THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, MAY 4. 1911'. 17 OFFERED FOR REXT Stores ui Office. i Bl! Pmun. J story and basement, will 1 remodel to suit. J. N. Saltier. D. SB. ! . . OFFICES. Suites of four large corner rooms, sec- nd floor. ISth and Harnev. See P. DODGB CO.. 15th and Harney. OFFERED FOR SALE j Fraltnre, I FOR FALE-Carload of all kinds furnl ture In as day Bachraan. lew Dodo. Typewriters. RENT an Oliver typewriter from tat Oliver Typewriter Co. Douglas SU. VlblBLE typewriters and all other makes, sold or rented anywhere at 14 to w rafr'e prices, allowing rental to apply on price; shipped on approval. Write for circular. 1Mb Fsrnam. Typewriter Inspection and Supply Co. Ti PEWRITER3 for rent. mo., Sa. ("antral Typewriter exchange. 1S07 Far nam. WOULD you show our wholly viaible typewriter to your friends and let them see wherein It excels any !a0 typewriter you couia. witnout costing you ono cent, have the typewriter to keep forever as your own? Then write us for full particular Emerson Typewriter . v.. nm s. v, ooasroca. ill. M aelcal Inetraaawat. FOR 6AI.E Good house piano, cheat). NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. Miscellanea FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fix tures ci ail Kinds; easy payment The Bi.iM.K.miKtuiaixier CO.. w-ew & nth St. TALKING MACHINE CABINETS. Per cent discount from regular price tor on week. Some slightly marred at 4 regular price. Twenty different styles to NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. High Grade Pocket Camera I want to communicate with parties wishing new camera. Give telephone cumber and name. Address Bee. D s7. FOR SALE Barher clr hsBn taken at once. WI 8. 16th. upstair OLD SAFES. DERIGHT. 111. Farnam St. fflH fill B-Tba uhi.hiu Omaha. Commercial college and one in Boylea colleg Business office. Omaha Be. SECOND-HAND SEWING MACHINES Beat barralns ever offered. Modem Prop head machine 6i near 118.00. Wheeler ft WUaoia-fl&oa. WhUs-tiisn. Maw Home-419.00. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. SAFES-Overstocked with second-hand safes; all sixes and makes; bargain American Bupyly Co.. ino Fernem St CRAWFISH iftg S?rnSykIS POOL ubles, store, restaurant fixtures nought, sold. Levy. S610 N.. . Omahs. FOR SALR-10 used sewing machines, practically new. Singer. Wheeler Wll on. White. New Home; cheap. . NEBRA8KA CYCLE CO.. 1 NO. 60 Ruud Ga Water Healer, au tomatic su-gaJlon tank; also 1 No. i7 Eel Ipsa I as stove, only used a few month. Inquire offlcs J. L. tirandela Sons. FOR BALE Very cheap, baby cab. hlgi nursing chair, also a sli und a large rubber plant, three varlnlfhed pine In aide doors. Phone Harney 681. FARM IMPLEMENTS CHEAP. One Johnstone hay rak I Data mow ing machine, i ft.; 1 Sucoaaa manure spreaders. 1 No. Is Ensilage cutler, 1 lieere renovator, 1 Deere disk, 1 diiak aeed drill. 1 three section harrow, I one section harrow, 1 Mitchell farm wagons, 1 Maadt farm wagon, I Oliver steel beam walking plow, I Oliver wood beam walk ing plow, 1 Deere breaking plow, 1 Deere sulky plow, I Mc-Cormlck self-binder, 1 MoCnrmlck corn binder, 1 Weber fan ning mill, 1 gasoline engine, I H. P.; 1 No. 4 Hoover' feed grinder, I Deere corn planter, 1 harrow cart, 1 hay rack. 1 one Mllroe wagon, 1 milk tank wagon, I alio. The above Implement will be sold for any reasonable otter. Address. . K. Wllklns, 70th and Center 8t Phone Harney SM. PKRSONAL THE SALVATION ARMY solicit cast-c-ff alothlna: in fact, anything you do not need. W oollect. repair and sell at 1M N. 11th St., for cost of collection, to the worthy poor. Fbons Dougiu tub and agona will call A New Truss NEW INVENTION. ACTION AND RESULT. Doe not spread the ruptur open In tern ally aa convex pad da. Writ fur booklet. . THE TYRRELL TRUSS 'CO.. 17M Broadway, New York City. eVDAT BLOOD REMEDY. Alaolab Pharmacy, 12th and liodg RsTHtL fiwedtaii majt-saae. vibrator and radtator treatment Mrs. anyder. apt. t, J3unany. lttth and Plero Dougla 43u lajaag Mr Rittenhou. au Boston Bid trans srs are invited to visit the Young rWemen' ChrtsOan association building at aeventeentn and St. Mary'a Ave, Iwhere they will be directed to ul table boarding place, or otherwt itd. lok for our uavalar aid at the omul atation. T I'tcnV d china palnung. firing oluB erase reaonhi Ruth Lotchlord Studio, 17 V J.m. ud Xf A C!5 APIT Bweduh movement. Apt. MAaOAUiii i ma Farnam. D. am WE KENT and t'palr all klnoa of ssw- tng machine lnd. A -1663: Dougla Mi. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO Isth and Hatuey St MAS SAG, treatment. Mr. Steele R-Xii Bank Bldg.. V B. lath. to aany. MASSAGE Bath Mr. Hayne. 'ul S. lth St. sMASSEOTHEKPY S!mntH Allen of Chicago. 1 8. 17. 1st Fl. D. 7d6. VACUUM massage demonatrated by Mr Steele, R-itt Bank Bldg., J So lath. Daily and Sunday cuiBOPSAcnu: Don by Hand" ' removes cause. Free consultation. COS S. ISth D-M37-7M). ANNA MARKS, 111 S. ltth St.. Room . Swedish mtMsage hours, 10 m to s s. m. HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Beet remeay for uculnjt, breeding or protrua Ing pile 5uc postpaia: samples free, rherman McConneil Drug Co., Omah Vital maasage. Anna Fisher. 401 Ware Blk. A FEW more parties wanted for M-day camping tnp. Yellowstone Park licensed guide. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. P. Allan. MM Case St. MAY L UU Thl I to notify all con cerned that 1 will not b responsible for any debt contracted by my son. Franus it. Powr R. T. Power POIXTRV AXD fET STOCK SILK0 CHICIi: FOOD Is the bast ia the marsat for young chicken Md Irom pur grain. aala by all desler A. W. MAONER. AGENT. Kl N. Mth SL Tel. Doug. 11L lnd. B-atie, SINGLE Comb Btack Minorca egg, utility trapped layer; U par it, to per At; ever m aausfied customer last tee son; aatlsfactloa guaranteed. Fred Kaus, , Kea BARRED Rock egg half price, from mated pens. t'tlUty. flock. KM per Ml Send for mating list. F. C. Ahlqulst, bos D.. Ante Avenue Station, Omaha. Neb. Florence W Sinxl Comb Whit Orpington eggs and Barred Rock 47 N 5tn or Web. 4777. Buff Orpington, tint pnse winners, guar, egg per H: oaby cnick W. lot tWeetung tl.f per WB. Wagner, m N. 14. FOR SALE Whit wyaadott agga frora heavy winter laying strain having ,frm rang tl per la. to per hX Laura rjieisnil ftnute Lincoln. Neb. f TWO Boeton buiidog n.e and femaU. Jeguutred. Prts wianer Tyler Ula. REAL ESTATE ABSTRACT! OF T1VLS. Reed Abstract Co.. oldest abstract or- w ip leprae aa. m tsranaeis i neater. NEAXJS CAMPFELL. 1714 Farnam St. NUILOKBS th FORMATION. Electric, gas Bature Omaha Stiver C Ideal Cement Co, 17th and Cumins St Fach 8on 4 Blind, palntlns. decora tine. H. Grot lunv wreck';, pis. 21 Paul screens t.rjiss'sr wcrncn nxture Co.. IE 7 N. Mth Bt- ACREAGE FOR CALR Acres 8e us for acre l. 3, S and I acr tTaUfa "L-MVe t. rWwtaik wA Qn..ik W- ft HOWIi satwl tl, ta w.t k. . o4. - -w to MUV. V.U iJOUaClM X. P. Dodge & Co. 1MB ana Harney St ONE acre of good land. fen. need; paragua bed. fruit, good well water; ale new 4-room home: cellar: close to naved iren. car nne. scnooi, church, etc. Call on owner. Dr. Parsons, or phone Benson -o or wi. ACREAGE BARGAINS near Omaha. irin e. Merrill, liu city Nat. Bank Bldg. CITT FROPERTT FOR IALS. An Elegant New Home Seven Rooms 3025 California St This Is. no doubt, the best bargain in a well built, new, 7-room house that has bean offered for sale In this locality for a long time. The price Is about 7 less than what others are asking for the aam class of property in the same locality. If you will look It over you will see for yourself that It It a big bargain. Has r? 'Iv,n room, parlor, dining room and kitchen on the first floor all fin ished In oak. excepting kitchen. There iour wen arranged sleeping rooms on the second floor, one used for a sleeping porch, having seven window um umhi. "d west exposure. First-class plumbing jiu ununi inrougnout. ima nous is located on a hlah alavetion which io vrv destrabl A payment of about H.W will handle this choice nlae of imMft, su. uim auu moa at mis at one price, OMllBUO J ULlULN, 1614 Harney 8t. ON THE HIGH LAND SOUTH OF DUNDEE. Before you buy a lot take the West Leavenworth car to 43d St. and see the sweu aaoition just being rounded up by the grader Cement walka to be put In. Tour cholc of 75 lot ranalne from ISS to H; terms to suit. No better bar. gain ever offered In the Omaha market W. R. MeKeen palatial home across the street, in a year from now you cannot touch a foot of any such ground at any such price. Com out and be convinced. oee BAHnas wilson, Bee mag. or a ARION LEWIS, Resident Agent Price Reduced Owner Must Sell Strictly modern eight room house, with cement basement and walk; full cast front lot. souls, nice lawn: naved street: Jood neighborhood; leas than three block rum H&nscom park; handy to West Side car ana mnasor scaauL ioi I a well built hod owner say aut UK pts w a,auv tor uica I COTT HILL, Both Phone Xl7 McCagu Bldg. HERE'S A MONEY MAKER. Large double aoartment. rooms each. all mod., good condition; fine location; M blocks from postorflce; tot 60x180 fronting c?nrrman Ave. ana inn pi., leaving box iiv ieei tor apartment iiats or cottages: you can occupy part and rent remainder for practically enough to carry entire property; can release vacant ground and arrange for building. A bargain at It.Mu. Small amount down, balance your own terms. Might consider small property in esvitenae lur part Hl'SSELL av M'KJTRICK CO.. 4B Ramge Blk. 14th and Harney. NEW s-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, 1160 CASH, t PER MONTH. On cholc corner lot. tOxia, high and siantiy, nne location, 1 block to car; HM. Also 7 select building lot tM to SM0; ur casa. to per montn. RUSSELL McKITRICK CO.. 48 Ramge Bldg. ltth and Harney Rts. FORCED SALE Beautiful Home for Sale at a Sacrifice Practically new house, I rooms and reception hall; modern In every respect; large screened porch, larae refrlsrtnr room, full cement walks, fin shad and iruiL Lot fiOxin. located at Mil K. 2&d at on block from N. 24th Sl car. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will Sell at Great Sacrifice. Call Owner at Douglas 89, Or Webster 6289. (Its CASH, balance monthly, huvs t-room cottage, modern but heat o pved street. Price $2,160. Look this up i, iv, w mii m uunw. P. O. NIELSEN, TP Omaha Nat'l Bank. D. Sjni Trackage Warehouse Three-story brick building of S.M so ft on Belt Lin Trackag and one mile frgm 14th and Dodge Si. Hydraulic levator: complete electric wlrina: ninmh. Ing. etc. Can lease with privilege of purvnaaw on very attractive term Armstrong-Walsh Company Tyler 1M. B0 8. I7th Street. 41. cash. 477 M per month, huva a n. 4-room house, all modern, oak finish. pressed brick foundation, fin basement, large floored attic. This nous must be eea to be appreciated. Located nn. block to Dundee car. P. O. NIELSEN. 74 Omaha Nat'! Bank. D. Bh4. (-ROOM house and three larae Iota SO. 1M. at I2d and Francis. Ii.ool). A. a Furay. Station B. Harney MS7 BUT FROM OWNER A SNAP. PRICE. 11.960. Modern. M-room house, newlr sainted cement walk paved street; no further expense, two blocks from car line, 26th and Franklin, near Long school; key at ?4l Burt St. Telephone Red 43m DUNDEE KIM buy cholc 4-room, strictly all moaern oungamw at slat Bt and Capitol Av K.7W buys brand new choice horn, wall located: full two (tone and attK. large living room arrangement, with nifty brick fireplace: hardwood fin ish; sleeping porch: south front lot. OxUt ft . and paving paid In full. . buys S001 CAPITOL AVE., a new house, six large roeme. very fin ar rangement and tastily decorated throughout; living room, with fir plr; bookc and buffet bum In: HOT WATER HEAT. TERM6 can be arranged on all the Vacant Lots t X each for two choice south frost lot dandy view. I1.4M buy cheapest lot on Capitol Ave.. curbing paid, part of paving, and sewer inside tha curt. WANT OFFER for southwest comer list and Davenport Sts , as Ideal corner for bosie- OLOVER REALTY 8TNDICATE 12U-8 City National. Phone Douglas K riVB. ROOM COTTAGE for sal at CTlflrs. o seeoust of sirknssa Web, HI REAL ESTATE riTV PROPBRTY FOR S.tLC 3 Acres Improred Close to Car About 100 Cherry Trees Now in Bloom Located within six blocks of tha Foret Lawn car line; ha 7-room house, good tabla. chicken house, c (bout 100 full bearing cherry tree some apple and plum tree, also other small fruit, elegant garden, shade trees around house, nice elevation In a district where the Improve ment are being mad right along; ready to move into at once; you must act quick If you want this, because it Is getting late ta the season. Prlc. 43.J09: ttoo rash and the balance easy monthly payments. Hastings & Heyden 1414 Harney St 5-Room Bungalow Opposite Miller Park OX THE NEW CAR LINE Five rooms, all on on floor, finished last October and ex ceptionally well built Oak finish In dining, living room and hall dining room has window seat, paneled walla and plate rail beautiful shower effect lighting fix tures; bedrooms finished in whit enamel, with oak floor, wall rough ssnd fin ish; tastily decorated. Pan to' ha built-in cupboard and drawer Sleeping room or sun room an tha south and east Duplex window shades and screens for every window. Switches for vry lighting fixture. Large attic full cemented basement with coal bin good furnac laundry sink, hot and cold water, etc. In fact, every thing to make a place mod ern. Yard sodded, two Iota, each ixl feet, making tt feet frontage on Mth St. Th street oar Us will b ex tended to Miller park Imme diately and will greatly In rasa th nJH of Una prop arty. It Is la th addition knows as "Norwood," on Omaha's prettiest mile. Will ell either with both lot or on Must b old this week. Am going to leave th city. Halt cash will handle thl An Ideal horn for somson Owner. Wll N. Mth street Choice Lot In Dundee $1,050 Located on Capitol Av. between (Oth and Hat on paved trt. In on of th choicest locations In Dundee, high and Ightly ground, close to car and school. All now horn In thl locality. This will b the Isst lot you will vr be able to buy on thla cholc street at such a low price. Act quick If you want on. W have one south front (0-foot lot left on Underwood Av. between 4tth and Mh, on paved street; lot has nloe chad treea In front Three new house being built adjoining th lot sow. Another on for SsTf on laerd. between Sflth and 41st; ha city water, sewer, gsa, sidewalks and 1-foot tarrac Hastings & Heyden 1414 Harney St. New 5-Room Cottage Modem Beat and moat up-to-date that can be built. Oak finish In living room; white bedroom and bath. Price, M.a. Terms "a cash, balance monthly. Location south front, two block from new cathedral and Famam car line. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler tt. .10 So. 17th Street ADJOINING BUNGALOW CITY rooms, reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen on first floor, two large bad rooms and bath on rond, modern. with furnace; cemented cellar, perma nent walka in yard: lot mceiy graded and et out In trees and ah rubbery; lo cated era Patrick Ave, Price 4!. WW. easier worth U.1EV. Quick sale desired: Ism cash, balance M a month. Open for inspection Sunday ntwcn o cioca ana BEM1S-CARLBERG CO., fae-U Bran del Theater. Phone D. 6S6 TRADE IN YOUR LOT OR SMALL COTTAGE On s good six room house, strictly mod ern tn every wy. Is s good neighborhood. In Hanscom park district; convenient to West Bide car and Windsor school, beau tiful ahade: nlc lawn. If you haven't any property to trade Is, will sell for smsll payment down sad balanc prac tically Ilk rent. SCOTT A HILL, Both Phones. WT McCagu Bldg. FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE Northeast corner Mth sod P St. South Omaha, lot VxlM feet, with tw house Lot 4. blocs 7. sm iota s and I, block Omaha View. Lota U, 14. 14 and 14, block 1. Thornton moa. Make an offer on all or any part- C. R. COMBS. TU Brendeis Theater Bldg. TcL D. 14; A-1711. Just Finished Two now modern cottage of ( room each: room highly decorated; oak. pollhd floor; finest of combination fixture; open nickel plated piumMng; window shades and awsing; full cement celjar; beet mak of furnace; sice cement walk ;a fact, every Improvement to make a complete bom ready to move Into. Lot JllxlK each. House numbered rro snd S71 Nugglej 8t- They wilt be open Sunday for Inspection, t ail owner for further particular. Webster Ms)." NEW 6-ROOM MODERN HOCSB Only 4X.UU a. BEMIS PARK DI8TRICT Lot exir. W. H. GATES, 444 CBaaba Nat. saak Bldg. REAL ESTATE CITY FKOPfcRTY FOR SALE MUST BE SOLD AVEST FARNAM DISTRICT Look at aa Farnam St.. one of the neatest cottage In town, all modern ex cept fumace. full lot .V1 Tu-Mi alreet near Farnam car. Through unfortunate circumstance owner ta forced t sell. The property cost 13.30. We are offering It at !. Make your best offer quirk. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Doug 17S1, A-11SA Five-room house, modern except het. Brt..., I,..-. I .... .) - ... ... I . I . ... TERMS Tl) SUIT BL' YER." I hsv many bargain in real estate. For 1-nce and terms call MRS. MYRTLE DEUEL, Phone before 10 A. M. ns BROWN. Tel. Webster 1451 North Side Cottage Owner Is anxious to sell and will soak reasonable proposal ion on thl 4-room and tath home; front room 12x14. dining roots 12x1 with bay window; large kitchen, with pantry: two bed room with oioeel space, stile floored anc make good stor age; house ha gas In each room; th woodwork fcs In good condttlou; lot I 4x Mi, with good nad trees. See GEGKUti H. WRIGHT, tan NO. UTIi. thre door north of Madison Av. or phone Wee. lej A BAKOAIN. For sale. 4-room cottage, ga electric light; lot SOxlJO. fruit and shade. Phone Webster 07. TWO brick flat 14 rooms ach. rent for I1U a month. 4 blocks to voatofftc See Vogel, Karbach Blk. FOR SALE-Eight-room modern house. 41st and Itfayette Ae. Easy payments tail Harney J4T7. TO BUY, SELL UK RENT, FlItST SEB JOHN W. KuUbl.Ni. law FAHNAM si. REAL ESTATE FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR 9ALR Caltlerata. IF YOU are Interested In California land for fruit or chicken raising, call on Fixa A Westberg, 611 Bee Bldg.. Omah IF YOU agree with me that British Columbia land on the Orand Trunk ia a money-maker, employ me to buy It 1 can save and make money for you. 1 leave tor Vancouver May 14. Frank Crawford. Omaha Colorado, HOMESTEADS now open for entry In Pueblo county In me Arkansas valley that are all smooth and plenty of good water; 30 mllea to the City of Pueblo and 4 mile to a good lit tle town. Thla opportunity may never come your way again. You can take XS0 acres If you want to Agents wanted. Excursion Msy .. The Mama land Company, Room It Franklin Bldg., Pueblo. Colo. Oeargia. GREAT SOUTH GEORGIA Treversed by tne ATLANTA, BIKMINiiHAM-ATLAN- TIC KAIROAD. Land adapted to th widest range of crops. All the money crops of the south plentifully produced. For Uteratura treat Ing with thla coming country, It (oil. climate, church and school advactagaa, writ W. H. LEAHT, DEPT. K, General Passenger Agent, ATLANTA. OA. lutes, ertrs" u at.,, ,A ete - ,. . ' - ,v tuiw wr me your farm la to Insert a small want ad m tha Dea Moloea Capital. Largeat clr SUIB.IVM ' ' "I"., V, -WWS, Oatf. The Capital la read by and believed la vy me teiiufiaiivre 01 lows, woo Btmpiy refuse to permit any other paper Iq their homes. Mate, 1 cent a word a day: 11.14 per lin pr month; count six ordinary words to in line. Address Lxs Mouus Capital. Da Molne la. BARGAINS In farm: write for lis Kansas Land Co.. Yalee Center, Kas. Minnesota, CENTRAL MINNESOTA "Ottertall county Improved fnrma." pure water. good soli, hardwood and prairie, floe scnoois ana cnurcnes. easy term and not least -Always a Oood Title." Write v., V. Baker. Fergus Falls. Minn., for farm net. pricea will aurpn you. Montana. FIFTEEN veara to nav 440.IO ner acre for Montana's choicest Irrigated farm lands; 7v,utU acrea now open under th Carey act at Valler. Montana; 40 bushels of wheat. 110 bushels of oats. W bushels of flax per acre. Write today. Clinton, Hunt Co., Box I, Vslier, Mont. Nesraasta, Second Bottom Land For ui for a short Urn only. A choice. Uvl farm of JIM arrfs. fenced and cross fenced, 90 a re piowtd. 70 acr ptatur. 36 acrM extra fine nUve grau roeetlow, a-rooin bouse la fair condition; new barn, H)xs, and new hog house, lAxJt), with cement floors; crib, cattle shed, chicken house and cemented iave. 30 miles from Omaha, 2 mllea from R. K. town. Loading" switch V mile. Extra good ten ant. U acres to be eedd to altslfa tuis fall. Strictly first-class soli; no overflow. .Price l per acre. No trades. J. H, Dumont & Son phone Dong. M. !Ni3 Farnam Mt.. Omaha HOMESTEAD 320 acrea rich farm land for 1174, filing feea and all. No sand bill J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Nab. BU8HL WHEAT LAND, HUM H, We hav for ai over m.000 acre of Cheyenue county, Nebraska cholcaat farm land, where the crop yield for If year Including Isle and 1911, average with the beat In the stale. Alfalta, aiso a leading crop, better uil, water and climate cannot be found. Write for full Information today. Agent wanted every where. FUND1KGSLAND INVESTMENT CO, Sidney. Neb. Teaaa. Orange and Fig (, M or mora acres In south Texas rain belt, near Houston, 440 per sire; Km cash, S1.U0 per month; no interest; taxes but Ineurance. All roada donated. Mr. Xchuener began picking strawber ries Jan. 7 and quit May H; sold 11,741 from two sere. N. E. stowt sold hi 5-erre crop of Satsuma oranges from L 4 and 4-year-old trees for eXB.4. Kupt. Blakeiy raised 72.4M bu. corn on 1.00' acres, cultivated for SO year con tinuously, without an ounce of feetlllxer. Others too numerous to mention. Th advance in real sstat ha made more fortune In th L". 8. than all other business cbmblnoed. Otflc In Denver, where we cold many people, well pleased. Come and see our trulls, picture, product and soil, or phone lnd.. A-1&467 for ngagement any time. HOLTHER.V REALTY CO.. SOS BEE. TRfCK FAKMINti. Ritse vegetable all winter and make from J to i.uts per acre. Think ol It Why wait any longer? Call and u. or writ for book on an Benito, Tex. ULur lOAsr fh, vriLOPM fcNT ;o, 734 Brandeia Bldg.. Oman. Neb. aklagtaa. HOMESTEADS. Yaklms Vslley. Waih.. Tletun Unit, government water; drawing by lottery; file by letter May ffith. In formation, and map showing description and No. of acre of each tract, by re turn mall, tl S. Writ at one Taklma Valley Information Bureau. North Yaalma. Waah. HEAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska lands. OKEEt'E KEAL E;vrAT I.U. 1IB4 New Omaha Nat I Bank Building. MONEY to loan on bust ies or t evi dence properties, ri o to W. H. THOMAg. UG First Nat l Bank Bldg WANTED City loana and warrant W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1X Farnaia bu u:! r.Ot" to llOtW inj!e uromplly. F. Wed. Wrad m'S . lull srnt Furnam GARVIN BROS, 'j LOANS Farm and city iroperly. H. Dumont Jt Son . 1U Famam St. WANTED-Clty loan Peters Trust Co. RKAL ESTATE WANTED W E hav several customers for a. 4 and 7-room houses and If your property is worth your price, we cm quickly sell it for you O Nelli e liosl Ks tate and Insurance Agency. Ixio Farnam St. Phones Tyler Ma; A-.31A tX"EAX STEAMSHIPS. THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL. STEAMERS MONTREAL, LIVERPOOL. GLASGOW. Montreal. Havre. Plymouth. Loados. Th Plcturcaqu St Lawraac Haute. Four day on th ocean, thre daya Is river od gulf. Spjndid nw Turbine bt earner saloon, aecuod-cabia and third claaa. Suerlor one-clasa cabin service Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous sltention. bend for circular rate plan etc. Alaa a Co.. ui H. liearborn 8t.. Cnicaga Anchor Line Steamships New York. Londonderry and Glasgow New York. Palermo and Naples. Attractive rale for tickets between New York end all Scotch. English. Irian, Continental and Mediterranean point Superior accommodation excellent cu sIim, efficient ervice- Apply promptly tor reservation to local sum o! Anchor Ua or Henderson Brothers, General Agent Chicago. lit WANTED TO BL Y Hotjsehold gds. clothes A shoes ! '171 Blto ""WANTEliTOUY-ttne'fiye.foot roll top desk. s.nd-liatul, X onus vaalis. F. C. t. 1714 Farnam lit. M hand goods Kelser. HO feniei I itl. tlar.laare stock to Invoice from tf.wN to KvtN. Tollingrr Jrpson, Herman. Neb. Chicago buyer M hand clotlw shoe hats: best prices, will call. Tiler 1100. WANTED Tt) KENT YOTNO man wants room and board. tno nicai a day. in pruate home; West ramam ainnrt prefer red. neat of ret at - ence c KW, Be WAN'TKD HITVATIONS WANTEl A position by a lady with biuilnees ability; own and use type writer; might lnvt. Address Y 14, Bee." 1st class laundree Mary Hunter. W vat LACE urtaln specially work; guar. Harney (4SI. FAMILY washing ar bundle work; day work; house cleamng. Webster VexX Mr Gertrude Gamuts cleans all klnda curtain I pr. II. call evening I. 17sl LAl'NUHT work takes borne. W. i4aV WASH1NO and Ironing done. T . H. 644. Iay work. 30o an hour. Harney ssttL I.APY would like uoeition as house keeper or general housework. 11 Dodg 81 BUNDLE washing, so cent a doien; rough dry. a- cent a do Webster IMS. Curtains launder,!. uc up. Guar. W-kWI Family and bundle laumlry; guar. W. taut CARPENTER Harney I6U repairing a specialty; WASHING and Irunlna: also houaa- rleauing, by the day, by whit reliable woman. Phone Web. 4014. NEAT lady; good worker: farm and ranch experience, wanted plac aa housekeeper with children. 44U Fierce St.. Omaha. Neb. Harney CM. WANTED Position as housekeeper in small family; city preferred. Mr Aleene A. Miller, tlen. delivery, Omaha. BOOKK KEPF.R Well experienced in lumber, gen'l mdse. and banking, desire position, salary reasonable; locate any where. P. O. Box gin, omiha LADT with amall rhlld wants position as housekeeper In a amall family, or for Dacnaior. mio itowara." LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Hhip , atork to Houtn Omah Msva mileage and shrinkage. Tour conslga menis receive prompt and careful atlas. uon. Lies gtscst Cssasilasloa alerekaala. Byers Bros. 4V Co. Birong and respomlsl Wood bhq , OH Exchang Bldg. Orest West. Com. Co., Omaha 4 Denver. Clay. Koiwnaon a Co., Exchange tsiug. CLIFTON Com. Co.. a KxchnBldgT Cox A Jones Com Co.. bunch of hustler L. E. HuliEBTO eV CO.. tWElch. BMgT Farmer L H. Com. Co., M Exch. Bldg. Msrlln Bros. A Co.. ss-4 Kxch. Bldg. TAUU IlttOH. hsndl cauls, hogs, sheep" Deposit proceeds uf shipments In stock Tarda Nat'l bank. Only bank at yard GOVERNMENT NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR SHOES-OFFICE Or Depot Uuartermsster. Hi. Luula, Mo., nay i. iu, sealed proposals In tripli cate will be received her until U o'elo k noon, central tlm. May 14, 112. for tur nlsiiing and delivering at either the Boa- ton, rnuaaeipnia or Ht. Louis depots . lre Kusset Marching Shoe In formation furnlahnd upon aDDllcatlon. WILLIAM H. WIL8G.V, Captain sad viusritrmsHBr, u. o. Army. . M4-4-4-T-14.14. fX'EAJf STEAMSHIPS All steamers of ths undermention ed Una will follow Us NEW SOUTH- EKLY IOLR6E Eagtbound and westbound thug avoiding all posel bllity of meeting Ics. and each ataam r will have BOAT AND I.IFF. r a bt capacity for every person on board including Dotn passengers and crew H.l.l:.,i,i:i.lUJiW,ll..l.J t WHITE STAR Dominion Canadian ifrvice HorBi-Qut:Kclrvrppoot ONLY 4 DAYS AT SEA - Messstle sUy It. Je . Jr ' TesteslcMsir U.J. LasrralH Mr V, It n J, L-saaes J vet 1. .'sly I First tl J. SeueJ 4M.7I. OesCaaKaea 1 1 1 ) 4Se 44 J flsre Cass Ul 4 iiJ Arrsuge gssklties with I seal Agents Coesnay's Oface, Ckkage, III. gCAJOatATTA t sisrlsss Lin Ut ssvisg iseti-1 Oscar IL stay ( M ia escw w o. r. Vletgaa, Mas' 1 TJTZZZZ: nlu -"Es. Mai si tSirZr"" SU4T Ols. Jss. g k.. guiln el I ? F. Tletgsn, Ion t7 it tea. iiu- rim eiaa ST7.90 sp is I Isaosd clus, ' ssg.50 ( JOHKSOM 4CO, U Vet Klsale St-. KKAI, KSTATt-: LOANS M FKHNCH LINE: Th Compggnig Cwneral TTanaaUanUqua m bee onW Isst Srers Bailisg very Thai sis,. AT sofaesre or I 1 1 r saa aaa u aetoa eteeasert S 4t . Aa aaa M ororeloos al.a.sor eaoi every m Sao ooeeer aiilisall, WOMAN'S BUILDING IN IOWA State Board of Education Let Con. tract for Its Construction. NEW ADXCSCT OF UJilVESSTXT Pkyatrtau laferas Frcaldest Wait f t'wlted Mlae w, erkere Ther Is Praetseailly Katklag th Matter with Hlea. (From a Staff Correspondent.) TE-s MOINES. May l-te-peclal Tele gram. 1 The state board of education to day let the contract her for th con struction of a new woman' building at th state university. Iowa City, to cost SaM and to be completed In about a year. It will accommodate 1SS girl and lreldent Bowman regards It as Ihs most valuable addition to tha university quip- men t for a long tlm. Ffalss; Standard foi nabte The lows plan of standardising specifi cation for habte Is ta be adopted na t! finally, according to ansouncsmenta mad at th congrtss of motlurr and the international kindergarten convert. lion today. Tha puts was worked out at th last Iowa stats fair and a score card adopted for correct judging of hebie a to their health and perfection. This Is to be adopted nationally and to form th bssl of bsby health contorts to b held In many stalea with a view to mors la telllgenl study of childhood. Korre Firs, ts Qslf. Th Ogden Dry Oood company of Ogden, I.. was forced Into Involuntary bankruptcy by th filing of a petition Is federal court by three of It creditor. who sk tint ths company bs declared Insolvent. The petitioner are th Toler ton A Warfleld company of Sioux City with a claim of 4V4.6B. th Utnneweg SrhoarilgB osmsany of Council Bluff with s claim of BJ 71 and ths John V. Farwell company of Chicago with a claim of IU87. White Kml Serissely III. John P. Whits, prssklsnt of th United Min Worker of America, arrived la tn city today for tha purpoaa of con sulting a physician as to what teemed to be a serious matter resulting la hem orrhages. He was delighted when th doctor Informed him ther wsa practically nothing th matter with him. Weal Strang Cass mlae low. It was virtually decided by the advisory tax commission of Iowa today that It will recommend to th legislature ths passage of a law which Includes proruuon for a strong and affective permanent tag com. mtftdon (or Iowa. Th commission has considered thl matter at many meeting. sloe Its formation. It has been advised HAIL WAT TIME CAKO. INION lATloa Taata ssd Msaes. Islsi Fselfls Dessit. Arrlva au. Fes OverUa Lhattag 1 1 , II t set I'kins A Jssea Bast Mall.... 4 at ,a 1 U AlUstM Bsereas lIHl Oreau Iisress all so S 4 14 sj Ul. Aacsles Usilteg all el sea lSn U.SW Seelal a I M set I IT set CasMaalsl sine ae.lal all 44 pel all 44 am rl.eae kiprM. a I 44 a a 4 W set Oneea-Wssblasiea LlsUte. all W ia (I s North runs lcst a 4 at ,ei i!4i, Otis IsUsA lmi iiin su a ss ImsaWi lsl all 41 est , l M sa thleags, Rook IsUad At Fsolfle I AST. rteety alesatsls Uaille Sit M all 14 a I'tlr. Lnal Pss.nel 41, 44 Ml bit W urn CMean Usr SisreM llll. SIM sa riilcsae BBsrsst a 4 I pel a 1 14 sw pes atetaes Loral PMr..a 4 IT set alt II sat Calcase-Neersssa Limit. ... 4 44 pa a 4 14 aa wtcrr. rklesae-Nsk. Ltd. Is Ltnesta ISls It as) Clilrsse-tlerse Btpess. 114 pel s 4 OS sw Otlsseei, S Tessa lipeMs...s I m ,ia ,11 lis lunar AUesulB Lkaiual M:4T set all 44 tai rklraso, Mllwaake 4) at. Fsal Oe.rl.n4 Uaiite, a t 4 P9 a 4 II Sal rsrrr Loral .a 4 sat ,11 M pa CotorsAo KtpreM a44pej alKpai OkirsAs aserisl s I 41 sm tISia rrr Local 4 1 11 sa all ) pa Utlaola Ceslraa Cslesss gspreea 1 I aa 1 1 14 pa CsUsss Units ft I J, pis 444 pa Ihleaa et haeth ve eat era MoRnisouao. MiasMxlM-st. rmul 4Usras..a I BllaaauUe-8t. y,sl Liaile. a T. Twis cur giprsss. t tluu Cur Loeal a I MIsatssolH S UstiH a,. .a I Tela Clt, Umllet A 4 Mlssassta gipisa SAATUOLND a I 44 sa a i, it pa S I S pa, a 4 14 sa a I s aa au.M aa Carroll Leeal a I IS ta a 4.14 pa Uarll,hl Lines 1 tbicaao Local all Ckltsao-Coleraee a sa a I n sa a I S bob Cbtessu SeoBlai I: fstltlc tMot-Clllesso s 4 Loo Aaseles LI mas a 4 Oieruuil Llsut.4 aV CsrieU Lscai 4 4- Fast Mali a 4: Cesar koplAs, gloas Olr 4 Omahs C'omoatal guus LialUHl. ...... tl: WgnTHOUNO Long rise st Merhlk-nallos s I Los rioo-Uorol s 1. Hutlott'Supefler I. tMoSeooS-Hoa SprUli s I.I Ceoeer-Laador vS I rroaaoat-aiUls 4 a 4 w aa a I H pa ail 44 pa a ,14 em ail 04 au, . SI O ta a I 44 pa i 11:11 sa . all ttea all:Maa 1 14 pa a 4 14 pu a I M pa SIS I4 pa 4 I S pa Osuts -Sl. Lou I. Esatoa s 4 14 pa Mall as Saroao s t 01 sa lusbsrrr Local una C 1 ..k 4.44 pa a,taawtur4 Fartfle i k C. a St. Louts aUsroos. . 4 44 sa k- c. a w. Less sawoot .au. 11 sa f'hleaao, 6real Weatsra lela Hi Llaltel a 4 H pa tois tltr kaproa al ii w Csjcsge asjrosa a 4 4o pa I II ta all U pa 14 U ta ? 44 aa a 4.44 pa tttlaa lis sa si, pa starllagtoa Itetloa Teath oh Haata Barllagtoa Deport. .A 4 it aa ..A a At pa ...a 4 aa ..a ,.14 pa ..4 i n pm ..til a pa .4U . 4 l a pa Uaai . an M sa . a 7 u ra a pa ..t IS pa ..t I 44 pa ... I pa . n pa . ,14 pa .. 4 14 aa Arrlva SIM pa a I s pm a 1:14 oa s a pa oil 14 pa a t M aa s I I. pa til aa 414 it sa slM sa a I a pa on U pa s I a sa s l a pa lu 414 a am si! 44 aa t 4 aa a 4.44 pa Dosver A Calltoml.., Fuga 8oo4 Kiproos..., SUck Hill Liacols stall Nwntooa kiftreas koororta aipraee 4e4orlor-rioliaaeotk ..... UorolO Luool ruttoneoU-iooro ..ta,.. Boltovoo-ristlaaoxta Cbkase eaoelal ,. tlo,w aooeiol lKoo gieroos CtUraso Faa Cisroos Cratoo tlo i Loial Ic LooU EisreM kanoao cltr A St Jeooph , kseoas Out A St- Jooott Webster Halloa lath ssd Webster Mlssoari Psclflo Doesrt. Arrlva 4 1:4) I 441:44 sa A O Asbsr laesl tk lease, tt P. Jt. Sloes Cur Bssron Ileus City Pasaeoser Tela City Faaaentor 4 1:44 pa til a pm .. 4 4 44 pa o a a sa III sa i atllr. OM eolly ascoet Sesasr. ia Saaoar OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. TieNewS. S.France Lt-nfsilsslssnos4sBSgnrfirnl Contrnenral Otsadrtrel Screw Turbm Steamer aOoat Has 67 suites and roea wkh erivste hath. Tarkaab talk, era- asama. Isoasry. alaiiaai,. panao eoaeorta, ertaallones. Faaea anao A eaoi, aaanVtral vorose. Foil sortkolora lloAlp rarelcaol or '. E. Bock. KM rtroaa St . U asses Fi-st XmmoI saa j nmlU. IM Fareta It. All otaasra take omik,h, AAtmoasI asilkuJS et I ml eeaia that such course would bs resented people. But after a visit to tha I commission which has lately been , taed snd Is st work the Iowa coma is satisfied that a strong permaneoi mission will, after R ta appointed, with th approval of th Iowa peof bill will b framed for sock comrn Billiard Mas Ors.ato. A stat organisation of men Ints In billiard balls has been formes for the purpose of effecting refer matters relating to bmtard and posl and similar autoes of entertain men, subject considered by the assoctat; that of attempting to secure a C la th law so ss to reduce ths eg for those who are permitted to play a to IS year hut Irntoraeanst a) change was refused st present. I McCart of Newton la president of tl toclarlon. Sagsr Beets Fsy la Iswev Ths reports from th two best ' districts of lows are to th stfsei aa Increased acreage is to be planta year. At th Wverly factory thrr b planted about tuW acres, snd trlb ts th fsctory which Is st B ha ska. 1 just over th line, there win be apv of l.xd seres la low. Ths corn operating the factories contecnr building two more factories Is Iowt coming sesson snd la arranging northern Iowa towns at ths pi s,nt for this work. Caaveatlaa f Iowa Pastsasst A state ronventloa of Iowa postrsa . convened today In Ottumwa with present. The stssions continue two t A feature of th meeting la to be aa dress by Charles Orandfleld, first tlatsnl po'trr.aater general. W. R.1 soatmaxtcr at Waterloo, today prssi his sddres as president of th stats eistlon. atsdeat Visit ths tltr. 1 A party of fifteen students of ths t college st Acne, mostly those whs taking a court In agricultural Journal visited th city today la charg of t instructor, snd visited th newspapsg -fire They ware th guests Bt tins Jam M. Flare th veteran publt of ths Homestead. The students ar gaged In publishing the "Iowa Agrt turalltf' In connection with their legs work. Dotsestle srlesra BUdlsa. , Th domestic sclcnc department Ames proved Its worth te th Stat Bt of Education and visitors st ths tlm, ths dedication of tha new domestic tl no logy building yesterday. Th Tun" partook of a srlentlfle meal, cost -cants for each, snd all went away h and Ballon od. Th now W.OOO bulk was dedicated and tha work takes, there by th department Approve sf On Candid t. ' At th last meeting st th treffto o mlttee of th Davenport Commercial In following resolution wss adopted. la view of th efforts of N. , Katchum, now chairman of th Ic Board of Railroad commission!, alwt being for th upbuilding of I stat, both In agricultural and the veloplng of manufacturing, sad sspsdi th record that n has slresdy mi whlls a member of this board, w . traffic eommliteo of th Davutport Ct merctal club, do hereby ksartlly endo N. 8. Ketchum of Marthsll county j reoomlnatlon. lowa Mrktss la Casts!, ' Iowa will be represented at tha wo test of marksmanship at th grt Olympian meet In Stockholm this y Among th Iowa guardsmen are some th best military shots of th count; Adjutant Oeneral Logaa has eallsd fl of th x parts ts meet her on Msy and hav a trysut at th aiata rl rsng. The men are: Captain Hit Dm Molnat; Lltutentnt Preussnsr. Ma cheater; Ueutensnt King. Wauken; St gesnt King, Waukon, and Sergeant Jsc son. Washington. From thli list will : elected en or twe to go to Wlnthrt Md to try for the American team to i to Stockholm. Slats BsBSBdltsr, Ths month of April was th most pensive month for lews ta Its hist or ss measured by th disbursement fre th offlot of the state treasurer. The t tal of dlsburatmtnts for th month wi t7M.e., th largest on record for ar oss month. Th collections for th meat being In th main th returns from Msn collection of tax la th couoil moumd to tl.lM.L21. 72. Th treat Ul balance on May 1 was H.&IM.n. RECOUT OF VOTES ASKED : FOR IN MASSACHUSETT! BOSTON, May I -A petition wai fll with th Boston hoard of election oott ' mlsslonors tonight by Chairman Herma Hormel of th republican state coicmli te asking for a recount of th vote cat at Tuesday' prtmule for republic delega tea-at-ln ga i.i a very waid In Bosto except th Sevtnth ward. Tomorro similar petition will be filed, asking to recounts of tho vol for republican dale gatea-at-large throughout th stat ' Th Ttfi manager hops that tha r count will thow that th number a - ballot throws out bee at crosses wr marked for both ei-Sknator Frank Seiher llch snd th regular To ft ticket hadi by eanator Crane, would hav been suf rtrlpnt. If counted, to hav elected tin Tsft ticket for dlegaie-at-lare Tht voter wr allowed to vot for but eigh names, but th proximity of th name at Selbcrlleh. alto pledged for Tsft. to tlu regular ticket, resulted, It Is claimed, II many voter Invalidating their balloti by marking all nine nam. According to th ttato Tsft leaders, thi recount la saked primarily so that Taft force will hsv torn basis en which to maks a fight for th seating of their delegates st th national convention. Governor Fos released th delegatus elected on th dtmocratlo ballot front any obligations that they might feel to vot for him ss presidential nominee at th national convention In Bsltlmora, Us said that sines be had withdrawn aa a candidate ther was no reason why th delegates should feel sound to vot for him. Th delegate will, therefore, b free to vole for Speaker Clark. MUNICIPAL HOUSEKEEPER ! TO INSPECT FORT DODGE f FORT 30D0E. Ia.. May I (bpexiJU Telegram. ) Mr Bartiatt Crane, of na tional prominence as municipal house- r keeper, today began a three-day survey of Fort Dodge to discover lack of aaaruv- t) Uon and to tnttltut pjsns for rwroodr. Sh Is working under auaptco of th Woman' t club. She visited th county farm, city water work and InepectcU garctg and sewago ditpoasl today. -, Daytsai Carloalty. . paw, what I an alien?" - , It s It o a person wao wasn't torn ta this country. Well, what do alienate ntesjir "Alienate? That moans to decxlve, ta f' take wy from." , Weil. If a rich American girl marries an Kngliahman ought ah to as nereelf lor alienating nr own sr.. Irett -t s i Chicago Xrlsua. .... I .7