B THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE:-MAT 5, 1912. What- V.-;-V;- Women Are Doing in the World AXT local club women ar In M terested at present In national conventions of tha organiza tion and societies to which then-, local ' societies are af filiated. Mrs. ' Arthur ttkde Smith, who to president of the Nebraska chapter of tha Colonial nn and Mrs. Lowri Chllds. a member of the society, art both attending the. national convention of this organisation In Wash ington. D. C. . - Mr. Smith and Mrs. Child, both of whom are prominent members of the Omaha Society of Fine Arte, will remain ,n national capital to attend the ns tlonal convention of the aNai n4. eratlon of Arts, which opens next Thursday- and lasts Until SaturHav lfra Smith wiu act as delegate to the convention In case air, c. w. Russell, president of the umana society, is prevented from attend ins. The other delegate to tha arts ventloa from Omaha is sin st t Jndser. who also mar not be ahta i a. Her alternate Is T. R. Kimball, who la an associate of the Omaha society. As Omaha member who has planned definitely to attend the national conven - tlon Is Mrs. .Clement Chase, who leaves Tuesday for Washington. Mrs. Hal leek Rosa may Join the Omaha delegation at Other Omaha women are Interested. In Church conventions. ' Mra f It l-aa.-t. left yesterday te attend the quadrlennlal meeting or the Methodist Episcopal church. being held this month In Min neapolis. Next turday Mra. -J.- E.- Dodds will leave for Chicago to be present, at the annual convention of the Women's a en oral Missionary society of the .' United Presbyterian churches of North America, wwen wiu De una May u to XT. Many of the larger women' clubs- have held their annual business meetings and election of Dew officers and have dis banded for tha summer; Monday the Omaha' .Women's club had Its last open meeting, at which report of officers, de partment leaders and chairmen of stand lng committees were read. ' The current topics, philosophy and lit oratur departments til held their closing meetings last week, which ends the de partment meetings with the exception of the French class, which will continue to when the Woman's .club -takes up K activities again next year under the new president. Mra C. W. Haves, there will b number -of ehangea which were rec ommended during the last 'season by the retiring president; Mrs.- M. JJ. Cameron, In the first place each club member will be wearing upon her. shirtwaist front a neat club pin . la white enamel with the gold monogram letter. O. W. C. Many of the women have already secured their pins, t t . .. ... The name of the forsetry committee has been changed to the broad- on of eoh ervatlon. The health work ha been taken .from the civics committee and given 4 comielttee of Its own. There will probably be mots young women In the club next set-on, sine It hs been de cided', to edml -unmarried daughter of olub jneiwtier jmhdul jQltsatlon fee. The club's history will probably be begun by the committee which Vaa appointed -te look up past records. . Perhaps no one mojuct has been more discussed during the last few week by club women than the Albert law. Among the organisation which formed .reso lutions protesting against It repeal t ,' advocated by the Douglas country grand Jury are the Omaha Woman" Juffargt society, the France 'Wlllard Woman's Christian Temperance union' and the West Omaha Mothers' Culture club. Mrs. A. C Oflffen was re-elected presi dent of the Imogen club of Florence at the arnael business meeting Thuredav af terr.te. a. - Mra R. A. 1 Ooldlng was chosen vice president; Mr. Ell E. Ore lu lled, secretary; Mrs. Robert H. Olmstead, treasurer.' The club decided en a radical change In It plan for next season. Instead of having general meetings for the s'udy of literature. It will be divided Into three department household -: economics, - lit erature and philanthropy. The club atudied this season. Shakespeare' "As Son Uke It" The American Woman' league unani mously endorsed the re-election of Mrs. Clara E. Burbank'a state regent of the national league at Its meeting May I The West Omaha Mother's Culture club will meet Friday afternoon with Mra. Paul F. Bonorden, ill! California street, when the following program will be givent 1 -Roll call. "...Quotations for Mothers' da) Organisations of Mothers' day J. Mra. W. N. Baker Fathers day Mrs. F. T. Barber Song Mother Making Cookies Helen Bonorden Recitation Helen MrOulre Song-Dee Hot' My Hand Tonight Mildred Barber "What Mothers Ought to Know About Children's Teeth". ...Dr. p. T. Barber The North Side Mother club will meat Tuesday with Mrs. K. O. Carson. Hot Pratt street.. .- ' . The -Wyehe Story Tellers league will hear fable and fairy tales told Thurs day at 4:li p. m., at the public library by Mis Callfta Reynolds, Mis Carrie Boutelle and Mrs. Fred Elliot. . - The P. E. O. sisterhood will have an afternoon playing their organisation game Friday at the home of Mra, J. A Bryan. 1x11 Emmet street. Mra. R. C. Craven- will assist Mrs. Bryan In the preparations. V - r . The" committee in charge of the dif ferent phases of the work of the summer school of missions to be held at the University of Omaha, June It to e, met at luncheon, at the Hemtttoa cafa yester day and made further plana for the school. V Several new chairmen of com mittee have been appointed by Mr. George TUdea. who is chairman-ln-chlef. They are Henry Kieaer, exhibit com mittee: 'ReeVM. O. McLaughlin, boys department: Mra, O. 8. Chltteadea. children'a games; Mtas Lillian Dowter. games for etder folk; Mia Ivy Reed and Margaret MeAra, story hours. - Word hsa Jest , been i started that Dr. Sherman Coohdgt. aa Arapano Indian and president of the Society f Americas India ft, will give talk at the summer school. ' : ' , The Omaha chapter af the Daughters EJOESTO API CQN VENTTOK.IN WASH? IV-'- A Ft j V , mm m m x 'i- . V I ' H' ft 15 r I vl M" ar oea smm of the Confederacy will meet Thursday afternoon t ::J0 with Mrs- Edward Liang. 71 North Nineteenth street '' , - ,' Th Omaha Woman Ohrlstian Tem perance union will tnt-et Wednesdfy after noon at -i.m at tne - young i.,vomerrs Christian association. Mrs. JOdward John , .vie preaident, will have charge of the meeting In the absence Of the presl dent, Mrs. 1.-8, Lesvllt, In Mlnneapolle. The France Wlllard Woman's Chris t's TemperenA's union will meet, Wednes day afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs, A. . Burdick, 3111 Vinton street, , "Health and Heredity;' will be tha topK) for illn cussion. - -" ' t" -r ' Hndei Vi gttifpicae -of 'this union' double medal contest will be held Frldsy evening at the Southwest Methodist Episcopal ehurrh. Tha Loyal Temperance legion' will hold a declamatory context. and there wilt also be a musical contest Silver 'medal will be awarded the win sera , - . J 1 There will be a board meeting of the Young Woman Christian association Wednesday morning at Wo'clock. The Women' Christian association for the management of the - Old . People home will meet Tuesday morning at ! o'clock at the home of the president-Mrs. Oeorge Tllden, to .discuss the proposition of beginning actlvtl on the new home. made posrlble by the bequest of the 1st Anna Wilson.' : ;, i , The Major Jsase- Sadler chapter of the Daughtero of the American Revolution will hold Its annual business meeting and election of officers Tuesday-afternoon at t at the home of: Mr. Frank W. Baker, at Cm street omXha country club opens (Continued on Page Three,). surprise party Wednesday afternoon for Mra. A. A. Cook. Tha afternoon waa spent with musle and refreshments were served. . . Mrs. Ryan. Misses Alice, Genevieve ana Helen Ryan of Dubuque, la., who have Juat returned from California, were the guest of Mrs, John Madden Tuesday. Mra Madden entertained Infodrmally at luncheon at the Country olub for her. guest, when the other present were Miss Ophelia Hayden, Miss Claire Helen Woodard. Mtss cadi' Hayden, ' Mra Adolph Store and Mrs.' L Meghan. Mlsa ' Mildred ' Roger entertained de lightfully at a tea Saturday afternoon at her apartments at the Beaton la honor of her bouse guest. Miss Everett of Chi cago. Tha rooms were bright with spring flower and assisting Mlsa Roger wore Mtas Dorothy Morgan,' Mlas Carolyn Barkalow, ' Miss Margaret McPbersoa. Miss Dorothy Stevens and Mis Mary Richardson. The receiving hour were from 4 to I o'clock and! men aa well a women war Invited. Mlsa Maria Freeland entertained some High ecuool friend Friday evening In honor of Mlsa Lydla Crosby, who leave Sunday for Belie Fourche, 8. U. Those present were: - .- Mlsrea Miser- Laura Myers, ; Opal Crumrats. Ruth Boyle, . . tienevieve bller. alary, Johnsun, Lilitaa Ellsworth. . Helen Keating. . tiretchen garottoda, Gladra Taylor, . Gladys Fowler. Lydla Croaby, Mare Freeland. Meesra. Messrs. - Charlee Nert,' . ' ' Wracd FreelaaJ. . Spencer Flint. Jack laser, Arthur Weetergaardllaell Cummins, Joe Creideu. rUncom Fowiee, Clare Morris, , Warren Johnson, wendeu Moore, - Harold Jtccormlca. A reeeptioa waa given to Miss Emma wwtmore, ptiacipal of the Lake school. Saturday by the teacher f that acnooL The ' guest of the nfternooe were the former teachers who had taught under Mlaa Whitmore. The present and former teaoter gave Mia Whltemor a platiaum chain and la valuer in token of then- ee- l The building waa decorated with palms and ferns. The preseat teacher Xj-r, rt-r- May a. IJOtEarle Homer Ward, office manager of the Midland Glass and Paint eomrany. haa reached the India rubber anniversary ' of his marriage' te Minnie Pauline Ms - The wedding -took place at Mount Vernon. fn ; U'. .. .... . , . . v- s ;' May (. lW-Phll J. Kuag. the well known contractor and midar,-'. today celebrate the silver Mtvreary of hi marriage to Marie Morrow.- Tha wedding took plice tnOmaha. - - - ' May (. IMs-Mr. Frank Plerc hd Mis Carrie Harris, both of' Omaha.- war spliced ouietly at tha bride's horn. i hesteaaea af the afternoon, and Elisabeth Eloock, Hsrriet Searl. " Elisabeth Hewitt,- -Vay Ritchie. Caasle Roys, , Vivian Alvlson.' - Kathtrine Dunnlgan, June waurtnan, , -, Alice Root. - i i May Torrey, ' " Mabel Craignead, ' ' IMIberta Williams. - Nellie Morlarty, " Mabel Root. t'. iieien Beat. Lola Tlllotsnn. Beulah Whlitemore, Clara Blackburn. Trei Kaedika club, -one of the Junior and ophomor boys' social organixatlona of the Omaha high' school, gar an In formal hop at Harte hall in Dundee. lasH evening. The hall waa decorated with several handsome purple end whit pen nants. Those present were. Misses-' ' Misses- Helen Van Duaen. - Margaret Get ten. Naomi Towl. Ruth Harte. Marie Callahan. . Ruth Fltaaerald. Mildred Todd, Ruth Hentich. Helen Gale, - Dorothy Meyers, Pearl Laffertr. Gertrude Mason. LKatberlne Gould, . , . atesKra aiesars.---Walter Jones, . . Mshns Berry, Fred Buohois, - ' Phillip Downs, Runnel Larmoa. - Ellsworth Moser, Wsllaca Shepperd, Foy Porter. Ralph Campbell, Herman Edwarda, Perry Slnglea, John Drexel, Herbert Davis, ., Blair Scott The Co-workers' . class of Hanscom Park Methodist church, gave a banquet to their husband, the Brotherhood class. Thursday. venlng at the Young Women's Christian association. In celebraUoa of their second anniversary, Mlas s Jennie Salmon, the first teacher of . the class. waa t guests of honor. . Carnations in red and white, the, club rotors, decorated the banquet table. Plan for a membership campaign to be waged during May and June - were. laid. There t re two sides contesting, the red under Mrs. M. Reynolds and the. white, under Mr. W. p.-Paulson. The . one win ning th least sew member must enter tain the other aid at dinner at tha end of the oampalgn.j . ; -i r ;..-. ., WTHIUm.Peaka to -teacher of, the class Mrs. Hammand. prtsldsnt, Mrs. M. Ells worth, secretary, and Mrs. J.(D. Pond, treasurer.- ' .1 -A . J . Those At th banquet were: ; ' Mr., and. Mr,- Calf.- i.ti t ... , Mr. and Mrs. Hammond. ' Mr. and Mra. Wlillam Peak. " , Mr. and Mrs. M. Jonea - ' Mr, and Mra. H. S. Miller, ', . . , . - , Mr. and Mis. J. Balromb Mr. and Mra M. Reynolds: Mr. and Mr. W. D. Psulsen.' - - Mr. and Mr. Will Brtftgt.- -, ; Meedsme- , Mesdsmes . M. Ellsworth, J- Langtret. . . D. Pond. Si; Biaimra, IJnn. ' . J. Haasard, . , . Sherwood, - t . - ti. ' ' Mlssee ! r l"atti-Sl uenaire-a ; Jennie "almon, -N Reynolds. , Anna Haxaard. , , Misses- Weddings Th wadding of Ml Mlnnl Robinson and Mr. B. J. Aetanbert' will be cele brated this1 evening at ( o'clock at the Metropolitan club. A numbef -of out-of- town guest have arrived for tn woo- ding. Mis Lillian Wollsencroft daughter -af Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Wellstenoroft. waa - married last Wednesday to Mr. Elvln Franklin Strain of Cretghtoa. Neb. Bishop William performed the ceremony at Trinity cathedral. Th young eoupl wlU llv in Gregory, B. D. . - - - A pretty horn wedding was solemnised Saturday afternoon at 1: o'clock -when Miss- Merle Blsckmsn became the bride of Sareael A.- Alklr. The wadding was at tha new home of Mr. and Mr. W.' K. Black man ht Dundee and was attended only by rela tive and close friends. Rev.. Frederick Rouse of the First Congregational enure, officiated. Th bride . wore- a gown of white marquisette over white cbarmeuae satin with pearl trimming. . Mr. and Mrs. Alklr lefV Immediately for a short wedding trip. , - , . For. the Future Th Cectllan club will close Us of dances' with a May party Tueday evening at Chambers.' The committee In charge are W. E. Wharton, L. Lynoh, and S. Druanmy. ; . . . Personal Gossip Miss Anna Caldwell - of Kearney I visiting Mis Elisabeth' Van Bant Mr. and Mra. D. W. Shull have returned from a three months' visit lb California. Mia Nannie Pag la at Immanoel hoe pit! -where she underwent on operation on her throat. ' A son ws born last Frldsy te Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Baled. Mra. Balis was form, erly Miss Grace L. Owen.' - - Mr. T. J. Rogers, and Mlaa Mary Alio Roger are expected bom- from th cast th first- of tha- week. - . Mia Margaret Brews of St Louto, whs The Right Corset ' : For You : ' ,..-"-.-."- . - VV carry in stock such a tcid ' rang ' at corset? models that no matter how a hum am I your meosaro mnt w can furnish tha on that will giva you tha grtatett comfort, com bined with perfect style, . ' Ida C. Stockwell tto-rta sua Xstras r Phoe far ADpoinUMnt. Dsucun . . . 474. . , LEADER OF WOJUITS CLUB E0 GEST DEPARTMENT - 0. l 6--'j 2Zhr. C.Viaeeat Mrs. C. Vincent wss given aa enthusi astic re-electlos -aa leader of th current topics . department : of tha Omaha Woman's club at tha department's last meeting for jhe season. Tuesday. The current topics Is the largest and most sociable department of the. club and hat Juat finished a successful season under Mr.- Vincent' leadership. . haa beea visiting Mr. and Mre-,J. S. Brady, returned home Friday evening. Mra George A. Joslyn and Muts Violet Joslya are home from Hollywood. Cat. where they have been since February. Mrs. W. A. Markey of Madison. 8. D.. made a short visit. with her n sot, Mr. A. A, Cook o( 1M Elm street last week. Mlas Elisabeth Davla I expected horn today from Munrle, Ind., where h ha keen visiting on her way home fiora th set Mrs. - Ernest M. Pollard of Nehawka. haa bean the guet of her parent. Mr. and Mr. Frank Waterman, for a few day. - . Mr. Jack Webster, who recently under went an operation for apprndloltls.' Is convalescing and waa removed Saturday from the hospital to his home.,' Mr. Fred Sand of K anise Clly, Who waa called her by th Illness of her fsthsr, H. X. Gunner, returned home ybaterday. Mr, Gunner to convalescing. Mr. Herman Burkenroad of Marshall, Teg., has arrived to spend six week visiting his ' brother, Mr. Msx Burken road. whom he haa not seen for fourteen years.- ....,...,. - i . - .'- Mr. and Mrs. Lew G. Ferguson returned t Rock Island, III., Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson , have been spending a week as tha guests' of Mrs. i. A. Bennleos at the Millard. They formerly resided In Omaha. - Mra. Dison, wife of Captain Dixon. With her two children, I th guest of her aunt, Mrs, A. J. Poppleton. Captain Dixon has retired from the army and with hi family will settle on a ranch near Portland. Ore. Mr. Leslie M. Shaw of Philadelphia Is siting her sitter, Mr. Eugene Oulllnk, la Denlson, la. They. will spend Tuesday and Wednesday In Omaha as th guests St Mrs. Edward Phelsn. who waa for. marly a 'schoolmate of Mr. Shaw. . Mr. A. B. Warren with hi mother and elster, who have Just returned from a long stsy.ln.the east, has taken the Lemlet house." m Farnam street Mr. and Mr. Lemlst will be with Mr. and Mrs. E..E Btleh for th summer. Breaks Ankle in Fall ; at Federal Building While placing awnings on the windows of . th federal building shortly before noon J. B. Van Bosktrk of 3 Harney treat fell' from the first story window into the sreaway, a drop of twelve feet, severely injuring his back and breaking a bone In hi ankle. He waa taken Into' the basement by postofflc ' employes who nailed - the ambulance' and Dr. V. K. Spsuldlnc at tended the injured man.- Van Boeklrk's Injuries ware so painful thst the physician waa forced to give him a hpyodermle Injection. He was removed to the Omaha Oeneral hospital where he was later re ported resting easily. '. Th Persistent and Judicious t'se of Newspaper Advertising la the Road to Business Success. The Newest and Largest Electric Vehicle Made. Built : . I,, ,- . ,, , ' . . ..... by. the-Baker.Company to meet a certain . demand for something ex ceptionally large and roomy; a five passenger Colonial 'model in two styles, a Brougham and ah Extension Brougham, the latter with all ; seats facing forward. In these two cars" the Colonial idea has reached hs highest point of luxurious development . " ' --''"-'"'' - - - , ..'.'j Wheel base is 107 inches. 42 cell battery, 36 inch wheels. Low . - '- V- hung body. (Chassis specially designed to" carry 6ize body.' ELECTRIC GARAGE COSPANT .... - Oasaha DistribsUors . . ' Jf. W, Qor. 40th ssd Farsas Streets, , mslSfV- tr-r-i IT i l ITT ,r- ; 1. Summer. Furniture is now the - thought of every homerlover who is looking for real - comfort during the ' hot days. The best heat-relief furni ture is shown in abundance in Sum merland all the new styles in the most desirable w woods and grasses, reed, willow, wicker, etc. It presents an inviting picture, showing just, how beautiful your home can be made through the addition of a few of these pieces, ' This summer furniture is strongly built it will endure. It is comfortable and cooV We show tables, chairs, tea wagons, settees, writing desks, lounges and all pieces in the various woods and grasses. You are invited to visit Suinmcrlund. 'You will not be importuned to buy.. . M .,,.. All prices are reHHonablc. ' ' , '" ' " Miller, Stewart and Beaton Go. 413-15-17 South Sixteenth Street Notice, Late Notice ! How cut von afford to do your washing at bond at Ilia price we qnois bslowt ' Spreads, fHrured , 5c 8preata, plain , 4c HheeX stte Pillow Case to Towels le ToWela. roller -. 1 Me Towels, side We " Table Ooth v. .......... ,? . . . ...... tc Napkin He Handkerchiefs . ........................ . le Ras ...He Krer-r bundle of this kind Is washed and Ironed ar-paratelr, therefnre, does not . require marking. Absolutely aanllaiT, washed cleaa and folded , stralKht. No nasrr .or soapy odor. No bundle for leas than 7 So. Kimball Laundry Co. THE "WAHH WORD" OF THE HOME. Dong-la 010. . - BLIK TEE BAKER MOTOR VEHICLE COMPANY , . Manafactarer . . - Clesetaad. Ohie ' ttdest tml LarjUl ifaaaucJurm of EUetrii VM l i WAGONS : lad. A-181. ' Develop Your Bust In 15 Days. A Full Firm Bust is I Worth More tot Woman Than Beauty! hnar rhin vno ' arc, bow old you are. how f a I Irn and fla.-cld a r lh Han af your fifure ur how flat f-our chost u ran alve ... a rli firm, youth. r u I h u irfi u,:i DeTelop Bust New Wy HVy Of your -aaaaaaa . aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa fsllow-womrn snd will r you th al luremenui ur a psrfect womanhood that will b Irraalnilhla Thy say thor Is iwthlnf new under th sun. but I hsr nsrfoclrd a trsat msnt tht I want lo sliar with my sts irra What It did. for mr It aaa aa will (or sos. snd I now offer It to you. Others offer to build up your flsurs with drugs, srrssy slin food, creams, dieting. inaa-aR and experwlv inslru nisnts and derlce-. I kaa aoaa away wlta all these talarloa SMthads and have given a legion of women a luxur iant natural derelopmenl by a treatment never before of fered th puhlir. No m aglnc.'noililng to lake, nothing to wear. I was atctaay. aeraway. flat and aa attractls to sua. stow 1 laiss to tha highest srlosd artist's asodal la the Pelted States, an what Z . M for aiyelf I aaa a lot yes. 1 don't ear what your ag may he. I ask only that you h at least len and not an Invalid, and 1 will undertake to u F v a my your ua. - ---- - sk Is flv or ten minute af your tim vry day. 1 ' Writ to ne Today for 117 Treatment It wtU salr seat yo s wsaa-f for ' sestear aad I will siaU yea taia was. ; gsrful tafsnaatioa Is a sUals oorer so Ust so as will ksow your secret. Don't let a falsa pride and a silly sense of -ham keep you front en)oyin te the full the chsrme you should have lo be a perfect specimen of womanhood, bet ma help you. Your cotnmunii dtlon shall be held In hohtl-ronfidno and secrecy. Writ in today. ELOISE RAE Mt sttoaigsa A Tessa, gaits n, Ckloago, HL . . For lurferlng womankind there la no (reatsr scon tbaa aching feet. Here I. Relief from toot troubles. - . - GroTcr's Comfort Shoes -...., . t . They are tbe easiest fitting, best wearing shoe ever put -on a woman root. They are made of the rinest kid leatber -In lace or button In mford or high styles. Prices range $1.75 to $4.(K Come In and lei ne mh.i.u f, 1 you that you can eniov font C com ion. .1 . . . , j 1419 rrnam a-a-vasssS Are You.' FAT? I . .. . I Foot v j! Comfort j Ketns Peace el Hiai y DREXH IWns 'a ONCE I&edaced H MYSELF I ' 1 . Ussie-sto.- Ua.eS OK r.n TZ Hii-nMe, ewlt-ns ens HkeaeuKM, Satseu. Uke a rarsMa., I hi mrt -a.. T, -- I -Ml lie. I sum. Seaaia. Surms. ww - iiBut set I mm ta. t-etla-, tall Hke mm tonaU. tat sIMIIr aataaS HtM. Than aat ttmim t.a ar ISat I Seer af uuu 1 4it sat ur. I aulas la. a- 1 !. I reoeX mn-r. ee I Ski set nre ta to ta. Ml a! all ike )aaa. H M lakine els te hi.. mt rrM4. Mlsilni atug taei. a. aa aaa ten K knur. SUa siiath. - Namm xa tw aa -ooaa ;t-tesaa le steSr tas anae-e rsT ' Wkee I tleretaras tk. tana. I loaaa m . a-a. rraa. MelkeS re sw " RMUtM. - I layi a tkal. Haaeree ik. ahkmtiieekla (aalaraa. mtm4 m uae I mee mt ataa. aa K eerke use Maie. I oiiu-a wm jot St Ike ek at urn lira M afcaa Ika aaUa tekl st I M M M mmmrm- to sr i I i see.. hkrtBMMB, lraslaaa M-tSS. ft W SkkM-- le ree-iaee aai -I -easikas mr iiri.t Mil IS kta. t leal nfUM yara ninsl. I Sm nrtees raara jiiaeii. Mr Uaekle Ha hes aa- tleaty 4tkkseeee-s. kaik ar eerk saw. I as dlki aiaaat.ta. 1 aa. ssraMl la aia t k teet -wkai eet le aeifk. 1 mm mr es kWy see. J Ski set aura, kat ate le. I M est lake Sveei Satkm, I 4rt set Mas I seat a. SlaHrMUf. ar fcaraa- ea. kat I Ma ika giaaaat. aaa.. Caaa- WAT af reaarMs Stf eaia-a aalie alia a. I keae tnml M ee alkara Mr Peetae aaa s sarreca strtare ar eaaiia saej. i mm aMias I aai saa k saap... sekfzk Kea, sat sals le Safe etkaea le aa I hare nuea s kaak ea Ika eaMecl It yae are AM. I atem yas te keve a. It at tail aa BM aua-n mr n.i aiiai ii, wmaa ann la all eke ere se tkaar saae M aeeraaa 1 eaait T9.KM. sa lea ka IS sua aaa aaeptt laata. It aril! eaea fee Maeaa. Saae tea rras Ha-aakal tVeca. ae -aa ima Starrauaal HaMa.. Maemfki gaerrlaea. aaaalklr mm TOt R 101 K It H rear, lar Ika aakle wttfcaal k eemae lm aaa mm aesaa es allnaa a tsaval Cart kut taaat tn ka SM4 ka eaa e tkal aae caa ai.iu laer he m reSeea reeraail aaa ha aa haeer ea I aaa. Wrse keear ae ekte eeaaaaaaaajeai eaaa. eat eaaa easts n1 thu saae. HATTia timi V BaKjar. Oesrer. tMa , , J 3