Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1912, Page 2, Image 2
THE BEE: OMAHA.. SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1912. Supposing the Trees Were to Wear Last Year's Leaves! Woukln't that b queer! Of course it would all nature would be out of tune. The same with your last year's clothes. They 're out of date, have seen their service and you need new clothes, same aa the budding trees putting on their new suit of foliage in the different beautiful, shades. Follow nature" example our new suits for young men and boys are in full bloom with their varied beautiful colorings and patterns and made by the most skilled tailors in the world. Sampeck Clothes for Young Men Young Men's Suit in popular .hades of gray, golden brown, blue and hair line stripes, in a variety of English and semi English models. Prices, $15.00 to $35.00. Suits for Btys 7 to 17 Years of Age Knickerbocker! Made by expert tailors and modeled on the same lines as our young men's' suits. In a variety of styles soma with the belt stitched, loose belt, patch pockets, also Iwo-button double breasted, with long soft roll col lars, in different shades of blue, brown and gray. Made of the best quaiS ity of cheviots, serge and tweeds. Triced $5, $6, $7 $7.50 $8.50 and $10. Special Strong Line of Boys' Wash Suits From lYa to 8 years of age made of the best fabrics (fast colors) in all colors and made of linen, lawn, chambray and "Kindergarten" cloth. Priced $1.50 to $5.00. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. I 1 A 1 1918.1520 FARNAM STEZIT Women 's Man- Tailored SHIRTS Excellent workmansh I p choice patterns and perfect in fit $1.50 and $2.00 Extraordinary Offer in Pyjamas and Night Shirts A prominent shirt concern dlccontinued making fine un derwear and having a large qaalttty of white checked nain sook on hand, sold it at a very low price. We had It made up into Pyjamas and Night Shirts. The pyjamas are easily worth )2.50 bnt believing that it Is to our interest to share the advan tages of a fortunate purchase like this with you, we have marked them at $up Night Shirts Worth $l.S0 95c . E. S. WILCOX, Mgr. Fifteenth at Douglas Sts. " IS YOUR SPRING SUIT PRICE $20, $22 or $25 We've built a tremendous reputation on' Suits &t these prices, knowing the average man demands suits within these price range naturally we feature them, the same workmanship, same designs, and. style that are found in our $35.00 and $40.00 suits are evident in our suits at $20.00, $22.00 and $25.00. These prices-include suits for young men as well as men. .Suits to satisfy the conservative dresser as well as the man who desires nov elty effects. Tomorrow is a good time for a try-on. We Close Saturday Evenings at 9 O'clock It's Raincoat Season And are you-prepared? sometimes an umbrella will do the work, but not always better be on the 6afe side ' and that means on the. inside, a Browning, rung & Co. Rainproof Coat every" wanted material, color and style and the rain just can't get through. $5.00 to $25.00 THAT HAT FAD Stitched Cloth Hats Everybody's wearing them better get In the game well help you along by selling you a regular $2.00 hat at $1.15 Others at $2, $2.50, $3.50 BOYS9 SUITS $5.00 Best Values in Omaha We make strong claims, but we always back them up with the right kind of merchandise. These suit values are an ex-' ample Jaunty double breasted suits, strictly aU wool fabrics, cut right and fit right they are made' to sell at a much greater price In fact, compare favorably with $8.60 and $10 suits: rapid selling has broken the sizes, so you'd better bring in the boy Saturday ELECTION BOARD CASE TODAT Jidp Lsalia Will Hear Pttitiot on XudaJSU Suit . COUSCIL HAT KAMI TEX BOARD rwtltlea Merit that Mayer Mas Jtame Imm ( Mia ApaeJateee' aa saai Wbe Are la. - eeeapeteat. fttlttoa for a writ of mandamus eonv aalnf Councilman Louts Verba, prssl. dent at the cltr oouaell. Immsdtstely to submit to ui eouacll a list at Judge ana clerk of oteeUoa is rv at too My loeuoa May I was filed la district court by th Mm) CHI sen UdMhi candidates for councilman Friday. Th ease was aaalfnod to Judas Charles Leslie of tb equity dtvlalo sad earn us for bearing at I o'clock ta the afternoon. la the petltloa Rio candidates doctor that andor state law lb mayor aa city eouacll together are require . to auks such a list aa the mayor has attempts to same the Judgee aa dork without tlx approval of tfee-douactl. The eouacll ha reject tb majot' list an It sow Is the duty of the president of the eouaetl to submit a Ust aod ask the council la approve n. The petition that U mayor's list was unsetlsfeitory bocaus It Included tb asm of many mea who hld positions by virtu of appointment by the mayor or ether efflolela of the prosoat admin istratis, an many men who are la eompotoat to ssrv aa Judges and slarks of election. , Cadleate Apaear. All sevoa candid of the uatoe war la the court room la to attorDSoa when the ease waa call. Thay wore accom peaJe by several Mesas as ssamvjor of ta ualoa. . . , , City Attorney Job A. Klaa appearia tor the city, esse a coaUauaaee aattl Saturday moral, as M. C. ftrome aa Jena . Breea, of aeuiunl for the uaioa, 4maao Immodiau bearing, urging that very Uttl Um remala botor la. tloa day. Judge Leetle raled that th ualoa at. torneys should mak their argumeale at enoe. Mr. Sine being give until this morning to answer. '. J .' . Mr. Breea began th argument for th nam. His remark were inertly a eiaaoretloa at the allegations psiilioa. of til DAHLMa flTS O.w KCW XAMBt A Lists Prmslfl by Labor lgw aa eat .city Cleb. Special eommltt from th labor lst u and th 0t City club a)ld upon Mayor Dahlmaa Friday an do mandad to know If their respective lists of Judsos an dark for election bad been submitted by him for confirmation. When told by the mayor that their, ksts had been duly considered and the major ity of. name they had (Ivan him wer Included In hi Hot et M Judges an clerks, and th whole bad baoa raeaed" down by the council, they esked to know what alternative tiny had. They were told that th cas li being tried before Judge Leslie, tht CHI sent t'nlon presenting Its side of the duastloa and that today th' mayor's am wow be argue. :.- . v.- "If the Judge Isoldes that this taohaloal Ity la auffloleat grounxls to take that right away from pte, you me will have to go befor th president of the city council and submit your Hats. That will lake It oui of my haada and the bands of the common people of Omaha,' sal Mayor Pahlmaa. "1 eaa say te pea. however, that a far as I am ceaoerned vry en of thoes names en thai list I submitted era going to Way these.:1 Th executive eommlttse of the Oato Cltr club was the first to call upon the mayor, Robert Houghton, aa chairman of the committee, was th principal spokee- "W want a kaow, mayor. It lb Hat of earn for Judges sa dark of ewe Hoa we submitted war receive by you," be asked. . "Tee," enawsred the mayor, "1 received your list and appointed most of the men you named. Tour list aa th list sub lilted by the labor . league 'were, given to m la time to Include lit my list The Otlsas "Union never, submitted, any ll to 'me..; thM weiied until after the time ha pasted and then cant la to scratch out Um Dames of 13 moa aod denounce all those mea aa rook." "Well, mayor,' said Houghton, "we earn bare te tell yea that we still urgt the appotntmeat of thaeo mea." Mayo Dehlmaa told tbarbommttteo the Ooeettoa et the electoral probably wool set be tolde befor aturday after- Drug Savings at Beaton's noon, and they would have to await the outcoma Robert Bender, president of th Labor league end a committee of ala mea war eat Into the mayor's office with prac tically the earn demands. Bender said ha represented (.MS labor ing msn and they all wer Intuit t think that the list of mea submitted by them for Judges an olerke baa been turned down because of an appeej from a small "silk stocking brigade." TITANIC'S SPEED V , BASIS OF INQUIRY " (Continued from' Page On.) mas a rrrord the butlers burst. Buckley did not know the name of the fireman. Buckley said lhat he thought steerage paseengors were give aa aood aa op portunity to escape aa the first and second olsss paesengera. The witness said he got Into the sixth lifeboat to leeve tht ship and that when Hi order ram for men ro leave the nets he Waa orvmg. A woman who hs thought wss Mrs. John Jacob Aator saw him and covers him up with a shew in order that he might escape. Me testified th officer fired at mea In the lifeboats and made them come bark to the ship P. A. S. rranklln, vie president of th International Mercantile Marina, Isaued a statement this afternoon In which he declared that ha had no authority In formation thai the Titanic had sunk until h received a wireless message at C.JO r'olork Monday evening. Yon always save money by purchasing your drugs At Beaton's. Our inunensw business gives ua an un equaled .buying power, consequently we are able at H times to sell atandard drugs at a considerable saving. We aim to make our Saturday specials both timely and interesting. Soma price advantages for tomorrow; 31 Beatoa Cold Cream 50c Beaton's Cold Cream 35t I Rabber Olevea ,...39g ta Da Max's Reee Glycerine 10a I5e D Mar s To la Pasta 10 !&e Da Mar's Cora Car 10 J fe Da Mar's Cascara Tonle aad Um Pills io tie Da Mar's race Powder Qt Psrspl-no, for exreaalve pr- splraUoa 23 JSc Peroxide of Hydrogen Jf $1.11 Red Tlubber Homeataad Foaatala Syringe, guaraateed tor eaa year gj $1 00 De Mar s Balloon Spray Syringe ...... ....JJ2.00 Olive Oil Wa guarantee this Olivp Oil to be th finest Imported OHva Oil- If pet perfectly satisfactory return aam Md ,a will gladly refuB yaar money., w-o. bottle .-25 ; rn auart tl.OO 1 !at bottle vW)a Glo. J4.o5 FoUaw th Beaton Path" Beaton Driig Co. Farnam and 15th Streets ,' Evidence Taken . .in Morley Case tFrem a Staff Correspondent.) ; UNCOLX, May l8peela. Telegram 1 -Th Morley" case went to the Jury at : e'clock.' i . - WNCOI.N. , May . & t Special. )-Th hearing la Ih case of Charles oMrley. as trial for the murder of Warden Del. hunty of the penitentiary waa concluded tht forenoon and the attorneys for the sfense moved for aa Instructed verdict of acquittal on th ground that th state bad charged Morley directly with th killing of DUIahunty aa had failed to prove that he fired the fatal shot. County Attorney Strode argue It was Immaterial who fired th fatal shot long a It wa fired by on of th thro who were shooting stmultansously. Judge iewrt overruled lb motion and Um rgument to th Jury was commenced. nly three wltneieus wsr examined to jday. twe for the stats end aa for the defeoee. M. Wilson, a coavtot book. keeper at th prison, toll of th shooting , or UoUbuoty a he 'saw it (rem the i prison offloe, the ahot which klUed tbe warden being one of a number wbl I were fire from the turnkey' room. Pepaty Khertff Klkesberry teatlfled Morley toe him. shortly niter the cap lure, that Gray gave htm th gun with j whkh he waa armed. Mra fa. B. DK. I aan at who kouse the coavlct stooped shortly after the cape from th prison. was tne ealy witaes calls by ta a. fas. It waa sought te enow by her thai St th tlm th mea wer at bar bows that Morley act a If he were uaaer tbe Influence of liquor er .a,. our. ana waa not permitted ssB, the court ruling that too much time had elapse between the com rotation of the crime and the appearance t per bouse to mak It material. ! GREAT LIULKlBl BALE. : araseXe SI Offer Wewal armlaa Vrnt Mender. six w window Dibruara. Monday W1U be by tar the greatest sale of linoleum aad floor oil doth aver l known la Omaha, w will devot erao- tically our entire third Ooer to a lepay (Of tbaa asrvieeabw, klgk visas Door ore. ertng ta full rails. ''-'"i-n ar ra new patterns et blue as watte ttla, ba laat daalga an fleram. All tbe t-y wide linoleum made be Mil up ta . y, at. y and Me. All th a-yd. wMe Unoteura worth n te ' fS . L so. r me. ! AU lb floor etlclotha, fulUptacaa, 1 y.. re- ana i ya wide, worth up to tie no, y. , y. He. J ! Our tlx window dlsplaye have attract great attention. The aala I next Monday. BRAMVEIS STOrVEU. Heaney Divorce Case Settled Out of Court CHEYENNE, Wye.. May l-SpclsJ.) As th result of sn agreement reached this aoon between General Hugo Donsel- a, representing Mrs. Alta Heaney, end Lacey lavey. repreaenUng Colonel Tbema Heaney. Sr., . the eslsbrated Heaney divorce case will undoubtedly be entl out of court, so tar si a division of the property Is concerned. The taking of testimony was concluded last evening, and srgi merits of attorneys were lo have been heard by Judge D. H. Craig, upon hi return from Ceaper next weak, put all that will now be necessary apparently will be the signing of a de cree by the court, giving Mrs. Heaney a divorce and the custody of the minor child. Oeraldl, Thi morning General ttontelman called upon Mr. Heanay and his attorney for the purpose of making a settlement, and at the rloa M th conference. It was stated Colonel Heaney had agreed to glv his wife about tlOOOt cash, la full set tlement of all claims upon him. It being understood that eat of tht sum -Mra Heaney la to pay her attorneys' fee and her cost In th caaa. It la also agreed lhat Mrs. Heaney ahall have the tustody of tbe tittle daughter. - Colonel Heaney, who ha for maay years been a prominent buetnsss man here Ir at present - proprietor of th Capitol avenue' and Atlas theaters: He end Mrs. Heaney were married about ten year ago, Mra. Heaney being his second wife. NONPARTISAN ELECTION BILL PASSED IN WISCONSIN MADISOK, Wis.. May (.-The Wiscoa tl uscmbly today passed a nonpartleaa eleetloaa bill to apply to all cities of th tat. Th vote waa 71 to 14. twe repub licans. Bell aad Draper, voting "no" with the socialists. The assembly defeated a social amendment ta permit grouping ea the ballot tbe names of all candidates designate under the same principle to be voted for as a group. The socialists cbararterlse - th non partisan movement aa a eonaptracy to drive the socialists out of office. areaen ta Delist. BALTTMOTtK. May 1 In a speerh at Belalr, Md, Governor Harmon declared that "Government could only be con ducted by parties.'' "Tbs question for the democratic party to decide In this nomination la whose nomination will offer the greatest chance of success and who will rally about him the greatest number thle fait Th presi dent aa former president ar engage la recrimination and controversy which le undignified, to ear, th least, but w r delighted It I la th rank' of our opponents and not In our own ranks." Fifty- Bart la at' Halffas. HALIFAX,- N." ft. May I. -Protestant and Roman Catbono memorial servloaa for tbe Titanic victims were bald her today. Burial mrvicea followed at both Protestant and Catholic burial grounds. Of the fifty-nine Unidentified dead in terred seven were women. Fifty-six were placed la one common grave at Falrview cemetery, while the three ether were burled In th Mount Olivet cemetery. There waa one Identification at the morgue todaf, that of the body of Mau rice de Sacarian by his brother. The cable steamer Mtnta baa picked up two more bodle Joseph Finney of Liv erpool, England, and Thorn aa Mulllns, a steward. DEATH RECORD Ml. W. P. Frltsrh. STELLA, -Neb., May S.-(6peclal.) Mre. W. F. FrKnok, for more than thirty years a resident en a farm northwest of Stella, died at th bom of her daughter. Mrs. Robert Volker. In Johnson, after a two days' illness of pneumonia. She was born in Germany eighty-seven year ago and, married there In 1S4I to W. F. Frttach. who died In is. They came to America In 1SS and lived In Jackson county, Iowa, until 11174. when they moved to southeast ern Nebraska. Mr. and Mra Frttsch celebrated-their goldea. wedding In ISM. Seven children, forty-five grandchildren and twenty-tour great grandchildren survive. - ' eTinell Bern. NEW TOJtK. Ma k-Kmt! Boa.- resi dent director andfenral .nyunufer of the Hamburg -American Una, died early today at hi bom t Greenwich. Conn., of prwumeaiuv W ; had ' been III since last Saturday and grew rapidly worst lest night. Mr. Boas was W year of airaj Hss son, who Is In El Psso, Tex., ha been sent for. ' Benver TMoneer Woman. BEAVEB CTTT, Neb.. May eBpsHal Telegram.) Mr. Lusetta Crommett, aged A year, wife of V. M. Crommett, a ptM near of the eBaver valley, died In thl city today. Her daughter, Mrs. a K. Phlppe, resides la Lincoln. , R. J Thompson. LECLAIRE. la.. May t-E. J. Thorn ru son. age at year, builder of many) famous steamboats which have piled the Mississippi valley water, died her tot day. , Ecseeaa Care ta IS to SO Day. The Part Medicine Co.. KM Pine Street, St Louts, Mo nanufactarer of Laxae tti'e Bromo Qurnlne. hare a aew and wonderful discovery, GROVE'S SA-NARM CUTIS, which guarantee te cure anyi case of ECZEMA, no meRer of how long standing, la 10 te day, an win re' fund money If It telle. GROVE'S SA-I NARE CUTIS Is perfectly clean an does not stain. It your druggist haea't Itj send us Ko la stamps and it will be asnt by melt. Irwmrinrmwm I flit It pays to take the elevator o buy your clothes. Culp-Horton. 6 Men's Spring Suits H5-Ji8-$20-$225?-$25.$30 Corhe Upstairs iS spring siiit'ready to put on and wear away' for at least $5.00 Less than you expected to ;This is no idle talk, as you will be convinced if you will take the elevator or walk our easy stairway to our Second Floor Store, where low rent and, no clerk hire expenses makes it possible to save you money. ..It's away from the first floor con fusion, light, airy and convenient to buy at "T"" your ease and satisfaction. We have 500 swell patterns in all the new English arid American models that fit the figure with a precision you never saw. before in ready-to-wear clothes; and a style, as our big mir ror will prove, so irresistible you can't help but be pleased. $15.00 buys a splendid worsted, cassimere, Scotch cheviot, or a silk lined blue serge, not one, but many to select from at any price you pay here you get values from $5 to $10 less than you will be able to find elsewhere. We are anxious for your business and are making price concessions to get it "HER BROTHER'S CLOTHES" (Ceeyrsjbtnd) OPHOMORC CUJTHEI CHICAGO COME UPSTAIRS GULP - HORTON CLOTHES SHOP d Floor ICitjNatioulBtak 2 B!Jf., 16th and Harney Two rwwuat en J4Ksae Cos of ' Newspaper Avatuung is the Boa a