1 10 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAT 5, 1912. , i a s '4 ii Gossip Along the Automobile Eow I also unloaded, and r? brins quickly dis ' trlbuted lo th long list of waiting I bu ers. I The Omaha lfailMT company pur- chased a Flanders delivery car from the ! E. ft Wilson Automobile companjr lat j Keek The car ia beautiful In deafen and 1 1 large and roomy- Fred M. Ryan of Lincoln was a caller at the Powell Supply company store lat aSonday. Mr. Hyan run-s the btKsest Y carece and repair rhnp In Lincoln, and J has Just put tn a large stoc a of Republic I . He states that the. outlook In Un 3 cofn is for a tremendous business. While 2 her j Mr. Ryan bought a couple of econd S hajw cara to use in bte Lincoln renef statloi 2 Oscar pinpert. eipert tiro man. hs taken rn-tarsje of the t:re rermlr depart' 3 meat of hhe Powell Supply company. So fasti arv y,e, orders coming tn to 1 tha Powefji supply company tor supplies "Clarke ifowell had to put on two extra meo tn shipping room !a week, and ) tiA, he will have to do tha same ScVi& fk to look after th larfe run of I burin" 1 ; milianl Hellen, formerly sales manager J! for the W. I. Huffman Automoblla com ', pany, baa bought an Intereot tn the Inde il pendent garage at Twenty -fourth avenue i and Farnani street He haa been with Ii Mr. Huffman for several years and has i- made a Tery enviable renord. "The ?! Abbott-Detroit and Huppmoalle are kotk fine cars, and the only reason I leTt 1' the Huffman Automobile company was i kerans I bought an Interest la toe Iade 3 f pendent garage and I think I can do R. A. Ie Witt, who haa beeu with the Omaha Motor Car company, be taken ) air. Hellen e position. W. U Huffman left last wee Tor De- ' tmt to hurry along the) sbivnenta of cara In tils pockets he oarrtod orders for lit cars, and In tils head a long line : ef arguments w hy he should fce supplied j with cars. The E. R. Wilson Auto company sold a Klanders car last week to Grant Mar son Two Islington cars were sleo pur chased by Frsnk and U W. Paup of Kirkman. Ia. Mr. Huff of the Nebraska-Buick Auto company delivered a M2S Bu:ck to Crete laat Sunday, leaving here at 1 o'clock In the roornln and landing at Crete at 3 o'clock In the afternoon, with one and one-half-hour atop at Lincoln for dinner. The trip was made the entire dlttance In the rain and mud with four grown passengers In the car. A trip of this kind drmonstrates the durability of the cars of this age. " Mr. U. B. Hinds purchased a Hudson "3T touring car from Guy I- Smith laat week. Guy U Smith left Wednesday night for a trip to the Peerless factory at Cleve land, O. The Peerless have made their announcements for 1913 and Mr, Smith took this opportunity to visit the factory and go over the entire HJns as well as investigate the Peerless trucks which he Intends pushing this On hurt Friday, Guy L. Smith delivered one four-paaeenger Hudson "33" and one touring car of the same make to E. J Mackea of Platte Center. . Th following Omaha retail sales) of NjJtlle six's were mad by th Mitchell j w!vvton. Dr. Flnley and Robert Robin- son. The sales tn th ternltorle were: i L. R. Kesterson, Superior, on carload; ! C Hatseney, Friend, on carload; Irvln I Green, tiutlon. on car; Morkett, Lincoln, twe carloads; George H. Watson, Rock Rapid, two carloads; Forest Lumber oompasir. Alliance, one carload; Harrison Read, Grand Island, twn cars; Grant China, St. Paul, one oar; Council Bluffs Automotille company, on carload; W. I. Ferguson. Id Grove, on ear; Schuyler ' Motor Car company, on carload. "The Mitchell factory Is working day ' and-Bight and Is far behind In shlp- mentl," said rack Blewaat. local manager of th Mltehetl company. "I receive from three to five carloads of ears each week, ' but this Is by bo means sufficient to sup ply the hug demand., This la going ts be the biggest rear tn the history of the ' automoblla Industry In this country." Manager Held of the IJon company de livered a car overland laat week to MIs 1 sour! Valley. Befoe returning he will visit th agents la the surrounding ter ritory. , Th sales rooms of the Lion company j bar been remodeled and la' office has ibern moved to th back part of the building. This makes more mom for th dlsplsy of cars and shows rthem off to better advantage. "I am so buey netting oa9end looking after their shipment that 1 bav Utile i time, for anything else," stud Manager ' lwty of the United Motor Omaha com i ', pany. Th Maxwell and Columbia cart ; are meeting with great a ureses both tn J tH city and country, and Mr. Doty, al ! ; though receiving from foar to five car- . ' Wad- shipments a week. I not able to ' supply th large demand.' at one. "Par car of duality and style you I ; ust look for th Marathon or Marmon," j said Manager McDonald of th Marlon j ! Aute company. "I bav. great faith In j j three twe ear, and many others have i too, as can be seen by eh large a umber j j of these cars that are stlld each week." I T. G. Northwall of the. Northwall Auto j company 1 nthuslastle over th Hegel ' ) car, the agency for which he has -tut ! taken over. "It Is a greet ar," says Mr. Northwall "and uplees It was I could never bav beca Induced to handle if , . R, C. Rachlet, formerly local agent far ; I th Regal Sale company, left Thursday J night for his home la Detroit. He will be put la charge of cither th Boston i branch of th company or - be sent to i ! Xrw York City. ; Edward Brown bought a Flanders ear f from the K. R, Wilson Auto company, i local retail agents for th Flanders and i ! E-M-F- cara, last week. The X. R. Wlleoa Auto company uo 1 I loaded a Baby Toaneaa last Thursday ' j and delivered , It on the following day. ' Threw carload of Lexington cars were In Building Garage Dnimmond Will Care For Electric Trucks Th Drummond Motor company In ar ranging for th new garage will fit up a room for special service to owner of both gasoline and elect rlo trucks. Th following letter was received from C. L Morgan of the General Truck company last week by Mr. Drummond: 'The General Motor's electrlo chassis I conspicuous because It has so many distinct advantages. There are eighteen Important features In the chassis, em bodying the maximum of accessibility and simplicity. "We have placed th rear springs out side ef the frame to Iniurs maximum axle strength, permitting the use of a narrow frame and to glv short turning radlua Th steering post Is Inclined. Double brake equipment hi provided, each brake locking at wheel. Auxiliary springs supplement th rear seml-elllptlc and an apparatus or controller hood Is placed In front of the dash and designed, perhaps, aa much along th Unas of the well-known Renault hood as any, John Lansden, th designer, deserves great credit for the laat electric and Ms ex perience tn the last tea year should cer tainly qusllfy him not only to design a fine appearing, but aa economically, operated chassis. MANY USES MADE OF NEW ELECTRIC SYSTEM C. F. Kettering, wh developed th Delco electrical cranking, lighting and ignition system on th Cadlllao can, re cently bad an experience which demon strated that th cranking device oan sometime be ased (or purpose ether than that of simply starting th angina Mr. Kettering was driving from Day ton to Springfield and cam to a stretch of road, about 100 yards In length, which was under water. He attempted to drive through, but w.ien he bad gone about half way he found th water deeper than he had anticipated. It was so deep, la fact, that th carburstor was submerged and, of course, th engine stopped. Mr. Kettering found himself marooned, so te speak. In a mlnlstur lake. . But this did not worry him, H threw th electrical cranking device Into action and encased th clutch. Th car moved aa though under Its normal power and backed to aafety. DELIVERIES THIS YEAR HAVE BEEN VERY LARGE Elmer Apptiwon In commenting on busi ness conditions, says: "Had It rat been for th freight shortages, th usual spring rush would bav been much easier n the factories this year, as tha buyers, after having experienced delays on de liveries th last four or flv years, war more pronounced than ever before In placing thttr specifications early. "It does not look as though ths manufacturers would need to worry for year to com about th demand be ing supplied. If the condltlns her at th plant could be taken as a criterion. We have delivered H per cent more cars than all last year, and have order for Immediate shipment In excess of deliver ies ef th season of 1M1." ,- Persistent Advertising ts th Road to Big Returns. , HAVE A SIGNAL THAT ACCORDS WITH ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE LAW POPULAR WITH PUBLIC ' Becaat " It give timely, courteous, effective warning. It is Dot barsb, discourteous or offensive. POPULAR WITH MOTORISTS Becaut It prevent accidents. It meets all requirements of city ordinance. It coats Mule to install and nothing to maintain. It Is slwavs dependable never doga or balks. Any motor car a titer, accessory aWr or far-. aft will equip your car with Jericho or Jubilee and ths bill will bo leea than $10. TEE FANDALL-FAIflNEY COMPANY. EOSTON. MASS. Question of Color For Painting Autos Long-Been Problem Plnc the earliest days th question of color haa been a problem for automobile ma n uf act iiver. Tha automobile aa a manufacturing In dustry in this country Is now about ten years old. paring that time automobile have been painted every conceivable color and tbeee colors have been put In every conceivable oombinaUoo. In the early days cara wera painted entirely black, but as time went by this was rather too sobr for tha public generally and therefore, numerous rotors w re tv-P'oyed. About 1903 a great many cars were produced painted entirely red. Tills proved to be rather too "notsy" for the majority of buyers and then blue, yellow, gray, brown and numerous other colors were tried, all of which have been found less durable than red or black. Today the public generally has come to consider an automoblla as in Us natural garb when It has at least a portion of Its surface covered with red The public haa ceased to consider red a "loud" color on an automobile. Red and black are vastly superior to any ether color which could be used, not only in tha satisfaction given to the owner after the rar ha bei-n pur chased, but they are also much easier colors to handle lu the paint (-hop and first class jobs can be turned out and with less thbor expen;). although red as a color cost more than any other. W. K. VANDERBILT, JR.. HAS CAR WITH UNIQUE LINES The Alco car just received by William K. Vanderbilt. jr.. Is unique for the novel body lines which were designed after Ideas of the owner. The car ts of the toursbout type. Mr. Vandt-rhllt drove a race-About on the sam six-cylinder Alco ehairts laat year, following- the feat of the Alco In twice winning the race for the Vanderbilt cup. With its new body the car has the ap pearance of a racer. Among; the con spicuous features are the rake In the steering column and a considerable tltt of the fenders, which narrow down at the front The seats are built close to the tonneau floor. In place of running boards alone th sides there Is a step close to each rear door. The doors open from back to front The body lines dip Instead of possesslnc the strslght tine effect familiar among motor cars of today. Air la Pklllnnlae leads. Foreign representation for the Alco has been extended to the Philippine Islands, where E. C. McCullough of Manila will handle this product Modern Auto Parts Made to Conform to Their Components In tha early days of the motor car In dustry many factories were merely a rembling plants. Motors, axles, trans missions, bodies, topa. windshields, wheels and almost every other parts of the cars were purchased from part makers and merely put together by the company which gave Its name to the finished car. The great contrast between the car of that day and the 1913 Peerless, for ex ample. Is due largely to the fact that al though the parts In themselves In many cases were excellent they had the serious weakness of having been designed aa sep arate parts without reference to the unity of tha car In which they were finally to be used. In the highest type of modern car every Item la plannled with reference to the other parts of the car aa tha whole. Tha aise and strength of every part la In soma measure determined by tha weight and stse of other parts, and the exterior appearance of each unit la so planned that Its lines and colorings may fit into the whole. To attain that re sult It haa been necessary that more and mora parts should be made In the maker's own factory. THE MOST PERFECT LIGHT TOURING CMI EVER BUILT Best designed and best finished moderate priced Motor Car EQUIPPED B0MAB00TS $550, $900, $950 $1075 PRICE FULLY EQUIPPED $1060 EQUIPPED TOURING CARS $1060, $1250, $1800 Top, Windshield, Prett-o-Llte Tank, Magneto, S Lamps, Coat Rail, Jack and COMPLETE Set of Tools. Built to give and does give better service than any other moderate priced auto mobile, and ia the greatest motor car value ever offered. Visit our show rooms and see our complete line of Buicks. Nebraska Buick Auto Co. 1916 Farnam Street H. E. SIDLES, 6u'l H.r Lincoln. LEE HUFF, Mgr Cmhi. S. C. DOUGLAS, Up., Slovi Cltf Auto - Vulcanizer For Repairing Casings and Inner Tubes ValeaalafMt tfeaCaalafl 2c now Vulcanizes Cuts, Jabs, Tire Punctures ot all kinds. Autolsts make 15-mlnutc repairs by roadside. Thousands oi dollars In time and tires to be saved. No more vexing week-waits for your repairs when you want to use your machine no more tire repair' billsno more abusive tire treatment. All you need to do now is fish out your Auto-Vulcanizer pour in the gasoline fire it up and in 15 min utes your tire is repaired as well as it could be done in any first class garage. The Universal Auto-Vulcanizer is fool-proof. It can't burn, scorch or injure inner tube or casing, ylt can't get out of order. It can't fail to do its duty. You place the patch the Auto-Vulcanizer does the rest. Jabs and cuts play the mischief with tires. They gather grit become distended grow larger end in ruin. All this is saved by the Auto-Vulcanizer, which cloiei the wound quickly, effectively and keeps the eating si good as new. Saves itself a hundred timet tver in trouble and expense. Vtdeaalstef tfea laser Tab 7 . r Price Complete Including Repair Gun, Ready for Instant Use . . 4 Weight 3 lbs. ypMstffllnn 'lt Universal Auto- Vulcan ""U iier it patented under letters patent No. 1022289. Any infringer thereon will be vigorously prosecuted by the manufacturers. fl ff g Bij opportunity. Write or call at once for our liberal proposi tion. Protection absolutely guaranteed. AMERICAN TIRE & RUBBER COe-Distrftutors 1229-1231 Mlcnigan Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. A danger signal! At last the world is beginning to com prehend that excessive weight in a man or an automobile is a sure indication of trou ble ahead. We are selling seventy five thousand new Fords this year because they are lightest, Tightest and wonderfully economical. All Forda are Model T'a all alike except . the bodiea. The two passenger runabout costs 690 the five passenger touring car 160 tha delivery ear $700 the town car $900 f. o. b. Detroit, completely equipped. Get latest catalogue from Ford Motor Company, 1916 Harney St.. Omaha, phone Douglas 4600 or direct from De troit factory. m Co Used on 200,000 Cars This new-type tire the sensation of Tiredom i now far outsells every other tire. Over one million have been tested out, on some 200,000 cars. Some 200,000 separate users have proved them the most economical tire. The present demand which results from these tests is three times larger than one year ago. The 13 -Year Tire No-Rim-Cut tires are the final result of 13 years spent in tire making. In formula and fabric, in ma terials and making, they repre- , sent the ultimate in tires. In our opinion Cased on 13 years' experience tires can never M built much better. The Patent Tire These tires are made so they can't rim-cut. The method of making is controlled by the Goodyear patents. Other devices for making tires of this type have proved unsatisfactory. That is why this flood-like demand for tires that can't rim-cut centers on Goodyear No-Rim-Cut tires. These tires are alto made 10 per cent over th rated site. This Is don to give an over tird car. It means 10 per cent more air 10 per cent add ed carrying capacity. This saves the blow-outs due to overloading. Save 48 Per Cent Statistics show that 23 per cent of ruined old-type tires are rim-cut. This patent tire saves that 23 per cent Experience shows that 10 per ctnt oversize,' under average conditions, adds 25 per cant to the tire mileage. These two features together mean an average saving of 48 per cent Yet No-Rim-Cot tires sow coat no mora than other standard tires. They used to cost one-fifth ex tra. That's why 200,000 users have come to Goodyear tires. OurlSlSTlro Book, based oa 13 yews of Mr saaldn,ifill4 with fact ya shoald know. Ask a to Basil it t yo. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO., Akron, Ohio Tkl OfttKpnar baa M MHtatrttAfi whitt-tr with mnj mthmt rubber snnri mttich um um 0Mdrar mom. OMAHA BRANCH. 2212 FARNAM ST. Tel. Douglas 4190, Belt (jOODYEAR No-Rim-Cut Tires Will ar Without Not-Slu J Tresis THE, Omaha BEES DIREGTORY Of Automobile) and Accessories Nebraska Boick Auto. Company Welsh Cirs tta-u im "oJsTcl Aeyg awL mvtt. sso. OverUni ml Pop Hartford UanBruntAutomobileCo. Oeuta Bliff Xs. Osaka, sT.ee. Anion JOUR MODELS Prices $UW to $1,700. OHIO ELECTRICS : '. Marlon Aato Company. c w. Mcdonald, Mgr. 101-2103 Faraasa Si, JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY Salesroom Cor. Tenth and Howard St. Omaha, Nebraska. FRANKLIN PEERLESS HUDSON GUY L. SMITH 2205-2207 Farnam Street MOTOR CAR . Wallace Antonobile Co. 2203 Farnam Street tOl'JSER Underground Gasoline Systems For private aud public garages. L. R. Gintiksr, - agent. Phoae, Baraey 6573. RENT your vacant house. Why let it remain empty and nom-preducinj? Find a tenant through the "Houses for Rent" column of the Bee. Have you read the Want-ads yet today? 1