( T THE BEE: OMAHA.- SATURDAY. MAY 4. 1912, -v - - -7 : i !h and produce market p Sentiment Develop u Wriest Few. Come In. SITUATION IS SOT CLEAR iy Option Are la Fwal ft Be , see rk Car to la tf' Which la Imalil a Mat resent. J OMAHA. M.v $. ll , mora th wheat situation la dls J and th more news ent la. the IJlvldent the bullish poeltlon de JJ. Nobody in the trad any longer A tha calamity which haa reduced ket promise eat of tha Mississippi , Prices hat d-Ilrnl horn tha point made recently ana new uy-:-om bow on ahould put valuta atlll i la view o the fact that tha spring i crop la atill an uncertainty. . i com altuatton la not a dr ob. esarby option are In a trong poet- veceuae cash corn ta la gnod demand "fa price, and thla demand will Be .urgent when supplies are lea pleo , Uler In the eeeoc. The altuatloa ' at great caution uoUl a definite at can be taken. Dat readily recovered the weakneaa resterdav Tha market advanced .'-. howlng ood recuperet! 1 in- Caah wheal waa c higher. . com market showed a weak tone valuee ranged below ytrdy a v caaa cum bad a wide rang. "a being unchanged to 3c lower. mary wheat receipt were $73 On Me and ahlpmeata wer esa.000 bub gatnot recelpta last yaar of . "ia and ahlpmenta of 2.i bushels. Fmary corn recelpta were 7.B bitsh nd ahipmenta wer . buahel. t it recelpta lt year of 42s.0 buah-a-nd ahlpmenta of .ts buahel. "arance were 47.O0 buahel of com. ; bubel of nan and wheat and flour ' I to Ma-.OM buebela. Serpoo) eloerd StjSd higher on wheat 16 Wd lower on corn. ; following ch sale wer reported fieat: No. 2 bard. 4 car. 1V No. TA. I car. II t core. $1 OA Re)- I car etc. No. I mixed. 1 car, $l.7l, ' : ho. t white: I cars, 1 car. f car. 72c. N. I color: 1 car. 7Te. ' it yellow: J car, 7V. No. I yellow: : S-r. 5c; 1 car. Tie. No. yellow: t rv-. t er. Hue: g cara. Tic; 4 can. ' . No. 1 mlied: 1 car Toe, No. t mixed: rs. Tc; 2 cara. 7Me; 1 car, 7e; 1 74V - mixed, a w, iiTf 7. Tic; I cara. 7c. No grad. car. t I car, ate; 1 car, 4e; I cara 42r. ?: aundard: 1 car. MS. No. white: ara. 54c. No. I whit: I car. Me; r. USo. I 3 Oaiaka fae Price. ,HBAT-No. I hard. H.taajlllH: No. rd. ILICtOI lS. No. 4 hard. ILbM ' . iRX-No J white. 77S75f ; Na t ; f , TWr': No. 4 white. TKc: No. lUr ;M.r: No. 1 yellow. TMtmtc: 1 1 yellow. TMMc; No. 4 yellow, 7 No. t TlWtptc; No. t, UVWc; No. rTlc; no grade. CW"- , , . ,TI-No. t white. wv: atandard, M : No. I white. KHeMc: No. t yel-- M4fMH: No. 4 yellow, UUffMr. t Rl,EV-laltlng. vrtl.H; No. I food, tic; heavy feed. tbttKx. . I l..'No t u9c: No.. 1. KMSe. ; ' tar lot Receipt. 1 i Wheat. Corn. Oat 1 1U a , l W ?Sd: future. atady; May. la Ta; t ember. & isa. SBW lOIk CEXEItl. JIAKET tjaaiatlaa af tbe Day artaa ( aaaataattle. V f W TADk- Uev X. -FLOl R Steady: aprtnc patent. iSj: winter traight. (4 aatrt m: winter R KIS: aprtng clear. KeM a; w17 eitr. No L 14 winter " No. 2. 4 04.HV, kanaaa tralgBt. eV"") 1 1. Rye flour, ateady; fair to gooa, e 009: choice to fancy. tVObtJ !. (OIOXEAfc-Steady. line wnii yellow. l wwLal. coara. Hi "; " dried Kl. , . RTE-Btedy; lo. , c, a. falo to arrive . . BARLEV-Meady; mailing. wi ell. Buffalo. .. . , V. HKAT spot market nrm. o. . I.S elevator export bait to arna and t. n. b. afloat. No. 1 north ern Ltuluth, II t o. b. afloat opening navigation. Future maraet wae early on activ buying on further rumen crop advice; small receipt nd higher cable, but eased off lata under proflt- taking. cloatng H to e net miner. May doaed. ILSH: July. f4.lMl !'.. closed. LIS: feptember cloeed. Li;". Rscelpt. n.M bu.; aolpnrnita, recelpta. M.yT bu. COHN-epot marui, aw; ep. Domlnal t a. b. afloat. Kuture market nominal Na recelpta; bo ahlpmenta OAT8-pot market ateady; atandard whit. atf. in elevator: No. Z. Oc: No. S. 43V; Na 4. Or. future market nominal. rarHHa, n.Wk bmneia rEKrv-alarket barery Meady: wMt ern prlng. bran. KW-lb. aacka and stand ard mixed In 10-lb aack. W.aMf 4a HAT Firm: on me. II.T; Na I. ll; Na I H 4bLW; Na K tlM. HOI Bteany; tt common t" v,..". in crop. a.D.ti. iw croi."im'n,; i PacUl coast. UU crop. Ml.844 . crop, nominal. HltKS-F!rm: tntral Amenta, NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Unfaronble Kewi Seized Upon to Depress Prices. RAILWAY SHAilS All WEAK Decline Aee-rataated by Meaerete Llaaldatlea Part af Olaraar agrd Oatelders Tired af Haldlas On. SMiaa es azelnst B.l.l.- lt week and P.K,K.M in the corresponding week last year. Th following ib a tut oi tne cm: Bogota, I5Stic. kaATHtH- -ago fneapoll Sna ; nh ; K AttO CiRAI ASID PltOVIIOSIS 1 dtare af the Tradlag Bad t loelng i t Price a Board al Trad. Jllt-AOO. May l-Beltef that Prmnc ,1 ba a liberal buyer from other coun , brought about a bulg today In the ; ot wlieat. rinal quotation wr to V hlhr than lt night. Other fling staple also show a net decline . the day-corn He to mc, oat 1o to lilo and provlalona V' to 17v.. ewa of probable extension of th time owed for rem'h miller lo export iir mtde from foreign grain started .wheat advene that th bearg at no 'ictur wer able tu oveicome. Hull is helped by detail of the Kanaaa ta report Imlkiatlng a lea favorabl p (bowing Hum waa yesterday aup ed to be the rase and advka at id confirming Imprwssloiui thst winter eel harvest In th big oft winter tee win o meager. teady: hemlock flrsta, Edl r; seconds, S49ic; third. n3c, re- . Ms I'ROV IKItIRo rora. eieaoy. in.. family. gK.MwJI.M; hort cier 111040. Beef, firm; mess. Ill -9 14 M; family, lS.mil.w; oee neme. - t A. Cut mcata. steady; pb kled belli. K) to It lb. Sll.4uU.; pbkied hama. UU. IJtrd. ateady; mlddl wt prune, tl HagitJa; refined firmer; conti nent. tll.M: Oouta America. 11.; com pound. V4ywc. TAUXJW-KIrm: prim, city hors btada. c; country, (W(rc; peclal. TWc CHBMB-Btesdy; receipt. IMS boxes; tat whole milk, new whit, specials, leVe; colored. V; whlto, avrgs lncy, HV. colored, avers fancy, leJ Ui,e;. sktms. new, 44 I IV. BirTTKR-Market week; receipt. T.r tuba; creamery perlale. Me: extras. B.V; flr.ia, HQXr; seconds, UtrUc; thirds, a 3to; state dairy. 1 1 nest. JieaiVi good to prime. 9trc; common to fair, 8tAn, rKio-Ktesdy; receipts. ' . cases; fresh gathered, extrsa, UStKe; fresh gathered, along parked, W45aV; fresk gsthered, regu.ar packed, !; fresh gatherad, second. IIHV:; wlr gathrd white. )V4aVa POULTRY Alive, tedy; weurn fmm lie fnrkeva tic: dressed. autt nd teady; westers fowl. 144)11; lurkeya. U 4)X. . Ova ana Wbeat Kea-tea Sialletla. tt.iied atataa n-nsrtmnt of Agrleul ture-Weat bar bureau report for Ik twenty-four bur ending at a. m., Mtb mndla time. Friday. May a, UU. OJ4AHA DUITRIOT. . 'lemB. Rain- BtatloB. High. Low. feu. Aahland. Neb., m w NEW TORK. May X-That portion of the epecwlative public which an atub bornly reatstad the rle of the last two months la the stock market, today seised upon a audden reversal in th railroad labor si l net Ion together with a batch of unfavorable reports to depress prlcea Th selling waa neither extenetv nor precipitate until th final hour, when of fering fairly overwhelmed th market and price fell away until they repre sented in Bom Important instance low est prices of any day in th last fort- BlghL The decline wa accentuated by moder ate liquidation on the part of discour aged outsiders, wio aeemrd auddenly to awaken to th belief that manipulation rather than actual oondlUona nu th primary factor In th long sustained rise. In the early aesalon tudsv weakness centered chiefly around the standard railway aharea. with aoute heavlnesa In Union racinc. Latter the movement spread to Reading. Lehigh Valley. Balti more V Ohio, New York Central. Loui vill A Naahvllle and other ured divi dend payer. Missouri Pacific and Krt also renecled a deer re of pceaaur. the former apparently deriving no immedlat benefit from It proposed refunding plena Among th mora speculative luduatnaie I'nlted Ktatea Hteet waa penrltentlv of fered for sale on relatively heavy trana- aetiona. Both American Can common and the f 'referred ascended to new high records n the early part of the dy. but yielded In company with virtually ll other is sues to Hi downward movement at the closa. Of th many railroad reports for March thai of Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul waa moat unfavorable, ehnwlna a loea of Inrom on tha mm line of l'oa and ilia ox on the vuget Mound t. vision. Chicago, Rurllngton gt Wuincy loat al most i.! net Bt. Louis 4 8n Fran- ctsco yet em tiT.OUO and Denver gt Rio uranoa oa.uw. Bonds war heavy In sympathy with slock. Total sale par value, IJ.Sig.iJU. atnoka Total aeiea, par value. lAUMOU. oent on call. Number of aala and laadlng quotatlou a bond today were: gales MlfS. Lev cteae. Auburn, Neb.. It Broke Bow ... ai Columbua, Neb. 4 Culbsrtson. Nb, as Falrbury, Neb. a Fairmont, Neb. at Or. Island. Nb. M Harllngtan. MB Hastings, Neb. 4 Holdrege. Neb. T Uncoln, Neb... a No. Platte. MB Oakdal, Nab-. Hnaha. Nab.... m Tekamah. Neb. a Valentin. Nb. .1 Alt, la n arrolL la Hlblay. la. T Sioux City. la. 4 - .1.... .a ,,r U.mA hn.li. I. In the ' elhweetern stock dining th week TTia nipmeni promisea to w nvwyy, 1 there waa conslderabl falling oft In 1 ifidenca befnr trading reached a t- d basis at th end. July ranged from KS to tl.ll. with test !. II HtM j mm earn nr kc i ommiuion eeii- i of corn H too persistent to admit S 1 I . . iMn,MM..I I 1 1 1 V 1 11,'t 11. Led from 7c to 7N oloalng weak. V ? wn at ctso lc. cash grade war ot ;red more freelv. No. t yellow wai t nted at Vti0V. j Mn growing weather led to much Ulnar of oat. July ranged front V.V M'.o and oioaed vwa on i te9 Minimum temperature for twslve-hour period ndlng al a m. PI3I1UI.I lnur,e Na - Temp. RIb Central. Btatlou. riigs. aatw. Columbua, 0 U 74 Leutevllle. Ky... a M India poll, lira. 11 Chicago. I" " BU liOUia. MO... IS n De Moirtea, l. a " Mlnneepoli .... t 71 Kan. Uty, Mo. Omaha. Neb 11 14 The weatner ' throughout the corn 1 Provuition gradually eesed of th heav back In 1 4ieeouenca of the hoavtnee of corn. Jrrk Bufferwl th principal decline, TUjc. net. ijCaeh quotation were a follow: . 'tide Open. I High Low. Cloaa. Tet'y. yijlj 1 ! 1 ll July. II W'.m 1 HW 1 tttpi.il Vi1 1 orn . Mv. (Ouly.(TTHHj i Npt.lWt y jjuly ork ; May I Kept- ;rd-4 . May July ; Kevt. t Oct..! jtiba- May I July. WtT M4 iUSl 1 1 ut KM 11 U Ml, 1 44 11 11 u u 10 4TSI I 1 uwl 1 ir.l i iu. 1 MSil WVl IMfa I 1 II 1T!I irs) 7Sl7SflV W.4H1ISIIIS Iff TTH4JS nl ri 4iU mk it m MS S4 111 i ith it hhiu t2i MM 11 e 10 3T4 lt2W 11 It 4 171 11 7Vt 11 ITV li ii r, II By U k k I 1 S7W1 -41 r Sept. 14 42- It 7-T: -: 1 -i;i J-4J FLOrR Steady; winter patents, H.M 1- winter atralaht. X4.M&0O: spring Mtent, B.0ul. spring straights. te-Ie .', ; bakers M.iw4.; beat aara clears s BARLKY-Feed or mixing. s0fjtl.gi lf a cholos melting. 11 JTitll.tL : SEKKH-Timothy, KM&lZ-m. Clovr. J 'pROVIilONft-Mees pork. Sl aajlt-UH. f MrA (in Derceai, IN., onort no tiooee V is Total clearance or wnet ana iiour a t M U 41 M m u M M M M H 44 17 M tl 4 . . .01 .M .! .m .2 ky. Clear rt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloady pt. cloudy Cloudy CloiKiy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Ft . cloudy Cloudy Clear U M M M in M a u .10 much warmer and wheat region inrtnf the laat twenty-tour hour. Ap preciable rain oceurreo in ail ei-ep inv Bt. LOUIS, I nicaao m upiie.iiw trlrta Ralna of on or more Inch oc curred at the following ataUon: nouih iknteMllhank. l.iy- Minneeot--t'- trolt, I; Montovldeo, ,. Wisconsin Milwaukee, I I. inoian ueii ni. t. aou Martlhton. 1 V. U A. WELSH. Local roracaatar. rv earner sunwa gt. l.oal Ueaeral Varttrl. T t oil IB May t-WHEAT-Steady track. Na I red. n.l01.; Na I Bard. ti inatt 17. COKN Bteaay; trace, nu. a, miwt o. eihite aaei&c. 0ATB Firm; tree, na , ic; n hit. MHO. WHtAT-Hlgher; May. Ill; July, U fa's; September, n 03V. lURPI-WWir; star. eui. io7iw. Bentemtver. 744.C. oatb Lowr; may. evi w UV RTE-rimtnrta. aa sac. fl JUR Dull: red winter patents. St ft (i.7t: xtra fencv and strslsht. t .; hard winter riears, ss-wwe-ss. 8KKt-T1mothy. llftUB. lYIKNUKAL-Sa BRAN-Weak; aarked east track, tl M -- . ' MA T r irm: umoiny, a--. !' . .-ii er ee i wr. e- -v " . PROVIKIONH Pork, uncnangeo; joo- blng. l s Lard, unchanged: prim ..in ay fiunM.Ou. Dry sslt meat, lower boxed ehort extra. ie.ie: ciear ni li:.S: ehort clear, til. Bacon. kwr boxed extra, til 7ft. clear rib, lit. is; snort clear. Ill " .... POULTRY Firm: cnicxens. ijr, springs. 4Jc; turkey. 14c; diKk, Uc rr"i,if; .-a-. M I i r. rv r n m . . . ..,. . i , ..wv. unilB l.owr at lie. Kecelpts flhipmtnt nir hbls .1i 4i Wheat, bu. "" Corn, bu K 4M Oeta bu . V Allls-rtitwers SI4 Amslfsisste Co peer ... Amerlcaa Arrteulinrel ., Awertcea Meet ssaar.... Americas CSS Anerkes C. A F Aaerkea ItMiea Oil.... Aneelvsa H AL. sM... AM. Ire eesrltlel ., Aewrtess Llwull ., Awerlcea Ueeesiatlv .., Aaerlcaa g A K - Aia. S A R f'4 A. tet Fes4rles.,. Aw. Sugar Return. Anen.es T A T Aaerlea Tetiarce ... Aisertrsa Woeiee' - Astcee4a Mlslsg OS AlrRless Alrhlana f4 Ailistle Least Lies elllwef Okie BelllleSMB SIMI r., Breklv-a Rai4 It....... OaeeSlaa rsclfle Cm ret Lett her Ceatrsl Leatlvee !.... Cenirsl sf Nee Jerety.. a raw CklrM A AIM Ctiksae 0. ., aew.... Otilreie 0. W. St cmnss A N. W (iiiraee, M. a pi. r... c. a st. i Peter F. I 'ierade g Sewtfcera.... HH4ate4 Usa ........ rera rreSsrtt Drlaesre Ha4ee Deiver A Rle OreeAe... a R. a. n DIM Illert sersrltlss ... art ana 1st M. Brt M sf Oeaeral gteetrta Urvvat Nenhem s4 Ores! Nertbers Ore stfs. Illlnola taetrsl lalerssreasa SISI Mat. SI4 Istarsaltesat Harvester . later -Marine pt4 lalarsellasal raer .... lalersailasal Paaa .... leva Uaalral Karnaa lllr SMtHera... sa ata Uelea Oaa -.. tMnlarlll A NesBTllle.. lea. a ......".. k K. 1.....'.'. T. s4 laansrl ferine ........ alleaal BlacaH ...... Nalteeel Lees - b b. sr r Na Yerk Oetral o. a w Narfelk a Weatera North Aatertcas Northers Pselll rarlrte Mall ' pniarlanla. si l ... rassle's Oaa. ex-iv.... r. v.. c a at k Pruaharik reel --- atoei car--...- Millsvss raises Car Rail aaaAli Resaslle H Bert laieee ie.. ........ Rerk lolae C ; U a p "c-- beala . W. St- L W. t4......... 4loeml4 A A I-. Sna I hare fa' in. Saataors ltallear Rallear Sa TaseaaaM fepesr TSias A Parlflr St. I v.... T , Bt. U A w. tale Parltle .. - taloe rsrlfte Ff4 allaA Slatas rv.-r lane ttae as.... t'slte latea wal L A Waal M Hat Oepeee a .ferallee i""' Walvask tea ...-..v Mat7iao" 41.14 I.MS ts.iea n.sw l.tw S.a I.Tt Ml lv tla 4IS "a 17 a 94 M I4t . 7 Ul 41 la 44'a U' It 41 1 . ""a . Kl. .141ia Cos Bloc r l4tSU. rtml ... Cee. 1st ret. as. sa we rac- cr. aa.. lster. Met. ! ... atrasaaui as El 4. Xtarea- RKPORT OP CLBABIKO UOCSB Traaaactlaa af Awaarlatea Baaka far Ike Week. NEW 1 OKK, Sir . uraaoirevTi i ernrmrc bank clearings report for the week end- HUliS L0Wt Ufl LAAUX. iLV,I.U" ng May 1 snows an saKregnu oi sa-eia,- OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Small and Values Are Advanced. CITIES. Amount. Inc. DM aiaau rite Grata sal Previa lees. KASHA CITY. May S.-WHBAT- Ch unchan to "V higher; Na I vhard, Il.lb4jll 144; No. s. gt.l.uu; no- It IUI li: No. t. II 11411.14. ver. equal to hX.ua bu. Exports for th I tXRN-Cnrriged to We lower; No. 1 seek, a ahowB by Bradstreeta wer mixed. otlc; No. X, tec; Na s wmta I A i c nianer. no. - " i-..., No. 9 mixed. 44ji:c Cloalng price of ruture: WHEAT May, tl OS; July . t aac- ouimiW tl a. CORN-May. 7c; July. 747tic September. flieeTI'sc: Member. Mc. OATt July. v-sc; KViroiw . BTV-aiaav u a ti 'nchsnced to St down ; cholea timothy. tXSOftr a); cbolc prtn. tBj m TT KK creamer r, . ' - " Wcond. vt: packing stock, c. .TA..a B-.,..a i f I rale 17c Rerelnta. SMptnema Wheat, bu. - " " k.. .- B.SS as'""! Oat, bu. AOH) T, uu,uo bu. Primary receipts were u.e ju., compared with bu. th corre- ,lnding day a year agu. tetimated re- ! vpts for tomorrow. Wheat, 1 car; 'join, 714 cam; oela, 130 car; bog. U. ' yrAii. . i nlcago Cash Prices-No 1 rad. SL1444) Llsie: Na t red. tl Ul.l4: Na S hard. tl.luol.17; Na hard, tLlJ4Jl.U; Na 1 tvorUsera. tl.lefiLB; Na i northern, SLlMi ).!; No. I northern, n.li)1.17; Na 1 spring. I1.13AJ1.W; No. S spring. ILlltJl K; ya 4 spring, 1 1 11; wivet chaff. ai-lA - fl 17; durum, ti.uol.U- Com: Na 1 kviy; No S whit. aytrlc: Na t veilow, ))SVc; Na i. 7i7c: No. t '.hit. 7j;irtc; 'No. S yellow, 7M7e; a 4. IstfTSV: Na 4 white. TJfTTV; No. : yellow. TetrmV- Oat: Na t white, it 1 w'afa t whit. 7tw7Vc; Na 4 white, bWauc; sTftnasrd. K0Hk. i Ky: Na 2. 4c. Barley: c4tl I'.mothy seed: 7.sSU.s. Clover seed: a sit lt-in.M. BV,ErV-ta4y; creajDerle. StaUtt; oaxrie. SttrtHc. , - toousekaadv : receipts. ttS ' at wiark case Included. TOgc; aratnary i flrsta. firsts, 17W1SC J ; CHEiE-Bteady: oajsaea, l(yl7te i twiaa. lSlc; young Amertcea, i;t -7f. long horns. lealilr. I POCLTRT-Aitve. rek; chickens, Uc. 1 ., VAL-8ttdy at .ue. t l.lvarw sl tirala Market. J UVEitPOOU May 1 WH KAT Spot - i strong; No. J red western winter. ;ad, l futures, steady: May. 7s K'td: July, 7i , e-.d: October. 7 Sd- i ORN Spot, A merles n mixed, new, XKminal: American mixed. oo. steady, C' : , new America tiiB dritd. uit, as I.S 4la " as MS, MS, N l 4V l"7 1STV ISA IT 17 n I e IM l!ta 13 l.ios mt iu ta 14 tat IMS 1HS ws M t.tst 41S ', 'IS U as lot IMS la im lea mi Jos a lias IM Isst III lMt, 1MV IM 111, ITS lets u lis U' t ea IMS nS IUS l. MS MSi AS SM N, M M IM SM , 71 71 ' II ys ti ii it M M H m hi ins ins t.SW l 147 Si I" It 1.SM MS lS M.w lk lt 1,744 ItS !' M 171 11 M.aM I. It Its MS 4s II H MS S 7 k 141 us 171 n 44 11 M MS lS 14 M ! US MS 'SLmiU " ' o in ms t.MS lU'a lies 14 M S ms ins i lew its l sms Atv II am iiae ii-, n.-e an s 1S .l US US S .- ."y. "s "m as m ws "S " lltS 1"4S IMS 1S l.SM US l"S H'S i.a ns S sas s IMS M :s us ll.SM l!S S V 1U US U4S 1.IM II 41 S .: ... "i i ms ms ins ms aa. aas ! II l.io 1US n:s in IM US ' t ea Ills 1IS 11 4M US MS S lie IMS IMS l" i'iaa isitfc 1ST 17 i an fit. MS MS V ns m ms let ISM, IM IM oaa B a . Hill Tl JIS MS MS II New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Ksasaa city. Pittsburgh San Francisco ...... Bsitlmore Cincinnati , Minneapolis New Orleans Cleveland Detroit Los Angeles OMAHA Milwaukee Loulaville Atlanta - Ponland, Or. ....... Seattle ft Paul Bllffa.o Jwnver Indianapolis Providence H.chniond Washington. D. C. Memphis at- Joseph Hjlt Lake city Fort Worth Albany roiumnu itavsnnah Toledo Nashville Hartford Spokane, Wash Tacoina Lies Molne Rochester Duluth Macon Onklsnd. Cal Norfolk Wichita Peoria New Hsven Jacksonville. Fia... Scranton Grand Raplda Birmingham Sioux City.....' Augusta y radios Evsnsvtll Worcester Springfield, Asa.. ttayton Portland. M Chattanooga Little Rock Charleston, ft, C... Wheeling. W. Va. Knoxvtlle Han Iitego, Cal Lincoln Reading, a a Topek iwilmlngton. Pel... Pvenprt rutcramanto, Cal... Mobile Wilkeaharre Cedar Rapid, Akron Youngatown Waterl.Mi. IB Fall River Canton, tl Springfield. 111.... Kort wayne ew Hedford...... lelena Lexington or, ra nlumlila. 8. C... Krle. Pk 8torklon. Cal Boise. Idaho Rnrkford. Ill llskogee. Okl ... Kslamasoo, Mich.. ulncy. Ill mmington. in Tulsa, okl Oguen, Utah Lowell beater. F. ...... Sprlngnakl. O... Sent H Heno. ina Rinshnmton .... sloux Fall, o. D...I Jack eon. Mis I ectur. in nafteld. O argo. N. I 'remont. Neb... h-kebiirg. Mis. Jarksnnvill, ill. Houston Trenton 4 4,... 17;... i:.: ... Ma,... .1... C.4... tilJt..W. 44. tte.&l.twvi 14S. ITl.A'l.ool . 172.Ml.tesK 1.4; . ;s,7i. 5 4) . aa.43i,'J) 11. WiPvKC'H .i. V','; 1 ...lwtl."Si IO.Pt. 3i:,'oi i.:i. i.7ia.uio I l,eie.tiai 17 ;i t !! a.lo.at 23,4,iv. J7.I21 ) is.:.: r..4iii 13.tUl.tnsi 11. : 12.39.1 4.4 ILSSOftX 1D.4I.'M: l.2.t"X ,6lM.illi. lu.tnii.0. &,94S.tt S.t,! J.JJJ.t) 5.8M.ns .!1.(I0, 7.l,U 7.434.i": A.ODfl.onrVI fciM.tM'l 4.0IS. e.Si.M 4.! 4,"79.0!W 4.7.i 6.7.i Packer ana Skipper Da Net larllaed ta Laa t P 'keep and Lamb Price Ara Lawn. Receipt were. Official Monday lUHiciai lueeaay.... Official Wednesday. Official Thursday.., fcatlmat Ftiday.... 44 13 I Ml S.7 11.. .. S. ., -!., M.Sl. "'i'.ii'. 1.4 . . . I I I 4.l. a.t Cattle. Hog. Sbeep. ... t:a 5,TS ti ... 5,137 1.M ... J.M lk.IT ... l.T4 U.&i .... 3S") . tl 6,'ilO TttT Fiv day thla week.li.C9 4.S X.Ja 8am days last week. .14.760 S6.4S J.f tiam day i w k ,! 4T..759 J7.1W Bam day i w k go.l4.el 43 7 be. me day 4 w ka ago. 1 1J 42.S 4WJ 6am day last year. r7.r3J 613 29, Th following tbl show th receipt f cattla, hogs and hcep at South Omaha for th year to data a compered with laat year: Mil UU Ina D c.tti . tsiwi v.a Hogs l,Jt.4 TSH.1J6 6U."I Sheep 75e.77 557.93 IS8,78 Th following table shows th rang of price paid for hog at South Omaha for th laat few day, with comparisons: them lamha made a top of HVS and to day a fresh toeae has forced extrem quotation down to iO.(J?-l- Th best shorn lam ha brought tS-75 wltn other offering of fair to good quality selling on down the list. There cr" sheep of con sen ue nee on sale and prices remained nominal. Country demand for shearing; and leod Ing stuff did not amount to much and only a few odd bunche of stock wer purchased for shipment. On two day thi week packer took the entire receipts, the four days' buy on outMde account amounting to only L70 bead. Compared srtlh laat week close, cur rent prlcea for wooled lamb show a net advance of about 50r. shorn Ismbs closing about 7S cents higher. Sheep have been scarce, but various aale indicate a seneral gain of 73ti!vc in ewe, wether, tc Parkin demand during the first three days waa clamorous and the trade went upward at a rapid rate, larooa reaching the highest levels since the record month of 11. Considerable reac tion lately has been attended by a dull, mean demand. Onntstlons on sheep snd lambs: Lamb. nwul to choice raili HV. lambs, fair to good, t9.15trv.05: lambs, shorn. t.lb9 8.75: yearling, good to choice. t S.75; yearlings, heavy. 17.758.30: wether, good to choice, t7 50427.85: wether, fair to good. t7.1f7.5D; ewe, good to choice, t7.1537.5v; ewes, fair to good. te.tna,.u. Lata. 1U. iUill.ilIO.liite-:eA.lii7 laul. April lij J 4IS, ( 1 01 5 31 April iil J 47 1 t lit I 1 l 40 t 34, 4 April a? 7 SI tali SSI I 1 - April El 7 ta I a 04; tl I , j 4 i Apnl H 5ll0( J081 April S IC ttiljioslial 1 fto April 3U 7 , ; 141 Ml 5 L, J stay 1.1 7 si tu - s s s hi " M.v I.. -7 a t 74 01 ' I t 34 2J 77 tiay 3..: itai 84 7 01 No. 511 wool Iamb 280 shorn lamba ...... ;U0 shorn lambs 8 wool lambs .., 135 shorn aaiiibs 7 shorn lambs. cuHi 171 shorn lambs 91 shorn lamb cue. . Av. 71 7J 83 l 98 88 W 5 Pr. s SD 70 10 00 5 35 too 7 50 5 50 3.331.0" 't K.3 l...., 4.81..., 7.51-, ti 4.3 la.. !. MS M M SM '"na ata 114 I tne ills 1S IMH I. MS MS MS, MS AM US ' im v a a mo ta M tl ,: "t : s Tl in M M II US I ft MS 7v, MS ns ti its IMS MS 'S V in ms us tie ms llS l.SM SIS 41S 45 S , 3 w US 1 ' MS S TM 41 S WaMare war, - aatl4o" St"" - g, SM.ra tales " Mla ALB Lohlak vslley .... Ctilne Oaeeae gar reeoolioata v.rk SAeaey Jgarkel N TORK. M.y --,0!,,T-5n steady at e- .rfercd iV.' Der.nt:Vr months, ISm jperoenx PrTmE MERCA.NT1LB PAPfirV-maH P"C?n!'... evrUlvnR-VMk. With for ixiy-osy - - -:;r. u mnd; rami-rv -. - - - BONDbJovernmnt. firm; rlroad, noiing quoutlon on bond tody were follow: ii. g. rat. SA. tag-.r-s'---- ga esasa V A II MS IMS 1S 1H IMS tS M S , ms ts i j; too IM M . ta4 B. A 4a. rg- 4a eeap AlUe-Csal IleeeawelU Grmla Market. uivvr apoi.iA May S.-WHKAT- May. 11.11: July. tLin; Septembar, e.OaVsiLtWS, .CBh: No. I hrd. H.aM a... iHium i! laa.frl.leS: Na north. 1.12S1.HS; N- t .I0. L1S rl.AX-WH. BARLEY 70c fftl 3. COP.N Na t yellow, 7Vi77V-OAT8-Na S white. 54Sa,e. FYE-No. !. "c- BRAN In Kw-lb. sacks, Stt snems. er 'B.eiM r tenia BVIOera l: aer. ond uetvnts. M.ia.": first- clears, 2.S: second clears, C 4i--. r Market. Msy l-Bl'QAR-Raw, Sai a-L-w vnkK firm: Muscovado. test S Be: aentrltu- gal. M test. 4 46-: mc lasers sugar. Uat. j.Jta.. reXuaed, Heavily. M. 4sa.. 44 .. ieM.Jaaaa ta es. teiia ae 4Se S2S HBSK- C. Se. ax a. .. Its 114 L. eat. ai 141. MV. 1S U a K. asl. 4a.... tat la... MSM A- A T. la s.. MS la Ml (OS. IS .. T a T. v ta .11. Ha rantle ta TS Aa. Toeaees 4s..... H R It sf M 4 So M i, as IMtS Y. C g IS ... T Arswer A C. 4SS- sis s e. 40 !haai s. 4a. ... MSN. I. N U A H. ea ev. M ev. ta IT a. ev. ae WSN. Aw. lot e - A C L tot M MS e.. M Ill sai. A Okie ea ,x rscine aa ea So M s so s ee A w. ISS-- eao. e. u rres. m vk aares. Tr rv. 4a-- rthai ev. tss WA,. Ms cae, el 0 a... s ee ess. m CSs. teetker as. .- M Reaajag gas. 4a.... MS T. ,1 K. J. a "-.mill L A A r. ts, at tis acaas. A OSes 4s ' " WA. sa H Ae rat. As - Si II 1 tiu t-kieeaa A A. ISO-, ai a ut goal v.. St C B A Q- I. MA At. J T4S ee -. as ras, saa. si .aissr. AMM esov. ea. SA e a I a . a So. T:si as tat rot ea B ee rt. 4a MSse. Rallear Is. W?S Cote. In, sa TS ee gas. la lis Cate. Ml. taroe rxems ex.. ..is: r. 4 1. t 4 a ISO MS 4 ea. ta mh. D R 4 4a. n,C- g RaMar 4a ...IMS Aa est- le v e auei as Aa . let DMUtora is v, r. Oaa is. ana t a- m weasel ist as lets e see. 4a hS ea tat A ei 4a.. 4s a rv. ea. aar. a., r-l-wi aa. as... ost. ex. a J,74.tIOl 3.s::.oimi 3 73I.UMI a,3s:oiw 3.371,") 3,.iM. 3.934.0WK., :,517,0Jl I t,i."i.Ai0l l-4l .33S.iioJ 17..... S.lOh.OtAl 18.0; l.H-M.ooi 11.71. ... I W.iSOl I 3 1,IMU I H t nvvioot 33 5' !.4l3,iM, 7.51 !.235.tWl( 1.0 I..i7,tllj lK.-..lH l.faU.tsmi t- l,tis. li.l !.. 4 l-tl tllKl.ll N.I I l7ioj .: l.m'IOOl 1.3 I.7W.0KM .1 ysi.ovt . l.:.fH 4.1! I moi,iiai it.. 1 tl IMW l.s l.H7,0l)l I .l i.:jt.ii io.8i I.l3.im0 27.5 1.87.Oi 140.01..... l.M.tXM 13. tl 1.575.lll l.Klo.Owl l.SKi.fasH l.H8.lOj I.IW.W l.7,4( tiunday. Rer emla and disposition of liv stock t th I'nion Stock Yards. South omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at J p. nt. yeaterday : RBCBIPTB CAKS. 1 1 3 77 36 4 44 2 1 4 :i .. 5 .. .- 'i " 4 124 42 1 15 41 1.V31 14 Si lll II 77l.01)i j U.S 875.lnDl 11.71 liOSCwmt I It V.0-0 1 l.t .,7.t tS-4, 73I.MUI t.l! efti.lo 11. S lt.5 ;u .oibm t.7 7 .,(! .5 I.SS.imi .21 titon' I.I 3.m ...... vs.io( M.21 M."M " mxm i.tl 6','t.lH - S4."..aiw I 5.7 6l.0ii I .1 57S.IKIOI J45.H I 7,0.m) M.7I Jt71.e' J7l( 30.01 4Jlnil 141 Sl.tmif lt.gl o I 12.1 tt.ntif. ori n.i 1.l.) 1-.... ..ot included In totala becau ounuln- big oilier Item than clearing. teadltloa af Treasary. vA'AniiiviiTnM Mav A At the begin ning of business today th condition of th United Mate treasury was: Working balance In treasury otricea, aea.iw.v.o; in bank and Philippine treasury. lU,M..ffit; total balance In general fund, $13,755 345; ordinary recelpta yeaterday, tiSM-3. ordinary disbursement. l.7t,7Tc:; tleflclt o date this fiscal year is ij,w.j. gainst a surplu of ll.0ti7.Kl st this tlm Isst year. These flgurea exclude Panama canal and public debt transaction. I aa port a at New York. nx-W TORK. May l-Import of mer chandise and dry good at th port of New York for in weeg enmng Apni ;i were valued Bt $1S.U.W. Import of specl for th port for the week ending tody wre tatl.i allver and . gold. Export, giet.2a4 divar ana ivi, goiu. I.aadoa Block Market. LONDON. My 1 Trading In American securities wsa light during the first hour today. Canadian pacinc afvanced m mints, but th rest of the lit held within a email fraction of yeaterdiy J Now York losing. ' Baak Clearing. OMAHA. May l-Bank clearings for today wer 4a.ais.sas.De ana tor tne cor- res ponding aay laat year, e-.ai,,ji.. Metal Market. NEW TORK. May a. M KT ALfl ettsnd- ard copper, quiet; spot. 115.5043 15 5; May and June. l.of(!l4.-v,;'July, Auguat and September. Ha-oOu I., HO. Lonalon market auiet: spot. ta l?m n; future. t. is atl Custom house return show export ot na tons en far this month, llke copper. tl.12sl35. electrolytic. l.ir!. I3s, cstlng. tl5.JS)fl."7t. Tin. esy; spot, tt, ex-at 75: Mav. tto.4Hat45.70: June, tu C45.15: July, Kl i io; August. tM wtf 44 34; Heptemner, eet.ivnei.jD; umion mar ket, weak; apot. U Ms: futures. 30t 5. Lecel aalea A tone at e44.4. Lead, quiet HK4 KV. New York, and RiXHM 10 at lst Hi. tiuia axinaon. tt tvs. opener. quiet, t.fiA0. New York, and t.ni 75 at East Bt. Loula London. All. Anti mony, quiet; Cook eon's, t. Iron. Cleve land warrants, aea isa in axmaon. vo cally Iron was steady: No. 1 foundry northern IU I5 75: Na Z. 0l5OSrU IO: No. 1 southern and Na 1 southern soft. tlt.SU.7t. Vttleraekee urala Market. MILWAl'KEK, My 1 WHKAT No. 1 northern. II 1941 . No. I northern. 11eiil17: Na 2 hard winter, tLUtjl H; May. tl.in. July, n ii. CORN Mv yenow, nwr.s-er: rio. white. erWc; Na 3, 7Sc; May, I July. 7Vc. OATH etaaaara. s.svtjw. RY B No. 1. ICc. BARLEY M slung. tl.ifsYLSa. C. M. ft PL P Wabash Missouri Podflc... t nion Pacific C. AV N. W.. east.. C. ft N. W., west.. C. Bt, P.. M. ft O.. C B. ft Q-, asst... C, B. ft W.. wet.. C, R I. ft P- cast C. R. I. ft P.. west Illinois Central C. G. W Total receipts.... 1 DISPOSITION HEA D. CattlaHg.8hep. Omaha Packing Co 35 2.t 1.134 Swift and Company i." Cudaliy Packing Co 13 1 Armour 4t t-o ea Murphy m Hill ft Son l Huston ft Co 2 J. H. Bulla I,ee Rothschild 17 Ma ft Kan. Calf Co.... t Total. 49 8.370 4.211 CATTLB-An unusually small run of ea.tie ah.vwed no tndav and Included very small percentage of really dewrabl ain.-h aa there Were. hOWSVCr, th dressed beef men picked up readily at stronger prlc and th trde 1 clos ing with valuee at the high point of th year and generally I54j3vn higher than a week ago. Th sentiment In the trad I that thr r very few cam in in nountrv as sood aa th beeves that brought f-id on Thursday, and that these toppy cattle will command stronger price right along, while th half-fatted and unttnlna graaea are neuie w weaken oft aom on account of compeU ttnn rmm aouihwaetern Brass stock. The few rows and helferB on sale sold readily at good, strong price and the Mnal market for butcher Stock tB higher thn It hsi been any tlm during th mbsusi. Demand from all sources h.. han the most vigorous character on account of th general call for cheap beef, and anything in in way oi sue stock good enough to attract competi ng, kae found a readv 1 Bt HO high figures all week, veal caive are Benin readily at strwng prices, and tha same true as to buns, atsgs ana ruuiii lock generally, th market being Just a litil hlehee than a week ago. There wa not a great deal of trading In stockera and feeder looay, principally tne the reason that tner w not a great deal of etork on sale, either freah or tela Country demand ha not been aiMimiii iiirine tne -wees, out ow ing to th very moderate oitenngs or thus character and th activ demand from yard trader ana oraer uu.ere tne market has been strong inmuKnoui anu oloalng quolatlona ara fully 10015c higher than a wees aao. uuotatlona on cattle: Good to choice beef atrera. r.r88.35; fair to good beef leer, t7.OMf7.50; common to fair beef steers, t.7.0O; good to eholc neirer. MiKMl7.n0: good to choice cows, io.SOtte.TO; tmiw tn anna cows. I4.75ai5.50: common to fair cows, tl.7rtj4.7S: good to chojc tock- ri end feeder, so. lOTl -!"'; lair io bvi stocker and feeder. 6.!i43r5.7D; common to fair stocker, and feeder. M-504jj itock heifer. t3.5065.t0; veal calve, ta.ov tl 25. bulls, stags, etc., etvsae-w. Repreaeniative aie. BlbSivo. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK MARKET Oeaiaad for Cattle and Sheep Steady a Hog Weak. CHfCAtSO. Mav 3.-Receipts. 2.0KO head; market steady; beeves. tb-tWrtOO; Texas steers, t5-o54r7.S5; western steer, ffi.75- TO; stocker and teeder. n.an.w: cows and heifers. ti.t&Gft.lt: calves, j.5C;i8.50. HOGS-Receipts. 19.0TKI head; market weak, 5c to 10c lower; light. fT.lotfi.w: mixed. r 35j'.S5. heavy. I7.3uii7.70: rough. 3ivu7.40: nigs, x4.7n4rs.15; bulk oi sis, t7 45tr7.5S tlh;k. ami ljibj neceipin. p.wv head; market tedy; native, 5 0n8 35; western. t5.35S.30: yearlings, t.50'i9lO; native lamb, KdW-Si. western, K-509 10.40. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, MT i-ooires-r.. hiMa market closed auiet, net un changed to S potnta lower. Sales, ll. nags. av. is-wv. a v -tt- . 12 ate- AiurueA. H74c: September. I3.3c; October. 11 Mc; November nd PJoember, rai.' iinaarr ana rnnair. tec. llareh and Aorit U 81c. Soot. Quiet; Na 7 Ria 14r: Na 4 tsentoe. isc ; mi ha, quiet Cordova. lOUioSoc. nominal. a . Cot tea Market. KKtir TORK. Mar 3. COTTON Spot closed quiet. 1 points lower; middling ap- ULada. ll.JVC; mlOOIing gull, ll.aev. aeiaa. sal hales. Futura closed steady: at; Hole; Jun. M.ttc; July. 113. ; August. U.OSc; Beptember. Il.tac; ociooer. iliac, v.L-Mk.r ll 13c- riecember. 11.22c: Jan- uary. U.ltc; rebruary. U.Uc; March. U.Joc. ' a !- (aaeela Market. NEW TOP.K. May 3. PRY OOODS The cotton good market ruled quiet with most pncea firm. PorelgB wools are 1b needy demand and tending higher. Cotton rm are easier in the market, but spinner' prices remain urvchvneed. Jobber, ere doing a bettor trad Is wash triA and, wtui;o Na I I....'. I...., I t I.... t I 1 1 N. A. Pr. 113 4 1M4 7 M lie T M ... 444 I 44 ... 441 I M ... 4M I M ...iti I n .... 4M 4 M .. .12 ti ....lait 4M .... M 4 M .... M I M Ml .... I IB .... 144 I M ' A. FT. ....ISat IM COW8. .... M 4 t .... TU 4 44 II .... 7M 4 M , I .... Ml 1 U HEIFERS. .... 11 4 M t .... Mi 4 II I .... 411 4 M I BULLS. ...Ill IM 1 ....ina im i .... 40 4 1 ...,li III 1 CALVES. .... Ml I 14 1 .... M I I .... W IB 1 .... 74 4 M 1 .... 174 4 M i .... IB IS STEERS ANP HEIFERS. "... ! I M 1 J 471 IT 14 HI ' 'S 11 HI 1 tit . . ,V.u,a il-alaad recelots of hogs. In cluding n bundnc ut common nd highly mixed offering., h.d the effect ol causing a lower set of prices, buyers also gaining some advantage because ot lower market, elsewhere. Tn .apply ?' i-lL- were deposed to load up. th trade ruling quiet througn- out t Ilgures ae, ,,., Shippers were mon? or lean discriminat ing usually favoring the good medium weight butchera. Something like 1.SU0 head were purcneeou v. "'"";---..-- al.ughier bed, th rSSST Pcln7 dves-put-uj during Ihi tor pari of the 1on hsd an up-and-down appearance. . . , Best heavv hogl on -sal brought 7 . .. enmoared with yeeterdsy's top of tj-aa. 4 , I . St. Lewi Live Stock Market. ST. IXIUIS. May S CATTLE Receipt, too head. Including 100 Texan: market tedv; native shipping and export steers, ti.5tf.0; dressed and butcher tee. I5.754r7.75; teers under 1,0"0 pounds, tS-SO 41650: stocker and feeder, e4.75trs.vi: cows and heifer, f4.5fl4j0.40; canners. 34.75 4ii.7i; bulls, $5.0047835: calves. iS.5otr7.7S; Texas and Indian steers, 13.5007.00; cows and heifers. M.iaMrT.tn. HOGS-Receipts, i.sno neatt: mimrt uc nwer: rlirs and lehts. 3:W7.Jl: mixed and butcher, t7.5n4i7.80; good, heavy, tr A7 Hltr;e.f AINU ltaino neceipte, i.w heed: market steady: native muttons ttvowte: lamb. I7.264T7.40; cull and bucks, M-aMitv-iO: atockors, 13.3596.50. Kanaaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS C1TT. May 1. -CATTLE-Re ceipt a, 510 head. Including 100 southern": market steady: dressed oeet ana export steer, t7.754th.75; fair to good. t.50vj7 05: wentern steers, tHOmffS .40; tocker and feeders, t-V'in'Srf.lS; southern steer, 7i.5ilt A30: southern cows, h KiUB-Si native cowh, t4 35r7 35: natlv heifers to XSSe.OO; bulls. lt.7..;..; caive. a..iius.). HOGS ReuelpU. , head: market oc lo ion lower: bulk of sales, li.4Mffl.gii; heavy. tTKiifrT.TS; peckers and butcher, I7.Wkfi-7.Rr.; llarlit. I7.3&r7.n6: Pigs. .6la.75. StitiKP AISU UAMno neceipia, Don head; market steady; lmb, f 'XmiO.OO; vearllnas. t7.ume.SM; wetners, p. wet i.tw; ewee, to.5ifi7.00: Mocker and feeder. RiXHir8.lt; Texas goat. tloOS't.Jfi. St. Joseph l.lve Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May 3. CATTLE Receipts. 2U0 head: market steady: steer. 8.75ti.50. cows and heifers. e3.3it7.76; rah ea. 81 ,Wi MO. HtXiB Receipts, 4,'c neaa; mntet week: ten. 37. W): bulk of sales. I7.50tl7.70. SHEEP AND LAM B8 Receipts, 1.5U0 head; market slow; Iambs, t8.oaj210.3t. Slock la SlKkf. Receipts of live stock st th fly prin cipal western markets yesteraay: vattia tiogs. nneen. South Omaha 350 t.iWO 8.000 St. Joseph 3l 4.K10 1,500 Kanaaa City . WW , 5MJ St. luls too 7MI 1.3H0 Chicago Hut lt.lltw 5.IIU0 3,:l 45.800 10.300 Totals . ... OMAHA OKNERAt. MAI4KET. rtTTTTER No. 1. l-lii. carton. 33c: Na 1 In (0-lb. tub. 23c; Na 3. 31c; packing. c- ...... CHEESEImoortea nwias, kc Amen ran Swiss, 28c: block Swiss, 21c; twin 31c: daisies, 31c; triplet, lie; toung Americas, zzc;. niue taoei orica, vie; nm- berser. 2-lb.. Z2c; 1-IO.. t'C. KISH (fresh froaen) Pickerel. Sc; white. lie- n ke. 13c: trout, lie; large crappie. 12SH5c; Spanish mackerel, 1SV; eel, lc; haildncks. 15c: f ounder, uc; green cl flh. 14c; m shad, 7oc each; ahad roe, per pair, 33V; salmon, lite; nauout, sc; yel low perch. 8c; buffalo. c: bullheads, 11a POULTRT-A.rollr, lo.ootfjO.Ou per do: ipiing. 20c; hens, 164717c; cock, Uc; ducks. lMr-Dc; geese, loc: turkeys, S5c; pigeons, per dox $1.30. Alive. Hens, llSvi 13svc; old roosters. 8c; old ducks, full feathered, 12s,c; geese full feathered. 5c; turkeys. HssfclUc; pigeons, per doi ic; homer, per dog., $2.50; quabs. No. L $i-50; No. 2. 50c. BEEF CUT PRICES-No. 1 rib. If:; No. 2 rib. lHc; No. 1 rib. Usc; No. 1 chucks, 8tc; No. t chucks, 8sc; .vo. t chucks, 74ac. No. 1 loins, 30c; No. 2 lolna, 17c; No. 3 loins, Use. No. 1 round. l'Uc- No. 2 rounds. Uac; Na t rounds, lie No. 1 plte, 7c; No. t plates, sc; Uo. I piste. 'c. FRUITS. ETC. Apple: Extra fancy Ben Kavla, per bbl $4.35: Winesap. per bbl ; 15: fancy Missouri Pippin,, per bbL, 14 25- Idaho Jonathan, extra fancy, par box, 52 50; Washington SplUenberg. per box. 12.50; Waihlngton R. Beauty, per box. 12 25; Washington Styman Wlnaaapa, per box. $3 50. Bananas: Fancy elect, per bunch. 12-25432.50; Jumbo, per bunoh, 12 75413.75. Pates: Anchor brand, near. U 1-lb. pkg. In box. per box, k.b; urom edary brand, new, 30 1-lb. paga in box. per box. ii. Flga: California per case T. i. vn ii nkn.. 55c: per am of No. 11 nkgs., tl.au. per cas of 40 No. pkA, 13 bulk, la 25 and iu-lr. boxes, per lb.. 10c' new Tuiklsb. 5-otowb in 2v-!b. boxae. per lbs, 15c; t-crown In 30-ib. box, per lb loc- 7 -crown In Jo-lb. Boxes, par lo.. l-c Oiap Irult: Florida. Ja alxe. per irate. $6; ' Pr . lxea per cnta $6.60. Grape: Malaga in bblaTe7.S7.5. Lemon; Limonlcra Selected brand, extra fancy. 300-34 suoa. uer box. t: Loma Llmoneira, fancy, asv M aHea, per box, $i.5v, 240-4J0 siiea auo nee box lee; California lemons. UO-lav See, per box. ttetsatua. Orange: Call "orniaameilla .bntno. Navel. xtra fancy, sti-1- lae-17a-i)-21S-2 ixe. per : '.. c. ..na choice, all sixes. per buj, u El.phant brand. 13-100-17ii-a-ais aisaa. r box. $3-50. 35tr-2!i-334 alxea. per box, Pineapple ao-at-34 ises, per crate. DUN'S REYEW OF TRADE Advance in Actirity StiU Gradnal, but Evidence Increases. I USZ CREDITS ABE FJCPAHDI5(r i Rraarts frees lean... Trade Ceatera Beveal ImpreTlaa CodltleaT-otakle DeaiBaa for Steel Prod acts. NEW TORK. May $.-Pun On. Weekly Review of Trad tomorrow will "whll the dvnc In J"01' ? trade .etivity i atHl dM,-,''nr- of improvement continue to multiply. Tha agreement to arbitrate th differences! between the railroad, and the engineer is a distinct help to the ltuatlon Tha expansion in bank credits, eapeclaMy In the west, the large output of new ae curitles In April, and the number of 1 new-corporatlona-both greatly ".J"fS last year-trie notable demand for Mei products nd cotton and woolen gooa and th tatlstlcs of traffic and clear ing all reflect a growth of business. Report, from the leading "T,n,'de venters reveal 'proving conation. New demand. In Iron and teel ha diminished, but mill. " booked ahead practically to "P" In finished lines concession are tha exception rather than th. uho"1?. wire product are being .haded in soma Additional car order are reported and fabricator of tructurai hape ar pro vided with conelderabl work. On th other hand, th higher quotations hat" not been thoroughly lestea. ja expected the present level win b main "iVied Ther. I. no Pn'Jr.fcc.Uv'h. In pig Iron. It Is predicted that th forthcoming statement of the leading In terest will show a substantial gain in unfilled tonnage, owing to me heavy demand for bars. Adverse weather conditions In th early part of the week checked house trad .i.k trv ennda iobber and rataller and the distribution of seasonable cottons has been necessarily slow, lie '" the cotton goods exports is unusual, run ning 50 per cent ahead of a year ago and shipment from th port f York laat week reached over 17000 bales. Worsted yarn market r buoyant and repeat order on overcoating and cloak ing are frequent. Leading men wear and drew good mill are busy. Buslnes In footwear tor tan ururair good, but as most mannfacturers nae not started to proauce tneae auvu. " factories are not generally actively em ployed. Notable atrength continue i characterise the entire market for hldea and skin with eapeclal flrmneas In c f skin. In the totter both domestic anu foreign Mock showing sharp advance. BRADHTREET'g TRADE HSVIKW Carre at Baalaea at Baal Allowtaf; Boom for Profit. NEW TORK. May t.-Bradtrfg to morrow will aay: Although activity in aom wholesale line Is not no marked a. heretofore, dry goods, for Instance, trad In general so far la in ateady proportion, and what probably I most signiiicam. curreoi business I don on A basl that Allows room for profits. In this reapect the situation ! trull the antithesis of what It wa at thi tlm lst year. Withal, th season Is backward, reorder, are slow In appear ing and retell ttade, which had begun to how improvement, naa in n t-w-iderably handicapped by cold, wet weather. However, temperature thi week have aided this branch of dis tribution. av In th northeast and south, th former hvlnr been affected bv spells of wet weatner, wnn totter sons still suffer from an over supply of moisture, backward planting operations and ovenioweo. lanue m a.., lower Mississippi valley. Optimism Is apparent in most section of the country; there Is more nr less doing on fll account : political con dition ar practically dlrewrded; out door work Is mor ctlv; employment 1 abaorbing surplus tabor: th Iron and steel Industry I operating mora freely, and actual U1ke ar rlatlvly unlm- PTrd In dry goods outside of tha larger center I of Meady volume, but In tli chief market business I moderste with a tendem-y to halt, except tn department purveying wash and wlilt good ullable for summer weather. Wholasal dealer In shoes nay current trade Is only fair snd Immediate buslnes with th retll Interests la quiet, owing to unseasonable weather, but buslnes on fall account is looking up. leather continue very firm nd It I predicted that ld upper leather Is to be advunced. Buslnes fllures In the United States for the week ending May X. were 324. against its tost week. in th Ilk week of mil. 181. In 1910, 214 In 19 and 388 In while th bulk of sale rang iria a. u. straw oernee. down to 17.10. nacon . 24 pir.vs.ea- 17 downward, but there w very iniie buslnees transacted below th $7.2& mark. Kepreeeniauve saaea. W. A. aa. rr. na v ... - OA lot ... T t M I" T 41 1 .- t U I n .....tii 1 .: M ... T 41 UT 1 t .1 m is j tie tn Tl SO l I ! T 3 nt ' a : J t s n BI t 1 47S It s T47S - U a am " PIGS. I Tl tot t a tn i tn n ttr ill tu ai io t e TT til 14 t 5 It ST 14 T M a nr in t us u ti iuh H Ml B t al 44 .-- t 41 TH N la H-. 7 ... I H lit 41 D4 T4 ..tl IS T I n t 4 ... t 4 4 T ... T a T MTU ... T M T ITS ... TU ... 1 U a in US a, IM U JIT 114 T It Tl HI n m tsf 1 1 1 r S JB ... 4T UT 5 . .....m st t to is hi 1 si Z r-o ... t its SHEEP Ib point ot activity, th trad In aheep and lamb was a decided Im provement ovar yeaterday market. Pack er practically refused to buy good lamb Yesterday morning ai " - j a rather Indifferent demand existed at figure Mt?lc lower, the decline being prompted by high cost and a heavy run. About MB head arrtvd. mostly lamb. Th run brought In a very respectable crop of attractive a horn lambs, a well aa two or three string of good wooled Ismbs, but bob of the Nortn Platte top per thst sold at tl.4 Wednesday wer atayahUala. leM Ut tba vU yeatary "v?KOABLE8-Bla. old crop, per lb.. 4X.C Caooage. r ievwia.u. '-. n., rl- c7fiT..la. uer lb.. 4c. Celery. Cal- rtortua Jumbo, par doa, $L0t; Florida, la .TT' ...h aaitc dox.. per caoe, $3.2. Cu- eumbr7 hot bouoas, per box. $3 06. KsS ptant, laovr .- . . fi,xua fancy, white, par do.. Lu. Lattuce, extra fancy leaf, per do, 45c. .mlonaT California, white, boiling, per lb, Teon. yellow plot-, per lb, 5c; red Globe, per lb, ; Spanub, per crate. !Ji panley. fancy ouiImto, per 0,1,.. kuiiche. 6o7ic. Parsaip. fancy Bouth bvuwne. blln.h MBjtic; Partanlpa ", !C ic Poutues. Mlnaeaota Red rt?J.r iarlT Ohio ited. per bu, $1.75; uneoia Karl Rob ead, Pr $1. B iTrttmpb need, per bu, $1.40. Wur eon?1a wbU. .tock, Ps bu.. tlA Rut, 5? ' u aacka. par 10, 14kfr Tomatoea. ttoa crve- 75. Cube perbaAv lrrlar. 3, Tunup. per lb, llfUTELI-A"EOCS--AJmond. larra aonaTperlb, lksc; la sack lots, lc leea foiut. per aack. K. Filberts, per rTZ- i .ack lot. 1 lees. Peanut. roaa-d' In ck tots, per lb, 7; roastad vlin ack lots, per lb, tc: raw. per lb c Pecan large, per lb, Lc; la sack lot, li! I- Walaut. new crop. UU. CaUforr-ia. par Ik, r.c; in ack lou lc Las. CKler. new Sehaarssa, per tt-gaL iTbbl, n0. per to-gal bo., vtSJS: N.w York Molt A Per 15-gai- blv. eVss; per avaal bbl.. tsxea. Honey, new. 24 frames, tiTk Krout. per li-gal- aag. Hie; per e-gaL tea. 71.25- Ky to th BituaUufi 2ae AdvarLLalrig. lOAS Rualness failure In Canada for th week number 36. which compere with 33 laat week and 2 In th like week of laat yer. . .v. Whet. Including flour export from th I'nlted States and Canada for th week ending May 2, aggregate $.543,112 bu.. against 3.159.5H bu. last week and 1.044.337 bu. this week last year. For the forty-four weeks ending May 8. rxport are 1W.83.533 bu, against 101. 734.105 bu. m the corresponding period last year. Omaha Hay Market. OMAHA. May S-HAT-No. 1. t21tAl 27 00; No. t 17.5Srl ft: No. $ . Hl No. I middling, $a.i4a0 50: No. 1 low llnd $18.al.0; lflf. choln third and fourth cutting. ond cutting. $3f.iU21 50; No. 3. $18-00tA 30.00; No. 3. tl4-n3 IS-vB- Peoria Market. PEORIA, May A-CORN-Lower; No. 3 white. 50c; No. 2 yellow. 7sc: No. 1 yellow, 7Hc; No. 4 yellow, 77.c; No. I mixed. 78Ho; No. 4 mixed, T7.c; eample. . . . ... . OAT." eteauv; eiannsra. n--.' . nv, white., 57,c; No. 4 white. WstttwrSc. Waal Market. bt iA-11-is Mav I-WOOLSteady; ter. ritory and western mvdl ima, ltaiilsc. tin medium. 154717c: fine. Wilis. Tells of Threat by Allen Before Shooting WTTHEVILLE, Va, May t--TIl kill Bill Foster before th sun go aown tomorrow night If I'm convicted." Floyd Allen, the first af th HUlsvllla court house aasauln on trial her for hi life, was charred with making this remark before the shooting on March It In testimony tody of L B. Weddell of Montgomery, on ot th first witnesses for th proeecution. D. W. Bolen, a lawyer, who wa de fending Allen In th court here th murders occurred, testified that b saw Claud Allan fir th first shot and that it struck Jodg Mas rle. Court official returned th fir, h (aid. Proaocutor Wysor, opening th easa. Mid he would snow ther waa A con spiracy among th Allen to shoot up th court If Floyd Allen were convicted. At torney Willi, for th defense, retorted that report of th tragedy had been grossly exaggerated and that ha would introduca testimony to how that Bettl Aires was killed by A bullet from Clerk txatter Goad's revolver and not by tha Aliens. In defens would show, be Baid. that Floyd Allen had been wounded before b had taken part la th siwotlnc. ITALY DENIES REPORT OF THE LOSS OF A BATTLESHIP. ROME. May I The guitrnmcut today denied report from Constantinople that th Italian battleship Re Vmberta had been drives on th rock by a storm and sunk off the Tripoli taa coast near Ziiara, -v2'-JJ : "M.-.ir.a r--c-'vea-arAa-e-asas:-: