Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1912, Page 5, Image 5

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Chunks of Greenland's Icy Moun
tains Drift Southward.
Frevmatlo.s of C.ref.l Karlaators
When Fog ud Darkieu E
vrlepe th gea ti.ldlaa
5 '
Out of the
If we paid the enormous rent of other furniture
stores in Omaha, we oould never in the world sell goods
at such low prices. Our location is out of the high
rent district, and while only 60 feet from 16th street
(which means but a step for you) we aVe able to make
prices that are absolutely impossible with other stores.
Make your own terms of payment A little down
what you can spare and the balance as you earn
the monev.
Extra large site.
long by 30
Here's a marvelous
value a sample of
How Ruble's cut the
srlcee. This haadsome
Mission library Table
Ik made of solid oak. Is
4? Inches long and 30
Inches wide.
lapsible Carts,
with hood, half
Inch rub.n f t
bertiresC? Qfl
Special. WJlJU
Rubber tires,
Toe Iibiii White
Woutala Befrig'erator
ine oiggeet value in
Dmaha; good else, two
food compartn.vnte, su
perior make; cold dry
llr. odorless. wonder
fully economical, solid
SI srs.... $18,75
Made of solid osk. S-ft
lenrtrl. hesvvrtaw feet.
Special this week at,
ma I1H fl-afc Stl W.M.Iil.
Other specials at 14.TS, S1B.7S
and !.
(Continued from Page One.)
ston of Washington, It. C. began read
ing the episcopal address, that being the
order of the day. The episcopal address
Is a document modeled somewhat after
the order of the president's message to
congress. It to supposed to embody a re
view of the church for the last four years,
with comments upon the success or fail
ure of the denomination In Its various
fields. It Is also within the province of
the document to propose needed legisla
tion, or at least point out the direction
the general conference should take In
dealing with the problems of the denomi
nation. It Is prepared by one member
of the beard of bishops, the others being
consulted regarding Its various Items.
Bishop Cranston prepared the address
this year and. as he Is master of strong,
lurid English, the document, mechanic
ally, is of h'gh order and exhibits beau
tiful literary polish. The address, though
lengthy. Is listened to with closest at
tention, but Us propositions are not al
ways carried out. Thta. too, is in Imita
tion ot the American congress.
The tone of the episcopal address, as
read by Bishop Cranston, was distinctly
reactionary. He arraigned in severest
terms those of the church, especially
those occupying official positions, who
had been criticising the present pi an of
Methodism and bad been suggesting radi
cal readjustments. Vsny In the audience
felt this was aimed at the discussion
being carried on so widely in the church
with reference to districting the bishops.
He suggested that tt was In poor lasts
for a church organ, an exponent of th
denomination, or a church official, to In
dulge In caustic criticism of various fea
tures of the church machinery, out be
fore the world. He contended that If
these marten must be discussed at a! discussed In the privacy of ths
family council that Is, at general confer
ence. Itlwrraat Plaa OaoaleareBi.
Th most reactionary language of th
part of the address read thia morning,
related to the appointing of pastors to
churches. The bishop spoke la terms of
strongest denunciation of the practlos of
pastors and by that process breaking op
the itinerant plan. Ia recent years there
Is do doubt thst many ehnrehes and many
.pastors bars fn -conference agreements
pa, waiu. KLJEi-JEi.i -.: I
Top 48 Inches
Inches wide.
' GO-CARTS rli
One-Motion Col
Splendid val-AjkTr
ue, solid J)
French bevel QQ
mirror, only. .
Terms SI Cash, 1
Other Dresners on
ale this week at
S8.75. SI 1.60, I14.TS
ind 4.Ts.
9x12 Brussels Rugs
A special for this
week only, aziz-rt.
Ruga. Brussels, new
m 1 1 jma K nM-t . I at
T.i.i. SI nO flAall BT1 SSiMltHlV.
Tor tl.00 Cash, tl Monthly.
others on sale at tla-To, 1S.TS M
sod essao.
and that In such lnstsnces ths pastor Is
not appointed at all, but hired by the
local church. In earlier days In Meth
odism no minister knew where he was
going until the close of the conference
session when the bishop read the sppolnt
menta. Bishop Cranston's conclusion wss
that there must ba a more complete ad
herence to the Itinerant plan, with the
appointing power In the hands of the
bishop, or there must be a legal modifi
cation of the plan by tbe general con
ference. As the practice the episcopal address
denounced has been a long while grow
ing and Is looked upon by the laity In
many quarters as perfectly Just and
proper. It Is hardly likely that It will
be discontinued. Many have the feeling
that while ths tttnersnt plan with ab
solute appointing power In ths hands of
the bishops, suited very well the early
days of the nation and of Methodism,
the times are demanding some modifica
tion of the original method of appointing
ministers to churches, with laymen en
tering mora largely into the councils of
the church snd taking greater part in
its activities. It Is not to b wundered
at that they desire to have something to
say as to who shall serve them sa pas
tors. E. H.
TRENTOJf. N. J . May t -Governor
Wood row Wilson of New Jersey, who Is
confined to his home In Princeton suf
fering from a cold, was reported better
today. He has. however, cancelled his
engagement to address the New Jersey
Bankers association In Atlantic City to
night. The governor's ailment Is In the nature
of Influence. Members of his family say
they expected him to be out in a day or
two and ridicule the report that he is
suffering from a physical breakdown.
Governor Wilson baa bo Immediate
speaking engagements.
BROOKINGS. 8. D.. May t Five Inches
of rainfall In four hours formed a lake
three miles wide Just outside of this city
tods. AH bottom lands of th Sioux
river are flooded and much damage done
to early sown grains. The rainfall Is
'tae, heaviest fa retard, tea ,
, -rir
Until within s comparatively recent
period it had been pre urn ed that the
Icebergs that Infested the Atlantic dur
ing the spring and early summer mouths
had broken off from the border of the
great arctic Ice fields This, a ceo nil ag
io the light of later reseercn. is an er
roneous theory. Th iceberg that drifted
directly In the path of the Titanic. It la
almost certain, was a small fragment of
a huge glacier tbat years sgo had dis
engaged itself from the interior ice cap
of western Greenland, sliding with Irre
sistible and devastating momentum
toward the coast snd finally plunging
Into the deep sea.
It ia when the edge of such a huge
glacier reachea a steep coast that from
time to time fragments are broken oif
by their own weight, caught up by the
ocean currents and carried off.
The else of these fragments varies
greatly, but according to ths reports of
the hydrographlc oftice an Iceberg from
sixty to lie feet to the top of Its walls,
with pinnacles and spires reaching from
2W to 3M feet In height, are not unusual
in the arctic sea. These measurements
apply only to (he mass of ice above the
surface of the water. It would be futile
to seek to render an estimate of th-
depth of an Iceberg below the surface of
the sea, because this depth vanes with
the weight of that, part which is above
water. A few years ago an iceberg which
had a pinnacle of about 100 feet In height
did not ground until It reached sixteen
fathoms of water In th Bells isle sLrsita
near St. Johns, N. F.
Carried Sooth by Labrador Carreat.
Thousanda of such fragments drop oft
every year. As they reach the water
they are caught up by ths polar currents.
N'ansen, during his expedition with the
Fram; Amundsen, during the arctic trip
lie undertook In 1901, and the duke of
Orleans In 1905, made a study of polar
sea physics. The course of th currajtts
Is pretty well known from the published
result of their observations.
Along the northern part of ths west
Greenland mast, where most of ths lc.
bergs are created, there Is a current set
ting off shore snd toward the pole. This
current carries the Icebergs some dis
tance northward, until a Junction Is made
with what Is known ss the Labrador
current. This seta In a due southerly
direction along the coast of Bafflna Land
and Labrador. While at times It ceases
entirely, snd while Its speed varies
greatly, being greatest near ths coast
after winds from ths northward. It has
been estimated by scientists that usually
an Iceberg Is carried south by thia cur
rent at a rate of from ten to thirty miles
in twenty-four hours.
It Is not by any means smooth sailing.
All along the Labrador eoast are rugged
promontories and numberless Islands and
cliffs surrounded by reefs and shallow
water. Some of the Icebergs are crushed
against the rock bound coast, others are
caught In the deep fiords of Greenland
before they reach th open sea at all.
Others again ground in the shallow waters
along portions of th coast, until only a
small percentage of a year's output of
Icebergs ever reaches far enough south to
bring misfortune to transatlantic ship
ping. According to Ihe reports Issued by the
hydrographlc office at Washington, th
Ice In such bergs Is of extraordinary
brittleness. There Is authentic Informa
tion showing that a blow with an axe,
the concussion of a gunshot, the heavy
blast of a steamship whistle has had
the effect of splitting a hug mountain
of drifting Ice. They are more readily
broken In warm weather. On the coast
of Labrador, during ths short summer
that prevails there, when It Is packed
with Icebergs, there Is a constant and
almost deafening crash as Icebergs col.
Ispse In collision with the coast or with
other bergs.
Rest to f.lve These a Wide Berth.
"They assume the greatest variety of
shapes, from those approximating to
some regular geometrlo figure to others
orowned with spires, domes, minarets end
peaks, while others still are pierced by
deep Indentations or caves " says the
report of the hydrogrspiiar orfire. "Small
cataracts precipitate themselves from th
large bergs, while from many icicles hsng
in clusters from every projecting ledge
They frequently have outlying spurs un
der water, which are as dangerous ss sny
other sunken reefs. For this reason It
is advisable for vessels to give them a
wide berth, for there are a number of
cases on record where vessels wer seri
ously damaged by sinking when appar
ently clear of the berg.
"Among these Is that of th British
stesmship Kessmore. which ran Into a
berg in latitude 41 degrees 69 minutes
north, longitude i! degrees west, and
stove in its bows. On docking It a long
core was found extending from abreast
IU forerlgglng all of the way aft. Just
above Its keel. Four frames were broken
and the plates were almost cut through.
The ship evidently struck a projecting
spur after ita helm had been put over,
as there waa clear water between It and
the berg after the first collision.
"It Is generally best for vessels to go
to windward of them, because the dis
integrated fragments will have a ten
dency to drift to leeward, while open
water will be found to windward. Seri
ous Injury has occurred to vessels
through the breaking up or capsizing of
iceborga. Often the bergs are so nicely
balanced that the slightest melting of
their surfsces causes a shifting of the
center of gravity and a consequent turn
ing over of the mass Into a new position.
and this overturning also frequently takes
place when bergs, drifting with the cur
rent in a state of delicate equilibrium
touch the ocean bottom."
In a report Issued by the hydrographlc
office In April, IMS, the following signs
are enumerated, as Indicating the prox
imity of Ice:
Maes to (.aide tbe avlaar.
"Before the Ice is seen from the deck
tbe Ice blink' will often Indicate its
presence This la readily understood
when It ia known that It Is caused by
th reflection "of the rays of light from
th sua or moon- On a clear day over
the ice on tbe horizon the aky win be
much paler or lighter In color, and Is
easily distinguishable from that overhead.
that a sharp lookout should be had
and changes In the color of the sky noted.
On a clear day Icebergs can be aeea
at a great dlrtanee, owing to their bright
ness, snd st night owing to their effulg
ence. During fogry weather they are
seen through the fog by their apparent
Meekness, if such a term can be apptled.
Th.y !.q faujJia.rlslnrlanVjMr t .
Can I make sure of being well dressed?
Perhaps you are one of those men who
have tried to answer this queition satis
factorily by paying big prices. If there
were no other way, then you would be
justified, but suppose you ask us to show you the
the real answer. It matters not to us whether it's a
$10 or $40 suit or top coat you want, we say we
guarantee absolute satisfaction at whatever price
you pay, and our interest in you docs not stop there.
We want to keep in touch with you during the life
of every purchase, for our guarantee must last to
the end. We are the only clothiers in the city
whom the manufacturers of the celebrated Kuppen
heimer, Schloss Bros., Stein-Bloch and "L" System
clothes will allow to handle their lines. (There's a
a Reason). The range of fabrics and patterns in
either line is comprehensive in the extreme.
from ths steam whistle or fog horn. This
should be remembered, since by noting
the time between ths blast of tbe whistle
and the reflected sound the distance of
the object In feet may be spproxlmalely
found by multiplying with 660.
"The presence of Icebergs Is often made
known by th noise of their breaking up
and falling to pieces. Ths cracking of
the Ice or ths falling of the pieces Into
the sea make a nols like breakers or a
distant discharge of guns, which may
often be heard st short distance.
'The sbsenrs of swell or wave motion
In a fresh breeze la a sign that there is
les or land on th weather side.
Ths appearance of herds of seals or
flocks of birds far from land la an Indi
cation of th proximity of Ice,
"Th temperature of the sir falls as
Ire la approached, especially on the lee
ward side; but generally only at an In
considerable distance from it. The fall
o( the temperature of (he sea water Is
sometimes a sign of proximity of Ice. al
though In regions where there Is sn Inter
mixture of cold snd warm currents going
on, ss at the Junction of ths Ijihrador
current and th gulf stream, the tempera
ture of the sea has been known to rise
as the Ice approached. If a berg ba
grounded water flowing past It will ba
lowered in temperature, and thus glv an
indication of Its presence. Chsnga of
temperature may therefore serve as s
warning and frequent observations both
of the temperature of the air and the sea
should be taken snd considered. "vN'ew
fork Times.
American Israelite
Pays Tribute to the
Late Samuel Katz
The American Israelite, publtuhed at
Cincinnati, contain an axlended obituary
of the late Samuel Kats of Omaha, after
reciting his life history, concluding aa
Most men are satisfied with material
success, to achieve a competence to leave
their families In affluence is their ruling
liasston. iuly to their fellow men la
either neglected or la given small con
sideration. What shall he said of a man
who aet his standard of success, not by
his accumulations, but by his efforts fnr
humanity, who achieved In the brief
space of fifty-eight years distinction as a
man of affairs and aa a friend of hu
manity ? Samuel Kati ita such a man.
self-made and self-reliant; a maxier
builder of his own achievements. 1.1 fe
presented to him the .problems of duty. (
lie was always ready to respond to tne I
welfare of others; bis answer when
conscience summoned him was, bTu ,
am I.
To him came many responsibilities, and
his traits can beat be determined by bis '
activities, which were all directed to the ,
betterment of his fellow men and the
alleviation of suffering and distress.
Theae dutlea were self imposed, and he '
entered into them with earnestness and ,
enthusiasm. He never relented until J
success crowned his efforts. Hla mag
netism waa Infectious. It stimulated '.
those who were aJMtoclated with huu, an ,
optimist, nothing discouraged him, snd
his aeal, good fellowship and genii J
humor smoothed the way when the path
loomed dark and forbidding. In his
tdeaia. In his sympathies. In hla firm
ness of character, .Samuel Kats was In- ,
deed a true man even more, a great man.
Marriaare z.lee.eea.
Permlta to wed have been granted to
tne following -ouplea:
Name and Address.
Frank l. I'asan. Omaha
Ruth Thompson. Omana
Anton Kopecky. South Omaha....
Mary Suthy, Omaha
... a
... K
... :t
... -
George Dudzik, South Omaha
Agata Bak. South Omaha
Harry Ferrel. ;lenvood. la
fc,ffle Kline. Thurman. la
James M. Thomas. Atlanta. Oa...
fevetine G. Long. OouLf
Samuel A. Alkire. South Omaha..
Merle Biackner. Omaha
Birth aaa Beslka
Births-Fd and Jeanette May. 3639 Lin
coln boulevard, girl: Clyde and Emma
Smith, tM South Twenty-fourth street,
boy; William and Mary Schramm.. Forty
fourth and Jackson streets, boy; F. K.
and Cora Mudgett. OAS Miami street, girl;
Otto and fcmma Kellke. ju oak street.
bo . Tooy and J.'nnte Hansen. li& South
Twenty-ninth street, boy; John snd
Maud Haumann. tZA touth Twt ( !,
street, girl; Patrs-k N. and fcdith
2819 Dupont street, boy.
Iearhs-Sveret Shaw. 1 year. "
and Poppleton avenue: James Go,.. .,,
years. Tenth and Casfeitsr stre.-t..
B F. Frttboff. 1 year. 2Tt South Teiaa
Kar la tlia,glIiailniirJBa Advertising, j
Congressman from Fourth Nebraska
Talks of Tariff.
Atrb "Firiifri' Prrn .Ut" Hill
mm t outrrfrlt Ihstl Ways aaJ
Mrin Commlttf- Handed to
North weatrr Stale.
tFrom a Btaff Correspondent.)
WASHlMlTnN', May I-Hpeclal Tele-
gram.jv-Ton recast nan Floan held the
center of the political aUige today,
bristling with facia on agriculture, the
tariff and kindred subjects very largely
in the public mind at this time outside
of presidential politics. Among other
things he said:
"The exigencies of two preahtenilal
campalsna In this house have created a
little caution and shattered a number of
predoua stones; among others, the early
incoming of an agricultural schedule. So
the agricultural Interests of the north
west which have been kicked and cuffed
around for the laat year by the ma tor It y
of the housa until that mythical canine
belonging to our genial speaker would
regard his lot as a sea no n of dog heaven
in comparison, may have a season of rest,
but not aettled rest."
Mr. Hloan took a shot at reciprocity.
declaring that the agreement opened our
porta to Canadian agrtculiuial products
and at the same time opened Canadian
ports to our producta. "We thought the
exchange wait unfair," he said, "to the
farmer of the northwest. Actual experi
ence during the period between adoption
by the United States In the lowering of
our prices and the early rise after
Canadian rejection, confirmed those ob
jections and no man In that part of our
country will advocate reviving the pact
under any clrcumntancee. '
Mr. (Moan attacked the so-called
"farmers" free list bill." and declared that
the Inclusion of salt, lumber and leather
goods wss but the gulslng of the counter
feit which the ways and means commit
tee hsnded to the northwest.
'That bill." he declared, "provided that 1
unnnr mnr
iiuifii. ruftiiiaiuiii. uuitirHi.i
20 Below Omaha Price Not One Day
Full Carload of Beautiful Bedroom
Furniture Just Received, in Oak,
Maple, Mahogany and Walnut.
Save M
Full Carload of the
Indies' Panama Hats direct
from Paris are on display here.
Indies' Tailored Shirts $1.50
and $2.50.
. Ladies' Silk Hose, the dollar
kiuiL for 45c.
a few articles such aa salt, lumber,
leather gooda and machinery should he
admitted free. These were used to sup
port the name, 'farmera frea Hat bill,'
while In the middle of the bill was
couched the Joker 'meats ami cereals,'
which repreaent nearly all the finished
products of the northwestern soil and toll.
"Never," he declared, ''did a swindler
hand a victim a mora deceptive package."
If nur ports were opened to meats and
cereals, Mr. Hloan predicted that the
products of Canada, Mexico, Argent tne,
Chill, Paraguay, Vraguay, Australia and
New Zealand would "come to glut and
den pot I the horns markets. In conclu
sion, Mr. Ploan scoffed at the former
democratic reform tariff bills, and aavid;
"Fuch Is the constructive statesmanship
upon which appeal Is to be msde tn the
country. Free meats, free cereals, like
free silver and other seductive sounding
slogan, will have a summer song's ex
'Istence, soon to be repudiated and for
gotten. The American people In accepting
or rejecting political alogans will re
member the respective party testa.
Democracy auks 'how does It sound; re
repuhJlcaaa demand 'Is It sound'."
Hooat foe Wind (tie Hill.
Representative Martin of Houth Dakota
has secured the consent of the senate
committee on agriculture to bava his hill
for the Wind Cava gsme preserve added
to the bill In the aenata. The offlceus
of the American Hi son society, which
have promised a herd of bison to ba put
In the preserve when established, will
come to Washington and endeavor to
In flucm e action In both the housa and
senate In favor of the measure.
Dr. K. Daniels and daughter of Madi
son. 8, IX. called on Representative Mar
tin today. They have been In Europe
and the orient and ara on their way
wo tier te Fla-bt River.
With the understanding that an emer
gency existed the house today paased
without debate a bill appropriating $
for Immediate repairs to the MJaeourl
river levee In Nebraska, opposite Sioux
It ate Increase Meld Up.
Increases in freight ratea on soft coal
from 1 1 !lnoli mines to destinations In
Kanaaa and Nebraska were suspended oy
the Interstate Commerce commission to-
mine nnrnnnnv south
on Your Ice Bills
Famous Leonard
Just Receiv
ed, at
ALSO JCWILtrf y Cxwerta
Viva " writ uusssrwasa. .
Prtoaa Bsasoaatls.
day from Kay 11 to Kovembar 11. Ths
advances, approximately 11 per cent, ara
now under Investigation by th commls
slon. -
Job. Bl.elt. '
John Bluett, agsd 8 years, a retired)
carpenter, who has resided la Omaha,
sines 1875. died Thursday night at hla
home, 8U1 tieward street. He Is sur
vived by one son. J. W. Bluett, Mr.
Bluett was born In Knglsnd snd cams to
Omaha within a month after arriving la
America. Hla wife died several year
ago. For thirty years he was at th
I'nlnn Pacific shop and for twenty-flva
year, ha has resided In the house oa
Rewau-d street. Ths funeral will be Sun
day afternoon at I o'clock from Bralley
& Dorrance's chapel.
Jea.l. K. M.s.rrelt.
Jennie Elisabeth slagarrelL thi 4
year old daughter of J. H. Magarrell of
412 North Eighteenth street, died Tours,
day night. The funeral will be Sunday
afternoon at t o'clock from ths rsoplaa
church. Rev. Savage officiating. Tli
mother dted two years ago, and only th
father and a sister survive.
Ji.ei T.alrk.
James Tenlck of 1711 Lake street, for
thirty years a resident of Omaha, died
at the horns of his daughter, Urs. Harry
M. McCormack. 1401 Spencer street, Wed
nesday evening. Th funeral waa held
Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. IC V.
Hlgbr. waa In charge of the service.
Mr. Tenlck wss sick only a short time
and not thought to be seriously sick till
two daya before his death. He leavss av
widow and ona child, Mrs. McCormack.
He was born In New Jersey la 1KI and
came to Omaha In lSet.
Persistent Advertising Is th Road tT
Big Returns.
S :
But Every Day
t . " . 'i I
, - , l