The Omaha Sunday Bee PAST TWO EDITORIAL PAGES ONE TO EIGHT PAET TWO . SOCIETY PAGES ONE TO EIGHT VOL. XLI-XO. 46. OMAHA, KrXLUY MOKXIXU. MAY :. SIXCLK COPY KIVK CENTS. i ' HISTORY OF OMAHA DIOCESE Early Striving and Later Develop ment of the Catholic Church. TOCOLORED STORY OF PROGRESS Humble BrslMlnB mmd Prrrnt Day roiillloa Recoamed hy Rev. James Aberne of Soath .Hut. ha. The early d-.y sin vines of Catholics tor recognition in thw territory are graphically recounted In & complete and authentic history of the diocese of Omaha ritinl in the new Catholic Encyclo- i rh riKA (J the see from tU humble i ... u" . beginnings to Us present day important I UocJ 8Iwphen nag ieen cstab- j church. The following year he was ap pointed vH'ar-general, and on November WS7, was consecrated first bishop of Concordia hy Archbishop Feehan. '"On Jaauury 30, he Mas trans ferred to Omaha. During hi? adminis tration the dlot-e&e shows th same won derful gnth that characterized this territory in the time of his predecessors. Parishes, parochial schools and acade mies hava more than dcuhled in number The diocesan priests have increased from fifty-eight to 144. and the religious from twenty-three to thirty-set en. The old I fromo chturchea are fast replaced by structures of brick and stone, and a fine cathedral of the Spanish stylo of archi tecture is -in process of erection. The Ctvlghton Memorial St. Joseph's hospital, costing over half a million dollars, has been erected, and a new hospital St. I II position in the community is teiiiiisu wj and the genera! scope and Influ ence of the ecclesiastical, educational and char.table work of the diocese treated at length. Interesting statistic have tn-en compiled by the author. Kev. James Aherne of South Omaha. Much new In formation be found In the follow In excerpts: "The diocese of Omaha embraces all that part of the state of Nebraska north of the southern shore of the South Platte liver am. K,W sipiare miies The first "mlsslonai les in Nebraska wire pr'ette of the Society of Jesus, who. from iilKiut IKS. occasionally visited the native Indians, many of whom received baptism In ISil the Holy See cut off from the uloiese of St. Louis U the rountrv north from the south line of Kansas to Canada and west from the Missouri to the Rocky mountains, and erected It into the vicariate of the Rocky mountains', th Right Rev. John H. Miegc. S. J . ai first vicar apoatollc On Januaiy C. 1S3T. thla Ticariate HKalu dlvi.led, and a new vicariate called the vicariate of Nebraska waa erected. F.hhop Mleac being authorised to govern it until the .armolntment of a resld?nt vica. apostolic of Nebraska. First Reeldent Bishop. The first resident vicar apoatollc wai the Right Rev. James Milea O'Oorinan. to. D born near N'enagh. Tipnerary county. Ireland. 1S04; took the Trapplat hahlt at Mount Melleray. Waterford county, November 1, 1S3. and waa or dalned priest. 1S4X He waa one of the land who came- to Dubuque, la., in 1M0 to establish New Mellerey. In 15S he was appointed vicar apostolic of Ne braska, and on May H of the same year was consecrated titular bishop of Raph ane by Archbishop Kentrick of St. Louis. The vicariate at this time embraced the present state of Nebraska, the Dakota west of the Missouri liver, Wyoming and Montana east of the Rocky mountains, on hla arrival at Omaha, Bishop O'Gor niau found In his vast Jurisdiction a Catholic population of aome 309 families of white settlers living along the river counties, and a few thousand Indians, chiefly in MonUna. There, were In the entire territory two Seculars and one Jesuit priest In Montana In charge of the native tribes. "Purlng the fifteen years of his episco pate Bishop O'liorman labored to provide for the needs of hot scattered (look. He placed priests In the mors important cen ters of population, and in the Ms. priests of the vicariate ministered to the Catho lics of western Iowa. During his ad ministration the Bisters of Mercy were established In Omaha, the Benedictines In Nebraska City and the Wstere of charity In Helena, Mont. At his death (July 4, lT( his Jurisdiction contained nineteen priests, twenty churches and a Cathollo population of 11,7.2. Division of the Vicariate. "The recond vicar apostolto waa the Right Rev. James O'C'onner, D. D., born at Queenstown, Ireland, September 10, H.I At the age of 15 he came to Amer ica. He was educated at St. Charles' seminary. Philadelphia, and In the Propa ganda college, Rome, where he was or dalned priest In 18. The following year he was appointed rector of St. Michael's seminary, Pittsburgh, and hi IMS rector of St. Charles' seminary, Overbrook. Pa. In 1873 he was appointed pastor of St. Dominic's church, Holmesburg, Pa. In Jftf he waa appointed vicar apostolic of Nebraska, and on August 30 nf the same year he was consecrated titular Bishop of Dibona by Bishop Ryan of St. Louis. During his episcopate the vicariate de veloped with wonderful rspiriltv. The construction of the Union Pacific rail way in 1t7. and more especially the ex tension of the Burlington railway in the 7'S and Ms. opened up Nebraska to col onists, and white settlers began to pour in from the eastern states It became the duty of the .new vicar to provide for the growing needs of the faithful, and the yearly statistics of the vicariate snow how successful were his labors. In the Dakotaa were erected Into a vicariate, and on April T, lnt7, Montana was cut off. "On October 2. l&SS, the vicariate waa elected into the diocese of Omaha, and Bishop O'Connor was appointed its first bishop. The new diocese embraced the present states of Nebraska and Wyoming. On August 2, 147. the diocese of Cheyenne and Lincoln were erected, leaving Omaha Its present boundaries. Through the generosity of the Crelghton family. Bishop O'Connor was enabled to erect a Catholic free day college in the city of Omaha. On its completion in 187$. the bishop, who held the property In trust, deeded over the Institution to the Jesuit fathers, who are since In charge and hold the property as trustees. Bishop O'Connor also In troduced Into his Jurisdiction the Fran ciscan Fathers, the Poor Clares, the Religious of the Sacred Heart, the Bene dictines and the sisters of Providence. A most Important work In the bishop's life was the foundation. In conjunction with Miss Catherine Drexel. of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament. In 1S. Bishop O Connor also helped to establish a Catholic colony In Greeley county and tlSS the Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America. r repeat Day rrosjreaa. "The present bishop Is the Rt Rer. Richard Scanned. D. D.. bom In the par ish of Cloyne. Cork count'. Ireland, May 12. IMS. Having completed his classical studies In a private school at Mid let on. In IMC he entered All Hallow's college, Dublin, where he waa ordained priest. February X 1871. In the same year he came to the diocese of Nashville and was appointed assistant at the cathedral. In UTS he became rector of St. Columbia's church. East Nashville, and In UTS rector of the cathedral. From N to WS3 he was administrator of tlte dtorese. sede vacant. In 1"S ie organised St. Joseph's pariah In Weat Nashville and built Its; nsned ana creignuin university nas ueen many times enlarged. Bishop Scannell Introduced the following orders: iMenl the Third Order Regular of St. Francis, j who conduct a flourishing college: I (women! the Sisters of St. Joseph, of the j Presentation, of the Resurrection, of St. j Benedict, of the Pleased Sacrament, of I the Good Shepherd, the Dominicans, Feliciana. Ursuanee and Franciscans. ! The following; Oiled the office of vicar- . general or administrator: Very Kev. , Fathers Kelly, Curtis. Byrne. Chuka and j Rt. Rev. Mga Colaneri. the present vicar- j general and chancellor. I Priests, secular. 141: regular, 37; par- j Uhes, 177; university. 1; students. Sis; j college. 1; students. 150; academies for j young ladles. 10: pupils. 1.127; parochial j schools. 77; pupils, 9.478: orphan asyl- urns, 1; orphans, 115; tlood Shepherd home, 1; Inmates, :'10: religions orders ; of men. S: members. 77; religious orders j of women. 17; members. 427; hospitals, 5; Catholic population, i Let People Eename BY ADA PATTERSOX A famous young woman told me at din ner the other night that she had never known real 'happiness until she changed her name. Not at the marriage altar. The young woman, content, successful and net ' all prone to hero worship, shows no In clination toward matrimony. Besides, her surname, short, crisp and forceful. Is quite to her liking. It was her chrls trnded name with which she found fault. She quarrelled with that name from the time she begun to talk and the quarrel continued unjll she was 12 years old. "My name waa Annie and I didn't like It," she said. "I don't know why. Ther.i are Annlej who are sweet, and Annle who are smart, and Annies who are good, but I happened not to like the name I Why do I think all blondes are beautiful and that no brunnette la even attractive? And why does my neighbor across th- hall see no beauty except In a woman of dark hair and brawn eyes? We cannot account for these deen-rooled llkea and dislikes They are constitutional, like ...drbnu. mnA tiereditarv like Roman noses. Whatever the reason. I Inathert mv name and used - to reproach my mother for giving it to me. When I was U e moved from one part of Ban Fran. CISCO IM BHWl'iei, iuiis u -... . where we were not likely to ever again our old neighbors. While we ire watching the laat chair topping the van load of furniture I said Mother, when we gel to Uie new house there will be no more Annie.' Mother looked surprised and conscience-stricken, too, as she had begun to do whenever I. complained of my name. - I'm going to be Alma hereafter, I said. 1 knew a girl named Alma. I : loved the girl and her name, and 1 bor- ! rowed it for good. The girl committed j suicide afterwards, but that made no dlt ferenee to me. 1 remained Alma, anl mother, says my disposition completely i changed for the better from the day ! I changed my name." i Why shouldn't he change her namo If ! It made her happier? It would lighten ' the burden of unhapplness considerably In thla burden-weighted world If. after we achieve years of discretion, we were permitted to change our Christ. an names without any storm of neighborhood in- J qulry or avalanche of local censure. j Parents show a marked lack of ton- slderatlon 1n naming their children. ; While the child la still an Indeterminate quantity as to complexion, height and disposition they fssten upon It a name that may become a Joke. A girl of four , feet eleven Inches In her hlgh-heele1 boots Invites snickers by answering the name "Juno." A girl whose fiicc Is the nth power of pastiness restOTiils to ', the blooming title Rose." Girls who ' have cheeks like peonies autograph their photographs "Uly,- and we've all seii "Blanches" that are the same shade as the ten of spades. I know a girl name-1 j "Angel" who has a temper of the other sort, snd the only survivor I have met of the almost extinct species of old maid signs all her checks "Love Jones." The most melancholy woman I have eve known was named "Joy." and a woman , who is called "Victor'" should have been ( named "Defeat." A prize fiaiiter named Job caused much more than the urual mirth at the ringside, and the most irascible man In our town was made 9t more impatient by reminders thst ho bore the name of the meekest man in the world. Parents name -children to please rela tives or thcmseltsQB. seldom with a thought of the future fitness of the child. The name becomes a burden and S.&H.. Stamps Given With All Purchases Over $10,000 Worth of High Class Undergar ments to Be Disposed of During This Week While similar salos in the past have afforded us an enviable muslin underwear reputation, this sale will he remembered as one of the greatest low-price distributing events of the Spring, season. It is a notable value giving occasion from every point of view -the values so great they will inspire a brisk and confident buying from the opening of the doors tomorrow niorniug until the entire stock is gone. Kach garment is made of the very finest materials and trimmed in a way every particular woman will appreciate-out to conform with Fashion's most recent dictum; perfect fitting; made to be best iu even- detail. Let us suggest that you shop tomorrow if possible for choosing will then be best. There Are Thousands of Dozens of Undermuslins from Makers Noted for the Quality. Daintiness and Finish of Their Goods and the Prices are Close to One-Half Lot One consists of about 500 dozen corset rovers and drawers In plain and trimmed styles, actually worth 25c the garment, which we "i 1 will offer, while they last, choice. . law jC Lot Two consists of gowns, corset covers and drawers, worth from 59c to 65r the gar ment. Sale price- 39c Lot Three consists of gowns, rorset covers, draw ers & skirts, worth from 75c to 89c the garment. Choice- 49c Lot Four Gowns, corset cov ers, drawers, skirts, combination suits and chemises, worth from $1.00 to 1.25. 79c Let Five consists of gowns, corset covers, draw ers, skirts and com bination suits, $1.50 and $1.75 values- 98c Lot Six consists of about 150 dozen combination stilts, rorset rovers, gowns, skirts, drawers and chemises.-worth from $1.75 to l CCa $2.50 garment; while they last. Lot Seven consists of gowns, skirts, corset covers, drawers, chemises & combinations, worth $2.75 to $3.75. 2.29 Lot Eight consists of gowns, skirts, drawers, chemises & combi nation suits, worth from $3.95 to $4.7j, 2.95 Lit Nine consists of 100 dozens of combina tion suits, gowns & skirts, worth from $4.95 to $5 .95, at- 3.79 Lot Ten Children's ROr mus lin gowns ages 2 to Id. at :l-V; and chil dren's nuihlln draw era at i!.V and 15c White Fabrics for Summer 39c Flaxons at 25c $1.25 LJneniL"?? $1.25, 72-Inch linen sheeting, made especially for summer wash suits and skirts;. Monday 89c the yard. ( 50c White Pique. 39c 27-Inch, small and large corded while piques for. summer wash suits and skirts: 50c values, Mon day, 39c the yard. 50c Persian Lawns, 29c - r 4 5-in. Imported Persian lawns of extra flue weave and , quality; regular 50c goods, for Monday's telling ohly, 29c the yard. The new Flaxon voiles are prov ing to be about the most popular wash fabric of the senson. At ihij store yon will find them In largo raiiRf of ckinty striped and checked patterns. Regular 39c. values, priced for Monday's sell ing 25c the yard. There Is no wash fabric of a like texture that equals Flaxon voiles for wear. 35c French Lawns. 1 9c Fine, sheer French lawna, full 48 inches wide, for dainty sum mer dresses and waists, regular 35c goods, Monday, 19c the yard. Wash Goods A Special One lot of soft finished cotton voiles of a firm, close weave; in a splendid range of light and dark shades, as well as black and white effects; full 27 inches wide; regular 2jc qualifies,, ,Mondu, .. . 15c Great Silk Sale Monday Only In the ilennnlt DAYLIGHT 811. K STORE the only Daylight Silk Store In Omaha-there la no boosting of prices, no fictitious values every yard of the best quality and exactly aa represented, in this Mon day sale there are silks for almost every purpose In shade, that are hard lo get as well as the colors that are in demand the year 'round. I'p to $1.60 values, going, Monday, at l9r. Here's the roster; "Shedwater" foulards, the beat $1 foulard on (be mar ket. In a variety of handsome patterns and colorings Colored mestallnes In the shades you want Pongee silks In tho natural shade only Colored pongees In almost eyery desirable, shad..,. Black chiffon .tarfetas, 36 Inches wlde. filack rnesaallne silks, full St Inches wide While Jap wash Silks, full t" Inches wld Block foulard silks, full 24 inches wide. Up to $1.50 Values 69c The Above is an Illustra tion of the Caloric Cooker. W art ffolsf to flv actual demon strations of lta aapariorty In 1-7 day km la oar hardware dapartmsnt aU of this waak. It will be 10 your personal advantage iu attend. In thin deinunnirattnn me will explain In you how to hake pie, take, pantries. roeiM pieatft, etr., in thin new and im proved cooker und tell you why Huh any 1m superior ti all ntliera. The new Caloric i oker han a pat ented Kteari vent, whtrh prevents any moisture from ew-apiuic over the piden of the ver.elH, In made of highest RHMle, rhemirally tented pone lain and In mip plipd with Boltd Hliirmnum utertMls. Katv to understand and operate and is a sresl ttaving of time and trouble. To Show You What Su preme Confidence We H ave in the Caloric Cooker we will send one of them to your home fr a week trial with the umlerntand In that, if at the end of thitt time y"ii have Kiven It a fair and Impartial trial and are not Mttitified that It la tii liet cooker on the market, ou run return It to uh and th purchase price will be rt funded in full. W200 Pieces of Ham'ered Brass Up to $5 Values.. S2.19 Up to $5 Va lues This is positively one of (he greutt'st uflVrinjrs of superlily finished hammered hruss goods this store has ever made. It is a sale that will lie nciisational in the savings it affords ami in the greatness of the Ktorks for your elioosiug. Besides the Bargains Pictured on Either Side of This Sec tion.There Are Others Equally Good to be Found in the Sale It's the result of a special purchase, we made from one of the largest ami most retintiilile makers of such iroods and wlu'ther it's an item you wish for the adornment ot your own home or for a present to hoiiicI dear friend, vou will find it in thissaleat I,KSS THAX J HALF OF ITS ACTUAL VALl'K. Kach and every luece will stand a most rigid inspection for quality. See our window display of these goods today and rome with the crowds tomorrow morning. They are such wonderful bargains there is sure to be a rush for them. Up to $5.00 Values at $2.19 1 17 Pounds Granulated Sugar for $1.00 And Some Pure Food Store Specials for Monday "pride of Hennett's" flour-apei lal offc of a sack fur S1.4S -- sack "Queen nf the Pantry" pastry lour and 40 stamp Sl.M Bennett's Capitol toffee ami L'O stamp for aoo Asserteii teas and SO stamps, lb. Tea slftlnss and 10 stamps, lb ISa 10 Bars enaett's Barrels Boap (or 5a York Hose or Violet toilet soap, rake Sa Hull cream tlieem and It) atari. pa, lb. lao Honelrss sardines, 10 stamps, can lSe Pint can Uaillard'a pur olive oil re duced lo aoo Lars.. ian Binder's pork and beans and 2o stamps soo 3.V can Happy Vale asparaKils . . I 25a Lea Perrln'a Worcestahlre aqiu-c, l-ot- 1 1 for t5g flows aad Tes-etable Beads, pas;. 1,0 Ulaas lumlder of mustard and & ntainpH for joo 3 cans Basle and 10 stamps I5e I'otlawatlaniie plums and 10 stamps, . lie 1- ara-e can Bennetts t'apltol pears and stampa ago & lbs. ir Jap rice for .5o bvtiepp's coi-oanut and 10 stamps 1-H,. pk-. for .Me Onion salt and 10 stamps the finest universal seasoning niHde--jar. . . .35e 2- lb. roll Premium butterine aa S-lb can Bennett's Capitol baking pow der and IS stamps 134 (me duten boxes safety n.stchea for Be : ,! Searching for Sunken Treasure . 1, By f. V. BKANI). to receive ss' its fee 1 per cent of the ouglit to lie. wesltb recovered. After some hours' work,' entailing the removal of thousands of tons of sand, the Lutlne waa redls-i-overcd burled thirty feet deep In a sand bank. Thus the first difficulty was overcome. But there were many more to fai-e. the chief bemfc the strong tides which were continually altering the shape of the I Nowadays, before you go treasure nunt- Cna or , Unett prM11 ,h() ,, Inn and searching the ned of the oceai of the sea is the British warship Lutlne. lor sunken ships tilled with .-'nanlsh doub- which sank off the coast of Holland In loons and bars of gold, you have' to ob- 1T' ",n e"W ",vrr ln0, ... . estimated to be worth over eS.oOVHl lain the permission of the country off ... ... During the last century many attempt' hoe ccast the wretks lie. or elte comelve nild lo n,,,. bu, t. Mime arrancetnent with thtjM hit r.nU- ah.,nt trjlr Ann h. Kn an exasperation when the child grows I hav, claim In the wreck. of It. Now all the latest machinery of to manhood or womanhood s estate. Th ! The old public records of wrecks have modern submarine engineering science has name that fitted aniurly upon the wee . ,0 he carefully searched out, and the r been concentrated by the National Sal human sits but clumsily upon the man I .apers relating to the cargoes must be vage company, who aro making an effort or woman. W title Individual rights are round and Deruaed to ace if there han- 10 rest thl. ho., fori,..,.. r, k. Ilu klarin. tt Mn. that a ftilM-.! . . . . . ., . . H.fc.. .h,. 7 J e,.id.;-7 k.zi 1 . 'a :r. " D:r i '' 01 u,vy Jonn- 1 .T.h. .i;.i w ' "" Although the Lutlne s position has been steamer. This contrivance Is really a 'J. ""tatively given The child you have to locate the wrecks, which Is f.,r,y ,t,ur.tely kaown lor . hundre, , ,.,. and mh tn , j w w,i a most' aiincuit iaa. requiring me ut- pro vision that when said child reaches ; most perseverance and exiwrt exrerience. the age or a years he or she may be come Reginald or Gwendolin. If the dt divers were able to Investigate the In terior. They found the vessel's maga ilne had collapsed, burying the gold and silver Bars under five or six fi-el of can non balls. The action of the sea hail rusted and welded all th.-se together Into a'suiid mass. It sevmed as though Pavy Jones had deliberately fashlon-d an almost unplekable lok to seture the booty he had held for so many years. quarters in Amsterdam, and Is able 1 resume oueratlons. a month or six weekr will enable them lo remove this and get at the treasure. ; SELL PRISONERS' EFFECTS ' AT AUCTION ON TUESDAY. A thousand and one. and tw,kt. 1 nd"r the circumstances there was I articles of a variegated nature .hiek only one thing to be done, and that was ; police department has acquired during th to us dynamite. It was brought Into I IBt year will be sold at ouhlle ..,...,. play and by Its aid two layers of the next Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Chief -r,e ,.ia-i"i away. Ana or i-ouce J. J. Donahue will aet ., rusted eandlaihks. and the rough seas whi, h al- , , ' ' "rM,ur' tantai.l- lioneer. Among the things to be sold arV ays s.,-m to rule In that spot. " "- - jei so .ar. tne sea as- revolvers, rings, shotguns. .... i senea itseir snd nenever it was praeticaoie the dredg- : lug went on, and all the ssnd that was surkrd up was poured through an arrange- , ment something like a bird cage which I How very near they aere may be de- j clised from the fs' t that one day a piece of rust ess brought up containing an suites Mopped operation,. grips, trunks, bundles, watches, jewelry. Indention the exact shape of a gold bar. 1 pon treating this rust with acids It produced five grains of gold. rings, clothes and other "whatnots. M Besides the various odds and ends which prisoners forget to call for or put up for ball are a largw number of eolns of American and foreign aiintage. years, the obliteration of a landmark dux- . not even half a sovereign can be passed I Still the hunters have not given up PCI I PVIIP TFiM UIMC IIUC a ale made It verv dtfru-ult foe the throuah. The salvor were llter-JIv -1ft- hone: thev e .nlv . . - . 1 "" me narunesa ot i.iis tasa may oe present Salvors to find It. Mvers went : Ins the bed of the sea. and In the slftlns- tunllv. Th., ,ih GAME FROM PAPILLION loins 01 a record ir. dredging, havltu; sucked up from the sea about l.tWOOOO The Bellevue Academv has. K.n . Meanwhile the sand was being dumped 'tons of sand. The so-called sandbanks defeated the Papilllon High school lads. bak Into the sa in such a position that ! in that vicinity are of a most unusual in a tight game at Bellevue h th. being almost like cliffs, so lof 1 to a, hnday afternoon. PaMlllos. across the steep and precipitous are they. To gel p!ayed an errorless game, but were un (.auaeo I'-m tne tact tnat some or tne j down and searched nt, th. .twit h.r vittal enin. InH Mhw Ihln., e.m. tn veloped romatic tendencies do (lot ac- I wrecks have been- discovered burled inilt .niw,l t. h. h. ., .... ' P""" names I or prarucal iwentT or thirty reel or sand, which bas ! there. Tarjlaln Bachelor th. 1...W f folk. Or If for no reason more definite I been washed over them by the cross- these modern trraxure-huntera thereunon a".. . . """"T" T1 u"r'0'"r ! current, and tides Sometimes many j decided upon a novel plan of a. retaining , qUte altered the set of the current i character m. .auuMc ut aree wun triou-tnos ot oniisrs nave neen enent in Its whereabouts. IT nTnfrZjT " .'"h! locating wreck, before an attempt ha. A th. .pp.n,ra , th TTilt EMllnfUlIV UDOII thir Oar it f.r I t-akea ntlila In sal a. I t Was MaKiiM ... me ren-they prefer to be Frank or i M the search for sunken Hews'-re aoes IT " STt JZZL ,""n.'"- TTJZ. .' "L? ZZ . - i.T!" 1" -. '? struck out fourteen and aliowed but h. h. .ii . ,. . . 1 . . . . ui removina - - h in. vessel in ine renter ot a deep ehanr.'L two nils. A leauire ot the game waa th Joule, then by all means graciously grant merrily forward. One firm alone ha. II- tm ., f aaiHl an hour ' where., th- roah seas aoul.1 bv no I u,.. ....... ...., ., . l" . th furnishes f rente, from .he I n-ll.h r, , t t. . . . . '' " ' ' ' " " "' I "t ""oa lor ttiat k.n.i -k... .... , w. .... ...... ... . : ----- " uu....g us- w.nier prove tnat lour or Academy, tte . . . ..t . iiknbi i - . i"- in. m i , iu Nii.e ine cvnieni. or hMI at j t.reirie i . . .. . . . . rasament of an Ill-flttlng. or the irrita- I thirty-two wrecks, ail known to cont.ln deep tre,.. h His We, w'.s , cut a trench ss'.sj ... at length cleared aw.v from ...., wuyum iv. jngui across ine area in wntch the wreck .around and Inside the which a deflected riant . wreck, thus tie i ping to keep sand. Rut It was terribly P It clear of at the Lutlne the whole sale of one of 'able to lilt Knapp. the Academy twtrler try ing work. : these banks has been bitten off. leaving ! struck out fourteen and allowed binv lion of a3 uncongenial name. prove that four or I Academy. He excel ted ten difficult ne feet of sand has sifted over the 'chances without a waver. Batteries for. wreck, but It is thought that as soon ! Papilllon. Jones and Kline: for Bella ue. wreck, and the Jaa the salvage steamer leaves for winter j Knapp and D. Stookey. r