S Drawn for The Bee By Tom McNamara1 ; Us -Boys-Pretty Hard on That Tough Boy, Soapsuds Begistsred United State Patent Office. . 1 . AT HOME GROUNDS v HNKl HNK ' HOR.TH SlO -RotkMK (OONMN ftl W OAS WORKS) WHAN60INGERS THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 5, 1911 Uow Aim on o cut donVtr-tio U too was 6)44. p a Tg W TME &r Tnldw jo COME AWw STAND I i UORR VANt BEAT ir r 7 DCKT UKfe THAT" UP WHAT THAT CUV. Q4 cettin;husx VelTH m fRIE0 VW, lit ZSllttf"?!) YOURf AFRAID, XOl I t - JVANWEARiAN" Jr - P"-' A.f A coaVp amP; r NCf.ee t, 8l(s HONK OFCHES, J 1 jftM . V ( N' TER HAVE" d eVe'M r 'I : aVT I KlMllfKHQUC V I . ' Jit L.." Jo.r- 1 7I " II GOOD fiRAOOUS. HO EXKff RADWfc ' ICOMC OH VAN. HWRfBul1 SftifEli lURlMP 4V pit H CUtUN S?.TMis mWWV&COM NOV, KMOu yoo SHOOLOnT rarO! A CON-JTCyTRLlTi-XTPPlNfcCWHtiTOtWy HHBP.1 HP ' HAV",rPP'e I Wf;uJ2L J tr VERiArifVM --, J t PUft-Cf UNillTedTrOreAll - V--. '"""r . -KX -TrS J.AMO DA SO SORRY . j iS MM- . CRICKT MEHBECOME ACTIYE Orguixe vcA Deeidt to Join Wettero ; Cricket AMoeUtioa. VUJ. SCHEDULE HATCHES KEEZ Vaaawl liHml mM tntt to bm Tmla Va Om rtttr Man MiK tk lukl ai ria?r Tha Omaha Crlekat dub bat dddd to Jala Uw Wtalara Crlekat aHoatatUw an4 acotltloni will b (tartad Uilt nak tor admlailoa. Tba Omaha Crtckat tab boaM ol about fifty aMmbare and hapai to it tkat maaf mora bafor toanf tayi hr aaaMd. . Br iatnlBf Uta Waatarn aaMdatlea 0 fovl at Omaha will ba tlvaa aa ap aortmnlty at tag mm of tha baat artekat alayara la tha waftara part of tha Valtal liatav Tba aawctaUon haa tor Ha BMrnbara Buck clilaa a Chicago, rhlladalphla. Ponvar. at. Louia and Xanax Clur. Tbaaa town will aand a toam to- Omaha to eompata with tha OnaM Crlekat dub taam. It la tba IntMrtloa of tha Omaha dub to hold a "enckat waak." dunaf which tlma tha vlatuac tavna would plar twa m thra matcka. Ordmarlly It takat thraa dara to alay natch. Bat with good fat work a match could ha piayad la twa dara. L'naauat latiraat la halnf takaa la crlekat thla raw br tha Omaha aporta aaa, and br Jolalac tha Wanara aaw ataUoa tha Omaha Crlekat dub would (tv tha Omaha aoopla aoma aod wiatehai to watea. la Pamurplvanla. ertekat holds a pamanant plaoa ha tha world a( aporta, .and aa attempt will ba mada to' maka .tha ama. hara-raaUr mora popular thaa U haa haa la tha Davis Makes Talk On National Game CUCVKLAKD, O . Mar t.-Oa at tha moat Intaraatlaf talks aa baa ball haard ta a on Urn was mada br Harry Da -a tha Ctonland manafar. tha athar day. Ha makaa tba point rhat Ua ban la a blr tnatuutloa and that playara mlht do saara than ta lata It Just tor tha aaka at aanilnt tha dollar la Inunadtata alcht. Davla (ay: "Ball playtr tea oftaa carota moat at thatr anamy kwklnt attar thalr aalary. Thay anua that at tha haat thay naa aaly taw yaara ta atay la tha aama. Thar ballrr that durlac tha thaa thay mat adlaet aaouch aoln ta but tha ra avatndar at thalr Uvaa. Thay aaa vlalaaa at idhfl back to, hard lobar, at lednaT att tha acmforta at Ufa which thay a toyad whll drawing larta aalarlaa a mam ban at major mafua. That' wroo. It' ratlrdr wnrng. Thay tea t aspradata tha hutaaaw at thla ram. Baa hall la aa tmmanaa propo MUoa. Thar' wot tha llhtat raaaoa ta tha world why maa ahauldn't maka H hi Ma work. Juat a a maa maka tha atudy at tha auta budtan hi Ufa worn whaa a antara tha of not at aa auto coneara. ' "Juat think ovar tha Uat of maa wha bar mlrad or hava haea tmad to r tiro a baa ball pltrera m racant yaara. Think tor a momant what vaat kumhar at than ar (till dlraetly oaaaeted with tha apart-' "Tha (am I )ut Uka a budnaaa. Tha man wha dud la It. who attaatlT. wha at ambUlaua wha do what' rtiht. Who alvaa tba dub all that ha powaaaa wha takat car at hlmaalt, I tha maa wha wfU atlek to tha cam and wha will find that It will par him drrtdanda a load aa any atnar Una at work would." COLONELS HANDY WITH BATS (Continued from Flrat Paga.l Three-base hlta: Rmert, Block. Double Mar: McCormlck to waieh. Hlta: ort gwana. I ta two-third Inning: aft Demott. k l evvea and ane-lhird innlnga. Struck out: By Lecannlere, by beiaott. t. baae on baila: off Deeannlere. t Hit by pitcher: Huuer. Bk: peuwtt. Time; 1 at , l apirco: ChlU and Aadereoa, EOBESTSOH PUZZLES TEE BLUES laaklllty to Bit Caaae Defeat at Keaeae tty. KANSAS CITT. Me, May 4InabtUty te hit the ball loot the gam bar today tor th local. Wither, wh rehered Brandon, did aot allow a hit - teora: oinuitraut kAksA cm. AH H O A K. lI H O il Waaenrr. i i i i tn aim i O Uti. m.. I I I I ekaelKr. J 1 1 aMr, H.I1II aLewe. rt I I aur. ta. a lit ecerr. ..... a la a Ko'ucr. At I I eaenuce. a. 1 1 I c .a I rcaer. l I I I I WarreH, !( sOoaeei. kl I I I I ijw, ! wjff t a kaiawaia. Hill eBraaaaw, si I 1 WKaeav ..!! - iwctf 4i anal . Tetala....a a I Indtoaapell ... t M Karma City 1 rwo-oaae hit: Barbeau. Corridnn. Bacitfiee hlta: Gagnler. he bailer. Roearu eon. WIHIama. SaorlOo fliea: Mc Carthy, Loe. Baiw aa bait Off Rob- eraon, a; on Hraneom. l; orf wither. 1. Struck aut: By Robertao. S; by Bran S, br Withara, I. mnMa baee: wil- un. Kite: f iff Brendom, In fmir " IP,ru aunr.. rut on errors: In dJenaeotts, t Left oa bw: Indlan- Kaneaa rvT k raW di: Tise to Carr. Time: 1;. L moire: i r9s tad Baadibua May Restore Boxing to Colleges if it Can Be Made Clean PHILADELPHIA, May 4-IttUraot liat boxing, which ha bam eoaatd rad for many yaara Impoadbla by tha authorttt wha forna aoUaca athiatle aa aeeoant at tba dlttteulty at kaaptnf It tra traat aaayartaraaallka faataraa found la tha prta nn. may pduni to It plan among Mllagtat a part a. Prof, Talt McKand. a dlrador of phya leal atucaUoa at Pnnylvaala, raeantly hald a boxing maat la tha eollaga gym- nadum. It wa tha flrat publt boxing xhlMtloa arar hald at tha anlvanlty, and Prof. MoKand xprlmantd with aora aaw ml, whloh ha will probably props I athar aolWcaa tor adopttoa. Tha ru whlh war triad out In In raoont mt at Panuylvanla ar a fol low: . t . Na. L Only ana aaeond ahall b allowat to aaek boiar, and k muat a aa uadar graduat ot good aland I n(. No. t Tha aaoond I allowad at aa tlma to aniar in ring or aoach hi maa la any way. No. L Tha Meond 1 allowad to fan tha eonlaaUnt and admlnlatar raatoraUra It ba rarnaln auiaida tha ropa. No. i In th caaa of a knockdoara. It tha oonlaaUnl I und frnni bdng oounlad out by tba Intarvantlon at rha ball, ha muat ba abi to walk to hi rnr unaaaiaiad ar ala loa tht bout. Aald from thaa aparlal rula. th eon laai will ba ran according ta th orfldal boilng ruhn. Tha dacialon ar mad according to dyla, attrsalvM and th number of drrar blow ktadad. by twa ar mora Judgaa. It la hoped that by thaa rula II th brutal and una port amanllka phaaat f tha aria ring ana ba eliminated. Pennaylvanla la living boxing aa aa lateroollagiat port a thorough tryout. Tha ather eoUegti ar watching tha ex periment. It It I aucoeaaful, Tla, Har. rard and Princeton will fall Into Uaa, and aa tataroollagtat boxing tournament la' tha aaar futur will ba th raxult Skat Players Will , Compete at Cbcago CHICAGO, May 4-Tbuand at skat playara from all arar tha United State aad Canada will compete at tha Coliseum la thla dty oa May S, M and M In tba annual tournament of th North Ameri can gkat league. Official of th league hav th plan wdl la hand and anneuao that th coming erect will be th moat pratantloua skat tournament erer hdd ta thla country. Tha prlaea offered total tiaWN. Th eommlttae la ebaria la arranging to maka tha award la eerie and report that aver at pnaee will ba listed. The win ner ot Brat honors will receive It an. Ther win be mverai m and tla awarda Preeldant Max. Wcrtamaan of tha Na tional league I la eortum alceiloa with leading akat player ot Oarmany, who bar maalfaded mueh intareet la th plan for th big event, air. Wprtamua beUevee that the touraameat will at tract a aumber at sonteetanta from the fatherland who may be rlaiuag la thla eouatry at that time, thus giving the esagrea aa International flavor. A epeetal effort I bdng mada to In terest th beginner or novice la tha aa Henal avenL League atfttlala smphaaiaa that tha newcomers will bar Juat aa much at aa opportunity to win aa th more experienced, the element ot ehaaee m akat bdng equal ta that la bridge whit ar other forma at card gam. Prior to th opening of th flrat seadoa of th tournament ea Saturday evening. May hV there will be a meeting of th North American Bkat league, at which Urn th ItU eongrea will be awarded. Thar la much rivalry tor th event. ral eastern and wtra cltlee having planned to asad ddegatlon In tba bop af aeeurtng th award. Tekamah High Wins Games Upon Tour TEKAMAH, NeJ).. May 4 -(Special V Th Tekamah High ached has ball taam returned heme but evening attar a thro day tour, playing game at Lyons, Pender and Bancroft. On Wednesday thay met Lyon with L. McKlnnls aad J. Bllaa as their battery. They defeated the Lyon taam by tba score of 11 to 4 Oa Thursday they defeated Pender In a no kit gam en thdr part, th score bdng I to L H asm II threw aad Bliss was at the receiving aad.- On Friday thay went up against Bancroft aad there they had ta work to win. ,MeKJaaki agdn pttckd and the boy woa th gam, though It went to tba tenth Inning, th cor standing f to 4 at the dee. On Friday the "Second" High ached taam went ta Blair and defeated tha Blair High school th cere being It te 4 lu this game the Tekamah battery wa oomposed of Fred Weever and Harry Farreaa, bewte Win Madlficd Maswthaa. NEW TORK, May 4 Louis Scott ot Peterson, N. J., bolder of the Amateur Athletic union ten-mile championship, won the New York Mall' modified mar sihm today. He eHrar! the twsirs and five-eighths miles through th city streets la 14V G. StroUne ot Peterson era jsecrnd: J. Glee eon. urartaohd. third, and 1 Tom Dwyer of thas atr, fourth. I Kay ta the nrtlow-,p AdTWHMng. JAYHAWKS TAIE TRACK MEET Wia Orcr Cornhaiker Athlete by Wid KaJgtl. 10 BIO KECO&SS BSOm Ted Wee-tbary Clean Bar ta Pale Vaalt Half aa lack Better Thaa Mia Owm Prartaaa Mark. 1 UWREXCX. Kaa.. May iflpadal Talegram.) la th annual dual track meet held on th McCook field here yetrday altera ooo Kanaa defeated Nbraka by a Mora at B to tMs, Th twa taam war wall matched la the flret aranta but Kan aaa draw away from It apporwata toward tha lad and wa aaieir la ta waa ay tha Urn th relay waa on. A high wind waa blowing acroa th tldd that In tarf erred with the runners, but otherwise tha day wa Ideal and the gamea war attend ad br a Urea nrowd. Tha aaly record of th moat mada by "Ted" Woodbury, wha cleared th bar at U fat. lu laehea i. th pala rault, beating hi awa record by aoo-halt lack. Nbraka took both plaoa la tha halt and uartar mil, wall Kan aaa oexrled all away to the Mt-yard daah, twa mil, bread Jump and ahotpuL Kacdy at Kabraaka Waa own hi uia tea in taa mavyarg oaak wha ha tar 4 mueele la hi leg and tdl to tha track, toeing tha race, n 1 feared that tha tolur will him out ot U running th remainder of ,h The ummary: Ma-yard daah: riret. rievie w...... second, Stuoksy, Kaneaa. Time; :i. One mUe run: rtret. Aaderaoa, Ne braska: ascend. Patter eon nu-, tiw, :Mk. . . llfr-yard hurdlee Plret. Hssea. Vum' allpther dleeuallfled. Time: :H. oasn: riret, Braanoa. we. braaka: aaCOOd. Beaver, hlaareak Tlmf :M U-rrd hurdle! Plrat, Barney, N braaka: aaoond. Pern. luai ru' :1T4 Half mil runi First. McOawan, Ne braska; eeond, Anderaoa, Nebruka. Tim: t:!. BW-yard daah: Flrat Davis. Kansas: aaoond. Chrletmaa. Nabraaka. Time: l ll Two-mil run: Flrat. Murray. Kaneaa aacond. Pattereon. Kaneaa Tim: W I7. ol vault: First. C. Woodbury. Kaa aaa; second . Cramer, Xanax, and Has viae, Nabraaka, tied. H elf hi: 11 feet Inch. Discus: Flrat. Herman. Nebraska; eeo nd. Buraham, Kaneaa. DlMaacai KM fed, 1 Inch. High jump: First, French, Kanass: second, Haaen. Kaneaa: Heating and Ruaseli, Nebraska, tied. 7 Helaht: I feet. IH inchea. Shotpul: Flrat Wood, Xanana; eeoond, Burnham, Knnsaa. Distance: M feel. Running broad Jump: Flrat. Wlleoa, Kaneaa: second. H. Woodbury. Dtataace: tl feet, m Inchea. Half mil relay: Won by McOowaa, And arson. Beaver aad Barney, Nebraska. Dillon Outpointed By Klaus at Garden NBW TORK. May 4-Fraak Klau at PltUburgh outpointed Jack Dillon at la- diana polls la a rather tame - tea-round bout at Madison Square tardea todght Th maa wdghed In at the ring. Klau turning the scale at 1st aad Dtlloa two pound lighter. In th tint two round Dillon had the batter ot Klau. getting M right to th body and head, while Klau wa sending ta short lefts and right to the body. In the third round there waa a lot ot Infighting and they axehanged right up ptrcut ta the chin. DiUea wa daw la th fourth, failing te get his guard up ta. Urn to offset Klaus' reach for tha heed Klaus waa tha ajoleker ta th firth round and with two (tinging lefts to th race h had DUloa bleeding from thy note. Thar axehanged heavy body blow, Klau having tha better ot It. It wa about th same la th dxth round and la the aeventh both dugged. landing with rlghte and left for fully blf a minute. Dllloa put twa nralght left to lb face, but Klau autfought aim la the do work which followed. Klaua put twa right to the head la th dnth and thra very hard body bio we. white DtUoa get la all art -ana rights and 4 couple ot hard appsreuu aa the bodr aad chest. The tenth round wa full of stiff infighting, ta which Klau did th mors dunag. Neither maa ahewed muoh weakness at the ftaku. Klaua had outpointed his maa and waa clearly ea hi general forcing at tk Bght . IOWA DEFEATS CHICAGO THROUGH FIELDER'S ERROR IOWA CITY, la. May t- Special Tel agrm. Ubbtootl error at sen tar Odd la the seventh spelled defeat trr Chi cago at the hande of Iowa this afteraeoa by a score af t to t UbMnott had re placed Catron aad dropped aa eaay fly, permitting Zimmer to score la the third. A dagl by Simmer, a baa aa belle tar trickier and a dagle by Bauth tilled toe baas tor Iowa. LlbbtnoU erred aad oa the pick up Maan ml seed th satch at the plate and Zlaunar aad frtrlckler aeend. The oara: R.H.K. Iowa b41e-gdl Chugs .... IMIIIIIMIt Oafral Aasastatiaa lisasa Keokuk, :' Muscetrne. I. Hsnllbef. 7: Ottumwa. 4 ' RtirliRgton, ; Qeiesburg. 4 , atoumouth. U. Rock la-and. 4 DES MOINES WINS' IN TENTH BOUND Continued from Flak Page.) In, wha gave Johnson hia base oa halla. farcing Coy! over the pan. scan ton rounded first and wa thrown aut at sound by Hah a. Kan wa caught betweea third and home and run down. NtehofT ended the hols br striking out. Ik th tenth Korea, the flrat man up far Da Moines, dngled to rlghL Welch walked. Curtis sacrificed each man a base. IHatowakt singled to left, acorlng Korea. Rogg struck out ColUgaa popped aa easy on to Hicks. OMAHA.' H. O. Devtdaon, It. i I Coyle. rf Thomaana. of Kane, lb Johnson, c.. Boanion. ro Nlehoff. lb Juatloa. sa.... Hick, p ttchooaovar Total M' 4 I 14 4 DES MOINES. AB. R. H. O. A. B. Cdllgaa, lb 1-4 Hahn, rf t l l e i Kelly, of Thomas, lb I 1 11 1 Korea, aa 1111(1 Welch, lb lie Curtl. If 4 t j , flaiowakt, I 1 f . Northrup, p.. 4 1 I Rogga, P - 1 1 ToUl 41 7 14 a Btted for Hick la tenth Inning. -Omaha . ... Run 1MIMHIM Hit 1III1IIIIM Dee Main Run IMMIIIll-l Hit 1 i 1 I l-l Two-base hit: Tbomaarm, Coyls, Nle haff. Hahn, Korea Hit by pitched ball: Johnson, Justice, Kelly. Hits: Off Northrup, ' I In dght Inning. Bases on halla: Off Hleka. 1: off Northrup, : art Box, 4 Struck out: By Hick. I; by Northrup, I; by Rogg. 1. Sacrifice hits: aohoonover, Nlehoff, Kane. Coyle, Cur tia: Left on bases: Omaha, I; Da Moine. U. Tim: 114 Umplra: Has kea ... ST. JOE UTS BALL AT WILL Tvreaty-Tbre a fe Oaee aad Xlss teea Raaa Seared. T. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 4-St loaeph hit th ball at will today whll Sioux City wa unable to hit Chdlette safely, the lo cal winning. It to L Kslljf batting was a feature.. Scon: ( SIOUX CITT. AB. K H. O. A. K. Smith, a .. 1 I 1 Rdlly, lb 4 I 1 Farrell. cf 4 1114a Breen, rf..... , 4 t I S Myere. If 4 I t Andrea, R I 1 1 French, th !! Brook, lb 4 - 11 1 4 Cad man, a I . I 11 Gate, e 14 l ampbell, p...i...... ! aloeer, p I 1 . X Total ... 1 I U 14 1 ST. JOSEPH. , AB. B. H. O. A. E Kdly. tb i 4 4 I Powell, rf I 4 1 Watson, rl I 1 1 4 1 Zwllllng, ot i t I I . Bortoa. lb 4 1 I t f Roth, lb i I t 1 I J Unle 1.1 I 1 Castle, o I ! L C ballet te,, p Total d II 11 U 4 loux Clty.-.... 14-t St Joaeph IMIIIIIMI Three-he hit: Kdly. Two-bass hiU: Kelly. Pnwsll. Metnke. Sacrifice hits: Powell. Watson, Zwllllng. Stolen bases: Kelly. Weieon. Borton. Struck out: Br Chellett. : by Campbell. 1; by Mosar, J. Btae on baila: Off Chellett. I; off Cmpbll. 1: eft Mneer. 4 Wild PUchee: Cr jlette. Mneer. Hlu: Oft Campbell. 1 a two-thirds Inning. Left on baees: 8loux Ity. tv; at. joeepn. a -Jwuoie vJ- -ww, to Caatl te Borton. Brook to ReUly. Tim: 1:54 Umpire. Jonrteoo, DE5VEE BABES THE PE5HAST Evsat Olsaratew by Fearth ttralaht Vlrlory Over Wlehlta. DENVER. May l-Denver raised th penaaat today, with th aadstanc of tha local Chamber of commerce, ana thaa celrbrated the event by taking the mirth stralfht stffli trora WKhlta. la th third tuning landsay knocked out a three-bagger and brought la three men. Score: , i . DENVER. AB. It. H. O. A. E Lloyd. f ! I Cssddy, "rf."'."Ui:;. I f - 1 J ChenneA, ef....r.... 11114 1 unoaay, ie.. ......... s i a m w Coffey, ae 1 1 4 sr.; . a a a i l a Klnseila. p......... 1 1 1 Total M M WICHITA. 14 t - AB. R H. 1 O. A. R. Craig, if Middscton, cf. Davie, rf....... Clair, lb Hughes, to.... Me, ae 4 1 . 4 1 ( 1 1 Stark. I. Perry, a....... Hersehs, p... Clemona. c- ....... 1 ...... 1 4 Total .... m I - M M I Denver ..t lilllll Wichita ....;.. ItllMlt-l atoien bases: Keaiwui thy. FWait, "i ie-Two-baa hlu: Ken worthy. Spahr, Davis, Me. Three-base hit: Spahr. Llnxieay. Home run: Cnu,. nacrlfice kite: Lloyd. Colter. Struck out: By Klasslia. 4; by Herscbe d be-4 Baees ea belle: Oft Kin- aV. 41 as Ferry, li atx itanch. 4 Left oa baees: Denver. T: Wlehlta, 4 Time: Li4 Urns! re: Knana. ASTELOm TAXZ LOOSE OAXE Topekat Cease Close, hat Leasee by Eleven t lrkt. TOPEKA. Kan., May 4-Botk team hit hard and often, bat Lincoln waa knar successful la kunohlng Ita hlta. The locals came wlthla ea ot. tying fb cor ta the (evtoth, Coor: TOPEKA. AB. R. BH. PO. A. B. Rick art. It. 4 1114 Oardnar, la. 1 1 1 11 t Le. as. I 11114 FranU. lb. i t I 1 King. cf. 4114 Kmory, a. .S'i S i i tht, p. .... 4 111 uear, rr. Chapman. Walawngbt. Total a i u n LINCOLN. It I AB, B BR. PO. Moor, as. 4 1 1 4 801a, at. I 1 ' I 1 obb, rf. A I 1 t 1 McCormlck, It .... 1111 Mulen. lb 4 11 I Dwyer. lb. 1 1 I 11 Barbar. cf I I I I tratton, o. 114 Tuckey, a. I H agar man, p, I A.K. I Total If 11 II S M I Lincoln I I I I I I I I -U Tupeka 4 1 1 1 -1 Three-blae hit. Gardner, Lee, Col. Two-base hit: Gardner, Dwyer, Bar bour, ac rifle hlta: Cobb, I; Dwyer, Btratton. Stolen bases: F rents. Bar bour. Hlta: Oft Tuckey, I In five In nings; off Hsgsrrnaa, 4 In four Innings, base oa ball: Off WalnwriehL 4: off Hagsrman, 1. Struck out: By Wsla wright. 4; by Tuckey, 4 Wild pitches: Walnwiight, Tuckey. Hit by pitcher: By Walnwrlght, L Umpire: Klaaana, , GIANTS CAPTURETHE SERES (Continued from Flral rag.) and left the rubber attar the dxth la Blag. Score: rTTTWLluia. CmoAOO. AB.H.O.A I A H O A B Bn ea. tk... till eakerfeaid. If. 4 1 I Ckrev. H....4 4 1 IMalta. If., I I I I I leeae. ef.... 4 I -4 tTlakw. aa... 4 14 4 1 M'X'kele, si I I I SHetaaa. d .i I I I I Mill-. It. till SOe-ae, et... I 4 I Wllaea. ... I SI lus'su las suit Mro-n'r. hi I i l is-, t.... I 1 Olbaea. a.... 1 t I lie I. tk...4 1114 Staaa, p.... 41 tleeaea, St.. 4 t I 4 Fan-. ...... I SAnaer. e.... 1111 eUMasea. .! tNwiaata. a. i 1 1 1 4 Healkara. kl I I I I Tetata.... M II H U K.laUre ..114 CMa. 41 Tsuie.4...ttilMW I Batted tor Raulbaah ta twventh. Pittsburgh ...I I I I I I M -ll Chicago 1 1 t ( -U Two-baa hit: Byrne. Carey, Wilson, Zimmerman. Lennox, Need ham. Three base hlta: McKechnle, Wllaon, Shackard, Moore, MclaUre. Home run: Byrne Sacrifice hit: MoKecnnt. Stolen bases: Carey, Leach. Miller. Double play: Mc Kechnle to McCarthy to Millar. Base oa ball: Off Ferry, 1, 1: aft Reulbach, 4 Hit by pitched ball: By Reuibach, I; by Kerry. L Struck out: By Adams, 1; by Robinson. 4. Left on baa: lPtts burgh, 1; Chicago, 4 Flrat on errors: Pltteburgh. I; Ctiloeggo, 1. Hlu: Off Adam, II In dx and a third Inning: oft Ferry I In one-third Inning; off Robinson, 4 In two and a third Inning: off Raul bach, 14 In aix Innings; off Cole, 1 la two Inninga Time: 1.1a. Un-Pirea: Brenaaa and Owen. . ; BEDS SCOXE TWICE II TESTE raaa, 4ssrtf.ee, stable aad Tra Defeat CarAtaala. ST. LOUIS. Mar 4-A pass, a tamifloe. a dngl aad an trror la th tenth In ning cabled Cincinnati to win from St. Louie thla afternoon br a score ot I to 1 Tha local scored one ta the tint Inning oa two dngl and a (aerifies, th vtait tor tying the cor la tha next Inning ea a dabkv a base on hall and McLsaa'a double. Score: CUraNKATI. . . ST. LOl l A B O I.I U.. 9 I1 baa-set. I..I I I I , kl I I I I baiea, el.... 4 11 lUlUer, If... I II ll HeSlHa'L Ikl 1st leasee, at.... 4 I I I 1 tttlekelt. It I 1 I I tk'eaukr. lb I I IS I Bsaa. ....! Ill senile, W...I Mil rt--en. I.. I I I tM. r, s. I I I geaaea. as-. I I I I l-aatar. as.. 111 kkLeas. a. I I I iwiase a.... 4 4 14 1 k-(, I ill eoarer, ..! ill una. I I a-Ellla till suraaa ... I I I'lllfa 111 Teule.....MIB) Tetala tdl Batted for Oeyer In teeth, Batted for Kee In tenth. Batted for Miller In tenth. Cincinnati ...... ! 1 t at. Le tus ..i.... 111 - Two-bear hit: McLean. MltrheiL ec nflc bits: Oak, Bescher. Double play: Hauser lo Konetchy. McLsa nte Phalen to HobllueL Mowrey to Huggln to Konetchy. Bases oa ball: Off Keef, I: off Geyer. 4 Struck eut: Be Oarer I br Keefe. 4 Hlta: Oft Kerf a I in nine innings: off Sugg. 1 la on Inning. Left on bases: St. Louts, t; Cincinnati, 4 Tims: 1 44 Umpire: Johnaten aad laser tar mill ta Few. BEATRICE. Neb.. Mar 4 iSeoetal.t- The Superior bell team of tba Neoraska Biate league today abut eut the Beatrice nine In the Mink league by the score of 4 te 4 The batting of Prox-ha, Orr aad Vance waa the feature. The- aaore: SVH.E. Superior 41 Beatrice .... , I 4 Batten: Vase and Frweha; Bow- hay, ntaeea. C-aira aad Darrww. Tha twa taama will play agala ta Ea at Dee slat era Takaa Meat. INDIANOLA. la- May 4-Eeat Dee ours High school won the second anal lavltatloa high ciool field i uaa. n i !! , Kvriaf . t anLS- Oreeafleld High schod was ascend with a pteta and Evlhaa. High third w-.th int. imnifc j sri a wa i year a records were broken today. More tha id athlete eeaapeted. Hertt at Oraasav ftdd was th tn-livWual star, wiantag ss poiau an runn-ag taa auaiiia yard daah la at t-at, , Morris Knocked Out By Luther McCarty, Aged Twenty Years STRING FI ELD. Mo.. May 4 Luther McCarty ot gprlngflald tonight knocked oat Carl Morris at Tulsa, OkU to th dxth round af a tea-round bout before the Bpringfltld Athletic duh. Edward E. Cochrane ot Fsnsi City refareed tb MoCarty woa with a swinging right to th )a which followed a nralght left that had staggered tb Oklabosnan. Mor ris went to the floor tot a count ef four teen and even than did net appear to re alise that ha had lost, Th bout prior to tba dxth waa even, aetthar fighter doing much damage. la the flrat Morrt draw blood from Mc carty's mouth, but tba Sptlngfidd boy retaliated la Ilk manner In the second. Th third wa van. both tighter re sortlng to abort tab which did no dam age. In th fourth Morrt seemed te bar the advantage, forcing th fighting. In tha fifth McCarty aama back (trong. Tb dxth round hardly had opened when he landed a left oa tb engineer' Jaw. Thla waa followed by a light that aant th Oklahoma "white hope" to tb canvas. Morrt had aothing to Bay after th tight. " McCarty 1a Juat years aid and I wader tba management of "Billy Mo Carney of Nan Francisco. "I always knsw I could beat Morris It given aa opportunity," McCarty add toalght. "Morrt never had a chano to win from th opening ot th bout," Wesleyan Fails to : .Meet Creighton on the Tennis Courts Th Crdghtoo university-Nebraska Wasleyan tannla match Kheduled for to day ha been aaaodled. Creighton r celved word at the hut mom eat that Waa ler an would be unabl to play because of ooaforeao rulss. . Creighton man ar oonsldarably ta osaaad baoauaa ot thla action an the part of Wesley aa, aa It waa that team that first applied for a game with Crelgbtoo, Father Devlin, manager ot athletla at Crdghtoa. raodved a tetter some tint ago stating that the Nabraaka Waaleyan tannla team would make a trip during May. playing tha University ot Omaha, Friday. Mag. t, and would Ilk to play Crdghtoa th following day. Crdghtoa Immediately accepted and mad prepare tlona for tha game, only u be notified at tha last moment that conference rule would make It Impoadbla to play the Crdghtoa students are at tha opinion that thla excuse Is threadbare, aa It la used by every college that wishes to avdd a gam with them. Nebraska Wedeyaa eotion M also considered rather laeouslM eat when It to remembered that Its baa aot ball tea i an a tour during tha hut saasua. paased through Omaha, aad whll hare attempted ta arrange a game with Crdghtoa tor the championship ot the data. Aa Crdghtoa had Its schedule tilled, tb gam oould aot he arrange Nothing waa aald at that time about oentareac rules, which apply to all branches at athletic. t , MeClellaad Leaks Good. ' St Joseph tan have takaa to th work of Bobby McClelland, who t said te be about the class! eat looking thing 1 the way of an tnflelder that ha appeared In the Western league in asm moons. This la hi first season la prefesdonal ball. Catorldsrer Wlaa from Harttartwa. HARTINQTON, Neb.. May 4-Speeiel.i -The Coleridge High school basket ball taam - defeated the Hsrtlngton High school team here today by the score of It to 4 Thi wa tti riret or a ernes at game betweea the high school of Spalding's I TheWerld's Base Ball Supplies a? ' "' -.- . Complete t line of bats, balls, gloves, masks and all the' neces saries, at reasonable prices. GEO. A. GRAHAM The B m Bail Headocvrters. 316 South 15th St c: 1 STARFISH GtAAiTS T WOO4.0 Be FOOUSH TO Ptpecr ANX THNMfj BUT A FARCf "BUS AfteHAIOON ttH&M THE SECOND GAME lof IMS HtNKt OfK-OtANWR RfRieS TAKES PLACE ON THF HOME 6R0ON0S . TVC HNKT MNKw ARE SO FAR. SUPERIOR (M eueier branch of the GAMP NdTAUMC TO THT , OLE AN OCRS OUT IQEVERf OTHER. ItAM IN OOR. LfcAoUt THAT' NOrHtNfc IN THE WORLD O30C0 NWKE fMEM tOSCTHEt ARE MOW MEADINfc THE COUIMM WIIH IOOOr AD T LOOK TO US AS IF TT46Y WCL STILL mawc ir at the enoop rue SBASOM. . ' THfRfcS NO USE WAnlNfe OUT THE VMMNEROF R-DAt GAME ON THE M0N6 GROiHOt, THERES NCTHNfc TO 07 BOT" rWE MtNKV OtNKS. th county, which will be completed with I th athletic meet about May 1ft. . PROGRAM ANNOUNCED v V FOR ANNUAL REGATTA , - NEW TORK. May 4 The program tor th American Rowing eaeodatlon' teeth annual regatta ea the Schuykill. Satur day, May K, to announced. Thla regatta I knows aa th American Henley, and annually attract college crew from all parts of the east. There will be devett events on the program, 4 follows: Flrat dngl cull (Farragut challenge US,) First doubt scull.' ' Flrat double scull (Schuykill challenge oup.) ' . Flrat four ecu!! (Centipedes). .. : First four-oared shell. Flrat elght-oared stadia (steward's ehat lang cup). Special lnterclub second . lght-ord halls Junior collegiate elght-oared , (hdll (New England challenge cup). , . . r Interacholastlc , dght-oared ' shell (Franklin challeng cup). -. Freshman elght-oared sheila All race will be rowed over th regu lar Htnley course, which Is on mil and M yard straightaway. ' , ' Key to th Situation Bee Advertising. Ksy te th Situation Be Advertising A Splendid ' Blue Serge $20 Toor wardrobe isn't eom pleta If you haven't blue serge suit, no matter how? many clothe you nog- CLOTHES SHOP Bind Mrges answer every purpose and fulfill every need for dress, street or knockabout wear. Here are shown s variety of weave, In two or three piece suits. Coats sre lined or half lined and are tail ored a well as any US suit, ' I honestly believe that my $10 blue serges are an-' matchable at the price. . 107 South Sixteenth St. . Succegsor ts Vellmer Base Ball CMAHA VS. ST. JOSEPH St ROURKE PARK MAY 5, 6, 7, 8. Monday, May (, Ladles; Day. Cars tear 15U and Farnam I:1S. Gaines called 3:30. - '", Stdtfldard hp! "isw J ay : j X " r vf Vla MorTs