i THE BEE: OMAHA. SATOtUAV. MAI -1, lMi. Brandeis Store for Men and Boys $15-$17i-$20 THE STANDARD OF ECONOMY IN DESIRABLE CLOTHING Business Suits for Men and Young Men I I ? t r Exceptional Values in MEN'S TROUSERS Sample Pants All sizes, in plain or peg top; many pat terns at $1.69, $1.98 up to . ....i3.93 and correct All the new MEN'S LOW SHOES AT $2.85 Tan and black calf, blucher and button styles; well made show in the newest lasts all sizes .$2.85 Brandeis Stores are pole agents in Omaha for Hurley Bros. Shoes for men. Many handsome styles, at per pair ....$5.UU At these prices we make unuisual efforts to combine durable fabrics, serviceable linings, good workmanship ...-!, v.Af,nrViltr oelrahla nrnwntc rocnmmpnrled to men who seek to dress well at moderate cost. B 1 1 I'D tuiv iv.yj vuft.n ' ........... r . .... , - shades of grey and blue fabrics made up into two or three-button models. Included are sev- (-1 E 01 7 ().Si9() eral recent purchases of higher grade lines, giving unusual attractiveness to our display at P-LI 'WV y?iJ Thousands of Blue Serge Suits ZJ&S Strictly hand tailored-all newer models-values that cannot - f AA M O Cf) C ()(Y nn f ft C9l-) flf) be duplicated at -a,v.vvr, YJ-4-"v-' v vt"-v,v' r -J TDnr. Jo:c Store Has Been Designated Official Agent for JjIallUClo The Best Readv Made Clothes in America Hirsh-Wickwira Suits for Men at $25 to $40 Rogers-Peet & Co. Clothes for Men at $25 to $35.00 Society Brand Suits for Men at $20 to $35.00 New York Retail Stock of Mens Hats Througa our New York buyer we secured at a bargain these choice lots. Bats worth up to $2.50 and $3, go at $1 All the season's styles including soft and stiff hats, imported Velour hats, new Cloth and Silk Stitched Hats and tlia new Cor- durov effects these oats re tailed at $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50, your choice at iw a w $1 Men's $100 Automobile and Golf Eats at 50c-From tho New York Retail Stock fine cravenette and cloth hots values np to $2.00, in one lot, at 50c English Golf and Auto Caps at 45o From the New York Retail Stock values np to $1.50, in one lot special at 45c Boya SB1 Children's Hata and Cape at Mc From tha New York Retail Stock; excellent hau and capa In tha naweat atjrlea valuta up to 11.16, In or. ona ipeclal lot at. ..7. a&UC John IL fttrtaon Hata at $3.no Brandala Btorea ara agent for tha famous, John B. Btetaon Soft and Stiff Hata all tba neweet aprlng itylea, will (o at a, mod arata prtca dV PA of P5OU Ml ill Dependable Clothes for. Boys Manhattan Washable Suits for boys, in lin ens, reps, kindergarten cloths and galateas, at $1.25 to $3.98 Boys' Long Pant Suits, all new shades and fabrics, at $7.50 io $12.50. A special Serge Suit at stock worth $6.00 to $8.50 lis I MB Second Floor Old Store Boy 8' Knickerbocker . Suits Short lots from the present season's stock-worth $6.50 to $7.50, splendid values at 1.45 Spec! Boys' Waist Section 1.00 Pongee and Boleettea Blouaaa with tba high military collar tana, white, bluea and fancy at ripe, at 39c Boya' lSe Hoee at 10a Boya' SOe Balta at ..Vic Boya' 66c overall! at 89c Boya' 11.00 Knickerbocker Panta at ... c Base Ball Suits Blue trimmed in grey. Grey trimmed In red. Blue trimmed In white. Grey Stripe trimmed In ma roon. Shirt! have- abort aleerea padded panta, at fl to SI. BO Stocking! to match given free with every ault Saturday. Base Ball & Bat Free With Every Boys' Wool Suit BRANDEIS STORES Saturday Specials in Brandeis Basement Boya' 13.60 and 14.00 Bulta In grey, brown and tan ahadi agei S to 16, alto Ruaalan and Blome Suite, at $1.9)1 Boya' $2.60 and $3.60 Long Panti, ipeclal raluea, at ....11.8ft Boya' Waababla Bulta In Ruaalan or Blouse atylea, at 09c Boya' Baaa Ball Bulta In blue flannel, trimmed with white, 50c Boya' tOe Blouae Walata black lateen, blue chambray, black and white percalea and fancy madraa, at 81c 75c Romper In tan, blua and brown chambray all full cut 15c Men's Furnishings Mue.lng Union gotta Largeat variety o( atylea and fabrlca ahort or long aleevea regular . or knaa length t i,oo to ea.00 Superior Vnloa Suite for Mem of extra fina quality, at per garment $1.5, W.00 aad $8.0 Men'e Spring Vnloa Bulta Light or medium weight long or ahort aleavea made ta aeU at $1.00 and $1.60, at .7Bc and Mc Sample Llnea of Men'e High Claea Shlrta Value up to $2.00, at 50c, 09e and 9c ' New Manhattan and E. W. ShlrU Many wit detached Soft Colara. Madraa and Percale Shlrta at $1.50 and M.00 Imported Madraa and Ruaalan Corda $3.50, to $3.50 Silk Shlrta excellent quality, at, each . Men'e Derby ribbed ehlrta and drawera value op to 7 Be, In baaement, at 89c and 50e Men'a Negligee Shlrta worth up to $1.00, In baae ment, at SOe From Our Near Neighbors ' Waterlee. a Daphne Rohwer vltlted relative In Omaha from Friday afternoon until Mon day moraine. Wlllard rier haa finished bl achool work (or lha year, havlna baan taking law at Crelghloa. Ml Kellogg of Council Bluff, wha we visiting Mr. Taai the laat wk, ra turned bom Tuesday. Amy Lswl want ta Omaha Friday afternoon ana vllld frtsod thara ana at lb Bluffs until .unday afternoon. Oeorge Todd sprained hta bark severely Thursday (oranoon whll imina sera at the Robinson Maad eominyS warahoua. Jamea Calvert left Waterloo Tuesday mornlnf. hia deatlnailon bring tha west, though b bad not yt found a new loca tion. Mr Merryweather of Vallay. elster nt ruDM vui iitA tha latter and family over Sunday and returned boon Monday. - u ..hi.Mi mwjt l. nt kta ti nl uwmK. j i.' 1 1 1 r . - - . , . u..i... Iflnn. tn. (laoraa Hanaao. earn bara Friday alhl from agnosia. John M. rhrUUna-n, who had baan la country, raturnad Monday evenlnC turn tba waat. Mlaa txlla Roblnaoa want to Unooln ftaturdav v1"1 monf anlvaralty rriand aavaral Oaya. Sb raturnad bom Mia Mabta DohoHy. who taache t of F-lbhara. and MIm MyHla Iohrty. cUv-lBf at the Rnxars' blarohandlaa com pany. Valley. pnt Sunday with th n i Wa ara aultlng Omaba be eaua Omaba men ara looking tor clotbea MADE IX OMAHA. 15 Buya any ault In tha ahop. We ara the only fifteen dollar tailor making clothe In Omaha. WE TRT OS EVERY COAX IX THE BASTING. Mid-West Tailors Arthar h. Luaoit, Mgn k4 Pbowe Dmglae MM.T . , , 1508 llanaef St. J horn folk. Mr. and lira. Charlta Do. barty. Tha enomhar of lh Myaile Workar had a aocial (atharlnf at tha homa ot Mr. and Mra. Thumaa Appl-by, waat ot Iowa. Tuaaday nlfhl. Frad Brown and O. 1. Uavar drove la Saturday nlfht from Rlchardaon oounty, whar they had lona two weak before to work at dltcblna and tlllni. J. O. Harrtntton want to Omaha Satur day morning and on to Mteaourt Valley that attarnoon to vlalt hi daughter, Mra. LiUtton. ana family, ever Sunday. Laat Hatarday aftarnonn John Graff had tnrae riba broken and waa aeveraly bmlaad In a fall while halplna to load car or com at waidroa bead com- pany'a plant. Dave Cobb here laet week vlaltlna frlenda and left Friday for IMuart, where be now hvea and la In bualneaa. a.d Cohb, who waa formerly at Stuart, la now liv ing at achuyler. Tha regular mealing ef tha Ifaeonte lodge wa held Tuaaday evening with a good attendance. There wa eonaiderahla work, alter wnicn tba memoera enjoyea a lunch at lb Wilkin confectionery. Mr. and Mr. Jea Harna left Waterloo Wednesday evening for Columbua, where they will vlalt a abort time belor gomg to Canada. Tney eipect to inoaie in ina Alberta eountrv, where Cbarlea Maynare la bow working. J. B. Hlvaler of Hooper waa at Water loo aevaral mabta tha laat week Butting In tha day at Omaha, whar Mr. Hlva ler baa bean In tha Emanuel noenital tne laat Thuraday, having Bona there for aa operation. Enh Sumner went to Omaha Sunday ta aea hi wife, who haa been at a boepltal for tha laat two weeka. Mr. Sumner un derwent an operation, for appendicrtl and recovered nicely, being able t leave tha boepltal Tuaaday. B. B. Mendenhall came In from Omaha Tueadar evening and vtelted over night and Wedneedav forenoon with Knein rnnk and family and other frlenda. lit went to Fremont Wedneeday afternoon with Mr. and Mra Kobliwon in tneir car. Carl Wrage of Omiha. nephew of Charlea Dahelateln. came from Omaha Wedneaday at 1 o clock and went to tha earm. carl drew a number in tne le kota land lottery laat fall and hi unci la going ap with him ta help mak a ae lection. 1 At tha congregational meeting of the Preebyterlan cnurch held Monday evening ot laat week all the former ottlrere were again elected aa miiowa: -. . rioyee. eider: E. awan King, deacon; r- p. Noyea. clerk; M. E. lHllehay, treaaureri B. F. Bell, truate. C. B. Hammeretrom brought hit brother Oerar and wife to Waterloo aunday morn. ln mnA the returned to their homo at Council Bluff after a vielt of aeveral weeka at lh brother home. Mr. Ham meretrom Uvea on the former Tom Hart' ford forty, weat ot the Nete Brown homa atead. and waa In the track of tha flood. being damaged quit neavuy. Tba vtllaa board met Tuaaday night at the drug tore, all member prraent. The bond and application of B. F. Johnaon 4m ..in... I u..nu w.m .MM unnon fa- mrahlv and llrenaa ranted for tbla rear. j The llcenee and occupation tax are tha aama aa ait year. n uoenee let onol taMea were granted C. B. Atlg-iKtu. j and tha elerk lutborlxed to notify tha proprietor nm in. itowi mh v.u i . nl o cioca aaca mnu lttgfIIItgJ Delight ef AQ "TV A . V ty-a - - - - - y k-i. 1 Oretna Katurday to aea Mr. Smith' not bar, who I 111. The regular meeting ef tba Valley Woman'a club waa held at the home ot Mr. Weekly Friday afternoon. The Ladle Aid aoclety of the Meth od let Eplaoopal church wilt give a eea alda baiar and food aal Saturday after noon at Hubbard hall. Dr. J. 0. Agee sold hi realdenc to R. T. Caldwell and ha moved Into the Aaron Wlrkland houe until he build oa lh lot adjoining hi former realdence. Aaron Wlckland flnlehed loading hla car and left wltb It Monday for Mlnna anta, whar be recently purchaeed a farm. The family will go tha flrat of tha week. Mia Ruth Peterson will ac company them. Mia Mahal Johnaon. Eva Harrier. Bulab Byar, Finer Anderann and Clif ford Fomtneter ara atperted to come home Friday tn attend the rlaa play. "Kamerald." which will be given In the opera houa by lb el of nil. and Loulivlll I completed and traffic haa been returned. Tha high water took out about aW feat of tba elructure, F.lkkorw. Mr. Anna McOrew vlelted In Omaha Friday. Mra D. P. Oulnn vlalled relallvea here Thuraday. Mr. and Mr. Albertaon arrived from Manila, la.. Friday. Jullu Schmidt moved hi family Tuee- oay into tn Mickey aou. Mr. B. B. Baldwin and eon. Cedrlc and Carroll, went to Dunning Tuaaday to vlalt Miaeea Eunice and Marguarlt Richard' aon of Waterloo vlelted Mia Marl uoodhard Saturday. John Furcell and brother, rharle. went to North Band Caturday to vlalt with their unci and aunt. Fred Lebbert and aider. Ml Aucuet of Bennington, vltlted tb J. A. lilbbon hora Sunday. Mr. and Mr. J. B. Rodger of South Omaha vltlted aeveral day thl week with Mr. Van AIM. Mr. H. Meyer celebrated ber birthday Monday by entertaining her many friend rami and luncneun. Robert Baldwin came In from Dunning Neh.. Thuraday. He will take back a carload of cow to hla ranch. Mra. J. A. Olbhona vltlted In the country a couple of day ton week with her brother Jamea and Cbarlea Betta l,eut Nelman moved hta family to the William Uchmldt naldence thl week. Mr. Schmidt will go to Herbert, Canada. In a week to )oln hi aon, Henry, on bK bameuead. to Valley. Mr. Fred D Vor ta Mill aerloualy IIL ' Mia May Mchol went to Omaha Mon day. ; Mr. and Mr. A. Gardiner went to Fre ; moot WedncMlay. I Mr. C. Collen and Rollaad went i OauLba, Satnrday. Mrs. A. R. Hubbard wa aa Omaha ! Chopper Monday. Mr. W. E. Weekly and children bopping in Fremont Wedneaday. H. P. Gray came borne Monday a prod a few day wltb hla family. Mr. P. D. Fout trwl Fl Tedger were married Tuaaoay at I octoce at rvaer- Ins. ao. jlr. W. D. Kelley err)o'ed a viit from bee mother, am, Martin of Uncoin. 0. Mr. and Mra B. F. Smith weat to Arltaatea. Mlaa Utile Elener apent Friday and Saturday with Fremont frlenda Mr. and Mra. B. M. Baldwin war trana- aotlng bualDaa In Fremont Tueaday. Mra C. J. Anderann wa tha gueat ot Omaha friend lt week, returning borne Saturday. , Mrs. C. P. M later and Mlas Gertrude Matter were Fremont paeeenftr thl morning. John and ChHa Amend came out of Omaha Sunday with their pweul. Mr. and Mra Tbomaa Amend. H. L. Andrew arrived In town lt Mondaik. took charge of the Review Herald l leaaea and manager. W. J. Crane ha ain appeared on the tract after being confined to hi bom by a prolonged peu or airaneea. LUMen Hollenheck of Wayne came down Tueeday evening for a vlalt with her later. Mra Abraham of Elk city. a. F. inland returned tb latt of the week from Ix Angele. Cal where be ha l pent the winter among hi oa. F. A. Reynold and aon. Frank, wer celled to North Bend to attend tb fu neral of Mr. Reynold cousin. A. R. Cay. no of tb Metbodlet Episcopal church. wndma Oalne after (pending a fsw week at Creaton, the gueat of bar eon, O. K. Oalne. returned horn hut Setur it.v avmnanlad by bar arandaon Lrna Galnaa, who remained here ever Suaday. at SpHagflrld Lew Bltbop of Nellgh I In tb neigh borhood vwtlng relative. J. M. F.lwell I a juror m I'nlted Statea court thia week at Omaha. Ed tloyt ha old hi farm machinery and haa moved to eprlngfleld. J. C. Miller, editor of the Monitor, left Tueaday for a three week' trip In Call torn la. John Seer bought the farm machinery and lease of Ed Hoyt and will farm again Ihla year. David Armstrong of Werreneburg. Mv wt her to Attend tab funeral of hla brother. Aaron. Mra John Srhaal was called tn Loute- vlll Wedneaday by the errtoue ill neat of her mother. Cyrus Lalng and family left Thursday for Alliance where they will make their future home. Aron Arvnetrong. aged 71 year, died uddenly Mondey morning. The funeral was held Wednesday. Surveyor Patterson was here Wednes day helping lo say -exit some new Iota tn lb Springfield cemetery Mrs. FL O. 8.-haal haa moved to the noma of bar daughter, Mr. Lee Blodgett. where h will reside la future. A. V. Rogers was appointed a member of tb Ttliajre board lo take tae place oi Dr. Brtttan who moved to fcxeter. August Qlitiimn eaugbt hla foot m revolving pulley of a gaaoltne engine end euffered a badly ipralned ankle. Mis Gertrude Rich, a former Spring field teacher, wa married Wednesday In Omaha to Mr. Clifford Patterson Akron. Colo. Work commenced Monday en tb ne postoftlc sod Jewelry store wkirh. will be readv by July L Jobs Nattermaa is the contractor. Bam a Mrs Eanlln denarted Mandar for Minneapolis, where Mr. Etplln will ttnd as a delegate tb general confer I will continue In her position until the close of tb school year, whan aha and her huehena will take ap life on a ranch tn Colorado. Beaalastee. O. W. Qltndt hat purchased a new auto mobile. Masons are buev setting In the founda tion for tbe A. Whit bout. Dr. C. W. Hlckey waa transacting bull nets at Omaha Wednesday. Adolph Ott ot Rosalie. Neb, was call ing oa frlenda her ever Sunday. P. Mangold returned Thursday morn ing from a burins trip to Denver. Irrtagtoa. . Mr. Maggie Kitchen visited, tn Omaha Tuesday. Mrs. Claud Brewster of Canada I vis iting relatives in' Irvlngton thl Week. Mr. Green of Omaba vltlted with ber daughter, Mr. Elton, saturdc end Sun der. Mrs. Andrew Chriatopherson spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. Joe Free man. - j . Mia Solly Mage end Mis CIHen drlrksoe spent Sunday with Ml llla Net. i ' i B. E. Richard and Charley Fry went to Lincoln Monday l Bet a new threshing outfit. . ..... Mr. and Mr. Robert Kuntson from Clif ton Hill apent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. 8. Thompson. - ' Mr. and Mrs F. K. Babbit and daugh ter. Emma, of Florence apent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. 8. R. Brewster. , Hildreth Farmer Commits Suicide HILDRETH, Nb., My . (Special.) Carl F. Jnsscn, a farmer who lived tlon In a od house, two and a half miles weat of ber committed sulcld torn time Wednesday by shooting himself with a hot gun. The charge took off hla lewar Jaw and cut away part of big face. Mr. Jaassen had bean actl a- peculiarly for asm tlm and had been threaten ing to shoot som of hi aelghbir! who lived directly aero tha road. They came to town and gwora out a warrant for hla arrest. ' When the ' conitabl reached hla horn .to take him Into custody, h found the almost unrecognisable body lying en the floor of the shanty wltb the gun near It. For several years Mr. Jantse'i ha been oonstdersd a littles off en acne point, but never eonaldered dangerously so until recently. During the past weak he had old off all of hla atock. giving a a reason that h could not get along with hi neighbor. Then be got hi gun and shot promiscuously and talked about time to die. He haa no relative that r known of fey the people here. - Key t the Situation Bee Advertising. Millard. vim Tine Harmoon of Paollllon. wa a guest last week of Margaret Start. Mr. and Mra. C. W. Peter gave e party Tueaday, where many guest gathered. Mra Nolle and flauehtrr. Nina, of Elk- horn were vltltlng with frlenda Tueaday afternoon. Mr. Hoadlev Stuart returned Monday from Florida, where he haa been vtelling for aeveral weeka Miea niadv Baldwin of Omaha waa at home aeveral daya last weak recovering from a lliht Illness. Mies Lois Anderson Of Elk horn vltlted Saturday and Sunday with her parent. Mr. and Mrs r. a,, a-naereon. Mr. Fred Aleon of Wahoe. who ha been taking tha agent'e place during hla absence returned Wednesday. rw nander of Omaha haa been taking care ot Dr. Fosslere practice during the latter way at tha neapttai. Mr. F. A. Baldwin returned Tueedey morning from Puehlo. Colo., where h wa cailea oy in oeetn oi nia nepnew. Dr. Fnraler returned from the boepltal at Omaha Monday, where he waa taken laat week, suffering from a sever ui- ree. Mr. end Mrs. Westphalm of Omaha and their daughter. Mra. Herbert Arm- of Bogga. Wyo . sere guests ef end Mrs. Uaorge Plahbeck Saturday. lead. Mr. Wednesday of lest week tbe marriage of Mlaa Edith Anderson, daughter ot Mr. an dMr. P. E. Anderson took plar to Mr. J. W. Andreeen ot Rich Hill. Mo., at the home of the groom (later, Mra G. p. Kreba. The young couple returneo. Wednesday. Tehaaaah. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Singh us wer Omaha visitors Tueeday, going down and beck In their auto. John Pence and Cbarlea Petersen re turned Wedneaday from their trip to ln erect Florida landa. Mr. and Mr. E. P. Houton left Thura day evening via the Keereeka Shiiners' special for a month a trip le in raciuc Mr. Carson left Friday for Bloomlng tnn Indher home town, after a win ter' vielt In Tekamab at tha home ef her daughter, Mr. Richard Houston. Mr. end Mr. E. Tuttl arrived home Tueaday from their winter' stay in southern California- Mr. Tattle ay be so well pleased with tb west that be may decide to go there and live. Henry Ooll went down t Omaha last Friday and returned In the sftemoon wits a fine new touring ear. The com from a forty-acre patch paid the price of the machine, and that wee nearly the flju mark. I Miss Rich of tne Tekarneh high school Iwa united In msrrlage last Friday at Tbe Platte river bridge between ber I Omaha to a Mr. Patterson. Mrs. Patter- Over 318-320 South. 16.th. Js.t. - 1000 Stylish Dresses Worth from $19.50 1 i to $25.00 ... CamwsfJaSwMSwaw yr yTMtsS-",,, Sergei, Whipcords and Worsttds This sale will be appreciated and remembered as the grandest dress sale of the seasons It is impossible to tell in print of the wonderful selection of beautiful new styles and all are so perfectly tailored that alteration will scarcely be necessary you will find models to suit every figure and every taste in plain r fancy designs made of all Wool Materials. Dresses worth from $19.50 $7.59 to $25.00, on sale at . . u Sale Starts Saturday, Promptly 8 A. M.