Sunday Bee wt Omaha past, tin - WANT AD SECTION ?PAGES OSE TO HSHT.V " 'A SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS VOL. XLI NO. 46. OMAHA,: SUNDAY, MOENINQ, MAY 5, 1912. HE i ami 11 JM "IK aar 1 x . MAIT. ORDER BrSINESS Special 60 Day Ollerl Te latrodace Oar. J" jT NEW EXCELSIOR SolarTelesccpe By Mali. mm I Em nm eat esw few aM Mr lea Ihi M m Ilk ? t ,. . VA VMM r Jf I 1 A I 7 .". "at aj-res - m a tee tSStrnTSS Smmm V Ar ' sax aeaw aa 1 T i tor War W W- Te. M,miini i r, rpi IS MftMa M U MMJ 1 MlMM, flit to tat mIm BAi. Mae III i mi sua ito m WB MM, IM HK MJ ). kataar la tta OMrenr to at m- m nui am IT )! THY IT lag 1 to ltolra--l Lmht. (w o ka Mmmv Orav ar mm BmrnX. Miyaato to arr tm. aH ar BaV laMtoa M( totto WI (HUUm MTIfaO. Tic M aoY (Fuao(0. u ar CaTaieaui ar UM. ITS- KMT WITH I AC OROK. TN orrin add Far M Aa i 10 you laouLi rt IT. Quota ow j not area KIRTLAfiD BROS SCO. JAf aft... M CaeakmtL.I.Y. aBfa Don't Wear a Trass mUm alMh. !-" PUPA UT0tlI, 1 1 T It Ut. 1 1 t " - AQTfnAnr"? gyr free mf mnrFiiT utltoar mmmmmmimmmmnmmwmmmmwmmtmmmnmmmWmwmamW raOararaW . aa, FHAHK WNETfEL, AitAarjeu Iaujui ut MuaaBuoau aaraatr aa M to Ha Oto eat ta t laaaaw la ajar Han; aura rav, fraalag m auiara. MUA aaltlag lor all ra ratoa: UMtralM laauaa tMtW. HIRAM aA- TON. n waar Mia t . Nt Tart, lllttlBA LlcHtmril mmij 'a wi-" E urt. uACtircur irmriii IfilCL md la llimn'l to aa r Aim Ml WH.M 1M-Wi fatMUua a. toiiiliin af. IHMIIllltWAlMA.MtrMlMMl' w il jmIAmI, m1 w. ubTim. aataaa, tlaalt WATttm Ctt..aa (a (aUtaat CKDERTAKSRS. ANTI-TRUST UNDERTAKER. Caaketa M truat price. Phone H. T. Brui Co.. a ta or F-iai and aava money. ... AMISEMKNTS OMAHA FILM EX. V" Motion artetura maeblne tad film banralna AXNOCNCEMBNTS THIS 13 WORTH We on your bill for xrepairiiK carpet taarpera or (rlndlnf lawn mowara. .... . . . i ....... - Nam. ....... Addrow and 'Phone. t We do .the work at your home. Call B-jtJt K. r. Bherick. ixn enmmc. OCdSl M .t . I tVM am,. w m j m Food Pllla. 1 per boa, poatpaid. Shermaa at atovonnait irut ti.. miwiw, FOR todding or (radlnc call W abater J. A. GENTLEMAN, UNDER TAKER. embalmar. lot Chleeao St. D. 15. B-ltta. VnnVM tit 8. 16 tu St. Everytblnc XVUIJ131 to N,w gprlnc Stylaa EL COKTENTO HABANA CIGAR. Bos M. poatpaid. 12. , try half doaen; If ot aatbifactory money refunded, BEA TON DKUO CO.. ltw Farnam. Omaha. Alfred a Kennedy, olrJ .nee. TVmt Set. Bk. Bld(. Douf. Tit THE TEKNA SHOP Dinner Ferora, Leatber, Braaa, Oiaa. and Silver NorelOea; atatloaery, Beaketa, Dolia Pupuier prtoea. Omaha'a aaclualve (Ifl .tore. Ita Farnam. Phone D. SMi EAT KOtHKR HOME COOKIKO. ARKINS. & 14TH. UPSTAIRa GET your dtaniande at Brodeaaard'a, M. B. Morrtil, china paint. 3 Brandel Tb OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. (3 Douclaa. Stevenson, carpenter, oont. Both nhonea UpbolEtMrina. piano, furn. rep. IWfll. HAVE DaTK dean your wall paper. tlT. A-S3e. I Uva In Omaha. Opm. BUi Poatlng Co. Oli Atar. D. at NORTHRUP LETTER DUPLICATINO CO., H Putoa Blk.. circular lettara, any auantlty; otdeat eatabllthed company; as parte or jatmttrraira earn neuaijriM. OFFEKMAN Soaot bathtub.. ! -a, ltM Douslaa 8t FEATHEES Camtna. D. MT. - it mattreaaaa renovated ua. Hilow . Ce 121 CAELJABL -'. DOUGLAS Pnntin Co. Tel Doac in. ANCHuii rENUS 00- IroBaind wire fencea cheeper than wood; lest a lifetime. SB7 N. nth. Phone Red Jit. -aa moaere ahmrpesad: uerieei wura. ,eaiiet cuarjaa. ! u and Corby. B-Oa eerk m mm mmm iMwt nu k mm tata (mn. Tata aw ptWt llM li Mft MM tAB W. eeaaa tar Mm soUn tataaase A. mm m tatar mm BMae mm aed M Md. fWMMal BaS- mm ikunime, VI H F(IT IMI rjicuariatacf . meata -.,aa. wm aaeea. UNaOf ill I t-W k liSMM-y -m wi Om Mraa-ur a I IkV MM l"w7.TriL-i WaalaaL a tar- tM N W. . MCVv.aa -I au. WANT ADS I WnM ta-CTted at ear " to laururw proper dulflf Wt mat ,- beJore 1 O c-atm. -un ranlBC dtLtaa aad Mot p. a. for aearaln. savd Buwlaf dt tioM. Want ad reeved alr ra hi ,kMiM ft tnaarUua aadtr tkm - "-f "Xaa Urta CASH RATES FOR ttuxsecetiv. la-ertioB. fJf! Ota. asaoe oa onu oay. rani; LM par Uaa per " u aas ad at ra wKiamt cUaa irf DEATH AMD FUNERAL KOTICK8. J. INMm, tutra m ' St. Sunday aflarnoOB, : -tMraH Fgnat lwa. , ' . , SMITH U In Jalt, Ad yaara. from H. K. BurttM a JMpaU Twaniy-nJnth at4 laawnworth. Monday i ri. m. Jnwrmeot Wen Un ceoio- BUDENBURO-Mary K. May 4. II yaara a monun a - of Albart Budanburf. " , trim family r-ldD, M rt Mamentfomt Lawa cemetery. Friend. la-ltad. : .t..i TiA m, ParkaT 8U.; lota- and toinle Intermenta fur aale. LUUUal HvTtt'KS. I. a O. F. ENCAMPMENT. Mem Mrs ox nwiw - - . r l:a osioea irvm mmp VCIi a-Mllowa' iwniu. Laava Odd Jeiiowa Ball at i: p. m. i O. O. T; ATTENTION. - . . .. .... Auaniat TBO lunera oi ow " 7-. , Tbonpecken. will be ha aunoay iTftiml MaJltary avert ua. Mtu LrTof Omaha lodo No. a.m hall at XM p. ro. J. O. Looa, t.. Saa. K. Uraenieai. pecrewr. CAaUl OV t'UAMIa.. We wUh to thank our many frletata .T Tk... .vmaeihv at the death of our BU.bend.and father. 1Mn.T at Ho. joaarn MArtw . . . . ' - MtnAara thaAk. to our many friend, and eapectally to the,ofl)n..jd orkm o. 171 and tna mproea . . . " oompany tor the klndnen and aynwathy bown ua aunna me ".k loved hiubaad. father, Md brother, and alao for the many floral off erlnaa Mra. Mori arty . and Family, Mr. and Mra. Bella. Mr. aoa aire. n . auAa aha M klndlY 1 ij "i txa many iwmw aaatated a durlnc the aloknee. and burial of our beloved nueoana ana 1 Penlck. wo oereoy eipreaa "i " thank.. 1 MRS. JAMES 'PENICK.u ; MR. AND MRS. H. M. M CORMICK. MAHRIAUK UCBNSKt. PttfmtU to w4 bav bB gnuttod tht toUowlns couple: ..' NanM and Ai"M. Al. . -l-a... a JmmIl Mo aft JS. M. aCHW-H-fii, -v. - a--- attaania. KhlfUMkA. UlllM.Utt.feette.ttat M ThaanVlA fMMkll. ODlfULlk, 1.1 uii! tJ-d-anln ..u....ti.iiini 19 Anna flmITian l-.nOOUl.a..eee...eaaae H Sumb Rothary, Ballavua. Nab.. ......... e illaaat ilMrB.haa. .1 ...aa.a.a M triiv a UaHaM (hniai,i........ a w 04Mr T- IudaitVpmabA..., An-tia. PrsaBOwakA. Omaha U John ABr-o!i, South $4 lataaaatka. Partttckr. Omaha................ YES SUMMER'S HEKE So You Need a MEMBEESHIP -V . InTte . : Y, M, C A. ; j. With a - COOL SHOWER, KEFRESH- ING SWIM'AND LIGHT $5.50 NOW TO SEPT. 15 v - LOCKEE FREE ' JOIN NOW FRED J. OFFER MAN ; Phone m. , 11K Dooglaa SeUlns Allan P. Ely bankrupt atock at bit dlaoount; a pot cash. SHAFTING, WOOD PULLET, rasollne. team ancinaa and pumpa, electric aup- pllea, huaea, erUI presaea. Concrete mix- PLUMBING AND SUPPLIES TO EVERTBODT.. ED ROWE. Well borlna, Benson Hi. BLDG. PLANS 'cr'ST. trnTt&TTQ Eastraaa Good A, complete R.UJ--a-IVO Mock. Larcest fialsbln depertment In the west a ri m tiutiutT uisanmiu tu.,.. U1J Farnam Bt and M a. lath 8t TXT VTirn MArh nt .11 kllwia Tindlrtti and saw filtnc. Call Ind. B-XM. -ft H. Cole Blcn Cat D. t7ML UM Farnam. Wedding announce roe nu. Doug. Pit. Co. Ouarantsa Laundry. Fine work. D. 871 Twenty per cent less than Omaha pries. HOME FURNITURE CO., Twenty-fourth and L Bta.. South Omaha. PARALYZED 11 YEARS PW SubecrlptKms. - TO The Ladies' Home Journal 12.00 The Saturday Evening Post. 1.50 The Country Gentleman I SO The piiMtanera will deposit K,M in trust for same pubuc enmity, the In terest of which will bring ms S2S a month for Ufa Must have S7 more or tne Kara prise as lost. Tour renewals count fiTlPnnV THE MAGAZINE MAN. WItUUill, go. 4tn 8t OMAHA. D. g. Orlf nth, wig mtr- U Frenser Blk. MONEY TO LOAN-LOW rate, in soma to suit. M Be Bldg. Phone IMuk. XaM. vrtu.i LOA.N CO. A. C. I isaard. Tyler 1ST. 17H Lea. IT IS A BEASTLY SHAMS ta take eaady from babies. But it la a snap to bay Diamond. Watches and Jewelry at Fred Brodegaard at O,' great sacrifice and removal sale during April. Neb. Soed Co. 120t Jones. Both phones. NEW phonea A-19H. Tyier JsfK. Cany Lamdry. Cut prfcea. v WANTED By reUsbw eeiored man to clean oftlren, stereo aad nvuae rise til ng asanas m King. , ANXOrXCEMENTS MUSIO teacher, wanted in local towns to act aa aecretarlea. Write us for good, liberal proposition. Office Universal School of Music. (U Putoa Btk. AUTOMOBILES Auto lamp repaired. Omaha Silver Co. If V TJ I A REPAIRING Murphy Did Itsg; TIRE REPAIRING Urea. We make them almost a. rood aa new. Nothing but highest priced and new material used. AU work guaranteed. Arthur Stora .Auto Supply Co, Mis) Far- DRUMM0ND Auta repairs, rubber tires tor carriaaei and commercial trucks. ISth and Harney. Why not eell your old automobile and boy a sew one or, maybe, you can use the money in some other . way in either event. Bee want ads will do the work. Balsa Its esnta par word If rau only one time or 1 cent per word U run two or more times consecutively. HAVINO dlacuntlnuad bandllnc AUTO- MOBIIEB. otter our remainlita at oca cosslatlns of tbrao blah vrade yiraatoaa tourloc can at oarcain prieea. mcum eattley Co.. lath and Jones Bte. "M? A Yf will repair and vulcanise 1SUxKjJH ur puncture or blowout, fed. I!W Farnam. Doug. 111. Your TIRE EXPKNRKS cut In two. Expert tire rerjeirixut: witrk auaranteed. AUTO T1RB RKFA1R CO.. Usa Farnara. FOR SALB-21 H. P dalluare aulomo- blla, cheap. NEBRASKA CTCLB CO." USED motorcyclea. bicycles at banralB prices. V. U. Race. SOI Laayaawarta. ciCiD HAND AUTOMOBILES EKST Used can; guaranteed; all vu-'' makes. Bee ma Meat: lew nrieaa McCermac, til 8. Kstn. Tel. Mar. lata. Used Cars Complete, with top, glue front and speedometer. One Velle 4a, five-paaatnaer touring oar. Price new, tLteV now, HOOD. One Valla to, tlve-pasasnger touring oar. Price new, B,17S; now, 1,M9. Don't buy a junk ear pay a Utile more buy one of ' these ears and get real bargain. JehnDccre " Plow Ca Mth and Howard ' St a., Omaha, Neb. aaa iial 1 1 v n, proposiuons in aaea eara. The IntarstaU Automobile Co Ua U S. Mth 8t. SEVEN-PAtiSBNOER 1111 Packard, uaed eery lltUt; In exosllent conditio ana ruuy equipped. Inquire office la brand els Bona. UII FORD tourina car. fully ecu I road Oimranteed to be In perfect condition. Never been run over JO mile. A bargain. Aoareas u U), ne. - , REBUILT STODDARD DAYTONS f. L, T-psastnger.. rrW . F. T-passenger B, I. F. Llmeuatne ...12.109 . A. .-passenger JfOO SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OF . CARS AT REDUCED PRICES. J.J. DKTUUHT COMPAN T. 1IM Farnam 8t. Omaha, Nsb. FOR BALE OR TRADE. Cutting roadster, run Lio miles, efine eondltlon, or will trade for four-passenger car. Dr. F. A. Van Buren, M Brandals Theater. One 1-patssnger 111 model Interstate tearing car, fuily equipped, first-cleat condition: cost fcLOUO new. First offer of cash gets bargain. Address A lit, bee.' ULbMJV'EtUi OHAJfCXS. TO get la or out of btiaLoee call a OANUEHTAU. SH aMO Hlq. Tel. U. Sen. FOR SALE Country store of general mdse. In Bella Four e he Irrigation prelect. II mile from railroad; &, la stock and building, rji u buemees last year. Kel sons for selling to who may Inquire, Lock Bos it, Nlalend, a D. CLEAN STOCK FOR SALE. I tslli sell for cash within the next I day a fio.ou stock of merchandise bust- aaaa la wall established and In very thriv ing locality. 'Phone me If you mean business and w will dee promptly. Theo. Johnson, Rosalie, Neb. FOR BALE Tin) Franklin Moving Pic ture theater, one or tne near paying ma sters tn Omahs. Will stand investigation. F. E. Oolf, WT rrnnklln St. Ed. Rothery, Business and Real Estate sxenange l-o., noom snr. atrv asue oiog. Burns,- Brlnksr Co.. Omaha Nat' I Bank Bidg.. mortgage tor investment. MAKE a fortune this nresldentlal cam paign year; you can do It with Bayso lot Cream Cones. Popcorn Fritter, Kottoa Candy. Amusement Game or any one of a doaen spsubindera wrappea up in my new, bright and sparkling catalog; If yon want tnatd the bta and leaitimale money connect with me quick, utels, aa Beyso B.dg.. Toledo, O. MAKE tXloW weekly at home even ings ar spare time. We manufacture our Patented Hoeclsiuea and nave maiMT- maklna aroDositiuna for those who wish to enter the mall order busineee, every thing fwrnisned, experience unnecessary, large profits, quick return, a eeavaae lns. Our year of experience, personal assletanc. and up-to-date Ideas assure your success, write ror positive proof IJept- K, 141 Broadway, Buffalo, N. T. ONLT ea will secure a substantial Georgia possession which can earn vary large profits without requiring the at tee tson of the owner. Write for photo and free tnp oner. oeo. w. ueen. Box 46a, wnycros. oa.' ADVERTISERS Try these: Tour X- word ad In W monthly msgt lines only SI. .tonn Dre., anatcoii, it. X WANTED BUSINESS MAN who will advance at the end of each week P per cent oa account of our In voice: to reliable nertiee ner cent oa money need and liberal commissloa; no risk; amount aoout ts,atsi per montn. Aa drea Lapp, 141 East Hat ac, Maw Tork, si. x . . THE beat at ore In Sioux City, la., must be so to at a saennce. Including millinery, plume, corsets, hair and facs goods, dye ing and clean lex: cheap rent, fine loca tion. This la a splendid chance for any one to get a good business and make money. Mrs. J. K. l.utner Boyd, HI tth sul, Btonx irv . towa WE are agents for the sale of a brand new theater recently opened in Omaha at a cost of over l.o, seating eapacity of ever W. tax 12xli, on set of eeenery a no a aease tor over four years at a very reason so ,e price; erUi quote term UDon personal application. A good chance to buy aew. Froareselve FUm Ejtchange MOKET ftjrnljbed to establish sr In. irnii desirable boalne enterpriaea: cash oa band tor mli deais: entire Issae of stocks and bonds bandied on commis sion: 4f references to satisfied' eastomers; established in Omaha in Ernest L. bqulr. rf upaaa Kari stank Audc BUSINESS CHANCES. A Tea Dollar Not (or a Flyer I carry a to-eart elaaalrie At lata aer tee suiliaa lian eea Maw taay tail ta entire Mat at It lepera: Neat Vajt KeraM, avnala bereea. tea nerata. ttacaaaier uiiairaH t BaltUaere Neva. oajaSa Baa. . , Svraraaa HaraM, ' . Pravieaaea Trlbaea. rittatoirxti Uneatea. . ClevelaaS Laaaar. Kee Havaa tvarler. ' Ilea Melaea K. Laaaar St. Laala OI Umm., rMevar HaaaMkaa. Waaktastaa rest. " Saa Frascina Ctraakle, Mllvaakaa Praa rraa. Atlaata OaatkeUea, Ctaclaaalt Ktajalrar, Dailaa Neae. Mlaeeapalta Trtbeaa. ' fsicaaa nacera-nnaia,-Datralt me Ptvaa, Kaaaaa Cur Jearaat, laaUaapatla Maes, Baaaoe Nasa, Tohet Bleat, ' SanatfMt Raaeklleaa. GIVE Til.A LIST A TRIAL. . .Rudolph Guentber. !3: OIVl TH18 LlffT A TRIAL PacMt Ult rrae HALF LNTKHKST In h,illlnK worka for sal er consider trade tor first class land or city property. Price K'Mi- This at paying very good, eapectally with the summer oomlng un, but must be disposed of owing to owner' health, which ran can be proven to Interested partis. If you mean ousinees see or write us at one, farmers realtt and loan CO.. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. TO BUY. maee or sell theaters, new or tcond hand machlnea renaira and renalr. Ing. Writ Theater Exchange Co.. leat atijs St.. Lraug. isyi, FOR BALE OUt edge first mortaaaes oa new dwellings occupied by the owners la denominations of tuuu and B,60ti run nlni I and i year, at ft and tw nar earn Interest. AMKRICAN SECURITY COMPANY, J South 17th Bt.. Iletween Farnam and Marney, around Floor. STOCK or bond Issue railroad. Indus trial, mining, public utility wanted for sale, commission basis; unexcelled and extensive tadllUe. Ororga o. Ferguson. West Mth St., N. I. INCORPORATE IN Iir.UAWAHK. Best, eafeet. chtianaat' law anrf fnrma free, DELAWARE IMriiKX,. ... TRUST COMPANY, tth and Market Sta, Wilmington, iet.- SOME Bulldina and Loan AaaocialioruA we hear, are TURNING MONEY AWAY because they cannot place It with profit to their stockholder w nave a doasa or ao of gilt-edged first mortgages on Nobraaka Irrigated farm, bearing per cent Interest, the security belna at lust twice the amount of the loan, which w otter at face ana accrued interest. That w can ooneoientloualv retwrn. mend te the man or woman with 3,IM to , to Invest. To those with a smaller sum w advise Investigation of our BAVINQ BONDS, BECTJRED Bt FIRST MORTGAGES, BEARING f PER CENT INTEREST. and Issued In 10 amount or multiples. v ait w write PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., ttth and Farnam. Omaha, Neb. GROCERY stock In rood law. in, nr 1.000 people; reason tor eelllng, have other bualnaaa Address t t, cars Bee. TO get In or out of business call on WILLIAMS, Room 411. McCagu Bids. To quickly buy or sell bustnaaa. anr kind anywh'e. Konncbech Co., 641 Bee Bl'g, Oa rtVY.W r m I. I . teu. iw " wwa wwn v aw wiui te . llMlun. 1 . . raaarmahla l.rmi AHMm.. V ta uu WHOLESALE poultry, butter, egg and . ...... . mm wMam uumbp; guar anteed bualneas U.MO a week, sood urof- tts, located In good lawn, can be run an very small capital. Best reason for sailing. Aoaress I it, care of Be, WE hav for Bale the eontmlline inter. eat In aavwal banks In the northwest and requiring from t,00 to I20.0U): no trades. XOUr Inauirlee treatad In atrtnt g- B- Enkema A Co., CM Security Bank "'"a-. amiiiMaiame. sainn. I OWN u fiAttnirtu loW It. .J.. each, 1 mil from nice town In Lak county, Florida; all clear of debt and per- imv, i.i,m. . um. ai oown, .is a year. Will nl.n lu w , . . . . ..... . ... vnavnMM it neairea. n,rn eirt Squires, 741 Omaha National Bank kl KM mnA i M,M,.. V.-... i -..., MM .iiib Mkl.V u- quaintaac wsnted to give part of all w MMwawtui viuarpriae operatea on new Unas. Large Immediate remunera tion. IT.u,,.lln. n ..l.i- . - ...... arivii.Mvtw, uarroaneii. and honorable bustnaae quickly learned. No Investment required. "Advertiser," eune mil, sw nn Ave., N York . nrn mu. M . .. , , , . .v , . , . uiaii vniw ouaineaa. The Mail Order Journal, li year old, RIMllkl. SA -. will . . . I . . . . ' ' m,i, umi juu riant nd keep you posted oa money making uiaini, uiuiavenaaote to uoeesa. aeng sV f l,r .a MnRlha ..1, I ... sample eoplee. Malt Order Journal, aa Schiller Bids.. Chtcaao. T IT mu 1 1 VI HnU.i m.. ... h... you In a most pro fl table mail order m.u w mm, . iv, nanuie all your own money. Valencia, m ilh at, naw aura. OWN a gold mine near Holltnger, Por cupine district, actually producing valu able Interest; map quick buyer: seaeoE opening. 4m B. Queen St. Toronto. " PATENTS seourad or money refunded. Send (ketch for free report as to patent ability. Quid bock and what to invent with list of Inventions wanted sent free 11.000, 00 offered for Inventions. Patents advertised free In World Progress; Sample free. Victor J. Evan Co weantngton, u. c. . We have for sale choio I 1 sfl mortsajtea on lmnroved 17 Nebraska farm bearing T l per oent, ranging in J amount from BM to R,M. None of the mortasaes exceed M per cent of the market value of tn rann. call on us for further peruo ulara , KLOKB IrrVErrTMINT CO.. M Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Omaha. Neb PATENTS : THAT PROTECT AND PAY. Books, Advices. Search and rrprpp List of ' Invention. Wanted. aXUaTj Bend sketch or model for search. Highest ref are noes. Best results. Promptness a sursd. Watson E. Coleman, Pat Law 'r to F St., N. W. Washington. D. C. WILL exenang ?, euultv In fine oronare lor Businea or -clear hem, r -14, rJae. EIGHTY baret or any part thereof; I per cent preferred capital stock of Hupp Automatic Mall Exchange Co.; IX per shtre. par- value, lav. Must sell. Andrea M U. Be. FOR SALE Stock general merchandise. Invoice about KiO. No clothing or out of oat goods No trad consldere-l. .Ad dress L. B. 41, Artsley, Neb. FOR SALE Hair dressing parlor, fully equipped with all modern appliances, huh class trade, good location, full Una of hair good a. will sell ebeap U uaen at once. Addreag u wm. Bee. riaaaclail. INVESTMENTS. ' :' Wa have evral first rartgage loans Tor sale bearing per cant, well secured. These ar guaranteed loan ranging la siie from I7SI to THE ORCHARD HOME COMPANY, US N. 14th St.. Unoola. Neb. Automatic B-1W7. Bell IN. BOI.VESS PERraOXALS Atteraevm. Q. W. AieMs.Attorney. 177 B. of Trad. Bag) MaBBfaataurasw. BEMTS OMAHA BAG O0-. Omaha. Nth. em aad raekate ataxBataatarase, Woodea Box at Packag Co . 1U4 ts. nth. CrasBtrlas, taatriea aa Bappttea. rslitncnf . Diadem terrier. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. , thlreaeatala. . . DR. ROY. W Farnam. Douglas tS7. . CSalhlag kf aa a tartar ra. Wear Ideal ens ahina. ML E. Smith Co. BUSIXESS lER801AIi Cea-aUcrs aad Steel (elllaea. CARTER Sheet Metal Worka Omaha. lieatlala. Ballsy, the dentist. City Nt'l D. JM. Msch ft Mach, 3d floor Paxtoa. D. 10S5. Taft'a dental rooms Uii Doug. D. tl. letecliea. . , V' rwaeiv. lenm Inmrnae, imI an.l twimlMt Inlepvl.w ortrrvarjond- ence eonfldenUsU sil Brown Blk. U- aiA L. W. LONONECKER, 4i7 Karbauh Blk. Omaha Secret serv., 428 Paxtoa blk. D.Uls. JAMES ALLAN III Neville Blk. Evi dence secured tn all case. Tyler 11S5. Ia, eaaaaaklag. Tarry' Dreasmakina otaiege, mth Far. DRESSMAKING by day. Webster 1711," PLAIN sewing, reasonable. Harney 211 Dressmaking by day. Phone Doug, ttot. Dressmaking taught nights. Doug-Ma DRESSMAKING. Ml Farnam. D. UK DRESSMAKING. TEL. HARNEY 1 DRESSMAKING. TEL WEB. ilss. 1714 N. MTH STREET. Dressmaking by the day. Webster 4s Plsia sewing by day neatly done. II. ell. MORE sewing by day. Mis Al.lller, Webster S3. Branstata. DRUTM at cut prices: freight paid .on HO order; catalogue free, tthermau a Btoconneu lrug to,, vrnana, meo. Kvarytklagt Kleotrwal. Electric lighting tlx., wholesale and retail. Buriess-uranden Co.. ull ttowaru. u-atu. n i Act ua ttf r.i-r.' t tviv v-w Telephone Doug. tell. il South lith 8t allWAnu r . pvnurnvt. pas'- 2d Hand Electario Apparatu- and repairs. Ls Bron. Ill 8. ltth 8t. Iv.r tatiBB la Wants. willow plume nwauwiiivui . new feathers, reasonable 1WJ g. U. D. TW. Nubone Tailored Corsets. CI,,... nl H ant til ruat Ar tl Trail. Nil Bon Corset Shop: SM Neville Bk. P. tlTtt. x.Axvt io ana rug nwM, without removal ; free estimate.. The Ideal . ... n, , a. . . , , ,.i mia Air iicnning a d. rnona ajows- mw m . vnaoo uimiie, " ... . slses and styles. THE IDEAL PLEAT- 1NG CO.. STW LKlUglSS HIOCS. twin Elect, vscuum cleaner. I1W day. Web. OMt rwtaina laiindared. M ra Carmody. . li 4K9. A-altt. Dr. Babcock Co.. Ml Wtthnell. II A Har. I rM4 MtlU aad Stores. Feed all kinds, Olencn Mill. WM I sard. Flesrlsta, , , A. Donaghtia, lt Far. P. 1001. A-IWI. HESS SWOBODA. 1411 Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, Ml Farnam. D. USA BRANDEIS FLORIST, Brandl.5ldgT BATH'S FlXtRlgTS, Boyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flower. Doug. HI. . F.drlee. McDonald braaa aad brona foundry, alu mlnum, tin, lead eastlnga 1407 Jackson, Bt sale, Ar aad Laagaaaee. . Violin leaaon: Wm L. Pstlon. Web. BUI, rv. ri,; C. H. Thatcher, Plnu fiano runing lVm Hv D, ton. Mevtasa Vtoraaa aad Cleawlaav ttxraESSMEN'8 Delivery Co -Moving furniture, packing, flrvproor atoroge, ;ity office, tit B. 17th. Doug. H. Ind. B-IM. r.,ri. Vaa A Storsae. Tvlar 1100, 81171 Furn, moving; I men. B per hr. W. fftt Nareerlee aad Seeds. STEWART'S. PEEDMEN, lit N. 1ITH, HAZEL DKLL NURSERY, J. W. CAT. Oeneral line nursery stock, 1MB -aad Plnkney. Phone Web. Mia. Fruit Trees shade trees, shrubs. Uen'l nursery atock Benson M4-J. Benson-timana tvureery. ALFALFA SEED, flood anailty: writ for prloaa. Aampla free. . . BCHWArJg tsrwe., t-naqtvn, r.. MeP.BYRD NURSERY CO. wa win he at the asm old (tand, ltth nd Douglas Sta Call Doug. 44M; let ua help you plan your grounu tree ui cnaisa. , Opticians. , a F. Wurn. fitting and rep'g. 441 Brandals. - Oeteepathy. Alio Johnson. PW- Brand! Tha BWg. Katharyn Nlckolss. M-t Brandsi Tha , ratals sal ttlaas. . . , .. ton are nrm . . color card and Ulk ever your painting and decorating. Complete Una 8brwla- WUIiams palms ana AinaiM BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 10V Farnam. Poug. 47W. ratvats. - D. O. Bamell. Paxtoa Blk. Tel, Red Tilt. Wlllard Eddy, 1M City Nat. Bk. Bidg. fhatearapkera. RlMhart, photographer, 3th It Farnam. rlamben. U F. VALKENBERG. Flttmhlng. W, Ml tleeenraphera and t aart Heparter. Myrtle A. Kellay. to Ursa. Tne. it. gear rrlallag, Lew W.Iiaber Printer, BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COURT. LET th CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od your work. Mil Douglas St. Tel. D. tlU. Kay to th Situation-Be Advertising. Printing. Reis-Hsll Ptg Co.. Wt S. 14 th. Ind. A -KM. I.yngstad Printing Co., ltth and Capitol Ave. Tel InA A- for good printing. Paallag. OMAHA SILVER CO.. B4 S. Uth. Bteel Vaaat Bad Calvert L.sapaalss NEBRASKA and Iowa SteefTaak Cenv pany. in ana c wwm, ia Mafrtaeratanr. ICELESS refrigerating systems for butchers, dairies, produce houses, cafe, etc Better aad cheeper than tea. Free catalogue. H. A. Bora Company. Dept. P. Chicago." Traaka sad Pail t saae. Frellng at Btetnl. Vtt Farnani St. Teat aad AwaHatfa, OMAHA TENT CO., Tot IB Douglas, . Wlaea aad Llqaars. WILLOW Springs bear, liquor, cigars sandwlcliea Alex Jetes, Ul-I 8. ltth St VIRGINIA DARE win. Cc a large bot tle. Klein Lrawo Mouse, m N. Mth St, Tb Persist ant and Judlessu Us of NewaoxDer Adwtislcg la th. Road to Business Soccaat . , CDUCATIOXAL JaTOaiNC, hat te frtdg, . w EDUCATIONAIa BOYLES COLLEGE ; DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ; ALL THE YEAR Corn o let a eoursa In Bualneas Ron If - keeping. Stenography, Telesraphy. Civil Service er Salesmanship. The catalogue I free for th asking. Call write or 'phone for It at once. Address H. B. Boy lea, Prealdent. Boyle College, Omaha, Neb. .... HELP WA XTED FEM A LE - Aaeata nasi salcawomen. WANTED Five vounv ladies' to visit Omaha homes and take orders for a na tionally advertised article, to be delivered through Omaha merchant. Answer O W7. Omaha Bee. WANTED Five neat lady canvasser. Apply qukk, 1111 Farnam St., upstair. Clerical, and Of floe. First class bookkarrier, PSTS. Stenographer and lire Ins. clerk. Hi. Office clerk, ). THE CANO AUENCY. W Be Bldg MAKE .money at borne addraaains. Send for nertlculere: Inclnea lAc allver. Smith Agency, ,1'nlversitv . station. Box a no A nicies, list xn L-iivo pig pmj copying naaieaees at hnma ru MI..11I. n. an,.. ll.riM. Agency, Chicago. ' BIG pay copying names., inclose stsmD. Sou. Information Bureau, B. 8. Memphis, Tenn. BOOKKEEPER and atrnoxrath:r. flu position for right party. tM PJ. Cashier and stenographer, Insurance firm, WMMt -- ; CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., W5-HI :ity Nat l Bank Bldg. Faetory aad 'trade. WANTED To work In their own local. try; good wages. Har. 17! or B 8t altar p. m. Call at 4337 Burdette. Haasckeeper aad Dusk vatic. . THE SERVANT OIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Be will run your Domes tic Help Wanted Ad FREE until you set the desired results. Bring your ad to Tha Be onto or teiepnone Trier iww. WANTED Good girl or woman for an- ral housework. Small family and guod wages. Apply Thursday lu Mis Kills. t Maeon alreet. or phone Douglas M.' WANTED A girl for tenerel house. work. BU Chicago. Red KUb. WANTED Competent colored cook. HI? Dodge, call Harney 340. OIRL for housework In family of three. good place to right party. Harney tout. .its no. stta Kit W A NTED Good girl for general house work; no washing. Wl Dodge. WANTED A girl for general house work; throe In family; good wags. Ju.9 Dodge SI. WANTED A competent slrl for xeneral housework and cooking; no washing; guod was as. 141 M, 41st St. , Phone Harney aoa. ANTED A good secoad girl to work for private family In Fremont, Refer ences required. . Address . Mta Clara Schneider. (Fremont, Neb. EXPERIENCED white girl for general housework: three In family. Harney tiM. W A NTED A girl for general house work; aowashlng. MSI Larlmore. "MIDDLE-AGED woman for light house work and to assist Invalid; M per week. Mr. Mttalatf, KM Leavsnworlh. Tel. Harney tarn, W A vru,nV.i..i.HA aihli. mI.1 general nouaewors, in xsmny ox two. uhs g. mtn St., Harney nan. WANTKI-Ooud girl for general house- vorx. i weamna. aai o. ten are WANTED A good whit, girl for gen eral housework. In small horns; oou pie employed down town. No ehtldern; must furnish best of refertne, uood wage, Prion Harney sW4. EX PER1ENCED girl tor general house- work, small- family, good bom to right party, rrion rtarney ems. UAV-TirTkA tntul alfl apfiy B( ivi do. ecu Ave, WANTED A good girl to do getiaiil housework; small family. Mrs. B. .A. Simmons, ttli S. ltd St. Phone Harney 4101. WANTEDA girl for twusework at L. Henderson, 1011 N. Mth St.. South 0ms he. WANTED Comnetenl girl for general housework, family of three. Mrs, John Steel. UII a. Wth Ave. WANTED A young girl to assist vlth housework. Apply Kit California. Lad taW4. WANTED-Flrst-class housekeeper In home where there ar ehUdren; a mldui aged Oeni:an or Swedislt woman wla can go home night preferred; reference required, weneter tvx. GIRL for general housework. 9U Cuming. ' ... GIRL for general housework. Svoo H. th St Tel. Webster airat. GIRL for general housework. 421 N. Nth. GIRL, wanted for. general housework. N. inn. MUoellaaeeaa. , YOUNG weilen oomng to Omaha a strangers ar invited to visit th Young Women' Christian association building at St. Mary Ave., and 11th St. where they will be directed to auttabis boarding place or atherwl assisted. Look for ur travelers' guide at tna Union station. LADIES Mak ahlelda at home, lie per leu; work sent prepaid to reliable women; particular for stamped addressed en velop. Eureka Co., Dept. M, Kalsrosaoo, Mich. LADIES, make belts; something new; cut material furnished; HI per lie; trans port at loa prepaid; palrtculars, stamiied envelope Climax Co., taut Delmar Ave, St. Louis. LADIES make supporters; $11 per 100; no canvassing; material furnished, aiamped envelop, toy partlctiiar. Wa bash Supply Co.. Desk II. Chicago. WANTED Dining room girl. Millard hotel. HELP WANTED MALE Aaeala, aisaaa aad BelUritera. WANTED A ana to aondt stibscrtp tlon for Th. Twentieth Century Farmer, salary Ml a week. Address Clrcuiatjen Manager, Th Twsnttetk Century Farasar, Omaha. Neb. COLLECTOR on aalary; alae aimn. U McCagu. Bldg. EVERY motorist buys on on sight; you mak II en every sale; our free book let teils how. The A. U M. Company, Box 711, Kan uxit city. Mo. Dept. 8. AGENTS Gasoline Filter for automo bile: just out: sell every snto owner; rat per onit profit; make -Hit) every asks; none but bustler wanted. J. H. Bra bason Co., M4 Melrose Ave., Toledo, O. EXPERIENCED traveling salesman by wnlp manufacturer to solicit best retail trad oa aalary or commission; reference required wi'h application, Reiiabi Whip Co.. weetneta, stasa. AGENTS New spring hoeaerv orooosi- tlon: everv grade and style of silk and cotton hosiery; every pair guaranteed te th limit; attractive samples free. Milton Hoelery Co- nm State Bid.. Dayton, Ohio. " FIVE dollars Invested will establish you permanently with exclusive territory the finest Un of toilet preparations mad. Write at once Empress Joaephin Com pany, KM Street and Amsterdam Ave nue. N. Y. SALESMEN Experienced producer for Maple ttne: trade-getting feature make opening new; accounts easy, and insures repeats; liberal commiaaton and weelrly advance, box an. cedar tvkniae. lowa AGENTS Screen deor check: demon. strata aad m!i 1 made: atop, th bang and aavea tb door: drawn can be carried In pneket: demonstrating aample free. Thomas Mfg. Ca, tM Ptoa iSidg- Pay ton, Otao. ' j . . . HELP WANTED MALE .' Ageata, SsUeaaaeB aad gallettore. WANTED HIOrWlBADE AUTO MOBILE SALESMAN WHO CAN SUCCESSFULLY ESTABLISH 6UB AGENCIES FOR DISTRIBUTOR 07 SEVERAL - MAKES- OF WELL KNOWN CARS. WANT MAN FA MILIAR WITH TRADE TRIBUTARY TO OMAHA. GIVE EXPERIENCE! AND REFERENCES.' ADDRESS Y 16. CARE BEE. ' , , wo Diani Jim in vuaiueaa, ivrawimt verythlng; men and women. tS to ISO) weekly, operating our "new system spe- uiaii? WHir autu puiKTirn ct nvii, lav. torle" ny where, year - round; opportu. nity lifetime; biggest pronoaitlon In ooun try, tree. Randal Co., Drawer D, East Orange, N. J. SALESMAN WANTED Eirn IT per month, sell dealer highly advertised ar ticle excliialvely or side line; no sample to carry. Imperial Co., St. Louis. Mo." AGENTS Every on buy guaranteed replace hosiery. Insured against hole for alx month; good profits; exclusive ter ritory. Ke piece Hosiery Co., xtawant. IV. j AOENT8 Men and women: M a day should be easily made selling our non alcoholic flavors, perfumes, toilet prep, ration: quick sellers; good repeaters; ex. . perlenea unnecessary; fine eemple case furnished lo worker; be first in your tsr-. rltory. Write Quick-now. B. U. Feltman. alea Manager, till Sycamore BL, On clnnso, Ohk." AGENTS-We guarantee your sales; sam ..left free te huatlera; squarest offer' ever mad: men buy on Bight: delighted with wonderful result of this t ml raxor sharpener; Climax is oiUy devV made -that honea and strops any raxor. Id-style or safety, acienllflcally. Hold it'sde on angle, giving barber' stroke. Famous ruturundum honing strop in every ma chine. Guaranteed to produce perfect edge or money refunded. Price, complete, B ,00 WO per cent actual profit every sale. Great selling plan. LiCsllm opportunity tor you. write quutx ror particulars, facta proof. Several openlnKa for man agers who can make good,, Address Ssloa Manager, n Victor Bldg., canton, u AGENTS Kew steal mantle burner, fit all lamps, , convert kerosene Into gaa; smoBstess, oooneas, .uarintMja pwmcv light; sample burner, postpaid. Sc. Lynd- hurst Burner Co., Lyndhurst, M-iJ." A.i iu taa aaniur, .fiiunii wm,m i new patented binder for msgaslnes, med ical journals, periodical, loose-leaf: well advertised; liberal proposition. Bigs low, mu ,.i. -..I. 108 K. lain street. New lorx. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with stapi line;, high commlasiOB; fltt) monthly advance and permanent position, to right man. .jets n. amita u, Aietruit, Mich." i - 1 tlM Uitl C..i..!... I .t -11 MHWA . 1 1 .. I lt . I I lu I M,ir,inw, wi eat and drink: three thousand yearly : side or regular. Addrea quick, WUIartt stain, lowa vuy, low. WANTED By Brown A Blaelow, aaiea. man to represent them on salary or oum mltalon heals, Omaha and Council Bluffs, selling their general advertising specialty line consisting of high-grade calendars. moulding water ooior line, togeiner witn leather, celluloid, cloth, arts and craft novelties. Writs F. W. Maughaa, Bala Manager, t. pani, Minn. , ' RELIABLE person, man er woman. In every county to advertise, deliver and collect: III weekly easily made; steady work; hustler wanted. Dexter Supply Co., PM 8. Dearborn, Chicago. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to handle an article which command Instant at tention; experience unnecessary: writ for . free particular. Parson Novelty Co., V Frsneonla St.. Worcester, Maaa. "AGENTS every what-, (either sex), to handi tstest novelty in women wear; -nearly !w per eenl profit; ready market) particular free. Writ te H or wit tt Hit man Co., Dept. N, Vmelatid. N. J. AGENTS Few hours each day neta you mo a week and up;, new low priced suction sweeper knock spits off high nrlced vacuum machine. If you want a red-hot seller, ahont us a postal quick for particulars, atiitora ktrg. ua, so Minora wag., stiitora, tinio. A FIRST-CLASS salesman to eell our iartrio sign; perms nent connection for it party, o. III. " Must be live wlr. Stt Furnltur Co, " lain auu mwia VII A irm lliwt, umiai (buwwmwu, vim. rsllabl oompany, paying ri to list par month. Call at 1 Board of Trad Bldg. Ask for W. C. Drapler, Good men are hard to get. They don t winder (round th streets looking far atgna In window . . - . Whsn you need goad help k sdvertlse In Th Bee - Be Want ads ar read by keen, energstlo men who sraa te batter their, ouodition. Rata is par word If run tw er more times oonaecutiveiy Tele. ' pbon Tylr lto. . AGENTS W manufaotur and control smokeless, odor less, never-bum fry pan. Entirely new. Exclualv territory. Con nolly Co.. m Liberty, New York" . AGENTS wanted everywhere. Money making proposition. Netting lie to tad daily. Easy and rapid sellera Informa tion tree. Walton Hit Co., P. O. Bog lilt. Denver, coio." WANTEDAA live wlr pouklty ssJes- man for our Una of Jewelry and neck wear. Reference, ags and experience fleet letter. Right party can earn three or four thousand a year. Address Sales Manager B. Box 411, Station R, Waterloo, la. . INCREASE your Income, We pay ceab, commission of H on all orders sent ua, that ar ihlpped. Our good hav mailt and can be sold to every body, by anyone, anywheres fv,, ex perlence necesaary. No samples, a fin side Un fur traveling men. Write us for full particulars, order, blanks, etc, T rose II Chemical Co., Ban croft. Neb, ANTI-SPLASHERS. Sample aad par. tleular tree. Average man or woman working few hour dally can dear 16 profit Let u prove It. Seed Aati- npiaaner t-O. , as rtoaoe, new iura. U-lllTCT) tl... hii.ttln' amenta M.1I "STORY OF w'RECK OF TITANIC." Authentic Edition. . profit. Writ for compleU outfit. Anchor Co., Ieak U, Dsytoa, O. ' FIVE dollar per hundred for collect ing Bams aad addreeees. AU or spars time, stamp for pariteuuua. Keystone Sslea Co., Darby, Pa. , WE guarantee large weekly Income to clever saUesHTien who -can handi new patented dvtd tor fountain aad bars. Sufficient good given tree, paying In itial cost. Greatest offer mad. Exclu sive territory. Fulton-Bell compaay, t Rector street. ew tork. SALESMEN to sell the Famous T. aV T. anbreakable lamp chimney. Easy seller. Libera! commission. William H. Thomas, Jr., Sol Agent. S 8. Strieker street. Baltimore, ata trade, tn weekta. salary and If per day while traveling. Western Cider Co.. th. Taxi is. Mo. . . - L'VTJ r- - - - maAr m.iul. alth.. out heat metals, granite, china, alumi num; large profits; sample. Me. Christian Bros.. Mfra, Wit Wlitoughby Ave, Dee 24, Brooklyn, a. MEN and women mak. big' money eell- tng our booawhoid speetairiee: no troutM to take repeat order; exneHanee uriecea-' sary. Dpt No. 4, B. A. Wolfe Supply Co., Colorado Ave. Chicago, 111. LIVE New York manufacturer chil dren's dressee and ladies' underwear, want five Mice man: ejommtMoav basia. H. ' Klinger. M Wadter SL. N. Y WANTED Traveling salesman tor tall product lew priced dress fabrics aad blanket; deetrebJe aid. ttne; direct to re'ajler; good commission. Schuylkill Mllla Box 1US, Phnadetphia, Pa. AGENTS make big money e.Ung our Metallie Letters for office windows, stone fronts and glass signs; anyone, can put them en; esmpie tree. K..t';s Saa Co-. tS7 H. Clarg BU CaMstgo.-' ,