THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 4. 1912. .1 - -I If:! -I 1 I : .A : If. X 4 ! 5 ; I r : am. IE ii I f n i s ill Hi Does the Shoulders set precise? How's the Collar? And the I 111 II Just a Whisper About $3 riats If 70a fancy a list at "other 47" In othar words etyl three or four iimdiu old. then doat MB to ra. My tl Stiff. Soft and Cloth Hata ara NEW when - thla NEWS thla NEWSPAPER POLITIC I. nr.RTIle. Dahiman's List of Election Officials Mayor Dahlman says the list of election officials which the council refused to approve was the same with but few exceptions as those appointed for the city primary. 123 officials (out of 320) who served at the city primary were dropped and 135 substituted. WHY? Ia many precincts where the Citixens' Union candidates ran strong at the pri mary, every member of the election board (or a majority) has been dropped and men "satisfactory" to the mayor substituted. WHY? Here ia a complete list of those who were dropped and those who were substi tuted in their places. Note particularly that there were no changes In the Second and Third precincts of the Third Ward. WHY? ruif wiiD. nn8T district. Namee Drop. Ktrntu KutMtttutei Haarr A. B.r am Hau Harry C. Muter J. J. Hniam 0. A. Potaa K a Hitler JCf D TtlBTRITT. Hurla Leoim J. J Kan Harry tUanart J. W. Mttjuaid T. Donahae Kdirard Berry THIRD DISTRICT. William Kino wa w u laa M taenia j. R. ra . i. a. ruj rtwum DiieriiirT Wjlltam I. Murpky Adoipe auitor HjUy Ittbata Jua feliaxh nrra district. ler K Ptraoa KTOXQ (ID. isavard KrrdlJ! BECOND MSTaicr! KfU McMillan, . W. A. Carlamaa THIRD DISTRICT. Jian Xelay Fraak Makeney FOURTH DIHTFtlCT. 3L'TrfOMM. Nat MaCraedy rirTH DISTRICT. NO CIlA.NUta. THIRD WARD. ritUSJ DISTRICT. fTaaUi' unit HiuaBarey SECOND DISTRICT. HQ CHA.NGUI THIRD W.TTRICT. KO CHANliii& FOfRTH DISTRICT. Den T. Outer. Jerry Falvay C. H.Kubat 1. tx Voi4 KlFTH DI1TRICT. Thoenaa Mciltyna OmmiBrdai Oeort C. Clark La Caaar oi B T M w tan. FIRaT pI-TRICT, J H. TtopltiM rrank Carttnae G. A. riuenca Wu,iaa AaaVraoa BT-OXD DISTRICT. Amoa Thoeuaa A. H V'luw4r J O. Voo mri w. Roaatae Mr X Maiifca U. W. Wallr r. B. Ouitac L A. (icbgudt THIRU DUfTIKT T. J. Mvllaa tnv KHm Oeorg. . Haywar4Thmiar H iW H. t. HaraM f T. Brwlutort Orwa I'avkMai Juaa Herrtjey FWHTH Disn-RICT. Tbam Huaar Rvbar ''.rM JL T. IUaUtleta O. A. Fiuraid FIFTH DlfrTW-T Hearard Crany H. Jmtne M. k Kniuma R. r. n-Mte K. K. fetularaauit Gwiraw W Y C i Caxru., 4. . carKNi rtrrai wtia . fulot Diirrmi t C. X Rha Isr 4ailaa Joa M irvtty Joaatie) Baaime M. X. K- r4 Hmry aUiaaaMa Jum Urannar. jr. SBCOSD DISTRICT . a. eeawanck Juna Jl O. F. Puraaa kttiM i toaie Caw A ii. Wlaawa Published Back hang right? Do the Lapels? All Fine! Eh? Great! Certainly It's a Geo. Brooks Suit. A good piece of goods and careful make up isn't ALL. FIT counts TOO. If I were not particular . (my talesmen say cranky) about FITTING UP the clothes yon buy of me, yon would lose confidence, and my finely planted corner stone of busi ness success would grow wobbly. Try me out friend; I am serious about this. And "George" has a modest price rang 5-1500 $20 25 When yoa ask: "Brooks, what's yoar VERY niftiest?" I answer: "Socitty Brands." Wear 'em this spring. Comer Sixteenth and POLITICAL ADVr BTIMHO. THIRD DISTRICT. ( ctancaa ) FOfRTM niirr rrr KaMa Dreea Nantae anbetltttMd. A. Lawlrr Jajnae alia E. (1. oiann p. H. Garner A. R, Mania O. a Hoeaue FIFTH DIRTRICT. Oaorfa Mrrwrmott Julia Bhran Cnarlea Barbar Jaaiaa Cellaa Ja aV kakie U. retere SIXTH DISTRICT. J. H. Oailarlw Frana Mrlaarr . Otto C tk-karna T. J. Larall r. E. Matkaaa F. H. Jaaikar ailTM WARD. FIRST DISTRICT. N elkoea SECOKD DiaTRICT. R. O. hnn a. at. Kaplaa k, C Nlcbule Ay Jeaaaa THIRD DISTRICT. 1. K. Vuumr Jautae SUa FOI RTH DUTRiCT. W, H. Ckadwlta N. M. K"brton O B. Joaae Fred Sierier W. O. Hmtnaaa Daa Kiaaer J. M. Ktanay Joea Killlaa FIFTH DISTRICT. U caaaaea.) BBIC!TM WARD. FIRST DISTRICT FH. Wetaebl P J. MrFaddea Chartae U Thomaeleana Hues BBCOND DISTRICT. Bwf aln h J. McArXI Anour Madaaark Oaai a F. Bknaaa THIRD DISTRICT. K. A. Jafcaa.a F. C Bird FOURTH DISTRICT. D. B. Traill A. J. Sewt U J, Bterkaa Truman Jaakaoa wtrxir n. strict Howard S. Miller Jukn Greener C. i C tl Walaa EIGHTH WARD. - STMT DISTRICT. ckanneAuauat Herman SECOND DISTRICT C. H. C!ir J. P. McAndrkw Arthur Roarnblam C. K. Aull Andrew J Hull William Cannae ca. U. Wkiunor Frank O Nettt THIRD DISTRiv.. M U "amt w. E. Klna A. H Wlly W. O. Blevera J. OMulllvaa Vtrtor Hamaherg . FOURTH DISTRICT. V. H. Paul w. H. Hanaaatt Andrew 8mitk Joa Cotfnr U B. Huclwa D. B. Har(rnl &. H. Wbltaker un Tayler T. W. Turner Jno. MeDantt lajTM WABBV FIRST DISTRICT. San Rneenkerg Frank Breama M. J. irtnaee, Chi SECOND DISTRICT. B. C StMe rawal Horriaaa Prod O. Wllte plarry Mark Frad Keek fcdw. 8. Lweana aV S. DnaceU Paul THIRD DISTRICT. A. J. Thadrll T J. Cramn C K. Maua . Art Srararder FOURTH DISTRICT. H. F. Koatcomery M.rhaH Paatnaar Jo. O. Dacellrr 1. W. lircja(t by the Citizens Union Harney Sts. DRS.MACH &MACH o BAILEY & MACH Esprt eirlrry t modern ark til work la chart f ea part Only eternised tnetru uou ueed. I'srnelsl filling Just like tut teth. MM mod emlv nu1ppd offlr tn Omnha rmims rbooa. paxtobt iiooi Gone lath ad ruua at. POLITICAL APVKaTHHQ. FIFTH DISTRICT. Kamae Drepeed. Haiti Babatltutad. H. U Carry Cha. Eaatala Eraaat SunaMaa It. H. Dotty Chaa Flannary J. V. Undtay O. N. Parmanier Ja. A. Frke T. J. O . Chaa Back TajTH WARD, FIRST DISTRICT. H. M. Radatara S. C, Rofef. SECOND DISTRICT. Je Loral y Foetar Burckard THIRD DISTRICT. Wev Lynok Tony Caatunso al F. Feeaaa W. k McDonald FOVBTH DISTRICT. Qae, Ooae Jna. Jaydaa Ja. Tina J. i. 1 FIFTH DISTRICT. (NO CHANGES.) KLaVKHTH WAR. FIRST DISTRICT. J. F. Ctellan i- R Jehaaa Oaore rrtee Albart Cknatanaoa AJtwrt Smith Oa. Hlieoa f. I. Paroatt Harray PalFaqntat Hue Theaakerdt Harry Ovaiataaa EkXOND DUTRICT. Rowland Tborp R. M. Therp R. C Hoaaaa Chaa Nekna THIRD DlSTaUCT. J. R. Snyder Chea Baaan Geo Wrldatfl4 Jna Mrt affray Oo Antnaa Ja. Hanaett FOURTH DISTRICT. M. P. Reerle Jae Karkeat FIFTH DISTRICT. J H. Ckreenter Wm Falkner. W. J. eiurseon Chaa. Falkner TWKLFTM WARD. FIRST DISTRICT. r Sbtrnqutat Cnae Betanta J. RKuppla Carl Wolfe SBCOKD DISTRICT. Chaa Relanc Cuae. A. Adam J. A. Maeumber Joe. A. Pauaoa THIRD DISTRICT. R. T. PVan R. K. Jaaoeea C. E. C norland F K I aaad Krll Haae FOURTH DISTRICT. W. K. Zerfoaa Edward Kaatwar . P. Rldmaa F.lm irtnfe.i S. A. Blanrhard C. Wolf FIFTH DISTRICT. ' NO CHANGES. SIXTH DISTRICT.' kewttDeaakw R. . TVtoe H. W. Wnkad c K Kepua 8SVEJTTH DISTRICT. Vyjmmm w Rrroeida J. M. Carter J. J. Teuaa DOrrm DIST1UCT. Bernard Huaw GeamKi Find Boeinaaa Fred LaBrv SIXTH DISTRICT. C. W. Lear Clet Donn Bart A. Kaner Leukl Nlaaa Alfrad Hark J. X Wliarlaa , Xneat Stabl These Exceptional SOLID OAK UTCHEI CABINET Made of solid oak with high eaaitary baa flour bin, brmd or cake box, knife and fork drawer, spice cabinet. Beat board, place for yoar dJa and other uaeful and labor sarinf device; a special raise at . . Ib4 New Model Sewing Machine All new Improvement, nolteleat bait bearing, guaranteed for tea year complete with all attachment and aceeooorloa; aolld oak cue, beenli fully polished with high ai mm arm. $11.00 Talae;epe- A h. clal at V)VI 1414-16-18 Douglas St. CITIZENS' UNION CRAWFISHES Backs Dowa n the Iuu it Made oa the Chief of Felice. ' ETDES STATES HIS POSHIQI C l. Caadldatee Switch ta the Very Peadtaaa Aaaaaaad hr rdr aad toe Whtrh He Wna Takea Oft the Slat. On of the hot took of a hot political campaign which at reotlvtaa atteauaa at all the atreet earner eaaemee at lh and dea ewltch and hack-dnwa ef th Cirt enr union refnnner on th question of oiutlnc Chief of Police Donahae. Original ly the threat waa vailed la the autement el (enaraUttea, pronaahis to reorganise the police department, but It wna anderatMd and greea eut ay the eewapaper spokesman of the Cltlaenr nalea that Jaha X Ryder waa forced off th slate after the primary beraun be refused to subscribe to a pledge to dis miss Chasf Doaahoa auomseruy en the erldear In the ouster sast watch the su preme cull had Jaat held a mat sutfl etent ta eeadeena hiss. Rydar'a refusal to make thla promise we aueltcTy uvea a th encase far th Citlsens antaa withdrawal of Ha en donament. the impreaeloa ceanwyed heUuj (hat their orialiasl endarseea had aaTead t that aroaraav Whea Mayor Dahbaaa pet the atieetioa straight St them, boer eer, the candkiatca crawfished la a eigaed eeslaenaBt. that thenr praanhad ra- oraanlsatlea of the pakce depaiuiaat weald not toach Chief DBoabae oa any past charges, although not aaytng aba waa to a dwapitafit ta th reorgeklw. tlaa. Fats Seal Sea AU. Ryder still stand oa his poeitioa that rary naa la entitled to a lair Dial. 1 has received ssvaral tat thkt raaiaalga.- sard Jaha readldsta fur r nraaieHnarr. "a one of then, beglnamg with that frera the Ctttasn anion, cam to ma without ne etagl parda or ptee. the atoat flartaraag hades eonieat of my pseltlen ha ceo from the gentta mea caropoatns the Clusena anloa tk-ket. "What ole lean caisea . b geveraed eihtence Ilia utd to htm b? h war ta stt a a Judge? Fox a cerUfkata ef lec tion 1 would aaa gle ta aay man. or group at seen, a promise as set poattreely for or against evea a tramp atthowt hearing whatever evidence might he available ia hi ae Chief as more ta m thaa th mi aa th palace lone a mare thaa a pausing acojuatataaea; be tact, but if It ware hw ten ne be tsdacd wlthoat trial today, a weald he th turn of soma ether raua tornorroer; and who that men might be a ana rauhf taO. "In my letter of withdrawal from the Clusana anloa ticket 1 told them that abeorut fr. Intern, aa near as 1 can figure it out. is my rase. Ta that assertion I her whea I am alerted, a t aspect te b. With as that anil mean a a par cent fair deal t every cttlaea aaraooa alert In : net per aad only X I cant of a fair deal ta earn i par cent of a Bur deal ta but eeea-haades uaJty. fellaw th Srat doat ef Dr. K trufe New Ufa PHI. strengthen yoa. Guarantaed. sale hp Baatoa, Drug Co. . Sc. Fur Credit ftm J J fir rV People f f Eterv. W I & VIM. TV mi 1 1 , h x v Bin Let S -JSS Cata' Hartman TIrS lL 'l tr r Solid Oak This is an extra large dresser and made throughout of solid oak. Has three large, roomy drawers with Colonial brass pulls, French plate mirror set in dur able, attractive standards. Careful buyers will recognize and appreciate this value. A fortunate deal with the manufacturers makes possible f P QC this offer. Price i)0i33 If! w Fourth Infantrymen Are Ordered to Hike Compaalea S, F and Q of th Fourth Infantry ar ordered to Join troop from Fart Sneillng, Pert Sheridan aad Fort Whyna. DetraM, Mien., at Dabiaro. Is., and march over land to Sparta. Wla. The da to set for emharkment for Dubuque June 1 Thee orders were received from the War department through the commanding officer ef the western division st Chicago thla morning and explain the purpose of th men to test out new equipment, new drill and Bring refutations. The plan ha been a tentative one with the genera! staff for some time. Each company la to be of full war strength, consisting of IS men and equipped as If In actual seme. The ofleara at th campaate ear eot yet BesMee Companie & P aad O of the Fourth infantry. CanasanSea A. B and C of ta Twenty-eighth from Fart SnalUng; Com pa nam I. K. L and M of th Twenty arrant from Fort Sheridan, and Com pany H ef th Twenry-atnth from Fort War a will ceipose the rrwep detailed ta Sparta. Tba headaintaii aad the band for the i eel meal wtH be deslgaatad Inter. The oCfleer ef the rampante will be deeig aataat br the eemmaridliig at fleer ef their rmpaatrra rwglmennk Permste la . cent. Ad dsalsrs flMS Toilet Articles at Greatly Reduced Prices!! Our Toilet Gooda Department is the most completely stocked department in the West Toilet Soaps, Waters, Powders, Creams, Perfumes and Extracts of both do mestic and foreign manufacture, at prices that compel ua to carry a large stock. 1 5c Packer' Tar Soaa tor 14 BexaM Violet Taieaai 15 IS LrenB Toot Powder 14t lc WH Hauls or Colgate' Shaving- soap, cake 5 11.69 New England Toilet Water r 75 DonjLhy Veraoa Toilet Water 2d 50 75 1 25 Babeock a Cory k paw Takara for 15 Hoablcaat'a Ideal Sztraet ar Toilet Water 5425 Pazta Feat Powdar. the lataat aad beat Z5 Se Cueumber, Ben tola aad Almoad LsKioo 39 25c Tlk Btt Shaatpoo 14 God eta' Freacb. Petfumea, per bottle Cats LaRoaa Jaca Extract, per bottle ..$2.50 Retail Hair Sbampoe. per bottle 25t Retail Cold Cream. lb. S.V: 1 ilk 50 Will Lowe Imocene Toilet Water . : 75 Rlsao.d e Vary Garden Perfume, per oa. . .$2 00 Morraoa'a Triple Extract YUnff-Ynvig. wVite Roee. Ulr of the Valley, etc. per ox. 29e Pocy Gardes Extract, eosceatrated. In tinj bot tle 23e ?5e Speannlnt Tooth Powder lor 14 Retail Tooth Paste jg Ptrert La Trefle and Azure Extract, per ex. 75 Gray hair reatoreel to Ra atnral color with PARR'S Gray Hair Beatai ee. Special demo naU-al Ion at ear ICth aad Dodge Street Store. THE HEXALL Furniture Bargains Save Money By Baying at Hartmans Dresser Hailroad Refuses to Let Other Lines Use Its Spur Track laui ntmonaa. bead ef th Omaha Caa kat company, haa started aa actum la the district court to compel the Missouri Padfie railroad to penult other roads ta us a Mlaaourl FadPe apur track to th casket eoaapany e wvt'na Formerly the ra rod switched care 7t an roads to the factory, crtargliig a switching fee ef or V- Thla hroaejht the company into direct ecennvualrarton with all eactlon of La country. Recantly the Missouri Pacific adopted a nua against switching on rpura for other rail road aad the meal official of the rall hae refused to hanJVi any cert of for eiga road n the spur. ANTIQUITIES SHOWN TO THE STATE TEACHERS An exhibit of Grecian ties and pictures which will be used In the State History Teacher' a aortal lee aprhar ateetlng Is epea at the Omaha High echo. Mlea Easea Maekln of th school faculty arranged the affair, which waa opea te Inaperitnn by the eta denu all dev. A assail tea Jug. aeverat curved araa aad a least statuette of ta aaelant Oraak weaiaa are the feature at the exhieet. Saeeral Hcturee aad Mm tings ef Atheaa la th early canturlaa ar also included. WATCH FOR TUB OTSSU nra OF OCR 5B VT DOWNSTAIRS SODA BOOM at the OWL DRCO STORK lth and Haraey Sts. STORES 1 Co-Cart Special A one-motion folding go-cart, made entirely of fine quality ateel, large wbeelt with euahton tires, adjustable back and dun, large eat and hood, extra roomy and very light PoaiUvely a mn p splendid Talne at the itJ J Whits Enameled Refrigerator Has hardwood case, white enam eled lined and filled throughout with mineral wool. Trimmings are of solid brass, built on the cold dry air principle with fir fir large, roomy Ice compart- SM M K meat, wonderful value WW I WW 1414-16-18 Douglas St. (Johnson Fined for Selling Bad Milk For sell an (termed milk. C. P. John eon, a dairyman living near the elty limits, waa fined Hut and costs In po lice court yesterday. Thla la the first conviction under the milk ordinance this year. CITIZENS' UNION GIVES CHANGES ON THE BOARDS Tea CltlatuuV union publishes a state meat today calling Mayor Dahlman ' task for chnngtng th nam of Judges and clerks of the election. The union ssvt IB) changes war made, and la aisled be cause it found that ia the second and third precincts' of the Third ward ther were no chaage. In addition as th name of those drop p id from the Mat ta union publishes the men appointed aa lubsU- FORMER CHIEF OF STAFF IS VISITING OMAHA FRIENDS Colonel W. F. .Bum ham. former chief at the Departmewt of the Mlaaourl. ar rived here Thursday and la etnppmg t the Loyal until Monday. He ha been granted a leave of absence for two months aad Is her visiting friend Colonel Buruhaos has been advanced from th rank ef major alnc he left hat last Cuikura Soap 20 Woodbury's Facial Soap, per cake ., 17 Sue Shah e Persia Soap for -19 Wait Croaa Cold Cream ..10 25 s 50 Violet Daloe Cold Cream, tube -251 tie PonoTa Extract Coed Creaia. SATOU3AT 14 60c Java Rica Powder, imported, (or , S44 Bis Jar Ujdrox PaPoxMa Creajo . 25t te Malvtaa Craaa for 2St t eakea Wool Soap, eakea Ivory aoap for 5 (Oc Ingram's Milkweed Cream. SATURDAY 29r Jap Rose or Peroxide Bath Soap, per cake ..7 10c Viola Cream. Eaturday 19 loe bottle Bay Ram. SATURDAY 25 Violet Ammonia 15a aad 25 Roger a Gal let a Violet or Draou Ply Toilet feoap, per cake ojci ll.M PI rased s Lilac Veeetai. SATURDAY . .aqI Man ten re Sreeor, doxen diflereat ttyU, SAT URDAY for eQt Preach Tot la Cbamoia ja tSe bot Peroxide of Hydrocea, SATURDAY.. . 7 Celgata'a Viol, Caahaer Boaeaer, DactylU TsT- 15 MOTHS Protect your winter garments from these little peats bv patting them ia Purine Metb Saga, Business suit sis go Overcoat sis eoe Clstar ataa ys Re rd '- , mrwaeT a sam oo leva aad nfti on sitrs ooatrajri. oeraer lath aa nmnm' mtm. torax, rwABiaCT. aWyal aotaL AaVTAMM PSwAajgACT. Caras stb aad Taraaaa la. i