Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 17

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WON. Canal Eona. Penama.-
A I I laava Just bad a long talk
witb Omiaw X. H.
dor tbs prestdeat mad chair
man of th oommbralovi. la
tb ruler of tb little axiaclplaltr
'Which Unci Sam own on the Isthmus
ef Panama. His territory i the
Canal Zona, a little atrip of land ten
xaUes aride and about fifty mile lone.
extending from one M of th Isthmus 1
to tha other. This atrip Is winding and
ft runs bank five mites on each aide of
ear great canaL It contain altogether
Just about half as msob land as Rhode
Wand, and Its population I not far
tram that of Nevada, which la more than
fifty times ss large. . ' I
Just now this strip Is th liveliest of
all of Unci Sam's dominions. It has
nor cosmopolitan population, and It
Is doing tor work than any other. It
ta a beehive of activity from ' one end
to th other, and millions of dollars are
being shoveled mto it In the many form
at conMructlon which win make th eoai
Bleted canaL" " v.. , J-, .' '.
Th strip la on of cities and towns:
It to- an of railroads and shipping. - It
la a. social center of about 1ft 000 high
class Americans, and the great . workshop
where something uks W.M0 negroes and
nulattoes from this pert of the world
are earning th highest wage they sv
vr aMdeibtr Uvea. It I a eeumrV
f post offices, tricgraphs and school.
It has Its criminal classes, and' also Its
churches, preachers and Sunday school
teachers. It basalts public "works - and
Its fir departments, Its courts wnd Its
prisons, and. In short almost alt the ma
chinery of any of. our states or territories.
Chat with the -Cowern). C" r
I mt til governor m his beautiful
residanc "oa th slope of Anrou hill,
right uadar. our great .admlnstratlon
building and faoing the big educational
tastttm which th Panama government
has Just conetrocted. The building was
erected" trader hbe direction of Senator
Jo , "wKrwburn, . wh ,. was" Governor
Thatcher's predeoraaort 'and It I on of
th pleasant hornet of the isthmus. . Wide
verandas, veiled In wire gauae to ep
I out the tnoeanrtos. tan around Its two
; stories- and th wall of these an hung
; wttht th most beatrttTul orchid gathered
from h woods ' ot th son. Governor
, Thatcher says that according to science,
ther are anas-ether 11000 varieties ot
orchid, of these It seems to me Mrs '
Thatcher mast have tha mpst beautiful.
X cannot begla th describe them or their
exquisite flowers. Some burst 014 In a
' showar of bloom and others hav blot
soma which take on th form of- minia
ture birds, animals and soma even look
ing tike humane. On -variety that she
has is- th Xapirttu Ban to. It to called
tha flower of the Holy 'Spirit,' and rightly
ao, for Its petal at of th snap of a
white, beautiful dove, With outstretched
wings, looking Iron th purs, lliywhlt
It was seated among these Orchids that
We talked. Th conversation turned to
the character' of th son and th gov
ernor pointed to the orchids as ha said:
"Ten may have borne Idea of It from
these flowers. We are down bar la tjia
tropics, and w hav a tropical climate
Our average temperature ranges from TO
to he degress, snd as a rule It Is not far
from M Angrias the year round. Tou are
now here In the dry aeaean. but In th
Wet w hav a rainfall which Is about
1S Inches st Colon sad about seventy,
tlvs Inch her, at Panama. If all the
water that falls at Colon in on year
should drop on th level and not '. flow
away It, Would make a lake more than
twelve tett In depth. During th dry
.season; which lasts from January to
AprC ther Is almost ao rain and you
ieel no umbrella, unless you wish It for
thofah. -
A a result of thl heavy rainfall,"
continued tha governor. "Mtverythlag
. grows luxuriantly, and soma parts of th
country are cave red with Jungle. Others
sr grassy, ilk th savannas outstd of
'Ancon. To hills sr all wooded, and we
hav palm tress, bamboos, bananas and
tropical plants of every description. In
deed, tills who! territory Is ilk a botan
ical garden."
aieees wf the Kane,
"Are th hands good for farming?"
"Mot for farming as w know It In the
states. Ther are better fitted for fruit
raising. Soma of them might b turned
Into sugar ar rubber plantations, and
most -of the land win produce oranges,
saunas, "alligator pears," "plantain,
lemons. Hans, pineapples snd all sort ef
tropical vegetables. W hav here th
yam, which is something Ilk ta sweet
potato, aad grows sa long as one's arm,
arid th rneea, a tuber which grows a
large a one's head, and tastes much lib
an Irish potato. Upland rice-has been
grawa her to some extent, aad both th
cocaanut aad eac tree thrive."
"pom not most of the land belong to
Bie'neUvesT" .
No,V replied Governor Thacher. "only
a small portion Is owned by them. The
greater part of it Is the property of tb
United' States government. Its ajwnei alifp
including th lend of the Panama Rail
road company. -Some of th land is. takes
ap by .tha canal, bat other portions
sr jsrild and aaueed. About 1.50 acres
af .this government land ars now under
lease, and- about ta.9 a year has been
collected In rents;-but the rents will be
less bom' now- on. a Oatun lak and
other canal -encroachments reduce the
area Jo be. lasers Th rent for govern
Btent lands for eultivstion Is a little over
H an acre. . .
LHtle rarxelag Done.
-Who do th farming r I asked.
"Ther is practically no farm Lag te
apeak of. "The higher price lor labor
an the canal prevent any extensive work
an plantations or ranches. Tha natives
have little patches aurrvandlng , the
shacks, each family raising a few; ban
anas, mangoes and ether tropical fruit,
sometimes a tittle sugar ease and usually
some yuccas, yams and other tropical
vegetables. The natives Ore for the mot
part on what they produce ta this way,
and carry tb surplus over th trails or
has! It by "beat ts market. A part of the
work of the civil admintstratloa ts ts
keep .tbass trail open. W are now
clearing th trails preparatory to the tax
lag of a sons census.
"Maeadamtsed roads ars also
built through the son." th
went 00. "W now hav a good ante.
wootie road running along tha Its of
th canal front Panama to Oorgoaa,
aboat twaatr SMles. This road eaanot
ta esrtended beywod OSrgena, states Oatus
lak, as tt will be ultimately tormsil, wiH
extend to Oorgona aad cover nearly all
the-area between Oorgona aad Oatua.
Oa tha eatiaaaJs Bid that ta a la rail
mleea road trees Cataa to Colas, a die
ts ore of about seven and ana-balf miles.
Tail sss soant daatad tha seopl whs
sre bow Bvlag ea ts soae.-
"Host af. tham ar J sneers aogsgs4
Strip that
It i r
Canal Zone Ii'feJ)ej;l
la .tha canal wars. " Naarty ,evny raos.
aad locality mt tb gioh h rem Usee ted.
Ther ana Cblasiuaa, stest indlaDB, aa
tlvea of South snd Central America and
tans of .thousands sf augiaaa from'ta
WandB of id carlbbusa sea. Koat at
the- sMver employes are from Jamama,
Bsrbados. Trlrddad. Bt. Kttts, nlar
ttuqua and other ot .tha 'West Indian
atlaoda,, These people ar Kngllsh speak
ing, for the most part, although those
from afarttatque apsak v-rsach. aad w
have nisi . gpntsh-spsekkog aegroas
from Colombia and Veaesoela. W hav
Spamards from the northern part of tha
Iberian peninsula, 'and also Italians.
Greeks. . Armenians and bmb of. other
nationalities." . '
"How many whites have you" .
"About K.. Of (has fcgtt ar Asaar.
sbb enswgwa ea th easel. This la
eludes th anglseeis. hhrhHrrade ' m
shsalos and elerleal esnatoyea. another
S,m the "white are th wives and
ehildrea af tha American employes, sad
In addition w hav about MOB whit
European aa borers." . .
"Rosr-naay negroes Wave yoo,T"
-Nearly Bt,a, I abould say." .
HoV I aad Orwar Asa Kept. ,
"But Is not such a varied population
hard torcpntrol? I ehould think it would
be very much like that of a mining camp
In the wtlda of aur wast or of a con
struction gang which la building a rail
road through a new country. If that
population war In th United tates
everything would be wide ope. Ther
would be faro games, poker game snd
row let: th sen would be peppered with
saloon, ana It would be very unsafe to
go about after dark. How la It beret"
There ,ts a comparison between oar
condition and those which you have de
scribed," said th governor. "W hav
he public gambling in this part af Vnokt
Sam's territory. I doubt whether yea
can find as good order In any city of th
United States as right her In th set
tlements along th canaL Tou might re
member that th most f our workmen
are smgl men. ' They have their quar
ters free snd they live In camps of bar
racks near where Ibay work. Th light
In those barracks go out every night at
t o'clock, and everyone Is aompalled to
be quiet, so that the others may sleep.
The fact that married quarter! hav been
gensrally provided for whit American
employes and their families. I .believe,
has greatly aided In establishing slsbr
social conditions"
' Maw th Bows ta PeHewel.
"But does tt not require a large polls
force to keep (he people In orderT"
"No. Our policemen sr men of -perlenc.
The chief I Colonel J. P. FVffe
and the assistant chief la Captain C. W.
Barber of the United States army. Both
men hav had military .experience, and
th fore la handled somewhat along
military lines. We have nearly MO po
licemen all told. One-ha If of these are
whit Americans and are chiefly ex -soldiers
of the United States army., Tha
ether halt ar Macks, who hav served la
the police and military forces of the West
Indian Islands and hava mads good reo
erde there. As a result our poMcemea ar
trained to obey, and they are efficient IB
their work. The black policemen receive
In pay almost three times ss much her
as.' they received In th British service,
and they r -pleased with their Job.
Thar are used chiefly In handling th
black population af th son. I believe
one feature of our polio service which
make It mora easy to preserve law and
enter here I the respect which the labor
era . have for the 'pellea. Our folic of
ficers are held In much th sams regard
as are the famous mounted policemen of
Canada.' Oae or twe of ear police men
will go Into a earn of M sr Md blacks
sr Spaniard and make an arrest without
th necessity of clubbing anyone. This
would aet be possible la many pert of
the United Btatea.
Arrears Par ajeath, .
"It that th population Is bea
ter Visa ours?" :
"I believe that mock of our good order
hi diss to the way th aaea ar handled.
Kow, here is last asonth's report. Which
hows the arreote which were made
among Seventy-odd thousand people In
fbe eon. , Th total- n amber of arrest
was t3, and af th Offenders arrested R
were men sad mty-on women. . Now,
Bote th nationalities. They come from
fifty different countries. Hers ars
Blnety-sevea from Jamaica, Ut from
Barbados.' fifteen front Trinidad and
twenty-on from Martinique, forty-eignt
from Snaia, thirty-eight from Panama
and forty-six from, the United States;
seven are from British Oulaaa, six from
Fortune Island, tare from India and
eight from China. Among the ethere sr
Cubans. Germans, Orsehs. Italians and
Mexicans, one from Finland, one from
Tuaki. In north" Africa and on from
New tea land. Thl gtves you some idea
of our mile peeuMUtoa."
"What ar th off?" -"They
era mostly petty aaea A asta
ber are tor violation ot the sanitary and
revenue laws, some fee cruelty to anl
Beeat. some for fighting aad drunkenness
and other forms of disorder, a few for
Bonsupport of wives and faminea, two e
three are sr homtetda, ana for bur
glary, twenty-on an for vagrancy, two
fee coek fighting, and Included in tb
total ere tb ew lasts wf five snMlers for
being assent without leave." .
- Jails sad Prlewas of tsaa,
"What do yoa Co with the mea after
you arrest them?'
"It they are usable to gtva bond w put
them In tiSi and hava them tried la our
one courts . We hav a penitentiary at
CnMbra and pal hi at th various tews
oaths bos. The nenltaathrry Is a model
of tta kind. Tha prisoners ar credited
airs, .good rood act aad they eaa thus
shorten their terms of bpjii Bniamiiit.
They ars also graded aad etothed aa
-Jf ' Ml fL . At
gr-.-- -
v -' - ?'
cording to conduct, Vsd wa find this has
greatly improved the prison discipline and
tha efficiency -af prison labor. W now
hav ill convicts m the penitentiary.
Two ar in tor Ufa seven for tn years,
twenty-one hav received five-year sen
tences, twenty two-year sentences and
about fifty have been sentenced for one
year. We employ the cogvlcta to th
construction of public roads, and the re
mits ar excellent
' Kevaiac Oat White Slave. '..
"What Is ths future ot th social condi
tions at the ends of the csnsl? . Will
Panama and Colon be pious towns or will
they turn Into hotbeds of vice Ilk Bun
and Fort raid, th two pestholes at the
ends ot the 8ues canal T" , - . .-
"I belle v they win be Tar different
from th towns on th Sues canal," said
the governor of the son. "Under our ar
rangement with the Panamanian govern
ment we have Joint Jurisdiction with tt
as tc Immigration, and It la the policy of
the two governments to work together to
exclude vicious character. Of- course,
there 1 some wickedness going on is the
cities at ths two ends ot the canal, but
the effort has been to minimis It Un
deslrabls characters from all ' over the
world are attracted her because ot ths
canal Work and th large sums of money
being paid 'out, and they would overrun
Chess cities except tor watchfulness In
the matter ot Immigration. The act ot
congress mskes H unlawful to bring
Into or through the canal sons women
for Immoral purposes, and we srs keep
ing them out or the son snd are doing
everything possible ta assist In tree ping
this evil within bounds In the two cities.
We have recently secured two convic
tions In th canal son court against
"white slave' trader who had attempted
to bring women through the Bono' Into
th city of Panama These convictions
hav had a very salutary stfeot, "Whit
lave' traffic through th port, of Colon
has been practically broken up, and If its
victims get Into th city ot Panama
they must soma In small boats or must
Journey overland. Either course Is a
difficult one. Practically all .the ships
oomlng Into Panama on ths Pacific side
make part at Balboa, the Bone harbor,
and wa prevent ninderslrabtea' from
landing from such ships. A short time
ago we arrested a "whiteslave' trader
and secured bis conviction pa the charge
of having violated in th canal son th
"whiteslave' law, sod ha was aentenosd
to twenty-on months' imprisonment m
tht sons benltentlsry st Cuiebra. H aad
plenty of money, and by the aid of asn-
federatea ea tbe outside he was enabled
to saw bis way out and scaped. We
captured him, however, on a boat m
th Colombian coast. Oa his ret urn to
prison he asm sail bis disgust with the
canal sope; he said he had besa In tbe
whites ray' trad for more than twenty
years, had operated ta many countries.
snd h -had been able to tit' matters
with pub 1 to officials everywhere but her.
We "regarded th statement as quit
b opatpllment to official conditions her."
Wweel A Beet Cessna, ' '
"How about the courts ot Unci Sam
down aersT" . - - -
"W hava a good Judiciary. There srs
district courts, circuit courts aed s su
preme court. We have a counsel sad
chief attorney, prosecuting attorney and
an a as 1st ant prosecuting attorney, and a
Bumbsr of attorneys have seen admitted
to practice , la the various courts. . Last
year between a.sft and .00 criminal
cases were handled sad ova test of tbe
defendant were eoavletea. About UN
ervll cases war bandied; moat ot these
war af a minor character.'
"What ether dtvtatons ars ther la th
department of civil adjoint Mrs ttonT" -.
"several. We Inspect all vessels cost
ing Into bobs waters, and this work Is
performed f by - a board af fBapestoTa
There Is alee a dlvfauea af posts, auetem
and revenue. Our pasta sarvtee laser
Bny ders ts tb amount af ever
Van,) a year. W are now iBstanisaT a
postal saving system. Anaaalty, botes
at. aad o jntB porches aad sacks
ars bar. died an th railway, which ran
arose tha tetaeso. Wa senses an taxes
ad Issue all aoauses. There ar asm
saloons oa tha son, and tb axea was
ssadset thwaa pay a hceass of net a
sassta each, tat ass era rua mostly
by CbJJbBvt, A&4 ftm order jittm Oat
the Panama . Canal
Jet BT 'at BBS t I I ' " t -i I K k , ax B II
n 1 , t,.s ,z. I -.- 1 1
v.- II U Tjr 1. -- ,fl
r bbbj b M v "' "axeWTl "wf . a 1 a- m as . - w , . ,1 a
!BiBl--"aw . bis . .. aaisTI an am
Culeixti Jtetachmeni- of
division of fir protection will. I believe,
oomrare in effldenoy with any la the
states. -Thah'We have a gtvfifon ol public
works, which operates not only In the
sons, but ' also maintains ths water,
street and sewer systems In the cities ot
Panama and Colon, and collects all the
water pen tela of these elite, th weene
going to th United State tor th cost
of -constr 1ng thee systems. We also
hav a aonv -udltor. And there Is the
division of so, Mia, which provldee edu
cational facilities for children of the suite
equal to those provided in the beat
graded schools of the slates. We hava a
high school at Oatun, to which children
from all tone points are transported by
railroad, and a subsidiary high school at
Ancon. , Indeed, we have all the branch
(which sre'ohsraetenistio of a territorial
government" '
night ef Faery. -
Harry Fumlea. the witty fcnfllsh lllus
rrator he earns to America he elated,
because the cost strike had left no coal
for the Furnlas said st a dinner Party
(hat was given In his honor In New York:
"The secret of atioreeeMI humorous
Illustrating la modernity, ep-lo-dataaicB,
"Modernity, you know. Is always valu.
able. A man'a wife said to -him on -hul
return at 4 o'oloofc tbe other morning:
" There, there! Don't put your shoes
In the bureau snd your necktie on the
floor. And so you've bees up all night
again, hav your -
" 'reah. m Dear.' in man answer.
Up all night In a Wright biplane hio.
Oct losht In cloude an' couldn't find way
dnwa till -daylight hie.' " Washington
Star. 1
. Nethlaer Deles.
The great detective was dumbfounded.
"Just as I've worked up tbe moot com
plete and absolutely oonclwsive chela of
circumstantial evidence against the sup-;
peso murderer thst I ever saw, -in an
my experience. It tarns out that no mur
der has been committed," tie said. "Far
ther stands the suBoosed victim."
Evlng htet with the osncentfeted and"
ineradleeblt wrath of an settee whoa
amJlerpleoe ha beea SBoiied by an eerth-
ick, Glossy Hair
KecpSrTiurs so. Nature had
want of proper attention, your hair has lost its
g ev
natural color, its
dead call on
want to assist
bottle of
. -
mm l rm.
t ijzz
?Ji.. fhBan Bair Restorer
cam m
yea to
are fun
a slinissdl Beeoawls th e,-rh
tress tbe Ills and 'horrors due ta
ait vergiag tee
i aad tatte
exerrMe ths bowel sausole exerrlt
ae tbe reel. Thta wes't atrala. rrrl
tate, sr drala tba system af Its ar
battlneus fluid. Persta ii lebiss
by taking these fields ireta ease
weets ef the bod ss lvuif7 tbe
swe - vis wu irmrt
ska -ew T""1 Bjy - saeliBBBBgefcxexea TeTaBBBsht
fV -VIA fTO -
- I
White Zooe Hlicetncn
quake, he drew forth from his hip pocket
a plug of tobacco and took a chew
Chicago Tribune
A "Wars Tares.
"This I d roomy backyard of your.
Tou generally hava a garden here-don't
re." -
"Keep ehlrkene!"
"After a fashion.' I believe, though,
my neighbor on the south Island to raise
guinea hens this year. By the way, rnme
Into the houea and I'll show you a nhe
leas gun I've Just bou-ht."-Chlcgo
Tribune. '
Aaw la th Wrong Place.
"Private" John Allen went to visit an
Old friend at a Hospital In. New Orleans
The Invalid waa being fed -on a dan ot
egg snd sherry, and Allen asked, hint
how he liked It. .
"John." said th friend sadly, "It would
he ail right If tbe Kg was as new ss
ths sherry, snd 'ths sherry ss old ss ths
egg. "Popular Magsalne.
, . Sanatorium
. This Institution ta tha onlr en
!n tha ewntrsl "writ -with aspirite
bulldlnk'B situated In tbelr own
ample (rounds, yet andrely
distinct and rendering It possible
lo classify cases. Tbs on building
bslng fitted for aad devoUd to tha
treatment ot noncontagious en J.
Boamaatal diss as, do others be
lli' admitted. : Tba . other Koat
Coltag, being designed tor and
devoted to tb SMlueive treatment
at select mental cases, requiring
tor a time watchful cars and p
etal sorslng. . -
it started nght, but if for
silky softness if it looks
your druggist tell him you
nature with fifty cent
- .
NOTICE : A postal
eacn -package entitles
tenet of iOustrated
on the Care and
Treatment of Hair and
Tbwe lryrtnTes,
of oaeful infor
mation. Be sure to
get them.
7- (
smd th trnffl sftall make voa
Ceestlseisea Pilaia In your trues
Black ttrrn
t nw snauN tbbatbtmt
$5,000.00 IN GOLD IP I FAIL .
Teas of Thousands of Grateful Patron Proclaim This Wrmdroiei Druglrsg
Fat Trcatmrnt tbe Climax of Kfflcieacy.
I Looked ss rat as as Ox Before I Be-
duces My Weight With sty street
Siraglese uouaiaauoa Treatmssy
Txb jot or xrv-nio n tbtb Kxranr-
AOS or tab Liar 1 waa
My frienus wera charttabl smt' called
It obesity; others said 1 waa STOUT,
but 1 knew It wa Just bulky fat, I
eaa miawaMe, and so are you It too
stout. To reuuc your
wetstit, you must do a
i did. x rouwa th
WAS BASV. Hefor 1
urcedeii. I trted every
thing within ana eonie
flilnga beyond reason. It
waa maddening, disgust
ing, alarming.
All 1 had to do waa to
remove the cause, and I
awear under oath that
by my slmpls treatment,
without drugs, medicine,
nerve-wrecking exercise
or tarveilon diet I re
duced my enorn.-ous
weight permanently,
quickly and positively
without barm to myself
while taking treatment
or afterwards, and I
guarantee that you can
reduce as Utile or as
much fat as you desire,
with my treatment Just
' '
Bead tec Free
. njru Btrooaaa
With my sere, senalhle and naturnl
treatment quick and permanent re suits
are .pleasantly obtained without strapa,
belta. run, wires. Jackets, sweeting,
electricity, snap, ealts. pills, oils, cathsr
tlrs, drugs or medicines of sny descrip
tion, nviklng it positively ths greatest
treatment the World has ever known. If
you are Interested In your happlne,
heallh snd flgurs you Will let m tell
wee. mt thl. aasar. whs baa
remarkabU aew treatment, ehoald wrtte her promptly tor all she agree to n4
frea, so tbsy may start la V red on at rae before ewelteHas" samnist beet be
eeeala wnbearsbls. for as sss has said, bar book -'Weight kedaottoa Without!
rw.-5 fVwei 7? hTtvIrytblag to gala snd aetata, to lose, bat thel
bookla sBneaalve sad yoa may, If yoa wish, send a two-cut stamp to help pay
postage. as bookiS fit FAT FOtA n. whs Wish ts Twin, to beaatllal
Yaeeker" vrltea: "I em temMet WW a
lleklles nwieallnii alter aaeiklas. vttkb ta "ke
coraeeaiet with tllsst eeask est kenMleaa.
Oae I set relief
'Sewer: e will set ealy ka ralleves, bat
yne will re eareS ky aelas the lolloelai-
rear raftM In til n. Ileltle e( Mwaea
BjeetHe-laieaa Thle eaa w Ukea au'e ar een
be late a Nil alat trf eoark nnn Pall
4 1 r-llnn -ar stvea ea Ike bottle tor wMkle
Ttala to very aartly suae at aema an4 la per
fectly tare u H eoee. aet eentaln tar kanntal
letrellesta aa e SMM at- the e-ellet ceesk
e "e e
' "Ma" wrllet: "I ae taffrret wllk iteaieHi
treutite ant eemllsiltea far itnat twe veara. ae
I Mr K will aasai apselhiua II I saaset eat
em Mlet." ' t
Aeewer: I iweauaes that vea art takMa
IHoeeetlaa aal lata a IM tattlet altar break
fast, wttte tablet sber eiaaer anil a Btea las
M aiwr aaaeer. Tale to a verr eatelleat
treaUaeat aa Is slaelr aenerlWt for It" tree
l nirilln satiea. Oetleaa tela IreateMat for
several weeka aa I eat sofa res will ss eseat.
Deetw: renl rena am I task a tesla wblck
vea arearrttp-l tar lee, but U beaa aa lee
tkat I ban lanreha tSa UteMlelira It wea
the see) sens iri arMem tal Ibat l,,eef
took WIU tiatlr aubllak.isa lagielleaa
Tra. teala t alwi sreaftl far ae-
le ts rear-egetMlee Mi srn ef MPwaaeetltai
rests . k ot, , tlnetara ndftmena roia, , I a
Hake wall a W a taaeKiorl ketera wee la
Tau to tke kwt -eane eesnelea teela teat H
kaew ef. .
, e e ' .
Ulai Jaae" ears: l ae wr aaharar
verr aaeieetartaWa e aeaeaet at mr eieseme
welxat. rieaaa M at aelek aa aala raaa
eir '" i .
A n new Vner efesarlea wefgkt lleait set eaeea
res ear seaatelaeai keeaeae o eaa ae ewheir
relleei A rfOaniee at a poM a 4a, to sot
ttaaaeil after uklas 'Ike weillctev far a week
er twe, 1 eavsje roe le set tSraj twe SM4I
rtaea laaaraulr la CeM Mttt'iHl. ell aa4
tiaae ll ! take a teaioeonrol ler tkte
an after taeaM en ISenatter SUM awe tea
iieiitlili Oet en. ef aroamtfc ellflf ana I
oa at klrtol irkeleae Mil. Oeetleoe emrel
weeks ar SMetka ae rear aaea aui raaalaa.
"Wobj" write,: "I hare vrrr ener baeRb as
seeoust 'ef toas etaaatag teaatlixtwa I taka
eeeatrlne ail tea Hew. eel weaat Ilka ke sat
il rare aw.
mmttnmK tut wm
I f
t" ' j j-' ; ' r - -' '" ------
Ker I Am After BVesodar aty Baormoaa
. Weight Qalekly and Without Barm .
wiw say urwgiese ateaaw iiwwiiif
you how to reduce fst
"Nsture's W
t he telle we v mv Wav,
It Is aatonlahlng the thousands trif i
grateful letter I am receiving. J. fB. j
Boiseiie. Box ii. urcat Heno, r-ian-.
writes h lost fifty pound 1 with ay
harmleae treatment. W. 1 BChntltX.
Monteviaeo, siina. leac
thirty nounoa thirty
nays. Mann moeuy,
Deelose. Mo., loet elxty-
flve nounda Mrs Dtiay
thnltb, Loe Angele. leet
1 pound safely, and I
can rater to tnoueanna
ar satisfied niatoniera.
have nrintad a book, en
titled "Weight Reduc
tion Without Drugs,
which I send free and
presald, so that j-ou may
know or my eucceaeiui
treatment and be abtatoj
reduce your weight se
cretly at home without
harmful exercises, starv
ation diet, druse or med
icines. This Interesting
book Is fres to all fat!
persona, so writ this
Oeyy Today
very day for your copy:
don't delay. Her i what
you have long sought. Why seK aioe
whereT Write today, later may he tool
late I offer la eash If f tau as
prove say great drag-less treatment ny
w.. u MHtah ana haraalees la
rat-redaetioa. Write today for my freel
book. Hewer nf Ienvr tmitaiora who
copy my aiiwrtlalng.
tsaOA Central a. Blag, Beavw, Colo.
the eUxbtrrt tserrest m xCss Vamatoa's
" Tlie qdesttnna aiiwered belew are gea .
"eral in character, the symptoms or dla-i
naes ar given snd the a newer will ap-
ulv to sny case ot similar nature.
Those wtahlnv further advice free, mavi
eddreea Dr. bettla Baker, Collags Bldg.
College-Bllwood lit., Dayton, O., enclnsJ
I lor aulf-addrriiaed atamped envelope for
reply. Full name ana adorn must be
Ittven. but only thitlala or fictitious tismw
will be used In tny snswers, The.prearrlp-;
Hons can be rilled st any weii-etoekett;
drug store. Any druggist eaa rdr of
AAkwer: Mtne lltaeaa la eaaaaS he
tlaa thaa 'br aar ether lllraaet. Toe caa aetL
klaetr el aweirleea tkat will aalteea, kw) Iff
roa waat aoamblaa thai will tare res I wwtttal
etrtaa the are af tkiea f'tta eulakark Uhletal
feat aaleher takletu. They eas ke koafhl at'
anr true atefe Is aealea tahea wllk fall 4U
terttone far aitac. 1 aava feuet thaw tka aaaakj ,
ntiesM sat eraSaaHir eurailea. I
b -a 'a ' ' ' f
"A. U V "-I strlaa Tea ta. tet a faitew-t
In tsaradlaata aet ait at bofna le asm rearl
raiie ef kalviitim: Ttseiara eakaha. I trae;
ceaaa Hall kalwwait, 1 as; ns thMtera tWoaj
areautla. t erama Mil ta water est te ts
t It area eaa kear kafafe keele.
thjffarlaff WiNaan: To kaeikaafhllr ear, kaetej I
fhea ar vhllei as U to eoeiaoelr eallel H M
aetr swiaaary b aa I gees aatlaertla heallasl
tenV waab. er atnttanr eeaoea With srneeei
twlee tallr Oat tee easeaa at ewleeetla vllane
eewtar aa aae esaot lannle acl4. Mis aatt
aaa a taaasaeafal te a aaaet ef Warn Warart
twice eatlr. A aplaatit teale ts eeaaevtlesj
wtth tka abave Is Urea (rata arpe-aaclaae UM
.; ;
"Ptaaae seetea' waist V
eaa aaa tor
aaals afe ta
a food hair tnele. Mr bah-- anttl
vwt bat eaaoltlaa tM sotbiag;
aeeaaa IS beam."
Aareert Tbe teat hefr tkete wa thk 'warret
la ael4 Is 4 ea. tots aa ta eillet stale yaltrw
wtwyel. Aay ee-te-sate 4nssle etll savs 'M.
The W aasartat ta -enrfhtas tanw for r the
traalawut sf tka ttsaeaaa at Ike katr aa4 aaale.
Twe er three eeelkellone bare aaea kaowa -te
vara, wall H enhae aa hair haft, flarrr 'a4
auaaa It bee tta satarsl aeler. '. . . .11
,. v.'-'v;.".... ; :.-$
cTBa,ria. iT afititti Ik fry poor sol 1- tia
xtrmrtr tttta. wfy 1H N mt tkal It
Makt m vory nha?" rtHMM IUm yt-;t-j
ivU tM t uvm nD4r-" 0 il
tnmi i tr tmi ish ( Wotna emUr. " fha
Tr roar xamiM -btm jrawr Btrnrvn timmi,
kMrtlir moraajMM Tki mm M
kTp-aHrla!M 'tiblttts. vUch mm find h. -jar
vrll atr-kc4 rv s4or, eatttM -lti
full atlractUMU lor iUiattL . Hnm-Melu tavblsrta
ItfCr ttW nuUttJOtl. g4t t4 MfpVltlN U trrsjj
roni nrwmtitm h ncrvM vum Md i9n-l
mn Itw dkrMral hvltb. Msay rtJwr.
itmt ttttfr ton Vdiuas frrrn l U m m9A$ , ti
r tftMtlMB. Jj
-tlarrT rtfa- "rVrtk my w4 writ1
traffvr (th TeWsMtsiBt. W vreajM apfmlt,j
a rsTftiy trlltag w wtiat i Uksx' ,
kmmr: Mix tto tolkrarrac at kw
Itw tfrtsaflM mix; for yotj; X 4ranu of Wltt-oH
roktalcuM. mo hall ., nm. mmM erarta)ij lj
h. ; roiitp. DuM Win wort, 1 aa. ; aod a?fup'
aajfWfBferllaai fa tmm. I H. aJp mi iTuI
tt ml tittM 4 be4 UstA. Alwaja ammmm 'Wftlt
iMrfon mi t ; j
. ' ' 1 I