THE BEE: fcMAHA. SATURDAY. MAY 4. 1912. 15 i. v: BRIEF CITY NEWS a moot Prist ft. setrlo Tans Burgeas-Orenden. aV. X. Clark, signs, lUi end Douglas Diamond Ming Is atolsa Two rtnss ne with a diamond setting, vera stolen from a dreseer in th bom of Mr. P. I Kelloy. 56 Capitol avenue. Thursday afternoon white ahe waa down town, ohnelnor Hakes Beport License In- apector Richard, Schneider Issued Ul licenses in the mor! -of April, and col lected 0,oSo. according to his report issued yesterday. Polios lett Loit Touth The lure, of the city Is thought to hava caused George, the 13 year old aon of L. F. Ritchie of Columbus, to leave noma. The police have .been asked to locate him by Ills parents. August Thorspeokea Tenors! The funeral of August Tborspecken will be held Sunday afternoon at 1:90 o'clock from the residence. UOB Military avenue. Rev. M. B. Williams will preach the , sermon and Omaha Lodge No. S. Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, will have charge. Lambert Arrainged Tuesday Robert Lambert whose speeding automobile a week ago ran down Miss Julia Coll. a i stenographer, at Slxtenth and Douglas I streets, will be arraigned Tuesday. His case has been eontlued several times pending the recovery of Miss Coll from I her Injuries. Hew Bridge at Aihlsad From Chi cago comes the information that within ithe next year the Burlington will build a new bridge over the Platte river, on the Ashland line. It Is expected that the new structure will cost il.0tt.OM and will be of steel, resting on alone piers, sunk to bed rock. Agreement Beached On Service Pensions r " 1 WASHINGTON, May (.-Conferees In Ifcoth houses of congress on the general se ni-lce pension bill reached aa agreement today on a basis of the senate bill that provides some Increases for advanced sge and length of service. The action Is said to assurs the enactment of the bill Into lew. The conferees were Senators McCum . ber, Burn ham and Gore and Representa- tlves Sherwood, Adair and Sullowsy. Messrs. Gore and Sulloway refused to sign the report, the former because the 'senate was conceding too much and the 'latter because tt did not concede enough. The Increases grant lit a month to ' soldiers M years old who served two and a half years snd 1 to those who served ' three years Those 70 years old, who i served one and one-half years get P1.60; two years. 13: two and a half years, 4; ! three years. K&. Those of It years who r served one and a half years get $27; two and a half years, S30. It la estimated that the Increase in the government's pension expenditures will be about S2S.O0OXX an nually. ! VICTIM OF HIGHWAYMAN USES TEETH IN DEFENSE ' Although Frank Dukull, aged 77 years, ; 1234 South Nineteenth street. Is not as ; active as a young man, his teeth are i well preserved, aa one of three would-be highwaymen probably knows, Dukull was walking toward home last night and just beyond nineteenth street and Wool- ' worth avenue three men sprang out be ttors him. They commenced to seei 'Ms pockets. One forced Dukull to place both bis bands to his mouth and aa Hid so Dukull leaned over and bit one of the highwayman's hands. Dukull bit hard, and aa he let go of the hand the highwayman uttered a scream, .'Dukull called for help and Julius Hoff man, It Nineteenth street, ran from his house. As he did so the three men ran Into an alley and disappeared. Du kull was struck over the head with a 'weapon by on of the men, 'STRANGER APPROPRIATES WEAPON IN GUN STORE A tall stranger who represented him self to be an Iowa sheriff, entered the Townsend Gun store on Famam street and asked to look at soma revolvers.. He was shown soma, but could not be suited, so he left. At closing time, when the nightly Inventory was taken, tt wsa dis covered that, a M caliber Colt's revolve which the stranger said he liked "better than any but waa not stuck on," was missing. The mstter was reported to the police. EMIL BRANDEIS' FUNERAL TO BE HELDHERE SUNDAY The funeral of Emll Brandela, who wsnt to his death as a passenger on the Titanic, will be held Sunday afternoon. It will be private. E. I Dodder, undertaker, went to Chicago last night and today will receive the body, which will arrive from Halifax. He will have It cremated and bring the ashes to Omaha. The urn of ashes will be burled beside the graves of Mr. Brandeis parents In Pleasant Hill cemetery. THIEVES ENTER HOME AND REMOVE VALUABLES While C. O. Balrd and family were away from then- home yesterday, thieves gained entrance and stripped the place of about 11' worth of movable brie-e-brae and clothing. The matter was re ported to the police. Mr. Balrd lives at KM Plnkney street. "Died of Faessseela" la never written of those who cure eoughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discov ery. Guaranteed, 60c and Sl-ia For sals by Beaton Drug Co. J MILLINERY STORE QUITS BUSINESS. ENTIRE STOCK MUST DE CLOSED OUT BEFORE JUNE 1st Ladies, this is your opportunity to purchase a dress hat for less than cost-$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50.; Hats also made to order for the same low prices during the sale. Braids, frames, feathers, flowers, ribbons, malines and all other trimmings below cost. PEN NELL MILLINERY CO. Paxton Block 16th Street Entrance. Twenty Steps Upstairs. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA City Attorney "Will Hold Sew- City Charter to Be LegaL BRINGS JOT TO MANY PEOPLE lavVatlgmtlee at Reearse at Llaeola.' Falls te Disclose Air Affirms tie Ketatlea that Wilt In validate the St easare. After a careful examination of the house records and senate file pertaining to the amendments added to the city charter by the last legislature, the office of the city attorney will probably render a favorable decision as to their validity at the regular meeting of the city coun cil next Monday night. This waa the statement given out last night by the legal department after th return of Assistant City Attorney Sam Winters from Lincoln, where he had gone to Investigate thoroughly the history of the passage of senate file No. 83, as contained In the original records at the state capltol. The decision of the city attorney's office will have a wide effect upon the plans of the prevent municipal adminis tration, which for some time has been marking time awaiting some definite set tlement of the question raised as to the validity of the amendments. According to Assistant City Attorney 8am Winters, who. together with E. E. E. Rldgeway, spent yesterday In Lincoln go ing over the records, there is no doubt to the legal passage of senate tils No. K, which has for some time been In dispute. It was urged that the housj bill as returned to the senate was an amended copy of senate tile No. at. which never received the approval of th senate after its amendment by the house, This, according to Winters, Is clearly controverted by a marginal note made by the senate clerk upon the amended docu. ment In which the concurrence of the senate Is recorded. A misunderstanding, possibly due to a clerical or typographical ', made the record to reed that sen' ate file No. tl, aa amended, had been passed by the senate Instead of senate file No. M. Both files were Introduced, hut senate Ole No. M. It Is understood, wss returned from the house unamended by that body. The record, however, can not be quoted against the legal passage at the file, according to attorneys, ex cept where It shows affirmatively that sach a file or bill has not been passed, That the opinion of the legal depart' ment will be received with acclamation by the administration and by the con tractors and those Interested In projected publlo developments Is admitted on all sides. Owing to the doubt cast upon the validity of the amendments public work has been threatened and It was said that approximately $250,000 of work has been at a sundstill. How the Isbor clause will be remedied finally can only be surmised. but It Is said that this will not now pre vent the further progress of street grad- ing and paving. Among the city employes the favorable finding of the city attorney's office will be especially welcome because of the additional pay that wss Involved In the question. Had the file been found Invalid the recurrence of the old charter law would have meant a loss of psy to many city employes. Twenty More Llreaeee. Continuing their strenuous work the Fire and Police board yesterday allowed twenty lkiuor licenses additional to the thirty-five granted on the day previous, This makes In all fifty-five licenses Issued for the current year. There are still about thirty applicants awaiting the per mission of the board to reopen their sa loons. Of this last number, It la said some have given up hops of providing proper bond and will ask for ths return of their license fee. Members of the board hsve stated that nearly all the applicants to whom licenses bars been Issued hava provided surety bonds. In some cases, however, personal bonds hava been accepted. The board says that the personal bonds accepted are lncontestlbly good. A ray of hope was waved yesterday before the hopeless gase of those who have been unable to procure a proper security bond when the rumor of a new local bonding company was circulated. Investigation of the rumor revealed a nebulous formation that at best can not be In shape to do business before next year. Stares Rests la jail. Immured behind the portcullis of Baron Brlggs' dungeon Frank Stunts Isst evening meditated on the cruel fate that thrust him out of his home on the Sarpy county rd near Thirty-second street and separated htm from a certain Amy Donahue, who for the time beau her pinions against the cruel bars of the roof garden cage In ths local baatlle. Stunts and his companion were arrested yesterday noon by Chief of Detectives James Sheahan. who held the pair await ing ths arrival of Sheriff Grant Chase of Sarpy county. Frank and Amy, according to the police, were rudely thrust from their recent abode on Thirty-second street at the behest of an Irate landlady, who alleges that Stums firmly and for long refused to discuss the rent question. After the eviction Stunts claims he returned to the Thirty-second street house to get his clothes. Hs had no key to the place and the police say he forced an unlady like entrance through a window. The arrest of the pair followed. Sheriff Grant Chase, who arrived In South Omaha late In the evening, expressed the Intention of charging the pair with breaking and entering. Dave sfeere fader Arrest. Dara Moore, a negro, was arrested yes terday afternoon at Twenty-stxth and Q streets by Detective James Sheahan, who suspected the man of having recently held up Miss Margaret Wlddls. a school teacher at this city. Miss Wlddia waa recently robbed of a handbag containing small change and silver watch, it Is said that Moore was so delighted with the watch that he flashed It rontlnuslly before the envious eyes of some negroes, who told the police Naair City Gossip. The Aid society of the Presbyterian church ill give a can social on May at the church. St. Bridget s base ball team defeated tne south Omaha Tigers yesterday by score of 11 to 3- The Si. Brldeet s chal lenge teams composed of play ers under years or age. The Moxart club will give its first puenc concert tonight at Library hall. Twenty-third snd M streeta The ciu will not charge admission, but will offer a program of Mozart music to the gen erai puoilc. Mrs. Msrv Beavers wife of O. O. Beavera died yesterday morning following s -surgical operation in Oman. The bod was removed to the family residence. StlS K street, where It a II he held pending funersl arrangementa Mrs. Beavera ttss JU years of sge. vte wish to express to many kind friends snd neighbors our sincere thank for their kind assistance during th sickness and death of our son. C. T, Wilson. John Wilson and Family. Miss Gertie Carlson died this morning st the home of her brother. Ohsrle Carlson. 534 North Twentieth street. The deceased waa 4 years of sge st the time oi ner death The runrral will be held funday evening from her late residence to Laurel Hill cemetery- The funeral of Mrs. Mary Beavers will he held from her Iste residence. Jtis street, on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The body will be taken to the Chrteilan church for services, which will be per, formed bv Rev. H. J. Klrschsteln. In ferment will be made in Laurel Hill cemetery. A reorganisation of the nark board wll oe eitectea tms evening t the tr.c J. H. Knniets. The first work nf th board wll! be to elect a superintendent of parks. It is understood that a number of applicants have signified to rhe board their willingness to aid In the city betu'l- rui movement at the rste of now ner. which perquisite is allowed the suuerln- tenaeni or perua Week-end Bargains at Flynn's Men's suits, exceptional, at KM, 110.00, UJ.iS and sis.w. porosknlt shirts and drawers Ic; unions, 75c; II. is and tits) negligee shirts. II 00: ladles' IS on. X7.&0 and 110.00 coats at ilss. ? and r-R Many other gooo tnings. jonn r iynn t o. City Clerk Perry Wheeler has reissued sn Invitation to those who are In need of dog licensee. All csnines of whatsoever variety of ugliness or degree will be pounded under the Jurisdiction of Dog i sicner anarew opsj, wno in a tour oi the city early In the week. Is expected to play the role of the Pled Piper and toll away all unsuspecting canines and pups nf low or high degree that have not on the magic Jewel peddled out by the otllce oi lite city clerk. Memorial Services Honor Samuel Katz On Sunday Evening Memorial services for the late Samuel Katl will be held Sunday evening In Temple Israel under the joint auspices of B'nai B'rlth, Congregation Israel, the As sociated Jewish Charities, and the Toung Mens Hebrew association. The' order or exercises will be sa follows, the serv ices beginning st I o'clock: Organ prelude V. C. Bennett Invocation Rabbi Frederick Cohn Solo-My God and Father. While I Stray Miss Laura Goets introductory AddreseLlfe a Victory won Rabbi Leo M. Franklin. Detroit. Mich. Solo-The Everlasting Hills i ...... si is Laura Goets Kaddlsh service and benediction ! Rabbi Frederick Cohn Organ postlude . c. Bennett Tinners on Strike For Wage Increase Eighty union tinners are out on strike in Omaha because the master craftsmen refused to treat with them In their de mand for an advance from 40 to i cents an hour. The walkout dates from the first of the month. More than thirty days ago the Brother hood of Sheet Metal Workers' local No. 1 msde a demand on their employers for an Increase In pay and a half-day off on Saturdays throughout the entire year. Under the old working schedule a half holiday was granted at week-ends during eight months of the year. The masters consented to make the half-holiday concession, but refused to listen to the demand for an Increase In pay. The Journeymen gave them until Msy 1 to consider the matter, but they did not give In and the workmen packed up their tools. Only two members of the entire local brotherhood refused to go out. 'We have not made an unreasonable demand upon the masters." declared Secretary L. A. Kofroa at the sheet metal workers' headquarters In the Washing ton block. "Ours la the only union In the city that la getting lees than M cents an hour, and with the cost of living In creasing all the time we are entitled to more money. "We notified the masters early enough for them to figure an Increased wage in their spring bids on contracts, and they would not hava bean out anything it they had given ua an advance of Vi cents an hour. The only condition on which they would make the halt-holiday concession was that we sign a contract to work for the preeent wage of 40 cents for two years. This waa turned down promptly, for there is no tailing how high ths cost of living will go within that time." Youthful Forger Attempts Suicide Royal Snyder, wanted here for forging ttt check on Courtney a: Co.. was ar rested yeeterdey arternoon, and even while negotiations for his return were being made he attempted to commit sui cide. At t.H o'clock last night Chief of Po- lice Donahue received a telegram from Captain Fielding of St. Paul telUng of Snyder' s arrest. Captain Dempsey tele graphed that an Omaha officer would be sent to 8t- Paul today, hut before Cap tain Dempsey could secure an officer who could make the trip, another tele gram came from Captain fielding say ing that Snyder had tried to kill himself, but had been taken care of. He said that the prisoner would be sole to travel In a few days. Snyder Is said to have forged a number of large checks In Omaha, and the police say that he ess operated in a number of large cities. AUTOIST INJURES BOY AND DRIVES MACHINE ON John Terry man. aged Is. who lives at HOT South Twenty-sixth avenue, wsa painfully hurt yesterday afternoon when he was struck by an automobile at 8ev. enteenth and Capitol avenue. He suf fered Internal Injuries, but wsa able to go to his. home with assistance from passersby. The owner of the-rstomoblle coull not be found, as he drove on after striking the lad, who was on a bicycle NATIVE OHIOANS BANQUET Gather at Futon Hotel for Their Annual Meeting-. NEWCOMERS ABE Pilgrims frost Backers state Make Those Whs Have Coses West Reeeatly at Heess In New Sarroeadlaas. Four score native sons and daughters of Ohio, members of the Ohio association. gathered at the Paxton hotel last night. holding their twenty-third annual banquet. preceded by a reception where old sc. quaintances met and renewed their friend ship and recent migrators from the Buck eye stats were welcomed to the told. The reception committee, consisting of a dosen or more members and their wives, was continuously busy making ths event a pleasure to all present. The spirit of the evening wss the same as a meeting of brothers and sisters, all pilgrims from the one snd only state "next to Ne braska." v At I o'clock the party ed.tourned to the dining room. After the dinner the tables were cleared snd the president of the association, N. U. Howard, Introduced the speakers. Dr. Charles Rcsewater. a "natlvs son of Ohio," praised the name of Ohio as producing more presidents then any other stats, enumerating seven to Virginia's ties. Robert W. Cowell, "an adopted son of Ohlo'aetd that he found the Isle of Mann too amsll for him snd he waa forced to leave for Ohio. A resident of that state for eight years he found! be waa too small for Ohio snd went to Illinois. He brought forth applause when he said that though there may be some present who did not agres with him he hoped that the next president of the United States would be from Ohio. George B. Barr read a poem entitled Ohk." 1. P. Palmer, who spoke on the "Ohlnens in the West." admitted the magnitude of his subject In saying that rather great people came hers and named Edward Rosewater, "the pioneer of Journalism In the west," Count Crelghton. General C. P. lianderson. Judge W. H. Munger. Judge Wakeley and Congressman N orris. all from Ohio. J. L. Kaley, who spoke In place of J. L. Webstar, took for his subject "The Presidents." finally coma down to the present Incumbent of that high office. saying that what was supposed to be an 'easy going lamb" In the White House has In the last few days shown himself to a fighter. He regretted that Abra ham Uncoln was born "Just across the river in Kentucky." C. A. Goes resd a report of resolutions tp respect to the late Charles Frederick Henderson, past president of the asser tion. The resolutions were adopted by aa unanimous vote of the members. Mrs. George Tracy read poem On 'Rtamusutuc yf uhiu." BiMiiiJ?wiir AbsoIutelyPure The only Baking Powder maderam Royal Grape Cream. oTartar Dont be Deceived Read the Label . Alum BakingPowder will not make healthjul rood ... r j-rvs- iu i t w m n ti igff ' 1 SSI I M 1,1V IT? W -r-.- I SSSS-- -...VM 1 i- t ' ' i I WELCOMED t'-S&Vl-xM. WV - , I mm v ' . . 1 lit sttsi w a t t I i m sx sa ' si .k. s. a i , a I ZrM 1 1 I l WW 11 iT 11 i i ill lz l I immta I I aasTSsv - - f-TIKItlll i i j .ari it u n i i I m m u -p, r-sr f (i i 1 1 s i s m -.1 1 iiti 1 1 1 i I J vrX fM -' s! !l. I ! i mm mm f i art i m m m w m m m .mm. m w MtA-t i'iiims - i ; i mam i mr m i r m m m m vm m m .m. ir irri m ti t ill mm m .. r -r. w m a t w )ir i . III ' r - -W layHi I I. II Ml iii tm i ,ti 11 Hold it up see iwyWifclJ-I I tlW siip-p-ests lov ana i&d&M& I. Vv freshing, delicious MMlSnMjftk gRas. NX overflowing with tp1 I " NNavim and snap. ? Whenever, W4 HJWM ' you sec an IVmand the Genuine Refuse Substitutes ' ' Yi - jWi I0?('JF- iff I "5 iKcSL THE COCA-COLA CO. I jjruiK w i; rmrvr r y- m i i - - . I I'lM't illli I i how it sparkles and ; . - bubbles h life JIM Ik ;; si : 1 . j. . ; A . - - - -