Denver , tl MoOraw, Des Molnea ... tt Craig. Wichita 1 Powell. St Joeeph 1 MoCorailok, Lincoln ...... 1 Lloyd, Denver Cole. Lincoln Watson, St Joseph II Caasldy, Denver 11 Barbour, Linoola 10 Emery Topeka 11 Oear, Topeka M Rath. St. Joeeph I Brooks. Bloux City M Coyle, Omaha II Kelly. St. Joseph II Breen, Sioux City 11 Thomaaon, Omaha 11 Devldaoe, Omaha Coiligan, Dss Molnea .... M Cobb. Lincoln I Leonard, Des Molnea I Quintn, Denver I Spahr, Deaver t Si Lea, Topeka ...,........v 17 Korea, Das Molnss . M Rlckert Topok I McClelland, St Joeeph ,. 11 Smith, Sioux City ...... 17 Wanner, Omaha M Justice, Omaha ,,, M Plreenne, Lincoln I Scanlon. Omaha 11 Rellly, Koux City 1 Walker. Uneoln f Aierirewe, St Joasph .... I Mee, W Irhlta Welch, Da Molne U i ... if .171 .Tt f .MS t S n m it .W ,N tr MI 4: m ;! .mi r .mi ; Ml tl .Ml S 1 A - J.U - ..! Tii .n i 4 :J ' .Ml .ta . .ta .sia ; SJ :? J"-I .ni .r : .iTi : .? .n ; .u .in . m , .771 .771 .78 I , Pitchers' Rewards. Woa. LoetPct. Johnson, It. Joespb I t 1 flro rugate, Topeka, I Toung, Topeka I Campbell, Sieux City I ....J Cruteher, St Joseph , I Woldrtng. St. Joseph I Hick, Omaha t Freenuui, St. Joseph I Alderman, Topeka 1 Wheatley, St. Joseph 1 Fentress, Omaha t Kills, Wichita. 1 1 Slaughter. Sioux City 1 C ochre ham, Topeka...,,...,.. 1 Chelette, St Joseph I Jaokaoa, Wichita. I Healer. Denver I Klnsslla. Denvsr I Fabsr, Des Moines I HeustefL Do Molne. Roase. Dss Molnea.. Schralber. Denver 1 Herehe. Wichita 1 Routt, Wichita t Perry. Wichita 1 Walawrlght Topeka t Hagermaa, Lincoln, t Olmeteed, Denver I Douglaa, Dea Molnea , t Brown, Bloux City 1 Leake. Topeka , 1 Durham, Wichita I Turkey, Lincoln.. Smith, Lincoln Doyle, Linoola.,., Lota. Omaha , H earn a. Omaha... Hall. Omaha Robtneon, Omaha. Rhode, Omaha.... Miller, Sioux City. 1 e l.aa L. m i.a- tow 'J i.,. 10 - i.o t tj ton 1.00 - i om .7 V tfl.. .s?' ,M7 j m .mo - .b .M0 Z jm . m .' z Jul Z XHi - .i 5 J'i j .0t -f "- 2 JO m .mo .aa Batt'lns-St. Joseph. .104: Denver. '.90: Topeka til; Uneoln. .na; Dea Mm nee, .13. Wlorrka, .ta; Sioux City, JM; Omaha, -,ii. Fielding St Joseph. .SIM; Denver, .t1; Topeka, .Ml; Wichita. .IU: Lincoln. M; Sioux Oty, Ml; Omaha, .MS; Dea Moines, .ajj. a . Stolen Bases St. Joeenh. M: Bloux Cltv-T' A 17: Denver, 11; Wichita. U: Omaha, llL;i't Lincoln, 11; Topeka. 11; Dea Moines, a V JU sacnnos Hits-wichita, B; Denver, )rr Topeka. M; Omaha. II; St. Joseph, ll; Dea Molnea, M; Stoua City. ; Lincoln, t NEBRASKAN MAKES GOOD IN NORTHWEST LEAGUE nc a star athlete at Linooin High school, haa made hlmsslf. eolld with tba fans at Seattle where b:i la playing the center garden for tht Daugdal crew la tha northwestern league. Lashs batted at a .171 allp lo the: first Ma game af tbe season, ending last wsek, standing second only to Fred Weed, a former Western league player with Sioux City. , .",:a CURES . SICDI DISEASES Ths eanas of all iklB diseasss can b traced ta soma humor r acid d ths btood; tha cntlcla la always healthy whan tha clnrolatioa is fjwa trox tarrrarlries. When ths blood is infected with acrid or nnhenltiy matter x cannot perform its Batorai work of nourialilDf th akin, regulatUig iu tenv perator and praaarvlnx its normal softness, pUabtlttr aad healtMuLoaaj lnstaavd tt trritatos and rnflamas ths daUcats fibiss and tisane around tht pores and glands and produce soma of ths many forms of skin disease Tha itching and stinging so often acoampanrisg gkin affections ar prodnoet by tha ctopoeit from ths blood of tha acrid humors with which it Is fUId Into ths ssnxlttv membranous flash lying ut beneath, tha outer eovartng and anrnyondlrig ths eonntiMS nsrvea, pores and gland. This explains whj scratching tha outer tlria aflords no relief from the itching and burning 8. 8. 8. euras Skin Dissasas of rvwry character by purifying the blood. II goes down into ths ttoemlatioa aad ramovaa ths humors or acids which an causing ths trouble, buHds np ths weak, acrid btood, and parmauntly curat rrsry variety at skin affection. Local app!kttio!! eaa only nh; never cure because thty do not reach ths blood. 8. 8. 8. goes right into tb circulation, reaches th trouble and enrea it by removing tha causa. , Book en Kirtn Piie ni and any medical advice free) to all who write. ; XiaSwOTSPJrCIFIC C0,aiIUSi,CA