By Hershfield 14 sperate Desmond Claude Finds That Even a Poker CMp May Be Put to a Useful Purpose .HHE O pCNDBD; EB BL IliT s Tne wr -"fcol TV-. TER3eT CHARSC 0 anday BeAm "Jc&awoeJD atnrday ejiy Bee : DEL Tvtaing iiy b HIT B tjl delivery , Remit by livable to Jbnly 3-cen vf null a Wpi OB Otx accepted. 1 1 " - ' ' - r -T TT I CTAO ls.aie, I YULAMC " la 0m n jsj Mii (1 v- , a&"w' tEat l Enemies v rwwr s-w i it i . v i r- r w i n i in ii 1 1 in i i i' a" i :. u-' w. i i i 1 m i r a mi jm r m I one -MVE I THE FAITHFIX HOUND. THICK. I III POKER CHIPS. ? oa th stuca of the teamed UuaAar ioniUBC1u1 and Pramond tiava eoma to cnpa. Lnba. BcBoaanumd. whoao cnuraKe prompts bar .to to to her lovot'a ualstanoe, la pro j rctad from dolns ao by tho farooua thaatrlcaJ dog, which takea har for tha ' : arolaa of th play and Inalata upon Mala of N ln bar, aa th hound doa avery nicht . Lwibt to tba play, af Tba B auly awt r circulation OANT ADS aubacr.b T toJeaiI M ads recclrcd"at any time but ' lore proper cUaaifiration must ireaiod brfura 12 o crock ni. lor vening edition and before ?:!W , aaeet for morning and Bundaf cdl ; teair Want au rerated after such Bee at will bate their lira ItsotUob) P wUI W the heaaiac "lt w I ,...r-" 3H BATES XB WAXt JB. iLLAK tiaShlUCATIOH-O" I .. . i n laiird and ( WDSl.i i u rant ner wura au" ' aatli Ui per word lor -he"!. ,bM?"!? atMlaTaa InataWTf 111IL. aT-as.1 M ; tLT,, doad oa odd day 1 H Pf' ft reera(' u uumt clianK o. kTa"hoTH .AM) FIKEKAL NOXICEsJ. ! The jrrr-John, May" t wi i ni wi rvice will be held from " ' m A LKirranoe chapel aaturdaj. ! car Mi l .i oduck p. ni. lawrnianl i at iAwn ciiewM) Th a-CarL age 1 year, ilay at at aa If USei" fronforntleman chapel a-H-rood p morning at 1 o'clock. Interment. Baouichr eematery. Funeral prt- i For rREr-Jamcfc age years. UOVaraCir-i Saturday aiiernoon at X In i. Holy bVpulchre cemetery. id invited. ID it MARH1AUB MCBMRB. damocri tnlU to wed have been granted tht tDDdfdwinc couples 1Sr, ndmarSkland. Neb . lette Johnsun, Oakland. Neb... Tha rt a Anderioa, Lyooa. Neb.... a V. Anderson. Oekano, Neb., tormer D D)IOBi iuuviiie. Neb.... point Oey Hutl.u, Auburn, Neb Umparay Ball, Albla, Neb....... " i Ha..tead, Albion. Neb ba ainllus. Council Blufl If Clly Wint. Council Mutts taking Wan Harper, Kslrbury, Neb... . a locum, Davenport, la Teaael w umaha burden h Trauh, ludlanuia, la rge W. Tiller. Umaha . ugaret E. Wllooi. oniaha. a H. Frlich, Omaha. ehoatnte Hilt- umalia.....w.. doomaj T - Age .... A .... le .... .... .... W .... tl .... S .... i- .... a .... ji .... .... ii .... u .... .... a .... 21 .... X! .... faw IXDERTAKEB8. Oem ANT1-TRI!T UNDERTAKER. lAAeta trust price. Phone H. c pa Co.. a. M or r-lial and aave aiu T. uaey. OH, 3tr AJdlbEJaKSiX if tf t vrf U VY ltlh and ,M.Tl tJ a s-mu i n niuglaa. A ptntuse maohine aad film bai gains. brakr AKNOINCEMENT8 Mlllnl s.idi al tUTil Kan san a. ,.ike i.Ul fn X-asfa,l-lJ im T VlW aa aw a T --as dtaf CtWiNH aTtMjjNini OT fTl tfjafaW eee eeeoose esaaaeaa 1 "drees and Phone hkr p'e do the work at your home. Chlaf nerica. saa t unimg. Tl.rtT bracer fur men. tiray Nerve IlV lod Pills, 1 per boa. postpaid, Hhermaa jj, jMcConnell Drug Co., umana. neo. 'OR sodJlug or graUing oall Webster t A. GENTLEMAN, takh! .abalmer. ldt Chicago St D. B-l&a. men. ODYM til & Mth SL Everything In New Spring biylea tnantt- atusraSL CONTKNTO UABANA C1QAR dox 10, postpaid. (Us, try half dosen; if astlefactory money tafuuded. BEA TeaON DMCU CO., Ila Farnam. Omaha. to mUfredC. Kennedy, Efc.: ths K. M First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Deu. 7 tit "HE TEKNA SHOP cJSt tnB Inner Favors, Leather, Brass, tllaaa and Ivor Novelties; KutUonary, baaketa. v oils Popular prloat, Omahaa eaclueiie Jotl store, ua Karnam. fnuoe D. kiia yOUrg JAT KOSHEH HOME COOE1NU. ARK1NS. II a Isirt, tmiAlKJ. Uoi GET your diamonds st Brooogaard a. 1 a U.rlll rhln, naiM an U,ml.h Th " OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. Ol Douglaa. Stevensoa, carpenter, coat. Both phones. L'pholatertng. penw. turn. ip. Pea rsr It HAVE Davis ciean roisr all paper. hsvai'l. A-aia, 1 bv ia omsoa Diss IT IS A BEASTLY SHAME te take f. , body from babies. But It M a snsp to taair tr Diamonds. Watcnee and Jewelry at thav ed Brodegaar A Ce. a great sacrifice pd removal sale during Aunt. w N.b. Seed Co. IKS Jens. Be Both phones. twenty per cent less than Omaha prlaea. If HOME FUitNlTCRE CO, . Pwenty-fourth and L sta- South Omaha. - ' ' . r, . , "i rmllfL tvuaraniee aausurr. run wwia. v. coeaplete aad JkVi-'AAvo uooa. Laxaest Hi .11 .department tn the west. V THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO.. tadet 1AU Farnam St and M a. UU St. ' WANTED Repair work of all kinds; Wplnding and saw filing. Call Ind. B-aast. 0q B. rc iwm in vav ai. ty. mm-m- di.p. ANCHOS FENCE CO, bond Iraa and wint feacea cheaper than wood; -last a ultime. BT7 K. 17th. Phone Red fit ED HOWE. Weil boring. Bensoa 34s. pbo'BLDQ. PLANS" ' ; Omaha BUI Posting Co. Utt ur. D. ana ; 8) NORTH R UP LETTER DrFUCATlNO ..CO, Paxtsa Blk, circular tetter, sny ""qusjmty; oMest estsaneaea cempasryi tloa perm at MultigTspb and Keeetyle. Rx OFFEKMAN "STr-SZ del bethtube. list Douglas St. m "w. A i a-s-eye j ism Fuitiw Cue. iu BCARL JAEL I-ksmltk Mowers Sharpened. ruiinial. who baa a aanaa ( fktr play, baa ma4a p bla mod ta haat Clauda by tba uaa of aona HBdarbandad method. Weil the etllala toowa that In a, fair, laad-up Cent ha would her aa chaaoa with but bero. ao ba sivdamliy worka Oada toward tba traa door bi the ataco and tba vnsuapacttnc plungea etralsht throuch. AXXOUKCEMXXTB I' ANALYZED 11 YEABS K7 Subscriptions. TO The Uadter Home Journal B Tnt Saturday Kvenlng foal l.SJ The Country Gentleman l.w The publtuhora will Ocvoult I6.0OJ In tru.t fur aorae public cUarlty, the le trrnt of which will bring aiMa asonui for life. Mint bare tn more er the k, oat prise Is loat. Your rnwaia count I 'I II? I HIV THE MAOAJUNK MAM. UUKJJUA, wt. OMAHA. L. S. Griffith, wigmfr.,12 Frenaer BlkT MONEY TO LOAN-UJW rate, in aume ta ult. lis Bee Bios fhene Lieuc. (am. UNION LiOAN CO. ng anaouoceilwnts. Doug, rig. Co. ULAZINU CAKl'EN Tk K WOiXT AND Ktr'AlliS. A. C. Leaasrd. Tyler li. 17M las. L4kn niowers sharpeaed; perfect work. Iteasonable charges Mth and Corby. B-2&K AVTOMOBIXES Auto lamps repaired. Omaha Sliver Co. inurpiifiviuiiTi': T1UH m'AlltLNG "n tlrea. Wa stake them alatost aa cood as new. Nothing but highest priced aad new material used. All work guaranteed. Arthur Stars AaU Supply Co ME "ar DRUMMOND Auto repairs, rubber tires for camacaa and coBiiueiclal trucks. Inn and slarney. I'FEIFKEK Carnage Works. Auto re- pal rm. ath and Leavenauritt. Douc. esO. A W-HOKME fOW'EK runaueut In tine condition, fu. U. A. Darles, ArUactoa, Neb. Why aoi asll your eld auumobue ana buy a aew one ur, maybe, you een use the money tn aume other way la either event. Use want ads will do tae work. Rales IVa seals ear word if ruu only one lime or 1 cent per word if run two er more limes consecutively. HAVlNa dlecoiilinued handling AUTO MolilLEd. we offer our remaiiuna ateek cunaletlng of three high grade k ires tone touring cars at bargain prloes. Raotne batiley Co., iwh and Jones Sta. ll''A('(lf will repair aud Vulcan lie 11LUJA1 any Bun(!lur or wb,,, lie, lilt Farnam. Doug. Ills. Your TIHE EXi'ENSEti cut In two. Expert tire reuamiut: ' j ii no, n cr ai rt co., iaa r arnaiu. FOR eALK-? 14 P ,u.llwMrv aulmo. bile, cheap. Nt,t:RA8KA CYCLE CO. Mttloseseiee. VBED motorcyal, bwyele at bargain v. av, iwua, gisi Mavenworta. bKCXl.ND HA.ND AlTOMUULLEft BEST McCormao, feed cars; guaranteed; all makes. See aoe first; low prloea all . Jem. Tel Har. as. bEVEN-PAUHENUER 1111 Packard; ueed very little; la excellent condition and fully equipped. Xnulro ottleo J. le atranusia bona WJ8I.NES9 CllAirCSB. TO get la or out of buainea call ea CANUkHTAD. 4o atee Bldg Tel. U M71. OitocEMY aad meats fur sale at a b gaiu, doing cask business; aa aceouat of sickness will eeil ngnl or will taao la partner; located la C.lflon Hill. This Is a snap to anyone that means bualpess Awiimi slue, veo. wms, resiues Web. 4M8. FOR SALE Oouutry store of ssnaraJ rod as. ia ilelle Imaasiun sjruesvl, U miles from railrued; la,uiai lu atouk aad Duiiuuigs, x.imi uuamess last year. Han sons lor sslling to wbo may Inquire, Lock Box te. N Island, S. D. CLEAN STOCK. FOR SALE. I will sail fur cash within the next I osys a iv,wb stock at merchandise bust. mas Is wall established and In very tnrtv- ma locality, t nose aie u you aneai businees slid we will close orumuuv. Tbeo. Jiibnwn, Koaalie, Neb FOR SALE The Franklin Movlna Pic ture theater, one of the best Bayinar the- sters Omaha. WUI stand invesugauua. F. E. uoff, aui Frank uo at. Ed Rothery. Buainaa and Real Estate minease Co.. iteum alt, stocagua Hid. hums. Brisker A Co, Omaha Nati Baim . mortgages tor investment. TO BUY. lease or sell theaters, aew er second hend machines, repairs and repair- uig. r:is i neater exchange CO.. la rarnam M.. Deu. 13V,. ton SALnv-tiUl edg first asartsa oa new davllitiga occupied by the owners In denonttnauona of VaM and run ning I and I year at and V tar cent lntereat AMERICAN SECURITY COMPANY. aa south i.u at, lietween Famaax aad Hsrney, oreuad Floor. GHOCEHY Block In xood Iowa town of teat people; reason lor selling, have otner ouaneas. atami I a. ear Be i'O get la or out of buslr.ees ca.1 on MUU1AHS. Kooin 411. atcCague Bldg, To qulck.y buy or sail business, sni kind. anywne. Kenoebeca Co, sal bee bi g. Oat FOR SALE A guod caving restaurant. Mrs. ueiMr, uaaaptan, Jae. Flaaaelal, INVESTMENTS. We have aevenal first for aals bearing I per ce These sua guaranteed i aise from ITuS to THE ORCHARD HOMES COMPANY, IS N. Mth wl, Uacara. Neb. Automauc B-UOT. BeQ let BrSIYESS PERSONAL O. W. Shields. Atlei as ttT ft. af Trade. Beg Me a a tacsarese. BEMIS OMAHA BAO CO, Omaha. Xea. Bex and Perkeae X4aaatatereT, Woodea Boa A Package Ce, IS14 K. nth. Batov IJa) ataca. ia oouBKwnad to retire whan not pleyln creepy naialo for the herolna'a death, Clauda dhaorera cards and poker cbipa. To while away the tedium of waltlrul tor their cuee the mualdana are aocuatomed to play tie American came of poker for amall atajiea. They have left behind the oolpa. BUSINESS FCIUIOK.ital Cletklea ataaaimeterere. Wear Ideal drees ahlrt. af. 1 1 tmltb Co. tiemaee ausd Cteat CetUtaeja, CARTER Sheet Metal Worka Omaha. ooaBrsoa, Pairtea aad iwppllea. Psirmont'i Diadem butter. Al raya good. DAVID COLE CHEAMKRV COMPANY- afeatuts. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat U D. Of. Macb Mech, Id floor Faatoa. O- Taft a dental rooms. Ial7 Doac. P. Mat ItaleeUvee. Naaraska Detective Agency. Incorpor ated aad bonded, interview, correspond ence confldentiaL &U brown Bill. D. Wl. JAMta ALLEN Neville) Ulk. iSvldante secured In all cases. Tyler 1U1 U w. LONONECKJJl. Wl Karbaob Blk. Omana secret aerv.. to j'lnuon blk. asOaet. tarry Diuasmsklnw eeaiace, Xh A Far. DRE88MAK1NG by dan Webster Bit PLAIN sawing, reasonable. Harney ties. Dresamakuig by day. Phone Doug. at Dreesiuaklag Isught nights. Doug- aili. DKEatsMAKlla, ttii Fsjviain. P. sua. DKEaVMAEINO. TEL. HtRNEY ana. RE8MAElNO. Til. Wti. sl. lilt N. MTU BTHErTT. Dresemakmg by the day. Webstar UA. plain sewing by day neatly done. H- HI 7. MORE sewing by day. Webeter tra. MMIer, DROXM at cut pnoee; fnslght paid on till orders: oeiaiogue Ins, slierman a MoCenneli Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Hewrthtac k lertrlcal. Elect rie lighting fjg wholesals and retail. Burgeea-ureadea Ce 1S11 .Howard. D-tol. STANDARD ELECTRIC CO. Telephone Doug. Ml. la bouth 11th St EDWARD F. St HLlUO. Mgr 2d Hand Electrio Apparatus and repair. Le Bron. Ill a Uth St. Ever thing for W oases. Dr. Babcock Co.. M WltHoell. 11 ft Har. Uflllnw nlumea made from your old and sew feathers, reasonable. ! S. 11. D. 7. Nuboue Tailored Corsets. niiar.n.uH nnt in rust or break, Nu- Bone Corset Shaw, sW Nevlll Bk. P. M7. rASiut."rtt ..I rove elaaned on floor without removal, free estimates. Ths Ideal Air Cleaning Co. Phone Doug. :S and Wi. DRfiUS plea Unas, buttons covered, all a and atylaa. THE IDEAL PLEAT- lNt CO., M Douglas Blooa. Both phones. Xlsot. vacuum cleaner. U- day. Web, OtM. Feed Mills aad Store. Feed U kind. Olencoe Mill. BM lxard. FlarUta. Donashoa. HW Far. D. KM. A-100L HESd SWOBODA. 14H Farnam St. L. HENDERSON. Ia Farnam. D. Hot BRANDE18 FLORIST. Braralels Bldg. BATH'S FIXitUSTa. Beyd Theater Bid. BENNETT'S, cut flowers toug. 137. feeadrlee, McDonald brass and braaaa foundry, alu minum, tin, lead caatiaaw- w "" Maale, Art aad Violin Wm. L. Patton. Wet). SOX Pi iano Tuning ZTr. Mavis. Stares aad nmrjislIKM'l Delivery Csv-etovlng furniture, packing, nreproor teawssc.iir office, ala 8 17tn. uoug. aw. me. b-i. Ferrla Vaa Stoiaga Tyler UBt Bll7. Fura. moving. I men. II per hr. W. 174a, Harsertee aad Seeds. ftTEWARrft. BKEDMEN. HI N. sTTH. HAZEL DELL NURSERY. 1. W. DAY. Generei tine nursery stock, MtS and Pinkaey. Phone Web. aUa, Fruit Trees hade tree, shrub. Oen'l nursery stock. Benson S4-J. Ueneon-cimsna nursery. ALFALFA SEED. Good quality, writ for prloea. free. . SCHWA BE Hrma.. vnaoron. Ms F. BYRD NURSERY CO. W will be at the earns eld eland. Uth aad Doecta ata tall Doug. 44. 1st us b!p yea pian yetar giwenwe " Oatteieaa. . F. 'Ware, fHtbng aad rep g 41 Brandeie. Oeteepathy. A rice Johneoa. tav Bran dels Tha Bldg. Katherra Nlfkeiaa. a- Brandeia Tha ratals aad siUaa. Tea are btvlted to earn la and get color cards and talk ewer your palatlng end decorating. Ceesptete line ftoer--. Williams paints aad varnishea BAKKEB BKOS. rALX a lAJ- lVk Faraaav Vmt. gna. Pateata. T. o. BarnelL Paxtoa Blk. TeL Red TUT. wniard Eddy. 113 City Nat, Bk. B.dg. Fhotea aphen a, Rlnehart, pbesograpner. :th A Faiaam rlaaabera. I T. VALKEXBERQ. PleesMstt W. SB Mrrtle A- Ketler. - "ba P. leaj, LewW-Eaber Printer, rTt IT-A IaJ8T HOPS. Aa a but hop Clauda decMee to wma a meatace on the white cbipa and to push them through the crack tn the floor of the stage. He fcaeea that ana nay roll out throuch tba atace door and at tract tho atteattea of some yaier by. It la a allm chanoa. but than our hers la unable to diacover any ether Bian )nat now. where the orcha BLSIXKS8 PERSONAIi Prletie. LET the CENTRAL PRINTING CO. od your work. 1417 Douglas 8i. Tel. D. 1754. Rels-Hsil Ptg. Co.. 10 8. 14th. Ind. A-15-i. Lyngatad Printing Co.. 16th and Capitol Ave. Tel. Ind. A-O0 for good printing. runs. OMAHA SILVER CO.. Ill S- 13th. Heel Task aad Calvert CeatBaaiee. KFTtRASKA and Inwa Rtael Tank Com- pany. 14th and Nicholas. D. -. Treaki aad Kelt Cases. Frellng at Stelnle, Iff Farnam BL Teate aad Awalaas. OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 823 Douglas. BViaca aad Llqaars, WILLOW Spring beer, liquor, cigar sandwiches. Ales Jetes, Wl-I a. 13th St VIRGINIA DARE wine. c a large bot tle. aUatn Uuuae House, Ul N. lath St. eDUCATIONAli TUTOH1NU. lat to ath grada H. sua BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL TILE YEAB Camnlate courses In Butineas. Book' keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy, Civil Service or Saleemanshlp. The catalogue is free for the asking. Call, write or 'phone tor It at once. Address H. B. Boy lea. President, Boyle College, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. IF YOU you are a competent etenog rapher or experienced in any office line, DON'T FAIL to see us. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO, lOli-lt City Nat. Bank Bldg. WANTED Experienced Checker, dress E KM, Bee. Ad- OFFICE GIRL 13.60 per week, one with knowledge of shorthand and typewriting preferred, F ft bee. Faotory aad Tradea. WANTED First -claas carpet sewer. Apply Superintendent, Brandets Stores. HoasekeCBere aad bosseetiee. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domes tic Help Wanted Ad FREE until you get the deal red results. Bring your sd to To Be office or telephone Trier low. WAN'frn lined CM er women tor aaa- eral housework, bnutll family and good see. Aonly Thursday tu Mlea Eula awl Mason street, or phone Doug a 614. WANTED A girl for general house work. 41 Chics go. Red . WANTED Competent oolured ooek. 17 Dodge. Call Harney OIRL for housework In family of three; good place to right party. Harney lues, 311 ft. Mth dt WANTED Good sui for general house work; no washing. 3311 Dodge. WANTED A girl for general housed work: three Mi faaaily: sued wanes t Dodge SL WANTED A good cook; plesasnt mountain home; xeo.ue per mentb. Give detalla of ability -aud eeferencea. P. O, hox it. AlerDle, coio. GOOD. resDecteble dinlag tai.ta per muiita, soara aad i ouroa, v ia eu, v WANTED A sued girl for ganeral Pbooo Har- housework. ISCI Harney. WaNTED-A caretaker for children at Child baying Institute, M aad Jecfcaoa, WANTEDA tweiMem girl tor general he ew ark aad oeoknig; ao waahlag; goo d xea Wl H. tut at. i a xlaraey axe. WANTED Girl tor sanarai housework. H. th St. WANTED A gnod girl for general Ull park Ave WANTED Experienced respectable din ing room clrl: wacae 34 per weak. Room and hoard, Tha Turner Hotel. CentervUle, S. D. WANTED A first clsss cook. Good wages Apply fat Se. th St WANTED Lady cook to go a tew miles ta country town. Must be expert ea rye bread. Good eagea to right party. Call Douglas hilt, ask for lady of the house. WANTED an experteooed girl (whits) for general housework, ao washing. Apply 4M 8. enh. Phone Hsrney 4. WANTED A eempeteat girt for gen eral housework. Gees wages, um gie Ave. Harney 3371. WO AN er girl fur gaoeral house work, must be a cood oook. TeL Harney Ml . WANTED-Competent girl far general heusswork. Good wages No washing lit So. Mth Be Harney MM. WANTED-A so 1 girt for ga heuaewerk, by day ar week. Good a ht Davenport. Phone Hsrney a WANTED Gui far general housework, two in family; good wages. M4 ft. loth SC. Apartment l. tirst rioor. WANTED Girt for genersi housework. email faraily. Mra. hue-, 1111 A Mtk at TeL H. Itu. TOCNO aiimsa comng ta Omaha as strangers are invited ta van the Young Wemea caruoaa aesn nuoe aauuiu aa aa. Man a Ave, aad l,tn ax, wa they will be directed to euitable boarding olacea er otcerwtae aseister x.ees ear travelers' guads at ths L neoe eiaiien WANT two good ladies ta writ e aariotiona cer weekly aaaara; aeod as assao; fteod eenun) ily. Call at Midland Hotel ajutday for explanation J. ML enderwood, AgeaC KELT WAKTm MAIJt Aaeela, Salfaiea aad SatlaMa Mam Sn- TK. , K CamllUV Fm I III Mf Hir-r The TwenCetk Ceut rary Fanaat. WANTED Quick . IMt ava. kuatixsc ageata ta aeU "Story of Wreck of Titanic- Authentic edition. Act auxck. HELP WASTED MA1X Aaeata, Bate a ea aad el letters. WANTED A REAL SALXBMAN to ell our unique line of MAP AND OTHER 8PBCIALTT CALENDARS. Our line la different, exclusive. It lanes the big buyer tired of pictures. W also supply strong ha Leather Novelties and Slgna ftraagest combined outfit over etlsred. Big mossy for are nan. Write fully, giva experience la first letter KENYON COMPANY. Das Molnea, la. (Kth year!. AGENTS Out patented special Has aeii like wild rire. Send for tree catalogue and amis pie, worth lee. Home Supply Co, MS ft. Main BL. KenoellviUe, Ind. CAM soaks Saw to M per month seu tng t and M it re orange aud iig traota. IW per aure, sexy ueyneuta. SSt Mm AGENTS Either sex, to demonstrate Everybody Vacuum Cleaner. Only Cleaner on th market at Call to I p. B3, BP N. 18th St. COLLECTOR on salary; also salesmen, MO McCagus Bldg. Must be live wire. 14th and Donga Stat Furniture Co. WANTED-Experienoed Fur niture Salesman, Mast be itve-artra A tax Parattar Co., Ith and Dodge Sts. CITY salesmen, liberal Braooaltlan. aid, reliable eompany, paying 176 to tloO par month, call at iw uoara oc ureas xiias. Ask lor W. C Drapler Good mea are hard gee They don't wander around th atreets looking for signs In window. Wbea you need good help advertise lu Tbs Bee. Res Want ads are read by keen, energetic men who wish te better their condition. Its tee 1 per word If run two or more times consecuttvaiy. Tele phone Tyler W. Clasieal aad Off lea. OFFICE MAN, who ha torn knowledge of real estabt-dlJW. Traffic clark and atanocraphw, Lincoln Collector, ally erpsrlsnns aVI tm. Stenographer, ome experience 50. Call or look ever our list of uaoanclo. New calls coming in daily. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE! CO., HThVli City Nati Bank Bldav vni ' Vil man with excellence in D red uce builness for clerical and selling poal tioa with large wholesale hoses. Ex cellent opportunity and cood position for light party. Oiva full particulars in ap plication. Address Produce Dept, F. O. Boa mm, Winnipeg. Ft TLX, dress suits and narty dresses for sale; also for rent II t tl a Bight. JOHN FKLDMAN. SM N. 17th. D. t eTmeeevr aal Tt Drue store aaaj) lobs Knlest. Be Bldg. TWO Arsl-c t tlnaar waalad. U. Kuade. TU ft. Mth BL TELEGRAPH r osttlrms guaranteed yea by the Union Pacifle and Iiilnol Cen tral railroads If you gain your training la our school. Precise ea R. R. wire. Ad dress for particular. H. B. Boyle. Pres. Boyle college, timana. nen. TOU are wanted fur government job. Sw.W month. Send postal for Itet of pa- slUnae open. Franklla Inatttut. DM. Ill O. M. T. WANTED 1W whit men and 71 oolored n e a el lib olrcua: beet af wages od good treatment. Call at Minefe hotel at T o'clock rlarm-day night. Art KM ride. Sunt Pole Bros, aaows. WANTED More people to raise poul try with the Old Trusty Incubator. Writs lor tra c-taiogus. Ja. J. jakaaoa. Clay Center. Neb. u; a 'Tcn k u nu over every where. No canvassing. Box IN, Greeley, Colo WANTED la) white men and 71 oolored men to travel with circus . beet of waxes and seed t wtrnenc Can at Miners hotel at I o slock Saua-day aicst. Art ride, Sups. Cole Bros, anowe. arxKTtD FOR U. ft. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried teen between the ages of II and at; eltlasns of United States of good character aud temperate habile who een apeak, read aad wills the Sogllea UraruaeT Far lafen nation apply to re emulng ofrteer, 13th and Dougiaa Sta, Omaha, Nab.; S77 4th St, Stouz City, la.; l N. m St, cm in. e. UO AUTO SCHOOL. O-Aua. S GUARANTEED BEST IN e V' WEST. WRITE FOR PROOF. MOVED TO OUR NEW TRAINING SHOP!. The lanaaM. finest and beet equipped vat tor automobile trsinltig. Do you want pieasaat autooor wore, stu thousands of mouir- '-i" opportual- i? Writs or ceil oa us. Day or uignt a Unll anted oourse: liberal ter a NATI AL, AUTOMOBILE TRAIN WO ASS N, -14 N. Mth St, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Cash girle aad cash boys. must be over 1 years of age. Apply superintendent Brand ell stores. make can IM per month sell tag and ORANGE AND FIG , easy pay met, ta. Me aracta at per Be Bid. REX WANTED MA LB oat ratALB. Can w Lwdry. cut tatea Tler MM. A-atf UTB sTTOCK FOR SAL EEECE'S! aoi farm a res for sale: draft and wacoa boras to let by th dsy. lall Sherwam Ave. Phoao Wikater Luaj. Hameae at aS ktnaa, the Mrgeet eteck tba any. at attraaovw sswwa. sexe Danforth Co.. S. W. Cor. 10th aad J HORKES and aowa Ult Cuming St. HflRSrS to let by day er week. Sber-UUitO- mmB , Rh and Clark. H areas aad ree boaght aad eld. H0BSES bought and asld. H7 N. . NEARLY angle aula top buggy since ha goo Webater arit IDEAL PASTURE For tin stock: running water. trees: wovea-wir tsace- Address A. H. Baker, B. F. D. 1 Beaaoa. Keb. Teie- tSTW. A GOOD, urn bore stroac. gantl poay. anto By a lacky accident one of the chlpa does roU out to the street, where It ta at no spotted by a KuaaUa anaremaii He doe not atop ta read any mimga; ha guaases thare at a came going on and maka up hia natad to raid it. adth the weD-fouoded ballet ahat ha iianllleg oocfaalon. pick ap i LOST AAD FOUND LOST One atoetsa bull pap. Finder re turn u ill a. lata at. for reward. Har. 6424. ITnlTVn Men'a Bulls Steamed, pressed. tUUAU Faultless Ckvaners. Ill 8. lath. LOST Gold curt link, monogram. "O. I. C." Tel. Douglas 471. LOST Pooketbeok oentsinlnc money. bank draft, receipts and ether aruuss. reward. CllflordTi Bae Bldg. IutT A huuik leather card oaae. con taining three bills, Identtricatlco cards, etc Libers! reward. Webster S3L F. R. PraU.e LADY'S CRAY COAT, with Cray Sa ins, Thursday la Baaaoa, or oa Med nuv nluc nortn rrom ruc rara. rmoer please 'phone Red 41 A end coat WW be called for aad reward paid. MEUICAX. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. X. K Tarry care rues, rwtula. aad otner recaal liiiimi, wttheut eurslcA spsraUan. Cure guarinieed and uo moasy paid until cured. Write tor book e rectal diseases with eeetliniiiileai DR. AV K. TARRY. Bee aud.. Cejaha. DR. RACEejpeclallst, nervous and all ohronio dlaeasa. 3311 Harney. Doug. Bat Women allm uv Dr. Burke, el Douc- Bik Dr. Babcock Co. Ml Wlthnall Bloc- Ladles' guaranteed remedies, est Ware blk. MO A EI TO UiAX. ATTENTION. Lean! en REAL EST ATE FCTt N1TURE. FlANOa, WARE HOUSE RECEIPTS. SALA R1E8, ETC.. at H usual rates. No red tap. No dskty. aUOHlEST. BEbT AND CHEAPEST. RFXIABLE CREDIT CO. Id Floor, 3S7-I Paxton Blk, JIT S. latk St Phones: Doug. MU: A-ltU. Iff on furi Money .- furniture. late at a vary low interest. Nebraska Loan Company Doug. jie. 2W B Bids. A-LKt MONEY loaned aaiailsd paoale, weeneo keeping bouss aad othsrs. without as urlty; easy payments, ortloea In 17 oris cuyal sioea. To Unas, m Omaha Nati mis, aoreseriy . g. u lie sue. CHATTEL LOANS. II U tUB. SALARf LOANS. Yea can set It teda' of STAR LOAN CO, Ml Paxton XUOCC DIAMOND LOANS at lis Badiperoeat, t-ATAU. M14 Dodge St. TeL ilea ee.x 0FFEKED FOB RENT Board aad sea E. haul trunks T. tU A -MIL FURNISHED rooms, board, fit So. IA 111 NORTH MTUFlrat-claaa board and clean rooms; easy walking dl taaos: strictly modern. Harney Mil A GENTLEMAN or ooutils to room tad board; prlvat homo; otoea la. Marnay IM Dodge-Furn. rooms, private family, steam heat, elec lights, ret, Doug. sWt 0t CALIFORNIA - Three furnished walking d a ae. raoma, private family, Tyler ttut ta-ORGlA AVE, Ws a rge bsaatlfully furnished front rooms, single or ensuite. Private lavatory, large clothe dosst, Ex cellent beard. Harney . rsllVATE reside oce, MS Hsrney; tit loath; walkinc alsta at; single aiwferred. NICELY furnished rooms, with board, deeirablo party; aloe In. Reply Im mediately. Tel. Harney a te NEATLY furnished aeulh room, eleo- trto light, private family. MM Doug s BL Phone Harney MM.' eta s. 35 TH AVE. Larga strictly mod ern, tdaely furrnsbed outbeast room with alcove; excenent boars, peugtas m.' sfwralshed HeaeekaeBlaa Boaaea. THE MANUEL Two-room apartment, t-. Tha Howard, a-rooBa, private bet. 136. Tlat and Howard. DUNDEE Three furnished rooms for Hght housekeeping. Tel. Harney tat. 11 8. JIT H Modern room, en ulta; alee large front room with kitchenette. 11 N. SST ST. Twe light housekeeping room, eeml-beaemec 'Phono Tyler mt SOUTH BVTH AVE, Furnlehed roeena tor Wght housekeeping A-S7WV FARNAhl. etU Furnlehed er anrer- aUked aouaakeeprnc reeena. Brtvaia; nd era. Haraey I74t FURNISHED H0U8B For Rest. 1X1 Wirt St.: vary desirable house; will lease faraleaed, June Oct, a. See us tor terms. GEORGE ft CO-PANT, Mt-11 Chy Nat. Bank Bldg. Tsav D. Me. A-17M. 1 to ALL new a-room aeoeo for reat, at particulars Phone Bei modern turn titd I Nicholas at. Far oa MS Heat al.' MODERN ajaTixralshaft reooak Hamay 43A Heteto aad A a rt meats. Power Ewrepaaa hotel, Uth and Famam. OXFORD and Arcade, epeclal waiy raia Ogden Hotel Council Bluffs Hoome M te F t per week. DODGE HOrtU all retirements af a Oret-ciaas hotel, at roaeono Ms pricea. Aaartmeata aad Flats. t aad t-room modera flat. Boarto Bldg, DM N: Mth St- a. oawna, xtau. as Rams Bldg. D. Test A-44SA 4-ROOM aaartxeeoc aew, re bncki team best; snort walklsg metesee; gas tav. lafrerator, eupeoaro. warorooe. blinds Douglas 1304. APARTMENT. Fiaa, e-roeax, thoraucbly modem, hard arood Dnlah. tiled bath, ateam-heated apartment, with light. Janitor eervtoe, taleoaoaa la the Central Apartmenta, 43 llih Si.; walkias disiaowe; Bewqr AaeoraxM; v ' f!B- sa D. T. BHOLES COMPANY. MJ City National Bank Bide Phones Dougls s . Indeeeedent A-MI 'ml LARGX room apa raaent, part mod. Tm the boyokl!" crlas DeaperaU Dea mood. -bat I at beat the oopakir Ia the sick of time for Roaenwnd. the Rua alan ponrmw braaka Iota the thaaler aad. with drawn iwutai, halt the flight of Seamond. tba International crook. Boaameod la aaw Claud awwca bar capture will be shewn tomorrow. OFFERED FOB REJTI ABartxseats and Flats, 171 N. Mtb, 3-roeax, . TW 8. 16th, 3-room. close In, Va. ITS 8. 17th. t-rooan. 17. LSI 8. 11th. 3-room. P. , IS21 Dawe Ave- e-raom Cat, snodra except heat. Ofio. lots aad Harney, inunaiaee " men. . , 14th and Ohio, l-room. cottags for col ored, ft . N. F. DODGE at w, ntn ana oenwi. GEORGIA APARTMENT t-recm apartment, haielwoos UM Meters trust co, M3) Farnam St. Central, unequaled, tor -'. kit mod., good condition. Thnwd. N. Sd. VERY fins duplsx apartment, large rooms, first floor; larga front porch, fire pieoe; pica isxtA aad corner let, lis Qeor- gia Ave ; MODERm tour-reooi apartment; aetaut heat; janitor service. &M Cumlnc Su lit. 60, under lease. THOS. W. HAZBM, 107 MoCague. 'Phone Douglas law. MODERN 4-room apartment with steam heat and lauitor eervlce In the new Troy. KW Harney. IS and W each. Under lease. THOS. W. HAZEN. art MoCague. Phoaa Douglas 1300. DC-ROOM modern ait, Louis flat, rea sonable, rai a. llh St. MOVING, packing aad storing of house hold good and pTanoa I our business. Omaha Vaa anorac Co. fireproof lasers. W ft. Mth, by ths viaduct. rirancn oinue, wm 41tt A-Ues. till Chicago. room, mod., IM, IM N. d,l roams, sardea, IA nu Dewey Ave, s rooms, mot, f . HI ft. Mth. I roornx. mod, I TffA Hamilton. room, lis. IKS Capital Ave.. 11 room, mod, pa pered throughout, 166. RINOWALT. BRANDEIft THE. BLDO. t-RO-tUB. all la good condition, am nnrAM : ass. water, sowar, ata Barnes A WUeaa. OA Be. D. MaL T-ROOM aew bean. M7I Bvaaa. Ma children. Harney ttua. COM rXRT ABLE house for small fam- ffiM rooma aud bath, one block north Ames avenue; beat of repair a Phon W. I17l. . 5eVN-ROOM house. XM CharU St. I modern eoraept furnace; tn Cood repair. Inquire a caanao et- Houses ia all pert of the city. Cratch Bene A Co, hep lildg. For Rent 8-Room House la Kountze Place I catsd aa Mth 8U hot. Bpancer and Lothrop. Has large reception hall, living roam. Stakes room and kitchen oa th first f or; four (leaping rooma, bet aa outside par) ea Ua aecond floor.. AMo finlssed xoem te aula. Oak -oars' oa Ont Boot, StrioUy all roder . HASTINGS HETDEN, . Mil Harney Be AOGADVAN AND STORAGE CO. pack, move, a to re and ehtp H. H. cood and pianos; no charge for return on re to eftkea Doug, lea or B-m . 11 Hall Ave, .0u. 7-rooms modera. vacant stay t . iho. a. Rsmge. Both phones NSW 3-room eotiace. modern except heat, Reat reaaoaabt. 41M raklae he. Key at 4131 Ersklno. HOUSEHOLD GOODS pocked aad far warded; chew freight raise: umvL t snd tor g. xpressmea' Dellvry Co. Tw. Doeguuevt, city otttee, us a. L'tS at. -4 ft. kth. l-r. mad. ex. heat, ta. net A Od, -r, mad. ex, heat. ua. tut N. Mth St, -r, rood. ex. beat, 13. liol Brtgg. 4-r, a w. and gas, lit tm Leavenworth, s-r, all mod. flat. M all N. Mth, 7-r, mod. sx. seat, Ua, 11B ft. 17th SC. s-r, ail mod., IA. loug 8. Md. l-r, ail mod., C2. kU7 Marcy, l-r, all mod, 131 .5a, BrRBLETT A TEBBENS. til Bee Bide- Doug. 47V4, A-17J. W7 MARTHA SC. Are m and baaama it V. laeulro, Mil N. Uth. B-UM, l-R. MODERN, well-located; beautiful yard; tea.. 7 South 37th St Web. MM. 7 ROOM HOUSE 114; toodera; weet atda Haascora park. Phone Hsrney is. A NICE 4-room house, modera. hot water best na Bristol. TeL Web. M; water turn-hod, I. I-ROOK cottage, partly modern, yard, ehaoe; near car. XOt Spruce. t-ROOll cottage. M97 Blondo St. Mod ern except heal, t-t inquire tut Cali fornia. FOR RBNT-New s-room modera, up atalrs, I, s-room modem, 1; shad trees, etetera water, both os car una. Inquire at Mil ft Mth ftte Mil MASON ST. Brick house, uoee to Park line. Phone Harney 24. ta S. at st, s-r, modera. Alv Chicago St Doug 3717. FIVB and gig room cottage, modera except heat. Can Harney but SIX-ROOM house, all modern, hard oak downstairs, lor tad at 117 North Mth 6t. .in 8c John' par h. Call Sunday or telethon Room Sx. Paxton Hotel.e RENTAL OR HOME BARGAIN. Six-room cottage, bath, eloeec aewar, water, gaa, ehaoe. etc.. east front loC tu X. 37 th Ave. Make otters rant tut. or will sell oa rental tarsia J. B Mo KITRICK. ta Re rax, Bujg D. t&. Staeea aad tattleee. GROUND tloot of flea, tx ft I display window, d k Soath lnt Sc phono Dougiaa 147. Na tM S. 13th SL, FxtA TeL Doug. tOa, ', STOREROOM suitable for Grocery end Meat Market at awl Hamilton St, Tea. Wm. Redgwtck. Harney W. M'CAGUB BUILDING. MTH AM9 ! tVODGS . Attractive OTOcee, maftaaMB price. APPLY OklHA LOAN jcVS 1 SUiLDTNG ASSOCUTION. I OFFICE with aaa of receptlea and ateoxxrraahle servlc Very r Big v ftav Aaohoa Ce, Dsak ; De tnt.. abia. all CUy Nauoaai Bank BMc im.l"rv!4 ""a w eea, Br", T A a D.l..l. f -1 r. DR. ROI, Wa Farnam. Douglas tT7, BEX Bi Xi. ENTRANCE OH COURT. tsa.u 4 - U ieanA Bik ' Near an aaa nms si Trxmr tn uweyece '! i ' ft, . a i , I " i A w 4 " in in in i j. , -"b - m