Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, SPORT SECTION, Image 37

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?AG2S0NE to four '
VOL XU NO. 46.
Omaha Loses Extra Inning Game; Tigers Are Beaten by Remarkable Rally
Takes the Last Game of the Series
with Omaha in Hard Fought
Browns Score Fire Rans in the Last
Inning and Provide Surprisa :
to Locals.
; They Have Been Helping Omaha Climb in the Standing Table
Bobble Come at Bad Time, letting
in the Run.
Ii Practically Invincible Till Bear
the Close.
teste inning tells the tale
Tim Hits, a Walk aad a Sacrifice
Give Oca Melees the R Neeee-
eary la Wla Game Bath
Caaaof Evca l a.
Lead Dea Moines . ,
t look tea innings yesterday to
whether Omaha aould win ail four ganwa
or the series or three out of tha four.
but In to tenth, when Omaha had one
run to -overcome and failed to get It the
Rourkea decided that tliey would be satls
fled with three games. Dea Molnee took
the Ions end of the ( to 4 score, '
Hicks, who worked front the mound
for the Rourkea, flung a beautiful tame
and would have won it 'easily had not
Kana and Nlehoff blew up In the eighth
and ninth Inning, .allowing- the Dea
Motnea bunch to overcome a one run
lead and tlwn pile up two more runs.
- When. the errora came they unnerved the1
little southpaw and he waa found for
few tilts, which would not bav been
dangerous bad tiey not beej coupled with
the errora.
' One la the. flat.
In the first "Inning Hlcka allowed two
hlta which allowed the vtaltora one run,
but the Rourkea evened up ia their halt
For seven Innlnga It waa Hlcka all the
way and the Hopefuls never had a chance
to get even a semblance of a hit In the
fourth, the Rourkea took a lead with one
run. In the eighth Dea Moines, with two
singles aided by two errors, overcame
the Rourkea' lead and -went one better.
In the ninth thep speared another tally
on two errors and a hit
A- ninth Inning rally on the part of the
Omaha club brought the two rune neces
sary to tie the adore, but Scaaloa after
getting on (Irat an Hahn's error, overran
first base and waa caught Johnson in
tha meantime had run to third and forced
Kana oft the plate towards home, tnd
tha flrstsacker wag caught at tha. plate.
n the tenth two Mt-kh walk and a saor.
flea aaxe'ttes poises the necessary run
to win and the Rourkea could not over
come It In their half of tha inning. ,
Tfcoaaaaea Rita Hard.
Johnson bad hard luck Id hla batting
y ierdey and could not lift the ball
of tha infield. Thomaaon hit the ball
Ilka Hand, getting three hlta li five
time . up. two singles and a double
Bcanlon also had his batting clothes on
and made two hits. Foe Dea Moines
Haha made three hits and Korea got two.
In the first Del Molnee got a rua.
After. Colllgan had gone out Haha doubled
to center. Kelly was hit by the ball.
Thomas slaramed one down to Nlehoff.
who caught Haha going to third. A
double by Korea brought Kelly home
Welch walked, but Curtis popped up to
Bosnian. .-..
Davidson led eft for Omaha aad drew
walk. Coyle sent an easy one to Korea
forcing Davy out at second. Thqmpson
doubled to left,' scoring Coyle. Kane
waa an easy out, Colllgan to Thomas.
Johnson struck out. . -
Nothing waa doing then until the fourth,
when Omaha got another. Nlehoff doubled
to center. Jostles waa hit with tha ball.
Hicks filled the bases when Thomas
made an. error of Me grounder. Davy
sent an easy one to Korea, forcing Nle-
koff out at the plate. Coyle sent a
sacrifice fly to Kelly, scoring Justice.
Thompson grounded- out Colllgan to
Thomas.. .,-
Kasie Makes Two Babbles.
In tha, eighth inning after Dea Moines
bad two. out. Nahn singled te center.
Kelly sent sue to Nlehoff. who made a
bad throw to first Thomas singled, scor
ing Hahn. Korea drove one to Nlehoff.
who juggled the baa while Kslly meed
serosa the plate. - Welch waa an easy
out Scanton to Kan. In tha ninth Dea
Motnea took another..- Curtis got to first
oa Kane s errorl, UltowakI got to first
on another error by Kane, while Curtis
went to third. .Northrup scored Curtis
with a single to center. Colllgan seat
oaa to Justice, who threw TJlatowskt oat
at the Plata Haha struck out Thomas
struck out
Carle farced Over.
Coyle led off for Omaha to the ninth
with a doable to the right field fence.
Thoonaeon singled to left Kana walked,
filling the bases. Northrup waa bare
Jerked eat of the game aad Rogge sent
(Continued on Second Page.)
Cub Girls Win the
H. S. Indoor Base
.BaU Tournament
P. W. L. Ave.
Cuba I X LW
Tleeirs .......- 2 1 1 .set
Inrtnciblea : I t 1 '.J
Otanta 3 I . jM
The first spring Indoor base ball tour
nament for tha freshmen girls of the
Omaha High school which waa held last
week proved a an c esse la every way, and
Mia Beas tamest physical training in
structor, la punning to sake the series
an hanaal event -
Of tha four squads cosspeUng the Cuke
teem grabbed first place honors by win
ning both games played. The InrtBCibles
and Tigers tied for second place and the
Otanta rial shed last All the game were
stayed ia the school gymnasium.
Following is a summary of the conaola
tloa contest which ww woa by the la-1
ilaUblea aver the Qiaats by a score mt 1
e I Friday afteraooa:
Invtaefbioa . ltd
Lure Card of Events is Planed for
aat Itaaea, Calf aad TeaaU Matches
and Other Ereata Will fill Oat
aa latereetlag Fragnua
. fa tha lalttal Day.
Plana are being formulated for the
opening of the Council Bluff a Rowing
association on May X. An Interesting
program which will commence shortly
after noon will be terminated with
danca In the club house.
A meeting of the director! will be held
tomorrow night at which time the pro.
n for the opening of the club will
be completed. Tha grounds are being
put mta first clasa shape and the grass
Is better this year than It has ever been
Tiro new tennis courts are being In
stalled ia front of the club house, and
when compieted will be five of the best
courts in the tri-citv. The boats are
being painted and the club house painted
and redecorated on tha interior.
The program which baa been drawn
opens with boat races on Lake Manawa
Fourteen sailboats will be entered in sail
ing class noes. Whlla the sailboat races
are being pulled off canoe and row-boat
racing will be going on. Following these
races there will be soma (hall races. Two
four-oar races, and one double-oar race
will be held,
rowwing the boat racing several match
plays on the golf 'Inks and also tennis
matches will be bold. The afternoon will
coma to a close with an elaborate ban
quet which will be followed by the balL
Aequatio sports will be all the rage
at the club this year. The water Is
higher than It has been la several yeara
With the aid of the channel which con
nects the lake with Mosquito creek H
will be possible for the club to keep the
water at a certain stage all summer.,
Swimming la out of the question until
the warmer weather, but much Ashing
and boating Is being done by the mem
bers. Bellevue Track-Men
Will Gompet With
Wesleyan Tuesday
The Bellevue base ball team and the
track team will go to Lincoln Tuesday,
where they meet Nebraska Wesleyaa In
double athletic event The track meet
will be heid In the morning and (be ball
game la the afternoon. The base ball
squad will then leave for a five-day trio.
playing Cotter, Doane, Fern and Terklo.
Entries far the events have been an
nounced by Coach Primrose as follows:
lVYerd Dah Paulsen. Jones. Fowler.
"20-Yard Dash Fowler. Jones.
e Tarda Ohman, Lowden.
tte) Tarda Doe; den, Oilman.
Dlaeus Curtlas, Bondereon.
hotCurtis. Quackrabush.
Broad Jump Oev-lnd. Quackenbush.
H gh Jump OuackenboJi. Dowden.
Miie-Mllier. Dowd-n.
12-Tard Hurdle Paulsen, Kearn.
fcffVYerd Hurdle-Johnsoa, Paulsen.
Pole Vault Paulson. Ouakenbuah:
Clab Khewt at West (svtat.
WBBT POINT, Neb, May 4.- Special.)
The Buffalo tiua club held iu naual
shoot at the farm heme of Daniel Floras
and drew a large crowd of aborts. Two
twenty-five-bird events were snot for.
with the following scores: First event
Joha Jeaase. 8: Gus Kraeger, W. Rsdue
ehl. each 3: Karl KerL Peter Fieree. H.
Beoae and O. Vandenberge, 21. (Second
event was led by Karl Karl WitM n. fol-
. lowed by M. Kert vrtth 7 mat Joha Jew-a-a
I sea with IS.
Jack Holland's Crew of Joiies Meet
Sonrkes Here Today.-- v-
fa's Celts Have atrach Their Stride
; mt Last aad Are NeV Hlttlagl
the Ball ad a Farleas
I - Clip. '
Jack Holland's crew of athletes from
St Joseph will Invade Omaha today and
this afternoon will begin a four-game
series with the Rourkea at Vinton atrret
park. The fame will be called at 1.3X
8t Joseph has one of the best trams In
the league this year. Four good games
are assured the Omaha fans In the next
tour dsys, weather permitting.
When the Rourkea were at Bt Joseph
they lost four straight games to tie
Joales. and Jack Holland thinks he will
hare the same easy snap whan bo comes.
But he will find a very different team
to battle against than he had iu Si. Jo
seph, as tha Omahag have struck their
stride and are going at a xood gilt.
The pitchers are all going good now
with the exception of one or two. Fent
ress finger has healed, so that he will be
able to go to the slab any day he la-
wanted. Jack Ryan will be in great
ahape tn another few daya Hicks Is
pitching wonderful ball and Is doing bet
ter than any of the pitchers at the pres
ent time. Han la In fine - fettle and
pitched a great game last Wednesday.
Robinson la the only pitcher who cannot
be used. He la confined to hie bed with
poisoning and will be out of the game
tor the remainder of the week at least
The- acquisition of "Hickory" Johnson
baa strengthened the Omaha team M per
cent and be has been hitting the ball like
a fiend. In the first game at home with
Dea Moines he waa benched for talking
back to Umpire Jack Haskell. In tha
next two games he connected with the pill
six times, batting at a .ot dip. He also
keeps up his record behind the bat as
w.U aa he does while batting, la the
two games he caught not a stolen base
waa made off him, and he, kept the run-,
ners hugging the sacka. The lineup in
today's game will be:
Justice.. .....
Flrot ...
.ftecond .
..Third ..
.. Short ..
..Left ....
.. Right ...
..Center .
... Bortoa
..... Kelly
... Meinke
... Powell
... Wstaon
. Swilling
.... Caatte
. Cheileite
Thomsson ..'"arch
Johnson Pitch
Fentress Pitch
"Bonus" Christiansen, one of Rourke's
recruit pftehere, who was farmed out to
the Falls City dub of the Mink league
has been chosen to pitch the opening
game for that team. The team will epea
the seasoa at home with York. Chrlstea.
are ought to be In great shape when the
season opens Thursday, aa he had thirty
days training with the Omaha club at
Jopiln and bah bad almost thirty daya
more workout at Falle City. The husky
youngster baa the goods, but nulls more
experience. This ia his first year In
league baas ban and Fa Rourke la going
to keep aa eye oa the recruit aa h
thinks he has the making of a good
fllnger In Hon us.
Penrdre Ankle Iteala.
Rabbit Powell s ankle, which gave htm
trouble while be waa getting his trial
with the White sex. Is right again, and
he is going does to first with his old-
time speed.
pa ioubxe wnr. -
Aggies Take Track Meet from
. Hawkeyes with Wide Margin.
Farejahav ef Asaee Makes It la
d law t-a -lewa lavee Faee
with Peeltlea la the i
IOWA CITY. Is.. May .-Speclal Tel
egram.) Ames romped away with Iowa
la a dual track meeftiero this afternoon.
winning, ITU to i. The feature of the
meet waa the one mile race run by Far
quhar of Ames In the time of 4:te.
Iowa's salvation came la the dashes.
Joslya running first In the KsVyard.
Clark son and Clapper ran a close race
for Amea Id the mile. Clapper nosing out
win. Summary:
Mu-yard dash: Joalva. Iowa: Keener
niwrr, Amea. lime: :Mnk-
Mile: Farauhar. Amea: Ward v. Amee:
Burner, Iowa Time:
tv-yartl dean: Costler. Amea: Oo bell
man. Iowa; Jostyn. Iowa. Time: :4L
mgn auraies- Hnmger, Iowa; Helser,
Amee; Krof. lows. Time :1a.
Ltecus Hoper. Amea: Vincent Amee:
Repass, lows. Distance: 112 I eel tnchee.
Wuaiter-mlte Jena, lowa: teasel. Amea;
Crawford. Ames. Tine: - IS.1
Pole VaultSmith, Ames: Defeeeee,
Iowa: Vaughn, Ames. Height: feet S
Two-mile Clapper, Ames; Clarkson,
Ames; Collins. Amea Time: ld:9.
Shop Put Farquhar. Amea; Vincent
Ames: Ney, lows. Distance: SS feet SVt
at Hurdles Rogers. Ames; Ballard.
Iowa: Cerr, iowa. Time: 27.1
High Jump Hansel, lowa: Corey, Ames;
Engstrom. lowa; Crawford, Ames.
Height: S feet S Inches.
Half-mile Run Manning, Ames; Hager,
Ames; Joslya, Ames. Time: 2:22.
Broad Jump Moade. Ames; Engstrom.
Iowa; Weyraaca. Ames. Distaste: 2S
feet 7 Inches. ...
Mile Relay Ames. Time: IX.
Half-mila Retay-Iewa. Time: 1IU
Pfeffer Tata Head.
Pitcher Edward Pfeffer at seriously m
with blood poisoning as the result of cut
ting his hand In practice. He waa sent
to a boaptta while the Denver team was
ia Wichita. - i
..... : ,.
Dougherty is Hit Hard in Third and
. Hinth Innings.
Rich tor Allows Namareae Hits, bat
la- Larky with Men. Bases,
Doable Plays Twice swv
latT Him. ' '
MILWAUKEE, May ..-Dougherty waa
hit hard In the third and ninth Innings
and Louisville won. Rlchter was bit
herd, but waa lucky with men on bases,
double plays savolag him twice, score:
Barke, Ik... till ILalbol. et . I Its
urea. 11.... I I I UUadall, ft. I I II I
Haread, It.. I I t caana, U... 11)11
raura. III ig lUeM, (Ill
Be'alller, Ull miim, lb... 1 I
II. lb. I 2 11 tJcHMa, lb.... 4 I I
aualay, at. I I 1 t '(HrH. It... I I I I I
Spwear. a.. 4 1 I I (Manaall. i. I I I I I
kiokiw, p.. e I auouaB'tr, . i
. -Charts, tb. I I M I
Twaia m w it is ZHugiMa, a... I I t a
Oelaa 1
TMala U mil I
Batted for Marshall In the seventh.
Louisville IIIIMMI-t
Milwaukee IIIIIMIH
Two-bees hlta: Hsyden, Bell, tanley.
Home run: Uurke. Double plays: Breen
to Lewis; Beaumlller to Bell to Brans
field; Beauailller to Bransfleld. Left on
bases: Milwaukee,-?; Louisville. 4. Bases
on balls:, Off Dougherty. 2: olf Klchter,
1 Struck out: By Dougherty, i: by
Rlchter. t Time. IM. Umpires -Herbal
ler and Connolly.
Visiters Get Oaly Three Hlta Off
Pitcher Leveret.
MINNEAPOLIS. May 4. - Columbus
made only three kits off Leverett today,
while Minneapolis batted Cook off the
slab In three innings, winning S to It
was tha first shut eut defeat of tha year
for Columbus and the first errorless game
on the part of Minneapolis. Score:
AS M 0 A I aa n a a
armor, ef.. 1 a 1 S SlkaHea. HI Ull
or. aa.. s l s SHIacb'as H. I I 1 I
llawa, HI I I I ICnlloe. rl. a I s s a
Kilmer. Ik. 4 1 I I errrlii(. k. 11 I I I
!. rl. 4 t IS Iklllier, la... a lull
Dekuly, Ml S a IHH.wlu. si I I II
urn. is a i ia i loettr, as... t 4 I
Oweea. I.... I t I ISialla. a.... I I 1 I I
Uverau. p. I I I I tCtok. a 4 I I I
Brack. a Sits
Totals.. ...a 11 M u I
TetaJa.....t 1NM I
Minneapolis I I 1 I a
Ceiumbia - I444I4I4 44
Two-baas hHs: Kllllfer. Perrlng. Rac-
nnce ntta: urn, cook. Double play: hel
ton to Miller. Left on bases: Minneapolis,
; Columbus, fc Bases on balls: Off Lever
ett, 4: off Brurk, 4. Struck out: By Lever
ett 7; by Cook. 1. Wild pitch: Leverett
I: Brurk. L Hit by pitched balls: By
Cook, Leverett Delehanty. Time. 1:20.
L'mplres: Hayea and Irwin.
Deeaaalere'a Pltrhlagj Tew Maeh far
Teleda Players.
ST. PAUL, May 4.-Decaanlers pitch
ing was too much for Toledo today and
the borne club won handily, 4 to a IS warm
was pounded from the box la the first
when St Paul scored four runs on a
double and four singles la a row. Score:
IB H.O I.I as H O A X.
Better. rt...4 ill uvnea. 4 ilia
Kleswl. ef.. I I T I JHIacb'aa. a I I 1 t I
Heeira. H I I I I aritca. rt 4 I I I I
Mrf-a's. Willi eckaaawa. as 4 I 1 4 I
Wal. k... I til IBu4u. et ...S 1411
waa. HI I I I IMeleae. II.. 4 I I I a
LrwH. 4 111 IDnnek. Ik. I I I I I
Sleek, e..... 4 til ICarWrk. ... 1 a I I I
Dee elera, p4 I I I lu. p.. I III!
ummmx, p... a e a a a
Ttal M 11 nil "
TotaJa.....a IDS I
Toledo ' 2I444IOI ft J
St Paul 4 1 I -
fHelen base: Butler. rtacriice fir:
Walsh. Tero-kase bits: Howard. Goodman.
(Continued oa Second Page)
Poor Form Shown by Curtis and
Graham Beat Phillies. - .
Lebert liana Hla Kaee la Fifth
laalag aad Haa ta Leave Game
Dewaey Drives Oat a
Heme Haa.
NEW TOIUC. May (.-New Tork made
it three out of four from Philadelphia
here today, winning by the score of 4 to
t Wlldness by. Curtis and Graham's
poor throwlng-the locale stealing nine
bases on blmrevs New York the vic
tory. Lobsrt hurt his knee In the flftl
and had to leave tha game. Score:
AB.H.U.A.B. AU.H.O.A.g.
Oerara, If.. 1 I 4 I ikaaaa. It... I ill!
Doyla, Ik... 4 111 ITiiia. rt 1 I I I I
Baoair-ai. t!4 1 I I ll.ob.rt. Ik.. I I I I I
Backar, rl... 4 III Dowur, lb. I I 1 11
Utiki Ik., till UU'.rua, III III
Mtraoa, Ik., fill IPartert, e.. I I i I I
"". I lit lllrlakw, II., I I I I I
Utrtri. a... I III nni. mm a a a
Ma awM, 1 1 I I I lurahaal, c . I 1 I I I
. Cunlfc p.... I I I I 1
Totals M I IT U fueola I I I I I
akalta, p... I I I I I
Totals II 4 14 11 I
'flatted for Curtlf In the eighth.
New York 4) 1 2 4-4
rnuaoeipnia e t t t t a e I 4
Basse en errors: Philadelphia, L
inree-oaae nits, snodgraaa 11). Home
run: Downey, stolen bases: Paakert,
HerSOB (21. fihafer 121. Ilevnre HM-kMe
Merkie (2), Meyers. Left on bases: New
1 ore, , r-niiaoeipnia, 4. Double piav:
Becker to Merkie. liases on balls: Off
aaainewson, 1; oil turlla, t. Htruck out:
Uy Mathawaon. 2: bv Curtla t- hw
Sehults. 1. Hit by pitched ball: By
Mathewson. Ludrrus. PaakarL Una- llff
i-uriia, 1 in seven innlnga. Time; 1:4a
umpires: a.iem and uuan.
aetea Tahea Coateet by Pre re ef
Bis te Pear.-
BOSTON. May 4,-Knetser, who suc
ceeded Stack la tbe Brooklyn box with
two men on bases, waa wild. He
three men In this Inning, forcing In two
runs, aad Devlin's single added another.
tenail. Ik- 4 I 4 4 IMaraa. ... 1 1 1
Caaieail, III I I I IDaubert. Ik. 4 I 1 II
Miller, rl... I 111 Sauk. Ik. ..I I 1 II
a. Line. If... I 1 I I lUmke, at. I I I I
Dnlla,' lk.. 4 I II I IDalr. It I I I I I
SaraO, at. ... I 1 I 4 Iratakaw,- 2k I I I I I
UcDee'l. HI III ITookr. ... 4 I 1 I I
BarMea, a.. 4 1.4 I IPkelaa, ....! 111!
Breve, p.... I I t 1 Muck, a I I I I I
Bee p I 111 IKMUer. p.. I I I I I
-Brers 1 I I I I
TetaJa U H n 14 1
Totals a I M U I
'Batted for Knetser m ninth.
Boston ., I I 1 I I 0 2 -4
Brooklyn 1MM11IH
Twe-base hits. Morsn, Smith. Hlta: Off
Brown, 2 In one-third of an Inning; off
Hogg, 4 In eight and two-thirds lanlngi:
off tack, -4 In two Innings (none out In
third): off Knetser. I In seven Innlnga
Sacrifice hlta: Itaubert Cuuhaw. Double
plays: Tooley to Daubert. Sweeney to
Devlin. Spratt to Sweeney to Devlin. Left
on bases: Ronton, t; Brooklyn, . Raw
on balla; Off Brown. 1; off Hogg. 2; off
Stack, 2; off Knetser. 4. Struck out: By
Hogg. 1; by Stack. 1; by Knetser. t
Time: 14. Umpires: Rlgler and Flnneran.
Cabs Take Tares with Oppeaeata la
Slammlac! Spbere.
PITTSBUROH, May 4.-Plttsburgh
woa from Chicago today In a game
chiefly notable for hitting, the score be
ing It to tL Adams was. compelled to
quit la It seventh led make room for
Ferry, who waa unable to finish the In
ning. He was relieved by Robinson.
Reulbaeh wee given a lever trouncing
Second Page.)
Pernoll Taken Out in Last Session.
After Giving Two Hits.
Couple of Infield Taps Soon Settles
the Issne.
Twe Slnclra, Daablc, Hlta atamaa.
Daae aa Balls and Twe lefleld
Outs Net Vial tore Five
W'laalas; Rasa,
DETROIT. May 4. -A great ninth In-,
ning rally enabled St. Louis to defeat :
Detroit Uxlay, M to S, ater the locale
apparently had the game secure, Twe
singles, a double, a hit baseman, a base)
on balla and two Infield outs netted tha
visitors five ruun. Pernoll waa takeaj
out after two men had hit him safely
In tha ninth and Mullin went In. Georgal
wus bad and Worka took hla place with!
the score tied and two men on base. a
roups of Infield Ups won the game.
Score: j
ST. btti'is. DBTROtT. ' -I
AB. 11.0. A S. AB.H.O.A g.l
lliMtaa, ef.. I I 1 I I till. Ik, I 114
Aela, Ik.. I I I I Uuli. ia I 1 I I I
wall. Il l I I a li obb. el I t I I
Lamne. H..4 III lOnvlorl, If I 1 1 I
Hueaa, II,... I 111 ItM kaalr, If I I I I lk,... I 1 I I I ktortartjr. Ikl 1 14 1
Walkue ta. I 1 II IUM. Ik . t I I I
krlrhall. e.. 4 I I I I Ooalee. a... 4, till,
B. Brows, 1 1 I I I ICoeratoa. pill 1 I
Hamlltea. si I I I mania, a 1 I I 1 I
Uuartea Ir.raell, p... I I I I I
Mama, . I I I I
TMala . ...)' I II II IWarka, p.... I I I I I
Jeaea I I I I I
Totale H t tt IT X
Retted for Brown In ninth.
Batted for Burna In Ofth.
Bt Louis rt.... 2 1 1 I I I I k K)
Detroit 2 S 4
Two-base hits: Austin. Cobb. Btovall.
Three-baee hit; Lauorte. Hlta: Oft
Covington, S In one Inning; ott Buma,
In (our innlnga! ott Parnott 2 In threa
Innings; off Uullln, 1 In one-third Inlng;
off worrk. none In two-tnlrda Inning.-
Sacrifice bit: Pratt. Sacrifice flies:
Crawford. Hogan. Stolen bases: Dele
hanty, uouuer, Crawford. Double playj
HuaH to Vitt to Moriarty. Lett on bases:
Detroit, S: Bt Louis, 4. liases on balla; '
Oft t'ovlngtuo, Ik off Brown, 1; olf Burnt,
1; off Pernoll, 2; off Mullin, 1; oft
Hamilton, 1. Klrat on errors: Detroit, 1.
Hit by pitched ball: -by Brown, Louden
(I); by Mullin, Comptoii, taruck out; by.
K. Brown, 3; by liurna, 1. Passed oall: '
Klrohell. Time: !:u (Umpires': Kgaa and I
Kvana, .-' .
Bootee Nosed Oat la Kaeltlag dames
tsla-ht te Saves.
WA8II1NOT0N, May 4.-Washlngtoa
nosed out Boston In an exciting game.'
Both sides used two pitchers. Scon:
waihinoto.v. BomiN
MMlHe. IU I I 1 I 1 Ileoaer. rl.. I I I I I!
Inui. Ik... 4 1 1 I lknala. Ik.... 4 4 111
Milan, l..4 111 (iSpeawr, rl..4 4 I I II
a balar, rl.. I I I I lUnam, lk. I I I II
llraa, lb... I 111 luanliw. It. I I I I I
Kolial, lb.. I 114 Itewus It.... 4 I 4 4 t
Mi Bride, at 1 I I IWaauer, a, I II II
WHIUma, a. 4 1 I 1 VNa'iaakar. ! I I 1 1
Caaklea, p.. I 1 I I B4teat, I I I l!
Aaan, p.... I 111 lilnolta. f ... I I I I I
near aaaa .asses
Totals U mill I
total! U IM I I
Batted tor Bedlrnt In third. 1
Boston 2 MilllllM
Washington 2 1 1 S -S;
Two-baae hlta: Knight, Speaker. Three.;
base hits: Foster, Klynn, Hume runs;
Speaker, Canhlon . IHrk: Off Bedlent, 4
In two Innings; off Clcotte, 4 In six In-'
nlnga; off Caehlon, S In two and a third
Innings; off Akere, 4 In six and two,
thirds Innings. Sacrifice fly: Knight
Double play: ' MuBrlde to Klynn. Left
on basee: Boston, lu: Washington, 4. 1
bases on balls: Off . Bedlent. 1; oft Cl
ootie, 2; off Cashlon. ; ctt Akera, I.
Struck out: By eBdient. 1; by Clcotte, t;
by Canhlon. S; by Akera, I. Paaaed balls:
Nunamaker, Williams Time: 2:4a.
Umpires: Donnolly and Hart
Champleaa Baaeh Bate ties ta Win,'
Tea te rive.
PHILADELPHIA. May 1-Both club
hit the ball bard today, but Philadelphia
beat New Tork, II to i, by bunching hlta, '
AB.H 0 A B AB U O A B.
tori, tf I 111 IZIaa. tf I lilt
OI4rla ef..l III lllnoioaa, ai I 1 I l
'tlllaa, lb.. 4 I 14 IMirUWal. Ik I I I I l'.
Iteter. U...I 111 lOea. ef I 1411'
ataroky. rt .l I I I iHanaall. K.I 1 I 1 I
UeUnea, lk. I I II 1 K'olaoiaa. Ik I I I I I
Derrick, aa.. I I I lUarloer, kill 1 I
Eaaa, 0 lilt inrM, a.... III!
Fleak. I...-I III laVaska. ... I I I I I,
Oalaa. p.... I I I I l
ToUU...M II II II 1-DaaM .... I I I I I
Totals 41 Ull I'
Batted for Coleman In ninth.
New Tork 2 11114 1 ej4):
Philadelphia 121441 ota
Two-base hit: Egan. Three-base bit:
Mclnnea Hlta: Oft Vaughn. I In one and
one-third Innings; off uuinn. 10 In six:
and two-thirds Innings. Sacrifice bit:'
riank. Double piays: Derrick to coin V
Egan to Mclnnea Left on basee: Nlrf
York. 12: Philadelphia. . Bases oa bails:
Off Plank, 2; off Vaughn. 1; oft Qutnn. L
Hit by pitched kail: By Plank, Simmons:'
by Qulnn. Derrick. Struck out: By
Plank. I: by Quinn. 2. Time: 2:1s. Urn-'
plres: O'Loughlin and Weatervelt
Crasy ahaat Jehasea.
Two fan from Ashevllle, N, G, trav
eled l.m miles to see Walter Johnson
pitch one game. They spent but a single
day ia Washington and then beat it back
Cam Today.
Western League 8t. Joseph at Omaha,
Des Molnee at Sioux -ity, Lincoln att
Wtcblts, Topeka at Denver.
National league Cincinnati at Bt.
American Lear ue St Louis at Detroit.
Cleveland at Chicago.
American Association Columbus at
Minneapolis, Tsledo at Si. Paul, Indlan
apolta at Kansas City, Louisville at Mil-'
waukee. '
Great Island Taken Game.
GRAND ISUAND. Neb, May 4.-Spe.
eial T If aram.l In an exhibition - gamei
played here between Hastings and Grana
Island State league team the 1-.ais
by a score of U to 4. Both managers,1
Cockman and Shatter, used most of Uieir
pitching staff In the contest The team
will play here tomorrow. Score: RH.el.
Grand Inland 1 4224 "11 M i
- t
Ha-itlncs ....1114141-4 I