Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, MAGAZINE, Image 22

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    The Omaha Sunm::Bee 1
Copyright, Wt by
Greet Britain Bight
Bnarvad. , ; .- . ; .
The Very Latest Developments of
the New Fashions Described
by Lady Duff-Gordon.
T ADY DUFF-GORDON. &e lamout "Luck" el
I Londoa, and roremott ere tor of futam m the
JL world, writ each week the fukion article for
this sttwtpaper. preaentin all that w newest and best m
style for vrelUlressed women.
Ljy Dul-Gordo w Pn ejUbluWent brmp
i bar into dot touch with. Ait centre of fashion. t
Lady Duff-Crdons America rtibluhment at '
No. 17 Wot TKrtjHutB street, New York City.
By Lady Duff-Gordon ("Lucile")
Awr to show you today tb tomewhat barUrie effect of these
yry latest development of the
pannier pn The aDje ta
Important, aa thlt paaaiar tmuwtt
of the bpp aklrt U to ba the reel
feetar of faaatouN
tua .
kMOoeaBHat Uluatratio
gtvtt a good Idea of tht s " wt .
. ..-. tha Master soda,
Tha gowi Proper to tfMb "
gray UStt. tb upper
Vera ever a long. MJ"ttl VE
eeat of blaek aatia. whoa "4
UH edges iet tail to tiM t In rroBt.
Tke weleteoet extendi dowtwerd
aearly t the bottom 144 Per
fold, aa a eutte emooth aad aevere
la ita taoeoatuag Jtaee. - .
the draped akirt aadef th wet
tad paaaier II very
..rreVaad la opa at ttaa feet The
tight eleevea are lone, atteadlnt
? wrltts aad band. Th pea
nierwt bodlot ta aonAoad Juat bate
tbe boat by t slack and white striped
Mk. Tie eollara of bodice aad
waiMoatt are lev en abeolnteiy
plait, aavt for tha black aa wWia
drac el Uta Utwr. t -
Tbe eaatwse ta art at by a ae
of ourpta atd blaek wltk at aifretta
In froat Toa wlU aotlea, I taiak,
ud ba pleaeed wttb tbe Unaoay at
tiM llaea-Ue roat. Ufbt aleerta aad
ti teat, aloaely draped aklrt. wttk
Ue fiinpaa at the eeverety imooth
and airatiM black aatia watMooev
Tbe piaiaaeM e tbe Vow-ut aeeH ta
ta keepiaf itk tta oeral baroMay
of tb ereatlea,
Alaa t aai ahowlai you bare a w
efteraeoa dreea, U deelfa of which
ttkewlae tidni the pannier teat
re MUtraat awdlOed. Itlaotahot
bM aad porple taf ata The ektrt,
arrow at the feet, la Tory full at
the back irtat U called the "aw
The bottom of the aim aaa a
abort tilt at the ankle, and ta bald by .
a row of amaU buttona reach ln
up 11
to the fulWraped back. There a
titi Aati wltb a
MW. vm . i
aarrew bead at etabroidery Juit
abora tbe hem. Tinder It la a aaab
at the walet with, ambroldery la
A welt bat with black erow auf
mounted by a blaek feather aad
black aad white boota are worn With
thle ertflnal and attractive afternoon
The photograph tbowt a Charttlnl
afternoon eoatume ot pervaathe blue
tuiaor, both' coat aad aklrt. With
braid embroidery on th breut and
on each aide of the front of th ektrt,
A purple hat. broad and low-crew n4,
with blue flower trimming, aad a
Urge parnaol la harmonUlAg to lore,
eomDlete the eoatume.
The erase tor daring color
" f
feet ta alto reeulltng la the
earance oa many of the sew
etraw hate . ot cluatera of an
mom thote beautiful bloaaoni,
which eea ot nature owa tint
are faithfully reproduced, provide
eueh glortoue ahadlngi ot purple
aad pink, yellow and mauve, and
o en through at least a dotea dif
tortnt ahadtnga. k bunch at thteti
aceaeaea t aaw fattened agaiatt
Ue tide of a purple atrtw btt,
with a prim little bow ot purple
and white tilk, aal tbe reeult
Oaita atfa'.rable. while they aito
lock well oa a blaek bat, whet
underlining of velvt reptata eat
f taelr asaay deep aad lovely
ahadea of purpl. I infinitely pre
fer aucb artlttie diecreuoa ta Ua
to Of floral trtaaiu M kaotber
H aad elaborate achamt, which
on th wide apretdlsg rlbboa
ruched brim of a black bat arrange
loeg-ttaiked tprtya ot forert-m
ota la auriah-ltk troupi betweca
eluttert of full-blow a roete aad
leave, both Bower being vntual
. ly cluttered together in th form at
a hlik aigrette at one tide.
Indeed. I nolle-ni, aa hahilt
at tbe awnarai publle, deplore tin
appeanno ot many ot that eaor-
tBNi floral att-rettetL anena of them
bettt Bprtgbt directly ta th front
at tha hat, aad. aa a natter of taut,
eruitat betetifaliy taade, with aa
equally lavith and lovelr allowance
Of bud and boaaomt at the back at
la tbe frsel Sat thle perftetioa of
taith i hardly HteHy ta reeetv the
tppredaUoa which It perhape de
aerrae, eeeiat that tor Ita full real-
rsaaoa a potitioa directly behind
the bloeeoa-bnrdened bat t aoeea.
aery, and aayeae thul placed la mora
tbaa likely to raeaat th reeoltlog
rertrtetioa of uelr riew. la fct,
staeta and mode are getting
rath terioflt, foe wkiie dtrtlme
rumcoeaa wtu iav ta a viewed
rhrouth berrkad ot bloeaoaga, tha
eceueaat of the tta! It at th theatre
ot Opera at tight will hav to dodge
ta equally formidable trray of bp-
tasaJAg ana outtcreeaisg aigrette.
one of which uprise to a height of
least twelve incise ahov their
wearer bfewt, which ire banded
a keepisg with
And her ! matt eonfeee to a ee
Uln respepalblllty for the new
adornment and snnoyanee. Fer
Jut such a headdress did I Intro,
dura in "Ths Count of Luxembourg."
when Dtsl Irving took op Lily
Bute's mrt. ud hsvtng thus given
nubile and convincing proof of It
exceeding eftrctiTeorst made, !U
aitantion on tha other aide of tbe
toetlif hta a forefone eooeleetoa and
certainty. In the new Oelety piece,
toe, yon know, I have added aigrette
bted-dreeiee to a few of the eventni
towne, of which t hare already aeat
you full detail, but alao I muet la
iuitlee to mnlt aad out of eo
alderitloD to the play-foing publlt
erochilm my dUplay of aa equal
number of turbana, which are
awathed more eloaely tbaa Ue aver
it haid of hair.
There are many other norelttet
from Farta, -too, which era of aqaall)
'-nd nerhaiM yon will any com
nendably coodeet ahape, aoma el
theae eoaalatlnt. tor example. Of
network of dtimonda ud eryita
beada, which upholda the outataadini
oil of hair Juit above the sack, and
then flnlebea oft over the ears with
fell boM of diantonda and peer I.1
from which nasi a deep and en in
1d( frtnie of cryetal beada. Or then
aiala you can, If you eo artio. kid
Abova la Um Vary
Nawttt Pannier in
Whit Shot Grey
Taffeta. .Um Shape)
of Um Upper Skirt
W21 Bw tb Faatora
' of the- Sammr'a
Drett. TKo Photo
grapk b an AiWoooa
Gown of C1m Tatwor.
Both Aro Exclueirw
"Ladt' Model.
"farila" AltefsoOA trasa.
Sbowiac Full Skirt at tk Cade.
til - ! -
KM . . .
' H.1 -
I iff I I I I
I V 1
i v - -y
li T' F Ml Jr.
I 1 I I
aaaaati in '
vt li
,. a. - v- ' I
i 'rs ' I -,-.'.-.,. ....... f
r V"J. - w-f I
h . l V " 1- ehtae. heavily ffttarM wftl tapaa
1 1 . t aee kut eabosbek. WhKh M meeat
'' I-''--'-'-
-........ r
your bead but Hot tbe hlr
pleteiy with a cat. who openwork
aad shining tquaree, ore worked Sa ,
altera a U disasond and bugle, while
banging low dowa over tbe ear are
half a doB fetoOB W th earn
guttering thing, these Bett)
locking ear oruaatentt betog indeed.
aaito Docasie toa raisex.
ejsating feature of
the Bew
11 I
dreete. Still another achenM ca
slit ot aa enormontly wide
tnrbtn-like kwathlbi el ytiWv crepe
de cbtaa, between who) left told,
at th to k aleek tmeothBesa f
black lace will show Bp mart. at-
tectively. Tliit hal for tutaoint
at one til k treat topaf, rtaoai
round with dull VAt. Vbfla th
handkerchief M of tM rep
ehm. heavily frtacM wrtb
aad aryttal beads fast Mb the
Mk. Alee dedicated ta the dark
wemaa (and let at hope beaaty, for
tta tevereiy tlmple ttyie would aa
rather trytng to any We favored
wearer is a eirtlet ot sormlt, with
aa hue ekboshoav WhKh M
to come directly it the centra of the
head and from which a fringe ot
tmie coral and gold lead a telle eat
th forehead, to that th fthai bead
it juit en a level with tbe eyebrow,
the nrevaleoee of these Caatern look
ing ornttaeorl being: of court, due
to the combined oriental ranriee aad
afecte la eveaia own
. - Bat. yoa tee. ia tale, eatV la.
la practically every other detail of
drew aowadiyt, (herd fa o ttdeh
variety rhtt every oa tan be buraty
aad well tuitea.
Aad aow I will civ my teal word
this week to tbe ckroatcllng of oe
of thote aoveiuea of tbe "freak"
order, which every oa win what
to diacn btt tew will aara, ar
wish, to wear, t refer to tbei
klmoao wrap, made ta tha towelling,
which ha already beet reaponeibte,
for tbe entire werklac af mtay at
Ue aewvat aad smartest tailor
tmita -aad far ,th trtauatac
In the way of collar, Uptla
ttd faetngt ef aay ether. aa
wbitb. ta both ef that eteea baa
craved tttelf wU worthy ef the aww
promineoca. But fct thle east forat.
tnd ta vivid eerie Coloring. aa
teterwovea aad bold deelga fa
white, to tone a cradaattd border, B
la to absolutely aaggeetlve ef the
. bath wrape that X cannot eoootiwe
of any wogsta eertootiy adopting it
fne oordaor wear with a kmtrt walk.
taf dress. -;- -,.
No. 173.-rThpzz
Tired Eyes
By Mine. Lina
Ccoaheri .
tM yoar yt tlredt It they
are yoar beauty U dtmia.
lahed oae-tbird, perhtp ane
bait If they art Um the wetHneet
will BaaUeat Itself tn out or all ot
eevaral way. By that lute U h.
praaaloa la Pangea. The aye be
eta Uftleta looking and "fiiiy .
(oat a oval -reading young person
stay welcome thii txpresaioo, beilev.
tag that it la tha lingurout look ta
May heroine, (specially tha sedoe
tlva creatures of the Orient, possess.
Bat the aovel-ateeped young peraont
art mistake, their tired are
create the impreatloa that they are
aenemlo, or atupid. or both.
Eye lead let dart glsnoea kerb
tad there to proTt their atrength.
toft, aoatemplaUv eye may excreta
a maeb vitality at reatieea ones, for
Wbll an pair attract by their move,
meats the ether holda Interest by
Ualr etesdy glow. But t be beanti
fal ayea mutt tlwaya eoatala light,
much light
railing eyalttheg art th tadlrect
reeult ef weariness of th tree, for
wear! neat causes irritation, aad lrrt.
tattoo lafkmmatloa, aad whea tht
Ibto are lafkmed th roota of th
yelathe are dlaturbed, waakeo,
hriak. loetea aad laaliy the uthea
The eat at watrtneet ef the ret
i over er tawia tee. Too long coo
tJauatioa of any oa task, a read
tut ar embroidering, u aa example
at everue. Iteading. whea aad
where tha light la dim, or reading
oa a train, which, u aa authority
baa sail oa only be onrreetly com.
pared with tha tubing of candle
back aad forth acrost a page, the
wift tuning and withdrawing of
a light being exceetlvely trying, are
example of Unwla at. Bitting
facing th light Uiftead ot turning
your back U it la that tbe light will
fall apon tbe work that la being done
e eaotber ipeclmea of an wise as
ef the delicate organs that are the
seat attratuve ftaUirt U a woman
face. .
, Zyeatrata at any tort, ot for bay
eaute. aboukt b avoided. A very
eed tta as ef to doing It to rest tht
eye by closing them frequently tor
le awenada at b time. Another
coed measure M to tit er Ha la a
dava room. Th beet la to eeeurs to
much rest bad tleee at Bight that
tha eye are retted tad prepared tor
the acxt Bar e strain.
Another toad irsvtirtlve of eye
weariness le to place a bowl ef
water bealdt year bed and an
wakint ta the morning piling your
feee Into thle tnd open the eye In
It. if tht -watsr- be freeh It will
tews the ty ta (mar. But thlt
tsj be avldd by Isttlng a table
aaeonfUl ef aalt dissolve In It., The
light atlnf ef a mildly etlt wtttf
will ba a tonls far the anembrtned
of tK eye.
. ft bet far lent tlwa bdtn tbt
awetem In rrOM to hatha the eytt
freely In aaiegfie ta freshen, end
fast them. Pouring cologne on bit
f tbtorbent cotton and ' laying
them aereee th eyes not enly rests
the ayt themtalv but hi an
astringent, " drawing togwthef tht
relaxed tissues ef th eyelids and
that beneath th eyes.
This preparation, used as an y
by harr muni an aye
Wttb rt. fitting the etlO to the eye moment almply by two stalks wlU black all bis athttn tMba, ssrthicg t
ant alewty taralnt tha Hat bbc- (rM tWpj kicking out or tta sand at coward, tret these ks knew thst hs
ward until the eye opene against tkt Utlam u tb, Taa ,ui ot aim aa tarthiy ehaaos agaiait aa
It, M tonl and refreahini, hew M ta bkUoc uder ue sanA Be wa to- -lltt
tha aewet f allhwlnt IrrlU- waiting tor something ta turn ar To .'tSP.!,I: 1 ,h,l eetoPse muM
in, w r- y wltfc ,rit M bavs rait him, tor tiewiy. very tlbwir.
" .
1 aHince
.. It trains
BulBhate of tin 1 train
H the eyeiasna navw swgun n
Bti, apphflnt Uhellne geftSy wrth a
ZntolT tola braah er with tM
wtrnped in pise ef eleen
""w "ev - - . ....
" I.,-.?!..- .
.1 II ,auu Mala Wm
6ft SCK in tan mnm ""'
est wSe wrinkle et Mia swtef
r af the ay, pat la gently
af the aye, pat la
. . i it. aueH. mm that vau art II
Z '"' 7Z.7 laaallne
at avl. w .
wary "'ght ane WJV-'"- '
fct I good tlteae feeder tnd theuld
W tima rwballt - th anrwnked
Beauty Questions
B. B. kikt: -ftab h ft,
aJsi to stv ayeltahee aad ayebrew
tard ht my 7,7" "
Couldro kindly teU th bow W
aarkea tbaaf kty eyekrw are
rr77r!ll to Shew Ml TaOX sMXK WJ15B
muck, tad ray yalathe are teag
aad earl beak, bat would shew their
tMslb sad eaaae 'batter if thay re
soaawr- . . . aiu t
JVt haieIwi I tMWM
Mvtoe against hair dye 1 1
aneientieaty adveeata dywlng tna
yebrowe and eyeiaertea. To aa
eege laaellne Into the yeb'ww an4
- tn-K eiia a sea sc tna aywiiwa wiw,
SanU 7la HiM utM th
arawth ef new hatr. Aa ft eemee In
I ka a trifle aarkar. That le
1 n
the only eapeHioent I wwld advtea.
- 1C r write me: Ulyoa kind-
w a-bUab a fortlal tor a taia
tooimiimt aiier Have need auay
oonUUiftf Only vftol ollk, bat
with the ttmt reeulta at ether
cresmi, a growth of supernaout
hair. 1 am ia despair. My aklo
It actually drying up. Do help me."
You are In a difficult position,
tbe tear of superfluous hair oa oaa
aide and of a dry akin which metna
, early wrlnklet oa the other. It ail
tbe cream a yoa have used have
A Test
B tit t eras, and at tha Urns
ahewt wbica f writ Wat eae.
talalv seas aseatha, trotatiy
V-r aU. Ha.aa IM a tbe
L ,. ... M
. w nie w
"wesTetiy t vary litUs flsh suit aestng
Md U this ou a baby apeat ule aa
a aa, euisser ma yea souid ur
jres, w tea tt bad spsaahe
band ais rUA lw horn tke saad aad
la tbt) ratmf
at almost ear nab,
- '
strwea. a reuaa-arm, seythe-Uk strose.
it kltlsd ts Uttla
ue .-k V.d a vor toueti & ta aaaO
. .
ts bit Butgrj. r.u. who promptiv
rwsaed ap treat svarywssra U ka ha
la see sinuM th. Is had beea .
(Beilsbea. and ka an sal mite tea seeonea
tksr Wat t b crab ts Be swaatkmg
M th. .yM oa stalks projwcttng ataea
a,, wataaii wateoinc watekie
wa the staiss sa tbougk Uey wer.
telestopee-bt could e tbit-aad lay
Wltk Wess tareiy asor. tne aaa waica
.j .i. m &rMMjktA hu &
Kl aBBaired ia tke bear rrm
lac-lute water, aa eavlaewi saaAeW at
hmti. ul uk
' Uc ,
It waa aa eetepas-mot ttrga. tboet
at terse a a pitta, but udaitoiy
1(ok it m ,r-
mg ty the atmpie ptsw t r.iBg
water t - etsirtto
1. . 1
mjrviS tank ti.wiy. iu tea-
apreedleg eat Ilk. aa aaabretla.
(M era aeeawd Uterally to skrtak
Int tna eaa . "" '"wouf
a. riekt aa tea of aim. and It fed
- " earning,
im.s that tt eeold k-ls. 8t.a
- y-. . .
SfJFifrJi . a
1 f"jf" v
Ni C-pw kae. ko. t. k artwr taa
Hols aa there. Jl?" a shooted aw
ocm ha aa enetu ant
,M -rsat saal seeks a trWe
. .
-it two toes. .- abooted ytnt
-oa.nattrtsra.ina! ueaaaaar
v ' ' -. . ,
... ..
teemed to eauta lalf to grow ft li
because yoa btve that tendency aad
It It increased by friction.
: Try thia old-fashioned remedy,
applying it with absorbent cotton
r a soft old uwdl or haadkerohief
before retiring.
Ortngt flowtr watsr, 1 pint.
Glycerine, 1 ac ''
- Btraa, half tstapeenful. ..
It cans and shut out the Alia light.
ia fsei it mevint few arts'
?V -" fh,l,J ? " "
.s"0." '
ae woe waa ssesa for knukm i. 11
flrw th . f . -
fiLaLliI'r.lh!;U'.,6Id- 11n"
h, .r -07"r- H
, . lZ JLi i
;"k up "Vt lhh. ? Zii
,i ,h, horrtbi t.l.g alk
and ..w .7, Z7 struts
era au kit mnnk iu
tke lliimii. . .
ur. ana max inat.n,
d..i ... . 1 . . '""r WSS
fiaa "V 'fees rsartol
s.r f, wm"
alaeware for
Barera. kweM. t.. a.e ' ...
Sltkt I,,,,. 0r aL,J k.
bad eevertd
t.d kt Wa satwlned , .Tr;
tghtiag . aad atraaama airiilSf
Thea a Strang. u?ng llliLr
..uiwHt. Mt e..e .
dwtJ BlwTaA"V" .V'
teelers with . JTJJT 'Tgrwl.r
sens toekt btrd br thTT. w
fit " . . Tke craB aa be
a .... .. " tnstant ot
a aM ttelt" btaSej nLt
sa . . . " wer enot
Ub iTbanTaiaalSa.
bally aad gi.W, ttetaT
Usa a torpeae h bAed stiielit at
th. cpu, rirat
sway u th. twtrt or tta tail. tatm.
rMt the aetewoa tried tMitl.lVb
AtaMt.atav a. e- i.T.r . " ' T
wee tea lata aad the monster, eaatebsig
n aa. twsrva with weaeerrul agility and
a aaaa was tea, sneeuaa; ttot ts th
Mrfk i. a k.u, e
the etepaa ta Ita law. It waa a see.
- "
, ,
UttdlU PrJkrJ. . V
Xtdlgatat statttr Pt yea setas to
to that tea enslltad btr. him k.
mat aw ana about n wu ae
. . . "
TL B.WJ. '
JJTw!' l
aaaceaaa. Osatttarsue ptiater a
aeeagat ta bear ape ma, t aatara ye,e
aaaaattatarLl '