Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, EDITORIAL, Image 14

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Iiye Dinner Parties Principal So
cial Creats of Week.;
fttatto WkU rkrm Maks IM
.Showing; at PhlMvlpkto aa
Rutri Ham with
frwpfjtaa. '
facial CWniafi
MOKDAT Monday Bridge Luncheon
club, meeting at Country Hah.
TUESDAY-Ckiltan dub, May aim at
Chamber; Mrs. O. U Holla, kenelag
toa for Hri. w. a. Camp of Ogden.
THfRSDAT-Mrs. Van B. Lady, after
noon brldewr tit Ji A. Bryan, F. E.
O. aoeiety.
FRUA?-MtBoori Valley Laarfl crab,
annual luncheon at the Country dub.
SATURDAY-Opening of lb Country
, cius; Dinners at country ciuo given
by Hr. and Mra, V. a Caldwell, Mr.
and Mr B. w. Dma. Mr. and Mra.
'. H. Iavi. captain, and Mra. A. &
Co an. Miaa Mildred Rwers, Mtss BUa
Ma Hrown, Luther Dress, Mr. and
Mrs. C & Keller, Mr. and Mra. J. r.
Stout. Mr. and Mra. C. J. limy til, Mr.
ana Mra, jesei-a m. awange,
and cur la their cummer bom uoill
school opens again In the rail. nr ent-
tag la ona laras room with a treat deal
of porch. Wbwn company eonwa they
put ap tenia In true camp fashion.
StW farther aorth la tha- cottage of Mr.
and Mra. K. p. Dodge, (oar-room
Near kara alaa la the keen at Mr. and
Mra. R- F. Bacon, who oka It aa well
UMt they Bva thara tha year around.
Not ao near tha woods and 'nearer
Florence other Omahana have summer
homes. Mr. and Mra T. J. Burnett and
daughter win leave June I to remain un
til autumn.
Mr. and Mrs. J. t. Cola and daughter,'
Dorle and Make, has a cottage across
tha way. Mr. and Mra. Thomea D.
Crmne hare already left their apart
ment at the Colonial and are eettled !a
their summer horn at Florence. .
It m a If aoeiety were holding off
' from, eatertamrneots at all kinda thla
week'la order to be ready tot tha most
Important event eo far rata season, I
spenlng ot tha Country club next Satur
day evening. Thara. are taw Urf a affaire
until Saturday whan many wll (lie als-
aere at tha club- and tha membership
will ka out la force to- start the soma
ta proper fathloa,
We eel a BacJk trssa Whist Teiney
Tha woawa wko represented the Omaha
Womaa'e Whlat elub at tha national tour
nament at the BelleTue Stratford la Phil
adelphia wffl morn thta - ladaa with
1 trophjeai Too ast nof tljsid last ing
and tha Omaha woman loft Immediately
tor tha wan. Mrs. T. M. Orr will he noma
tomorrow. Mrs. C K. Coutaat and Mrs.
1 Prank Celpetaar will atop tor a tow
! daya la Chicago tha latter te visit bar
- daughter. Mra. Harry Wllblaa .
Mrs. Orr wan two flag for bjfh cor.
: Mrs. Cotpetaar and Mrs. Coutsnt each ona
( flag. In addkloa Mrs, Orr with her part,
. nor, Mrs. a A Pfaff at Cincinnati, won
! aneond pine 1b play tot the Brooklyn
tup. - i
Exedae n
I Borne go wast, ooma fa wast Bad athera
as sortk la aaaack af aomfort and pla
ure awnr from Omaha during tha not
weather. But a few wise ettytta go so
farther tnaa tna woods north of Florence
tor their outdoor lira and tha fact that
tkey return there rummer attar sum
mer la s pretty good alia that they bare
found what (hay 'Want. '
Tha Mill above tha rlrar road which
overlook tka bread Missouri br heals
sing to take on an spuearaoot at habi
tation. Several Omaha families have al
ready said podVy to city ate and are
battled In their summer nomas, while
others are putting their houses la readi
ness for acenpatmn
Mr. and Mrs. Mron Learned are In
their deUfbtful hone "W aides. " above
tha rtren They ana always tha tint to
seek too rianawesHdi ant tka last to
leave them la tha tell Tha Learned borne,
which I tha most complete ot tha Flor
toce colony, has bet -a renovated and re
decorated. Tha Imrita, ha been painted
white, which gives ma avaa Bora sum
mery appearance to ha placa, Tha tor-
ethy Perkln rose v(ie kava, begun t
dlmb uVtheir trellises and tna reantablea
are bef ionlog'to" pok thatr (rasa shoots
sat ot tha earth.. f
Mr. and Mrs, X. H Rlagwalt and
family sre preparing to take possession
st their kongalow tha middle of luna
and will atay thara antt tha safcMla st
tkiptamber. Tka sotiages ot both Mr. sad
Mrs. j. B. Rlngwalt and Mr. and Mrs. T,
L. Rlagwalt are noted' for their' noa
pttamy. Tha Brow sell Mail teavonara
were guest at ths tormer soils (a during
tkelr spring vacation end had a moat
mjoyahlo outing thara. This kuagaurw
naa two Mg rooms, a llvlag roam and
drnJrut.roora. and s big porch en both
ssutk and east sides.
Mr. and Mrs. T. U lUngwait sad taetr
daughwrs. Miss Dorothy aa Mlaa Mary
Xingwslt, do sat. stay a their asttaga
MroaglMwt too sanrrssr, sat go there to
spend the gap or tha week-end sit tha
year round. Their phKS It a IKtl
aelnglat oakta la the weeds an tka sdss
ot s ravins a ewe what swap from the
ksuasi on tha Ul
Tha ptauasrd st tha movement wood
ward r Mr. and Mrs. Haary P. Wy
nmn. (ta years agd they built their tsar
roem bunas low In tha Pwiwaes wooda;
bet for several years before that, they
want there for ptcsles and oatiaga oft
sad as daring too rummer. They call
thatr slass a earns. Ihhr as miner they
nil sot s thsrs oooitatjousry, but wo.'
psad 4 sw day at aasap sow and thsn.
Farther s ths WM Is Hi bungslow
where Ut. and Mrs. Oeorga P. West and
their efetMrsa. . HanrisUa .and Oeorga.
paa4 tad summers. They wni shst up
tkelr eKy boss a soon a school cloeee
Mra. Chaas to Art Convention.
Mrs dement Cluua will be one of the
Omaha women to represent tha - Omaha
Soaloty of Pins Arts at tha anneal con
vention of tha American Pederatlon ot
And in Washington. D. C next Thurs
day Friday and Hat order. After tha
convention Mrs, Chase will go to Baltl.
mora to visit Mrs, John House In Balti
more, formerly Mtss Brownla Bess Haura
ot Omaha. From thara she will g to
Hryn Mnwr cottage to the present at the
aTadastlon at bar daughter. Mlaa Car-
meats Chase. Juno t 8h will retard
by way of Toledo, where she anil visit
her ton, Clement, who la assistant ah
glnecr on the now municipal bridge being
built there.
Wuers esahana are Traveling
Mr. anal Mra. A. L Root sailed yestsr.
dap from New York on th Caronla Cor
tlx months la Kurope.
Mrs, i. SL Summer, aocompanlos by
Mr. John B. Wilbur, left Monday for
Atlantic City to recuperate from a recent
operation for aspendicltle.
Mlaa Caagdon la ta Chicago.'
Mr. and Mrs Prank Hamilton expect
to go to New York this work.
Mra, J. J. Monell leaves today for Can.
fornia, sad sail May a an th Stberti
for Honolulu and Japan. Mr. Monne)!
gov with relative for aa Indefinite star.
Mis Prances Met baa engaged passage
sa th M scant! Jun I ta aosonspany a
nasty of Meads, former ehoolaatear at
tka National Park seminary larist)lng
toa. for a summer abroad. -
Captaia and Mrs. David L. tton and
children expect ta leave withla a week
far CallfbrBia, aocompaalsd by Mrs
Ooorat A. HoagltBd. They will spend
a Bsantk m California bsfor joining th
) v. ....
'A.T 1
i -vx I
'A Jhaacea
I " -i t ' ' m J . - I sni
, a i
Here Is a Sale of I'Jomen's Apparel
That Commands Attention
Hundreds of women's now suits and' coats in every
leading style and fabric nov on sale in 4 great lots.
SUITS AND C30ATS, "W02TB TO $35AX), AT 14-95
New Waisto
In every leading
T.V: ...98 c
Women's $4and $5
Choes and Oxfords
In vhit) nubiicka, gun me tali,
tans, et at CtO AQ
Sp:sial S:!o of Trinncd Hats
300 prettilj trimmed Lata, bU ' apratj
worth up to $750; oa sale &ondaj at -
models just received,
98c 01.98 $2.98
2ou HinnM Jhhinson. -puJo
trill married to 3-J.Aci-
captain raglmsnt at Fort Lawtoa, Wash.
Captain and Mrs. Storra Bowan have
rsoantlf boon ordered from Port Colum
bia to Fort Stevens, Or. '
Mrs. VT. J. Cennell and daughter, Mrs
Bdwnrd Crelsrhton. sre at Colfax aprlng
and aapoet to be gone till May U.
Miss mda Ung and Mis Lilian
Koaenawoig, who had booked Passat oa
tha Titan to, but wha decided t remain
abroad a few week longer to visit a
ooimIb ot Mtss Lang, sailed yesterday oa
Ik Amortka. and after visiting la th
east will return- to Omaha Jun L
rnlreseH JRecetpUe. 1
.The reception which wa given by the
students of tb University of Omaha FYt
day atght In honor of tha senior oltsar
of tha Omaha. South Omaha and Council
Bluffs High schools, ta point of numbers
tad eocUkblllty wa th blggeat (vent 1a
th social Ufa of local educational Insti
tution. About MS guata war present.
In th receiving n wore Dr. and Mrs
D. K. Jenkins, Dr. T. T. Rous. Mr. and
Mrs. Arable W. Carpenter, Mtu 8elma
Anderson. Robert Strehlow, Mis Kath
arine Mlthl.s. Dr. F. r. Ramy. Usrry
Jerome. Mist Mildred r eater and Naai
At th end of th tin there was a
table presided over by Mlaa Mildred ros
ter, who presented each guest with a
mounted photograph ot th university
and eampus,
In I he gymnadum. In which th recep
tion was held, thsrs wsre flags, pennants,
and Japaase lantern. Behind th apeak,
era' platform wa a hug America nag,
from tba center of which floated crimsoa
sad slack, pennant st tb University ot
'Oa th south were two booth, from
which punch ad wafers war served
Ona st the waa decorated with purpl
and whit of th Omaha High (311001.
and th other In the bin and reel of the
Council Blufta High school. On the last
1 wa a booth bearing tha star 1st
and cream of South Omaha, and eppoelte
wa ta ertmsoa and black ot tba Val
var1 ty of Omaha. In tha purple and
white booth Xatherin Case served Bunch.
Beulah McCaw ani Rhea lrasreaus pro-
4; In the Council Bluffs booth ferns
fee lee and Bthal Whttsly served: in
pfu .-Price Pillin ery
stmts k:::ay imn am coitix.ej- . . ,
Handrada of Beautiful Tailored Pattern Eata and Drew
fiats of Every Description Sacrificed at Less Than Cost of
Material . Etbtj Hat Mnt Go at Some Price. Our Prices
Are Always tlie Lowest ia OmaiA. , . , .
Plf TS aalsif sir ales anlsn f.
0.0 nn
se eewv
ALL $29 BATS C)&
v air st : , Vj".
wrsaia. Ml -
I' e JT
N 0
Two Ctoret-1512 Douslas and 336 Paxton Block
tna tniversity r Omaha booth war
Mary Alio aid wall and Clara Barnes
musical portion of th program
waa rurnlahad by Cecil ferrymen. Ellaa
bath Hamllng and Joseph Woolery. .
Thaa wr ales three Ove-mlntK
ddiwases Mr. A. W. Carpenter apok o
"The Value ot th Unlvwalty ot Omaha
to Omaha." Mr. X. L. Cumlnta, prlnct-.
pal of tha Boutlt Omaha High school,
aook on "Th Vlu of th University of
Onwha ta South Omaha." Mis Margaret
Outhcrl of the faoulty of th university
told of Th Aim of th University at
Omaha." Dr. U. K. Jsnklna, president
si in university, presided.
Th coramtfia In chart ef th fl"f
wrs Almet Solomon, Mildred roster,
Pansy William tnd Mary Allc SldwelL
InJatr atay Party. 1 t
, His Lucll Hager entertained tha giro)
and atembor ot the.faculty 'of th Unl
vrlty ot Omaha at a prstUly appointed
May party oa Saturday attarnooa at her
none, Th afternoon wa (pent la making
paper flowers for th Osla day exercise,
which will be held st th university oa
Friday, May K and at May day gams.
Prior te going to supper each girl was
glvsa a whit card on which ther war
hand painted violets and a tlrl nam.
uslag th vioists for th aaatral thought
and Inspiration aha had ts Indite a May
vsrs ana then return th sard to tna
hast, who used thaa as placa card
a of the were very clever and will
appear In tha "Tellow Sheet," a dally
PPr ot on sheet published .by th
Th dining room waa decorated la yel
low and wait. In tha center of th
table waa a huge bouquet of daaiee and
fern, and at sack girl's plat daisies and
Whs Will Be May aeat
To be elected queen of th May I
recognised to b th most signs! honor
Wash Dresses
8 e o r a t of eharmffig
nw nstlfHi, t 1 1 1Q
Slim and..... ijliHO
ATJaT fTtt-esr S . 3-t. 7 As" tfTST?
JTeatly tkad and
iMBatltehafl. - QQ a
srorta 76c,aow.v.wOi
All Work QuarsM,
srtaMsl wasmaan(MlllHk
Attractive Millinery Prices
' Wa Juat rooojvsd a bsabUfvll U at aw tuauMr Pat tarn Eats
that -wUI aU tor ttita -rmt oaO. at v
$5.00, $6.00, $8.00, $10
Thssa tT" PafsmYtaM -vilnam. Coma and st tfcam.
C fj'ff fj pi DOVCLAS ST.
12111X1 turn
Kxpsrt aanllsln at assdnrst
SI lees ell work la sbargs of es
parto. - Owly starTHsed tnstra
wata sjssd. feiieasia furbsgs
last UBS ths assth.
ernly equipped affla in Omaha
tauM rboorn. i
Osmsr istk
t f,7 r, niy.v t; t
' )
, A
i -a- J
'K-'-V v
JfiM Ztteh hrvwn VrWay iier
fo&A.irilIr orpw York
MB riV pUt Ju J3t.
. IMlaa UUlaa Woolatencrsf t )
of ta year al th L'ntvardty sf Omaha
and each girl obertsho a hop tltst h
may b crowned May guaen at tba an
nua) Osla day sterol sa May M. Last
Tuesday wa tb day set said as elec
tion day and Immediately following, tba
(Jos of tha "poles" tha committee W'.d
th ballot bos In tha asjvsrarty safe a) id
refuses to dlvslg tba nam af tha w;i
nr. Thar hat been a groat deal ot spc
latlon and political prophets hsvs rlsai
galora, bat aUU th burning Queetlon ln
-Whar '
Pivot Hdars.
Tb flrat lart pivot brtdga party bald
bars and also on of th moat at tract! v
partla of the post Lenten season was
glvsa Friday afternoon by Mia Margaret
Brue at par .boats on South Thirty-
eighth street.
Th players remained at tb tarn tabl
durtac tb afternoon .and pivoted or
changed partner after sack rubber ot
brtdga whist bad been played. Prise
wwr glvsa for high aoorsa at each table.
There were eleven tahloa of putysr
present and tba fortunate winner eh
received a beautiful pair of etched Tif
fany shoe buckles of silver. Tha winners
Sterling strew asaka aa aoesptaM wadding
praseot W have appropriate articles from (1.5
to lit. ss sux ttook bsfor anting roar
pure has.
S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler
sstm soant im mmwi, wuptom mzocx.
Great Reductions
Beatrice Coed.
Caswiya Baraai.,
Gladys Peters, .
nutn Hammer,
Xoutsa Dinning. -
biargusrUs acaoaUar
or Fremont.
Martha Dala
Manraret McPharaon
Joarph Barkrr. td., slylss bland ish, -'
Arthur S. Kogsrs, .
. Hop at Fort Omaha.
Many Omaha rueets attended the milit
ary bop at Fart Omaha Friday evenmg-
. Misses-.
Amy G timers.
lAura Jordan.
Katbarioe MoCIaa
ban. -Floraaco
Jdary Richardson.
Mteses -
Sugrnle Whltmore,
Carolyn Barkalow,
Mildred Roger,' ;
verett M 1..
Ruth Latenasr.
Idtm boeke,
WUI arhnorr. IV. Robert Reed.
Paul Beaton. , Btuert,
Taylor Betcher,' - 1 Colonel Cootidga,
Otto BausMa,- ' . Uovd Smith.'
Lieutenant Wllsssj. Edward Wsllaee,
Pr. Frank Caulin. ' Oeorga Duncan,
ueuteruun ana mra stauian rest,
Mr. and Mra, A. B. stoCoonell.
Jea Waddtss. -Th
ugataaisBt at anasnnned af Mlaa
stalls Brews, daughter cf Mrs. Keary
wa, to sir. saausi Arthur Mum st
hew Tor.
Th wedding tig tabs pktos Tuesday.
Juns a, at tba aoartnvests of tb bride's
tbsr at th Bernard- Mtss vr Ms.
O el land will be th maid sf boaor. and
Pr- K, Hoyt will he tha best aaaa.
Mlaa Brown W a mi tabor af tna Tuoa-
Va Buaal )ppartariitF t as
titra lataat saprosd jnodsls ta
tailored suits sad oata-
tavrs aaaortroajit ttt nsierlals
and atyJra.
Flaaas aota aldraat below U
InteTsaud or in rsesnuavaodiDS
frlandg aad d not niataka as. I
bar cot chaaaad jny locattoa and
am not eonjisctad with pay othr
'Xadiea' Tailorlns firm.
1 Pnoaw tKHiglaa SOSS..
soe- Soata lata M.
Wttc&i for Car
of tha opening our beauti
ful ner t'onstaira soda
room in ihe Owl' Drag
store 16th mi Harney 6ts.
' Skinui & KttVtMll PrejCft.
aawaaanahwawasaaa awaw1wAasBass-
Jftwelry Store
Wkara Utp hsadls Blu
highest grao dlamoada.
Wkars tbsr baadlo Howard sad
ttsiaUtoa alsTbaat grade watch... .
Where they hand Is aerham
Wbitlag huraost tnada sterling silvsr.
Where ther hawdls Reed a Barton
alatad aUvarwana,
Whors thsy bamdla 14-k klgb grsds
oss Jawwirp.
Whors they1 Itaadls Ilawks- sa
rased rack crystal giasa.
' Whoa they hand Is Oortiaa Isaih
ar soda and iiabcaiiaa. - -
Bad, roomy stars
whar all good, are marked r plaia
"sure and w have only ona prlco,
as. that ths hrwwat for goad poods!
Wbers yon can Trade la comfort
ad ba wastad apoa kr eaerrtsoaa
sslssssopls who thoroughly sadsr
land their business. We have ns
suctlona ar advertise aomethlA for
amt ws do do boslnoss in a irs
tamatla. bssansas Use enanner.
W tnvlt row t visit th largest
tors and iargawt stock la Omaha.
Our nw aprlng atook ot wedding
and graduatioa glfu art bar.-
C. B. Brown Co.
proaunvat in aiuatca tdrdea. 8bs baa
spent eoosldsrante time studying nrusle
hi Germany wltji bar ct-ustn. th wdl
known Cktcags opera strtiwr, Jans Os
kora Banna. Her many .frtood vagrst
that bar asaritags win ttaka bar a
another city to rssHe. - -
Mr. MOI roaklad la Omaha , a abort
Um about test years ag and baa assay
Msod bora,
They wta spend tb ssanxSj- wa tba
Atlantic coast and will mass tlptr kease
la Hew York.
Pleasures Past
Krs. M. iAags snterUined at a V-
tngtoa Thursday aTemoow la oaliwXmv
a of her seventy-fifth i Mrtl:sna,v.
Twsnty guests were present.
Mrs. Osaiga R. RoaCb sntsrtalnsd aft
Tbi first to
replace the old
style half
tooth br the
Full Tooth.
403 BTandeis
Bldg. -
dap Morntng Musical elub sad has been
(Costiausd frosa Pacs TwaJ '