Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1912, Page 12, Image 12

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    Monday Special
Silk Sale
DRESS SILKS Worth up to $1.00, at 39c Yd.
2,750 yards of Fine Dress Silks from a Pater
son Silk Manufacturer's surplus stock at
less than cost to make. The lot comprises
Showerproof Foulards, Imported Tub Silks,
Oepe de Chine, Pongee, Shantung Silks,
Persian, Warp Printed Silks, Chiffon Ttaf
fetas and Chiffon Faille in all
of the popular shades on Bar- jO
gain Square, at, a yard
Victoria Corded Suitings and Coatings; beau
tiful double-faced Satins, Bordered Poplins,
Rich Faille Silks, Glace and Chameleon
dress taffetas, per yd., at $1.00 to $2.50
Black and Colored Dreaa Meuallnea, yard, 87
42-Inch 611k and Wool Popllni. per yard at. .(1.00
Bonnet Black Dreaa Taffetaa, per. yard at.. $1.39
J-lnch Pencil Stripe Measallnea, per yard at $1,00
Are Showing for the First Time Scores of Attractive New Models in
W omen's Simmer Appare
The warmer weather demands suitable apparel and we bring forward
tical models in summer attire that any store west of Chicago can' exhibit.
summer is here.
Dainty Lingerie and
Voile Dresses for .
Women and Misses
Made according to
the latest style die
tutes for summer;
clever, practical
frocks at $15.00,
$19.00 and $25
Monday the greatest varieties of dainty and prac
Everything that will find fashionable favor this
Fine Lace and
Lingerie Dresses.
Many exclusive nov
' elties for summer;
artistic ere a t i o n s,
at ...$35 to $45
Imported Summer Fabrics
Comprising lines of exclusive novelties
bordered voiles in two and three bordered
effects, Embroidered Marquisette, Embroid-
, ered Voiles and Fancy Crepes
Main Floor per yard at. . .50c to $1.95
Made from special spun yarns, in the most
exquisite colorings main floor, silk aisle,
per yard at ....50c
New Linen .j
Colors and white;
pretty trimmed- and
plain tailored effects
in groups, at $10,
$15, $19,
$22.50 and $25
Colored Wash Frocks
for Women's Sum
mer Wear. '
$5, $6.9& $8.98
and $10.00
Tailored Linen .
' Two Piece Suits
The most popular
styles are . the Nor
folks and; the plain
jacket effects they
are priced at
$6.98, $8.98
$10 and $12-50
White Serge Suits
, White" will be more
popular than ever
this season. Here
- are very smart suits
v at $25, $32.50
and $39.00
27-in. Embroidered Swiss and Batiste
Flouncings-dainty, lacy baby Irish
effects, new combination effects, also
English, eyelet and floral designs
many worth $1.00 yard fJJ Q
-will go at, per 0 1 V
45-inch Sheer Swiss and Batiste Embroidered
Skitings, new lacy, Baby Irish effects, also
English eyelet and floral patterns, worth
$2.00, on Bargain Square, per g OA
yard at V
18-inch Swiss. Nainsook and Cambric Em
broidered Floun tings Also cross bar, corset
coverings, wide insertions and galloons
, wpirth t6 50c ; special, per yard 2 5 C
18-inch Corset Cover Embroideries 18-inch
Embroidered Flouncings, also Wide Edges
and Insertions hundreds of pretty t
patterns; worth 20c per yard, at ... V I,
New arrivals in the much wanted laces
Ratine, Macrame, Venise and Crochet effects
in all-overs, bands and edges to match new
Shadow Laces, also Real Cluny and Real
Crochet Laces, on sale in main lace depart
ment atvery special prices.
Specials in Dress Goods
Cram, tans anj light greya (tunning, SO and (4-inch
diagonals and wblpcordi, yard 81.00 $2.50
nO-lnch Brandela Special Costum Herges, yd., (1.00
Nobby, medium weight 8ultlnga French and Storm
8ergea, Fancy Wavea, Popllni, taffetaa, etc, per
yard at .', 50 &.794
Ferfert Tailored Skirts to your meaaura made
by a firat claaa ladle' tailor, fit and atyl guaranteed.
Cotton, Repps, Cotton Corduroys, French and
Irish Linen, Ratine, Etc new features
at $2.98. $3-98, $3, $6.98 and $7.50
Women's "Tailored Suits; light colors and
light weights values up to $25, at $15.00
New Coats for street,' auto apd drees; white
serge.'Berford cords, silks; etc.
at $10, $12.50,$15, $19, and $25.00
New Messaline Petticoats All tolors
at . ....... . . v . .$2.50, $2.98 and $3-98
Made of Fine Taffetas, Chif
fons, 'Messulines, Etc All
new ideas, worth up to
New Embroidered Voile Waists, many unique
.ideas for summer, $2.50, $2.98, $3.98
Fine . Lingerie Waists, , many of them very
elaborate, special groups "
at . . .$2.98, $3 98, $5.00 and $6.98
New Chiffon Waists, add eleganoeto. the
costume, at ; . .-. ....:..... : . r. .". . . '. $5.00..
The New Racquet Norfolk Waists, the sea
son's sensation; shown at Brandeis, $2.25
Summer Millinery
A new summer hat, designed according to
authentic fashions, is just as essential to a
well dressed .woman's wardrobe, as is a sum
mer, frock, 'or low shoes.
, Summer styles are a departure from the
modes of spring. Mrs. Cabus, our chief de
signer, has caught just the right ideas during
her recent visit to New York and her advice
isdmost indispensable if you would have your
hats correct in every detail and becoming to
your individuality. She will be glad to show
you many extreme novelties for summer hats.
New Summer Wash Fabrics
Fancy Whit (Modi In length caltabl for dreaaea.
- waists, children' wear, etc. plain white lawn
batlite and India liaons, fancy lac atrlped lawna,
etrtpedand checked dimities, etc. A new and most
desirable lot at plain and fancy whit e
good, a bargain quar special, at, yg Q
New Waah Loodi for lummer wear timmer lawna
and batlatea la th new ctyle and coloring for
dreaaea are more at tract I re than ever before. Th
patterns dealgned for kimono are especially
pretty larg assortment of th new ummr
tvle and colorings, go at, yard
5c, 61c 8ic and 10c
41 and 4 5-inch Admiral
Pillow Tubing, worth
JOc and 32 Me yard
on special sale Monday
from th bolt, at, per
J-ard 12
New light, medium and
dark cotton challlea. In
Persian and floral pat
terns, from th bolt, on
Bargain Square, at, per
yard '-3
Zephyrs Th best 17
In. gingham made In
Amerlca woven atylea
In various dealgna and
color combinations, ab
solutely faat: length for
waist, dreaaea, etc
on bargain square, at,
yard .e
Muslin, Long Cloth,
Cambric and Nainsook,
large assortment of yard
wtde goods, always d fe
asible, at a big earing;
perfect goods, yd. 6 Ms)
DuBarry Pumps for Women
The prettiest pump of th aeaaon cornea In dull
calfskin, whit buckskin, dull kldskln and black
satin extreme short vamps, broad high toe.
flat bow of leather or aatln fairly high, aplked
heels, light welted sole, special, at.
Edwin C Burt shoes, th latest style In pump
and oxfords for women. In whit buckskin,
tan calfskin and dull leathers price a j r
Per pair tP'tWU
Red Croat Shoe com In all leather and
hare th famoua patented flexible sole"
pump, oxfords and shoes, o rrt and t A
at. per pair PO.OU
Hurley Broe. ahoes tor men all th newest lasts
several new ones In the Smart, custom, English,
flat effect tans or blacks, at per e ff
Pair OO.UU
Thoasanls and thousands of yards of high grade linoleums and floor oil cloths In full pieces; not remnants; aU handsom new patterns;
blue and whit tiles. Inlaid design and florals.
Most Notable Bargains in Linoleum Ever Offered by a Store in America
Made to sell up to 75c aq. yd.
25c 39
1 11
worth up to
$1.00 a square
yard, at aq. yard
Full Pieces. 1 vard
H yd. and 2 yds. Ji aa
wide, worth up to IH V
45c sq. yd, at I
square yard V
Any Omaha man or woman wiio buys floor roTerlngs, at this sale will remember It for yean as a wonderful bargain. The advance lat
price of linoleums aext season Is a certainty. That makes these prices more remarkable thaa ever.
White Goods Dept.
Sheer White Fabrics for Graduation Gowns
Our line of white goods for graduation
dresses, represents the strongest and most
attractive assortment ever displayed in
any store west of New York. ;
46-inch French Mercerised' Mull dainty, toft mar
terlal. at. yard . 25 39 50.P to 85
0 to 48-lnch French Batista for graduation dresses
at. yard f.15 25 P 75
32 to 45-incn Persian Lawns very dainty, rnly
woven fabric, at yard 25 UP to 69
40-lnch Corded White Striped Voile In two pat
terns, only, at yard .35
Imported English Fancy' Striped Voile beauti
ful patterns I7-ln. width, at yard -49
40-Inch White Mull, good quality for foundatlona
and slip 40 Inch width, at yard 15s
High Grade Hair Goods
Second Floor-and Pompeian Rooni
24-inch Switches, made
of the finest French,
Convent Hair, natural
wavy and natural
shades three separate
strands, thick and lux
uriant; an $18.00 value
1 Monday and Tuesday
only at $12.00
This is one of our most
popular switches and in
order to introduce our
spring styles in Hair
Goods we are making
this exceptional offer.
Appointments for
Hair Dressing, Shampooing, Manicuring,
Facial Massage,et&, made by phone.
loutuie Discussions Enlivened by
, . Flashes of Humor. - '
Eplcram aaal asureasaa Brtchtea
reear SsMhs fer h Ktmkll
; Wit. at tke Pmrat aa4
the Put.
Oliver WendsU Hotroos In his
TIM Haicht of th Ridiculous," says, "I
never dare to writs ss funny as I mn"
after the sinilii which he wnU had
almost destroyed his servant.
This, too. Is a law of public Ufa. Tlx
first chapter la th prtoiary of pontics
forbids aay dsMlanr with the sentl art
of humor. Th penalty of Infraction Is
political obttrlosv Tat la evory session of
couaraas soma number tempts the pubtte
dbfavar. far the moment ha is ap
jUaded. feat the Uuichter ao sooner sub
sides than thumbs are turned down ea
Us career.
This does sot apply to the official who
csa confound aa opponent r a sees re
tort or a elaver bit of repartee, or to the
maa who. while occasionally witty, la
able to win a reputation for serious
Champ Clark, tha apeaker of the ho una
of representatives, possesses no great
reputation as s wit or humorist, yet In
many of his speeches ha uaea figures that
are marked with tha fraaranee of tha
farm and the slanc of tha street. For
example. In a heated colloquy during tha
partisan strife of the last eonsrese he
accused the republicans of Indulslnc In
too much "hot sir and elsck-Jaw.-1
On another oceaaloe h denounced tot
lobbyists who visited ths rapttol during
a tariff session la behalf of tha various
Industries interested In a proposed bill.
Ho declared that "tram the morning of
thtenlh day of November down to last
Thursday sight lobbyists swarmed is
Washington clty-flrst a brigade, then a
division, thaa a corps, than a fun army.
They wars aa pestiferous. If not aa
numerous, ss th frogs and files af
Thsa there Is Senator Rayner of
Mary land. The treqneatly rises la the
mora august senate to express la crisp
language his views ea Ufa and tts Issaes.
Senator Rayasr recently dec laired, with
a vtdoug thump oa his sslf
"Thar are two element la society.
One la tha element that nss more appe
tite thaa dinner, and the other the ele
ment that has mors dinner thaa appe
tite." .
A score of years ago Private John Al
len of Tupelo was elected to congress
from Mississippi. Allen was anxious to
secure a fish hatchery for hie native
towa of Tupelo. Unable to persuade tha
committee on appropriations of tha merit
of the proposition, he Introduced In tha
house aa amendment to the sundry civil
appropriation bill carrying CO.OOft, sad.
February 3t, IM. he rose oa the floor
ts plead for Its adopt Ion. The towa of
Tupelo was the subject of this eulogy.
"It I were willing." he declared. In
part, "to avail myself of all th tradi
tions and many wall authenticated his
torical auspicious, I might invest this
subject with much more romantic Inter
est. But I Propose to confine myself to
wed authenticated facta. Ignoring such
traditions as the one to tbe effect that,
when Christopher Columbus 'had his fa
mous Interview with Ferdinand sad Isa
bella of Ppaia, he assured them that th
all-wise Creator, creating a world tike
this, was bound to have mad somewhere
sear Its center such a pwee ss Tuparo.
"la l&a th knightly Fuck e Los
landed upon ths coast of Florida, and
perverted history has It that hs started
out to look for the fountain of youth and
limitless gold fields, when in truth sad
la fsct he really started to look for
'Many of you gentlemen have never
been In Tupelo. I hop none of you en
tertain any Idea of dying without going
there. 1 extend you all sn Invitation to
go with ms to College Hill and sea you
ct our Tupelo sunsets. Come sad see one
of our southern ailvery Tupelo moons.
I think it Is the only place la the south
where ws have the same beautiful moons
we had before ths wsr.
"I have often been asked about tha
alas of Tupelo. Th tabulating machines
of ths last census have not been able to
work It out yet. but sufficiently extend
ing the corporate limits of our towa wa
can accommodate a population larger
thaa tbe city of London. The truth Is
that our lands about Tupelo have been
so valuable for agrieuHural purr oats that
ws have not yet yielded them ap for
building a city as rapidly ss ws should
have done.
"While there are larger places than
Tupelo. I do not think there is any ether
place Just hke tt. Tupelo Is very Bear. If
not axacun in th center it th world.
Th h orison seems shout ths same dis
tance la every direct los.
"Before us Is a proposition to establish
.there a fish hatchery. Why, str. ftah will
travel ever land for miles to get Into
the water we hsve at Tupelo! Thousands
snd millions of unborn fish are clamoring
to this congress today for an opportunity
to be hatched at tbe Tupelo hatchers1,
"Now, Mr. Chairman. I enly wish to to
say that It there ts a member here who
wishes to hsve his nam connected by
future generations with those of Judas
Iscartot sad Benedict Arnold tf fee wishes
to have himself sad his posterity pointed
out with scorn if he desires to be de
spised fey men snd shunned by women
let him vote sgalast this amenament and
he will secure all this Infamous nou
rtety." John Auen ts bow a prosperous planter
of southern Mississippi, where be enjoys
the contemplation of th fish hatchery
won by his humor. Bis name remains
enly aa a memory la tbe halls where
statesmen tread. f
Besie at allaaewata.
Adam Bode, who represented the Eighth
Minnesota district la the bouse, was one
of tbe most populsr stump speakers and
spellbinders of the pieetnt generation.
Bia speeches were full of dry humor and
bis droll manner of Illustrating his argu
ments fey stories of ths day never failed
to win the applause of his audiencas.
A short time after he Jook the oath
of office Beds won front rank among leg
islative humorists by a eulogy upon ths
republican party. Securing the recogni
tion of ths chaftr he opened modestly, but
soon had the house la an uproar.
The last year witnessed two events of
unusual Interest ths discovery of tha
North pole by Or. Cook sad tbe revision
of tbe tariff downward fey the senator
from Rhode Island. Each In its wsy was
a unique hoax." .
The Only Chaaacey.
Senator Chauncey M. Depew probably
enjoyed the widest reputation as a wit of
any maa m congress, yet hs pmatistl
aot so much wit ss a talent for story teU
tng. He was par excellence a racon
teur, and In the cloak room was always a
center of attraction.
la his speeches Senator Depew never In
dulged la those exchanges of repartee
which characterised ths remarks of Sen
ator DoUlver. nor la that sublime sar
casm and ridicule that has brought fame
to Senator Rayner. His speeches were al
ways punctuated with stories taken from
the stock which has made him the peer of
American after-dinner speakers.
During the last sssslrm of th Sixty,
first congress, as Mr. DepeWs term was
drawing to a close, he delivered a speech
oa the popular election of senators which
was typical of his public addresses. la
this speech it eras that senator Depew re
ferred to the progressive wing of ths re
publics party as "the recently organixed
Salvation army." ,
Upon another occasion, m ths course of
a speech oa American amuse and tnstlta
tioas. be stated that even the greatest of
Americans were almost entirely unknown
abroad. While la a dUtiruralahed gather
ing In England, be remarked, hs bad com
mented on the fsct that In Washington
he lived la the very house where Daniel
Webster had resided for six years while
serving as secretary of state and later sa
a member of the senate.
A member of the English noblHty re
plied: "Ah. Indeed most Interesting! Tour
Webster was a most extraordinary maa.
Ia England we have nothing to compare
with your Webster, who, as 1 lean, was
yoar greatest stslesmsn and orator, wrote
a dictionai-y and was bung for "i'-g
client." Washington Star.
The Persistant and Judicious lea of
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