Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, WANT AD SECTION, Image 34

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    mini mriTTi er-rikr urP.' xTV K 1010 -'
i. . . : i a
t iorU in Wheat Become Hei-rout o
i, ' Bullish Crop Condition!.
A. , i
-k .t All F-...U Are L. d
. wx AXI rwaaaa mwm aaw
. i Cewatry Dtltmin CUM
DffnM Oa t Amr
temt at Thta lam
-". . OMAHA. May 4. U-
Wlth wheat Mi eamtiur In bullish on
crop conditions, both In tm bard winter
belt and the soft wheat sutea shorts
became nervous and In trying ts evea
up their eoetrarU over Sunday ana
(or the istiisiir of th government re
port next Tuesday, valuee were rmpmijr
pushed higher aa loan war not Inclined
to oner any wheat that looked Ilka a
lum winner.
- Hold ere of cash earn enow no elf no of
f letting go ot that cereal, aa stocks at
all polnti ere low and country deHeverlea
' cannot be depended on to any extent at
' "isit season, larmara being buey seeding
the new crop, which la prosreeslng
t rapidly under very favorable condition.
Sensationally bad newa from oentral
wheat awe and bulliah experts rr porta
i from Kanaaa fields caused the advanoa
-. -tt wheat. Cash wheat we lt,c higher.
. . ' Corn allowed food loo and advanced
: stesaitly on the atrong commercial posi-
- tloo of cash stuff, Caeta corn aold fee
j higher.
,t7 rnmary wheal receipt! war ITl.trjO
bushels and ahlpmenu war eSaMut bh
i . , agalnat recelpu laat year of 414.434
, buehela and ahlunteata of h.w buehele
ll Primary corn receipt! war 410,034 buah-
s alt and ahlpmenta were M.M bushels.
. -axiinet. recelpu laat year of 4K.004 buh-
ai and ahlpmenta of KCOat buabela.
J Clearance were M buihela of corn.
tJ X at) buahela of oau and wheat and
flour equal to lXi.404 kuanela
;! . Liverpool elaaed wOSd higher a wheal
4 mnA M,u.h- , .. 1 A nn AOTt.
f Tba following eaah aslee war reported
3 Wheat: No. I bard, 4 cars, tLls. Re-J
.: lected. 1 car. tLOs. No. I allied, i car.
UM. Con: No. I while. 1 oar. He. No.
; i whlta, 4 car. MHc. Mo. 4 white, 1 ear.
. no. K. I color, 1 oar, Mo. I yel-
i tow, I ears, Jac; t can, nc; t cars, Tihc;
I car. 7Mc; cars, Ac. Mo. 4 yellow, t
. , cara, 4 cars, T9o; 4 cars, 118. Ma
I mixed. I car, TTVjc Mo. I mi led, I
cars, Hk I ear. We; I ear, 7c; i ears,
Kc No. 4 mixed, I cars. BVic; I cars. Tic.
No trad. 4 cars, sta; 1 ear, Cfttc; I ears,
tae; t car (poor), its. Oau: Standard,
. 1 ear. tea. No. I whits, cars, tec; 1
cat, 4e. No. 4 whlta. 4 ears. Mtto.
WHIJIT-Ne. I hard. BJaffl.lW: No. t
r nerd. ii.W)wl-U)si f o. aara, ai.wntv
i ia
CORN-No. I whits. T7i71e; No. t
while, 7US"7H; No. 4 whits "t;"-
oolor, t.w&Tir1e; No. I yellow, lbWc,
No. 4 yellow. 7limc; No. i, 7714&..o;
Ne. I. ; No. 4 nwiStc; so reda,
. -...
UAiepa a won otwwwi
hMiUa: No. I whlta. HW: No. 4
" white, MHOotVkc; No. t yellow, tfS0i
No. 4 yellow. MW4M- ...
BARLEY-alaltiuc. Wcl.M; Na. 1 feed.
, S4c: heavier feed. KK.itl.tfl.
Ks-No. I lavwMl No. I, netto.
chicaoo oim amo rmoviiiom
- r eat area ad the Tradlaui aad Claelaa
Prleea aa Beard at Trad.
-CHICAOO. May t. Btatemeota from
axoerta that crops had deteriorated
rapidly to northwaatarn Kanaaa led wheat
traders today luto a lively movement w
buy. Thar was also fear that tb gov
ernment report next Tueeday would count
hard aaalnat the bear The market
closed steady at a Bet advance of MtOlwa
to ll c All otner leaaing eiapiee
. scored a gala-coni V) to fee. osls Hi'
t.o to c. and provisions SHo ts UW14c.
Tfcs finish In wheal was almost at ths
Iod nolnt of ths beat bulge or in waea.
. May delivery sold from for the
hieheat nrto of ths year. Moat of the
day a buitnees. however, wss In later
options, which failed to equal former ex
trema raborda
- orierinxa of wheat were scanty from
the start. Dispatches from Kanaaa aald
that halt the crop In ths northwest part
, of the ststs hsd been destroyed by. winds
which were drifting the dust baa enow.
Oklahoma and Kanaaa war alao alleged
to be making a poorer showing than had
rix'ontly been expected. During ths see-
!.. July ranged from U Witfl.U. with
lut sales fl i:s. a rise of lfflHo over
. xnterday's cloas.
,Nervuuneee about delay to planting
, ViniV much ts do with aa advance la
wrn. July fluctuated between KMf7tVtc
aiming firm at 7Hc. Vfl'eC over laat
night. No. 1 yellow native.
1 Korscaets of cold weather etrsflfthsned
hata I'pper and low levels for July were
k.s.xHa. wllh the close yQ dearer
al Hhtc
Purchasing; for European account
' helped the provision market. Pork
showed the chief Increase In cost, UH01e.
Article! Open. I High
Cloae.1 Tea-y.
. July.
1 H
1 UM
1 ws
I 14
1 II
1 lev
1 13"ll kXkll
" Sept.
:'i M.y.l
' . Sept.!
- -Dec.
' date
-rMa.f It
i Jork-l
f ..aept.
U 44
is a
1 4V9
i ite
' : May.
,; pt.
U It
U 14
n tt
U gff
11 VA
Miry 14 4)
14 Ce
ll Wn, r, w-
I rw
14 CSl M : I W-k
KLOl'R Steady; winter patenta, 14 tM
l); winter straights, MMM. apring
ixtanta, li tGa. spring straighta, Kaej
- ., . baker, H VttrUA.
RTKNa 1 Sfec.
. BARLKT Feed or vlxmg. 6crtl.04;
fair ts chOloa mailing. U IHM.a
KKKtid-TlmoUy. H.Mt,U.t. Clover,
- PKuVlrilONB Mess pork; m!tyaiJ4,
' Lard Us Uaroae). HAM. bhort ribs tleose).
Total clearance ef wheat and flour
were equal to 1.4ni bu. Primary re
reipta were J71,fs bu-. compared with
SfUaa) bu. the corresponding day a year
axo. hatlmated receipts lor Monday
V heat. 44 earn; corn, 117 cars; eats. 111 nogs, mww neao.
Chicago Caah Prteee Wheat: No. t red.
tl.l.i.n: No. t red.; No. t
fciu-d.'; No. a hard. H U-a
1 is No. 1 northern. H.l1.34; Na t
-VK'rthern, 1.1-tJl . 14; Na t norther. H.1C
i w. v. . .piiie. e-ixri-te. . o. i
l-rtng. Sl-KvLtT; No. 4 sprtng. 1 1 U;
veoet cbaXf, tl Coal 17; du'USj. Il.tot i 11
'furs: No. t 8trV:; No. t white, att
a No. 1 rllow, lietltac; Na X, 7ki
, , ;. e wane, o. a yellow.
. 1'-.6"ySe; Na. 4, 5tS;aiic: Na 4 white
l;SVc; Ne. I yellow, 'MSTvVe. Oats:
r.o. 1 white. Ie: Ne. 1 whfta f.m
.e; No, 4 whlta, Uftilc; staaukra, a.
. Ke: Na t ttV Barley, ttcdtl 3.
i seen,, tovw
e. -?I SB.
, B I.' TTE R Weak;
creamerlet, astjSc;
k-iiOS euady; receipts. TtU eaaee; at
mark, caaea Incioded. ITtc; wlnary
. lirM lHc; tirata. IT-eOc
t HEE-iE-Steady: dauuea. 14)17r:
fum, l-r&lfr,c, yoong Amarlcaa, lit)
. kig horna MVH4c.
- H..TTOf:.--KlTo-er. receipts, M ears;
;, saWril at,. Mlchigaa and Mia-
r. -ta. t: '-wi .
- J-JlLTRV-Maadr: chickens, lie.
LAL-oteady at "Uc '
Pewarea Mae.
t PEORIA. May 4.-CORJH fteedy; No.
4 aim Sc: No. 1 yellow, 7sw: Na
i ,v:uw. TW.nir; Na 4 yellow, ..c; ..o.
I ooxed, 7i'-c, tio. 4 aaixed, 77Var; sample,
wATeVNoralnal; No. 1 white, aTfaHae.
wtlvrBertte St-ale Mark-t.
- - i wrtiwn, ti aaipt a; pie. j norih
tl Ssl.U; No. J hard, artmer. tl M
Ma, U-i b.d. tLii sttaad. July, (Lil
CORN-No. yellow. 7Hc: No. white,
We: No. & HcTTfe; May. aHc; July. TTtiC
0AT8-tandard. aTc.
BARUEV Waiting. Lei.3a. -
Qeatatleae af tb Day aw Varies
NEW TORK, May 4.-X)UR-Qult;
spring patents. IS.Kcie.W: winter straights.
UXii.W; winter patenta, gxlre.&; aprlng
dears. SLiov4-8D: AO. 1 winter extras.
NXOOO; No. 1 winter extras. HMitle:
Kanaaa straights. Si (Pet. IS. Rys flour,
dull: fair to good, ai.0uili.r4: cholc fancy.
CORNMEAT Steady; fine, whit and
yellow, tl.80vl.sS; coarse, 1.7Srl.; kiln
dried. Kit
RYE-Qulet: No. x Ke. e. L I.. Burraio.
BARLKT Ouleu malting. tl.JauLJS, a
L f.. Buffalo.
WHEAT- Dot market firm; No. I red.
11.3. elevator, export basis, and 11.144k.
f e. b.. afloat: No. I northern Duluth.
K M, t. o. b.. afloat: opening navigation.
Futures market waa firmer on tne caoiee.
light receipt! and reports of severs dust
storms In Kansas, closing wftwc net
higher. May. ll.Owl.231. closed .(:
July. tl.M t ltl.i;v. closed al lTH: Sep
tember closed st IUS. Receipts, :M
bu.; shipments, 13.M bu.
CORN-Spot market firm; export, ac
nominal, tab., afloat. Futures market
nominal. Receipts. iMA bu. . .
OATS-Ssot market stesay; stsnoaro
whlta 4c In elevator; No. 1 c: o. a.
t2V; November, SJc; natural white and
hits cuppeo. ejajvjc. m
market nominal. Receipts, ll. bu.;
ahlpmenta , bu.
HAi nrm; prime, i iv; ro. t, w.
No. I, 11 : No. I. BJWI.ej.
HnM Rtearlv: atata common to choice.
rtll, IMiUc; mo, nominal; Pad fie coast.
111. vlc: 191. nominal.
HIDEo Hteaoy; t.'olrai America, me;,
Bogota unsafe . .
UKATHEK nrm; nerruoca, ureie,
JTo; seconds. stfirMc; thirds, rs
lecls, lie
PROVISIONS-Pork, firm; mess, 3.7S
ea.W: family. miooOM. short clear. Beef, firm: mess. l.0ftltSO;
famUy. iis.ecU.e; beef hams. ta.itj31-0a
Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. 14 to
II pounds, sii.twrrixw; """"
tit mU.So. Lard, firm; mlddis wJtern,
111.): refined steady; continent. 11.;
South America, Iii; coouwuoo. t.
"taIXOW Firm; prims hogsheada, 4He;
sperlsl, 7c; country, ttfo. , t
BUTTER Weak; receipts, I.M tubs;
creamery, tie; extraa. aVijc; flrala, W
xw; seconds. hlt3K; thirds, ric;
ststs dairy finest. MtxHtc; good to prims,
SHiOc; common to lair, wit
CHEKriS aieaoy; receipu. w
slat whol milk, new wruia, apec ij, ij
new white, average fancy. liWwlMko;
colored. IMiej weekly exports. 4u boxea
KOOd assy; reoeipis, t.-i ee.
. . . . .... .1 li. jt... f ... n
rrean sameiwi, 1 Iv ' -
gathered, atoraga packed. aWMrJIVke; freej
gathered, packed, lic; fresh
gathered, seconds. lMH:; welters
satnered whites, JUSCtli-
rvi, 1. mi Alive gun, wvi
14o; turkeys. U, Dresssd steady; western
fowls, littlic; turkeys, WiHa.
Corn aad Wheat Review Balletla
United Btate Department ef Agricul
tureWeather bureau'e report for ths
twenty-four hours ending at a. m . TtU
msrldlaa Uma, Saturday, May 4, Ult:
VJiAna uieinnx.
lamp. Raln
ttatlons. lilgo-Losr. tsll.
Pt. cloudy
pt. cloudy
Ashland. Nsb.. .is
Auburn, Nab.M at
Broken Bow ... 7s
Columbus, Nsb. H
Culberteon. No. M
Falrbury, Neo. as
r'alrmomY Neb. at
Or. Island. Nil. el
llartlngton, Kb et
Hasunga, Neb. at
lioldrege, Neb. It
unooin. neo.. at
N. Piatt. Nb. B
Oak dale. Neb.. s4
Omaha, Nsb.... at
Ttikamah. Nea w
Valegtlne, Nb. T
Alia la. M
Carroll, la s4
roil, is ee
rlnda, la.... at
ay, la at
ux City, la. a
bloux i
Minimum lamueratur for twaive-hour
period ending at I s. m.
CentraU Btatioi
Columbus, 0 1
Loulavtlte. Ky... M ,
Indis poll!, Ind. 11
Chltsgo. Ill M
el. Louw. Mo... II
Oes Moines, la. a
Minneapolt .... 4t '
Kan. City.. Kan.
Omaha. Neb..... IT
. 'Imp. Rata
High, Low. (all.
M el .04
at . U .44
H M .hi
71 M .
H W .1
VI ' U .sv
M .40
a 43 .tt
The waa t liar ooaUnued warm through
out the corn and wheat real on Friday,
but ts followed by cooler In the weatere
portion this morning. Oood rains oc
curred In all exospi the Coiumbua and
et. IaiuIi distrlota. Rains of one inch or
more occurred at numerous polnla In
Minnesota and South Dakota, and at on
td.lAn im lltlitola.
" I. A. ntian,
Local rrcatr, Wsaiher hureata,
t. lala Oeaeral Market,
T. LOU 18. Mo.. May 4. WHEAT
Cash, ateady; track, No. I red. tl.ltjl.;
Nu I aard. u.iaoi.n.
CORN weak: track, no. x, sk: no.
white nvjemc. .
OATd-Wesk; traca, Ka
t, re; Na I
whlta, MtJekVje.
RYK-Ko. t. Me.
Closing prices of futures:
WHKAT- Higher; May,
Hit; July,
tillS: September, t H.
CORN tugnar; stay, asc; uiy, iwc
September, 7twtMA
flAT.- Hlxher: aisy. juiy. as-ac.
KLOL'R Dull; red winter patenu, K.S
M74; extra fancy and straights HfcJ
hard winter Clear, ei.sutuH..
rEKi Timomy. nu.a .
BKAN-Weakk aackad. east track. U M
!. ..
ha t nrm: unaoiny. SMfcuweikw,
nrairle Bl 0rJ6..
rHUVMUAa-rura, um-nenseui jw
Mng. lt.i Lard, unchanged; prime
itrsm. Iti ury salt meals (boxed).
unchanaea; extra eoort; ciear
rlba.; abort ehleara 111 4a, Bacon
boxed i. unchanged: extra snorts, eii-f
clear riha. Ill.w; short dears, tilde.
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 13c;
springe, let; turkeys, MH; ducks, Uo;
geee. sr.
m ntlt-meaoy; creamery, s.tx.
KOOa-Weak: Ha.
Receipts. Shipments
. ' a. JO
Wheat, bbla...
Wheat, bu
Corn, bu
19 he
Oau, bu.......
Kaaaaa City (.rat aad Peevlelewa
-cash. Swlwc h'gher; Na I hard. II. leu
Lli; Na 1. tlv,l 14; No. 1 red. L1SV
Llts x u
L'OH N C nchanged to He lower; Na
1 mixed, ntitc: Na a, T7't;ac; Na 1
white. 163 Na I nvrSIIc
OATH L' nc hanged ; Na 1 white, a 4c;
No. t mixed, tttajela
HAI-otaady: choice timothy, ie)
?7 04; choice prairie. tS.i0ti3.s4.
Cloaing jirlcee of futures:
WHEAT-May. tl om,; July. L4tt
LMS: September. II SrSl1 4ZV
CORN-May. 7H; July. TtwOPHac;
September. HSc; December, i4tc.
OATS July, ale; September, tme.
BUTTER Creamery, xoc; . flrata. Jtc;
aeconda. 3bc; packing stock. 14V.
LUlc k.xtraa. Use: flrata.
Recelrts. BBipmenta
Wheat ba. , w
Corn. bu. - T.w f .
Oat, bu. M.4W 1,IH
Mlwweawetaa tirwle Market.
May. B US: July, ll if: September.
11714. uatn; ro. i ear, ai.ll: faa l
ncrthern. u.K,)l.lV. ."o. I northers,
tl.14S01.MH; Na a. ll.UslLl
fLAl-ftai ' t
CORN-No. I yellow. T77e.
OATw-No. 1 white. tmceSe.
RTE Na t the.
BRAN-In WO-peund saeka tSh9M.aa.
s-LOUR First patenta .-: sec
ond patents, t4Kta.W: first clears, Hanay
Uk; IWCOak cteara. taavayije. ,.
. Lrreraiw I Craiw Market.
steady: Na i red. wesura winter, at to.
ruture. ateady: May. 3s llt,d; July, 7s
ISd: October, a 7d.
CORN spot. American mixed, raw.
nominal; American mixed, old. -neatly at
4a USe: new, American, kila dried, vow
at aa. tVtd. Futurea aay; May, as, Id,
iWaitot. ee, Ja.
Evidence of Speculation and Manip
ulation More Plain.
rasr raids abe ueegulab
aak Btaleaseat 1,'aewt Alt Calcula
tion aa e Caah M eve at rat, with
Actaal Laws laat cad of
Expected Gala,
NEW TORK. May 1 la the two hours
of today's seulon on the atock exchange
there was additional evidence that the
market contlnu e to auffer from a aur
feit of manlpula.ion and ill-advlaed spec
ulation. Prlcea were irregular at tne out
set, falling In this particular to respond
to London's close, which recorded a ma
jority of galna for our securities.
Dealings in the early atagea sera were
comparatively light, but became mora
active during the first hour at the ex
penae of quoted values. Rending and
united State sSteel were again the main
objects of attention from ths bears snd
gns of liquidation of longs' stock were
not altogether lacking, riupport during
the early period waa only half-hearted
at beat.
The movement became more formal In
the second hour. ADDarently the Pro
fessional element was indisposed to press
Its sdvantage ot the prevloua day, a oon
dltloa which resulted In mors or less gen
eral recovery. It wss decidedly steady,
with marked strength In Union Pacific,
Lehigh Vsiley, Canadian Paclfle and sev
eral special laatiea
ins bank statement upset an calcula
tions ss to the cash movement, the actual
waa being slightly more thun n.tMl.uiu,
where a sain of aa much had been ex
pected. Actual loans Increased bv over
lu.ttio.ona. with a decrease in the reserve!
of k,w,oin. .
Borne reason for the recent tiaa In
American Beet Sugar waa furnished by
the com Den y i annual renort. laeued to
day, which she aa Increase in toe
balance for dividends on the common
atock much la excess of the proceeding
To bond market was easy. Total sals.
rar value, aggregated tXt&O. I'nlteu
tatea bonds, coupon ts. advanced V
ths Is registered. W and Panama is
coupon declined per asnt on call during
tne wees.
Number of sales and leading a Dotations
on bouda today were:
en Blah. Lew. cues
Alllehe hears M .
Aaalr-eMUa oerpw .... tt.H tt
Aneclcaa Aarleelteral
Awertiaa Beet Iur.... t.Ke feu,
Awencaa (aa U.kM a)
Aweeleee C m P........ kto
Aatertcaa Cwttea Oil a,X
Aeaerloka H U sft
Aja. lee aeasrlUa- Lea
a '
Awerleea LecostethrS .,
Aaerkaa g s
It. let uv xii
its ter. lOTTe
its n n
tsot iwh in
aw. a a R s ,
Aw. Steel yVeedriee..,
AWi sugar Heflalng...
Aawtoes T A T
Aiaerleea Toaeeee pft..
aiaertcea wnelee
Aaeceada MUlag C..
AUkleoa .t..
AlckMes ft
Atieatle Ceeat Use....
Itlwere a Okie.
tie uit
leilt lw't
.oe let
,M W 1 llli,
IM lOtli M IMli
an nit IT iii
I.M at a-u, ns
t,m tuu, suit
aw itsi i wit
Breatlra Sa,it Tr..
Caaatlta Paclfle ...
Central Leelker ....
Central LetUae eta..
sat- at- -ts
uaatral ef Me
Ckaaaeeake A Okie...
n -ti
Ouatu A Altea
Ckloase O. W., saw..,
raiaage O. W. pit...,
nice m N. w
(Slctse. H. A St. f.
' ..... 19H
... IM 4I 141 S 140
... twt m wis ins
.... . Mt u ti rs
v., r., CAM. b.....
Celereae P. A I........
Calertte A Seetaara..,
Ceaaellettei Oas ,
Core Pretaate
I. or
1UH His 14
is nos it
ns .as n
IM la wart a Heatoa...
Deeaw A Hie Ofesee..
I) a H. 0. at
DlatlUert' seearlues .... Sat IIS IIS IIS
gne le aS HI KS
Brie let I4 Lett Ht WS U
grit M pit MS
Ueaeral gltctrtt a Tt let Ml Ml
Oraal Nertkara tM t ote tji ui 111
Orttl Nertkara Ore etlt.. tie MS M S
iiitaatt cvatre l.ene uiw ins uis
lalerkamitk Met. 1, lot 11 IIS US
Bier. mm. pie atue tr ttlt at
latematleatl Mtnteter a Lies lias U(B llts
eiar-aaariae pit sue leie 11 11
laleratlltetl Pater to U U 11
Imaraatlueal Ihuae ... MS aw IDS t
leva C'aetrtl , US
Kteate x:y twiiaers.... aar MS MS M
k. u. at. pft - M
Lactate Oat Mt lets 104 1
LottaaUie A Nlattlllt... 1,10V IM IMS U'S
ante a H. Laeit....... ......
m , st r. a s a it... m
Mlaweri, K. m 1 tot
M. A. A T. (4
Mlatoert Paclflt ,.. 4.MS
Natlaeal BiereU t
1S lS leS
ti s eota
iu im mii
NalKiaal Let
h. H. B. et M. M pal..
New Tor Ctelrtl
N. T . O A W
Nertelk A Waster
Nartk AaarictB ........ ,
Nartkars PaaUW
Pacllle Mall ,
reaatrlvtata ,
Peeple'a Oat
P.. C , C. A St. L.
rtutbargk Coal
Prtatel Steal Car
Pallaata ralaaa Car......
tt ts M
aje at MS
I Tot ins Ills UiS
to I2S nS H
to let
tot ns
tt u
l lee
10 MS
eta ni
aw a
itsi a
let MS
gtailaay steel sprtsg-.-
Reseat M atael
Raeutlta steel stA
Herk laltt Ca
Reck lalaat Ca. pM
L L A a P. M sts...
St. Lea a, a w
St. L I w. art
SMaa-aaaRlal4 i. A 1..,
seat tare Paclfta
eeetaera kallety
se. Kail war PI4
Taeaeaaae Capper ,
Texts A rtrlttc. ..........
t.a L I W
T. sl. L A w. era....
IVatea Pactne
Utlae Pecllle M .,
galtel states Been?....,
tallel Btalae Bubbee...,
tenet statet Steel.. .v
0. I. Steel pie..... ,
Utah Ceaaer ,
Va.-Ckretisa Cataueal .,
Mot ms m
l.tet as as
se ns lis
! a tt
', n. m iS iS
MS at ll
! " "si 'iivj 'itit
ll.Ma a
i,e n;s ms
, ato us
to al
lot IS
Me as
mt s
tat ns
14 S
Wlkeak pt4
Waatara attrrltat ......
Waetlaiateae KMatrle ..
Wtelere talea ..........
Wbatlllg A L B
Laktsk Vtllay .
Cklae CWteer
Kay Ceweeltaatet
AaMrtcea Tabeeae
Teul aakaa ter tke ear.
M sat
s s
rtsarlaa: Heatt Beak statrsaeal,
NEW YORK. May 4 -The statement
of clearing houae , bank for the week
show that the banks bold I !... a re
serv In excess of legs! requirement.
Thla I decreet of I. 1.4. 160 in the pro
portionate caah reserve aa compared with
laat week.
The statement follow:
rttilv avarase: - Inereaaa.
Loan ...U.Sairjnt tattoo)
bpeel aM.tuo.ati &,
laal tender a.ui.
Net depuotts
. 1.BOU
Clrculatlona ..
Axceaa lawful
reserve la,d),34
. Banka caah reserve la vsult eMi.tK.M.
Trust eompatue cash reserve la vault.
Aggregate rash reserve, ttfe.MPOQe.
Trust compantee reeerve with clearing
house members carrying tt per eent re
serve. lev.3a.0W.
Actual conditloa: increase.
Specie twattoo il.l.eoi
Legal tender - S4.iil.wa) "ew
Net deposits LaUww 4 Tstaw
l lrculatioo 4t.S.a) U7.aU)
Lxoea law rut
reeerv 14JX.734 a.4Mja4
Banks cash reserve In vault, IM4.tal.ll4t.
Trust eosapanle eaah raeerv la vault.
Aggregat eaah reserve, ItSJeAtDa
Trust eumpeay reaerve with clearing
houae aterr.bera carrying at per cent caah
reaerve. ..,
Suxamary ef stau benk-and trust eem
pauile tn greater New Turk hot report
ing la the New York clearing houae:
Loans .tOr.'WM.Ttw I e.iTi.A
Specie - 4a.xj 404.1
Learal tendere l.4.i UM
Total deposit 7noa,tve VLMe,MU
Cwwdlttott at Tvwtkswry.
WA8H1NOTON. May t-At the begin
ning of bustneae today the coadltion of
the i nlleo etatee treasury waa: Work
ing balance ta treasury office.
'; In banks and Plhillpplne treasury.
tsDSLK: total balance tn general found.
ll24r; ordinary recetpta yeaterday.
t:,'J.rW: ordinary disbursements, ft. TIS,
13; ItefWt w date thla nsral year la
IU.U4 U4 as acsmat a deficit of llitirt
at tin tua last year. Thaw ngure es
canal and publlo debt
Wew Terh hteaer aarfcet.
JTEW TORK. May a-MONEY-On call,
nnmiaal: time loans, steady; sixty days
MM per cent: ninety days, l!e3 per
cent: six months, tv per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' billa at UMli
for alxty-day bills and at tt.tew for de
mand; commercial bills. M.B.
SILVER Mexican dollars, etc.
BONDS Government, easy; railroad,
Closing quotation oa bonds today war
aa follows:
tl. g. raf. M. re., lew later. M. M. 4Ha.
as eeapea KOS-Japea H
D. g la. rag. 1 en lt I.. r.
de tentoa Mlltnc. Cat 3a... 71
0. a to. re. lit L t kk a 1U.. MS
at eoeaea ,IL A N. sat. at.... M
Alllt-duO. let la... at u. K. T. let tm.. Hit
Awar. Ag at let gea. Se- t7
A. T T. cv. ..lillinu. rtcme tt.
An. Tobatee ex..... wSN. R. a. et M. 4W w
ee at taasN. T. C s lw.... rs
Arweer A Oe. tsa.. MS ee eea. ta M
Autleea sa. ta.... tSN. T. N. H. A H.
as cv. ex..... WIS ev. e m
eo ev. et vnre. t v. kt t a. a
ICkU ta aS ae ev. ex 1U
Bat A Okie at. MSNe. Pedfle ts....... m
4e lite ee at SIS
ae t. W. ts stSreaa. ev. Ute 1114.. s
lareek. Tr. ev. ta... S ee eea ta...:....lMt
Ova. at Oa. ie. lwSRtealag gea. ta..., MS
Cea Iatker la Msg. I, A A T. ta at
C. ef H. J. la.Uli, 0 u tl
Ona A Okie Sa..M0Sat. kll.tta
at ret. fa H ee 1st goat 4a..... HS
Ckieage A A St.. r A L
C a. A Q J. at.... MSae. rat. eet, ex..... 1S
ee saa. at a ev. ex ts
C M- A a r. a SelWral. 4a. ft
a a. I. A P. a ta nste. Ballwsy aa IC7S
4e rfg. BS at gen. 4a TIS
Cairn, ltd. at. nsuttea Paelne ta 1S1H
CWe. Mia. ta 41 at ev. ta lets
C. A I. A a 4Sa MS aelalAreL ex.. M
D. A H. ev. ta tisu. a Subtler at ttts
O. A R. O. as. UU. A steal M la.. ..HIS
at ret la. IT Va-Ckr. Caem. Is.. s
DlaUllere' Is ItSWtkttk let la. UTS
grit a L at let A ex. ex... s
at gas. W... ...... TtSWtetera Ma. tt II
ee ev. tt, eer. A.. US Wen. Ilea. ev. la.. Bit
Se aarlae B... Ttawta. rVaml ta aaia
Ota. Ilea ev. k..ltkx Pta ev. Ie..... ns
lu. Oaa. let ret. It. at raaaata Is MIS
Uler. Mat. 4a US . -
hi. wOUerea.
Loadoa llaeac Market.
LONDON. May e.-Amertcari securities
opened here today steady and snout un
changed from yesterday's New York clos
ing. During ths short session trading
waa light and mainly la the way of cov
ering, which advanced price a fraction.
in dosing was steady, with values
ran trlng from unchanged to o above
London closing itocka
Cetteela, tuaay TlSlaalavllle1 A N......WS
ae eaeaaat Tt T-UM., K. A T. MS
Aaul. dp ear MSN. T. Caetral. ...... Ill
Aatoeaaa .......... tSNerttlk A W 1US
Attkltoa MS St eta. M
MS. MlaOuarte A W MU
Balllaere A Okle...lllSreeaarlvaala 44S
ajaattita Pacllla....M Raat Mlaea. IS
Ckeaaseake A 0... kattleg My,
CUotta U w USteaiktrs Ry
Ckl.. MIL A It. P.. Ill ta I4 TIS
IM Beere. MSaaetaere Ptanc....llS
Daever A RM 0.... Mttitlea-raelllt Ill it
at PM f, US Ie t't us
Brie J MSU. A Ileal.. 1 Tl
a let pit....... M aa pr4 .....Ills
ee M PI4 tiSWikeik lu
OrtaS Tratb MS aa tM... ........... tl
Uhaoia Oaatral lit
BILVEK-Bar. quiet at TTU-Md per oa
MoNLY lHlt4 per eent.
The rate of oleoount in the onen market
for abort and three months bill I 1 1-H
per cent.
Roetea rloalag ttaetatloaa.
BOSTON, May 4. Clot in Quotations
on stock war as follows;
Aliases . w Heaawk
Aaul. Capper XISNataoa Co.
A. Z. L A MSNIpueleg Mlaet ,
Arltaaa Coax .... It-IINank kutla
.. as
.. II
.. TS
.. MS
- S
.. II
s, a c. c. a a M. T North lake
Cel. A Arltaaa MU.0I4 Dwalalea ...
Cel. A Haclt... tat oeeeela ,
Canteaahtl II Qelacr
Co. Raaea C C, IT tkaaae ,
.. II
.. II
Etet katie O. al...
HSBaaerter .........
11 lueerlae ItU
.. MS
,.. IS
Olatux Cea
Ortabr Coa.
Oreaae Canaaea ...
u u. a t R. A M... a
IS ee pM MS
nm'uk cm us
lale Reyele Cepper.,
Kerr Lake
isutak capper Ca as
Lake Copper ......
La Sella Capper..
, a 'wit-
,. S
. I Weivertss
. MS
jaitiai t.ppar ,
New Yerk Mlalae Biweha.
NEW YORK, May 4,-CToelng auota-
tion on animus atocae were:
Alice UO'Uttle Chief I
Drtaawlrk Ce iMatlcan e...!M
Cow Taeeel atetk... lineurle .IM
. UOeklr
Cos. Cel. A Va..
I rot Silver
leedvllle Cea.
... to lit atari'
... II
BUTTER-No. t Mb. cartons. He; Na
I In 44-lb. tuba He; No. 1. lie; packing.
CHEESE Imported Swiss, Be; Amarl
caa Swm, lac; block Bwlaa, Mo; twins
He; deities, tic: triplets. Ho; Young
Americas. Uo; blus label brack, gas; llm
berger. Mb, He; 1-lb.. tif.
FISH (fresh frosenl-Plckerel, Ie; whit,
Ilo; pike. 11c: trout, lie; large creppiee,
12tlic; Spanlth mackerel, lac; 1. lso;
haddocka 14c; flounders, lie: green cat
flth, 14c; roe shsd. Tic each; ahad ros, per
pair, USc; salmon, loc; halibut, to; yel
low perch, to; buffalo, so; builneada, 11a
POL'LTRY-a.rollara tt.a9t).a per dog;
spring, toe; bent, I4t17c; eocka, Uo;
ducka. latilWc; great, lie; turkeya too;
pigeons, per doe,. tl.At Alive Hera llx-tr
12mc; old roosters, sc; old ducka full
fi-athered. 13tc; gees full feathered. Ic;
turkeva 14Vlll4c: Dlgeooa. Per doa. Uc:
homers, per doa, K.3U; atjuaLa, No. 1, aual;
. z. sue
BEEF CUT PRICES-Ribs: No. L lts;
No. 2, liSc; No. a. UHc Loins: Na L
An; No. t 17c; Na 1. liva Cbucka: Na
L 44e; Na 1, tsci Na X, $e. Round:
Na 1. i:sc; Na 1 11V: Na 1, 11c. plat-.
No. 1, 7Sc; Na X 7c; Na 1, 4S.
yRUlTS, ATC.-Applee: Extra taecy
Sea Dsvls. per bbl., M.S; Wines spa, per
bbl.: V; fancy Mlasourt Pippins, per beL.
4. S; Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy, per
box. H an; WaalungtoB Splisenberg. pa
box, 13 44; Waahlngtoo R. Beauty, per
box. tlat; Washington Sty man Wtiieaap,
per box. p. to. Banana: fancy aaiacL
per bunch, P; Jumbo, per bunch., Datea: Anchor brand, saw,
1-lb. pkga IB box. par box, Ci.aa; Drom
edary brand, new, a) 1-lh page ta boa,
per box. 44. tlga: Call (or ni. per case
it II Na 11 Pkga.. tee; per tees ef M Na
11 pkga, , per eaae of W No. t pkga.
tl; bulk, -a and le-ltx boxea. per lO.
i...- n.w Turkish, t-erowa la Iv-lb. boxea
per Iba, lac; 4-crowa In -!. boxea, per
ST, ltc; 7 -crow Is av-iu boxes, per la.
l ,C uiwte arH.a. eawaiwa. ae ei ae. uer
crata to, ef wss. Per orate, la St), a-M-at
aiaee. per crsts. Orapee; Malaga
in bbla, R.Bityl.tu Lamone; Umooiara
Mlecta-4 brand, extra feney, asv-aw) stsss,
per box. ta; Lome Llmoaelra, fancy, tve
M ttxaa, per box. 1-U4 aiasa. ive
per bos leaa; Calliornta lemona. AXVatk,
tises. Pr wax. tA-wtjAua. Orange: CaU
1 orate Camellia brand, Navaia. extra
fancy. isea. per
a : extra choice, all slsea. Per sea
STklephant brand. IM-lSaVKt-Wl-il aa,
r'. nil; aKhK-22e alaaa. eaa- k.i.
LtBjf- P'.neapplee Iv-Ja-M sttea, per crata.
tnrawi-eriia-- aa i i -- 1 va
M pints, --
VJiiaTAOU-o oawaa. vca wvp, wer lex,
ISe Cebbege, Wltoonaln. per lb, 4Sc;
new' Calllorala. per lb, 4C. Celery, Cai
Uorttta Jumbo, per doa. t--: Florida, la
ih rough, tuec doa, par caaw. Max Ca
cumbere hot house, per Sox. Egg
ptX)t, ravavr e mm, t-a a wai -
uc. extra fancy, white., per doe, lia
Lettuea extra fancy leaf, per dee., tec
uaiona California, whlta boiling, per lb,
C7ecoaaln. yeihrw Olobe. per la, ac:
red Olebe, per Ie, tc; -Hruah. per erata.
eja, parsley, fancy eoutaem. par do,
ririM laaqlc Paraalpa taocy aoutk
aVnT per do bunch. tutTic; Paursalpa
Imr ST. llac- Poietuea Mlnnasrata Red
i,, Eerie Oat awed, per bu, ttn,:
Minnesots xarly Rues seed, per bu . L.te.
lyie. Triumph seed, per bu, tl , Wia
white atock. per rju, atta. Ruta-
atxua ta aacka. per lb, ISC- Totaataea,
T'STi. a a-baa. crata 43. at; Cuba.
ner -Oek. earraer, tt-sa Turnip, per lb.
MlrKTKLLAN tLB Almcmttt, tarra
goca. per lh. U4tc; la sack lots, 1 leaa
Coooaaut. per sack. Mo. FUbena, per
ltc; ta sack Iota. Ie leaa Peanut,
roaa'ed. ta sack Iota, per lb.. 7Vc: roasted
lea then sack kota per la, 4c. raw, per
lb. 4a Pecaea large per tb., Ue; la sack
lot's, la kssa Walnuts, new crop, UlL
California, per lb, 17c; ta sack Iota le
i Oder, new Nehawska, per it-gal.
rbbL. tT.4.; per 14-gal b, 4--M: New
Yerk Mott'a per la-gai. S bwa, I
i..l bL BXiA Howev. an. 31
tS.ST Krwut par It-gaL keg; SLTa; per
elude Panama
t-gaL keg. R-aV. a
key to the Situalioa Bee Adrei-tittng.
'''' "
Cattle EeceipU Thouttud Short of
Same Week Lait Tear.
Receipts ef Hega Are Mederwle aad
Pi tees It 'to M Xtekel .
Hlgbetv Sheep Are Neaat
1 sally Steady.
" SOUTH OMAHA. May 4. 11.
Receipts were. Cattla Hog. Sheep.
Official Monday e.710 5,1 4.1tB
Official Tuesday 4,117 . t.177
Official Weoneaday.... J.SU ii,t: t.tnO
Official Thursday....... 1.674 U.faB 4.7W
Official Friday e&l 4.W7 a, 171
Katimate Saturday U i,u
Six days thla wek...Ul 71.07 SUM
Same days last 46 3Si T..V
earn day 1 wks ago. .14.13 40,96!
earn day I wks 74.144 aa.74u
bam days 4 wks ago.. 1,43 42.S61 K.40!
8am day last year...7,lj4 17.194 .oCe
The following table show the receipts
ef settle, hoga and aheap at South Omaha
for the year to date as compared with
last year: till. ItU laa Dee,
Cattle men KS.IM m.m
Hoga LJ14.36J Kt.lM
Sheep 75t.a ian 14147
The following table show the rang or
prices paid for hogs at South Omana for
the laat few daya with oompariaans:
Date, t IM. Wl.itfW.ilt&.i:.ilMg.'M44.
April Si 7 it I ( 741 t 12
I tloj 4 U 4 3.
April KM I
tUifKf I 4 J41 4 J
April 271 7 iVnl I at
1 04, t Sol 5 Mi 4 ttl J
t (4 7 Ml t Ml I I
! 7 gU 2k 4M
111 lklli.,13 13
t 11
April 2S
AprU M
6 41
May 1
T el
7 i4
I 41 4 al Hl 4 2a, 4 ffl
I 74 I 4 Ml K 4 li
(Hit M 7 Mi' I 4 Ml 1 17
t 42 t U 7 041 t X! t 5) 1 11
May a..
May I.
May 4.
ReceipU and ditpoaltlon of live stock at
ths Union Block Yarda. south Omaha, for
twenty-four hour ending at 1 p. m.
. cattn. nogs.
C. M. St P
Mlasourt Pacific
Union Paciflo
C. N. W., east
C. N. W.. west...,
C. St, P.. M. tx O....
C, B. A Q.. east
C, B. A y., west
C. R I. P.. east..,
Illinois Central
C. O. W....,
Total receipts , 1
Cattla Hogs.
Omaha Packing Co L1M
Swift and Company '"
rulahir Par-klna Co .... 1.012
Armour A Co L7t
tfrhwartschtld Sulsberter..... .... Liti
Otbsr buyers i
Total : 1 M4t
CATTLE-Aa usual on a Saturday
thus was nothing of any consequence
on sale in the beef line and price were
nominally steady. or toe waea iwceipw
liiv. 1 .n ahIv mr-rlerata footing UD M.9M
imii nr a lu.ii i l till naan more luan iai
week, but fully that much abort of the
coreaDoodinx wsek a year ago. me
Quality of tne offerlnga ha been very
.iMilraL-ilak aa a rule throushout and B
vigorous demand has existed ror tne ue
slrable long fed grados. Anything of
thla kind hag found a ready sal at
imbHHv advancing future and closing
quotations are all ef lotjaic higher thsu
a week aga On the other nand ths
ahortfed aad only partly fat cattle have
met with a rather -Indifferent demand
from ell sources and -ertoos have not
shown very much Improvement Value
In general for beef cattle are right at
ths high point ot ths season and a high
as thsy have ever been at thla market.
There has been a good degree ot III and
atranath to the market for cow and
heifer this week, and prices are at the
high point of tn season, uamana naa oeen
keen for useful offerings ot all grades
snd the very rowlerele receipts havs
found a ready outlet at the strong prlcea
Common and canning grade have sold
somewhat unevenly, but In the main
values ere stronger than a wsek ago
and the outlet for all grade vary
broad. Veal calvea are selling strong to
a Quarter higher than laat week and
there haa been a llvellv UraUiry and
very satisfactory market right along for
bulla, stags, etc.
Volume of butlneea In ttockers and
faactare haa been OOmDaraUvely light.
Both supply and demand nave been
limited The conditions hav bean auch
that the trend of value haa been upward
and cloaing quotations for decent stock
of all weight are lttiSc higher for tne
week. Stock cowl and hslfers have been
Iff good demand and are telling aa high
aa inu lima durlnc the season.
W Violations on caitio; laoou. to cnuicv
V uaara 17 .Daafxa.M: fair to good beat
steer. ti.oJti7.tu. common to tatr oeei
teera,; good to choice heifers,
is.uuex7.ku: aood to ctiolce cowa to.iwte4.7V;
tatr to goo cows. t4.7tt.e4; common to
lair oowa, tn.tot4.7; good to choice stock-
are and feeder, st.iotll.w: isir to goou
ttocksr and 'seders, )b.ibi.iit; common
to fair atockars snd tseders,
stock heifers, H.tVbA.B); veal eaiva. I.J
aui x.: butia ataaa eta. H.auaje.tu.
iiOUSe aoaerate reoeipte ua ooti nun
with a healthy general demand at the
opening and conwderabie business wax
don during early rounds at flgurea
strong to a nickel higher. Orders were not
large anougn to eoeora uw some suppir
thla oatia. nowever. tua auantui waa
followed by weakness, the late trade
ruling steady to B shade lower and
slow at that- '-..,. .... .
Yard estimate caueo. I or irv toaoa ana
ahinnere worked rather cBUtiouaiy de-
tpiU a very limited run at Chicago. Pur
oliaeer on outakde account amounted to
a abort 10 par cent ot tne receipts, me
dium weight butcher getting the call
from this quarter.
The neat lard hoars sn sale brought 17 74.
as compared with yesterdsy's top of 17. 5,
while Bulk lanueo wttnm tne et.euvi.av
spread. Bacon weights, averaging KM
pounds and leaa, ranged from IT. to down
ward, but sale below (Mo were few and
Compared with a weeg ago current
prlcea ahow a general loss of about lee,
beariab trend being prompted by good
sited receipt and very heavy stocks of
provisions. The oemano oa moat eays
be been reasonably sulva
tupretentauvs sales:
Ma Av.
ta. Pr.
a i a
us t a
is Is
... M
... I
... t a
1W is
... T a
M t a
41. ...... .Ml
n za
a ut
u ..u
as ia t us us t us
....Bl aa i us t t a
....a tw t H
... ra ... iu
....ti at ta t i a
...m alii
....hi ... I a
,...ta a i a
....mi ... ta ,
J..v ... i a
... tn as t u ... t a ms t h
a ... ta
....Mt as T a ' ... t tt
....:i ... t a a t a w it
... tee a U
tr at it t a
.im Mia ... t a ... t a
...ut a ta
...ii ms t a a i
...m us t ata
.ni a ta
...ia as 1 a i .B 11
It... in ... i w
lt. ill a 1 at
II.. Ill e ia
a J w n
b ta u ta
a lie a ta
u m a ta
...xi ta T a
...mi ... iu
...MS ST
MI ... IU a I a
....ns a t a
..m ... ta m ta
...Ml ... t a .
jm a t a
.:rt us ta
...ut ... t a
-at ... ta
a. i a i
m. " "
na ... v aa
it ta a t t
a Mt tea i ae
M - sa a t a
it si ta
a. to we ' a
m sa a T m
b as ... ta
M m '
W ...lit se i
B. ...... -Ml as i aa
a. Jtt ...
a J a ta
w a ta
a. at ta
n at l a ta
a J"
n... m ... ta
n........a 4
a. na ... ta
a n ta a
a... M -
a at a t a
it a t a
.n MS a a a ta
...M4 ... ta ta
a at ... ta
m ...... au m t a
a sot ts t a
U........S ... fa
.,.. at ... ta
M........WT gtt
a rt ... taj
a J M TS
t en tt t as
H ,..S
a ta t a mi ... ta
SHEEP Nothing arrived re the wy ef
aheee or lamDe am tn maraet nad Its
usual .Saturday appearance, resBalning
anar aad weralnaliy ateadv.
4urtns th week iw diUeraat waiHties
of trade haw developed. Oa early day
the demand wss clamorous, witn pacaen
buying close all along the Una Prices
ruled wildly higher a the result of keen
corn petition and hlgb-pnce record were
mad on day only to be broken the next.
As much ss lit. was paid for pritn
Mexican lamb from ths North .Plane
valley on Wednesday, a compared with
the market's extreme record of Ilo
claimed by March C 1914 The weeks
top oa shorn lamb Is M.M, ths runaway
trad being caused by sctual and pro
pecttve shortage of auppliea
After Wednesday killers dictated and a
portion of ths early advance was lost on
a trad that proved mean and dulL Beet
welled lamba are not wanted above P
at present, while good to choice shorn
lembe are closing around U.SOtrS.Ta. Sheep
have been scarce throughout, shorn weth
ers selling up to 17.14, with ewe moving
largely under the 7 mark. Nst sdv-ances
in wooled lamb amount to about 54 cents,
woo led lambs are not wanted above flO
around 76c higher. . ,
ReceipU locally hav keen fully normal
and the run Included a very respectable
crop ot shorn offerings, mostly lamba
Nothing much waa purchased for feeding
or shearing, tbe total output on country
account being less than 1,-04 head.
Quotation on sheep and lamba; Lamb.
good to choice, 13. oitj 10.14; lamba, tatr
to good, B.UJ.aa: lamba aborn. W.l4
1.74: yearlings, good to cholc ts.40w.7t:
yearlings, heavy, I7.764T4.M: wether, good
to choice, li.Msxi.aa; wetners. tear w a""-.
47.Uty7.44; ewes, good to choice, ti.latiJu;
ewes, fair to good,
Demand far Alt Klada af Stock la
nnrinn liiv CATTLE Receipts,
yd hesd: market slow sod stesdy: beeves.; xexae siecrs, '. . ;
ern steers. aT.JOff7.70; ttockers and feed
ers. M.16t.a0: cow and half era, KJu
7.45: calvea tt.W9-44. . .
HOOS ReceipU. aow nesn; nwacji
steady to 4c higher; light, t77B:
mixed. t7.B4jr.il4i; heavy, i.i.(o.
rough. !,., 7.16: pig. t4.75tW.49; bum of
ssles. r.S7.7.
8HEEP AND LAMBS Reeelpta 1.000
head; market steady; natives, KMtfT.75;
westerns, Bo.0047S.00: yearlings, t4.5Mr8.iS;
native lambs, ti.3affi.TS; westerns, 46.00
14.S. . . i
Kansas City Live Itoek Market.
ceipt. 404 head, including 90 .issd- or
southerns. Market steady; native steers,
tS.bO5.7o; southern steert. t5 600JA10,
southern cows and heifers, KXtjAS; na
tive cows and heifers. KK97.B: ttockers
and feeders,; ouiia sanrp io;
calve. 46.uoet.0t; western ateert, BvOOt,
140: western oowa, 44 S0S.b4.
HOOS ReceipU, l.oou nesd. aarxet
strong tote higher: bulk of salsa t7.60t
7.74; heavy, 47."67-7S; picker and butch-
era VJx&.W, lights. ft.lutfl.M); pig. Ml
BHGGr' AflU UAe-xveoetpia . -
head. Market stesdy; muttons. 15.50Q
7.M; lamba 4800a i.00; fsd wethers and
yearling. IS. 00050; fed ewes, KWi-u;
Texas goats, ta.4tkS4.7s.
St. Lewie Live steek Market.
ST. LOUIS. May A CATTLE Receipt.
90 head; no Texan ; market steady; na
tive beef steers, K.aOby.w; cows ana
halfeea It WrfrA to? Btnckera and fSOdera
tl 7M17.00: Texas and Indian iteer, o.jS
tfl.To; cows snd neirera et.ww.w; os"
In carload lots, U.XQT!..
HOGS-Recelpts. 4.404 head; market
etrona: nlara and llshta. .3&tr7.70; mixed
and butcher. e7.ietJ7.IO; good heavy, 7.7
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipta 804
head: market tedy; nUv mutton,
.;6il7.a; lamba T Ktylt ia.
St. Joseph LIT Steek Market.
Receipts, 104 head; market steady; steer,
K.Kkjtt.40; cows and heifers, RlttJaUV;
i-.lvea MOoiiAOO.
HOOS-Recelpta 1.404 head; market
steady; top. $7.74; bulk of tales, 17.409
7.70. . .
turrp and i .a la km Keoei pis. none
market nominally ateady; lambs, tS.SO
4.74. - -
Steek ta tight.
Receipt! of live stock at ths flaw Prta
cloal waftsra maravt yesieruar.
-. , 1 1 . Unm
South Omaha....,
St. Joseph ,
Kansas City
St. Louis v...,
10 7.SJ0
104 lOHO
400 1.004 9U0
lot) 4, bid BIO
luO 4.0U4 L
, 1.4W CJOO LiOO
Ottow Market.
NEW. YORK, May 4.-COTTON-FU-nnaa
closed ateady: closing bids: May,
I11.U8; Juna lil-U; July, 111.11: Auguit,
tiltl. Kentamber. HLB; October. 111.31:
November. 111.1!; December. 111.40; Jan
uary, tll.17: reoruary, in.j, . aaarcn.
111,41, apoi cioeea quiet, av iwiiiie uiubi.
middling uplands, tlLSO; middling gulf.
HI. 75: no aalea
doll at prices 1 point lower; American
mlrfitltne fair at died: good middlirg.
teOd; middling. C.JKd; low middling. a.0d.:
good ordinary. AMd; oratnary, xiu. tne
sales ot the day were 4,040 aalea
Oil aad Reel.
TINE Firm at 4Sc: tales, 447 bbla: re
ceipt ahbiai snipmcnts, u oDia,
stocks. H.8S0 bbla ,
ROSIN Plrm; aalea. L42I bbla; n
Minn u bbla: aklDmenu. ttt bbla,
aneka ta H57 bbla Ouotatlons: B. 4S.26;
D, twoO; E. P. G. H and I. Fw; K.; M. r.; N.; wu, t7.a; ww,
Coffee Market. "
ture market elogeed barely ateady and
from 10 to 14 polnu net lower. Stlea,
m Jf baxa May. use: Juna lxetc;
July. llSOc; August litSc; September,
liSSc; October-end November, lltac; De
cember, January. February, March and
April. Ilesc. Spot, quiet; No. 1 Rla
1V: No. 4 Santa. Ue, mild, quiet;
Cordova lttflta '
' Dry CewtU Market.
Tha cotton good marxea are quiet witn
price steady. Bid for underwear for
aprlng. Wit. delivery are being receive
on ak bails of laat year's opening prlcea
but are not being conttdtred. Yarn
rule quieter. Jobber hav had a fair
bous trad for tb week,
Oaaaaa Hay Market.
OMAHA, May 4. HAY Na I eSl.SOf
B0; Na z, ..ougi.": r.o. t, tiltfi'.ui,
tin 1 mlddllnz. tAieitWOlO; No. 1 low,
llnd. Iltoftall.oo; alfalfa, choice third and
fourth cutting. 173 oroyaon: first and a
ond cutting. tXmi.S; Na I tlaOOtt
10.04; Na A iiWW ,
' Beak Ctewrtsuia
OMAHA, Msv 4 -Bank clearings for to
dsy were Il.t7l.tat. 74 end for the corre
apondlng day last year HUa.S71.74. The
clearings for the week amounted to 111,-
&.B t snd for tb same week uuat year
he aar Market.
ateady: muscovado, af teet. t-tae: cen
trifugal, M test 4.06c; Tflolssses, as test,
I XV; refined quiet: crushed, I. toe; gruiu-
late, fine. ajuc. powoereu. aaws.
Hat Market.
steady; territory and western medluma
ict,iic; 0ns medluma IMJlTc: fine, KkgUc
The Inventlow of Melrln Vanlman, the
aerial tngtrteer. of a peculiarly strong
Meet wire cloth t sow tinder examination
ky the United State signal corps snd Is
taid ta be likely to revolution! ss aerial
navigation by mean of dtrlgibla. The
composition and characteristics of this
cloth are hut llttl known on taid of the
few who tr tn the secret. It It uppoeed
to be wjsda of B wire drawn from vana
dium steel and real raining great atrexgth
and lightnee
Th ductility of tb metal m such that
the wire M drawn a fine aa a Na 44
ttsea thread, snd In th we ring It pro
duces a fabric that hold water. By
means of a eompoeltlon th wire ia
coated, a a to make It gas tight under
high pressure. Saxnpete of th fabric have
put at th bead ef General Allen,
PsJtrle Deeltteed ta Bed
th Risks wt Avla-ffea.
duet signal officer ot tba army, and It
ha suetained various test calculated to
how tta availability for the purpose tor
which M was designed. " i
Aeronauu tn the army regard the ih
wejttloo as having great significance and
essentially matrix: poexibl a new arm
in aeronsntlca
-With such material for th envelop
ot th dlrtgibla" said GauxexsJeAllan. re
cently, "It is conceivable that sustained
Clsht would be easily accomplished
through a period ot fully seventy-two
houra It Is conceded that for military
prupnsa then I everything to empht
tlxe the value of the dirlgrbla The asro
plan Is valuable, but It haa so- many
llmiutlon and must be used at such
high speeds that lu application to mili
tary use will always be accompanied by
(Teat rlak.
"Flight by night with th aeroplane 1
practically Impoxslbls in mill ury operx
Uona, and we have all along looked to
the dirigible for a solution of th prob
lem of iwconnoltering In that way. Th
dirigible 1 so much mora a ship, carries
so much nor weight and passengers,
that It value for war It lsoonoeivably
greater. Sooner or label- every modern
army will be compelled to use them. Th
coat la greater, but the extant to which
one good dlriglbl may be need In ttm
of war 1 o great that tt la not neces
sary to have a fleet of them.
"Th small dlriglbl which w acqutred
In UOt and which 1 now at Fort Omaha,
where It Is used to gtvs officer In th
signal school ot tb army alight Instruc
tion tn aeronautic Is practically negli
gible as military equipment. We really
need a large, modem dlriglbl oonvpar
abl with tb best that ba yet bean at-
tameo abroad, where progress ta that
Una has been more substantial and rapid
than with thla country. Our U nutations
bar an In the matter of adequau fa
cilities for Instructing officers I think
that th fundi would b furnished tor,
supplying a large modern dlriglbl. if w '
bad th officer to us it sffsctivsly for
military purposes.
1 expect Vanlman' work win lead Ia ,
valuable results. He ta an aerial em.'
glneer of great skill, and bo Is likely to
accomplish eventually what be ha sat
out to do-make a dlriglbl that will cross
tn Allan tic. "-New York Time.
Skyrocket Career of Britain's Risk
riaaaeler Clewea la . .
Towards th and ot th nineties. Ernest,
Terab Hoolay was a power In the land.
To th small try ot company maslpo-,
latora b was an IdoL Faahlonabl so
ciety, always In a hurry to gat richer:
hung on bit lightest word. Anoiant col
leges and venerable deans shed th light!
of their epuhtanance upon him with a
lively sans of beneSU to coma Prooes-,
don knew him, clothed In th mxg-
nlfleenc of a high sherifL His Bam I
connoted tnllllona On Saturday last b
wss sentenced st th central criminal 1
court to twelve months imprisonment
for obtaining COM by fraud,
H was bora under the constellation
Aquarius: h was th champion waterer'
of capital. His vast paper pro flu wars '
mad by th slmpls device ot buying
business for rathsr more, and atlllng them,
again to ths publlo for a great deal
mor than they war worth. Thus be
tween 144 and 1194 he promoted twenty-'
t'x companies. He waa th engineer ot ,
tb cycle boom, and fifteen of his com
panies wer cycl companies. In these,
cycle promotions Hooley paid 5. 144. 000
to th original vendor, and received
0.608,000 from tb ultimata purchasers.
But his net prom on the tnnaaaloo, lt
is believed, was no mor than 1211,000.
Th rest wis paper profit unrealised, 1
coat of edvertlsemenU and commission,
snd all th wrecks- and wastage of
rscklea boom Ansae.
Hooiey's Inflated financial credit soon 1
burst. It then appeared that the grota
profit olwfS,0,090 on his twenty-tlx pro-'
motions was all smoka and that th net
result had been a lows of OSa.OOu, Thai
debu oa which dividend wtrs paid
amounted to iS42,000: the satata realised
tUt.OOO, and tb dividend to anaecured ,
creditor waa 4s 4d. H continued, how-1
ever, to apeculaU in land and to float
compenlea As might hav been expected
In an enterprise to which credit hi vital,
failure doggsd tb footstep of th un
discharged bankrupt, and again laat year
a receiving order waa mad against him.
Th wreckage ot certain Siberian gold
mining eompeale la the chief monument
of this part of his career.
The occasion for his final downfall was
hardly worthy of the much-advertlssd
man of millions. It was over a petty
detail ot one of hi favorite peculation
in land that tb law gripped him. In
August. 1414, young if r. Twwtdal cars
In tor 7,500. Fate decided on a re
adjustmant, and threw him tn Hooiey's
way. Mr. Tweedxl wsa to buy from
Hooley part of soother estate, that ot
Thornley Hall, for ie.00. This, it waa
said, was below th market value, so
that Mr. Tweeds! e would be aola to
resell it at a profit, and to put hlmaalf
tn funds to meet his bills. ..
Hooley instated In a cash deposit ef
C.404, much la axosas of tb normal
amount Mr. Tweedxl sgreed to tbe pro
posal, and now follows too fraud. In reply
to Mr. Tweedale's solicitor, Hooley Hated
that hi wn contract to purchase Thorn
ley had not been pledged or charged,
and ba mad a statutory declaration to
that effect Oa tb atrength of this, Mr.
Tweed! paid over his 2.000 deposit la
fast the property was subject to charges
amounting to ftt.044. and th declaration
waa falsa to Hooiey's knowledge H
obtained th 2,008 by falsa pretenaea
60 thought th Jodga and so aald th
Jury, and Hooley goes to prison toe a
J ear. London Loonomiat.
Persistent AttverUalng 1 th Road to
BUI Returns.
California Land Sti(llcale
A rare opportunity is offered a
few persons to join some Callfor
nlans In acquiring largo tract of
River Bottom Land In southern
part of Sacramento Tallejr. Cl..
adjacent to river and roll trans
portation. Land is subject to over
flow and. Is equal. If not superior
In richness, to Valley of the Nile.
Reclamation cost Is nominal, and
nnder BdvantAgeoos conditions
and system; tbe land cost Is small
compared with value when re
claimed. 'Will net approximately
100 per cent profit. -
Subscriptions solicited, payable
to tbe Land Account of the nnder
slxrned. Interest in the company
to the amount of your subscrip
tion, with your investment, re
turned within two years. Capital
isation $!o,eoo.
For further Information, address
24 Oalifornia SL, Saa Frajtdsco.
. J ef Ttfe. V : t- r-ii -I- V-iSllC 5',Sj-