Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 16

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The Omaha Slttday Bee.
Entered it Omihl postotflo ss sseond
e'.asa matter. - - - - -
Sunday Dm, one rear
Saturday Bee, n year J
Dally Be (without Sunday!, en rarJ
t-aily I end Burdsr. on year.. '
Evening t tents Sundajn. Pf mo. ..
EHy Bm (Including Sunday), par mo..e
Cwily Baa Ufcvt Saaeay). par a"'";
Addraaa ail complaint or lrruiArtu
In dallnry te CJty Circulation Dpt
Remit T draft, exprtes or postal organ
payable to The Baa PubllshBUI company.
Only S-cert sump receiv; ta PMrwa
ot email aoooaaia. Personal tmcn, .
cap aa Oataba aad aaatara ear Bang, aoi
OnahaTlM Baa BuIIdmg. ' ' .
bout Omaha-Bit N . .
OouacU luir- Aoott Ml. ,, a
Lincoln M Uttla Building. ' . '
Chicago-lie. Marauett BuUdiaA, -Kansas
Oty-Raliaaca BuUalns. - y
Saw York-St WW Tblny-Uur.
Weatuoatea-lsi a'rarsasBta Ma. JtW.
CmmtibWatlo relating iwws and
editorial nattar anoul k adoraaaaa
Umaha Be. bdHoriaJ lapm
' 50,109 ' .
(tat f KsbrSska, touslr at Douglas, as:
Dwlgnt Wliyama. auauiauoa manager
at Tim ta fasuahina ooasany, being
duty awe re, ys nt th evsrag aai.y
atmlatloa, for Mia month al April, on,
aa m.m.,. DwlGBt tvuxTAIIS,
. " circulation Manager.
uburAad la W presence end ".""fa
to tenure at lua tad day ot May. ua
Nnair rubtt.
tabwrtbvr. seavtag oity
tri.rarlly afcaald haw Tha
H atallee ttra, Mra
will rtuiM aa a r
I gweeeed. .
L Neat Sunday our (buret got all
offer preyera of thanks that K is all
VST. . 't v .,
Rossis is vary angry st Jacob
Bcbirf. What to Ratals going1 to do
Shout It? .
Somebody must hav told Ooori
W. srkias whst Dr. . Wllsot told
Colossi Hanray. :,.., ' . ",
- Os tss.lSTSl now, thsrs Is bo par
tisaB politics ta this eoamlaaloa piss
of dty "government eunpalfo.
KMsrIiM)d, My MsryUod," Is tbs
chorus of flv f raslfleBtlsl osadldstfls
'nalklnt the strosts of Baltimore."
fb .Methodist bishops bs foand
oat thtt neD cannot oSHasd good
mar air by setting up S oa f rates.
For aBikB who has had the open
opposldo of floarat, Oorarnor Wtl
soa bad failed eb show much staentth.
TbatNVoiiTs tnab that lynched
a boy btatte It suspected aim ot
nnrdar taaet have a flr atandlaa la
the'eearts. , "" . -
I As a matter of laot. too trouble
commenced when tbs slste-msklnt
started, sad ovetyons kaowa trhft
started tbst.
Mr. Rorkefeller ssya b vss 10
years of mi before he tad f 1,000.
That ta neoaralnf to thoe of ua
bo ar not yet 10. '
Homer Derail port bad achieved a
treat Baas sad wide tamo for teas
of only 44. He was one of tb (real.
certoonlAa of all tiro. .
Speaking of placing our consul
ships under civil service, one family
has held the lob at Gibraltar for the
United State for eighty years!
Still, ta conoedlhg President Tart
ta Massachusetts ths delegate, he
fairly sod qasroly won by popular
vote, there la ao phllanthrophy
about H. ' .ti
lt's a safe gaees tast for is while
ocean steam hlp pssseager will, at
least, try on the Ufa bolts so as to
leers bow should It become necessary
n wearhn.- i
1 .'It la In ha, h,,tA Ill ba mmA
sot tctarveoe la Mexico, for It would
mesa a aertons struggle aad we caa
aot 'coavealeaQr take oa anything
more with bate ben peasants to wla
aid presidents to elecO
Tboae avtator who are going to
drop la oa oa la Omaha were cer
tainly wts la postooajof their ad
vent astU Srter these toeal hot air
rarroau aad atmospheric dlstar
amasoa aaaii uv eoDSKiea. ,
Mr. Bryaa explains that be asked
am two closest rrtraiM to pair by
voting one for Clark aad oa tor
WUeoa so as to msk aura that oar
Kebrssks primary should . disclose
the real choice of the democratic
rank bud ' fl!. "Let th peepli
rule.- -.' ' .
Th J man la earning down with
a redoeUoa of Id per eeat oa hoas.
kold detlverisa. and back to th price
prevailing la other neighboring cities.
We believe that tb persist est poaad
lag of Th Sea ea th Ice holdup has
had sooetblBg to do with bringing
ur people this rallef. - -
u ua scaoot Beard, or ue city
ccaAcii. or Ue coast? hoard, aader
tck to dispose of a big hatch of
bonds at privet sal ander cover -of
secrecy, aad without advertisiag for
proposals," weald, oar Commercial
club &4 oar Baal Estate exchange,
"and oar other watchdogs of the
vreasuryi protest or keep attU
A lost Opportunity.
(Reprinted from The Bee. March K lill)
Without going- into the merits or
demerits -of the candidates for coua-
dlmea "listed' by ths .Citizens'
anion. It strikes ns tbst a great op
portunity -has been lost we would
be', justified 1n -saying recklessly
thrown swsy by tbose who under
took to choose tbe.road for this or
ganisation to follow sn opportunity
presented of making an issue in the
coming campaign for a nsw set of
men to sdmtnlster a new plan of city
Whatever public sentiment has
aroused behind the movement
for the commission plan has drawn
tts Inspiration from dissatisfaction':
with, the old maaagement ot affairs
which It- Is to displace. Ths Oqly
excuse and demand for adopting the
commission plsn csme from the de
sire to get away from the old ineffi
cient machinery of government and
aubstitute a modern up-to-date
mechanism that would make the tax
payers feel they were getting full
returns tor their money.'
The spokesmen of the ClUiens'
union have prided themselves 'In
their pronunciamento that they were
sponsors of and special guardians
for a new Idem in the commissloa
plan, which was to Inaugurats a new
ra for Omaha. But In applying
theory .' to practice they evidently
could not get away from the political
pressure and halted at the halfway
station by filling In their ticket with
torn of th very men charged with
responsibility lor .th shortcomings
of th old plsa of city government.
With the Cltlsens' union abandon
ing the only Issue at Stake, and mak
ing Its campaign purely a choice of
men, based upon Individual judg
ment, then personal preference will
b th determining factor, all the
why through. If w read th bight
Bright, thts lost opportunity la. now
irrecoverable, had .tb chance of
Uminatlng party politics, along
with party labels, almost gon. ,.
Old Question ot Amuiemcnti.
Tb general conference of th
Methodist church at Minneapolis has
addressed Itself to the old problem of
what amusements srs til and unlit
for th churchmsn. It Is a question
which hss perplexed' ths Methodists
aad othsr orthodox churches for
many years, and if It shoald be left
a little short ot complete determina
tion It probably will occasion ne great
The Methodists hav been strict
dtsctpllr-axlans on th matter of
amosementa, but . changing times
bring -changing 'mind and Without
necessary loosening ot religious ties,
an evident yielding from th old
tenacious ground has set In.
Tb board t bishop of th Meth
odist church has- taken advanced
ground In nconnnsndlng tha aboli
tion of tha rule, "prohibiting dancing.
card playing, gambling aod going to
theaters,' circuses and horseraces,"
on th ground that 'th Amerieaa
people are too far advanced longer
to be restricted by rhnrch rules aa to
what thsir amusements lhonld be."
' This will undoubtedly b haired aa
a rational, broadenmg-oot.'tnd It will
bo a matter of tb utmost Interest to
i whst the ' geberai ' tonferehr
finally does with the re'eoramshfla-
tloa. The bishops see tost' church
members hav Ideas of their 'own oh
personal conduct which cannot be
controlled by fixed rules. And
the church autistic show that this
rule hss never been consistently ad
hered to.
A, great teacher and exemplar.
whom th Methodists as wsil aa th
Presbyterians and many others de
light to follow, puV th proposition
rather broadly -vihen he said that
meat. 'In Itself, neither commended
a'or condemned a man, "for neither
2 eat ar w better; neither It
w eat ar w the worse." With him
ft Was mora a matter of how, that H,
fa whst spirit or motlv tb eating
waa done. He was fearful only Jeat
by eating., "this liberty ot yours be
come a stumbling block to thsm thatJ
ar weak." And so Paul simply dis
posed ot th wool subject by saying
that "It meat msk . my brother t
offend, I will eat no floes" -
Work for the Discharj el Cofkt
it Is gratifying to b told "by one
of oar leading penologists tbst hon
est employment la not aa hard for
th discharged oonvkt to find aa It
need to be. This is a hopeful sign
thst we ar getting somewhere near
a rational attitad toward the man
who eommlta a crime and goes to
prison 'to pay th penalty. It calls
for no msudlta wsatimsat oa th gen-
eta punishment of criminals to fly
that society hss la tha past too often
(committed th egregtoas often of
maklag a pariah of th x-coovk. -
' All our prison reform talk ta vain
antes ar try osraestly to help th
former atiaoaer Into, a plac of re-
apeciauiv man naunnuvi eoxpio'
meat. - Ho did ; wrong . to commit
crime, bat that la la the past; be baa
bees to prison, got hi stripes, pstd
his ransom aad now he come out a
fro man to taka his pise agate la
the raaka and' hold It it given n fair
chance at the handa of those more
fortunate than hlmeelf those whose
names bare sot been tarnished by
enrollment upon a prison roster.
: If .soma states the law require
that certain prisoners hsve employ
ment In eight before they may be re
leased, even though their terma have
bean completed. Bat there I also la
thoss states aa organisation making
it its duty to sea that, these unfor
tunate men end women bsve employ
ment in sight, else what possible rea
son for the law! This is a work
of reform and charity quite com
manding In its appeal to every citi
zen who hss the welfare of his fellow-
msn at heart Nor will it quit do
to hesitat to take In an ex -convict
for fear pf hla old predelictions. Ws
are not sure the man returning from
prison is Inherently more likely to
fall than some who have not been
there. There is ho way of completely
eliminating all chance In life. Of
coarse, this sll works around ta the
prime necessity of wise snd effective
prison administration, so thst, all
things being equal, the man should
come out a better man then he
went In. -" ', i
- . Conquering Grief. '
Tie world endure Ua grief and
sorrow with stern and stoics! tem
per. " It soon gets over tne nm se
vere shock of great catastrophes.
even thoss costing many lives. It Is
charged with growing callous to such
bruises. .But tbst charge. It seems
to -us, cornea a little wide of th
mark. - ,
What it the world did not quickly
recover from Its SorroexT - 'Whsi If
people gsve In under the weight of
every grief thst cam 'crushing down
upon them? They would soot hav
no strength to endure, no power to
re let; they would become mentally
and aplritoally emaciated. This re
cuperative force we display Is not In
difference, not unfeeling; It is a tort
f heroism, a philosophy that make
man stronger thsn bis most power
ful adversity, makes him squat X
the crisis, no matter what It may be.
But In a Superficial aense, take th
trala of disasters that go stalking be
fore ut and Imagine our giving away
before any single one, whether it be
the devastating flood, earthquake or
the Titanic tragedy at sea, and what
a lugubrious race we would soon be
come to stsy snd overweep at tb
tomb of our sorrows. Lit Is for the
living hnd th most w csn do with
on such terrible affliction Is to get
the full force of. the lesson It has to
teach and then com away with seri
ous hearts to avoid, It possible, 'repe
tition ot the dlssster In tbs future.
Building- and Lumber.
After; a considerable lapse, tb
lumber trade is said to show signs of
improvement.' Reports come from
the Psclflo northwest to ths effect
that a boom year in lumber is ex
pected. This must of course be con
trolled more or less ly the amount
of building going on. The building
operations over th country tor th
first quartsr ot th ysar show a
msrksd Improvement On the whole.
While they hav fallen oft In, some
places, as ta natural, they hsv mora
than mad up with gains elsewhere.
Thts quite eneoursglng in view of
th long apd severe winter, which
cut Into the work of the first quarter
materially. In this first quarter
mag. b considered at all typical ot
what the rest of the year 'will show,
tbs outlook Is exceedingly good.
Increased activity la bulldlqg al
ways meant larger demands for the
trades-workers, and as Canada also
disclose Improved conditions, tb
demands ar 11 th more extenslv.
It has been a long time since the
man looking for work In tots country
hnd to look very far In vsln. With
all the discouraging features thst
hsv Intervened to alow down th
pace business has attained., there baa
been no actual wmployment famine.
nor 1a on to be looked for so long
ss conditions remain -on an upward
grade aa they are now.
Better Consular Service. ' .
Congress haa at laet Wakened to
tha real necessity of Improving our
consular service abroad aa a means
of benefitting American foreign com
merce, aad if the Suiter hill, with a
few modifications, become' a law
conditions will be materially Im
The administration long ago haw
thia necessity and- repeatedly called
attention tb It. The plsa to maintain
oar , own embassy ' bulMtnga oa a
parity In dignity with thoa of Other
nations Is only part "answer. W
nan hav la many ot thee places
stronger men, sbls and willing to
look out for bur Interests, who will
rspreeent their country advantag
onsly and forcefully. In this connec
tion it Is timely to point out, ss dfiV
euasion at th Salser bill hss dons.
thst we often leave our representa
tion la th hsnds Ot consular agent.
residents aad natives oT.the place,
when we should have our own Amer
ican ertiteos In every ustsnca, men
who hsve been sent there to take
these places because they are fitted.
The foreigner lacka Interest In our
welfare silts suffer ta coatstaeaea,
In addition to placing our con
sular representatives nader dvil
service and holding oat th reward
ot advancement for strictest servic.
asking th work profession tth
reaaooabl tenure of office, ths scale
ot salsriea seems to require revision.
Because of very meager pay w have
difficulty In holding the best men
aad aar "government loses la com
parison with competlttv nation not
near oar class.
- This ht a subject tut strikes horns
to the business interests of this conn
try, locally. ..It Is not a matter of
poUttcAt-or should not be. Both, to
diplomatic and commercial reason!
we should put oar consular service
on a better footing.
Good Ken for Commissioner.
Another candidate for commis
sioner boosted by Th Be In th pri
mary whom w are pleased to com
mend for election Is George H. Thorn-
mel.. In his case, as la others, we
need only repeat hat has already
been said In these columns:
Tasted aa any staaeart of iBteJUccoce
nd effidaac.. . Owe H. Thummel
would msM a toed member of the aw
council. . His esperfeaee m BMinlctpal ad
mlBiatralloa Mrke keck to hta rtatdenc
In Grand Man before h keoame a
cltisen of OMBha, snd la redeetM m this
endorsement fiwm tb Orand laland In
dependent: .' .i '
Mr. Triumnell jras elway number
amons th et and mott prorraaeiv
eiuxena. Tbe Inpreaa ef Ma work and
of hi exeeutlv ability, or nn enterpna
and ptitille spirit has oeoa left oa many
a Oraad IMatid instltutloa and la many
of or pabllo - affairs. Crtalnly his
randldaoy a a commimtoaer at Omaha
I tha most complete and empbauo refu
tation or tM argument roat aoi men
could not b secured for eommJaatoner.
Mia former Grand I land mlshbore and
fnonda will heartily loin th Independent
In anreservedly and unqualifiedly eom-
meodmjt ntm e in tiana ov innaa
aa one df their executTvee ander the new
plan of government and bop for nun a
splendid majority in th first oomrais-
aloner election of th metropolla.
Mr. Thummel has txtea Meatlfjad wKh
nana bow for more thaa tea yesra.
and ta one of th men endorsed by ta
Cltlaeea' anma.
Ws might add by way of postscript
that Mr. Thummel has managed to
get through the campaign without
being involved la personalities
bandied on both sides.
' Th Citxettt' union reformers want
it distinctly understood that they will
not dismiss tb chief of police until
after they "scrutlniie" hint which
reminds us of a story oft told, Bea
stly put upon our most famous jut
tic of th peace, who, after hearing
a legal dispute pretested before him,
aaid to hav sagely snnounced, "l
will tsks this case under advisement
until next Thursday, when t will de
cide for th plaintiff."
On th face of It, if Mayor "Jim"
had accepted the list ot election offr-
cisls mad up tor him by th reform
ers, his right to appoint would never
hav been quesUonsd. The talluf
ot th reformer, however, te deelar
themeetve In at one eontinebd them
that the mayor had no right to ap
point whatever. -
That reminds ns, too, that Ralph
ostentstlously retired from th offi
cial roster of the slate-makers 'and
publicly announced that he had sev-
tied all conseotloa several months
ago tn ordsr that there might be no
cause for oven the slightest auaptciCn
that tie whs thereafter taking an ac
tive hand Tn th gktn. .
Postsl receipts at both Omaha aad
Lincoln for th months of March and
A prA reftnet tb Increased' nantness
Out Jo political letter-writing and cir
cularising. In connection with the
late presidential primary. Continu
ous .jtarformahc folttlc tnemhs
money In Cncl Sam's postofflcs till.
Our syitipsthy goes out to the Chi
cago newspapers crippled bj strike
difficulties, but -atUU readers ot Ths
Bee, which given them everything
they could expect from a metropoli
tan newspaper,, will not Suffer seri
ously from having tha supply, of Chi
cago newspapers cut short.
tvsry observant stranger vlsl'ting
in Omaha declares that th towa
looks good to him. Presumably bt
would never know how backward
have been, or how bad we aria, except
tor tha fulmlnatlonsof th campaign.
A revalsfflafe T)lfrr.e.
Minneapolis Journal.
A trals -was blows from the track In
Nebraska. But there Waa soma satis
faction to those tn the Wreck that th
bottom la Nebraska Is not two miles
dowa. -
l'Bl Aevlrattea tiaaltsed.
- Waablngtoa Star.
D. K. Pearsons ot Chleaco, who died
at the at of S3, was ambitious te tt
rich and than desirous of dying poor. H
had th remarkable and admirable mrv
necessary to realise both aspirations.
SreHalas the Jab.
PmsBurch Despatch.
Genera! Woed asserts that the Maxicaa
situation, "as Tar Bs we are coaoeraed
la quitter thaa tor soaw bsmsh" which
sutxuu how rapidly tb rumor-mon cer
can work the slaughter ef America clU
sa by th breath of hla mouth. -
A Tale Still MaTtaaj.
Boaeaa Tranarrlpt.
An htteFaotlmj table ef comparative
weces just tesaed Shows thst American
railway workers srs paid oa ths Bvraj
aboMthr time s nrtck at their British
hrethrm. Ptturaeltks these remind as
that sir b) bum the land ef opportunity.
Staleleea Ian eniimM,
Bsltlmor American,
'hlovtnc pletarea ar belhg blamed for
aboat every mteehteveue er repreheMlble
activity ef widen th ' yeuaaatera ar
guilty. . While eoaietMna caa be aaid ta
aupenrt ef the contention. It la euastlon-
-abl B th taflaeace la ss pernicious aa
altaaxl. Boys were boys before Me days
of Wievtnc Slctanfa and wot teod and
bad In about the ssaw praaortloa aa to
day. ... . ...
' - PIMBlt tar the Ttchtwm.
. PMIadelpma ftecor.
Th swot tios I ef Oresoa So aot seem
t OS marnelbte to eaah aoHrttailon. Whta
Joaathaa ow ha Ma caaeaaa tar aen
atartal bomrs romped ap aiA dowa . tbt
state Swtnbwema absat tHS.tot So tb
faithful he got What he wanted. Th
people sadwrstaed that sort ef appeal.
Tnle year Jonethaa waa agaiB a candi
date. M aid net apead a dollan Re
proudly ateod ea hla record. Th
preferaatist primary la vr. Bocra h)
lert eat m the eeid. He wea t s
Vol ted States senator after March Bxt:
bat k St a Wlaar aad richer aaaa tor tm
Stttt infenatial
Thirty Tear Ago
About it o'clock th wmb st work oa
Btaphenaea'a damp ran mto a Boasyard
of all (hat Is mortal ef a aquav that oaot
roamed up aad dowa the valley of the
Missouri. Mr. Btephensaa aaya th dump
cental na mar crsns aMeh he will open
t sepply caftosity aa aat as the STaders
Set to them, i" , ,
Mlsa Laura CenneU. sMtc ef Hon. W.
J. COnnrll. leaidlnst la a tars house ea
St. amry'a sveaae aboat opposite the"
convent, routed a bocwlartous marauder
who had broke Inch tit house but aisjM.
Th Bee reprlsta this Item from th
Waterloo Gazette: J. Q. Hitchcock "and
8. k Coloanen. ot Omaha oa anday
started at t a. m. Sunday and srrivoa at
! ' o'clock ti Waterloo es Bicycle."
A . isrgs thrce-stovy addition Is being
pat oa the Planter boas at'Btxteaath
aad Dodg stroata,
A beer keg was heaved through a
a loo, window on Tenth and OoBdas
atreeu by Joha Oajluran.
-The Otnaba letter carriers hsve or
ganised aa aasoelatloa with A. Petsreoa
arsaident and A. Overall BMrMary. -.
Canon Doherty wUI aoM eervloea Bin
der In Blair for St MarjCa conart catkin.
huU's eddiUoa -and vlcuilty . hi - la
tested with an Impudent set ef tramp,
wh. camp ra tha wood nearby and llv
by besglng sad suallng. -
Sheep owner wanting sheep shearers
sra iavited to aptrty to. Jamea H. Prlo.
an North - eleventh atrcet betweoa
Davenport and Chlcaso streets.
A SBbeerlptlon paper of ths North Pres
byterian ehareh .has been lost Th
tinder will pteaae leave at Th Bes office. 1
IJwenty lean Ago . '
The general conference it the Methodist
church, la anion to Omaha,'' . sent a
memorial to ths president' asking hint
not te approve the Chine xcluaon set
. Cotner of the Omaha Board ot Trad
left for Chwago, at. Leal and other tro
pnrtsnt points on bustnes. -
At a meeting Of th eontreiattoa of the
Ph-st Preabytsrltn chureh Dr. Dent,
General Hawley and J. C. Kennedy Were
appointed, a committee te bring before
th piesbrtety th matter of the rikna
Hon ef ths peater. Dr. ,W. J. Hsrsha, and
a lao to srrsng a reeeptloa ef farewell
tt th deeter and Ms wife (pen their de
parture for New York. . .'.
Sdwld Hardy filed Suit In the vlletrtet
court against th Barllncten railroad tor
ayt.Mo tor rmsnflt Injuries sustained
A h Wreck between Geneva tad PalrnMmt
sons lima before.
J. M. Richards took out a permit t
erect a two-story ant basement brisk tea-
ement-ho at Twsnty-nfnth and Hick
ory strveta for, S),0D. -
A tasQllne tank exploded In tile BHMtlng
office of Ruros lohneoM, tot Sound era
treet and made quite a blase, bat did
Utile damage. ',
The commltt oa anraageBMnta tor the
oonventlon of the Nebraska Medical so
ciety, Dra. C. Rosewkter, A. B. Somers
and Oeorg Wilkinson, xpcted A very
large attendance week ths convention
waa called te order in a few day. ..-
Ten Yean Ago - - f
weed whs "received of the death of
Nicholas Weeks, for mssy ' yeara an
Omaha reeldent, at bis home in Kittery
Point Ms. H had been an engineer oa
th Union Psotflo isf ytars.
Mrs. Lysis Abbott returned from Phil
adtiphls, whar eh vlaKed hr old home
for soma six weeks. ,
Former PoHc Surtaoa i Borglum
and Mrs. Borglum left for Clark. Neb.,
where Dr. Borglum took a place tn the
hospital of Kllpatrtrk Bros, railroad con
tractor. 1 .
With MoTdaoal Browa -ta the bos and
Ooadlng bMmt th bat,. Omaha wal
loped Milwaukee, N te 1 getting four
tee hHs, whfls the Brewers could Had
lbs miner Just fowr Ham.
Oeevwa W. Ameroaa, fonmrly a diatriet
court Judae, it waa learned by telegraphla
reports, died In Chicago. He had been a
member ef the firm of Ambroe A Dutfle.
Coanellman Troatler told th city eoua
en that President Burt of th Union Pa
cific, whom he had saked If the com
pany wonM leeuni onaratlons ef Its foun
dry, gars him a "flat-footed no' for aa
newer In ths prenee t General Man
ager Dteklnsea and Ownral Solicitor Koi
ley, addlnc, We win nm our aheps eur
etvaa.' " Tha esanell voted to laetst ea
th eonapany living ap te tts agreement to
maintain the shoes or forfeit th (round
oa arhleh they stood.
p. B. Ilr retained from a trip, east
but Brought no new Information about
the bis hotel hs aad others wars talking
of srectmg.
Wall Street laaraa'l: Men and Rellgloa
Forward Movement says .New Yorker
sra money maaV Must do something to
pay for the upkeep of empty cfcurchea,
and of mlniatei wk take tour month1
vacation every year.
Houstea Post: A Houston mlnltr aaid
In hi Sunday aeriuua that eve vary
wealthy awn who aaad their vnoney for
good purposes might go to heaven. M in
later caa aay each thing, bat we do
aot believe It would be adviaable for a
candidal to make ouch a statement be
fore a gathering of ear party.
Baltimore American: A Boston minlater
deprecatea boy etieers because, he aaya,
minister. rtanl1s and tb rellfloua aex
have their nerve severely tiled by wrig
gling yesagaters. But younaaters wh
d aot wricgls whea they srs aot other
wise angsted ia som p.-nlcioua activity
art not norms!, and It 4a exaeetiag theea
to be superhuman In exacting of them
the placidity of oity. - , .
New Tork Trtbone: It I reported from
Pittsburgh thst a reiletua ot the abort er
eateehism of th Presbyterian church will
ss nof-ted is tha next tcaeral aawmbly.
Th purpose of th ravtaers to adapt th
eataehlam "to the present day vscaba
atry" aaay seam te them laudable. But
such adaptatlea may to large measure
deracS aa admirable monument ef rv
ntranth century Bnclieh wttheat greatly
facHttstlnc InatrooUOB In tha OioosoeJcal
tenet watch tha catecaisai aslntaJaa.
Boatoa Traaserlpt: . Aieablehoa , Ire
hmd a vlgoroaa stuck on the destructive
toller of Judtctarr recall, aa delivered
at the Oraat CeoraUoa M Galena, aheold
k a mighty InRueoca for good. HI
sdaraaoa that th dlifereaca hetweea
th reaU at feds aad that of Judicial
Sedston ta merely s difference ef worde
baa th right ring. Wtutt self-repscting
todsa would wish to bald a place oa tha
Bench after a verdict at the potto, eaa
ractng th Judaiaaut ef aa untaught aaa
Jarlty, had reversed saa ef bis oeUstons?
.' People and Events
Prea taaehes bava beea abelhmad ta
Pftuburgh. The ohtyrematnlng exerele
Lfor th Aaahramated Beas of Rest Is
swatting tha fllee.
When the weather Is bad th weather
cmrk bean an about H. When th
weather la Juet right aot a whiaper
reaehea the top floor of the poatottics
The only Chaaaeay Depawv smiling oa
Ms evts--eighth birthday, expressed
cvmRoeace la reanjdlng a century of
year. Chsancey evinces In marked de
gree tbe Joyous optimism ot a maa bout
liked by a fat railroad aeasioB.
For the benefit of petrtets booked for
the quadrennial Jan shows at Chicago
and Baltimore, hotel keepers band out
the eomforun aesurBaee that the mini
maa price win hot eh ana color, but the
maxim m piles will aesU oa ths roof.
.A woman of title ia England threaten
to quit that country and hve ta the
laitea gtstes, , because, ss sbs frankly
admits, she Mkes Amerieaa men, But as
ehe poaetssia considerable wealth, there
la no danger of both coming ever. J. B.
needs the money-
tdltor Watttreon publicly offer to bat
"two tved eigars Snd a bottle ot ssr
saparUla1 oa tbe Kentucky poktleal SHaV
atlon. Th colon extra r-nc has
beea giUBIng by leaps and bound itw
siacs th reetrsming Influence ef Wood
row Wneoh was rmovdY.- - -
Wettalinr continuously lor' seventeen
hears and three minute without one
leaving th floor wee the record made by
Mrs. Isabella Baas Logaa of Richmond.
Ind., one ot the . participant la the
marathon dancing contest held under the
auspices of a fraternal order. ,
. No matter how much eommrlatlm
taints tbe finer senawUltl, honesty
gets tts due eventually. A Chicago train
brakenssa returned to tb ewner lost
pacta- at Itt.ono sad Was reWsrded with
one whole dollar. The trainman didn't
taint but bit thC'oain to msks Sure.
Just as tha ssuas' ef Irish boms ruts
seems oa the theshold of sucossa, Juatih
MoCarthy, en ef Hs stalwart tupoort
srs, pass from Hf at th ripe age of at
Aa Journalist novettst historian and
statesman, he wrought Weil m every good
eaasa that engaged Ms anergic. .
W. T. Stead, en ot tbt Ttunle Vle
tlma. had, according to a London dis
patch, bn tecommnc)d for the Nobel
prlss for jMiaes. There is no doubt be
would hav Vscelved It, es no one la la
rape hsd 'worked mors ardently or sla
certy for petes and arbitration.
Ths tale of a sehoolhous whleked by
prlng tephyrt over a section ot tte-
braskh pratri gathers a variety of frim
In Its flight .among th pkragraphtrs
down -east.' The genial fraternity, visu
ally quick to see the point, in this in
stance fall to appreciate the superior
meene of rapid transit with Which the
west Is favored seml-occsslonally.
Batimore American: A real phlian.
threpM baa Just died th Cmcafo. whd
felt It a dUtgrac to dl rich, so gave
away his millions for th benefit of hi
kind while living -and died poor. - HI
beet philanthropy wts In th lesson he
gsve ef -having high principles end then
putting them Infb practice.' The gift of
sn example Ilk that is mors even thsn
ths gift of million.. - . -
De Meine Capital: Her was a' mil
lionaire who. CMistderad himself merely
S steward over what industry had
brought him to tha way ot a fortune.
He helped thoss who needed help. He
even gave away all that be had." In
doing so h laid up treasure . for tha
Itf that Is beyond Ufa. and th thous
and whom I? has helped to secure, an,
education and turned In tha direction of
useful and happy lives will Mess his
New Tork Sun: When hs got a for
tune he proceeded to dispose ot It mainly
te Instltatlon thst recalled ths severity
of dtsclMtn snd ths narrow meaaa of
eollece life la Ms anavrweadusts day.
Ht allved frugally: royally ha bestowed.
It waa Mr. Motley, it we remember,
who quoted at the dedication of aa
English status te George Pea body that
glorious anonymous epitaph: "What I
apent I had; what I left I lost; what I
gave away I hav till." Daniel Klmbsll
Pearaon haa all hie fortune still. It
may be added for the encouragement
of youngsters snd oldsters that he wss
s poor country doctor UU ).
S:'';-'"''' ' wJk VfI'-s
I S5.00 Two-Pamt Suits. $3.50 X
A big special purchase of Boys' Suits, in broad assbrt
ment of all wool fabrics, patterns and colorings, - all
' sizes 6 to 17 years splendidly tailored and finished-
thw choicest lot of values ever shown in years, at $3.50
- If You'rs In Money Saving Mood
Now Is Your very
Mother's Friend" Wash
Suits The nobbiest, most
desirable line made
Tit .,...451.00 to
We are Omaha Distributinr Atrents for "Tufnut,"'
"Woolly Boy," "Ever Wear," "Indestructible," .and
several other well known, dependable brands. :
Get the very best for less. J . ' "
. CTTmiT crx T f vH
W 1UIU A 11.11 ,1
Impatient Tonmj Man (at tetepboneV-.
That a you. Ua t It Marie? This Is the
third time I've tried to set you!
Soft Vote Why. Jack, you you're:
aever really tried to get ta at all. Bo-:
ton Transcript- - -
"Whst did her fathar say when you
asked for her hand?" " .
"Said be'd been wondering what I had
beea passing him two-for-a-quarter cigars 1
for so regularly of late." Detroit Free
Young Wife (sobbing) George treated
me awful mean. -He-4ie promt! to grre;
ma a machine for my birthday, and It it
caroe horn today.
Her Mtithr Th- what ar voa erviaar
Toung Wife It a a It's a washing ma-
chlne.BJtttaor American.
"Com." aaid Brown, "you must admit
that the meet eater la more virile than
the vegetarian, more commanding, taorei
impressive and more dictatorial."
' I I m afraid I can't quit agree with,
you," said the other man. "My wife is'
a vgtariaa."-Cleverand Plain Dealer.
; "A beauty doctor haa on advantage;
over other men in something ot Ms Bos."
WTiat ta It?" - . -
He can lawfully conduct a skia game-"
Baltimore American.
Street Urchin-Where yer gain'. Maggie?!
Maggle-Goia' ter do butcher (er tV
cent wort' uv liver.
Uurchin Chee. Yer goln ter have com-i
pany far dinner, ain't yer? Boat oa Traa-'
'"t Irnnw a sirl whn tnsA k tf arSdua.
tlon gown and captured a buabsnd on'
the strength of It." - '
"Tht's s good argument for IS gown."i
' "The trouble is she caught a gl hus-I
bast. He has expected her to dress onj
that precedent ever sine." Koss city
Jsurnat. , , - , - v ' . v
Molly, the 'new cook, had a habit of
keeping her mouth ajar th greater parti
of the tlth. Th habit annoyed herl
mlstresa exceeding y. and one morning she
lost elf patience. r .
"Molly, your mouth Is apea," said ths
mtstree.' -'
"Indeed, ma'am, so tt la." said Motly.l
grinning. "1 opened It" Youth's Com-!
panlon. . '-
J. W. Foley in New York Tlaies. -So
yea failed- In your rlaaa, my lad?
You couldn't quit make th msrk?
You failed snd Vu feel ad blue and Sad)
And all of tha world looks dark?
Yoa lost aod your heart la sore . i
And you wish yoa could go snd eryt
Well, let us not worry a mlnuts mors i
Or give it another otgh,.
You failed, and you stand in tear:. I
' Of the things that ths boys will eayt
Why, thsre Isn't a .boy who is worth al
tssr s . .
But who knows be may fall soma dayj
For It Isn't to win that's good
And It Isn't tha head held high.
But to Know you did th heat you oouldj
And th beet we can do ls-tryV - i
You failed, snd you know how sad !
Were tha ones who have failed bfor:
Ani .hit MA vail uv to-them, anr ladJ
, When you knew that their heart wr
Did you com to them, near ate1 near, j
With s kindly Word snd a smll.
And bid them dry that very taar
That cam to you aftsT a thtlet.-
,-, . v, t
Ah Vea-you didn't know - v -
What tt meant to th ope whe wit: .
And maybe you aaid some boy Pn sloat
And you didn't count th cost, -
Of th sorrow It was ts him- ,
Whn I heard what hla fallows held.
But you" know It now, when ySu. eyed
'are dim - ' t
And tha aorrow is yours mstead.
o, lad, we have tailed, msyne, - A
And the olhlr boy may pas. - ,
But we've found a leeeon for you and mJ
That finer than en in class; ,
We've learned what th bitter tear. -
And the sorrow of boy msy be, :
W'.'v learned th need of -a word el
cheerj '. - - - -i,
a. we haven't tailed, you aeV r
Accorateljf ;
"ivsry on. of our five 'big drug
stores uses ths sams system of
filling prsscrlptlons,. a systam
backed by twenty-five year ex
perience. . 'v - f
We use only the purest drugs
sad permit no substitutions.
Only ' ssporiencsd grsdust
pharmacists compound prescrip
tions st our storss.
Accuracy is our watchword.
This servvlce costs you no mors.
thaa you hav ta pay elsewhere
' StKrui fc McCordiII Brtf Ci,
Best oppornniiy
AH Word One-Pant Snits
$4.50 values, sizes .6 to 17
years, go oa sale
at . , , , .r. ..t-