B A Greater Omaha Will Be Inaugurated THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 5. 1912. ?r Hay the Seventh 7N the first place' the Commission Form of Government will take effect by the election of 5 SEVEN representative men to carryLon the busi ness of municipal administration. V ' . "4r;..,C.-;C.a: But of equal significance is th fact that one of the' oldest firms i of the pity.ori that date .will inaugurate their new and splendid placef of Business and thereby,' inra practical- way, demonstrate the faith in ; a greater Omahar; which good and patriotic Citizens have ever nourished. Next Tuesday at 2 o clock , the magnificent new store of Fred Brode gaard Jewelry Co., at 16th and Douglas Streets, will be thrown open for in spection by the people of Omaha, and handsome souvenirs will be presented to every visitor. , .f In order to surround this great occasion with lucky omens, the beau-r tiful salesrooms, resplendent in Mahogany, Art Designs and Mirrors, will be -placed at the disposal of a wedding party just before the three entrance! to the' great store are opened. : ' . V JhuSi on the same day, Omaha will enter upon a new trend toward Greatness, Happiness and Prosperity; an old established firm in the city, will , start upon the still larger and firmer plan, which growth has made necessary and to, top it all, a certain happy young couple will start a voyage on the sea of matrimony, surrounded by all signs of integrity and prosperity attend ed by the good wishes and generous gifts of leading trades people in the city.',; May Seventh Is Certainly a Lucky Day , Vfcn t :$V It i " - i'RED BROPKQARD, r ; "" Our endeavor in the new surroundings shall be solely . to give 'complete satisfaction to the thousands of friends and customers that have learned to know us through faith ful dealings' during many years. We will be equipped beti ter than ever to cater to these friends, because we will have room to show an immense and pleasing stock. At times we have been badly crowded in the old store, and there was not Sufficient space for new goods ever arriving. , But of even greater importance is the fact that we now are able to enter into buying competition with the biggest stores in New York and Chicago. The watch factories of the United States and the manufacturing goldsmiths of the world have found out, through us, that Omaha is decidedly ion the map, and, whether quality, splendor or price is in ' volved, no citizen of Omaha will, in the future, be justified in trading away from home. It is far more likely that vis- : itors from other western cities will envy Omaha a jewelry store like ours. , , ' If you will watch our store during the next few month it will become evident that we are not idly boasting or mak ing false clni-im. We ore going to show" such bargain op portunilics as have never before been introduced in Omaha, and wo bIihU certainly maintain that high standard of qual ity, guaranty and fairness upon which our succesi is based.' But as far as Tuesday, May Seventh,1 is concerned, we just want everybody to f 'have a look." Come in during the afternoon and receive a nice and valuable souvenir, while you see what kind of a store your city is able to produce. 27 Years in Omaha We started in business 27 years ago on South 10th Street. The two brothers, Fred and Alfred Brodegaard,' have through, the years built up a stabje reputation for honesty, and practical ; knowledge, based upon ttie honored traditions handed down in a family' of several generations of watchmakers and goldsmiths in the old world. In 1904' we saw the signs of a Growing Metropolis here in Omaha, and organized the Company, which has .ever since been , doing a good business under "the Sign of the Crown" on South 16th Street. . The clean and efficient business methods, which laid the foundation of our suc - cese, were maintained with scrupulous care, and, as a result, you find us in 1912 with the most beautiful and well-stocked Jewelry Store of the West, added to which we make claims for the biggest and best concentrated buying power. The factories of the world are actually waiting on us now they are listening when we speak. We feel that our progress is going to help Omaha in the same degree Aat Omaha has made our success possible. And that is the reason we want every loyal citizen to go through our new store Tuesday and notice what we have accomplished. , The Wedding Event A happy couple is going to be united in - wed lock" at v our Sale Parlors at 2 o'clock-on the operiihg'day -just before the doors open to the general public ;:-'''X---:'rj Please note the following beautiful gifts offered to the bridal couple and their . party by leading and generous firms of the city: "; , . ,', ; ' - TO THE BRIDE - v ' A Diamond Ring, value $100 (by Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Co.) T - ' A Bankbook with $5.00 deposit (by State Saving & Loan Association.) A Brass Bedstead, value $40 (by Hartman Furniture & Carpet Co.) . v The bridegroom will be presented with a pair of Diamond Studded Cuff Buttons by Fred Brodegaard Jewelry Co. This firm also presents to the bridesmaid a Solid Gold Euby Ring, and a Gold Watch Fob to the best A pass for life to the Rome Gardens for the newly married-couple will be given ; by Mr. W. B. Miller. . V-. j ', :; . ;V Iv-.'.V i f tiv- The use of an automobile for the.entire day is extehded-to the firidahcouple by the Offenhan Plumbing & Seating CoV ; ' ' : 1 ' ' k -' . At the Rome Hotel the wedding party will'beentertained at. breakfast by Mr. Fred Brodegaard, who also furnishes the minister and the marriage certificate. .- ' During the ceremony musio will be rendered by theBrandeis Theater Drfchestra. The Chief Executive of the'City of Omaha will' be 'present ;!at Hhe 'opening and make an address.. ;- .f At the Sign of the Crown arid ' Tne Gblden Stairs. V. Thicz Entrances, 205-207 So. 16th Street, Opposite , Brahdeis Stores, 1523 Douglas Street. i : ' A 1 1 V . a