Sunday Bee 7; FA&TTH&ZE i MAGAZINE - PAGES 03TS TO FOTJi " PAST THBIE MAGAZINE pages osi to roirs : The Omaha VOL. XLI-XO. 46. Ashes awaaBsw "4 Idi) W-s-r2L terHtPf f4Wr'' v.vC':.: u .r . m- w . .."t- tj fT . ajl : f i i. ii i -rr - into is itn mm v . i a REMATION of the dead, practiced by the ancient la the antl-Chrlstlan era, and employed to reduce again to . aahes the body of Omaha' merchant prince, Emll Brandels, is finding more and moret faror with the peo- x pie aa the yeara pasa and encounter lug leaa opposition from the church. Prior to 1863 there were no crematories In either Europe or America," but in agitation . for , them was beginning, following disclosures of disease, and death in the vicinity of cemeteries whee thou sands had been, buried and whose slow decay was aa ever-present danger to the living.- - T Following the crucifixion of Cnrtst the custom of burning the dead on funeral pyres fell gradually - into disuse, although the custom had been general and in places and at times imperative. Only Egypt, ' Judea and China had held to Inhumation of the body, burying it in the earth, the tomb or 'the sepulcber. "Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither can corruption Inherit incorrup Jon," said Paul, and this wss an influence that .brought about the first incineration in the United ' States, although men of the medical profession bad een denouncing the graveyard as a menace to the ' ' living and a mistreatment of the dead. Cremation,.. '.however, first arose out of necessity. It Was in the Trojan' war where Homer describes such a , . frightful earnage that the funeral pyre waa the only method of disinfecting the field of battle and r removing the bodies from the blood-soggy field where they were being torn and eaten by the wild . beasts and the birds of prey. - ' 1 Bylla, who had committed a most sacrilegious profanation on the body of Harius, directed that his ' own body be burned so that he might escape a )lke posthumous vengeance. It waa from this incident ; that cremation among the patrieiana of Rome dated. ' Frequency of burials alive baa also contributed to cremation. In Iowa several years ago beao- ' Uful girl was bailed while is a trance. Relatives laterfeaired to remove the body and exhumed it. The girl waa found lying on her face, her features - distorted almost beyond recognition, her clothes torn and her hands clutched in her hair. She had awakened, realised what had occurred and taming " . in her coffin frantically endeavored to force the damped cover from her bier before she suffocated. Dr. F. Julius Le lioyne and Prof. Samuel D. , Cross were among the earliest advocates of crema tion in America. In 1874 a crematory society had been Wganiaed in England and the process ases cessfully demonstrated, la 1871 Le Morse built at Washington. Pa-, the first crematory in the I and employed to reduce again to 'Xjfcy- ttSfe. Jt. CU S fJ L I ij I a aahea the body of Omaha, merchant SAl&S "VV lA.i 711 "k, Zl II I frgCl Prince. Emll Brandels, is tindlnf . VrTiW .K1!! -- ' I I V3GfitZl more and moret faror with the peo- , ,' lOMf - MI I , to Ashes Becomes Literal Fashion : fl iV Cnlted State, and the first man cremated was Baron de Palm. The second one built In tbia country was also in Pennsylvania, at Lancaster. .Today there are forty crematories In the United States and others are being rapidly completed. In Europe the following countries have built them:' England, S; France, S; Italy, 27; Switzerland, t; Germany. I;' Denmark, 1; Sweden, 1. There Is one at Montreal, Canada, and a society called "Die Flamme" will build one at Vienna, Austria, having but recently organised. California has built five and New York has con structed a like number. Nebraska will have one . before the year is out, ss the Forest Lawn Cemetery association is now erecting a $30,000 structure. A law waa passed through the legislature authorizing cremation here before the cornerstone of the first crematory waa laid. - Cremation baa been approved ' by many prominent men and. women of America., . Among those who have spoken or written their ap proval are: Phillips Brooks, Charles A. Dana, Dr. William A. Hammond, Andrew Carnegie, Edward Everett Hale, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, William Wal dorf, Astor. Marshall P. Wilder and Frances E. Willard. Omaha men attempted to form a crema tory association here fifteen or twenty years ago, , but failed in securing sufficient financial assistances Many Omaha residents, however, have set the prec edent, followed by Emll Brandels, who had re quested hi brothers to see that hie body was In cinerated. . , , Henry Pnndt was one of the first Omshana to be cremated. He was a wealthy resident in the early' daya and lived in a large brick house where the Brandela theater building now stands. He went to Europe, sickened and died in Hamburg, where his body wss burned, the ashes placed In an expensive atone urn. and forwarded to Omaha. The urn waa held np for duty by the easterns otlfcisla of New Tork and a delay of several days occasioned. " George W. Linlnger, who died in 1907, was first burled here and tn 1(08 exhumed, sent to Davenport, la., and cremated. His ashes were given to the Masonic Home at Plattsmouth, Neb, and now rest in an urn In the basement of that Institution, to which ha had been a generous donor. .Mr. Samuel Brown, a sister of Herman Koestx. died fa April. 1801, and was cremated at Davenport. Other Omahaas who have OMAHA, SUNDAY &IORXLNG, ? MAY 5, ' cremated there and their ashes brought back, scattered to the winda or burled are: Alice Egnert, George . Mittauer, Caleb i. Gregg, Mrs. Maud Fellner, Mary E. Chapman, Edwin F.' Jacobi and Mra. Henrietta Brooks. Severs! Omshsns have been sent to Minneapolis, where they were cremated: Mrs. A. I Rawltser. wss one of these. Her hus bsnd, the president of the Omaha Tent and Awn ing company, had her ashes brought back to this city. Two years ago J. W. Holmes died and hla body waa reduced to aabee by the quicker methods of the crematory. J. E. Baum's body was shipped to Denver, being one of the few cremations of Omsha people done in that city. Judge Ferguson and William H. Wymsn were also cremated. Frits Wallburg, a Germs actor who had apent . much time In Omaha and was well known and bad " many friends here. died In October, 1(09. ' His body waa aent to Davenport for cremation. Miss Bessie Hofmelster waa a victim of death In 1908 and her relatives sent her remains to Davenport and had the ashes returned. Few undertakers of the city but have been requested to burn and not bury the body of tbe dead. Many of these under taker have been converted to the quicker method of disposing of the dead and openly approve it, but others still maintain earth burial la better. There are. those who believe cremation la a violation of the sentiment of the scriptures and look upon the process with horror, but may believe - it is the aafest and aanest wsy of disposing of the remsin of loved ones, grown doubly dear in death. "Between burial and burning there la no difference ' In the final result. The difference is tn the process. ' The inevitable change is wrought In the on case quickly, in the other slowly; in the one by the action of dean flame, In the other by the action of the damp earth." , Brought Into the chapel of a crematory the body la wheeled noiselessly after the service Into the sarcophagus, the retort sealed and the oil jet opened and lighted and Incineration secured by burning sprays- of atomised petroleum, by which a temperature of S.000 degrees' Fahrenheit can be obtained. There in no amok, no flame and nothing; , obnoxious in the process, Within an hoar tte 1912. cremation la complete. All that remain Is from three to five pounds of whit aahes. Only asfie of the bone remsin, all else. Including the structure of the casket, haa dlssppeared in light ash or gaseous product Tn spirit hss laid off its "over- cost of clay;" the body and that ethereal some thing called the spirit have been "purified aa by fire." ; Omabana who have witnessed the incineration of the dead say there is an absence of the shock usually accompanying burial In ths earth. One has thus described the process: 7 "I have stood before the threshold of .the ' crematory with a faltering heart I have trembled at the thought of using fire beside the form of one i whom I had loved. But when, In obedience to hla own dying request, I saw the door of the clnerator taken down. Its rosy light sbln forth, and hi peaceful form enrobed In white, laid there at rest amid the loveliness that wss simply fassclnating to ' the eye snd without a glimpse, of flames or fire or coal or smoke, I said, and aay so still, this method, beyond all methods I have seen, la the most pleas ing to the senses, the most charming to the Im agination, and the most grateful to the memory." ; i Not sentiment but unpleaaant facta have led ' medical men to proclaim against the graveyard and , our present manner of conducting funerals aa a "tissue of horror dropped aa a curtain at the end of each human life." But, from a sentimental standpoint, they maintain It la much better to dis- ' aemble the flesh quickly into ita original elements by the clean power of fire, rather than give it to the earth for worms and putrefaction to slowly make of It a thing of ghastllness and danger. Better by far, they say, reduce the lifeless form, once so full of the essence of life, a bubbling energy, to a pile of odorless ashes than to allow the thing "made In the Image of God", to become a noisome exhalation, a grotesque mummy, a shape less compound of pitch, resin and perfume. few cemeteries exist longer than a century. In England tombstone that nave marked the last resting places of the loved, the lover, the stranger -and the friend have, in instances, been torn down . after-several decade and the granite gravestoaa ' SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS.; with Cremation converted Into material to pay long stretches of J roadway. Other case are en record where cities have been built upon graveyards, less dangerous to the living only than the custom among the aborigines of Interring their dead beneath their own homes where they became tutelary deities. Manhattan waa once a graveyard. Beautiful parka, vthe playground of th children of the modern world of progress, have bees at remoter times ghostly; cities of the head, where white gravestones stood aa sentinel la mute witness to the dissolution that la inevitable. Even upon an economical basis. It la claimed cre mation must eventually displace the ancinet custom or burial in the ground. Hundreda of acres, fertile and fair to look upon, have been converted into graveyards. ' Ministers of the gospel of all creeds and sects have pronounced cremation sanitary, proper and not In conflict with Biblical precept .Dr. A. Bue cellattl. a Catholic priest and prefessor of theology! st th university of Pavla, a learned eccleslesUo of Italy, writing to Prof PoUl at Milano, said: "Ton enquire of me In what relation crema tion stands to religion. As a reasoning Catholic, free from any prejudice, I do not hesitate for s moment' to openly declare that cremation, aa you and your colleagues understand It la not iacoa sistent with the teachings of religion." Rabbi Abram 8lmon of th congregation of B'nal Israel of Sacramento, Cal.. ha said: "I have no hesitancy In declaring that, to my, mind, cremation will be the future method of dis-' poaal of th dead. It la the necessary method; It U rational; it la expedient: It t desirable." Rev. George Hodges, dean of the Episcopal Theological school of Cambridge, bellevsa in tk method of cremation and thinks it would revive, aa old and cherished custom. "Cremation will make possible a revival of th old custom of laying the dead away in the church. There would be no more removal ot the relic ngletj away, put of our alsois , - - ,