THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 4. 1912. DAHLMAN POINTS OUT ERROR y.-aeaivVV- hi i 4 i it u if i f i J H i For Saturday's sale I offer a good coat and pants made to order for $20, cf blue or gray serge, a nice worsted, crash or homespun. These are the ; kind that most people sell at $25 to $30. W1LCON "i!icCarthy-fioo Tailorinf ft OEM bp 51 Refrigerators Wa want jou to Inspect THE BERR1CK. ' Wa known what tbay will do and will ba lad to eiplalB their superior merits. A rnfrtn,rator that maln talas a froeilng temperature will not preserve provlslone, because It cannot bar a dry etrculallon with ; such a low temperature. - THK HKKRICK " ' la ao constructed aa to main tain a Mnatant Drjr cold air circulation. ' Tha kind that pre serves doa not taint gives satisfaction. The Hn-rirk thould recelvs four consideration. . Opaque glass whlta enamal and aprura. Prica f 14.00 d P- Orchard & Wilhcla , Carpet Co. " ""J "The Best Oil f or all fit-tors" Note tha convenience ot tba flat Polarlna can fal loa or faalf-f allpn alia, - ' It flu snugly tnto tha tool box ukaa up practically no , room at all: and It can al ways be refilled from tba larger packages. V Tba flat Polarlna can may coma la bandy, too, for . carry Inf an aura aupply of gasoline alone. That may aava you from getting stalled noma day. Polarlna aieadlly. Always beep with you. I'm it It maana tha and of lubiicau ul troubles. arts Pointers." Post-said aa swaeeet, eajr ageae. . Standard Oil Company, eetaeka T Would Should Ira destroy your home or burglars enter It and enrtv oQ your valuables? It mla-bt ba I&M. f 1.060. H,M or mora tha loaa of Talaabla papers and records perhaps could not ba stated, soma might Barer ba re Paced. not be on the mf etde-br rent trc a Safe Dpott Bos ia nr nn n4 Burglar Proof Vaults today OmahaSafs Deposit Co. Nmt l'e4 r striae ta Taalta. 114 Ftmim street Says Citizens' Union it Deliberately Xisrepreienting' Him. U5I0N USES SEOST. UGLY WORD Sara Dahlasaa Is Attessptlng ta Steal Eleetlea from Theas and that , They Cooldat Steal It They Trie. Mayor James C. Dahlman cites tba ef- forts ot "but business men" of the CHI- sens' Union to discredit him with tba tax payers of Omsba aa "absolutely false and untrustworthy." ana products statistics to prove that In a paid political Adver tisement by tha l'nioa la which tbey as sertsd taxea had Increased JOS per cent there wsa deliberate misrepresentation. Appealing to tha voters the mayor aays the l'nlon waa "Just M per cant wrong." and has by such statamesu been "black- washing" tba city. "I want you to re member." he concludes, "that men who are willing to ruin the good name f Uieir city ta get contnAi of It are tha kind of men who ml leave It ruined when tney get through, with It." Dahlwvaa .,, Errors. Mayor Desmans statemsnt: To the buatnass men of tha CM- " Vhlon slate: 'n srour desperate efforts to discredit "V with the uspsyers of Omaha you SAve been deliberately guilty of thle mls- reprewnistion, puniisned in a paia pout leal advertisement in the Omaha bally News; "Taxes navs Inernesed SIS nee cent since he iLtahlmani became msynr. A work inaman s home vslued at fl.MS. assessed si Wua, called for a rltv tea of ts.M In iw iq in a in 44 - Had you emoloveu a IM a week clerk Instead of your carpetbag codecs profes sor, if you have sot brainsf enough of your oan to have sotten up this state ment, you woui have probso.y avoided the above statemsnt, which shows you to bs, ken per cent wrong In your facts, though not unusual to you during this '-ampslgn In trylns to stats facta gsner ally, and you weald have avoided Ins humiliation of having me. your rival, pub licly call the attention of the taxpayers of Omaha to your incompetence la mir raiwi airaira. Dahlosaa Gives facta. Now these are tha facta, aa Too may find out by Investigation at tba offices of either tha city comptroller or tha city treasurer: In am. the total tas lev la the etty of Omaha waa M mills, and the working man assessed IX on his home, paid lit Ml taxsa. In 1111, tha total tax levy la SU mills, ana the aame worktngtnaa on the ssms assessment la paying til.X Aa en tirely new Items appearing In the 1'U tax levy, and not appearlna In the 1WI tax levy, are t il mills for tha water board, and 1 mills for hydrant rental Judgments, a total of Mil mills abso lutely wiihln control of the water board, and not within control of my adminis tration, and which will not be within control of the Incoming commission. Therefore, eliminating these new and ad ditional Heme for which Mr. Working- man la naylng Hot taxes, yeu will find that he la paying but litis as sgalnst the same Items for which he paid til la It"), or a decrease of II cents. If you desire to lake uo a Quarrel with tha Omaha water board concerning the increased taxes that It has caused, to add to your many present troubles, you have my permission to do so. Hop to It and fight kll you want to about that Hut Insofar aa your etatement con cerns me and my administration. If you are the high-class gentlemen that you claim to ba. you will publicly acknowl- edae that you have beea over JM per cent wrong In this Inst sags. Blaekwaak City's Haass. In this paid ad, aa In others, and In your statements In publle meetings you have asen fit to blackwaeh tha fair name of the etty of Omaha In your reference to tna moral character of my administra tion. In your desperate efforta to lift yourself Into office by your boot at raps My ana answer la you Is this, now that I have proven that your statements whsreln you aseume to toll Ihs truth ars absolutely false and untrustworthy, that tha Intelligent voters of Omaha are just as well Informed, and far less prejudiced inan you are. ana that they are the Jury who will give answsr on Tuesday naxt My one appeal to the voters of Omaha at this tlms Is to remember that men he will publicly misrepresent matters M per cent wrong at one time, will do it again, and to measure up the Cltlsana' union statements accordingly; and to remember that men who are willing to ruin the good name of thslr city to get control of It are the kind of men who will leave It ruined when they get through with It. JAMES C. PAHLMAN. vVarka few Uaosl tiaveruaaeut. Replying to tha mayor's assertion that the Cltlaena' union. In forcing a major ity of tha oounellmen. who were defeated for tha nomination, ta reject hie appoint ments of Judges and clerks of election. tha publicity committee ot tha union comas back with tha counter charge that el actions are not atoten In behalf of good government," which la tha only thing the Cltlsena" union "baa been working for all winter." Evading tha mayors point that tha members of the union could have sub mitted a Uat or else have objected to the ana ha aubmltted when It waa sent to tha council for approval, tha publicity committee says the union learned by accident a new net had been prepared. It la further assarted that the mayor dropped 1 "honest election officials" and put his friends oa tha board Instead, and that "la moat of tha precincts where the Cltfssns unloa candidates raa etrong tha mayor baa removed the entire board. or a majority of It, and haa appointed kls own favorites." Msyer la a Candidate. "Are the ClUsena union candidates snaaaaeid of no rights?" the publicity committee asks "Will the people of Omaha approve tha mayor who endeav ored to deprive them of their right to a square deal at tha voting places? "Here we have the major, himself a candidate, not only refusing to recognise the rights of ssveo candidates, but using none of hta official power ta prevent stealing this election. "The Cltlaena' unloa candidates could not steal the election If they wanted to. because' they do not control tha police department nor tha election boards. The Cusses' unloa candidates, being halt of all the candidates, asks for tha appoint ment of half of tha officials, and that la absolutely their right la all fairness. After lieed .Cavern seeat. "ClUsena of Omaha, for Qod s sake wake up to tha facta. The ClUsena VnKra la aa orgaalsaUoa ot cltlsena. not sol tldans seeking office or favor. ' Tha CIU- seas l'nioa haa beea ea the Job all win ter and spring for you. Why? Ta see that Omaha gets good government.' Members of the publicity committee say the CI rise as l'nioa haa "uncovered the asoat anarchistic plot ever hatched to rape the ballot box while tha mayor la crying -stop. tMefr- They call aa the people te chooee bstwesa tha statements of the reputable, responsible, truthful taea of the Unioa and a 'lot of lying cowards who waat t control the election board and thereby prevent tha people rroan ewcUog mea tbey want. la showing "what election fraud will mean" the committee sere ballots cast for the .ttim l'nioa will ba "stealthily marked" with aa extra cross to Invalidate them, and those not filled out will be marked with a cross after the name of a favorite. "The most sacred thing ta every Amer ican kt the ballot boa." the statement of the pubiiolty rornialttee ears ia conclu, Saturday WilllDe Interesting Alike for On fan t or Debutante To Fittingly Inaugurate Our Newly Equipped Section for Babes, Boys, Misses and ElUaidens Very Special Values Will Be Presented Saturday, May 4th A One Day Extra Special in (lew Spring lleadwear Pick" from 25 dozen Infants' "White Dresses made with care by an expert manufacturer neatly trimmed some in the lot worth $2.25; all at one price, each 98c 6 to 14-year-olden will be fitted with cotton dresses of gingham, percale and fancy wash fabrics this season's product, worth up to $2.00 each, at, each $1-15 Two specials in Cloth Coats, ages 2 to 14 years: LOT 1-Sold at from $5.00 to $7.00; Saturday at, each $2.00 LOT 2 Sold up to $10; Saturday, each $5.00 Colors are various and styles nobby. Just a few Two-piece Suits, ages 10 to 12 years; nary and cadet serge black and white stripe; sold at $15.00; Saturday, each $6.75 Navy Serge Suits for juniors; very special at, each $10.00 Saturday is Shirt Day About 35 dozen Men's Shirts, made from materials usually found only in $1.50 grades; in sizes 14 to 17; will go at 85c each-8 A. M. ( Come early for choice of the neat patterns. 500 pairs of Silk Gloves, elbow length to sell Saturday, starting at 8 A. M. all sizes most colors ; worth $1.00, at 69c a pair. ( Choice of the Chic Alpines, ribbon trimmed hats. Many silk hats and all kinds of straw weaves hats marked to sell as high as $4.00; great val ues, each $1.98 Phenomenal Business in the lew Shoe Section If it continues to grow we will either have to issue chair checks or enlarge the department. Post, of Battle Creek, says: "There's a rea son" for the growth and development of his business. There sure is a reason for the gratifying in crease in 'our latest department. Shoe experts, shoe fitters, careful selection, courteous treat mentwomen know means the ending of foot worries. , riease, pretty please come in the morning if possible. Glad to see you any time but in your own interest you should take time and give time to what is perhaps the most important of all your sartorial duties. Enjoy the blessings of foot ease. New Pumps, new Colonials, new But ton Oxfords for Saturday. Bring the little ones also. $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 a pair for the latest arrivals. Thomas Kilpatrick .& o. aS sloa, "The moat covslsa inin is oorrupi political machines la tha ballot boa. Tha Isaat protected or ail aur aacrsm nBu ia iha ballot boa. Tna muj sw. protection lo tha ballot boi la a board of election officials abeoiuteir nonsst. ana the opposing sides should always ba rap .denied nn each board. If this ware a party electloa each party would, by law, have lta repreeentatlvee on aacn election board. Belna nonpartisan, why anouia not opposing candldataa have that rt(htr Whyl" Burkett Asks for . Affidavits in the Defense of Hyers K. J. Burkett attorney for Sheriff A. A. Hyera of Lincoln, accused of man slaughter for tha death of Roy Blunt. who waa ahot In the convict chase, la la Sarpy county aecurtnf affidavit to be used In dsfsnsa of Hyers and Chief of Police John Brljie of South Omaha, who also faces a manslaughter charge. Mr. Burkett la asking farmers of the county to sign affidavits that they do not believe either Hyera or Brlgga ahot Blunt, and that the prosecution of them la merely a political play against a fac tion headed by Sheriff Grant Chase, Coroner Armstrong and County Attorney Jameson. DISLIKES SIGHT OF LAND. LONGS FOR BRINY DEEP Coming to Omaha to sea friends, aired of the "lumberly" rattle of cars and tha eight of land everywhere, and homesick for the briny deep, William Coughlin made hie appearance Friday at tha naval recruiting station and asked Re cruiting Officer Post to send him bark to one of Uncle Sammy's ahlpa Ha waa re-enllated and will ba given transporta tion to San Francisco today. Coughlin la a coppersmith by trade and for three years waa ao employed oa the U. B. a Dixie, an auxiliary cruiser. He received M a month besides all expenses and upon bin return to the service will earn s?.M, allowed him on re-enlistment -There la nothing that compares with the navy." as Id Coughlin with a far-off expression In hie eyes, "I'm lonesome for It thefe alt Three years- paasea pretty quark on beard a warship and I haven't had my fill of K yet" Coughlin went around tha world with tha Atlantic fleet In Uat. DESPONDENT WOMAN KILLS HERSELF, SWALLOWS ACID Despondent because her lover, whose first name waa Elmer, had forms. en her for another. Ella Landon drank carbolic add with suicidal latent That waa the gist of the coroner's verdict after the Isxruret Miss Landon drank tha poison Tuesday night after having had a pleas ant conversation with Jerry Jensen la her room at xUl Davenport street She entered another room and placing her arrae about Mm. Beatrice Stout drank the poison and exclaimed: "Tell Elmer I nave not forgotten him. yet She died early Wednesday morning at Bt Joeeph'e hospital. Coroner Crosby ts endeavoring to tears the whereabouts of the dead woman's relaUvee. not to have Bucklen'e Arnica Salve ta cure burns, ecaema. boils, sores, ptlea. cuts, bruises, wounds and ulcere. Sc. for sals by Bcatoa Drug Co. SHRINERS ONBURNING SANDS Lut of Delegations Assemble in This City and Depart Weit, TEAVXLDIO OH ELEGANT TEAd Oa Special l.eevlag Over Vntoa Fa- rifle Plana a ad Other lastra sweats Are Placed Aboard ta Enliven Tearlsts. Tha last of the Shtloers who are on their annual pilgrimage have noma and gone and are now on their way to Los Angeles, where tha grand conclave la to ba held. Ona hundred members ot Tan gler temple, traveling on a special train over the Union Pacific, left at 11:10, ac companled by fifty of tha Bhrlnera ot Sioux City, la., and Sioux Falls. 8. D. The represented es of tha two temples from the north came In on tha regular Ira Id on tha Northwestern, occupying two sleepers, arriving at 11 o'clock. Shortly after tha Tangier men. resplend ent In the tea and Jewela of the order, appeared at tha Union station and en trained on tha four sleepers. The train was one of the finest that haa gone out over the Union Pacific, all of tha equipment being new and con sisting of alx aleepers. two diners, a buffet ear, an observation and two bag gage cars. Masle la Prartdrd. One feature of the train la tha music In the observation car there haa been Installed a piano and a Vlctrola, in charge of W. A. Wtlla. Each day and evening oa the trip he will give hourly concerts. Another feature ta tha new a stunt Ar rangementa havs beea completed with Union Pacific headquartera so that at all stopping places a telegraph report wlU be received and posted In the buffet car. This report will consist ot the Important happenlnga la all parte ot tha world. Promptly at U o'clock tha Brat section ot the three special trains hauling tha M members of Medlnah temple of Chi cago came In ever the Northwestern. Five minutes later the second section ar rived and at VtM came tha third and last section. These trains made stops of five minutes at tha L'nlon ataUoa and then over tha Union PacUlc pulled out for tha H. S. STUDENTS LEARN HOW T0MAKE BUTTER A class of alxty-flva commercial geography students of tha Omaha High school Thursday aftaruooa took tha third of a series ef "business tours. The claaa waa first takea through the Fair mont Creamery eompany and shown the process ot butter making and ether fea tures of tba plant after which the M. E. Smith factory waa visited, tha pupils being shown through all the departments there. ROUSE ARRANGES FOR THE STATE TEACHERS' MEETING B. U Roues, principal of Peru Normal school and president ef the Nebraska Teachers' association, ts la the city to ar range for the meeting of the State Teach- era" asaocuvion here ta November. Superintendent E. V. Graff and Victor Parrlah. publicity manager of the Omaha Commercial dub, are working with Mr. Rouse to arrange for the meeting. alldlai Chsriev Rranke. Stll Paroam. frame stae-, fH O. M. Barber, tut. North Twenty-second street, (rama dwelling, Rot . . FEDERAL JURY GIVES VERDICT AGAINST RAILROAD The jury m the ease of Emma M. Ful ler against the Union Pacific Railroad company for $2S.o0d damages for tha death of John C. Fuller while employed aa brakemaa by tha defendant company, haa returned a verdict awarding tha plaintiff ttM. Tha case haa occupied the attention of United Btatee District Judge Morris' court since Monday, going to tha jury at I s) Thursday afternoon. - Tha verdict waa reached at 1:10 o'clock Thursday evening, sealed and reported when court opened this morning. Persistent Advertising Is tha Road td Big Returns. : Ml m in IF YOU were to design your own clothes, with everything just as you wanted, you couldn't come nearer to your clothes ideals than that which you will find in Adler's Collegian Clothes. They embody everything that one expects in clothes fine tailoring beautiful fabrics and correct fit. You can . pay considerably more than Collegian prices but you cannot get more clothes value. All Im mm ers Collegian AT CM1 Lies Step into the store that sells Adler's Collegian Clothes and inspect the new Spring creations. At $15 to $30 they will astonish you. 8old by leading dealera e.sif whcie. David Adler & Sons Clothing Co. MILWAUKEE CHICAGO