Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1912, EDITORIAL, Page 19, Image 19

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The e eg J-jn jVaf a z i re f)a
i r . i v iuiAr 7 1 i Nn j mir mciui 'Viwy i x - i i
The Pitiful Strcggle Between the
Husband's Mother and His Wife for
.His Undivided Love-Heaven Help Both
Heaven help hart That Wsa the thought
that flame uppermost to my mind when
I wrote thla title. 8ome readers may
add: "And heaven kelp her lUtufhter-Inlaw!"
To which I Kay "Amen!" but not
aa fervently aa to my own petition.
I fairy there are few relatione more
trained than thoae that fxlat between
a mother-tn-law and daughter-in-law. I
do not except those of the mother-in-law
and hoa-ln-bw. to the latter raaa the
daughter. If she be worthy of the name,
will not cut off entirety from her mother,
although her huaband and ber parent
may not get on very well together. Tm
a woman holde fael to her own family,
even when she sympathises with ber hus
band and love him. In her case blood
Is certainly thicker than water, and -she
seldom Uvea tip her own kinfolk, no
matter how uneosgeoial they and her
husband may b.
Not o with the man. When ha mar
ries ha goes over to hla wife's family.
The "going over" may be cradual, but
It la aura. Each year lessens the In
fhienee that hla own people have over
Mm If hla wtfe Wishes to lessen It. men
the Influence of the husband's mother .Is
strong, the wife unless she be a very
kuce-heared. broad-minded, honorable
woman resents It I suspect that at the
bottom of thla resentment la sex-Jealousy.
The man Is hers, and with the Instinct of
set she rebels against seeing him under
the sway of any other woman. On the
other hand the aex-Jealousy Is quite aa
strong tn the mother herself. The man
la her eon, aha brought him Into the
world, aha trained him, ahe made him
what ha Is. and her heart swells with
pride as aha looks at htm. No wonder
she think that hla wife loves htm! He
Is all that a man should be. and has
been her boy, her darling, her blessing
and comfort! She determines for hla
sake to love the wife that he has chosen.
It seems easy at first, when the girl
Is nnosed to the new conditions, and
when there has been no reason for
eonfllot of wills. But when the wife be
gins to teal Jealous of her liege lord's
frequent absences from home and hla
presence at hla mother's house, when
he finds that the son and mother still
have sweet confidences together, she be
comes resentful. She does not know that
she kj Jealous, and would deny It posi
tively If ahe were told" the truth. But
he thlnka that she la "lonely" and flhl
Is a favorite excuse) that Jack'a mother
never will love her! She telle Jack so.
Whereupon Jack demands angrily re
member he is a new and rapturous bride
groom still what his mother has said to
his dear little sweetheart to make her
think that? Then hla "sweetheart" ac
knowledges that It Is not what his
mother has actually said or done that
has hurt her. but what she has left un
done. "She hardly ever asks me to ac
company you when you go to aee her,"
she remlnda him. If she sheds a few
tears when she says It the effect la much
more fetching. "I knew that ah doesn't
care for men and that she resents your
love for ma, aha moans. And the poor
man. harried and distressed, will suffer
lesa If he believes his wlfe'a complaints
than If ha continues to be hla mother's
Intimate confidants.
The reault la only what might have
been expected. The husband goes leas
often to see his mother, and when he dose
go Insists that his wife accompany htm.
and the mother, noticing the change In
hie manner and remembering what her
boy was before hla marriage, lays the
fault at the door of her daughter-in-law,
and says. "He was a devoted eon until
he was married!' Then Jealousy on the
mother's part asserts Itself and she suf
fers fn tensely. What wonder that she
finds ft Impossible to love the woman
who Is. ahe feels, the cause of her loss
of her boy? As feeling 'tn Infectious, the
mental attitude of the mother-in-law
affects the daughter-in-law and vice
It Is all a sad. bad condition of affairs,
so pitiful aa to be almost tragic. The
chief sufferer la the elderly woman. Her
son has his wife and his new pom: the
da ushtar -SB-lew aas the husband who.
muses the mother. Is lovable enough and
good enough to sattery any woman, while
he, the boy's mother, la left In her borne
without Mm, with the sad conviction that
a years pass hla wife will lead him more
surely from her who bore htm.
I acknowledge that the mother-in-law
Is not perfect, and that there are times
when aha Is a very exasperating piece of
humanity. Nevertheless I lay most of the
blame for the existing condition of affairs
at the door of the yourg wife. Can ahe
rot be more generous, can she sot be
foUMiig, csnraot she look forward to the
woman, a woman whom she may long to
have love her a a daughter might? Why
may, she not behave to her husband's
mother as site would have her son's wife
to behave to her.
Or suppose she haa ho children of her
own. yet surely she must have some pity
for eld age. She could make her husband's
mother fond of her If she would try to
do so. The elderly woman may he suspi
cious, ahe may be a bit censorious, but
It must be a very hard and hitter heart
that gentle, eonaderatlon cannot melt. I
believe that In a vast majority of the
oases of unhspplneas between men's, wives
end mothers the weight of the responsi
bility tor the misery may be ktld upon the
wife. She has all to gain and little to
lose. The mother who loses her son
loses one of the chief Joys of her life.
"If I would know whst kind of a wtfe
a man has, I observe how she trsata hla
mother," aald a sage student of human
Tee, If a man who has been a good ion
before marriage neglecta his mother, the
fault la usually with the wife. She may
not ha able to love her mother-in-law. but
she can, at least. Insist that her husband
shall show his mother the same love that
he showed her before he married. If she
was worthy of that love when he was a
bachelor, ahe Is none the lesa worthy of
It because he has taken unto himself a
The Manicure LadyJ
There's no use talking George." said
the Manicure Lady, "thla here town haa
went baseball mad. I never seen any thing
like It- There has been seven gents In
here this morning to have their nails
did, and all they can talk about Is Matty
and Marquard or soma such firm. I don't
know how much money Matty and Mar
quard has Invested In baseball. George,
but I don't - think two people I never
heard of la worth so much talk."
'You don't mean to tell me that you
newever heard or Matnewson or atar
quard?" asked the Head Barber.
I might have heard of them." ad
mitted the Malcure Lady. "I got a great
memory for faces, George, but I km
pank when It comes to remembering
names. Faces la something that I never
forget. I shall never forget brother Wil
fred's .face the night that he came home
with one of hla favorite poems, -which
bad been refused. And I shall never for
get the old gent'a face) when he came
home after having an argument with
republican. Tou see. the old gent Is
kind of strong for Champ Clark, and
there was some republican gent that
aald something about Champ Clark. Then
father tied Into that republican, and star
ted to treating him something shameful
nntll retribution had to come. Father's
face looked kind of pensive after that ar
gument, pensive Ilka Hamburger steak.
But getting back to baseball, George,
I think It la shameful the way brainy
people keeps thinking about the pas
time. The only customer I have had for
a week that Isn't all the time drooling
about baseball la Archie Guns, the ar
tist, and be keepa up the average talk
about cricket.
"Wilfred Is clear oft his head about
baseball. He Is writing a series of base
ball poems for one of ths leading maga
zines, and as soon ss they come back
from the editor I am going to show them
to you. One of them I remember sow,
George. If you want to hear It."
-All right." said the Head Barber, re
signedly, "shoot It."
"It goes something like this," said the
Manicure Lady.
"What's the greatest game on earth?
. Base ball!
What game proves. Its sterling worth?
Base ball!
fears may come and years may go.
Worlds may wabble to and fro.
But I toast one wondrous show!
"What made Honua Wagner great?
Baas ball!
What brings fortunes through a gats?
Base ball!
When we aU to heaven go
lf we don't go down below.
What will we all play? I know-
"I dos t fancy ths lines." aald the can
did Head Barber.
"Tou don't fancy nothlaaT." assarted
the Manicure Lady. "There ain't nothing
refined or faaey about you, George. I'd
rather talk to one of my orange sticks.
OCX THe PftrVftrE WAtlrmf WLA
AA04-6 Hit 'UTTLE COw7.&a(..
TUg-Jo M vsac SETTt& ArVT
3ourtof6 Jam - po wr
A WrMffOV HM IN fffp MS"
SJTW oh a meUOW K.0CK
Amo Tuirreo hi 4 isowev
LOW M0AV- ME. U '7S7D A.
voice -Goita-ceo.
CfxX-0 A (UNO VIA rAAi
WtOVE'OH 'flMT &&KT1
vinrDo yoo khw
: r"
'And Is this an heirloom, too?" asked
the visitor, picking up brick that lay
on the center table.
"Tea." .said the lady of the house.
That Is the brick my mother threw at
the prime minister."
Ah. Indeed, how very Interesting,"
said the visitor. "And whose portrait la
that on the well?"
That la my mother herself." aald the
I see." aald the visitor. "The power
The Richest Man in the World
Aa armchair big enough for two,
The Judge Seeks a House for the Summer
Copyright. 1SH National
QtAJMV rScjrj mar uMumrrf
Jos OF MCT Mmui:'ta3iiLjn(r
AUV46- nap I j rt.v- U.U
eret6oo rne aowr-By we
oau. OH-ibnTffW!,
? ' KALf M.LG AwAV
mH-6-UCX CSMM6cr Ih iixa.
rSJr?.! JWFirp
Z????- oreo we
""H TtvrvfouUO Aero
TViCJtfi BrWJW in ''s.ot- of
rW HEiMfrp A6M Hkh
Sfcro. -
fWATMfe wsTTAWAy, tT"
smei $mm i wttTv
rUa-Wety VtCkOin
T&ltVtTAb Maya
smrmtoa livu
MoCMlrM .TO A. -TUarw
nOftlKHt TMr-
H A "if E
wsronHC rune
AMO rTT-rwrl&tfl'
behind the thrown, aa it were." Harper's
A Bachelor's Reflections.
Tt'a the man who haa a big halanos
who seems to hate to draw a check.
The only man who la a good husband
la the one whose wife knows how to
manage him.
It's very unmaldenly of a girl to let a
man kiss her against her will with such
a loud smack folk can hear it In the next
Maybe when the woman vote thsytl
a pretty girl-wife Haggling close
more eould any mia aikt
New Amiu
- S Trial ecT "TrHr A 9 oof
ft TWA rtUSrt.
rrwNA jmotsm tOt SuStWE
rsaorsor VirVrtoX in rfOguy
a mono,- ON bay a umsg.
c Arvta. . irwAi oww a i-ive .
lux rrwHofA o$Txwe
OW.'.'ft iMAI IN iriHAw9 AfD
MlrffvA WAJ A tJcOO AI THX JJtff.
tCtonm TXJH7 ,m me
C0crTO0K am 0 AJICGT) 7ME
rAAW NAfrrAr IT fA0 HE
ADjUiTET fttf CHCAffpU AH9
WlC A itrANT AT rrTrC'
W AB. rfi AiJkOV fAtU
wiuue sinmer cusa
N07M(f j
have just as hard a time making their
husband go to rhe polls with them aa
they now do to teaa.
Which would appear to Indicate that
II Imagines chorus girt shows ckn be
run without audiences.-'
Experience le very useful to a man to
teach him la Isn't sny use to him, be
cause It doesn't leach him anything.
The way a man thinks he Shows hew
much more he knows In an argument
than the 'other 'fellow Is to get madder
than he does -New Tork Press.
By Nell Brinkiey
amid freaa-cloadt of unoke what
Drawn for The Bee by Tad
Among All the Perils
So Unconquerable
The terrible fate of the Titanic haa
called attention, aa It was never called
before, to the awful menace of the tee
ners that sail the Atlantic main, the
merciless, voiceless, spectral pirates of
the sea.
Those thai threat
en the Atlantlo
liners nearly all
have their own
home ports whlrh.
they never see after
their launching
among the fiords
of western Green
land. The shipyards
In which they are
built are the vast
glacier streams of
that strange, frosea
continent, which la
hurled from shore to shore under a sheet
of solid Ire thst must. In many places,
attain a depth of a mile or more. From
the lofty central plateau the glaciers
flow towsrd the sea on all St dee. moving
aa they near the cast, from fifty to tm
feet per day. Where they mart the aea
they are sometimes from I.Ms to I'M feat
deep. Huge tnaesea are broken off by the
action of the waves and then they float
away, lowering np, sometimes to a
height of y feet, but with 'klght-nlnths
of their mass sunken beneath the water.
The total tonnage of the Orwentand'a try
fleet, annually launched Into the aea haa
been calculated at not lesa than a
thousand millions tons.
Many single monsters belonging to this
fleet no douht weigh a million tons. All
the battleships of the world combined
eould not swcoessfully contend with one
ar these white iveadnougnta, which
gleam In the moonlight or loom tlrremrh
a fog with ghostly lights and soars of
tottering Ice. Among all the perils of the
deep, none la so dreadful, so unconquer
able, so absolutely unapproachable aa a
great Iceberg. If all Its upper part could
be shot away the berg Would elm ply rise
mysteriously out of the depths and be as
formidable aa before. Sometimes thous
ands of tons of Ice are discharged from
the aides of the melting berg, but It only
shskes Itself or roll over, churning the
ocean to foam, and there It rowers again.
more frarful, perhaps, than at first.
The only way In which the peril of
the Icebergs could be removed would be
by destroying ths Ice aheeta of Greenland.
Aa the bergs are launched from the wes
tern coast they are caught In the Labra
dor current, flowing southward along
the American shore on the landward allds
of the gulf stream whence the Labrador
current Is often called "ths cold well"
snd then they begin their career of
menace and destruction by steeling d.
recty acrosa the lanes followed by the
ocean liners on their shortest and quick
est way to northern Eurpoe. Every mar
iner who enters that part of the ocean
Good Things
XMM-V. -J '
Ve.V- i
There may be among the women snd
girts who read this column such a rush
of necessities during the day that when
night comes they are too tired to look
for tbat In the books ahich will be of
great help to them.
For such as Ihese I have taken the
privilege of getting together a few things
that are good to remember.
The most Interesting of modern novel,
enthralling from beginning to end, con
tains not within all Ita pages put to
gether ae much of good as this front
"In s word, neither desth, nor exile,
nor pain, nor anything of thla kind la the
real cause of our doing or not doing any
action, but our. Inward opinions am!
principles." f
aid Cowper:
"An Idler Is a watch that wants both
As useless if It goes as If It atsnds."
"He prayeth best." said Coleridge,
"who lovetb best sll things both great
and small."
And was there ever In snx ef ths fic
tion which causes ths reader to forget
the cares that Infest the dsv anythtng
at as great worth aa this:
In llfe'e email things be resohits aac
To keep thy muscles trstned: Know "St
thou when Fate
Thy measure takes, or when she'll say
to thee.
"I find thee worthy, do thla deed for
It was written by the much-krved
Lowell. He also wrote:
"One thorn of experience la worth a
whole field of warning," a saying seldom
appreciated by thoss who have missed
the thorn.
of the Deep None is
as the Ireberg.
P. BKRYTB8. . 1
la the season when the fresen fleet fromj
Greenland eeta out. knows well the kind
of asnger he has to face. Those who srai
cautious keep away from It those who
are seeking a "record" sometimes take
the chance and brave the danger.
Once launched there la no way la which
man can destroy an Iceberg; only the slow
action of the sunshine and the aea can
do that. It ranaot be blown hp. It can
not be broken to pieces. It cannot be
steered Into another course, it cannot
even be approached with safety. Its Im
mense frosen mass china th air and tht
water, and In thli way The thermometer
may reveal Ita presence even when It
haa concealed Itself from alght behind
the curtain of mist and cloud created by
It own cold breath. Icebergs often cruise
la company, and a ship may find Itself
suddenly Involved In ". whole fleet of
them, some with towering "fighting
tops," snd some running almost entirely
submerged, like a flotilla of monstrous
submarines. Rome of ths reports Indicate ,
that ths Titanic went down tn th midst
of such a Squadron, that wag widely
scattered over hundred of Square mile. ,
There I no regularity tn th setting
out of Greenland's destroyers. In some
seasons the Icy cruisers are relatively
few and small; In other seasons they
some flocking down by thousand. Re
ports from ships furnish practically the
only source of warning to mariner. If
It wars practicable to establish sbservtnrl
stations In th - north, mors effective
warning might be given.
Greenland la a mystery. Ths existence
of so vast a mass of Isnd, completely
burled In Ice, at so great a distance
from th pot, Is Unparalleled. It Is got
only by it annual fleet of Iceberg thai
Greenland interferes with the affairs of
happier and aunnler lands, for It Is
probabla that the relative coldness of
ths eastern part of America la largely
due to the Icy presence of Greenland.
Remove It or strip It of Its frosea burden,
and a rise ef severs! degrees In th mean
temperature of thf part of the world
would, most likely, he sxnerlsnced. There
Is evidence that Oreenlsnd has not al
ways been buried by an lea sheet, but We
do not know through precisely whit con
melon of natur Its Ones, congenial oUV
mate was lost. 1
W hare to accept these things aa their
srs. w know thst th Ice king who now
rules Greenland will continue annually
until a aew gsofogle ag begins to launch
his terrible fleet, and the only wlsg
course Is to steer clesr of It; or, If we
will fees lis dangers, then to be prepared
With the means of saving every life that
sur foolhardlneas endangers. When A
faster ship la built It ought to be th
boast of Its owners, "TV can how taka
you across ths ssa, by safe route, la
the asms time that the other shlpa re
quire In running the gauntlet of the Ice-,
to Eemember
To go back to Eplctetus: . '
"Let not ' another's disobedience tk
nature become an 111 to you: tor you
were not born to be atipnustd and un
happy with others, but to be happy with
them. And If any one kt unhappy, re
member that he Is so for htmself; for
God made all men to enjoy feUclty and
There Is a great deal In that. A good,
long sermon for those who think It their
duty to be solemn and long. faced be
cause their friends sre melancholy.
In all the "good things to remember."
written by wise men since the world wsa
young, there Is none that equals thoss to
bs found tn th oldest book of all:
Though I hare all faith, so that 1
could remove mountains, and hare not
charity, I am aethrng."
"Whatsoever tftngs sre true, whatso
ever things are honest, whatsoever thins
are Jut. whatsoever things are pure,
whatsoever things are love!, whatso
ever things are of good report: If trier
bs sny virtue, and ft there be any praise,
think so these things."
Masts a f aa OM RbotI. i
Trouble always asks for henna whoa
you, resolutely Ignore him.
Never a stranded ship nor man wouBt
float h? the tide were not always turning.
We'd rather a flat broke and twenty
five than have a few meesley bone
tucked sway la the bank at forty-one.
The fact that opoortunlry Is always h
a hurry doeea't causa her to bee sine re
sentful when she la grabbed around tssj
We have a parlona hard time of n try
tng to convince ourselves thst we're
"overworked." though tbat stuff Is easy
to get away with at home. New Tors
World. ' .J